How to make a cake like a ship. Children's cake "Ship" for birthday

Every little boy loves to watch movies about pirates, and after watching, imagine himself as the captain of the ship. Loving parents always find a reason to please their child. And here comes the long-awaited children's birthday party. To surprise all guests and the little birthday boy, you can present a cake in the shape of a ship. Also, such a gift is perfect for an adult man whose work is related to the courts.

How to make "Ship" cake

It seems that making such a cake at home is easy. In fact, you have to spend a lot of time. But the result of the work performed will not leave anyone without surprise and admiration. Such a cake is made from biscuit cakes or from cakes made from puff pastry. The choice depends on the preferences and taste of the hostess. The cakes are baked according to any favorite recipe. If time is short, then you can buy ready-made cakes in the shop. Decorate a cake in the form of a ship with cream or mastic. It can also be bought ready-made in the store. To make the cake tasty, you need to choose your favorite filling. The cream can be instant.

To create a "Ship" cake with your own hands, you need to bake four cakes. Make your own proven recipe for dough and cream, or use the recipe below.

Dough for cooking (biscuit)


  • sugar 400 grams;
  • flour top grade 650 grams;
  • sunflower oil 6 tablespoons;
  • sour cream 300 grams;
  • egg 6 pieces;
  • vanillin 1 sachet;
  • baking powder 15 grams.


Mix all the ingredients and beat with a mixer to get a homogeneous dough without lumps.

Impregnation cream


  • vanillin 15 grams;
  • egg 1 piece;
  • mascarpone cheese 500 grams;
  • sugar 100 grams;
  • sour cream 500 grams.


Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer.

Decorating cream (creamy)


  • icing sugar 75 gr.;
  • fat whipping cream 33%;
  • liquid food coloring.


Beat the cream until stable peaks are obtained. Then, whisking with a mixer at low speed, gradually add the icing sugar. Ready cream paint in the desired color.

Best of all, when the "Ship" cake dough is made on a rectangular baking sheet. You need to prepare the dough and bake in the oven (180 degrees). While the cakes are baking, you need to prepare the cream. It can be anything: butter, protein, sour cream, manna-based, caramel, curd. When the cakes are completely baked, you should take them out of the oven and wait until they cool completely. Next, grease each surface of the cake with cream and put them on top of each other. Now it takes four hours for the cake to stand in the cold and soak.

Cake "Ship": master class

To make it easier to make the basis of the future cake, you need to take a drawing of the desired vessel, a toy or open a photo on a computer. With a large knife, we begin to shape the cake in the form of a ship. We cut off the nose with a triangle, rounding the edges (all the scraps must be folded into a bowl). Cut off a part of the cake from the back so that the surface is flat, and round off each side. If it is difficult to shape, just looking at an example, then you need to cut out the template from paper and apply it to the cake, cutting off the necessary parts.

To form a deck, cut a piece of the cake in the center. Shape so that the rear deck is higher than the front deck, evenly distributing the remaining pieces of the cut cake.

When the desired ship shapes are fully formed, you need to align the cake. Chop the remaining trimmings, rub with your hands to make a mixture that resembles a "potato" cake. With the resulting mass we coat exactly the whole cake in the form of a ship. Now you need to apply the cream over the entire surface. And again send it to a cold place for a couple of hours so that it is soaked, frozen and kept in shape well.

After two hours, you need to take out the cake and cover with ganache. Ganache is melted chocolate in a water bath, diluted with cream in a 2: 1 ratio. It should be applied with a spatula, leveling over the entire surface. To make the cake smooth, you need to warm up the spatula in hot water, wipe it dry and, applying it to the surface of the cake, smooth it. Refrigerate for another hour.

Now it remains to give the ship a finished look. To do this, cover its surface with cream or sugar mastic. It depends on what you like to work with more.

Roll out a thin layer of mastic white, make an imitation of a tree (with special tools or you can use a toothpick) and wrap the whole cake around the ship. The relief of a tree can be skipped right away to make it easier to fit, but done on an already covered cake. If the ship has turned out to be large, then you can, by cutting out the pieces necessary in length and height, separately stick first the sides, then the mast. When everything is ready, you need to paint the ship in Brown color... To do this, dilute the brown dye in a little water or vodka and stir. By dipping a sponge into the dye, carefully paint the whole cake.

The necessary elements should be molded from the remaining mastic:

  • weapons;
  • window;
  • pirates;
  • sail;
  • anchor;
  • Lifebuoy;
  • steering wheel;
  • skull;
  • sides;
  • the muzzle and other necessary details.

Sails can be made from plain paper, waffle paper, sugar paper, or mastic. They must be fastened to wooden skewers.

How to decorate the finished Ship cake? Cream can be used to make a beautiful deck. To do this, give the mass the desired color. The main thing is to completely evenly cover the ship with cream. Smooth with a spatula. With a toothpick, you can make an imitation of a wooden surface. Above, the deck is decorated with mastic elements necessary for the ship's design.

I have a cake based on the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. The cake needed a small size, so the Black Pearl ship is stylized, but I tried to reflect the main details in the cake.

So, we bake the cakes according to the template (I have cakes from Multilayer chocolate cake) or bake a biscuit and cut out the desired shape.

We collect the cake (I have Ganache cream on a dark and milk chocolate). We shape the ship from the scraps.

Align the cake (I have Ganache cream on dark chocolate).

We start to cover the cake. First, the entire upper surface (you can use a single layer of mastic, you can use separate parts, as convenient), apply the texture with a stick or a wooden skewer.

We cover the side surfaces (again, it is possible in one layer, but it is more convenient with 2-3 parts), we apply texture to them as well.

From the photo, I think, you can see how the details of the decoration are made.

The "Black Pearl" has a nasal figure in the form of a winged woman with an outstretched arm and a seagull. My boat was too small to sculpt such subtleties. I got out of the situation as follows - with the help of a mold, I made an imprint of the head with handles and wings of an angel and attached a dress to it. From a distance it looks like a female figure)))

Sea waves are made of 3 shades of mastic.

The ship itself is painted over with a brush. Ropes - mastic flagella, squeezed out of a syringe. Sand is a crushed cookie. The Jack Sparrow figurine was molded in advance. The candle is held on a barrel, some marine trifles, like bright specks. The cake is ready.

Cakes are not only of the classic shape. Decorative cakes in the form of some figures or designs are always popular. These include such a product in the shape of a ship. Such a composition will be a wonderful decoration for a children's matinee, birthday party, and your little sailor will like it. You can also present such a cake to an adult.

Necessary materials

Our ship is not as simple to execute as it might seem. But on the other hand, the result will pleasantly surprise. Its composition includes biscuit cakes, due to which, in fact, the relief of the ship is created.

The texture of the product is created using mastic, which is the main material for decoration.

And for impregnation, a classic oil cream will do.

Real or edible figurines, for example, mastic or chocolate figurines, can be used as a command for our sweet swimming facility.

Making a cake ship

Initially, you will have to bake a few biscuit cakes, cut out the masts and stern from them, and then proceed to decorate the ship.

For chocolate biscuit you will need:

  • 4 large or 5 medium sized eggs;
  • faceted glass of sugar;
  • an almost full faceted glass of premium flour;
  • baking powder (2 grams);
  • cocoa (50 grams);
  • 15 gram butter to lubricate the mold.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Combine cocoa and flour. Beat eggs with a mixer with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Stir in flour, baking powder and whisk in gentle, even movements, but without a mixer. Grease the mold with butter, lay out the dough and immediately place in the oven.

Until the end of the biscuit preparation (15-20 minutes), the oven must not be opened. When the time is up, do not take out the biscuit right away, just turn off the oven, open the door and let the biscuit stay in the oven for another 20 minutes so that it cools down smoothly.

The recipe for soaking chocolate cream is very simple: mix 300-400 grams of butter with a glass chocolate condensed milk and 50 grams of melted dark chocolate. Spread it on completely cooled cakes, from which the elements of the ship have already been cut.

The mastic recipe will be more complicated. You will need:

  • 1 faceted glass of boiled cold water;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 25 grams of edible gelatin;
  • 170-180 grams of invert syrup;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • about a kilogram with small powdered sugar;
  • 250-300 grams of regular starch.

Pour half of the cold water over the gelatin.

Combine sugar, a pinch of salt, syrup and the rest of the water, put on low heat, wait for the mixture to boil. Boil the mixture for 7-8 minutes without interfering.

Prepare a mixer and place a container of soaked gelatin next to it. First, pour the gelatin into the mixer bowl, start beating and gradually pour the hot mixture into the gelatin. It cannot be cooled, start pouring in immediately after removing it from the heat.

The mixer speed should be maximum.

Beat the liquid until it transforms into a fluffy white mass, about three times larger.

After the mass is beaten, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the mixer and add powdered sugar in several stages. As a result, the mass should appear elastic and dense. At this stage, dyes are added. Depending on how many mastic colors you need, divide the mass into the necessary parts.

This already painted mass must be isolated from the air by wrapping the containers with cling film, and left in this form for a day at room temperature(you cannot put it in the refrigerator!).

At the end of the day, the mass must be taken out and mixed with starch.

Now you can move on to decorating the cake.

The decoration of such a sweet ship has no restrictions in the sequence or choice of theme. The main thing is that the elements harmoniously complement each other and do not turn into one continuous motley mess. Therefore, it is best to make smooth transitions.

You should always start with the formation of the ship with biscuits. Next, you need to coat the workpiece with the remains of the cream, roll the mastic into a thin layer and wrap the ship with brown mastic, make a wood-like texture, add elements and details, and also design several rows of sails with sticks and paper.

Planning a children's party or a pirate-style party? So, you can't do without a cake! What will it be? Perhaps you fancy the Pirate cake with sails? Or is it a chest filled with treasures? Or a funny pirate face with an earring in the ear and an eye patch? Let's take a look at a few popular ideas that you can bring to life on your own. And at the same time, let's talk about those materials with which you can decorate baked goods.


Convenient to use biscuit. You can easily cut out parts of the desired shape from it and glue them together with cream. It is perfectly soaked in syrups and tastes good with meringues, butter cream, fruits, jelly, chocolate and many other products that can be useful to us in "Pirateskiy" can be baked on the basis of the favorite recipe "Zebra", because a children's dessert should be beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

A great idea - cakes with rich chocolate aroma and taste will make a worthy party to an unusual design. And adding to the dough coconut flakes will take you to the atmosphere of tropical islands that all pirates love so much.

But it is hardly worth experimenting with puff cakes. They are too fragile for our purposes. It is unlikely that "Pirateskiy" will succeed on the basis of the meringue recipe. In short, choose a recipe that produces stable fluffy cakes.

Pirate schooner

Perhaps, this option can be safely given the first position of the top. The cake will become the main dish of your party.

Do not be afraid of its intricate shape. Collecting it is not at all difficult. This is done something like this:

In your work, bamboo sticks-skewers will come in handy, which not only act as masts and flagpoles, but also give additional fixation to the ship's elements. Butter chocolate cream is the best choice for decorating the deck. Although the well-known mastic is also suitable, which will need to be painted brown. It will also come in handy in order to make figurines for a cake, because our schooner is a combat ship, not a ghost ship.

How to make a flag? Everything is very simple. For sails and banners, mastic rolled into a layer or plain paper is suitable. On it, by the way, you can write congratulations to the hero of the occasion.

Pirates' Treasures

An excellent option for those who find the ship too complicated. Still, the laconic shape of the chest is simpler, but such a dessert looks no less expressive. It's really easier to cook it. For this we need rectangular cakes. From them we collect the base of the chest, which we generously coat chocolate cream... With the help of a toothpick, we make many small stripes - so the surface will look like wood. To fill the chest, we will stock up on sweets in the form of gold coins, dragee beads, and pearl confectionery decor. And who said that all pirates value only gold and precious stones? Maybe someone would prefer a chest filled with M&M "s candies? This cake will look just as great!

It remains to cover with a lid and generously coat it with cream. From mastic, tinted yellow, you can build a lock and upholstery of the corners.


The next Pirate cake will appeal to those who do not like mastic. To be honest, it's easy to cook! We need either a syringe with a nozzle. And we will take as a basis any favorite recipe, according to which we will prepare a round cake.

First, apply white, beige, pink or light chocolate cream to the sides and top. We simply level its surface with a silicone spatula. And then, using a pastry bag, squeeze out the cream of a contrasting color to make a bandana. To draw a face, you can get by with a small amount of melted chocolate. From it we will make a bandage on the lost pirate's eye.

Jolly Roger

Another spectacular dessert that does not require its creator to have a diploma from a culinary university is the Pirate Flag cake.

In this case, the culinary specialist's job is solely to create the banner with the "Jolly Roger" and localize it on any cake. Want to maximize your believability? Use black and white mastic. To maximize the effect, before making the flag, practice drawing the skull on paper, and then cut out the details and use them as a pattern.

Do not forget that it is not a registered brand and no one forces you to make it black. You can make it orange, pink, purple. Young pirates will be especially pleased with this design. By the way, how can you not remember the sugar turtles painted with flowers! They fit perfectly into the pirate concept.

Treasure Island Map

An excellent option would be the Pirate cake in the shape of a card. Do not try to repeat on it the outlines of the earthly continents, it is better to come up with something of your own. To make the sea surface, blueberry jelly, diluted twice as strong as the manufacturer recommends in the instructions on the pack, is perfect. And the continents and mountains can be laid out with green or yellow cream.

Imagine and experiment, then the result will surely please you.