What kind of cream is prepared using milk. Egg-free custard - quick and easy recipes

List of recipes in the article:

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Simple milk recipe

To do custard from milk, you will need:

    2 cups milk (or cream)

    1 cup granulated sugar

    2-3 eggs; - 2 tbsp. flour

    50 grams of butter

To prepare the cream, pour in enamel pot heavy-bottomed milk or cream and put on fire. While the milk is heating, grind the eggs with granulated sugar in a bowl until smooth. Then put flour in this mass and stir well so that there are no lumps.

Reduce the heat under the milk to a minimum and take it in half a ladle and pour into the dough, stirring everything thoroughly. After combining 2/3 of the milk with the mass, pour the contents of the bowl into the saucepan with the remaining milk. Do not increase the fire and do not forget to constantly stir the cooking cream so that it does not burn, and the flour is brewed without lumps.

It is preferable to stir the cream not with a spoon, but with a wooden spatula. Because it fits snugly to the bottom of the pan and the line of contact with the spatula is larger compared to the spoon.

If the custard is needed for a cake or pastries, put 50 g of butter, and if for desserts - 20-25 g (or a tablespoon without top) is enough in a glass of cream and a tablespoon with a small top of flour.

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When the custard has thickened to the consistency you want, turn off the heat and put butter... Stir the cream until the butter is completely melted.

After you get a homogeneous fluffy mass, let the cream cool down and only then put the vanillin in it and stir well. Custard without vanillin loses a lot in taste and aroma, although its nutritional value remains unchanged. If vanillin is not available, it can be replaced with lemon or orange zest. You can also grate chocolate into cold custard.

Recipe for dessert "Snowballs" in custard

To prepare a simple, but very delicious dessert with custard you will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp potato starch
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • vanillin

The quantity of products in the "Snowballs in Custard" dessert is calculated for two portions.

Whisk the protein into a stiff froth with 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Boil the milk with the remaining sugar. Then take the whipped egg whites with a teaspoon and dip them in the boiling milk mixture.

Boil the snowballs for no more than a minute, turning once. Make sure they don't stick together. Take out the finished snowballs with a slotted spoon and put them immediately on plates, in vases or bowls.

Then prepare the custard. To do this, grind the yolks with potato starch and dilute with cold milk (about half a tablespoon) to form a gruel.

Bring the milk, in which the snowballs were cooked, to a boil again and, stirring, pour into it a thin stream of yolks with starch. Boil the cream until thick, then cool, add vanillin, stir and pour snowballs.

Snowballs are served cold to the table. They look most impressive in glass glasses or portioned vases.

Find excellent proven milk custard recipes at the Culinary Interests Club site. Try options without eggs and butter, classic English, with chocolate, flour and starch. Surprise your loved ones with an unforgettable cream!

For custard, it is better to choose not too fatty milk and, of course, the most fresh eggs... Such a cream is used to fill cakes, eclairs, pastries and just as an independent dessert. No expensive or rare products are required to create it. And its versatility will be an undoubted advantage.

The five most commonly used ingredients in milk custard recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer with sugar, gradually introducing the right amount flour and vanillin.
2. In a thin stream, stirring continuously with a whisk, pour in egg mixture hot enough, but never boiling milk.
3. Put the future cream on a very low heat and bring to a boil without stopping stirring.
4. As soon as the mass thickens and the first boiling bubbles appear, remove the saucepan from the heat and refrigerate.
5. Add aromatic butter softened and whipped with a mixer into a slightly warm cream.
6. Mix everything thoroughly.

Five quickest recipes for custard cream in milk:

Helpful hints:
... It is very important to keep track of that. That would not form lumps of flour, otherwise it can ruin the whole cream.
... Before cooking, the flour can be fried a little in a dry frying pan. This will give the cream a wonderful light nutty flavor.
... If you add a little turmeric to the cream, then it will acquire a bright yellow tint.
... So that after cooling, a crust does not form on the surface of the cream, it must be stirred from time to time.

Butter cream"Five minutes"

Creamy cream "Pyatiminutka"

... Butter - 250 g ( room temperature)
... Powdered sugar - 200 g
... Milk - 100 ml (I added 150 grams, you can 200, more softer cream turns out to be less bold!)
... Vanillin - 1 packet.

* Boil milk and cool to room temperature.
(I took sterilized milk at room temperature, and did not boil it)
* Connect all components

* Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous, pearlescent color. About 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes only after 5 minutes the cream starts to whisk, so beat until it is whipped)

* The cream turns out to be lush, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma.

Although the cream is buttery, it is not as greasy as butter + condensed milk!
- Perfectly keeps its shape! You can add different dyes and do various decorations(then, after beating, refrigerate the cream).
- Done easily and quickly and from available products!
- Very tasty!

- butter should be at room temperature, slightly soft, elastic when pressed! That is, it should not be very soft ...

The butter must be good, of high quality, otherwise the cream will not churn, the butter will flake off ...

You can add to the cream lemon juice...

If the cream seems thick or greasy to you, you can add more milk and beat again

It is necessary to apply the cream on the biscuit in a thin layer, in moderation, otherwise the taste of the cream will prevail, and it will be too greasy

Store in the refrigerator, but, half an hour before using it, it is better to remove it from the refrigerator so that the cream thaws a little

Creamy cream "Pyatiminutka" chocolate

According to the recipe, it was necessary to add butter, milk, powder and cocoa and beat everything until a homogeneous smooth cream.

So I did just that, I put everything in a cup

And she began to beat. Whipped for 3-4 minutes, but nothing whipped, this is the mass that remained

I thought it was probably because of the cocoa, because I always got it. Therefore, I decided to beat half the norm of the cream without cocoa (normal). And how surprised I was when I got the same picture! The cream does not whip and that's it! But earlier 3-5 minutes were enough!
I decided to whip a little longer ... whipped, whipped, the same picture ... and then again ... and immediately began to thicken! And it turned out to be a great thick, shiny cream!
You just had to be patient, and beat longer.

I decided to check if such a miracle would happen with my chocolate cream.
Again I beat it for a long time, nothing changed, it did not thicken, it remained the same as above in the photo ... and then at one moment ... and it began to thicken!
This is how it turned out

The most accurate and complete description: recipe for milk cream for cake - from the best chefs in a large but informative article compiled from all corners of the web and books.

  • Custard is perhaps one of the most popular custards for layering cakes and pastries. The milk custard recipe has several variations. The most famous are listed below.

    Classic custard with milk

    • milk - 2 stack.;
    • sugar - 1 stack.;
    • eggs - 2 units;
    • flour - 2 tablespoons. l;
    • drain. oil - 50 gr.

    Initially, we set the milk to warm over low heat. We recommend using a container with a thick bottom.

    While the milk is warming up, quickly rub the egg-sugar mass with a whisk. When the mass is well rubbed, sift the flour and grind again until smooth. Flour should not form lumps.

    At this point, the milk will be warm. Gradually add a third of it to the prepared mass, mixing everything well. When you get a homogeneous slurry of a liquid consistency, pour it into the remaining milk and mix. The cream should be brewed until it thickens to the desired consistency for the cake. It is important to stir it constantly, otherwise the cream may burn.

    As soon as the dessert acquires the necessary thickness, turn off the fire and put butter in it. We continue to stir until the piece melts completely and the mass becomes homogeneous. We cool it down.

    On a note. To mix the cream in warming milk, it is recommended to use a spatula instead of a spoon - it will be better to collect the cream from the bottom, preventing it from burning.

    No added eggs

    The egg-free custard is much softer than the classic version.

    For cooking, you need the following amount of products:

    • half stack. Sahara;
    • stack. milk;
    • 3 table. l. flour;
    • 100 gr plums. oils.

    Combine milk with sugar and put on a slow fire, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar.

    As soon as the milk heats up, sift the flour into it and beat a little with a whisk / mixer. We boil the mass to a consistency reminiscent of fatty sour cream. After that, the fire can be turned off and left to cool.

    No video

    When the cream becomes warm, put soft butter in it and beat it with a mixer. The mass will become fluffy and smooth in the process.

    Biscuit custard

    A fluffy, light cream, which perfectly saturates the biscuit, is obtained from the following proportions of products:

    • 120 grams of sugar;
    • 600 gr of milk;
    • 5 g vanilla sugar;
    • 6 egg yolks.

    Beat the yolks with sugar until the mixture turns into a light foam. Pour in milk and beat again. Put everything together on the fire, slowly boil and boil until thickened, stirring constantly.

    The biscuit custard can be chilled for 15-20 minutes and immediately applied to biscuit cakes... Dessert must be allowed to freeze in the refrigerator. It is recommended to leave to soak overnight.

    Vanilla cake layer

    Vanilla cream of a pleasant yellowish shade with vanilla flavor for cake is prepared from the following number of products:

    • 2 stacks milk;
    • 6 eggs. yolk;
    • 100 grams of sugar;
    • 40 grams of starch;
    • 50 gr plums. oils;
    • 6 grams of vanillin.
  • Simple and delicious creams for cakes

    Cream for custard cakes

    440 milliliters of milk
    2 eggs
    1 cup of sugar
    2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
    2 teaspoons butter
    1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

    In a saucepan, mix the eggs with sugar. Then add flour, vanilla sugar and beat until homogeneous mass.
    In a separate bowl, bring the milk to a boil. Then pour the milk in a thin stream into the mixture prepared earlier, while not forgetting to stir. Put the mixture on the fire and cook, stirring, until it thickens. Then cool the mass to room temperature and add softened butter to it. ... Beat a little with a whisk and put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. After the time, the cream is ready. You can fill cakes with it.

    Powdered sugar 500 g Cocoa 1 tbsp.
    Butter 110 g Milk 8 tbsp. l.
    Vanilla extract 2 tsp

    In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar and cocoa and set aside.
    In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter lightly (a few seconds).
    Add little by little the powdered sugar with cocoa and milk, whisking until smooth, then add the butter
    Add vanillin, beat until creamy.

    200-250 granular cottage cheese, fat content 5% and more,
    -250-300 ml. whipping cream, 33% fat and above,
    -70-100 gr. sugar (up to half a glass),
    -10 gr. gelatin,
    -50 ml. water

    We start by soaking the gelatin in cold water. For about half an hour. He stood with me for a couple of hours while we watched TV, it's not scary.
    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix all the cottage cheese with half the sugar. By the amount of sugar, be guided by your taste. For those with a sweet tooth, like me, all 150 gr. put.
    Heat gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved. Stir constantly. After dissolving, cool to room temperature, you can also use a bath. Add to curd and mix well.
    Whip the cream with the rest of the sugar. Add the whipped cream to the curd in a few portions and mix. Ready curd cream I use for making cakes, desserts and as a filling, for example for custard profiteroles, pastries.
    The finished product with such a cream must be refrigerated for several hours for it to set.
    Bon Appetit.

    We peel the lemons (part of the zest can be rubbed on a fine grater and added to the cream for the scent), squeeze the juice from the lemons, mix with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Let's try. Not enough sugar - add.
    Beat the eggs separately (preferably by hand, not with a mixer), filter through a sieve, add lemon juice with sugar. Mix thoroughly again.

    If you do not like the zest or just want absolute uniformity of the cream, then let the cream stand for 20 minutes, and then strain it - then the unnecessary zest can be thrown away, and your cream will be the most delicate.
    Pour the yummy into a saucepan, add oil and cook until thickened, not forgetting to stir. We pour it into jars, tie the bows and enjoy!

    320 g cottage cheese
    175g butter
    90g icing sugar
    65g condensed milk
    1 bag of vanilla sugar
    1 tbsp cognac or dessert wine

    Beat the softened butter with powdered sugar and crushed vanilla sugar until whitening. Add condensed milk in several portions, whisk thoroughly at maximum speed. Add cognac at the end.
    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve into the finished cream.
    Beat. Custard

    - 2 eggs
    - 1 cup of sugar
    - 1 tsp vanilla
    - 1.5 cups of milk
    - 2 tsp melted butter
    - 2 tsp flour

    1. Combine flour and eggs in a saucepan until the lumps disappear.
    2. In another saucepan, boil the milk and sugar, remember to stir.
    3. Pour milk and sugar into the flour mixture in a thin stream, stir vigorously with a spatula.
    4. Put the resulting cream on a low heat, stirring constantly, bring to desolation. Don't bring the cream to a boil.
    5. After that, remove the cream for eclairs from the heat, adding vanilla sugar and butter to it. Stir well and then refrigerate quickly by placing on ice or cold water... Ganache cream

    200 ml cream 30%
    - 200 g of dark chocolate
    - 50 g butter

    This is a classic recipe, but I have it with digressions, because didn’t find 30% cream and 20% didn’t thicken. I had to get out, but I will say that the cream in the end turned out to be just gorgeous.

    Pour the cream into a saucepan and, without boiling, add the chocolate. Stir constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    Throw in the butter, remove from the heat and cool. If the cream is fat, then after the mixture hardens, it is enough just to beat it and it will turn out thick chocolate cream... But this did not happen for me, so I added gelatin and only then the mass froze.
    In consistency, it was sticky for a cake, so I added another 100 g of soft butter and beat.
    Creamy cream in 5 minutes!

    250 g butter at room temperature
    100-150 ml of milk,
    200 g icing sugar
    1 bag of vanillin.

    Boil the milk and cool to room temperature. We connect all the components of the recipe. Beat with a mixer until smooth and beautiful pearlescent color. Whipping time from 3 to 5 minutes. It is best to whisk at a low speed. A harvester and blender won't work. Beat with a mixer or by hand with a whisk.
    Creamy cream - lush, delicate, with a vanilla aroma.
    It remains to grease the waffle cake, cakes, brownies, cakes or roll with cream. Rafaello cream

    coconut flakes 70 grams
    condensed milk 400 grams
    butter 200 grams
    White chocolate 200 grams

    Melt and mix the butter and chocolate. Can be melted over low heat, stirring constantly, so as not to burn.
    Then add condensed milk, mix everything well.
    Then pour into the cream coconut flakes and mix everything well again.
    Ready cream Raffaello shift to glass jar and refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours (preferably overnight).
    If you are going to decorate cakes or cake with this cream, then you can use it right away. And already decorated confectionery let stand and soak in the cream.
    In the morning you will have a ready-to-eat Raffaello cream. This cream goes well with fresh white bread, hot coffee or tea.