How to cook fish soup. Homemade fish soup recipes

There are several opinions as to how to prepare a classic ear... First: ear always prepared from the same type of fish. Therefore, it happens salmon ear, pike ear, trout ear, carp ear, sterlet ear, perch ear, pink salmon ear, pike perch ear, fish soup, catfish ear, sturgeon ear, carp ear, salmon ear, bream ear, saury ear, cod ear, ear ruff, pollock ear, cod ear, mackerel ear, pelengas ear, silver carp ear, burbot ear, roach ear... Second opinion and second technology allows cooking fish soup from several varieties of fish - mixed or in several steps. For example, first boil small fish, and then a more expensive and tasty one is prepared in this broth. Ear, cooking recipe which includes the change of three portions of fish, is called a triple ear. The royal soup is prepared according to the same principle, however, on chicken or even mushroom broth. Ear, recipe which provides for its preparation for chicken broth, also called cock ear.

Calorie content fish soup depends on the type of fish and varies from 45 to 70 Kcal per 100 g. Fish for fish soup can be very diverse. Traditional, real ear can be of several types. White ear - ear from river fish: from a ruff (it is believed that the most delicious ear is obtained from ruffs - because of a ruff of mucus), perch, pike perch, whitefish. Black ear - of fish less suitable for fish soup: asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd. An ear made from a red fish is called a red ear. Fishing fish soup stands apart. Ukha on a fire - this is not for you cooking fish soup at home. Fishing fish soup prepared from any fish that they managed to catch. How to cook fish soup any fisherman knows: the water must come from the river, in an almost finished ear you need to extinguish the smoldering firebrand, and be sure to add a little vodka or pepper to the ear at the end. As you can see, there are many ways to cook fish soup. Cooking fish soup often has its own local characteristics. For example, fish soup with millet or other cereals has long been common among the Cossacks. In the Russian North, among the Pomors, there is an ear made of salmon heads. Typically Volga ear is a sterlet ear. Original recipe has an ear in Finnish. Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, the Finns know how to cook fish soup. Finnish ear with cream few will leave indifferent. Even canned fish soup is quite popular today. The canned fish soup recipe captivates with its simplicity: canned fish in a decoction of vegetables, and canned fish soup is ready.

If you are looking for: salmon ear recipe, pike ear recipe, trout ear recipe, perch ear recipe, pink salmon ear recipe, crucian carp ear recipe, sterlet ear recipe, sturgeon ear recipe, royal ear recipe, catfish recipe, carp ear recipe, ear recipe with photos, you will find on our website many options for delicious recipes.

How to cook fish soup properly.

Do not cook the fish soup in an aluminum pot.

How to cook a transparent fish soup? Do not put potatoes in your ear.

- How much to cook fish soup the fish's eyes will tell you - they should turn white. Just in case, add another five minutes, but the total time is a maximum of 20 minutes. Then let your ear brew a little.

After cooking the fish soup, remove the bay leaf from it, otherwise the ear may then taste bitter.

Put greens in a bowl with fish soup, not in a saucepan.

Greetings, dear readers. At the mere mention of words such as "fire, ear recipe classic", my drool starts to flow and gastric juice is actively secreted. I, an angler with great experience, had the honor to tell you the secrets of this fish soup!

The foundation of the basics

I'll tell you about general principles cooking fish soup. How is it different from fish soup? The main difference is that the classic Russian fish soup does not require frying vegetables for the broth. It is also cooked for. You can cook on a gas or electric stove, but there will be no real aroma, the so-called "haze".

What are single, double and triple ear?

Any parts of fish gutted and cleaned of scales will be useful to us, the main thing is to remove the gills from. Have you caught a package of perches or ruffs? They will go into business, from the ruffs the most rich first broth is obtained. A simple ear will be called such, which is cooked in one broth with a single laying of fish, it does not matter, one or several types. Double is prepared like this - first, fins, tails, small fish are laid. Then they are removed with a slotted spoon and either thrown away, or parts of the meat are separated from the bones and used for the second laying. More noble species go to the second tab - pike perch, pike, are added to the broth. A triple fish soup is prepared in the same way, only there are already three bookmarks in the broth, the third batch is filled with the noblest fish, like, or salmon.

What to cook from?

Wuhu can be cooked from almost any river fish that is available to you. It doesn't matter if you caught it yourself or bought it in the store. It is especially tasty from pike, pike perch, salmon, sterlet. But remember that sturgeon species are in the Red Book, so you can only buy such fish. Self-fishing of sturgeon breeds in Russia is prohibited, being poaching. But you can also cook fish soup from or hake, but the taste will be different, the fish is more suitable for soups.

About embers, vodka and cereals

You have heard that before the end of boiling fish soup, you must definitely pour a glass of vodka into it and dip the firebrand from the fire. Here's an example with a photo:

And why is this done? Everything is simple - vodka beats off the smell of mud, and the firebrand gives color and a special "haze" aroma to the broth. What cereal to add to a classic ear is a subject of heated debate. You can cook with any cereal - with, with barley, there are even fans of rice.

Cooking nuances

I will take the amount of ingredients based on a 5-liter pot and five people.

Simple classic fish soup recipe


  1. Fish - 0.7-0.8 kg.
  2. Water - 4 - 4.5 liters.
  3. Salt to taste, pepper - 5-7 peas, bay leaf - 3-4 leaves.
  4. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  5. Potatoes (large) - 4 pcs.
  6. Onion - 1 head.
  7. Millet - 100 gr.

Step by step recipe:

1. Bring the water to a boil, put the fish there, cook for 15 minutes.

2. Cut carrots, potatoes into cubes, peel the onion, but do not cut it, then discard the onion.

3. After 15 minutes of cooking, add carrots, potatoes, onions, millet, cook for another 20 minutes.

4. For 2-3 minutes until cooked, put salt, pepper, lavrushka. If desired, pour in a glass of vodka and dip the firebrand into the broth for 2-3 seconds.

5. Remove the pot, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then we throw out the onion, pour it into plates.

Double fish soup recipe

It is cooked in the same way as in the previous recipe, but the fish requires 1-1.2 kg, we cook the first broth for 15 minutes from fines, tails, heads, then we throw it away, and along with vegetables and cereals we add pieces of the main fish that are already portioned cut. This video shows an option for cooking double fish soup from carp (carp):

Salmon fish soup recipe


  1. Salmon - 1.5 kg.
  2. Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  3. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  5. Greens - 1 bunch.
  6. Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves.
  7. Pepper-peas - 4-5 pcs.
  8. Salt to taste.

Step by step recipe:

1. Add the head, fins, tail to boiling water, cook for 40-50 minutes.

2. Take out the fish with a slotted spoon, separate the meat from the bones and head.

In order to taste delicious, rich fish soup you need to gather a pleasant company, prepare a cauldron, knit with firewood and go into nature, grabbing fishing rods or visiting the fish department of the store, at worst. But what if you want fish soup, and it's bad weather outside the window? Yes, and everyone at home is in business? Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the taste fish dish! Moreover, it is not at all difficult to cook fish soup in an apartment environment.

And if desired, a couple of drops of liquid smoke or a piece of bacon, fried over the fire, thrown into the ear at the end, will help to give the dish an aroma, as after cooking over a fire.

A classic ear recipe from our reader


Servings: - + 6

  • Fish kg.
  • Potatoes kg.
  • Carrot 1 PC.
  • Onion 1 PC.
  • Millet 1 glass
  • Sunflower oil 3 tablespoons
  • Greens
  • Salt, pepper, spices

40 minutes Seal

That's all! The rich, tasty fish soup is ready! You can serve it to the table with a slice of lemon and a glass of a strong drink.

Pike perch ear

Classic version cooking fish soup, involves the use of fatty fish, from which it will turn out to be fragrant, rich broth that must be sturdy. Pike perch is suitable for these purposes, and spices, namely black pepper, bay leaf and parsley, will add a pleasant taste and aroma to the dish.


  • Pike perch ─ 1.5 kg.
  • Fresh tomatoes ─ 3 pcs.
  • Onion─ 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns ─ 10 pcs.
  • Large bay leaf ─ 3 pcs.
  • Water ─ 3 liters.
  • Potatoes ─ 6 pcs.
  • Fresh parsley is a large bunch.
  • Carrots ─ 1 pc.
  • Salt and other spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse, clean and gut the fish, cover with salt and leave for 1 hour. The gills must be removed from the fish so that the broth does not taste bitter.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Dip the fish only in boiling water and cook. After boiling, remove the foam formed or strain the broth.
  3. Peel the carrots, cut into strips and add to the boiling broth. Chop the onion in half rings, grind it in a saucepan with a little oil.
  4. After the fish is cooked, it is removed from the broth, and the liquid is re-poured into another pan through a fine sieve. Put the saucepan with the broth on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. The potatoes are washed and peeled, cut into cubes. Immerse in boiling broth.
  6. Boil for 5 minutes and start cooking frying. Tomatoes are sent to the stove, in a frying pan, stewed for several minutes, seasoned with bay leaves and peppercorns.
  7. The frying is poured into a saucepan and the soup is continued to cook until all the vegetables are cooked.
  8. Boiled fish is removed from the bone, poured into soup tureens and chopped parsley is added.

Powerful ear by classic recipe ready. It should be poured into portions and served.

Delicious red fish soup

You don't need to use whole fish to make fish soup using this recipe. Waste products are suitable, namely ribs, heads and other trimmings of trout, salmon or pink salmon. Separately, you need to take some fish fillets. It is better to "dilute" pink salmon with some fatty fish, otherwise the ear will be less rich. As in the classic version of cooking, the taste of the broth is given by spices: allspice and laurel.


  • Pure water ─ 3 liters.
  • Fish or trimmings ─ 1 kg.
  • Fish fillet ─ 0.5 kg.
  • Onions ─ 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf ─ 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas ─ 4 pcs.
  • Vodka ─ 50 ml.
  • Dill or parsley greens ─ to taste
  • Salt to taste.
  • Ground pepper ─ to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the used fish under cold water, peel, remove giblets and gills. If the fish is fresh, you only need to remove the gills. If the fish is large, it must be cut into pieces. Dip the fish in cold water, bring the broth to a boil, remove the foam formed.
  2. Add the second part of the fish or another head.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into two halves and place in the boiling broth.
  4. Boil the broth over low heat for 20 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.
  5. Add a third of the fish and bring the broth to a boil again, add salt. Continue to cook it for another 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam.
  6. Remove fish and onions from the broth with a slotted spoon. The onions must be thrown away ─ he gave his aroma to the broth.
  7. Strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove all fish residues.
  8. Put the clarified broth on fire and bring to a boil. Put fish fillets, peppercorns and bay leaves in the broth. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. 2 minutes before readiness, add vodka, dill, salt and pepper to the ear.
  9. Vodka gives the ear a spicy note. Cooking according to the classic recipe always requires the use of strong alcohol.

Ukha according to the classic recipe with vodka and red fish is ready. The dish can be served at the table.

Hearty fish soup with potatoes and tomatoes

The ear cannot be called hearty dish... The classic cooking option involves the use of fish and excludes the use of potatoes. The dish that will be served for a hot lunch can be prepared with potatoes and tomatoes. The recipe involves the use of all the necessary spices, so the taste will not fundamentally change.


  • Pure water ─ 3 liters.
  • Fish trimmings ─ 1 kg.
  • Fish fillet ─ 500 g.
  • Onions ─ 3 pcs.
  • Carrots ─ 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes ─ 4 pcs.
  • Tomatoes ─ 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf ─ 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns ─ 4 pcs.
  • Dill and parsley greens ─ a bunch.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Ground pepper ─ to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Water is sent to the fire and brought to a boil. After boiling, add 1 part of the fish scraps. After boiling, remove the foam, boil the broth for 20 minutes.
  2. After 20 minutes, add the second part of the fish trimmings to the broth and repeat the procedure.
  3. After 20 minutes, add a third of the fish, boil it for 15 minutes, remove the broth from the stove and filter it through a sieve.
  4. The refined broth is sent to the fire, and a whole onion without husks is added to it. Boil for 20 minutes.
  5. The potatoes are washed under running water, peeled and cut into cubes. Carrots are cut into slices, semicircles or strips. Vegetables are placed in broth and boiled for 15 minutes at a low boil.
  6. Add fish fillets, peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth
  7. Boil the fish over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  8. Immediately after laying the fish, add small tomatoes cut in half. If you wish, you can pour a shot of vodka into the pot.
  9. Before the soup is ready, chopped dill is placed, salt and pepper are added to taste.
  10. Remove the dish from the stove and insist under a closed lid for about 15 minutes.

Bon Appetit.

Finnish classic ear

The classic version of cooking fish soup with vodka in a triple broth is common in Russia. In Finland, a completely different technology is appreciated, which requires adding to fish soup. heavy cream that can be replaced with milk. Traditionally, the dish includes leek and dill. Preparing a foreign ear is very simple.


  • Salmon or trout ─ 500 gr.
  • Water ─ 1 liter.
  • Onions ─ 1 pc.
  • Salt ─ 1 tsp
  • Potatoes ─ 4 pcs.
  • Leeks ─ 300 g.
  • Cream ─ 200 ml.
  • Flour ─ 1 tbsp.
  • Red pepper ─ a pinch.
  • Dill ─ 1 bunch.

Cooking process:

  1. For Finnish fish soup, you need to properly prepare the fish, that is, to clean it from the scales and separate the fillet from the bone.
  2. Peel the onions and chop coarsely. Enough, just cut one head into 4 pieces.
  3. The ribs of the red fish are dipped in cold water, brought to a boil and chopped onions are added. At this moment, black pepper and salt are placed in the pan. The ridge of red fish is boiled for 20 minutes.
  4. The potatoes are peeled, washed under cold water and cut into thin slices. The leeks are cut into rings.
  5. The finished broth is poured into another pan through a sieve. Together with the fish ridges, the onion is thrown away.
  6. The strained broth is sent to the fire until boiling, potatoes cut into slices and leeks are added to the pan. Boil for 15 minutes.
  7. The fish fillet is cut portioned chunks, sent to the ear, boiled for 10 minutes.
  8. The flour is mixed with cream, added to the pan, passing through a sieve to avoid lumps.
  9. Continue to cook the dish until tender for several minutes. Cut the greens and send them to the pan.

Dishes are served hot. When serving, sprinkle the Finnish fish soup with ground red pepper.

Someone will say that fish soup is not cooked in the kitchen, and they will be absolutely right. For fish soup you need nature, a fire, a light fog over the water. But it is not always possible to go out into nature.

The modern world is intense and complex. Everyone is in a hurry, a lot of things to do. And you want fish soup, sometimes. In principle, it is worth doing a fish day at home sometimes.

Home ear is very useful. Well? Let not fish soup, but fish soup, but it is necessary.

After a successful fishing, there are always heads and tails. This is certainly not salmon ear, but also delicious.

So, home ear from heads, at home in the kitchen. Improvisation.

Home ear. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • Fish (heads, tails) 1 kg
  • Carrots 1 pc
  • Celery or parsley root 1 PC
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice, cloves, bay leaf, coriander taste
  • Parsley 3-4 sprigs
  1. Home ear is always a memory of fishing. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan. While the water is boiling, add all the spices to the pan and add a little salt.

    Zander heads, tails

  2. As spices, we throw in: peas - black pepper 10-12 pcs, allspice 2-3 pcs, coriander 0.5 tsp. In addition, there are 1-2 carnations and 2 bay leaves.

    Black and allspice pepper, cloves and coriander. Bay leaf

  3. Peel the carrots and cut into thick slices or simply cut them in half. Celery root (you can add parsley root, but be careful - it gives a little bitterness) toss whole if it is small. Or cut off a piece from a large root. Peel the onion and slightly, literally a quarter of the height, cut crosswise.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. Celery root

  4. When the water boils, let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes and remove the celery and bay leaves.

    Let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes

  5. After that, toss the peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 parts into boiling water. Throw away the boiled onions. Add garlic - the grains need to be flattened a little with a knife block.

    Throw in boiling water peeled and cut into 4-6 pieces of potatoes

  6. Boil potatoes for 10-12 minutes. Then put the fish in the ear.

    Then put the fish in the ear

  7. Usually fish are heads and tails, unless you specifically leave something better on the ear. We still have pike, zander leftovers. Well, sometimes we also buy sets of trout and salmon. And homemade ear is rich.
  8. By the way, if the fish soup is prepared with red fish, you should toss half a lemon without squeezing it out. Then remove the lemon and discard.
  9. After laying the fish, the home ear will be better if it is not stirred and the liquid is not allowed to boil.
  10. Homemade ear is brewed for 15-20 minutes. Over low heat, so that the ear boils weakly.
  11. Then you can remove the carrot. Whether or not to leave the cooked carrot in the ear is up to you. For example, I love carrots.
  12. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  13. At this stage, you can put pieces of raw good fish in the fish soup - pike perch, trout, etc. After this fish is cooked, you can put it in a plate for everyone, one piece at a time.
  14. Add finely chopped parsley. While the home ear is still boiling, add 2 more bay leaves.
  15. Immediately remove the ear from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. As the highest squeak - you can throw 50 grams of vodka into your ear. But, vodka in the ear is in nature. If the homemade ear is prepared for the family, it is hardly worth doing so. In principle, no one forbids simply pouring a glass to those who wish.

Wash the fish, clean it, gut and remove the gills.

Advice. Freshly caught river fish advise not to gut or clean, you should only remove the gills.

Cut large fish into pieces, leave small fish as they are.
Place a third part of fish fines or fish head and trimmings in a saucepan.

Advice. Even one type of fish will make a delicious fish soup. Secret delicious fish soup in a triple fish tab for a richer and more delicious fish broth. For a broth, a salmon or trout head is perfect. If the head is large, it can be cut into 2-3 pieces.

Pour the fish with cold (!) Water.

Bring to a boil and skim thoroughly.
Add some more fish (or some fish head) and raw peeled onions.

Simmer at a low boil for about 15-20 minutes, carefully skimming off the foam.
Add the rest of the fish (or head) and bring to a boil again.
Salt the ear.

Cook for another 15-20 minutes, skimming off the foam.

Remove fish and onions from the broth using a slotted spoon.

Advice. Throw the bulbs out - they gave all their aroma to the broth; You can either eat the fish (if you used not fish trimmings, but better pieces of fish), or give it to the cats, because the fish also gave up all its taste and beneficial features fish broth :)

Strain the broth through a cheesecloth folded in several layers.

Return the pot to the heat and bring the broth to a boil.
Put pieces of fish fillet, peppercorns and bay leaves in the broth.
Cook for about 8-10 minutes with a low boil.
2 minutes before being ready, pour vodka into the ear, if desired, add dill, add salt, pepper to taste and remove from heat.

Advice. Vodka gives the ear a pleasant spicy note, while alcohol is not felt in the ear at all. But if you wish, you do not need to add vodka.

Let the ear brew under the lid for about 10-15 minutes.

Advice. You can make a more satisfying option