Herring caviar is a classic recipe. Herring caviar (butter made from herring, cheese curds, butter and carrots)

The appetizer that I will talk about today may be known to you by different names: "false caviar" spread, student caviar, caviar oil or forshmak. I know her like false caviar from herring and carrots. The recipe with a photo, although simple, still has its own subtleties. So, for example, it is better to take not very salty herring for caviar, because in combination with salty melted cheese, the appetizer can turn out to be excessively salty. And it's not enough to boil carrots. After cooking, it must be cooled without fail. This simple procedure will give the carrots a light crunch, and in the finished caviar, it will crunch a little, just like real eggs, unless they burst. In general, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the recipe. False caviar really tastes like real red caviar. And thanks to the availability of components, you can indulge yourself with a snack not only on holidays!


  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc. large, 200-250 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc. 150 g;
  • butter 72.5% - 100 g;
  • processed cheese (like "Friendship", "Orbita") - 2 briquettes of 70 g each

How to cook herring and carrot caviar

We start with cheese curds. We define them in the freezer and start cooking carrots.

We clean it to speed up the cooking process, cut it into several pieces and put it in boiling unsalted water. We close the lid and boil for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the carrots are fully cooked. Immediately after cooking, we send the finished carrots under cold running water until they are completely cooled.

We put the carrots on the stove and you can disassemble the herring into fillets. We take out the insides and bones, remove the thin skin. Everything. It is important to choose a tasty herring, because the taste of caviar depends on it. It is better to take the usual salting, without spices, Salted herring is also suitable, but in this case, so that the appetizer does not come out too salty, it makes sense to first soak it in water or milk.

We finished with the preparation of the components, we begin to grind everything. To do this, we arm ourselves with a meat grinder with a fine grate and, in turn, we twist all the components of the caviar. In what sequence to do it is not particularly important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. I worked out such a scheme for myself. First I twist the butter. For everything to go smoothly and without problems, it must be cold, i.e. let it wait in the refrigerator for its hour.

Then I take the curds out of the freezer and twist them next to the butter. During the time they spent in the freezer (I have it for 10-15 minutes), the curds have time to freeze so much that they twist without any trouble, like sticking to the walls of the meat grinder.

Next in line is herring. We put the files in the food loading compartment and grind the herring. If you pre-soaked the herring, be sure to squeeze it out well - the extra liquid is useless for the caviar.

And the last chilled carrot is sent to the meat grinder. It must also be dried from water and only then twisted. Since the carrots are chopped last, it “cleans up” the stuck curds and butter from the walls of the meat grinder (sometimes they still stick a little).

We mix all the twisted components and the false caviar is ready. When using a meat grinder, the consistency of the snack is just like that of caviar - grainy. If desired, you can give it a homogeneous pasty consistency, using a blender instead of a meat grinder for grinding.

You can serve caviar by spreading it on a piece of bread or toast. Fill tartlets or profiteroles with it, or stuff, say, eggs. Such caviar on slices looks original and fresh fresh cucumber... Our most popular option is on crackers (unsalted and unflavored).

Store false caviar from herring and carrots in the refrigerator in a closed container for 3-5 days.

Recently, at parties, buffets, outdoor events in nature, you can often find false caviar among the snack dishes. Many call it in another way - caviar butter or spread, student caviar, forshmak. In fact, false caviar from herring and carrots is one dish, and the traditional Jewish forshmak- this is completely different, there is no need to confuse them. But student false caviar can very well be called, because it is a budget option. delicious snacks and any student can afford such a dish.

Taste Info Buffet appetizers / Fish and seafood


  • herring - 600 g;
  • carrots - 300 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • processed cheeses - 2 packs.

How to cook false red caviar from herring and carrots

First of all, wash the carrots, peel them and set to boil.

While the carrots are boiling, take care of the herring. Rinse it thoroughly under running cool water, let it drain and transfer to a fish cutting board.

Cut off the head. From this place where the head was to the tail, make a deep incision through the entire abdomen. Remove the insides as well as the anal and pelvic fins. From what was inside, everything should be thrown away. The only exception is caviar if the fish was a female (it can be used for sandwiches). Rinse the gutted fish again under running water.

Make a deep cut along the entire carcass, only now from the back, remove the dorsal fin along with small bones, which are very abundant in the place where it is located. Gently pry off the skin with a knife and remove it from both sides of the carcass.

Cut off the tail. With a sharp movement, separate the fillets from the ridge, and pull out the remaining bones. On the side where the belly was, cut a strip approximately 0.5-1 cm wide on both fillet halves. In this place there are many small bones that cannot be pulled out in another way.

By this time, the carrots should already be boiled, remove them from the water and cool.

Pass the processed cheese through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. You can also rub them on a fine grater, but in this case, you first need to freeze the curds slightly in the freezer, so they will not stick to the grater and will rub more easily. Transfer the curds to a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient for you to mix all the ingredients later.

Do the same with butter, that is, grind it in the same way that you have chosen for yourself (grater, blender or meat grinder). Send butter to cheese curds.

Add the minced herring to the bowl. If you do not have a meat grinder, then rubbing the herring on a grater, of course, will be problematic. In this case, simply cut it into very small pieces with a sharp knife. You can also grind the herring in a blender bowl.

It remains to chop the cooled carrot and add it to the rest of the products (also scroll it in a meat grinder, in a blender or rub it on a grater).

Now thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until you get homogeneous mass... Herring and carrot caviar should be infused for another hour in the refrigerator.

You can serve it on toast, sandwiches, it goes well with herbs and fresh cucumber.

  • To prepare such caviar, it is better to choose herring of the usual salting, and not spicy.
  • Use a fine grate to scroll the food in the meat grinder, this will make the caviar more tender.
  • Although this is a false red caviar from herring and carrots, it should be served beautifully - on fried croutons or toasts, in tartlets or profiteroles, on unsalted crackers or slices of fresh French baguette... You can stuff the halves of the eggs with caviar.
  • Store such caviar in the refrigerator in a tight-fitting glass jar for no more than 5 days.

Such an original appetizer will be appreciated by many housewives for its budget and ease of preparation. Everyone has "not a lot" in the refrigerator, and guests are on the doorstep. The taste of false caviar is very similar to the taste of real caviar with butter. And if the sandwiches with false caviar from herring and carrots are beautifully decorated when served, then you will get a wonderful festive dish.

After cooking, let it brew for 30 minutes in the cold to reveal the taste, but the next day you can also eat if left.

To prepare false caviar from herring and carrots, you will need such ingredients.

Cut herring into fillets, remove bones and skin. If the fish is with caviar, it can also be used in a dish.

Boil the carrots until half cooked so that they do not fall apart, cool and peel them.

Pass the finished herring fillet through a meat grinder 2 times, a blender will not work here.

Also twist the processed cheese and butter in a meat grinder, 1 time is enough. The butter must be frozen. Add to twisted herring.

Pass the carrots through a meat grinder, combine with the mixture.

Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, I did not add salt, it is to your taste. Leave to cool.

Serve herring and carrot caviar on sandwiches or as a separate dish.

Bon Appetit!

False caviar from herring and carrots is incredibly tasty: it is practically absent small bones, it has a velvety taste and its spreading consistency is suitable for creating not only sandwiches, but also canapes, stuffing eggs, etc. Such a mass of herring, boiled carrots, processed cheese and butter are also called herring pate. By the way, the dish can be prepared from any kind of lightly salted fish: herring, mackerel, capelin, etc.


  • 1 lightly salted herring
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 2 processed cheese
  • 50 g butter
  • 2-3 pinches of salt
  • 0.5 pcs. Luke
  • greens optional


1. For herring, remove the head, fins, tail and entrails. Rinse the fish thoroughly in water and remove the black film inside the abdomen. If there is milk or caviar, then we will leave them, rinsing. Let's disassemble the carcass into fillets, removing the ridge and large bones. Cut into small portioned pieces... Pre-boil the carrots for 20 minutes, and then sharply place them in cold water, allowing to cool, and peel. We freeze the processed curds in the freezer for 10 minutes, like butter. As soon as everything is ready, we pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, placing a grid with fine meshes on it.

2. Add salt to taste. Peel the onion and rub it on a fine, fine grater so that only the juice gets into the container with the herring mass. Mix everything so that all the ingredients in the container are connected to each other.

3. Put the resulting mass into prepared containers, such as jars or containers. Place the containers in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the mass grabs and becomes denser. After the specified time, false herring caviar can be served directly in the container. If you like greens, sprinkle dishes with caviar with chopped herbs and green onions.

Note to the hostess

1. I want to completely exclude bones from the tender mass. But how to remove them all, because in the pulp of a medium-sized herring they are completely transparent, like white nylon threads? .. It is necessary to bend the already cut pieces so that the tips of the bones stick out from there. It is advisable to do such jewelry work together: one crumples fish cuts, the second wielding tweezers - this type of activity can be entrusted to children: they are big-eyed and dexterous. The fact that the product will be deformed as a result of such manipulations should not be worried, since it will still have to go through the screw of the meat grinder.

2. Fake herring caviar is used to cover the thinnest Armenian lavash, gently crush it after twisting so that the dough is slightly fattened and softened. An hour later, cut the whole rope into small rolls with sharp culinary scissors. Miniature rolls with coral filling - aesthetic and original appetizer to forty-degree alcohol or strong beer.

3. Few people are able to eat a large tartlet filled to the brim with this hearty and high-calorie caviar ersatz. Better to spread it on round crackers, and put some sour product on top: 4-5 pomegranate seeds, a triangular sector cut from lemon wedge, a couple of cranberries, sea buckthorn.

Of course, this appetizer only partially resembles fish caviar, but it turns out no worse than this delicacy and several times cheaper. The taste of the dish largely depends on the taste of the fish: if the herring is salted or stale, then the caviar will turn out to be tasteless. The rest of the ingredients must also be of high quality: use a bright sweetish carrot, real processed cheese, and not cheese product and good butter. Then it will be really tasty! How to prepare herring caviar with melted cheese and carrots, see below.


- slightly salted herring - 400 g;
- processed cheese - 200 g;
- carrots - 2 pcs. medium size;
- butter (unsalted) - 70-100 g;
- spices - to taste and desire.

How to cook from a photo step by step

1. For the preparation of false caviar, it is better to take herring that is not very salty, because the cheese also has a salty taste, and the appetizer will not turn out very tasty. A large fat herring carcass must be cut into fillets. Of course, you can try to cook a dish from a ready-made fillet, but most likely it will not turn out so tasty, because the finished fillet is usually soaked in vinegar brine, and it gives the fish a specific flavor. It is best to cook herring caviar, so you will definitely not go wrong. Take a fish and cut off its head and tail, carefully remove the fins. Then, prying the skin on top, begin to pull it towards the tail and gradually remove it, like a stocking. Now cut open the belly and take out the insides. Milk or caviar can be used to make a snack or eaten right away and are delicious. Then remove the ridge and rinse the carcass thoroughly. Using special tweezers or silt, manually remove all bones from the fish, especially the large ones. The herring can be cut into small pieces with a knife, similar to the "Fur coat" or even smaller. But there is also an easier option - twist all the caviar ingredients through a meat grinder. But here there is one nuance: in order for the consistency of the snack to be heterogeneous, with grains, almost like real caviar, you only need to use a manual meat grinder. With an electric one, this effect will not work. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to use a blender either. If there is no "old" meat grinder, you will have to grind all the ingredients by hand. Place the chopped herring in a deep bowl.

2. Before cutting the herring, it is advisable to put the carrots to boil, because it must be added to the caviar that has already cooled down, otherwise the appetizer will quickly disappear. Wash the root vegetable thoroughly and cover with cold water. Put it to boil, as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat a little and cook from this moment for 20-30 minutes until the carrots are fully cooked (depending on their size). In the meantime, the carrots are cooking, prepare the other ingredients. Processed cheese grate on a medium grater. If it is too soft, put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes, it will freeze a little and it will be easier to grate. If you use a meat grinder to prepare herring caviar, just twist the cheese.

3. Do the same for butter. But in the freezer it is better to hold it longer so that it solidifies well.

4. Peel the cooled carrots and also chop in the chosen way - on a grater or in a meat grinder.

5. Put all the ingredients in a deep, easy-to-mix container. Add some ground black pepper, mustard, or other spices if desired. But I think this is superfluous, the caviar is already very tasty.

6. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

7. Serve herring caviar with melted cheese and carrots with toast, crispbread or simply on slices of bread. Very tasty and satisfying!

Also on our site you can explore the best to create an excellent holiday menu.

Bon Appetit!