Peach compote for the winter in 3 x. Peach compote for the winter - without sterilization

Peaches are the most fragrant, fragrant and insanely delicious fruit among all the others. This year the harvest of peaches, like the apricot, turned out to be very large. So we will harvest this fruit for the winter and in large quantities.

Since we do not have a peach orchard, we will have to buy from the market. Was in the vegetable market to choose peaches and what do you think, the peaches have grown so large that they will soon catch up with the melon. There are a lot of peaches, but I want to make a compote from whole peaches, but they don't fit into a jar.

Spun, spun and had to walk all over the bazaar. In the far corner, to the side, I saw a grandmother with peaches, I was attracted to her by such a fragrant, fragrant smell. Peaches. so average, nondescript and ask my grandmother why she has such peaches.

The grandmother replies, says: this is how I raised my son, not for the bazaar. This year the harvest is big and I decided to sell the surplus. Yes, what does chemistry do, the bazaar is big, there are a lot of peaches, but you don't smell a peach, maybe it is somewhere, just not in our bazaar.

I bought her leftovers from my grandmother, they just fit into the jar and went home to make compote.

My advice: approach the issue with all responsibility - the more carefully you select fruits for preservation, the more pleasant it will be to open the jar in winter. You need special peaches.

Fragrant - this time: only expressively smelling fruits are worthy of delighting you on long frosty evenings. Others will not give the characteristic flavor, the canned syrup will be just a syrup of sugar and water.

Ripe - these are two: unripe peaches are suitable for jam in the form of candied fruits, but not for compote. Slightly hard are three: if you want to end up with whole canned peaches in an appetizing syrup, you need firm, firm fruits. Overripe soft peaches will easily turn into porridge.

So think about how and where to find fragrant, hard, but ripe fruits that you can greedily hide in jars to enjoy summer in winter. Let's assume that the peaches are in your pocket and go to the kitchen to start cooking.

Quick peach compote in 3 liter jars without sterilization

So let's get down to our recipe:
To make peach compote, you will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  1. Slightly unripe peaches (firm).
  2. 1 tbsp. sugar (250 ml.).
  3. Water.

Peach compote recipe:

Thoroughly wash peaches selected for canning to remove fluff.
Pour the fruits into the prepared jar by about 1/3 -1/2 of its total volume. Pour freshly boiled water over the peaches, cover with a tin lid and leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar to it and boil again. Whoever likes peaches to be softer, fill it three times ...
Pour the resulting syrup over the peaches, roll up and leave for air cooling, turning upside down. So delicious home preparation will definitely cheer you up in cold winter!

Eating compote peaches in winter is an incredible pleasure! And canning them ... not that difficult, but a little longer than other fruits. Wonderful velvety peach peel in compote becomes tasteless. Therefore, before harvesting, peaches for compotes, preserves and jams must be blanched - dipped in boiling water for half a minute, and then cooled in cold water and tightened the skin. A little patience and your fingertips burnt with impatience - and a wonderful peach compote is closed!

Peach compote with pits - a simple recipe with a photo

Peach compote for the winter must be closed in the summer, when this fruit is ripening and is a natural product without additives. Compote from such ripe juicy peaches will turn out to be simply incredibly rich and tasty.

Step by step recipe peach compote for the winter with a photo will clearly and in detail tell you about each stage of creating a natural dessert drink. There is nothing better than making a sweet drink for a holiday or just for dessert on a weekday with your own hands!

It is very simple to prepare peach compote with seeds at home, but today we will tell you not only about the method of cooking the compote itself. Also in this recipe you will learn how you can sterilize jars with peaches inside.

Compote is better than any other drink just because in the process of preparation it fully retains its vitamins and minerals. The concentration of such a peach flavor is quite high, but at the same time the compote will still not be oversaturated and it will be easy to quench your thirst with it.

So, let's get down to making a delicious peach compote for the winter as soon as possible!


  • Peach (5-6 pcs. In a 2 liter jar)
  • Granulated sugar (1-1.5 cups per 2 liter jar)

Cooking steps

1.Purchase ripe and firm fruits to close the peach compote for the winter, which will not sprawl during their preparation. Rinse all peaches thoroughly in cold water.

2. Prepare 2 liter jars for clogging, rinse them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Put prepared peaches in each jar, add sugar there: its amount depends on your personal preferences.

3. Pour prepared boiling water into each jar almost to the very top.

4. The sterilization process, unlike other recipes for compotes, will take place directly with peaches in jars. Pour water into a wide volumetric bowl so that when the jars of peaches are immersed in it, the water reaches it exactly halfway or slightly higher. Bring the water in a saucepan or selected bowl to a boil, put a soft cloth on the base of the pan: so, when the iron bottom touches glass jars the latter will not burst. Dip a jar of peaches into boiling water on a cloth.

5. Now add the missing volume of boiling water to the jar.

6. Very carefully fill the closure lid with the same boiling water.

7. Cover the neck of the jar with peaches in a saucepan with the prepared lid.

9. Within 10-15 minutes the jar in boiling water will be sterilized, after which it will be possible to take it out and seal it very quickly.

10. Shake the finished can lightly and check the cap for tightness.

11. Shake the jar until the granulated sugar at the bottom is completely dissolved in boiling water.

12. Put the jar upside down and leave it until it cools completely. After cooling, we transfer the blanks from the peach compote to a dark, dry and cool place: there they will be stored until winter.

Simple and at the same time delicious compote peaches closed for the winter ready!

Peach compote for the winter in a liter jar

The conservation process was invented by the Frenchman Nicolas François Apper in the late 18th century. He discovered and described long way storage of vegetables, fruits and meat in hermetically sealed glass containers. This invention was immediately implemented in the belligerent French army, which completely resolved the issue of storing food for the soldiers.

Did Upper know how to can peaches? Maybe yes. By that time, they were already a recognized fruit in all of France. In the 1st century, the peach from Persia came to Europe, where it gained popularity among chefs and fruit lovers. And China is considered the birthplace of a fragrant peach. From there, he got to Iran, and then spread throughout the globe. The discovery of the French chef still helps preserve canned peaches and other fruits for many months.


  • Peaches - 300 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Citric acid - ¼ tsp
  • Water - 500 ml

Prepare canned peaches with us. The recipe with a photo will clearly show the main steps in the preservation process of these aromatic fruits.

The very first thing before preserving peaches is to prepare the fruit rolling jars. To do this, take a liter jar, wash it well with soda, and then rinse it with water. Now we sterilize the jar. To do this, fill the pan with ¼ of its volume with water. We put a liter jar in it with the neck down. Then we boil the jar in water for 5 minutes. Boil the canning lid in water for 1 minute or wipe it with alcohol.

Wash and sterilize jars and lids for preparing peaches for 5 minutes.

We wash peaches well in water with the addition of soda.

After washing, rinse each fruit with running water. Then rinse the washed peaches thoroughly under running water.

We put the washed peaches in sterilized jars.

Then pour into the jar citric acid¼ h. L.

Now we are preparing the syrup for pouring the peaches. Pour 0.150 kg of sugar into a saucepan.

Then fill it with 500 ml of water. Stir sugar in water with a spoon ..

Add half a liter of water to the sugar. Stir the syrup until the sugar dissolves, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Pour peaches in a jar with boiling syrup.

We cover each jar with a sterile lid

Now we will sterilize the jar of peaches in syrup. We put a clean cloth on the bottom of the pan. We put a jar of peaches on it and pour hot water up to 2/3 of the height of the jar. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize the peaches for 10 minutes.

  • Roll up the sterilized peaches with a lid for conservation.

  • Turn the canned jar upside down and cover with a towel or blanket. We rearrange the cooled canned peaches to the storage place of the canned peach.

Until it cools completely, we place the finished compotes in a blanket, placing the jars on the neck. When the canned food is cool, it should be placed in a cool place and stored until serving.

Bon Appetit.

Having prepared a peach compote for the winter, you can fully enjoy the taste of summer fruits in the off-season and enjoy a fragrant and rich drink. Combining your favorite fruits with other fruits, it will be possible to favorably emphasize the taste of each component, and get a blank with a new properties.

How to cook peach compote for the winter?

Peach compote can be not only a delicious gourmet drink. With the correct execution of the recipe technology and an adequate choice of raw materials, the fruits themselves will turn out to be surprisingly tasty, which can be consumed just like that, enjoying their excellent taste, or you can use the pulp for making salads, adding to baked goods or other dishes.

  1. For harvesting, exclusively fragrant and ripe fruits are chosen, but always with elastic, slightly firm, not overripe pulp.
  2. Selected specimens are thoroughly washed, eliminating hairiness to the maximum, if desired, they are removed from bones and skin and placed in prepared sterilized jars.
  3. The concentration and sweetness of the compote can be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the amount of fruit and sugar
  4. Peach compote with whole fruits for the winter is not recommended to be stored for more than a year.

Simple peach compote for the winter

The simplest peach compote for the winter without sterilization can be prepared according to the recipe below. The amount of sugar is designed to produce a moderately sweet treat and can be increased or decreased as desired. After sealing, the jars are turned over with the lids down and kept wrapped for at least 24 hours. The proportions of the components are given for the blank of one can of 3 liters.


  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 450 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Prepared peaches are placed in jars, poured with water heated to a boil.
  2. After 20 minutes, the water is poured into a saucepan and placed over the fire.
  3. Sugar is poured into the jars and after boiling the infusion, it is poured back into the jars.
  4. The containers are sealed tightly.
  5. After cooling in a wrapped form, fresh peach compote is sent to storage in the pantry.

Peach halves compote for the winter - recipe

Peach compote for the winter without pits can be stored for a long time (2-3 years). To implement the recipe, you need to pick up ripe fruits with dense pulp, from which the bone is easily and simply separated. To do this, an incision is made around the perimeter of the fruit circumference, the halves are turned in opposite directions and separated from the stone. If desired, the fruit can be preliminarily removed from the skins. The calculation is given for 3 liter containers.


  • peaches - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. Peaches blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, transfer to cold water and peel off.
  2. Cut the fruit into halves, remove the seeds.
  3. Boil water, dissolve sugar in it, boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Put the fruit in clean jars, pour it over with syrup.
  5. Cover the vessels with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  6. Peach compote is sealed for the winter hermetically and, after cooling, is sent to storage in a dark place.

Whole peach compote for the winter

It is easier and faster to prepare compote from whole peaches. The following recipe involves filling three-liter containers only by a third: you need to put about five medium-sized fruits in each jar. In this case, the finished drink can be drunk undiluted, enjoying the moderate sweetness of canned peaches.


  • peaches - 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Put the washed peaches in a sterile jar, pour boiling water over and leave to cool.
  2. Drain the infusion, bring it to a boil again, pour it into a jar.
  3. An hour later, the liquid is drained for the last time, boiled and the fruits are poured with it, having previously poured sugar into the container.
  4. Cork the compote from, wrap it up until it cools.

Peach and apricot compote for the winter

With minimal labor costs, you can also prepare a compote from apricots and peaches. In this case, to balance the taste, it is necessary to add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid to each can of 3 liters before the last pouring. The proportions of fruit can be arbitrary - the taste of the drink will be different, but in any case, great.


  • peaches and apricots - 700 g each;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Washed apricots and peaches are placed in jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the fruit and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain the infusion, boil again and pour it into the jar again.
  4. After half an hour, the liquid is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added, the syrup is allowed to boil and poured into a jar, to which citric acid has already been added.
  5. Peaches are also corked for the winter, wrapped until they cool.

Peach and nectarine compote for the winter

Peaches are perfectly combined in various preparations with nectarines and compotes are no exception. Fruits harmoniously complement each other, creating an excellent drink in all respects. In addition, having issued a similar preparation, in winter you can simultaneously enjoy two types of fruits at once or use them for cooking.


  • peaches and nectarines - 500-600 g each;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. The prepared fruits are placed in sterilized jars, poured over with boiling water and after 30 minutes they are poured into a saucepan and the liquid is brought to a boil.
  2. Repeat the filling again, after which sugar is poured into the jar, poured with boiling infusion.
  3. The peach and nectarine compote is sealed and wrapped until it cools.

Peach and apple compote

Peach compote, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared with the addition of apples, which give the finished drink a special taste, pleasant sourness and enrich its aroma. Both those and other fruits can be used in whole, or you can rid them of seeds, cores with seeds and cut into slices or halves.


  • peaches and apples - 300-600 g each;
  • granulated sugar - 200-400 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Prepared fruits are placed in a three-liter jar, poured with boiling water, after 20 minutes they are drained.
  2. Sugar is poured into the jar, infusion heated to a boil is poured, sealed, wrapped.

Peach and orange compote

Peach compote turns out to be especially aromatic and tasty if you add orange to the fruit. The originality of the drink and its sophistication will be appreciated even by fastidious gourmets. In this case, citrus fruits are used together with zest, however, to obtain a softer and more unobtrusive taste, you can pre-peel the fruits.


  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 3 cups;
  • water - 3 l;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.


  1. The peaches are blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, after which, if desired, cut in half and remove the seeds.
  2. Sugar and acid are added to the same water, the syrup is brought to a boil and the halves of the fruit are immersed in it.
  3. An orange cut into circles is placed there, and the contents are brought to a boil.
  4. To prepare it for the winter, it is poured into jars, sterilized for 20 minutes, and sealed.

Peach and plum compote

Adding plums to peaches in compote, you will be able to get a rich and aromatic drink that will delight you with summer fruit taste in winter. Particularly attractive this recipe unpretentious execution: prepared, carefully washed fruits are put together with sugar in sterile jars, poured with boiling water and sealed.


  • peaches - 3-5 pcs.;
  • plums - 10-15 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1-1.5 cups;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Fruits are placed in a three-liter container, sugar is added.
  2. The contents are poured with boiling water, sealed, thoroughly wrapped upside down warmly for 2 days.
  3. They move peach compote and plums for the winter to a cellar or basement.

Peach and pear compote

For the winter by following recipe comes down to the preparation of fruit and syrup and the subsequent sterilization of the workpiece. The composition of the drink in this case is complemented by fragrant juicy pears, which will make the drink even tastier and more aromatic. If you wish, you can add some grapes to the jar.


Peach compote for the winter must be closed in the summer when this fruit is ripe and is a natural product without additives. Compote from such ripe juicy peaches will turn out to be simply incredibly rich and tasty. A step-by-step recipe for peach compote for the winter with a photo will clearly and in detail tell you about each stage of creating a natural dessert drink. There is nothing better than making a sweet drink for a holiday or just for dessert on a weekday with your own hands!

It is very simple to prepare peach compote with seeds at home, but today we will tell you not only about the method of cooking the compote itself. Also in this recipe you will learn how you can sterilize jars with peaches inside.

Compote is better than any other drink just because in the process of preparation it fully retains its vitamins and minerals. The concentration of such a peach flavor is quite high, but at the same time the compote will still not be oversaturated and it will be easy to quench your thirst with it.

So, let's get down to making a delicious peach compote for the winter as soon as possible!


Cooking steps

    Purchase ripe and firm fruits to close the peach compote for the winter, which will not creep during their preparation. Rinse all peaches thoroughly in cold water.

    Prepare 2-liter jars for clogging, rinse them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place the prepared peaches in each jar, add sugar there: the amount depends on your personal preference.

    We fill each jar almost to the very top with prepared boiling water as shown in the photo.

    The sterilization process, unlike other compote recipes, will take place directly with peaches in jars. Pour water into a wide volumetric bowl so that when the jars of peaches are immersed in it, the water reaches exactly half or a little higher. Bring the water in a saucepan or selected bowl to a boil, put a soft cloth on the base of the pan: this way, if the iron bottom and the glass jar come into contact, the latter will not burst. Dip a jar of peaches into boiling water on a cloth.

    Now add the missing volume of boiling water to the jar.

    Very carefully fill the closure lid with the same boiling water.

    Cover the neck of a jar with peaches in a saucepan with a prepared lid.

    Within 10-15 minutes, the jar in boiling water will be sterilized, after which it can be taken out and clogged very quickly.

    Shake the finished jar slightly and check for tightness of the lid.

    Shake the jar until the granulated sugar at the bottom completely dissolves in the boiling water.

    We put the jar upside down and leave it until it cools completely. After cooling down, we transfer the blanks from the peach compote to a dark, dry and cool place: there they will be stored until winter.

    A simple and at the same time delicious peach compote closed for the winter is ready!

    Bon Appetit!

Step 1: prepare the cans and lids.

First, let's prepare the inventory. We take 2 three-liter cans 2 metal covers for preservation and thoroughly rinse them under running water with the addition of any detergent, so that it does not leave stains on the walls of the cans and the prepared compote does not turn out to be soapy. Here I want to note, if you are an ardent opponent of chemistry, you can use soda. Clean cans must be sterilized. To do this, put a kettle half-filled with water on the stove, turned on, on a strong level, and bring it to a boil. Remove the lid from the kettle and put the jar with the neck down in this hole. A three-liter jar, like any other jar, very well keeps balance on the kettle, so you don't have to worry and be sure that it will not fall. Thus, we sterilize each jar within 10 - 15 minutes, depending on how you begged her. We put clean lids for preservation in a saucepan, we collect water in it so that it completely covers the lids and put it on the stove turned on at a strong level, after the water boils, we sterilize them for 15 minutes. We put the prepared sterile jar on the table with the neck down on the table previously laid with a clean waffle towel and sterilize the second jar in the same way. Turn off the stove under the saucepan, and leave the lids in boiling water. We rinse the rest of the equipment that will be used during conservation with hot water that remained in the kettle after sterilizing the cans.

Step 2: prepare the peaches.

Peaches can be prepared in different ways. I am a follower of old traditions and roll peaches in the usual jellied way, whole with pits. Such a compote turns out to be more saturated, the peach fruits are elastic, firm and do not disintegrate in your hands when you take them out of the jar. The peach fruit is very easy to prepare. To begin with, put a saucepan with ordinary running water on the stove, turned on at a high level, and bring it to a boil. Approximate amount of water 3 - 4 liters.
While the water is boiling, rinse in the sink under running water 3 kilograms peaches, put them in a clean bowl and fill with boiling water. Thus, we scald the fruit and get rid of the bitter aftertaste of almond oil and amygdalin contained in the peach seed. Leave the peaches in boiling water for 30-40 minutes.

Step 3: the first pouring of the peaches.

After the peaches have settled in the water, we put them in sterilized jars so that they fill it in half, we get one and a half kilograms of fruit in each jar. On the stove, which is turned on, put a deep saucepan with pure distilled water on a strong level and bring it to a boil. Of course, you can use ordinary running water, but after boiling it, a sediment from heavy metals always remains at the bottom, which you absolutely do not want to use, especially if you are preparing this compote for children. After the water in the pan has boiled, carefully take the pan with a clean waffle towel and pour the boiling water into the jars of peaches, so that the jar is filled with water to the edge of the neck. We cover the jars with sterilized lids and let the peaches brew in boiling water 30 - 40 minutes NS. During this time, the peach will change color and the remaining air will come out of the fruit.

Step 4: second pouring of peaches and preserving.

After the peaches have settled in boiling water, they are completely ready for further processing. We remove the sterilized lids from the jars with clean hands and put them in the stewpan with water in which they were sterilized. Now there are two options, you can play it safe and boil the lids again for 5-7 minutes or leave them in a saucepan with boiled water, in any case they are clean and sterilized. We drain the water from the cans into a deep saucepan in which it was boiled, add to it 800 grams of sugar and put it on the stove turned on at a strong level. The water should boil within 15 minutes, during this time, the sugar will completely dissolve. Then add citric acid to taste, depending on which type of peach you purchased. If it is very sour, it is better not to be zealous with citric acid, if the peach is very sweet, in any case it must be acidified so that it does not become insipid and tasteless after conservation. After you have added citric acid to the syrup, boil it still 2 - 3 minutes... Sweet and sour syrup from sugar, water and citric acid is ready. We remove the pan with syrup from the stove and carefully pour it into the jars so that it is poured to the top, right up to the neck of the jar. If you did not have enough syrup, and it does not reach the very neck, it’s not scary, this happens, since water evaporates during the boil. Everything can be fixed, take a kettle, pour a small amount of water. So that it boils quickly, and pour the lacking liquid into the jars. But this happens very rarely, since the sugar dissolves and adds the necessary mass to the water. Cover the jars of syrup and peaches with sterilized lids and immediately roll them up with a preservation key. We perform all actions clean, washed hands... Jars with ready-made compote should cool, but they should do this in a warm place. Carefully, using a dry and clean waffle towel, turn over the jars with compote, supporting the bottom upside down with your hand from the side of the lid, and place them on a spread woolen blanket. Cover the jars with the other end of the blanket so that there are no gaps. Thus, cans with compote cool slowly without temperature changes.

Step 5: serve peach compote.

Peach compote is served in a glass or decanter, cold for adults and warm for children. Canned Peaches can be served alone with whipped cream, ice cream, or added to fruit salad... Also, such a peach can be used to decorate cakes, pastries and pies. I hope you enjoyed the peach compote. Bon Appetit!

- - Peaches for this type of compote can be prepared in another way, blanch the fruit, cut it in half with a knife and take out the pit, then peel the peach from the halves of the peaches, the peach is prepared. But it is worth remembering that the chopped peach becomes very soft during pouring and a sediment in the form of villi is obtained at the bottom of the compote.

- - Preservation jars can be sterilized in an autoclave for 15 minutes. Or in a large saucepan, pouring running water into it so that it is two fingers higher than the cans, and boiling the cans in it for 15 minutes.

- - Peach compote can be made more concentrated in liter cans... Put clean, blanched peaches into the prepared jars to the very top and make two fillings in the same way as on three-liter jars. During tasting, such compote should be diluted with clean, distilled boiled water to taste. Or a concentrated compote can be used to make fruit sauces.

The easiest way is fruity or berry compote for the winter to cook as follows: take a large enamel pot, put in it washed and peeled fruits (berries), sugar, boil for several minutes, pour into sterile jars and seal. But with this method, the compote can turn out to be cloudy, since more ripe and softer fruits will simply fall apart in boiling water. To avoid this, we will cook the peach compote in two stages, without boiling the fruits themselves, but simply pouring them with hot water and syrup. The main thing is to take enough peaches per jar so that the compote does not turn out to be too watery and expressionless.


  • peaches - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 200 gr.

How to close peach compote

1. First of all, prepare the peaches. They should be ripe, firm and free of dents. Choose the most delicious, then the compote will turn out wonderful. Wash thoroughly, preferably with a brush. Peaches must be pitted and peeled. The skin can be cut with a peeler, but it is easier to blanch like tomatoes. To do this, make a small cut in the skin, pour boiling water over the peaches and leave for 30 seconds. Then we dip it in cold water - and you can clean it. The skin peels off easily, it is convenient to remove it.

2. As with any preservation, we sterilize the jars. To do this, wash them thoroughly, and then scald them with boiling water. And do not forget about the lids: they also need to be doused with boiling water, but it is better to boil for a couple of minutes. We fill sterile jars with half peaches by about a third.

3. Fill the peaches with boiling water about half of the jar, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. During this time, they will warm up and give the water aroma and some of the sweetness.

4. Pour the water from under the peaches into a saucepan (never pour it out!) And add sugar. Peaches are very sweet fruit, so you need very little sugar. To give the compote additional flavors, you can add a small amount lemon juice but I prefer natural taste.

5. Dilute water with sugar with boiling water and let it warm up on the stove for 5 minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

6. After the syrup is ready, pour it back into the fruit jars and roll them up very quickly. Excess air or foreign particles should not get into the jars, then the compote will be stored for a long time and will delight you not only in winter, but also, if you want, on a spring morning. The jars must be turned over with the lid down, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely. Then store in a cool dry place.

Compote is ready! Now you can enjoy sweet and aromatic peaches all year round.

Note to the hostess

1. For such a preparation, it is recommended to take peaches of the same type. So, for example, Zolotaya Moskva and Collins may seem to be the same in density, but during heat treatment they will most likely behave differently: the slices of the fruits of the first variety will retain their integrity, and the second will soften excessively. Fig under the influence of boiling water is sure to be deformed: its pulp is very tender.

2. Mixing peaches with nectarines in one container is also not worth it. Taking advantage of general recipe, it is better to roll up the fruits in different jars. By the way, the nectarine compote looks darker and brighter than the peach one, so it's easy to distinguish them visually, you don't have to make labels or markings on the lids. The taste of both will turn out excellent - in this respect they are not rivals.

3. Correctly sealed compotes in carefully sterilized jars are unpretentious to storage. In the kitchen or home closet, where it keeps room temperature, they will be as comfortable as in a cold cellar. Their enemies are natural light and electric rays. If it is always light where the conservation is, the containers should be wrapped with dark paper and newspapers. Otherwise, every month the amount of vitamins in the drink will decrease, but initially there are a lot of them.