Custard for honey cake with condensed milk is delicious. Custard for honey cake - a step by step recipe with a photo on

It seems to everyone that making custard is very difficult. But this is not true, since this is one of the simplest types of impregnation. Of course, you have to stand by the stove to stir it constantly, but the custard flavor is best complemented by many cakes. The main thing is that this cream is a universal impregnation for dry cakes, therefore honey cakes from many layers are impregnated with this sweet light mass.

Delicate taste of childhood

As a child, I remember that many did not make custard. And this was not due to a lack of food, but for the simple reason that they did not think to put a saucepan with impregnation on water bath... So the mass hardly burns and it is not required for a long time to wipe the saucepan from the burnt milk. But the most wonderful cake, soaked in custard and garnished with fresh berries.

Honey cakes were also decorated with berries, since there were no mastic decorations yet, and the mastic itself was also not available. And the hostesses did not know that it is possible to make wonderful mastic from all available marshmallows at home.

A cake with honey and custard is not only the taste of childhood, but also the touch of mother's tender hands, the first home economics lessons in a small kitchen and the first praise for a novice hostess.

Honey cake with custard is a recipe that many remember from an early age, each piece is so saturated with the most delicate cream that it melts in your mouth and even the most a big cake light as fluff.

You don't even notice how piece by piece disappears, especially if the cake is immediately sliced.

How to properly prepare this fabulous gustatory delight so that no family member remains indifferent to the cake.

Honey cake recipe with light as fluff cream

To prepare correct dough and the cream will have to boil this and that on a steam bath, then it will turn out classic cake with honey and custard.

What is required for the taste of the Honey cake with custard, familiar from an early age:
  • Sugar sand - 1 glass;
  • Chicken eggs (best selected) - 2 pcs.;
  • Natural flower honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sifted flour - 2 glasses;
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
And for the cream:
  • Granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sifted flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Milk - 3 glasses;
  • Butter - 200 gr.
The dough will not have to be cooked too long, the main thing is to do it right.

Recipe Cake "Honey cake with custard":

The recipe immediately says that you need to make a steam bath, and only when the water boils, put the oil in the dish that is on top. It will immediately begin to melt, as the top saucepan also warmed up when the water boiled.

After the butter has melted, add all the remaining ingredients except the flour. This mixture should be boiled for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the sifted flour and mix well. Constantly stirring with a spatula or spoon, hold the dough for another 5 minutes on a steam bath and remove from heat.

We spread the dough on a table dusted with flour, and knead with your hands until it stops sticking to your palms. Next, we divide into 7 equal parts and set the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. While the oven is warming up, it is necessary to roll out all seven cakes. Each layer should be larger than the template you will use to cut the cakes.

Previously, the recipe contained the phrase that you need to bake on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. But now you can use baking paper. The easiest way is to roll out all the cakes at once on this parchment.

When all the pieces are rolled out into layers, start baking light, like fluff cakes. Each piece will take no more than five minutes in the oven. Each layer must, immediately after removing from the oven, cut according to the template and fold into a cup.

When the last layer is ready, collect all the scraps, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for another 7 minutes so that they dry better.

Let's leave the cakes to cool, and at this time we will deal with the cream.

The recipe and cooking method are also familiar to everyone from school, but it's worth repeating and telling how to make a delicious custard correctly.

This type of impregnation can be prepared both in a steam bath and simply on a burner. If you decide that a bath is better, then you will need two deep pots, one of which is 10 centimeters higher than the other.

But let's try the recipe without a bath, as it is much faster.

Break eggs into a saucepan, add sugar and beat well. Then add flour and beat again. Pour out a third of the milk and put on fire. It is necessary to stir constantly, since tearing off the burnt milk from the bottom of the saucepan is not a very pleasant task. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, immediately pour out the remaining milk and cook until the next boil.

Stir the cream constantly, but as soon as you see bubbles, then remove the pan from the heat and put the oil in it. Stir thoroughly until the butter has dispersed, after which the cream is ready for further cake preparation.

If you make a cream in a bath, then it will definitely not burn, only this action will take much longer.

Now we coat each cake with cream, put the next one on top and repeat the operation until the honey cake runs out. When the cake is completely assembled, it is necessary to coat it with cream on all sides. Grind the cooked scraps into crumbs and sprinkle them on the cake.

So much for your cake, each piece of which is as weightless as fluff. We put this culinary splendor in the refrigerator for 3 hours and after this time we invite the whole family to the table.

You will not have time to notice how the children will sweep everything off the plates and, with innocent eyes, ask you to cut off another piece, only a little more.

Enjoy delicious cake with honey and custard.

Honey cake (honey cake, "Ryzhik" or " Honey fluff”) With custard is an exquisite variation on the theme of your favorite dessert. In the original, it is prepared using sour cream. Unlike the classic honey cake recipe, with custard, the dessert comes out lighter, less cloying and as airy as possible.

Selection of ingredients

To get the most delicious and simple honey cake at home, you need to be very careful about the recipe. Especially, to its first stage - the selection of the constituent ingredients.

Honey.It is this ingredient that is the key to a successful result. The best honey cake is one that is made using a natural and mature bee product. It is best to buy this not in mass markets, but from beekeepers directly. A characteristic fragrant aroma, a dense (not watery) structure and a tickling sensation, which leaves a treat in the throat, will help to determine high-quality honey. As for the choice of the variety, buckwheat honey is considered the most suitable for cooking - it will give baked goods a pleasant smell and golden crust as in the photo of the home honey cake.

Topic article: "No" to heating or What can be made from honey?

Flour. The best solution would be Wheat flour... Pay attention to the product top grade(some manufacturers designate such as “extra”) - it guarantees the maximum airiness of the honey cake dough. It is also worth buying only those products that are packed in paper bags. Since polyethylene does not allow air to pass through, there are high chances of getting rotting flour with a musty smell. Before starting the cooking process, the product should be sieved through a sieve.

Eggs. We will need this ingredient to prepare both the dough and the cream of the honey cake. Therefore, it is best to purchase homemade eggs. They must also be fresh. This can be determined by some characteristics: a dull shell, a fairly heavy weight (corresponding to the size) and the absence of gurgling when shaking.

Milk. It is believed that the fatter the milk, the more delicious the cream will be. Therefore, most housewives prefer a product marked 3.2%, and some even prefer cream with a 10-15% fat content. However, the choice of this ingredient also affects the calorie content of the honey cake, so you need to get your priorities right.

Butter. Naturalness is the main criterion for choosing any of the ingredients. It is no less important for butter. If you have the opportunity to purchase a home product - do it without hesitation. If not, pay attention to the label of the oil in the store: its shelf life should not exceed 75 days, the composition does not contain the marks "hydrogenated" or "margarine", and the price is not lower than the market average. By the way, the optimal fat content for making the most delicious honey cake (honey cake) is at least 80%.

Related article:Homemade desserts with honey whipped up

You can buy honey directly from our "Sviy honey" apiary:

Step-by-step custard cake recipe

Let's go directly to the preparation of honey cake step by step. For your convenience, we have divided the entire recipe into separate categories - preparation of cakes, cream, as well as their direct connection and baking.

Honey cake cakes: recipe with photo

In the first step, we need to prepare the honey cake dough. Recipe with step by step photo will help you understand all the intricacies of this process.


  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • flour - 500 g
  • honey - 150 g
  • sugar - 200 g
  • butter- 100 g
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon

All types of honey cakes start with the same thing: beat the eggs into a separate container, add sugar to them and beat with a mixer or blender until an air mass is obtained white... When it is ready, add honey, butter and soda, previously “quenched” with vinegar.

The classic honey cake recipe is in a water bath, therefore, in parallel, it is necessary to prepare everything necessary for the process. Take a deep saucepan, fill it ⅓ with water and bring to a boil. Put the container with the dough in a steam bath, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour and stir vigorously for 15 minutes. The readiness of the mass will be hinted to you by its increased volume (approximately 2 times).

Knead the resulting dough with the rest of the flour. If it is not enough (it seems to you that the mass is still too sticky), then you can add up to 100-150 grams of the product.

Divide the dough into 6-8 separate balls, wrap them in plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. They will need to be removed about 10 minutes before rolling out.

Topic article: Calorie content of honey: counting together!

Custard for honey cake: recipe with photo

While the dough is “resting”, let's move on to making a custard for a honey cake. A recipe with a photo at home will simplify this process as much as possible for you.


  • milk - 0.5 l
  • sugar - 200 g
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • flour - 100 g
  • butter - 30 g
  • vanillin - to taste
  • walnuts- taste

Mix eggs and sugar by whisking with a mixer or blender until you get homogeneous mass... Finally, add flour, vanillin and mix thoroughly again. If desired, the homemade yummy honey custard cake can also be “seasoned” with lemon or orange zest.

Dissolve the resulting mass in a small amount of cold milk. Pour the rest into a separate saucepan and bring to a boil. Gradually introduce the future cream into hot milk, stirring constantly. Brew until a characteristic thick consistency is obtained, reminiscent of thick sour cream. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and add butter.

How to bake a honey cake in the oven?

It's time to roll out the cakes. To do this, distribute a small amount of flour over the kitchen surface and lay out the previously prepared balls of dough. Then roll them out with a rolling pin onto round cakes about 0.5-1 cm thick.

Put a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. If you do not have it, be sure to grease the surface with butter. In parallel, preheat the oven to a temperature of +180 degrees. When this happens, place the dough on a baking sheet and bake for 3-5 minutes. A golden crust will tell you about the readiness of the dough.

Interesting fact: To give the cakes a perfectly round shape, any irregularities can be removed with a knife. But do not throw away the leftovers of the dough - they will be useful to you to create a sweet “crumb”, which you can sprinkle on the finished dessert.

Roll out and bake all other balls of dough using the same principle. As a result, you should have a stack of cakes. It is recommended to cool them separately from each other.

The next step is to grease the cakes with cream. To do this, it is necessary to evenly distribute it over a certain number of tiers and generously lubricate each of them. To finish, you can add cream to the whole quick honey cake. If desired, also decorate with the same "crumb" from the remains of the dough or chopped walnuts.

Please note: before making a honey cake, the recipe involves soaking the cakes. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the finished dessert in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours.

How to make honey cake tastier: pastry chef's secrets

An easy honey cake recipe doesn't mean delicious. Therefore, we have made for you a selection of several professional secrets confectioners who will make the dessert as appetizing as possible.

Council number 1. Use liquid honey to prepare the dough. This will give the cakes maximum uniformity. If the product has already crystallized, it is worth melting it in a water bath. At the same time, make sure that the temperature does not exceed +40 degrees, otherwise everything beneficial features product will be lost.

Council number 2. Homemade Honey Cake Recipe Involves Eggs room temperature- for this, it is recommended to put them out of the refrigerator in advance. The same goes for butter.

Council number 3. To ready cake turned out to be soft and tender, distribute a small amount of cream over the dish on which you put the bottom cake.

Video "Honey Custard Cake"


Wikipedia: Bee Honey

Honey cake is an amazing delicacy that even people with a neutral attitude to sweets can hardly abstain from. Having prepared such a dessert for a festive event, you will delight your family and guests. To make the cake really tasty, you need to know a lot of tricks and, perhaps, the most important of them is honey cream. He should make the dish special, because otherwise the dessert will turn out to be incomplete, and you will not get the expected pleasure. If you want to learn this, heed the advice of modern housewives!

Condensed milk cream

Condensed milk is a traditional base for honey cream. Yes, this sweet product breaks all the rules diet food, but if you are trying for those who are not threatened with problems of excess weight, you can safely start experimenting. If you feel that you are lacking in experience in this aspect of culinary art, try to master first basic recipes... Over time, when your ideas and fantasies appear, you can add new components and change the cooking scheme.


The recipe for a traditional cream for honey cake will be relevant at all times. Neither adult nor child can refuse dessert with this sweet dressing. As for the cooking process, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. From the products you will need:

  • condensed milk - 400 ml (1 can);
  • butter at room temperature (preferably natural) - 260-280 g;
  • vanilla sugar- 3-4 g.

Cooking condensed milk cake cream with butter:

  1. Put the butter, cut into several pieces, into a bowl.
  2. Add condensed milk, add vanilla sugar.
  3. Using a blender, beat until a dense, homogeneous consistency is obtained, making sure that the cream does not exfoliate.
  4. We use it to soak the cake for several hours.

Without oil

This cream recipe for honey cake will help to significantly reduce the calorie content of the dessert. From the ingredients you will need:

  • fresh skim cheese- 220-240 g;
  • condensed milk - 220-240 g;
  • icing sugar - 120-140 g.

Cooking a cream with condensed milk for a honey cake without oil:

  1. Place the curd in a metal bowl, knead it with your hands.
  2. Add condensed milk, add powdered sugar.
  3. Using a mixer or blender, beat until fluffy, homogeneous. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes in a cool place.

With boiled condensed milk

The main advantage of boiled condensed milk is its simplicity. What does it mean? And the fact that the cream with boiled condensed milk is almost impossible to spoil. In addition, this product is noticeably different in taste. If you make cakes a lot, use this feature to add variety. To prepare such a cream for a honey cake, you will need:

  • boiled condensed milk;
  • butter - 220-240 g;
  • ordinary condensed milk - 80-150 g (you will add this ingredient at your discretion to obtain the required consistency);
  • vanillin - 5-7 g;
  • cognac - 30 ml.

The process of making a cream for a honey cake with boiled condensed milk:

  1. A few hours before the immediate start of the preparation of the cream, put butter and condensed milk (boiled and ordinary) on the table so that their temperatures become the same.
  2. Move boiled condensed milk into a large ceramic or metal dish.
  3. Add butter, cut into several pieces.
  4. Stir lightly with a fork or spoon.
  5. Add vanillin and cognac.
  6. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.
  7. By gradually adding ordinary condensed milk and continuing to beat, bring the mass to the required consistency.
  8. Let the cream stand in a warm place for about a quarter of an hour before applying to the cakes to soften it.

Sour cream for honey cake

Housewives, who have sufficiently mastered the recipes with the participation of condensed milk, begin to use sour cream for cream. This product is more suitable for healthy eating and, if used correctly, makes the taste of the dessert unforgettable. In addition, sour cream creams are affordable and easy to prepare, requiring no outstanding culinary skills, no special equipment, or expensive ingredients.


At first glance, this recipe is extremely simple. This conclusion suggests itself if only because it requires minimal set ingredients. Nevertheless, only a few manage to get the desired result from the first attempt. So, to prepare a classic honey cake cream, you will need:

  • fresh natural sour cream with a high percentage of fat content - 520-540 g;
  • granulated sugar or powder - 260-280 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 5-6 g.

Sour cream filling for honey cake - step-by-step instruction cooking:

  1. We spread the chilled sour cream in a metal or ceramic container.
  2. Add sugar (sand or powder - at your discretion).
  3. Pour in vanillin.
  4. Mix the contents of the bowl lightly with a spoon.
  5. We start the mixer at maximum speed and beat the cream for 3-4 minutes. The consistency of the mass should be lush and thick.

With milk

Milk sour cream for a honey cake is not only tasty, but also healthy! If done correctly, it is quite suitable for applying patterns and attaching sweet jewelry. For cooking you will need following ingredients:

  • milk - 100-130 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 70-80 g;
  • gelatin - 5-6 g;
  • sour cream (30% fat) - 220-240 ml;
  • vanillin - 5-6 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour instant gelatin into a small metal bowl, pour chilled milk over it, stir and leave on the table until it swells.
  2. Stir the resulting mixture, place the bowl on a burner with a minimum heat. Stir constantly, bring to a boil, and then cool.
  3. While the contents of the container, removed from the stove, will cool down, you need to take a separate saucepan and mix sour cream with vanilla and powdered sugar in it.
  4. Stirring constantly, gradually pour the milk with gelatin into a container with the sugar-sour cream mass.
  5. Beat the almost finished mixture with a whisk or mixer.

With butter

Another terrific recipe for honey decorating cream. The butter and sour cream filling will keep its shape well, while maintaining splendor and lightness. To prepare it, you will need:

  • sour cream - 240-260 ml;
  • butter - 240-260 ml;
  • icing sugar - 240-260 ml.

For this recipe, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions, so you can adjust the amount as you like. Let's move on to cooking. The procedure is as follows:

  1. We put the food out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature.
  2. Using a spoon, mix the butter with sour cream.
  3. Add powdered sugar.
  4. Using a mixer, beat the cream until a thick and fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. At the final stage, you can add cognac, vanillin, liqueur or other flavoring.

With cottage cheese

What could be healthier than a mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream? If we are talking about cake cream, then probably nothing. To prepare such a dressing, you will need:

  • sour cream (fat content - 30%) - 500-550 ml;
  • sugar - 220-240 g;
  • cottage cheese - 500-550 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, place it in any convenient container.
  2. Add sour cream, stir with a spoon.
  3. Beat, gradually adding sugar.

Honey cake custard

No sweet tooth in the world can say no if you offer home honey cake with custard. Want to surprise your guests at a festive event? Take note of this! There is nothing difficult here, so cast aside doubts and go for it! To get your dessert approved, you just need to maintain the proportions of the ingredients, beat the cream correctly and soak the cakes evenly with it.

On yolks

According to confectioners, such an impregnation is ideal for thin puff cakes... The taste of this cream is reminiscent of creme brulee. To prepare it, you will need the following:

  • yolks chicken eggs- 9 pcs.;
  • milk - 1800-2000 ml;
  • sugar (sand or powder) - 420-440 g;
  • vanillin - 30-35 g;
  • butter (the recommended percentage of fat is 82.5) - 180-220 g;
  • wheat flour - 110-130 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove all chilled food from the refrigerator to warm up.
  2. Transfer the yolks to a 3-3.5 L saucepan, add sugar, vanillin and 50 ml of milk. Stir with a fork.
  3. Add sifted flour and another 50 ml of milk. Stir again. The consistency will resemble liquid sour cream.
  4. Top up the remaining milk, place the saucepan on a medium-high heat burner.
  5. Stir constantly and make sure that it does not burn, bring the mass to a boil. Reduce heat to low and continue stirring. Over time, the cream will thicken and acquire the required consistency.
  6. Remove the cream from the stove, put in 30-40 g of butter, cover the pan with a lid. Wait until the mass has cooled to room temperature.
  7. In a new large container, beat the butter at room temperature using a whisk or mixer. You should get a lush mass.
  8. Beat the cooled cream until it becomes smooth and thick.
  9. Gradually shifting the custard to the butter, beat the mass with a mixer.

With starch

The most simple recipe, with which even the most inexperienced culinary specialist will not have difficulties. Home cake a honey cake, seasoned with custard with starch, will cause indescribable delight in everyone who happens to taste it. To prepare such an impregnation, you will need:

  • sugar - 340-360 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 110-130 g;
  • cow's milk - 800-850 ml;
  • vanillin - 7-8 g;

Cooking process:

  1. Combine sugar, starch and egg in a small saucepan.
  2. Grind to get a dry, even mass.
  3. Add warm milk, place on a medium-high heat burner.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from stove.
  5. Beat butter in a separate container.
  6. Add slightly cooled cream and vanillin to it.
  7. Beat until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

Semolina cream for honey cake

Not all housewives know about the existence of sweet creams for semolina cakes. It is quite possible that up to this very minute you were one of them. Be that as it may, everyone who had a chance to taste this delicacy was absolutely delighted! If you like to present culinary surprises to your loved ones, write down a couple of recipes for yourself semolina cream.


The original cream on semolina will certainly appeal to lovers of sweets. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 420-440 ml;
  • semolina - 80-90 g;
  • sugar - 50-60 g;
  • butter - 110-130 g;
  • vanillin - 5-6 g;
  • gelatin - 4-5 g;
  • chicken egg yolks - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine vanillin, sugar and semolina.
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan with a volume of 2-2.5 liters, bring to a boil, add a mixture of vanillin, sugar and semolina, stirring constantly. After a few minutes, the cereal will be cooked.
  3. When the semolina has cooled slightly, add the chicken yolks and butter to it, then stir gently with a fork.
  4. Pour in the gelatin and beat the cream well with a mixer. The mass should be fluffy and uniform.


Taste lemon cream to honey cake will radically change your idea of ​​the variety of homemade desserts. This dressing looks so tempting that you'll want to eat it long before you start making the cake. The recipe for its preparation exactly repeats the scheme described above ( butter cream on semolina), only at the final stage, instead of gelatin, it uses the juice of one lemon.

Video: how to make honey cake cream

By watching the short videos attached below, you will learn about the many intricacies of making cake dressing and see how it is done in practice. Experienced chefs will reveal several secrets of confectionery skills. Listen to these recommendations and quickly learn how to make a honey cake with sour cream, creamy soak, and more.

Custard on yolks

With boiled condensed milk


Sour cream with condensed milk

Honey cake

There is nothing complicated about making a custard for a Honey cake. I will tell you how simple and easy it is to prepare delicious cream for Medovik and several

15 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Many people like the Honey cake because of its honey aroma and soft, delicate cakes. The tenderness of the Honey cake directly depends on the cream with which the cakes are soaked. There are a lot of cream options. It is protein, butter, sour cream, custard, cream, condensed milk. I will share with you the recipes for two classic creams for the Medovik, which my mother taught me to cook. We will learn to cook sour cream and custard... Perhaps they will be useful to you for cooking. And also I will share with you some tips that I hope you will take into your culinary piggy bank.

Delicious sour cream for honey cake

We will need:

Sour cream0.5KG
Sugar1 tbsp.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer and a bowl in which we will prepare the cream.

You can add vanillin to the cream. I often put grated lemon zest and squeeze some juice out of the lemon. It turns out very tasty and aromatic.

The composition of sour cream contains many vitamins, trace elements such as zinc, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. As well as organic acids, including beta-carotene and biotin. And its high calcium content makes it very useful product for the skeletal system.

Also, sour cream helps to restore strength and is a good antidepressant!

Other options

If you need a more liquid cream, put it in sour cream instead of sugar condensed milk(1 glass). It can be used by preparing the “Honey cake with condensed milk with a photo”. 2 or 3 tablespoons can be added (no slide) cocoa powder or instant coffee.

This cream can be used in a recipe.

Honey cake custard

Custard very widely used in confectionery... They grease cake cakes, pancakes, fill eclairs and tubes.
Here I will tell you how simple and easy it is to make custard and present several variations of it.

We need:

  • milk - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: two pots (for milk and cream), a whisk and a mixer.

Other custard options

Butter custard

For cooking we need:

  • milk - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 grams;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

To make butter custard, you need a ready-made and chilled cream prepared according to classic recipe, add soft butter. Mix well with a whisk or mixer. Everything!

For those with a sweet tooth, the chocolate custard may be a hit.
For this we need:

  • milk - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.
  • cocoa powder - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chocolate (bitter) - half a bar;

Delicious honey cake is baked in many countries of the world. Its most popular version is a thick honey cake, which is traditionally cooked in Jewish style. New Year... Foreign honeymen are rarely made from a large number of cakes, and very rarely they prepare a cream for them. Great amount variations of creams for honey cake - the merit exclusively of our inventive housewives.

Almost every family has their own recipe for soaking crispy biscuits with honey. Each cream makes the honey cake special. Sour cream, thanks to the light sourness that is invariably present in store sour cream, emphasizes and enhances the delicate honey taste of the cake.Fatter versions of it allow you to preserve the crunchiness of the biscuits, liquid ones - they perfectly soak the dough, making the cake soft and moist.

Custard with butter is in perfect harmony with honey cake, adds butteriness and creamy aroma. The cream with condensed milk enhances the sweetness and makes the taste unusually bright and rich.

Depending on the amount of sugar, the fat content of the ingredients, the length of boiling or whipping, creams, and with them the cakes, turn out to be surprisingly diverse. Let's first talk about sour cream, the preparation of which is easy and the taste is tender.

Sour cream

Immediately it is necessary to stipulate that for the preparation of sour cream, only high-quality and the freshest "today's" sour cream is required. These creams are not exposed heat treatment, which means that the result and safety will depend on the quality of the main component. The simplest version of sour cream is mixing sour cream with sugar or powdered sugar with a mixer, blender or whisk.

  • 500 ml sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar

It all depends on how sweet the honey cakes are according to your recipe, and what kind of sweetness you want to achieve in the end.

Another sour cream

Another recipe for sour cream, as a result of which the creams are slightly more saturated, greasy and standing, is based on preliminary "weighing" of sour cream.

The proportions can be as follows:

  • 400 ml sour cream,
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • vanillin on the tip tsp
  1. A few hours before the preparation of the cake (3-4 hours, or the whole night!), Sour cream is filtered through cheesecloth or a thin clean towel. To do this, put gauze folded in several layers in a colander, spread sour cream on it. To prevent the product from spoiling, it is better to put this structure in the refrigerator. Hanging cheesecloth and sour cream over the sink will speed up the process.
  2. Serum is released from the sour cream, which flows through cheesecloth. Sour cream becomes thicker, denser, creamy.
  3. You can take sour cream of any fat content, but remember that there will be more whey out of 15% sour cream. Consequently, less product remains for the preparation of the cream.
  4. Then add sugar to the sour cream and beat at high speed for about 15-20 minutes. The mass will increase in volume, acquire density and airiness.
  5. This cream variant is ideal for incomplete impregnation honey cakes and for the effective decoration of cakes.

A few drops lemon juice will give sour cream piquancy, walnuts or almonds- sophistication (and calorie content!).

Custard is a harmonious component of honey cake

Custards are great for honey cake. Depending on the amount of butter or cream, they are more or less fatty, which, of course, affects the taste and degree of impregnation of honey cakes.

There are a few things to consider when making a custard.

  • When boiling cream, in order to avoid sticking it to the bottom of the pan, you need to use dishes with a thick bottom and stir continuously.
  • You will also have to stir when cooling the cream, otherwise a dense film will form on its surface.
  • Cool custards to 10 degrees (first in the air, then in the refrigerator)

1 recipe for a custard that goes well with the delicate taste of honey cakes


  • 1 cup milk (cream can be used)
  • 1 egg
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tsp flour or starch.

Sift flour through a sieve, beat in an egg and stir until the lumps dissolve. Add ¼ milk, stir again.

Stir in sugar and boil the rest of the milk. Brew the egg and flour mass with sweet boiling milk. Pour milk in a thin stream and stir constantly. The resulting mixture must be put on a low heat, keep until the mass thickens (do not boil!) To avoid burning, stir constantly.

After the cream has cooled, it can be whipped with butter.

2 recipe. Flourless custard with extra tenderness

The recipe is simple enough.

  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g butter

Boil and cool the milk. Beat eggs with sugar, add milk. Mix gently. Boil the resulting mixture for 2 minutes. Allow to cool. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. Beat the butter with a mixer or blender, gradually adding the egg-milk mass. Before you grease the cakes, the sweet mass must be cooled.

Favorite Condensed Milk Cream

Delicious, rich, delicate cream with condensed milk goes well with honey biscuit or cakes. In terms of the cooking method, it is similar to custard.


  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Condensed milk - 200g. It is also very tasty with boiled condensed milk!)
  • Vanilla.

Sift flour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, milk and stir. Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat until thickened, stirring continuously.

Cool the resulting mass. Prepare softened butter. Now we proceed to the most crucial stage - combining the components and whipping the cream. Combine the cooked mass with condensed milk, and beat with softened butter. (The sweet mixture should be added to the butter in small portions)

Add vanilla to the flavor if desired.

Amazing semolina cream

A delicious recipe for semolina cream will come in handy for mothers of babies and gourmet wives.

You will need:

  • 1 l. milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina
  • 600 g softened butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • A pinch of salt

Lightly salt and boil milk, add semolina and cook for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with a little sugar to avoid foam. Cool down. Beat the butter and sugar thoroughly, adding 1 tablespoon of cooled semolina to the oil mixture. Lemon peel in a cream will perfectly complement the taste of honey cake.