Salting salmon fish at home. Step by step recipe with photo

Frankly, is the red fish bought in the store so tasty? There are, of course, pleasant exceptions, but in most cases, beautiful pieces of salted salmon are a dangerous mixture of preservatives to health. But you must admit, sometimes you really want to enjoy the taste of a sandwich with a piece of salted fish and please your household with a new salad, where this delicacy was used as one of the ingredients? Be sure to read this text to the end and you will learn how to salt salmon at home.

The rules for salting salmon are similar to those that are usually followed when salting any red fish, namely:

  • For salting, you need to take fresh or freshly frozen fish, on the shelves you can recognize it by the delicate pink color of the meat.
  • The fish should be salted in a glass or enamel container; if you salt salmon in a metal bowl, the finished product will absorb the smell of iron.
  • It is not recommended to use iodized salt, it will spoil the appearance of salted fish.

An easy way to pickle salmon

You will need:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

  • Place the fish fillets in a plastic or glass container.
  • Sprinkle with an even layer of sugar and then salt.
  • We seal the container and put it in the refrigerator.
  • After 3 days, the fish is ready for consumption. We cut it into pieces and serve as a snack, pre-watered with a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Attention: if you are afraid that the fish will not be eaten immediately, we advise, in order to avoid salting, grease the fish with odorless vegetable oil for 4 days and put it in a clean and dry container.

How to pickle whole salmon

You will need:

  • salmon - 1 carcass weighing up to 3.5 kilograms,
  • salt - 6 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Japanese seasoning ajinomoto (white crystals of elongated shape, odorless and tasteless) - 1/2 teaspoon,
  • black pepper - 15-20 peas,
  • allspice - 10 peas,
  • bay leaf - 10 pieces.

Cooking method

  • We clean the fish. Cut off the head, fins. Gutted. We remove the spine and small bones.
  • Put the fish on the cutting board, skin down, make an incision along its middle line. Sprinkle the fillet with ajinomoto. If you did not manage to find such a spice, do not despair, without it, salted salmon will also work wonderfully well.
  • Sprinkle the meat with sugar, and then rub with salt. Do not overdo it with sugar, the ideal ratio is 3: 1, that is, for 3 parts of salt, you need to take 1 part of sugar. Pour a little sugar and salt into a specially made incision on the lateral line, in the part where the thickest layer of meat is.
  • Sprinkle the meat with pepper and spread the bay leaves on small pieces.
  • Put some salt in a plastic bag or large baking sleeve. We spread our fish on it with the skin down.
  • We release excess air from the bag. We tie it. Place on a baking sheet or in a bowl. We send it to the refrigerator for 3-4 days, not forgetting to turn the fish in the bag at least once every day. After the specified time, salted salmon can be tasted.

Salted salmon with herbs

You will need:

  • salmon - 1 kilogram,
  • medium-ground salt - 6 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • dill - 2 large bunches.

Cooking method

  • We cut the fish - we remove bones, fins.
  • We mix salt and sugar. Rub the fish thoroughly with the resulting mixture.
  • My greens. We dry it. Put 1/3 of the prepared dill on the bottom of a dish suitable for salting fish.
  • Put the fillet pieces on the dill, skin side down.
  • Put half of the remaining dill on the fish.
  • We spread the remaining fish, but already with the skin up, and the dill.
  • Put a flat lid or plate on top. We put the load.
  • We leave the fish in the kitchen for 8 hours, and then keep it in the refrigerator for 48 hours. After the specified time, the salmon with herbs is ready to eat. Cut it into pieces and serve.

An excellent snack is considered not only salted salmon fillet, but also salted bellies of red fish. For salting, you need to choose wide bellies, during the purchase, pay attention to their color - they should be of a pleasant pink color, if they have a yellowish tint, then this is a sure sign that they have been on the counter for a long time, and therefore it is better to refuse to buy.

There are several ways of salting salmon bellies, let me suggest a couple of them.

Salmon belly salting recipe

You will need:

  • salmon belly - 500 grams,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  • We wash the salmon abdomens under running water. Dry with paper towels.
  • We mix salt, sugar and citric acid.
  • Sprinkle the salmon belly with the resulting mixture. We put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • We wash the finished salted belly. Dry a little. Let's try! You need to store the delicacy in the refrigerator.

How to salt salmon at home, a recipe with a photo

The first step is to thaw the frozen fish. This is done very slowly, in the refrigerator or with room temperature... It will take 5-7 hours. No microwaves and water are allowed.

The central part of the fish is cut out for salting. The head, tail and part of the giblets of the fish (liver, milk) can be used to prepare fish soup.

Cut the fish in half along the ridge. We remove the kidneys from under the spinal bone (black-red stripe). We try not to cut through the skin.

The fish from the side of the cut is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 2 teaspoons per piece of fish weighing 500 grams. You can add a pinch of sugar and ground black pepper to taste. Any advice on adding a lot of sugar should be swept away. We salt in accordance with GOST. Sugar is the source of fermentation.

Fold a piece of salmon, returning it to its original appearance. You can add a little salt to the skin of the fish and grind it evenly.

We cover a piece of fish with a flat plate and set a little oppression. Under it, the fish is salted for exactly 1 day at room temperature. Then all the brine is drained and discarded. A piece of fish can be dried with napkins, cut into halves and put into a clean, sealed bag. The fish is kept in the freezer. Before serving big piece the fish should thaw a little. After that, it is easily cut into plastics or pieces with a large knife.

Salmon home salting ready. After slicing, remove the skin from the pieces and place them on plates. It is good to add some mussels to the dish and pour over the fish olive oil... Lemon wedges and sprigs of fresh herbs add sophistication to this cold appetizer.

It is possible to serve salmon on the table as part of sandwiches with the addition of butter. With hot strong tea, such a meal will be an excellent energy breakfast.

Think lightly salted red fish fillets are a luxury? Not at all, especially if you find in your city a wholesale and retail base for the sale of fresh or frozen fish products, and once a month buy only a pound of product there.

It will be quite enough to pamper yourself every morning with a sandwich with a delicacy, which was described in ancient Russian fairy tales. Decided to include these costs in your monthly budget? Then it only remained to decide how to taste salmon fillet for the first time in my life.

So that the end result pleases not only with taste, but also with mouth-watering appearance, you need to use all the experience gained by experienced housewives.

  • For salting, buy a slice that has an intense, shiny and even color, in no way loose and does not consist of pieces;
  • Remember that it is almost impossible to overdo it with salt, since the fillet will take just as much of it as necessary, and not a gram more. Sugar has a slightly different story, and its amount per kilogram of the original product cannot exceed 2 tablespoons;
  • Try to cover your sea fish with salt, also of marine origin. It is not clear how this is justified, but such a tandem contributes to the preparation of tender, not devoid of its juices, spicy and slightly salted fillet;
  • Believe it or not, but perfect recipe salting salmon pulp at home involves the use of only salt and sugar. If the stomach requires gastronomic delights, it is permissible to put lemon, dry spicy herbs, white pepper, lavrushka, etc in the pickling container;
  • A little vodka, poured into the salting container, helps the workpiece to remain dense and not lose its original color;
  • You can salt red fish in containers made of iron, glass and plastic;
  • In the event that the finished dish is definitely not destroyed in the next three days, it must be removed from the marinade, mixed with a small amount of odorless vegetable oil and stored further in a dry container and under a tightly fitting lid.

The most basic recipe

Dry salting of salmon requires the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of fish;
  • 150 g of finely ground salt;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • tsp dry tarragon and rosemary (optional).

You can change the amount of the original ingredients at your discretion, focusing on the volume of the purchased seafood. From the latter, you need to pull out the ridge, wash the resulting halves well and dry with a napkin. Line the bottom of a deep flat-bottomed bowl with 1/3 of the sugar-salt mixture and herbs, spread out the fillet, and cover it with the remaining spices. Place a plate on the product, stick it on top three-liter jar with water, and send the entire structure for a day in the cold.

Salmon in brine

"Wet" version of how to salt fresh fillet salmon at home, involves the following set of products:

  • 1.2-1.5 kg of fish;
  • litere of water;
  • 120 g finely ground salt;
  • half a lemon;
  • a couple of dried cloves;
  • black and allspice in the amount of 3-4 peas;
  • a couple of laurel leaves.

Further, the recipe involves the preparation of the brine itself, for which the water must be brought to a boil, put peppercorns, salt and cloves with laurel in it. When the liquid has cooled down, you need to remove all the spices from it.

Then the ridges are removed from the carcasses, the tails and fins are cut off, all large bones are pulled out. The remaining fillet is cut into thin and neat slices, the latter are tightly folded into a container, filled with the juice of half a lemon and cooled brine. At home, the process of wet pickling lasts a day, after which the pulp is removed from pouring, dried and soaked in a small amount vegetable oil without smell.

"Norwegian" delights

Where, if not in Norway, they know how best to salt fish?

If you want to try salted salmon in an unusual version, stock up on:

  • a couple of kg of the original product;
  • 100 g of coarse crystalline salt;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • one lemon and an orange;
  • 100 g fresh dill;
  • half a teaspoon black pepper powder;
  • 4 tsp gin, brandy or whiskey.

Peeled and washed carcasses should be rubbed well with a sugar-salt mixture. Then the colored part of the zest is "erased" from the orange and lemon, and it is already combined with finely chopped dill and pepper powder.

The fish is laid out in a container in layers, each of which is sprinkled with herbs, a fragrant mixture and poured over with alcohol. At 12 o'clock, the dish is sent into the cold, stands there under the load, and then all the pieces must be turned over and marinated for a similar period of time. It is recommended to water the slices with any citrus juice before serving.

If caviar fell into your hands ...

Simple and delicious recipe of how to salt salmon caviar on your own and for future use at home, involves the following actions:

  • Washing the eggs under running water (it is convenient to use a sieve);
  • Mixing a couple of tbsp. sugar and 5 tbsp. salt per 1 kg of the main ingredient;
  • Sprinkle the caviar with a sugar-salt mixture, and then marinate for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

Almost finished caviar must be packaged in glass jars, tightly closed and placed in the cold.

By the way, using the same method, you can marinate the bellies of red fish, but if you prefer "wet" salting, then you will need to proceed as follows:

  • Clean the abdomens from scales;
  • Fold the product into a deep container and sprinkle with a mixture of 0.5 tbsp. large sea ​​salt, allspice and half a faceted glass of sugar;
  • Then the workpiece is poured with cool boiled water, which in the amount of 250 g is pre-mixed with 10 ml of kitchen vinegar;
  • To fully salt the fatty bellies of salmon, you need to put them in a cold place for a couple of days;
  • You can take apple or rice vinegar, or even replace it with cognac / whiskey / vodka.

Finally, let us make a reservation that any of these recipes will help you decide how to salt the "meat" ridges of salmon, then remove the pulp from them and use it to make small canapé sandwiches.

How to salt salmon photos

How to cut salmon before salting video recipe from Petr de Cril'on. Click on the Fierce Tiger

We have salted salmon at home, for twenty years already, we used to salt it at work in a fish farm on Sakhalin Island. ? It's very simple. Before that, we want to tell you “one important thought” that even salted salmon thawed by you will be much tastier than bought in a supermarket.

Cut fresh chum salmon looks something like this. Maybe we won't see real, not artificial salmon anymore!

So let's get started. We take it. For example, chum salmon, chinook salmon, coho salmon, this salmon. You can frozen, but fresh is better. We slightly defrost the ice cream, clean the insides and remove the blood from the spinal bone. For salting from the scales, you do not need to peel the fish. Next, cut it as shown in the photo above.

The head, tail and fins will go to delicious fish soup... For salting, we use salmon fillet, having previously separated it together with the skin from the backbone. Use the bone and everything that remains on it for cooking fish soup. And the most delicious part for salting is the abdomen. This is how they look, prepared for salting:

Chum salted belly

Dry the belly and fillets with a paper towel before salting.

Next, we take a cotton, washed, dry, clean, odorless and chemical-free cloth. We put the belly or salmon fillet on it with fish scales down, with the red part up. Sprinkle the "meat" of the abdomen or fillet with a mixture of one tablespoon of coarse salt with two tablespoons, without a slide, sugar. Enough for two medium sized bellies. We fold them with the pulp inward with each other

Salty and sour couple!

and wrap the bellies or salmon fillets in a cloth. And then we wrap them tightly in a plastic bag, but do not tie them. We put this case on the middle shelf in the refrigerator (in no case in the freezer!). After a day, we take out the belly or salmon fillet from the refrigerator, unfold it. The cloth will already be wet and do not need to be changed. Sprinkle the pulp of the abdomen or fillet with lemon juice, about one tablespoon of juice. Then, fold the bellies and fillets as for the first time, again wrap them in a cloth and polyethylene. And put it in the refrigerator for another two days.

The cloth must be washed without chemicals and odors!

After two days, we take out the finished bellies or salmon fillets from the refrigerator, unfold them, put them on a cutting board. Using a sharp thin knife, separate the skin along with the scales from the fillet. If bones remain in the fish, we also remove them. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Put in a plate, sprinkle with chopped green on top, better onions, dill, and pour with sunflower, preferably not refined, oil.

Something like this should look like an adult salted chum salmon!

You can cook delicious sandwich with salmon:
take a piece rye bread, spread with real butter, preferably slightly thawed, put finely chopped pieces on top salty belly, you can add a piece of cheese, add a circle onions and a sprig of dill, pour a glass of beer or 100 g of vodka.

Enjoy your meal!

Unfortunately, no one knows what exactly you are buying in the store under the guise of lightly salted salmon, so if you have fresh red fish, salt it yourself. It's incredible. The salmon turns out to be extremely harmonious, not too salty, slightly sweetish, with subtle peppery notes.

An ideal snack, perfect for a slice of the freshest baguette and butter, or for an evening get-together with friends.

The cooking time can be reduced to a day.


400 g chilled salmon or salmon fillet
3 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse sea salt
1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
1 teaspoon pepper mixture
2 tbsp. spoons of brandy

How to cook lightly salted salmon:

1. Prepare the fillet: use tweezers to remove all large bones, rinse under running water and gently pat dry with paper towels.

2. Heat the mixture of peppers in a dry frying pan over low heat for one minute. This will make the pepper more aromatic. Grind in a mortar or mill.

3. Using a cooking brush, brush the fish with brandy.

4. Mix salt, sugar and pepper and rub the fish thoroughly. Place fish skin side down in a suitable container.

5. Cover and refrigerate for two days.