International Beer Day: history of the holiday when celebrated. International beer day international beer day

International Beer Day, celebrated every year around the world, falls on August 3 in 2018. Despite the fact that the holiday has not been officially confirmed, this does not prevent beer lovers and producers from organizing an annual celebration on the first Friday of the last summer month.

The history and traditions of this unusual celebration, which, moreover, is one of the few that has received worldwide recognition, will be interesting for many to know.

Beer Day, unofficially celebrated around the world every summer on the first Friday of August, this year will be celebrated on 3 August. The celebration was founded by American Jess Avshalomov, the owner of the bar, who wants to raise the popularity of his establishment in this way.

The place where in 2007 the celebration took place for the first time is the American city of Santa Cruz, located in the state of California. Its original date, August 5, was unchanged for several years, however, having gained geographical distribution, the holiday lost its connection to a certain date, and since 2012 a new tradition has appeared - the first Friday of August became its day. Such changes made sense, because after such festivities it is sometimes difficult to go to work the next day, and postponing the celebration to Friday allows people to recover their health over the weekend.

After 2012, the celebration took on an international scale and was held in fifty countries. People gathered in a cheerful company for a glass of beer, raising it for those who invented and still prepares this drink.

Today the beer festival is celebrated by many European countries, as well as Asia, Africa, South and North America. In Russia, however, he has not yet received much fame, despite the popularity of beer among the residents of the country.

How and when the Beer Day drink was opened

The invention of beer goes back centuries. Its author, as well as the day when it was first brewed, remain unknown. Archaeological discoveries indicate that the ancient Egyptians knew how to brew this drink in the 3rd century BC. In other words, it could have been created at an earlier period of time.

According to some observations, beer appeared when people began to grow crops. Some historians have even suggested that the purpose of wheat cultivation was not at all to bake. flour products, specifically brewing beer.

The old beer composition has undergone significant changes over the years. Hops and malt were added to the drink. Modern beer is similar to how it was brewed in the 13th century, when hops were used as an additive.

Breweries began to be built in European countries. The brewers carefully kept family recipes secret from strangers, passing them on only to their children and grandchildren. Viking country - Iceland is considered to be the ancestor of drinking feasts dedicated to beer. Later, the tradition was taken up by other countries. Now the meaning of this holiday is to express gratitude and congratulations while enjoying beer in the company of friends, thanks to whom there is an opportunity to drink it today.

Beer Day Traditions

Today the unofficial beer festival has acquired the same unofficial tradition. Since the Day of Beer has gained worldwide popularity, in the process of celebrating, in addition to national varieties, it is supposed to taste beer from foreign manufacturers. This is how unity is expressed and friendly attitude to foreign "associates".

Another interesting tradition appeared in the English city of Great Harwood, where unusual competitions between men take place. During the 5 mile race, competitors are required to have a beer at 14 bars along the way. The peculiarity is that the runners must carry baby carriages. The winner will be the first to come to the finish line and not overturn the stroller along the way.

The most famous beer festivals in September are held by Germany, Denver (USA), Brussels, and London in August.

International Beer Day is an annual unofficial holiday that takes place on the first Friday of August. The founder is the owner of the bar Jesse Avshalomov, who chose the beginning of August due to the summer weather and remoteness from other beer festivals.

The first day of beer took place in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California, USA. By 2011, it had developed from a local festival to international holiday, celebrated in 138 cities of 23 countries, by 2012 the holiday was celebrated in 207 cities of 50 countries on 5 continents.

But in our country it is still not very famous, although beer in Russia has always been popular. As already mentioned, beer is a very ancient drink. According to archaeological finds, beer in Ancient Egypt was already brewed for sure in the 3rd century BC, that is, it can trace its history from more ancient times. A number of researchers associate its appearance with the beginning of human cultivation of grain crops - 9000 years BC.

By the way, there is an opinion that wheat was initially cultivated not for baking bread, but for making beer. And, unfortunately, the name of the person who came up with the recipe for the preparation of this drink is not known either. Although, of course, the composition of the "ancient" beer was different from the modern one, which includes malt and hops. Beer, roughly as we know it today, appeared around the 13th century. It was then that hops began to be added to it. Breweries began to appear in Iceland, Germany, England and other European countries, and each had its own secrets of making this drink. Beer was brewed according to different family recipes, which were passed from father to son and were kept in the strictest confidence. It is believed that the tradition of hosting a wild beer celebration came from Iceland, the homeland of the Vikings. And then these traditions were picked up in other countries.

Declared goals international day beer:

Get together with friends and enjoy the taste of beer.

Congratulate those responsible for making and serving beer.

Unite the world under the banner of beer, celebrating this day by all nations on one day.

On the day of the holiday, its participants treat each other with beer, and also, due to the "internationality" of the day, they treat themselves to beer brewed according to recipes of foreign cultures. In addition, tasting of new or rare beers, “happy hour” throughout the evening, various quizzes and games, especially beer pong, are often an integral part of this festival.

From the moment of the first holiday in 2007 to 2012, the date of the Day of Beer was fixed - August 5, but after that it became "floating" - the first Friday of August.

The most popular type of beer in the world is lager. It is estimated that there are about three thousand beers in the world. Naturally, the classic lager, a bottom-fermented light beer, has historically been used. Nothing can change this trend. Depending on the country, the volume of consumption reaches up to 95% of all varieties.

The expert advised to drink beer in bottles and cans, but not to use plastic containers that do not meet the quality criteria.

When the hot summer comes, you just want to refresh yourself with something cold, strong and tasty. And then the beer catches your eye! Someone calls this drink "the gift of the Gods", someone - "Devil's food", and someone does not hesitate and takes 3 bottles of 0.5 at once. But beer is especially popular one day a year - International beer day celebrated in over 50 countries. Today we will tell you about the history of the holiday itself, interesting facts about beer and snacks for it.

From the history of the holiday

Once, a Californian businessman had no business with a beer bar: sales were falling, there were few visitors, despite the hot summer weather. But Jes Avshalamov (that was the name of the owner of the establishment) came up with an incredible start-up and decided in 2007 to devote the whole day of August 5th to beer. The small town of Santa Cruz, where exactly everything happened, just blossomed under liters of cold cask and crowds of its lovers.

The holiday was greeted with such enthusiasm that it migrated to many other countries and Beer Day in Russia celebrated now not strictly on the 5th of August, but on the first Friday of the last summer month. We cannot fail to note such a successful choice of the date: the summer coolness is just beginning to appear, and the end of the working week is already waiting for it - perfect!

By the way, we also have an incredible beer bar, which will surprise even those who “grow belly from beer, and I will never drink it”!

How brewing came to us

Beer, of course, came to our country from ancient Russia. But the princes were not the first to taste this intoxicating drink. History of brewing originates from the times of Ancient Egypt. By at least, archaeologists claim that then they already knew how to brew beer. And wheat, in their opinion, was not the basis of bread, but the raw material for a fermenting drink back in the 9th millennium BC. History did not save the name of this brilliant grain experimenter, but there are guesses that the drink of that time was slightly different from its modern counterpart.

Already in the 13th century AD, the Irish realized that delicious drink really too old in its recipe, and they decided to modify it a little with the help of hops. This "alcoholic miracle" so captivated the masters of Ancient Europe that the recipe migrated to Germany, Iceland, England and other countries, acquiring new ingredients there. The special "trick" of brewing was the transformation of the process into a family business, surrounded by secrets around the composition of the product.

The first people to realize the inspiring power of the wheat drink were the Vikings. It was they who began to arrange grand feasts, where intoxicating hops were poured in liters. Nowadays, beer festivals are calmer, although such Vikings, after a slight bust with a dose, will not be difficult to find.

It's good when there is a lot of beer. But the taste can get a little lost after a few glasses. In such cases, aromatic snacks for beer will help: pretzel, sausage, obatsdu and other goodies from Germany. After all, it is the Germans who are considered the most beer nation in the world, which means that their snacks are perfect complement to any "barrel". Let's figure out who invented these delicacies and why they are so good.

From the history of Bavarian beer snacks

Pretzels and sausages - traditional companions of beer, which are full of not only beer festival in Russia, but also the table of any German. Did you know that a product as simple as a pretzel in Germany has 3 legends of its origin? Here they are:

    simple: an inventive baker once failed to put the last loaf in the oven. So he decided to deform it a little. As a result, we got the well-known pretzels; fabulous: once there lived a too boastful baker who strove to convince everyone of his skill. But the language will lead to Rome, and the baker - to the king. The monarch ordered him to bake such bread so that through it the sun could be seen three times. The baker was not at a loss and thought, "What am I, praising myself so much in vain, or what?" and baked what we now pretzel and call; sacred: one monk decided that prayers and reverences would not be able to fully express his love for the Lord, and decided to show his confession in the most precious thing - in bread. The shape of the product was supposed to resemble arms crossed on the chest, praying to the Almighty. It seems he really did it!

The favorite white sausage does not have such an intriguing history, everything was much simpler: on February 22, 1857, several too hungry visitors appeared in the tavern "To the Eternal Light", demanding to serve them sausages. But they didn’t know that Müller’s chef didn’t have ready-made lamb intestines at his disposal! The cook turned out to be very resourceful, and in order not to spoil his reputation, he stuffed the pork intestines with minced veal, boiled them and served them to the table. The success of the dish ensured its demand for many years to come. Ask why the name is "white sausage"? Yes, because at that time with food coloring were not friends, and the natural ingredients in the cooking process gave just a light shade.

And the last delicacy that deserves your attention is obatsdu - national bavarian appetizer... In 1930, Katharina Eisernreich, the owner of the Weihenstephan beer hall, acted like a typical woman and brought to the table a snack made from “what was”. And she had: Camembert cheese, butter and spices. The dish turned out to be excellent and after many years it became almost a symbol of German feasts.

Non-GMO Medieval

We have already said that we liked to experiment with the composition of beer in almost every brewery in old Europe. But the concept of "a little good" was not familiar to all manufacturers and distributors of the drink. In 1561, on April 23, the dissatisfaction of lovers of the intoxicated drink reached its climax regarding its poor quality and unjustifiably high price. At that time, King William IV ruled in Germany, who published “ Bavarian beer purity law», Which established the composition of the drink and its cost. From that time until today, the law is a timeless model and quality regulation for all brewers.

From basement delicacies to large gardens

Despite the fact that everyone loved the intoxicating drink, beer history shows that its sale was illegal even in the 19th century. The owners of the breweries in every possible way sought to receive income from the product immediately and began to sell it in fresh in their basements. Although such operations were illegal, King Ludwig Brotzeit apparently also loved the intoxicated drink and allowed its official sale. After a while, the points of sale acquired an atmospheric filling, comfortable furniture and hundreds of visitors shouting “Let's clink glasses for us!”.

By the way, about the tradition of clinking. These are also echoes of antiquity. In the Middle Ages, intrigues were everywhere, and your worst enemy with a calm face could sit next to the table and treat yourself to your food. In order to expose the criminal in time, the tradition of clinking was introduced - a blow with mugs of beer, during which the drink was poured into all glasses. By this action, the possibility of poisoning by drinking was excluded.

This is how we briefly covered the history of the intoxicating drink, traditional snacks, and the process of the emergence of pubs or beer gardens well known to us - a favorite place in which the annual beer festival in any country. We bet you are already drooling from the word "beer", and you started flipping through the calendar, trying to determine the exact date of the holiday? Why wait, organize your own Beer Day as a surprise for the birthday boy, and we will help you!

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The holiday, which, for sure, many people like, is celebrated on the first Friday of August, is International beer day(International Beer Day). This is an annual unofficial holiday that was invented by the owner of an American bar. Jess Avshalomov- they say, the summer is over, but we, as they say, still not in one eye.

International Beer Day 2016

In 2016, International Beer Day falls on 5th of August... Initially, the date of the holiday was fixed - just August 5, but then it became "floating" - the first Friday of August. So this year International Beer Day is celebrated on its "classic" day.

History and traditions of the holiday

The first day of beer took place in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California, USA. Soon the holiday became international and is now celebrated in more than two hundred cities in fifty countries on five continents.

The holiday does not pursue any global goals, and celebrating it is simple and pleasant.

You need to get together with friends and enjoy the taste of the foamy drink, congratulate the brewers, as well as the owners and employees drinking establishments and, of course, try to unite the whole world under the banner of beer. Since the holiday is international, on this day it is not out of place to try beer brewed according to recipes from other countries, to taste rare or new varieties, and generally not deny yourself anything in terms of meaningful beer rest.

In fact, beer is a very ancient drink, known since prehistoric times. It was definitely brewed in Ancient Egypt, and maybe much earlier - from the time people began to cultivate crops - that is, somewhere in nine thousand years BC.

Beer brewed from malt and hops, that is, modern version, appeared around the 13th century. The drink was extremely popular in Europe and often replaced water, so historians believe that during the Middle Ages, all Europeans were, as they say, a little drunk. By the way, beer and its analogues were also given to children, which, for example, is vividly described in classical English literature (for example, in the novels Dickens).

It is believed that the traditions of organizing wild beer festivals came from Iceland - the homeland of the Vikings. Then the tradition took root in other European countries for example the famous Oktoberfest in Germany. Beer is also popular in Russia.

Today beer is a huge market and an established culture. And if you do not go over it, and so, sometimes gather with friends and colleagues for a mug on Friday, then, according to doctors, there will be no harm, but only a good mood.

Congratulations on International Beer Day

Hops wandering in vats,
Plays merrily
I am all with international
Happy beer day.
They know beer in Alaska
In Antarctica they know
And the glasses are full
They raise the beer.
Spilled over the world of beer
Oceans and seas
Everyone will say
If there is beer
This means that we do not live in vain.

Happy Foam Beer Day
Any spill!
Drink it
And don't be bored!

Invite guests
And have a nice carouse,
So that everyone has a beer
And he became only happy!

A mug of foam today
I urge you to lift,
And Beer Day is sure to
Famously, fun to celebrate.

It's a frothy drink
With him we go through life,
He always helps us
In joy and gloomy day.

This foamy drink has come to honor the hour,
After all, he will always decorate life,
It's so sweet when you taste it
Happy Beer Day to all of you, friends!

Always have enough money for beer
In the morning my head does not hurt
After all, it charges so positively
And it cheers the soul.

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world; it traces its history back to ancient times, has thousands of recipes and millions of fans in all corners of the planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that many festivals, fairs and celebrations of various levels are organized in his honor.

In recent years, International Beer Day is gaining more and more popularity - an annual unofficial holiday of all lovers and producers of this drink, which is celebrated on the first Friday of August. The founder of the holiday was American Jess Avshalomov, the owner of the bar, who wanted in this way to attract even more visitors to his establishment.

For the first time, this holiday was held in 2007 in the city of Santa Cruz (California, USA) and for several years had a fixed date - August 5, but as the geography of the holiday spread, its date also changed - since 2012 it has been celebrated on the first Friday of August. It was by this time that it turned from a local festival into an international event - in 2012 it was celebrated already in 207 cities of 50 countries on 5 continents. In addition to the United States, today Beer Day is celebrated in many countries of Europe, South and North America, Asia and Africa.

Beer is a very ancient drink. According to archaeological finds, beer in Ancient Egypt was already brewed for sure in the 3rd century BC, that is, it can trace its history from more ancient times. A number of researchers associate its appearance with the beginning of human cultivation of grain crops - 9000 years BC. By the way, there is an opinion that wheat was initially cultivated not for baking bread, but for making beer. And, unfortunately, the name of the person who came up with the recipe for the preparation of this drink is not known either. Although, of course, the composition of the "ancient" beer was different from the modern one, which includes malt and hops. Beer, roughly as we know it today, appeared around the 13th century. It was then that hops were added to it. Breweries began to appear in Iceland, Germany, England and other European countries, and each had its own secrets of making this drink. The beer was made according to different family recipes, which were passed from father to son and were kept in the strictest confidence.

It is believed that the tradition of hosting a wild beer celebration came from Iceland, the homeland of the Vikings. And then these traditions were picked up in other countries. Today, as before, the main goal of all such holidays is to get together with friends and enjoy the taste of your favorite beer, congratulate and thank everyone who, in one way or another, is associated with the production and serving of this foamy drink.

Therefore, traditionally, on International Beer Day, the main events are held in pubs, bars and restaurants, where all participants of the holiday can taste beer not only different varieties, but also from different producers from different countries and even rare varieties. Moreover, the establishments are open until the early morning, because the main tradition of the holiday is to contain as much beer as it can fit. And also, for example, in the USA, various themed parties, quizzes and games are often organized, especially beer pong ( alcohol game in which players throw a ping-pong ball across a table to hit a mug or glass of beer at the other end of the table). And all this with a glass of high quality drink.

The main thing to remember is that beer is still alcoholic beverage, therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the Day of Beer so that you don't have a headache in the morning. Some interesting facts about beer. It is believed that the most beer nation is the Germans, the Czechs and Irish are slightly behind them in terms of beer consumption. In England, in the town of Great Harwood, an unusual beer competition is held - men arrange a 5-mile race, and during this distance they have to drink a beer in 14 pubs located at a distance. But at the same time, the participants do not just run, but run with baby carriages. And the winner is the one who not only came to the finish line first, but also never turned the wheelchair over. The largest brewery is the Adolph Coors Company (USA), with a production capacity of 2.5 billion liters of beer per year. At the auction, a bottle of Lowebrau was sold for over $ 16,000. This is the only bottle of beer that survived the 1937 crash of the Hindenburg airship in Germany. Some of the most famous beer festivals in the world - Oktoberfest, which takes place in Germany in September; London's Great Beer Festival in August; Belgian Beer Weekend - in Brussels in early September; and at the end of September - the Great Beer Festival in Denver (USA). And this is not a complete list.