Banana cake with sour cream. Banana pie

If you are used to eating bananas only in their regular raw form, there is still a lot to learn. From this tropical fruit or with its help you can cook a lot of desserts - cakes, pies, and you can start right now. Bananas are relatively inexpensive fruits sold in almost all grocery stores, so why not go get them and start cooking culinary masterpiece? Now you will be presented with several recipes using bananas that you can translate into reality - you just need to devote a little time to it.

The recipe for which will be described below is simple to prepare and at the same time very tasty. In addition, it does not require any expensive and rarely found products in stores. Almost everyone in the house has all the ingredients for baking this cake.

And you will need it for baking following ingredients:
- bananas, pieces 3 or 4;
- half a pack of butter or margarine;
- three quarters of a glass of milk;
- sugar - to your taste, you can take a glass or half a glass, depending on how sweet you want to make the cake. However, you can do something in between, taking 3/4 of the glass - you won't be mistaken;
- a couple of eggs;
- a pinch of salt;
- flour, about 2 glasses;
- baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
- vanillin - 0.5 tsp without top.

Banana pie. Recipe

Remove the butter (or margarine) from the refrigerator beforehand so that it becomes soft. When it's softened enough, place in a deep bowl, add sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Now peel the bananas and mash them, for example, with a fork, to make a gruel. Add this very gruel to the mixture of margarine and sugar, then mix well.

Now pour milk into it, mix it. Then add vanillin and a little salt, a small pinch or on the tip of a knife. Mix again. Beat eggs separately. Beat them one at a time, the mixer speed should be low. Finally, mix the eggs with the previously prepared banana-margarine mixture. Mix everything very well by hand.

Sift the flour together with the baking powder, then gradually, 1-2 tablespoons each, add to the mixture and mix. In no case should the dough be tight, it should be like sour cream, it is then that the banana pie, the recipe for which is described here, will be awesomely tasty and soft.

Select a baking dish, grease it with butter, place in a baking dish and pour the dough into it. You need to bake the cake at a temperature of about 180 ° C, for about 45 minutes.

You have a banana pie. Its recipe is extremely simple, "based on" the usual muffins and biscuits. You can also try a little more complex recipe- banana pie with sour cream.

To do this, take a couple of eggs, mix with half a glass of sugar, beat, preferably with a mixer. Then add kefir, 1 glass. Separately crush 4 bananas with a fork until they are mushy and add to the mixture as well. Mix thoroughly.

You can put a pinch of vanillin. Now it's time to add flour, add it in the same way, in a tablespoon, and mix. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda with the flour. The consistency of thick sour cream is what we should get - this is important. Too thick or tight dough will ruin the whole taste. Divide the dough into three equal parts. It will be some kind of cake and cake hybrid. Pour the first piece into an oiled pan. The oven must be preheated and baked at a low temperature. When the biscuit is done, bake the other two. Now you need to soak them with sugar and water. This can be done with cotton wool, gauze, and a brush. Saturate lightly to keep them from falling apart).

Mix sour cream separately - one and a half cups with sugar, the amount of your choice. Grease each crust on top and make a cake. The top cake also needs to be poured with sour cream. That's all!

If you want to cook something more complex, you can choose, for example, italian recipe- banana pie with cottage cheese and kiwi. Although the two recipes described above have great taste and are easy to prepare.

I bake for the second day in a row banana cake with sour cream... Very tasty, fluffy, with delicate taste banana, absolutely not sugary, the cake is as easy as possible to prepare. In addition, it will take a minimum of time to prepare it. My loved ones really like this cake, and my little grandson says that this is a cake. It really looks like a cake, since sour cream and chocolate topping, give the cake a special touch. The dough turns out to be incredibly airy, and the banana pieces that come across only emphasize the taste. Try to cook this tasty pie and see for yourself! Banana cake can be baked in a round or in a square split form, and then cut into cakes.

For cooking banana pie with sour cream we will need:

For the test:

  • 3 bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream
  • 6 tbsp Sahara
  • 100 g butter
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 1 sachet baking powder

To fill:

  • 1 banana
  • 3 tbsp sour cream
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • Vanilla sugar to taste
  • Chocolate

Like these ones simple products we will need it when making a pie.

Peel the bananas and cut them into small cubes.

Beat sugar and eggs until white.
Add sour cream and whisk more.
Pour in melted butter and mix.

Pour in flour mixed with baking powder and mix well to get a homogeneous dough.

Add chopped bananas and mix well.

Put the resulting dough in a greased form and distribute evenly.

We bake in a well-heated oven at 200 degrees about 30-35 minutes(to dry toothpick).
Cool slightly and release the cake from the mold.

While the cake is cooling, let's start cooking sour cream.

For this whisk banana with sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar.

When the cake is completely cool, fill the surface of the cake with sour cream. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.

Let the cake brew for an hour and cut.

Very tasty!


If you have a desire to cook at home a tasty cake for dessert for a holiday or for everyday tea drinking for the whole family, you should familiarize yourself with the recipes presented below with a photo.

The cooking methods are not at all complicated, and therefore all housewives will be able to choose one recipe for delicious fragrant cake... By the way, cakes will appeal to all those who are crazy about bananas.

I supplemented each recipe with a photo to make it even easier for newcomers to the kitchen to master the algorithm of actions. I suggest you start right now!

Banana cake no baked

This sour cream and banana cake doesn't even need to be baked. To prepare the cake, you need to set aside a couple of hours. The recipe is not complicated, try it in practice.


500 gr. dry cookies; 100 g sl. oils; 1 tbsp Sahara; 0.5 l sour cream; 3-4 pcs. bananas; 1 tbsp. water and some nuts; 15 gr. gelatin.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I chop the cookies by hand and put the crumbs in the dishes.
  2. I put sl. butter and mix with cookies, you need to make an elastic mass.
  3. I cover the bottom of the dish with foil, after the food. film.
  4. I put in the dough and equalize.
  5. Peeling bananas. I put sliced ​​circles in a couple of layers.
  6. Pour gelatin into a bowl and fill it with water, leave until completely dissolved.
  7. Put sour cream in a blender, sprinkle with sugar and beat.
  8. Pour gelatin into the sour cream and mix well.
  9. I put the mass in the refrigerator so that the cream becomes thick. It is best to leave the bowl of cream in the refrigerator overnight.
  10. I take out a dessert with a banana and put it upside down. I remove the film and decorate with chopped nuts.

Sponge banana cake with delicate cream and sour cream

To cook good dessert you can, if you adhere to two basic rules. Only ripe bananas should be used.

To cook sponge cake with sour cream and bananas, you can even a couple of days before tea drinking, but not more, since the fruit spoils very quickly. Its recipe is presented below.

It is necessary to make biscuit cakes for the cake at the rate of 5 pieces. chickens. eggs.

Components: 50 ml of water; 4 things. bananas; 1 orange; 2 pcs. kiwi; 1 pack. jelly; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 1 tbsp gelatin; 500 gr. sour cream.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I make a gelatin cream from a powder filled with water. Let it swell and dissolve with a steam bath.
  2. Sour cream and sugar are mixed together. It is necessary to stir until the mass is completely dissolved, and then add gelatin.
  3. I cut banana into circles, oranges and kiwi into quarters.
  4. Collecting delicious dessert... Each biscuit cake grease with cream, put bananas. Decorate the top with oranges and kiwi. By the way, you can also sandwich the cake with fruits.
  5. I dilute the jelly, as this is indicated by the recipe written on the instructions. I let it cool down so that the mass does not have time to grab. Cover the top with syrup and put the cake in the fridge. Dessert should solidify.

In the event that you make the sides, you can safely pour the jelly and make fruit layer... It's even better than store-bought treats.

Chocolate cake with bananas and sour cream filling

Chocolate banana cake with sour cream it turns out to be moderately tender, sweet and tasty. It consists of chocolate biscuit, sour cream with the addition of gelatin, ripe bananas.

The dessert turns out to be very beautiful and festive. To make a cake, you need to take a deep bowl and any mold for baking the dough.

The biscuit will need to be cut into cubes, they should be medium in size. The chocolate fruit cake will look whole and beautiful when you're done, don't worry.

The sponge cake will be immersed in tender sour cream. The dough will soak and become tender, tasty, and the cake will taste like a soufflé.

Orange zest will give a special aroma, and it goes well with dark chocolate. This is an insanely delicious culinary ensemble, get started cooking!

Components for cake layers: 5 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tbsp. flour and sugar; 3 tbsp cocoa; 1 tsp soda; 1 tbsp vinegar.

Components for the cream: 500 ml sour cream (fat content from 20%); 1 can of condensed milk; 1 PC. orange; 20 gr. gelatin; 2 pcs. bananas.

Glazing components: 50 gr. sl. oils; 100 g dark chocolate.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I put the oven to warm up to 200 gr.
  2. Pour gelatin with cool water. For 20 gr. gelatin needs 200 ml of water. I give it to swell.
  3. Chicken. I mix eggs with sugar. Beat with a mixer at the highest speed to get a high foam.
  4. I add seeded flour and cocoa. I quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the dough.
  5. I mix with a mixer. The dough will be covered with small bubbles.
  6. I pour it into the mold. I bake for 20 minutes in the oven.
  7. I check for readiness and let it cool with the oven off.
  8. I take it out of the mold and put it in food. film (it is better to let him lie down for a day). I put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. I cut into cubes.
  9. I put the biscuit in the bowl, cover the food. film and send it to the refrigerator.
  10. Rub the orange zest on a grater. I cut the fruits: bananas into circles, oranges into several parts.
  11. I mix condensed milk and sour cream in another bowl. Beat at low speed.
  12. I take gelatin, warm it in a water bath or in a microwave.
  13. I pour it into the sour cream. I'm getting in the way.
  14. I put a biscuit in a bowl for a cake, half of the fruit.
  15. I fill it with sour cream, put the rest of the fruit. I drown it in the mass with my hands and send it to freeze in the refrigerator. 3 hours will be enough, but better at night.
  16. I extract the chocolate dessert. I make glaze from melted sl. butter and chocolate. I water it. Rub the zest on top and let stand for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. I decorate the cake with fruit if desired.

The recipe is long, but very simple. Try it out.

Your guests will be delighted and ask for a cake recipe. Bon Appetit!

My video recipe