Delicious carp in a slow cooker. Carp fish soup with herbs

Who told you that in a multicooker it is impossible to cook fish and a side dish deliciously at the same time? Throw away these doubts and note: we will provide you interesting recipe carp in a Redmond slow cooker on a potato pillow without unnecessary "body movements"!

Often you have to fry or bake fish in a slow cooker, but cook potatoes separately in a saucepan. This is inconvenient, and even in the direction of our "helper" we begin to look with a slight grain of regret. You can now remove the pan and listen to the next recipe.

Carp in a slow cooker with a side dish of potatoes and onions


  • Seven medium-sized potatoes.
  • Carp (no more than 600g.).
  • 2 medium onions.
  • Salt. Pepper, fish spices.
  • Dill and basil can be used as herbs.
  • Sour cream 3 tbsp

Cooking carp in a multicooker:

Let's start cooking a 2-in-1 dish - stewed carp with potatoes! Peel the potatoes, cut them into medium-sized pieces and place them in the multicooker bowl. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the potatoes. Fill with water, which should slightly cover the potatoes. Add only 2 tablespoons. sour cream, pepper and salt to taste.

Gut and clean the carp in advance, salt it on all sides. Place finely chopped dill in the belly of the fish. Use spices to add flavor. For baked carp, ginger, basil, fennel and coriander are suitable. Choose the right proportions of spices for yourself and use in the preparation of this dish. After you add the seasoning, brush the fish with 1 tablespoon. sour cream. You can also sprinkle chopped dill on top.

You just have to put carp in the slow cooker and set the "Pilaf" cooking program. At the end of cooking, you will receive a juicy fish with baked potatoes! Delicious, fast and most importantly, no dirty dishes.

Carp in sour cream in a slow cooker


  • Fresh carp 1.5 - 2 kg
  • 2 onions
  • A spoon vegetable oil
  • Salt - pepper to taste. It is good to use the spice "pepper mixture" or "fish mixture" - the main thing is to check, if there is salt in the mixture, then you do not need to salt separately
  • 150-200 gr sour cream
  • Finely chopped dill


We prepare the carp in the usual way (rinse, remove the gills, head, fins, intestines). Rinse again, cut, put on a dish, sprinkle with salt and spices, leave for 10-15 minutes to soak the pieces.

Grease the bowl with multi vegetable oil, chop the onion and place in the bowl. Put the fish on top. Sprinkle with herbs on top, and pour sour cream (if the sour cream is thick, stir it with a little water beforehand).

Cook with the lid closed for 30 minutes in the simmering mode. At the end of this time, the multicooker will prepare you delicious carp in sour cream.

Bon Appetit!

Steamed carp (stuffed)

  • One carp fish (not very large to fit into a steaming tray)
  • One medium carrot
  • Clove of garlic
  • Parsley and celery root (dried or fresh root)
  • One onion
  • Salt - pepper to taste


Cook the fish as in the previous recipe, but do not cut it into portions... Cut all vegetables and fry them in a multi bowl - 5 minutes in the "fry" or "bake" mode.

When the roast has cooled slightly, fold it gently into the belly. Season with salt and pepper. Garlic could be added to frying, or cut into oblong pieces, cuts in the fish, and chunks of garlic inserted into them.

Carefully place the carcass in the steaming tray, pour 1-2 glasses of water into the bowl. Cook with the multicooker lid closed for 20 minutes in the "steam" mode. If there is no such regime - try "baking" or "stewing".

Put the finished dish on a salad leaf on a plate, garnish with a slice of lemon.
Bon Appetit!

As a student, I didn't know how to cook at all. No, well, I could cook sausages with potatoes, but that's probably all.

When I was lucky enough to get a husband, constantly hungry evenings after work, beautiful eyes and a sweet smile stopped solving all problems. Therefore, I had to acquire cookbook and select a few culinary sites to learn about the art of cooking.

At first, very simple recipes, in particular from fish fillets. became a regular guest at our table. Years passed, skill was acquired, knowledge was obtained ... It turned out that this fish was not at all useful and they stopped buying it.

However, the need for some simple fish recipe on the hastily stayed.

This is how I got to know the carp. The purchase of this big-eyed waterfowl has turned into a real holiday for a child! He is madly in love with choosing fish, showing the seller what to catch, and laughs loudly when she gets off the scales or jumps in the sink.

Many recipes have been tried with carp, but now I want to talk about the simplest and fastest. It should be noted that the purchase of a special knife for scales significantly accelerated the process.

Carp in a slow cooker: recipe


Carp - 700-800 grams;
Onions - 2 pieces;
Ground black pepper;
Seasoning for fish to taste;
Wheat flour or croutons for breading;
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method

Here is our sacrifice! Fresh! I almost ran away from the frame, so it is already cut.

Wash the fish, remove the scales, entrails and gills. If the fish is large and does not fit into the multicooker pan, then we cut off its head and tail (the cat will be delighted!).

In a bowl, mix salt, pepper, spices and flour (bread crumbs).

Sprinkle this mixture on the fish from all sides. I have enough salt in this form, but for reliability, you can salt and pepper separately, and then process it with flour.

Peel the onion, cut into rings. We put half on the bottom of the multicooker, and cut the half into half rings and put it in the abdomen.

Put the prepared carp on the onion. Pour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

We turn on the baking mode for 40 minutes.

Turn the fish over after 20 minutes.

Here is such a carp in a slow cooker, with a ruddy onion crust, we got it!

Her meat is very, very tender. Melts in your mouth! Help yourself!

Time: 50 min.

Servings: 2-4

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

Baked carp with dill in a slow cooker

Many people dislike carp, considering it an ignoble fish, bony and foul-smelling mud. Indeed, the life of this most common representative of the carp family cannot be called royal. He lives in reservoirs with stagnant water.

In ponds, lakes, reservoirs where carp live, silted bottom. It is in the pits at the bottom, in the silt and mucus, that this fish while away the winter, temporarily falling into suspended animation. However, this admirer of tina has a whole army of fans. Carp is respected for its tender, moderately fatty white meat.

The smell of the swamp, emanating from it, is easily "killed" in the skillful hands of the cook. Well, the bones ... Bony is such a trifle compared to the opportunity to taste delicious, juicy fish pulp! But carp in a multicooker turns out just like that.

There is different recipes cooking this fish. It is not suitable for salting and drying, since the smell of mud from the inhabitants of silt pits is removed only during heat treatment. Carp are often fried, baked over coals or steamed, put in a fish soup. And time-tested recipes suggest stuffing large individuals and baking them whole in the oven.

Of course, if your men brought from fishing about the same fish as in this photo as a trophy, then it would not occur to you to cook it in a multicooker for steam. Such carcasses for 2 or more kilograms seem to be created for a dish with tasty name: “Baked stuffed carp”.

And if the catch of the fishermen turned out to be much more modest, then it would be a sin not to use the services of a miracle stove. By the way, now you can just buy live carp in the store.

In reality, a medium-sized fish fits on a cutting board and looks like the photo below:

In order for a simple fish baked in a slow cooker to appear on your table, we definitely will not need, as the hostesses joke, “1 kg of pork, avocado, a polar owl feather and 4 dragon eyes”. It is enough to have:

We pass to the stages of preparation.

Step 1

In my experienced opinion, this stage is the most difficult and dreary. Because there are hardly any housewives who love to clean fish. Personally, I have not met such. Moreover, some do not practice recipes in the kitchen. fish dishes only because before cooking the carcass of the inhabitants of the seas and lakes must be gutted and cleaned of scales.

Representatives of carp, crucian carp, and perches are especially difficult to process. Their scales are quite firmly adhered to the skin. It's good if the one who brought the carp into the house cleans it himself. But this is rare.

Any recipe for whole fresh fish starts with gutting and cleaning the scales. Therefore, first, we rip the belly of the fish with a sharp knife, remove the insides and gills (if you bake the carp with your head).

Then we cut off all the fish fins, chop off the tail and, if you wish, the head. Then we clean the scales. It is better to use a fish scaler, then the garbage will not scatter throughout the kitchen, and the cleaning process itself will be easier. After you have mastered this exercise, thoroughly rinse the fish inside and out.

Step 2

We will not bake steamed fish, although such recipes for cooking it in a slow cooker are very popular. Stewed carp will not suit us either. Our option is baking. And for this you need to lightly marinate the fish.

Use a napkin to remove excess moisture from the carp. Now it must be grated with a mixture of pepper and salt, spices. Sprinkle generously of the juice squeezed from fresh lemon on top. And do not forget to do the same inside the carp peritoneum. Set the fish aside for 20-30 minutes.

Step 3

Let's take care of onions and herbs. Onions can be cut into rings, or better - into half rings.

Coarsely chop half a bunch of dill. Lightly knead the onion with your hands, add salt and add a little lemon juice. The use of a bow is mandatory! It is he, as they say classic recipes cooking carp, will destroy its natural odor of mud. Garlic is often used for the same purposes. However, it should not be used if you are steaming fish.

Step 4

Put chopped dill and half of the cooked onion into the marinated belly of the fish.

Step 5

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, literally half a teaspoon. We put the body of the long-suffering carp on the bottom. Cover it with the remaining onions and herbs. You can also walk with ground pepper in a mill.

Step 6

We close the lid of the multicooker and activate the baking program. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish. It is enough to bake a small individual for 30 minutes, but a large carp should be kept in the oven for 20 minutes longer. In well-baked fish, the meat is soft, well behind the bones, and clear juice is released from it.

Baked carp will turn out to be more appetizing (although less dietary than steamed) if you sprinkle finely grated cheese on the fish 15 minutes before the end of the process.

When our fish is cooked and cooled down a little, you can gently transfer it to an oval dish. Top with thinly sliced ​​fresh lemon and dill sprigs. Guests can be served with or without a side dish.

See another variation of this dish in the video below:

Ingredients for steamed fish:

  • fresh carp or other fish - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • spices for fish - 1 tablespoon
  • curly parsley - 1 small bunch
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

For garnish:

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • eggplant - 1 medium or 2 small
  • onion - 1 head
  • bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • purified water - 1 multi-glass
  • salt, pepper - to taste

And I'm back to the topic of magic wands for modern super busy hostesses! These are, of course, duet dishes in a multicooker. This time we will cook steamed fish and seasonal vegetables stew in the main bowl of the multicooker. The end of summer is just the season for carp and crucian carp fishing. A strong half of the family came from the next fishing trip with a notable catch, which must be prepared immediately, so to speak, in order to take a sample. But nothing flatters a man like food made from his "booty"! Fortunately, carp is a fish that everyone likes, and boiling, frying or steaming it is as easy as shelling pears. We will entrust this matter to a multicooker, because you only need to "throw" the chopped food into it and you can forget about the dish until the sound signal, and we will calmly go about our business.

So, today I invite the readers of the site to cook very tasty, but at the same time dietary healthy dish... Vegetables for stews will be stewed in a bowl without frying, and we will steam carp in a slow cooker, and all this will happen at the same time. I have a REDMOND RMC-M4524 multicooker, but this recipe can be used in all other models as well, since the "Stew" function is used. Getting started?

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse fresh fish, peel off the entrails, turn out and clean out the gills. The heads of the fish can be cut off at will, but the whole carcass looks nicer on the table - the decision is yours.

    Use only the youngest and healthiest vegetables. The set can be any, according to your taste. I have bell pepper, eggplant, potatoes and onions - all fresh from the garden.

  2. Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. Bell pepper, cut the eggplant and potatoes into approximately equal pieces, which will later be conveniently pricked onto a fork.

  3. Put vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover with water.

  4. Cook for carp quick marinade- mix vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) with finely chopped parsley, grated garlic and fish spices.

  5. Cover the bottom of the steamer container with foil. Lubricate the fish with marinade on all sides (always from the inside!), Put in the basket of a double boiler.

  6. Cooking carp with vegetables in a slow cooker takes 45 minutes on the "Stew / Soup" mode. Then open the lid, remove the steamer basket with fish, stir the stew with a spatula.

  7. Let the fish cool down a little.

  8. Serve in portioned platters. If your carp is not too large, you can put it whole on the dish.

Steamed carp cooked in this way in a slow cooker is good both cold and heated, and the stew must be eaten warm. If you are serving the dish for a festive dinner, also offer a glass of dry white wine, it goes well with white fish. Bon Appetit!

Until the middle of the thirteenth century, this fish was not. It was bred in China from carp breeds; in Europe, it appeared at the end of the 18th century. Despite the fact that this species lives in reservoirs with a silted bottom and feeds on mud, its meat is white, moderately fat, has many vitamins and microelements. According to doctors, carp helps to normalize blood circulation, increases endurance, strengthens the nervous system and memory function. And the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom even believe that the performance of the prostate depends on the fish. The most common of the carp family are mirrored, naked and scaly.

There are different recipes and cooking methods, but it is carp in a multicooker that retains the maximum of useful substances.

Eastern quartet on milk

To prepare this masterpiece, you will need only 4 products - 1-1.5 kg fish; large onion, 3 medium carrots and one large beet. Salt and pepper to taste. Peel the fish carcass, wash, separate the head, tail and fins. Cut into portions. Pour into a deep bowl warm water, salt it well, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and place the slices there for 20 minutes.

Cut the onion into rings, carrots and beets into slices. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the bowl and place the vegetables. Fry until golden crust, pour in ½ cup of low-fat milk, add spices and turn on the simmering mode.

Send the soaked fish to the slow cooker for 15 minutes. Steamed carp always turns out delicious and juicy. When ready, put on top of the vegetables and add half a glass of milk. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Serve with chopped herbs and croutons.

A feast for the whole world. Fish in foil

Ingredients: carp - 1 kg; champignons - 500 g; 1 onion; medium carrots; bell pepper - 1 pc.; dill greens; ground salt and pepper; 1 lemon; 100 g dry white wine; large tomato; 2 tbsp. l. sour cream; 1 egg.

Prepare the fish - clean, wash, remove the gills. Rub well with salt and pepper, leave for 10 minutes.

In a deep bowl, combine sour cream, wine, egg and spices. Beat with a blender until fluffy. Add thinly sliced ​​½ tomato and bell pepper, chopped dill. Mix well.

Rinse the carp with warm water and pat dry with a paper towel. Fill it generously with the filling, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, wrap in foil and bake in a slow cooker for 40 minutes (baking mode).

Fry chopped vegetables in hot oil, put them in a thick bowl on a dish, and fish on top. Decorate the dish with herbs and lemon slices. Bon Appetit.

Fish chops under a fur coat. In sour cream, with apples and beans

This is culinary creation will undoubtedly become a highlight of any table - unusual, aromatic and very tasty. Most importantly, it's easy to prepare. And no one would guess that this is a baked carp, and not cooked in an oven or on coals.

For the recipe, you will need fish fillets - 1.5 kg; 1 medium purple onion a glass of sour cream; 1 large green apple; 100 g hard cheese; soy sauce and rice vinegar 50 g each; green green beans- 300 g; 1 glass of light beer; spices to taste.

Clean the fish, wash, remove all unnecessary. Make an incision in the back along the ridge, remove the skin and de-file. Slightly beat off with a kitchen hammer on both sides, fold into a deep container, pour over with beer and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Then salt, pepper and fry until crusty, but the fish should remain raw. Then dip the pieces into the vinegar mixture and soy sauce and send to a slow cooker for half an hour.

Peel the apple and cut into strips, cut the onion into half rings. Saute vegetables and fruits for 5 minutes separately from each other. Then combine, add spices, pour in sour cream, cover and leave in the "Stew" mode for 20 minutes. Then combine with carp, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.

IMPORTANT! Serve hot, garnished with parsley and citrus wedges.

Cutlets "Tenderness" with filling with photo

Such food will especially delight children. And the filling inside will definitely be an unexpected tasty surprise.

Carp fillet - 600 g; onions - 2 pcs.; butter - 50 g; champignons - 300 g; 2 hard-boiled eggs, 150 g grated cheese hard varieties; 1 raw egg 2 tbsp. l. semolina; salt and pepper; breadcrumbs.

Prepare minced fish, semolina, 1 onion and raw egg... Form the same balls and refrigerate for a quarter of an hour. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and fry until tender. Chop the boiled eggs and mix with vegetables.

Make small cakes from fish balls, fill them with vegetables, put a piece on top butter, join the edges and form patties. Roll them in breadcrumbs and send them to a slow cooker. Two minutes before readiness, put a slide of grated cheese on each and cover with a lid. Put lettuce sheets on a dish and unload cutlets on them, garnish with tomato slices.

Carp cutlets will delight adults and children with their taste

Mediterranean carp with cheese sauce

For cooking, you need carp fillet - 1 kg; 2 tbsp. l. flour and potato starch; olives - 100 g; mushrooms - 500 g; 1 glass of cream; ½ lemon; 1 large onion 200 g of hard cheese; basil leaves and garden mint; spices.

Dry the washed and peeled fish, divide into small pieces, sprinkle generously with salt and pepper and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water. Beat an egg in a deep bowl, dip the carp pieces in it, roll them in the flour and starch mixture and fry on both sides until crispy on the fry setting at 160 ° C.

Cut mushrooms and onions into strips, olives into rings. Fry well. Pour in the cream, salt, pepper and switch to the "Stew" mode in a slow cooker. After 10 minutes add ½ of the grated cheese and basil leaves. When the cheese is melted, place in the carp sauce and simmer for 15 minutes. 5 minutes before being ready, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, pour over the juice of half a lemon.

IMPORTANT! Garnish with chopped citrus, olives and mint before serving.

When the lid is closed in the Fry mode, food cooks faster and tastes much juicier. To get rid of the unpleasant odor of mud and swamp, sprinkle generously with rice vinegar. If not available, use a mixture of lemon juice and salted water.

Fresh onions will help eliminate bitterness from pieces of peritoneum. Before cooking, place the chopped vegetable in the belly of the fish and leave for 5 minutes.

Don't like bones? Make them softer! And lemon will help with this. Water the carp lemon juice or cover with lemon wedges and refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Do not be afraid to oversalt the fish, sprinkle with salt boldly. The carp will only absorb as much as needed. Rinse off the rest with water.

Bones and skins are easiest to separate from a frozen carcass. Therefore, place the fish in the freezer for half an hour before cooking.