Apple jam recipe in the redmond multicooker. Apple jam recipes in a slow cooker and a pressure cooker for the winter

Apple jam- it traditional filling for pies, pies or muffins. Many housewives harvest it. The time has come for me to provide my cold winter evening with a fragrant tasty jar of jam. And since I do not have a lot of time, the multicooker and this recipe came to my aid. In 20 minutes, the apple jam was already ready.

To prepare apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter, I needed the minimum amount of ingredients: 1 kg of peeled apples and a pound of sugar, and as a result - 800 ml of thick, aromatic, delicious jam.

Ingredients for making apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter.

Peel and core the apples.

Cut the apples into slices and place them in the multicooker bowl.

Kill with a blender or twist with a meat grinder into a puree mass. During interruption, the mass will change color and will already look like jam.

Add sugar. Everyone adjusts its amount to suit his taste. If the apple variety is sour, then more sugar will be needed.

Mix the mass and send the bowl to the multicooker.

Switch on the "Extinguishing" function for 15 minutes.

Arrange the thick and aromatic apple jam in clean, dry jars and roll up the lids.

Wrap the jars warmly until they cool completely. Apple jam cooked in a slow cooker for the winter is ready! You can store jam in the basement or pantry.

Enjoyable winter evenings. Cook with love.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

For this sweetness, it is better to take sweet and sour apples with a thin skin, because it is not advisable to remove it, since it contains a lot of pectin - an astringent natural substance, from which the jam turns out to be very thick. So, first rinse the fruit under trickles of cold running water and dry it with paper kitchen towels.

Then we put them on a cutting board, with a sharp kitchen knife, in turn, cut each fruit into 2 equal parts, remove the core with seeds from them and, if you really want to, remove a thin layer of the skin, without it, of course, the process will go faster. Then we chop the apple pieces into small slices about 1.5 centimeters thick, put the rest of the necessary ingredients on the countertop and move on.

Step 2: cook apple jam in a slow cooker - stage one.

We insert the plug of the kitchen appliance into the outlet, set the bowl with apples into it and pour 1/3 cup of purified water into it. Our first goal is to make the fruit soft so that it cooks faster, so cover the kitchen appliance with a tight-fitting lid and turn on mode "Pastry" for 30 minutes.

Step 3: cook apple jam in a slow cooker - stage two.

After the right time, the equipment will turn off on its own, notifying about this with the appropriate humming, ringing or squeaking sound. Open the lid and grind pretty soft apples a wooden or metal pusher for potatoes, but the latest version of this kitchen appliance must be used with care so as not to scratch the Teflon coating of the bowl. Smooth puree will not work right away, it will be with pieces, but it's not scary! We fall asleep a loose mass the right amount granulated sugar, mix everything with a wooden kitchen or silicone spatula until a homogeneous consistency, cover with a lid and install "Extinguishing" mode for 2.5-3 hours, depending on the juiciness of the apples and the desired density of the jam.

Step 4: preparing the inventory for conservation.

We don't waste a minute, we check the jars and lids for rust, cracks, notches and thoroughly rinse them in warm water using a regular kitchen sponge, baking soda, or detergent with a minimum content of chemicals. Then we sterilize the glass containers in any convenient way, for example, in the microwave, oven, or the old-fashioned way on the stove, pour over other dishes that are needed for preservation with hot water, and boil the lids in a small saucepan for 12-15 minutes and leave in it until use.

Step 5: cook apple jam in a slow cooker - stage three.

When the multicooker turns off again, we look at what happened, if the jam is too liquid, then we install Baking mode for 20, 40 or 60 minutes and, stirring constantly, boil the apple mass to the desired density.

As you can see, the time may vary depending on the juiciness of the apples, but sometimes this process is not needed at all if the fruits were dry or the consistency of the apple treat suits you right after stewing.

Step 6: preserve the apple jam.

Now we proceed to the next step, in turn, we install a watering can with a wide neck on each sterilized half-liter or liter jar and, using a ladle, pour liquid jam over them. We cover the glass container with warm, or better, hot metal lids and, if they are screw, we seal the workpiece with an ordinary kitchen towel, and if with an elastic band, then using a special key.
Then we put the preservation on the floor upside down, wrap it in a woolen blanket and leave it in this form for a couple of days so that it cools down gradually, without a sharp drop in temperature. Then you can send the jam to a more suitable place, for example, a pantry, basement, cellar, and use it as needed.

Step 7: serve apple jam in a slow cooker.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker turns out to be more appetizing than that which was prepared in the usual way on the stove. This is most likely caused by the uniform heating and gradual evaporation of the fruit moisture, which allows the pectin to gradually thicken to the desired consistency. The taste, as well as the color of this wonderful delicacy, are always different, they completely depend on the variety of apples and the amount of granulated sugar.

It is served to a sweet table along with hot tea in dishes specially designed for this purpose: bowls, bowls. Also, such a jam is used in the form of a filling for baking, an interlayer of cakes, pastries, or as an addition to liquid or semi-thick desserts. Enjoy!
Bon Appetit!

You can cook the jam in the "Baking" mode, but in this case you will have to open the lid very often and stir, otherwise the delicacy will burn;

If desired, along with sugar, freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon can be added to the apples, a little vanilla sugar or ground cinnamon;

If the apples are very sweet, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar to taste;

This jam was prepared using a multicooker of the "Redmond" 4500 trademark, with a power of 700 watts.

Apple jam is, without a doubt, the tastiest and thickest jam of all types that exist. Making it yourself will be as easy as buying it in the store. So I will share with you my ideal jam recipe in a slow cooker that will stay with you for life.


  • one kilogram of apples,
  • half a lemon
  • two glasses of sugar (you can with a slide),
  • glass of water.

I do not advise you to fill the multicooker bowl with apples more than half, thereby there will be less chances for the jam to boil away.

Also, you can not take to make jam. overripe apples, it is better to take a little unripe, it is from them that you get that very thick and dark jam.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter

1. Rinse the apples with water very thoroughly, you can even rub the peel with a brush for better cleaning of dirt, since we will not throw out the apple peel, but will use it. A decoction of the peel, since there is a lot of pectin in the peel, will make a thick apple jam.

2. We peel the apples from the peel, which we put in a separate saucepan, and the apples we cut into four parts and rid them of the core.

3. Then we send the apples to the multicooker bowl and fill with the third part of the norm of water, turn on the "Baking" mode for half an hour. Our task now is to make the apples soft.

4. In the meantime, put the pot with the peel on the stove, pouring the remaining water into it, and turn on the maximum heat. Wait until it boils and simmer for twenty minutes. Then strain the broth, you should get about 2/3 cup.

5. By this time, in half an hour, the apples in the multicooker should come to the form we need. We take a crush and knead them into a gruel. You can also use a blender as you like.

6. Next, fall asleep applesauce sugar, add lemon juice(it is needed so that the jam is not too sweet), pour out the cooked broth and stir. Turn on the multicooker for the same Baking mode for an hour, close the lid.

7. Cook apple jam in a slow cooker until you need the consistency you need, which can be checked by simply stirring with a spatula. When you see that the desired density has been reached, then turn off the multicooker, this usually happens after 45 minutes.

8. Share apple jam in sterilized jars, rolling up the lids, and put to cool on the floor, wrapping the jars with something. Then send it to be stored in the refrigerator or where you usually store blanks for the winter, where the jam can be stored for up to a year.

A kilogram of apples will make a little more than half. liter cans jam.

Also, for the winter, you can make a quick apple jam for the winter, it will be especially fond of housewives who do not have enough time to cook.

Jam is used as a dessert separately and for filling in various pastries. This universal product, and most importantly, very tasty and healthy. It is not for nothing that the hostesses, year after year, cook it in their kitchen with such persistence, during this time quite a few recipes have been developed, we offer the best of them to your judgment. Apple jam in a Redmond slow cooker, and in almost all the others, is prepared even without adding water, it's very simple.

A simple recipe for apple jam in a slow cooker:

Sour apples are suitable for this cooking option. The result is a liquid and sweet jam.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Sugar - 450 grams;
  2. Apples - 1.5 kilograms;

Step by step recipe:

  • We wash the apples under running water, cut into slices, while cutting out the core. For this, you can use an apple cutter.

  • You can also peel off the rind if it is too thick. The thin skin can be left on.
  • We load the slices into the multicooker bowl, and fill them with sugar. In the Redmond slow cooker, set the stewing mode for 2-2.5 hours, depending on your preference in consistency, and the variety of apples. The first 10 minutes, cook in the "frying" mode, constantly stir the mass with a spoon, then we transfer to "stewing" and that's it, no further intervention is required.

  • After the time has elapsed, open the lid and sprinkle the treat on sterilized jars and roll up the lids, turn the jar upside down and wrap it up with a blanket until it cools completely, then put them in the basement.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker:

A little secret, in order to quickly cook a delicacy, cook it in the "frying" mode, stirring constantly for the first ten minutes, and then switch it to the required mode, so you will significantly bring the moment of the end of cooking closer. If you do not want to bother yourself with unnecessary work, then immediately cook in the "stewing" mode,

The second recipe, apple jam, for baking:

This preparation is best suited as a filling for various baked goods, or for pancakes, since it contains cinnamon. Cinnamon is added as desired, it can be removed.


  1. Pinch citric acid(on the tip of a knife) - optional;
  2. One kilogram of apples;
  3. One tablespoon of cinnamon
  4. Six hundred grams of sugar.


  • Wash the fruit, peel it if necessary. Then we cut them into slices, remove the core. As in the first option, it is best to use a special device.
  • Put layers of sugar and apples in the bowl. Shake the bowl to mix better.
  • Let us leave them in this position for half an hour in order for the juice to start up.
  • We set the "extinguishing" mode for 1.3 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, open the lid and let the mixture cool, beat with a blender until you get a homogeneous mass.
  • Put all the whipped puree back into the bowl, and add cinnamon. We set the "extinguishing" mode for half an hour.
  • Jam from apples in a slow cooker can burn, and then it will be very difficult to wash the bowl, to avoid this, stir it constantly.

Jam from apples in a multicooker is prepared practically without the participation of a cook, without requiring frequent stirring of the workpiece and uninterrupted control over the cooking process. AND classic recipe, and its numerous variations will find their performers and become the basis for obtaining delicious sweet preparations for the winter.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker?

Apple jam in a slow cooker can be cooked from chopped apples or minced fruits with a meat grinder or blender.

  1. The apples selected for the preparation of jam are washed, cleaned from the inner chambers with seeds and, if desired, from the peel.
  2. Cut the apple pulp into slices or grind it in a convenient way using kitchen gadgets.
  3. The fruit base is supplemented with sugar, placed in a multicooker bowl.
  4. Alternatively, the apples can be boiled in the "Steam cooking" mode with the addition of water until soft, and then chopped with a crush or blender, add sugar and cook until tender.
  5. Turn on the device in the "Quenching" mode and cook apple jam in a multicooker for 2-3 hours or until the desired thickness and boil.
  6. You can speed up the preparation of dessert using the Baking program, but in this case, stirring of the workpiece will be required in the process heat treatment and making sweets with the lid open.

Apple jam in a slow cooker - a simple recipe

You can cook apple jam at home in a slow cooker using different proportions of sugar and fruit mass, depending on the natural sweetness of the apples and the desired result. To soften the apple cuts, use the "Steam cooking" or "Multipovar" program with a choice of temperature of 100 degrees.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5-1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.


  1. Prepared apples are placed in a slow cooker, poured with water and boiled in a convenient mode for 20 minutes or until soft.
  2. Rub the mass with a wooden crush or blender, transferring the mass temporarily to another container.
  3. Add sugar, switch the device to "Baking" and evaporate the mass for 45 minutes.
  4. Hot cooked apple jam in a slow cooker is sealed in a sterile container.

Thick apple jam in a slow cooker

Thick jam apples in a slow cooker can be cooked without adding water. For this, the prepared apple pulp is crushed into fresh using a meat grinder or blender, and then boiled with the addition of sugar, the amount of which should be approximately equal to a portion of the fruit base.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. The apples are peeled from the core, and, if desired, from the peel, crushed to a state of puree.
  2. Transfer the mass to the multicooker bowl.
  3. Add sugar, turn on the "Cooking" or "Baking" program for an hour.
  4. Lemon juice is poured in 5 minutes before the signal.
  5. Prepared thick apple jam at home in a multicooker is packaged in sterile jars, sealed.

Sugar-free apple jam in a slow cooker

You can cook jam from sweet apples in a slow cooker without adding sugar, which will have a beneficial effect on the characteristics of the workpiece, which will become more desirable for dietary use... The aroma and taste of the dessert will be enriched by a cinnamon stick or a pinch of ground spice added to the composition.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.;
  • water - 100 ml.


  1. Apples are cleaned of seed chambers and peels, cut into slices, and placed in a multican.
  2. Add water, add cinnamon, turn on the "Cooking" or "Baking" mode.
  3. Prepare sugar-free apple jam in a slow cooker for 1.5 hours or until the desired thickening.
  4. Dessert is spread hot on sterile jars, sterilized for 15 minutes, sealed and wrapped until it cools.

Apple cake jam in a slow cooker

Tasty apple jam in a multicooker can be cooked even from cake, which remains in excess after juicing. The lack of moisture in the fruit base can be compensated for with plain water. The time to heat the apple mass will depend on the variety of apples used and the density of the peel.


  • apple cake - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 1 glass.


  1. Put apple cake into the multicooker bowl and pour in water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil using the "Cooking" or "Baking" program.
  3. Add sugar, stir until crystals dissolve.
  4. Switch the device to the "Quenching" mode and prepare the workpiece for 3-4 hours.
  5. The cooked apple jam is sealed for the winter in a multicooker in sterilized jars with sterile lids.

Pumpkin and apple jam in a slow cooker

Cooking apple jam for the winter in a slow cooker will turn out not only from apples. To raise nutritional properties dessert and enrich it taste qualities easily by adding pumpkin pulp to the preparation. Preferred for use is sweet pumpkin nutmeg, which should be peeled and seeds.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.


  1. Sliced ​​apples and pumpkin are placed in the bowl of the device, poured with water and cooked on the "Cooking" program for 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer the mass to a bowl, puree with a blender, return to the bowl.
  3. Add sugar, juice and lemon zest, cinnamon.
  4. Apples are also cooked in a slow cooker for 40 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
  5. The delicacy is sealed in sterile jars.

Apple jam with orange in a slow cooker

Apple jam in a slow cooker will amaze you with the harmony of sweet and sour taste and original aroma, the recipe for which is performed with oranges for the winter. A slice of fresh bread, toast, crackers, and scoops of vanilla ice cream will taste better with this addition. In addition, this jam is an ideal filling in baked goods.


  • apples - 10 pcs.;
  • oranges - 6 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. Apples and oranges are peeled and seeds removed, and the pulp is chopped into cubes or sticks.
  2. Add the lemon, pre-scalded with boiling water and cut with the peel, be sure to remove the seeds.
  3. Pour sugar, mix the mass.
  4. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, set the timer for 3 hours.
  5. The workpiece is allowed to boil actively by turning on a suitable program, the jam is sealed in a sterile container.

Apple jam and plums in a slow cooker

Boiled apple and plum - best filling for pies, donuts and all kinds of sweet pastries. Both the texture and taste of the workpiece fully contribute to its similar effective use in culinary practice. To get your own sweet exquisite delicacy you can add a couple of spoons of cocoa to the composition.


  • apples - 600 g;
  • plums - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Prepared pitted plums and chopped apple pulp are placed in a slow cooker.
  2. Pour sugar, turn on the device in the "Quenching" mode for 3 hours.
  3. If desired, the mass is boiled down to the desired density on the "Pastry", after which it is sealed in sterile jars.

Jam from apples and pears in a slow cooker

In a multicooker, it effectively diversifies the fact of adding pears to the composition. The proportions of the components can be varied at your discretion, as well as the amount of added sugar. If the presence of fruit slices in the dessert does not interfere, the stage of grinding the mass can be omitted.


  • apples - 700 g;
  • pears - 700 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g.


  1. Chopped apples and pears are poured into a multicooker bowl with water and boiled in a suitable mode for 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer the mass to a bowl, grind with a blender, return to the multican.
  3. Sugar and lemon juice are added, the treat is cooked on "Pastry" for 45 minutes.

Apple jam with lemon in a slow cooker

Cooked apple and lemon jam in a slow cooker is famous not only for excellent taste, but also incomparable benefits. A cup of hot herbal tea with a similar additive will strengthen the immune system, protect against colds, fill the body with vitamins and will improve the mood for a long time, spoiled by the bad weather of the off-season.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g


  1. Wash the lemons thoroughly, pour boiling water over, leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the citrus into cubes, while removing the seeds.
  3. The prepared peeled apples are chopped next.
  4. Put the fruits together in a slow cooker.
  5. Add sugar, turn on "Stew" for 3 hours.
  6. If desired, mashed the jam with a blender, bring to a boil and packaged in sterile jars.

Apple jam with cinnamon in a slow cooker

Apple jam with cinnamon in a slow cooker is an option for those who prefer the dominance of the taste of spices in sweet and other preparations. You can use whole sticks of the additive or use ground spice, determining its amount based on individual taste preferences and the needs of your family.