Delicious cream with condensed milk and butter. Condensed milk cream - a gentle pleasure

Condensed milk cream is much softer than traditional butter cream whipped with sugar. It is suitable for making cakes, biscuits, waffles and homemade cakes.

Several types of cake cream can be prepared on the basis of condensed milk. Various additives - fruit and berry juice, nuts, honey, chocolate, sour cream - will allow you to arrange the most daring experiments, getting a new taste every time.

A classic of the genre is a cream based on condensed milk and butter... Many housewives love it for its quick and easy preparation.

Creme brulee by. Watch the video!..


What do you need:
1 can of condensed milk
250 g butter room temperature

How to cook classic cream from condensed milk:
1. Cut butter into small cubes and place in a deep saucepan. Turn on the mixer at low speed and use it to whisk the butter into homogeneous mass... This usually takes only five seconds.

2. Gradually add condensed milk. Just don't pour it in at one time. Add milk literally 1-2 tablespoons, no more. The mixer speed can be increased. Continue whisking the cream until it stops sticking to the sides of the pot.

3. Use the received cream immediately, do not store it. It is perfect for making any cake, but it is especially good in combination with biscuits, shortbread and waffle cakes... The cream can be used both for the interlayer and for decorating the cake.


What do you need:
200 g butter at room temperature
0.5 cans of condensed milk
200 g sour cream (preferably sour cream with a high fat content)
300 g walnuts


How to make condensed milk cream with sour cream:

1. Beat the condensed milk with softened butter with a mixer. Add sour cream and whisk again.

2. Chop walnuts and add them to sour cream and condensed milk.

3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This cream is great for biscuit-based cakes.


What do you need:
200 g of condensed milk
1 tbsp. milk
100 g butter
2 tbsp Sahara
2 tbsp flour

How to cook custard with condensed milk:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and flour, stir. After adding flour, lumps may appear, but you should not try to get rid of them, as they will then break with a mixer.

2. Cook the cream over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Do not get carried away with cooking, otherwise the cream may burn.

3. Cool the cream to room temperature, add condensed milk and butter, and then beat everything with a mixer. Optionally add some vanilla for flavor.

4. Try experimenting with additives. Pour a teaspoon of rum, cognac or any liquor into the prepared cream, and it will become much more aromatic and tastier. You can also use fruit essence or vanillin as a flavoring agent.

Now is the time to cook delicious cake Napoleon with your favorite cream!

To make the cake tasty, you need to soak it. delicate cream... For example, a dessert with cream of sour cream and boiled condensed milk will turn out delicious. Read how to cook it in this step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

One of the important elements in cake preparation is the cream, which should be tasty and soak the cakes well. Of the many different types creams, perfectly impregnates the cake with cream of sour cream and boiled condensed milk. The product with it turns out to be delicate and tasty. Moreover, the cream is very easy to prepare. Take sour cream for the cream with a fat content of 25% or more and very well cooled. This will easily beat up and turn into a delicate airy mass.

It is equally important to acquire real condensed milk rather than a mixture of palm fat, milk powder and sugar. Therefore, before buying, carefully look at the packaging: read the composition and find the GOST badge. The taste of the final product depends only on the quality of the ingredients used. Condensed milk should contain no other ingredients besides milk and sugar. Only then will the cake cream be truly delicious.

This recipe cream is prepared from 2 ingredients. But if desired, each housewife can supplement it with other products: butter, cocoa powder, chocolate, nuts, chicory, vanilla. When preparing the cream, it is important to observe the temperature of the products, which should be the same. This will prevent fat stratification, clumping and a homogeneous mass.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 285 kcal.
  • Servings - 600 ml
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes, plus the time for boiling condensed milk


  • Sour cream - 400 ml
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 ml (very thick)
  • Sugar - to taste and as desired

Step-by-step preparation of a cream for a cake made of sour cream and boiled condensed milk, a recipe with a photo:

1. Pour cold sour cream into a bowl for making cream. I draw your attention to the fact that sour cream must be from the refrigerator so that it whips well.

2. Optionally add sugar to sour cream. But, in my opinion, the cream has enough sweetness from condensed milk. Therefore, this supplement is optional, add it at your discretion.

3. Beat the sour cream with a mixer at first at medium speed, gradually increasing the speed. Beat the sour cream for about 7 minutes. During this time, it will double, saturate with oxygen and become airy. Keep in mind that a blender will not allow you to get a fluffy mass. Therefore, only use a regular mixer for whipping.

4. Add to whipped sour cream boiled condensed milk... By the way, you can use raw condensed milk. But then put it a little less, because it has a liquid consistency and the cream can turn out to be very liquid.

5. Continue to beat the cream so that the condensed milk is completely distributed throughout the mass. This process will take you about 2-3 minutes.

6. The cream is ready and can be used as directed. By the way, you can still make of it delicious jelly or jelly cake... To do this, pour the diluted gelatin into the sour cream mass, add fruit and pour into plastic molds or enamel cups.

We are so used to the presence of condensed milk on the shelves of our stores that we sincerely consider it a national product. But it turns out that this product was invented in America, and only then its production was mastered in Russia.

The cooking technology was developed and patented back in 1856 by Gail Borden. His goal was to invent a method for long-term storage of perishable meat, juices, tea.

Condensed condensed milk became especially popular during the Civil War and was supplied to the soldiers of the North.

The popularity of condensed milk is not diminishing in our time; it is often used in baking to make a cream for a cake with condensed milk. I would like to note that such a filling is suitable for any cakes, it can be easily and quickly prepared.

Cream for a cake made from condensed milk turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender if you follow all the rules for its preparation.

Basic recipe for a creamy condensed milk layer

Ingredients: a glass of condensed milk; 250 g of peasant oil; 1/3 teaspoon vanilla sugar

Prepare the interlayer according to the following scheme:

  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance, it should become soft and light for further processing.
  2. Transfer the butter to a bowl and beat until fluffy. Using a whisk, blender or mixer will make the task easier.
  3. Pour in vanilla sugar and start adding the condensed milk a little at a time. Continue whisking until the mixture is smooth and fluffy.
  4. The cream is ready to be smeared on the cakes or to fill the wafer rolls.

Tips from experienced pastry chefs:

  1. Making the cake cream less luscious will help. lemon fresh, just a few drops.
  2. You can enrich the taste by adding a couple of tablespoons of grape or apple juice.
  3. Looking for a fruity touch? Mash a ripe banana and beat the resulting puree along with the condensed milk and the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Experimenting with cocoa powder, coffee, or ground nuts will tell you the best option.
  5. Powdered milk and a little coconut flakes added to the cream will remind you of the taste of the famous bounty delicacy.

In order for the cream to be of good quality and of the correct consistency, take:

0.5 cans of condensed milk; 0.5 cups icing sugar and a pack of low-fat cottage cheese

  • Combine all ingredients, starting with softened butter.
  • As soon as the mass has become airy and homogeneous, turn off the mixer and use the cream as directed.

Required ingredients: ¾ pack of oil; 3 large spoons of cocoa and the same amount of powdered sugar. You will also need 3 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Whisk in soft butter.
  2. Add condensed milk and powdered sugar.
  3. At the end of whipping, add cocoa powder and beat until smooth.

Take: 400 g of fat sour cream; a can of condensed milk; a teaspoon of lemon zest.

  • Beat the lush mass of sour cream and condensed milk with a mixer.
  • Add lemon zest and stir.

This cream goes well with pastries made from any dough. If you add chocolate chips, berries or chopped dried fruits to it, you will get a ready-made dessert that can be packaged in bowls and served to the table.

Ice cream lovers will not be left out either, I recommend them to freeze the cream and use it instead of a store delicacy.

Ingredients that the chef needs to stock up on in advance:

2 yolks; 200 g of condensed milk; oil - one and a half packs; vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

Prepare the cake cream following the instructions:

  1. Soften the butter and beat with a mixer.
  2. Add the condensed milk in portions.
  3. At the end of whipping, pour in one yolk first, then another.
  4. Add vanilla sugar.
  5. The cream is completely ready to use.

There are only two components in the product list:

half a liter of cream and a can of condensed milk. This cream is not as greasy as the previous ones, because instead of butter, you need to take cream.

  • To prepare the interlayer, take a large bowl and pour both ingredients into it.
  • Whisk the mixture until it expands and becomes light.

You need: oil - one pack; a can of boiled condensed milk; cocoa powder, vanilla sugar, nuts if desired.

How to cook:

  1. Cook a can of condensed milk by placing it in a pot of water.
  2. The fire should be of medium intensity, the time should be one hour.
  3. Take out a can of condensed milk, cool it, and only then uncork it.
  4. Whisk the butter with a whisk, add the condensed milk in a spoon.

It remains to enrich the cream with some filler and mix so that it is evenly distributed.

Condensed milk cream is very often smeared with exactly biscuit cakes... It is moderately thick, so it is ideal for this purpose. As you know, a biscuit should be handled as carefully as possible, it should not be turned over again and shaken for nothing.

Using condensed milk cream, you will achieve the integrity of the cake, and at the same time, do not deprive it of its airy texture.

Essential ingredients for making a cream:

oil - one pack; 150 g ground nuts; a can of condensed milk and a small packet of vanilla sugar

Start the cooking process by cutting the chilled butter into cubes and place on a plate.

Leave the product until completely softened, then:

  1. Whisk it until fluffy and bulky.
  2. Reducing the speed, add condensed milk on a spoon.
  3. At the end, add vanilla and crushed nuts (they must first be fried in a dry frying pan), stir one last time.

Condensed milk and wonderful cottage cheese combine together, forming a delicate airy paste. It is only important to get rid of the lumps that may be in the curd, and for this you need to wipe it through a sieve or thoroughly grind it in a blender.

So, you will need the following ingredients:

0.2KG homemade cottage cheese; a glass of condensed milk; flavoring - vanilla sugar

It is very easy to prepare the filling:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. If you want to speed up the process, use the kitchen "helpers" - blender or mixer.
  2. Pour in condensed milk in parts, constantly whisking the cream with a whisk. Don't forget the vanilla sugar, add it at the end.

The cream is ready to use.

The product list consists of:

200 g of boiled condensed milk; oil - half a pack; 200 ml heavy cream... Top up the cream of your choice with vanilla sugar or crushed nuts

Let's start cooking:

  1. Divide the condensed milk in half. Whip one part with cream, the other with butter, which must be softened.
  2. Combine creamy and butter cream in one bowl and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. Add vanilla sugar or nuts.

Delicious cream for boiled condensed milk cake is ready.

Condensed milk cream... Condensed milk cream is a fairly popular type of cream used in the preparation of cakes, pastries, donuts or spring rolls. Such a cream pleases the hostesses not only with its naturalness, but also with its amazing taste!

Condensed milk has been known to man for a long time - it was invented by an American named Gail Borden back in 1856. The savvy man decided that he could keep the milk fresh for as long as possible by boiling it with sugar. Since then, the popularity of condensed milk has gradually begun to gain momentum, and now it is used not only in independent form, but also when preparing a wide variety of dishes. Currently, you can find several types of condensed milk on sale: both classic with sugar or boiled, and with various additives: vanilla, chicory, cocoa or coffee.

For the preparation of creams, classic condensed milk is usually used, which is subsequently combined with the rest of the ingredients in accordance with the recipe. At the same time, you should try to get a real high-quality condensed milk, and not a low-grade surrogate made from powdered milk, sugar and palm fats. In order not to be mistaken in your choice, you should look for the word "GOST" on the packaging or carefully read the composition - in addition to sugar and milk, there should not be any other ingredients in the composition of high-quality condensed milk. A tasty and healthy condensed milk cream can be prepared only from a natural product!

As for the rest of the ingredients of condensed milk cream, they can be very diverse: these are other dairy products, and nuts, and chocolate, and cocoa. It is from these ingredients that the taste of the final product depends.
It is very simple to prepare a cream from condensed milk - all the ingredients are simply mixed well together or whipped. It is only important to make sure that all products have the same temperature - only in this case it will be possible to obtain a homogeneous mass and avoid the formation of lumps or stratification of fats. Various essences, vanillin or aromatic spices are added only at the very end of the preparation of the cream, and if you want to make the taste of the finished cream deeper and give it a charming aroma walnut, you can add a spoonful of brandy to it.

If fruits or berries are used as an addition to the cream, in no case should there be traces of rot or spoilage on them, otherwise the cream will have an extremely unpleasant aftertaste. And condensed milk cream is categorically not suitable for long-term storage, that is, it must be used as quickly as possible. And you should not cook it in an aluminum dish - an enamel or plastic bowl is best suited for this purpose. And if the cream needs to be whipped, it is better to prefer an ordinary mixer to a blender, since it can be extremely problematic to achieve a fluffy mass using a blender.

Tastes of childhood ... What, at times, wonderful rhythm of nostalgia these words echo in the heart. Someone will think of "Napoleon" or "Kievsky", someone will think about the cakes "Medovik" or "Ginger", and the faces of some will light up with a smile from memories of homemade nuts with condensed milk.

Can modest miniature cookies compete with such famous pastry masterpieces? Nuts can, because they were not only a hit of Soviet times along with popular cakes, but they also have something in common - delicious cream with condensed milk. It is his recipe that many hostesses give preference to when planning the preparation of cakes, wafer rolls, cakes, cupcakes, homemade nuts and other products.

If someone is not too fond of desserts with condensed milk, considering them somewhat cloying, having prepared a cream, they will be pleasantly surprised. Custard, in combination with butter or based on cream cheese, the cream turns out to be incredibly light, tender and moderately sweet.

Condensed milk and butter cream

“You can't think of it any easier” - this motto, no doubt, can be attributed to this recipe. Fast process, minimum of products and fabulous taste.


  • Boiled condensed milk - 600 gr
  • Butter - 400 gr

How to make butter cream with condensed milk:

In a simple classic recipe cream for a cake with condensed milk, you can include vanilla (1-2 tsp), liqueur or cognac for flavor (1-2 tbsp)

Custard with condensed milk

Compared to butter, custard is one step higher in complexity. However, its taste is more delicate and light, which is ideal for almost any product.

By the way, about the products: while experimenting with desserts, the hostesses found an interesting and tasty way- use the recipe for condensed milk custard in the preparation of filling for honey biscuits.


  • Boiled condensed milk - 400 gr (1 can)
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Butter - 70 gr
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (1 tablespoon)


In order to properly prepare a custard with condensed milk, it is important to bring the egg-milk mass to the desired thickness during cooking. If it is liquid enough, similar to jelly, after adding oil and condensed milk, many small grains can form in the cream, which will make it difficult to beat it. In order to eliminate the risk of burning, it is recommended to brew the cream in a water bath, but in this case it will thicken in 10-15 minutes.

Before using the cream, for more exquisite taste, often the cakes are coated with canned pineapple juice.

Cream with condensed milk and Mascarpone cheese

Those who are familiar with the taste of Tiramisu will surely agree that the famous Italian Mascarpone is an ideal component of desserts. The taste of the cream from this cheese, condensed milk and cream is beyond praise. In case there is no Mascaropne in the store, any other will do. cream cheese like Philadelphia.


  • Cream 33-35% - 450 ml
  • Mascarpone - 400 gr
  • Condensed milk (boiled or regular) - 400 gr

How to make a cream from condensed milk and Mascarpone:

Due to heavy cream ready-made cream it turns out to be light, airy and perfectly keeps its shape. But, if you need an even more lush mass, you can whip the cream to a soft peak in a separate container, then gently combine with cheese, condensed milk and mix with folding movements.

These recipes for condensed milk cream are considered the main and most successful ones: the cooking process is simple, and the taste is amazing. You can diversify the fillings with flavored additives, nuts, berries or fruits.