How to bake pancakes recipe. Cooking fluffy kefir pancakes according to delicious recipes

How to cook a pancake dough recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Hello! Today we will cook again delicious pancakes.

The most interesting thing is that the dough for pancakes can be different, I mean their constituent component, that is, it can be kefir, yogurt, milk, water or whey.

It all depends on taste preferences and the end result. If you want to make fluffy pancakes, it is better to use a kefir base.

This dish is ideal for breakfast or a light dinner. In addition, there are also vegetable baked goods, that is, pancakes can be made from vegetables, such as squash or pumpkin.

IN cookbooks or on sites on the Internet you can find absolutely different recipes and methods of making pancakes.

But I suggest that you do not waste time looking for a recipe for the most delicious pancakes, but cook them according to my recommendations.

Believe me, you will not regret it, and your family and friends will be delighted with such pancakes. Well, let's get started. I will tell you in detail how to bake pancakes.

A simple recipe for making quick kefir-based pancakes

Composition: one full stack. fresh homemade kefir; one chickens. egg; half tea l. table salt; 3 small. lies. sah-go dog; soda 12 part is small. lies .; flour 1 stack. with a slide; 30-50 grams of boiled clean water.

Cooking pancakes on fresh kefir is considered a classic recipe for this dish. Cooking pancakes with this recipe is a pleasure.

Do you need to use such simple and affordable ingredients to make pancake dough? which I wrote about above.

So, how to cook kefir pancakes? The question is always relevant for young housewives and not only. Now I will explain everything to you in detail.

In order to bake the most delicious kefir-based pancakes for breakfast, you should follow these steps:

  1. I put an egg in a container, beat it lightly with a fork and combine it with salt and sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar yourself, depending on the preferences of the family. Someone likes very sweet, and someone likes savory pastries.
  2. After a homogeneous egg mass has turned out, add a full glass of kefir room temperature and water. If the kefir was in the refrigerator, then it needs to be heated, just not much. Otherwise, it will curl up and get cottage cheese.
  3. To make the dough airy, I beat the mass again with a fork. In principle, you can also use the mixer at minimum speed. Foam should appear.
  4. Now it remains to add flour to the dough. I do this gradually so that there are no lumps. At the end, the mass can be mixed with a whisk. The consistency of the dough should be thick. It should not pour out of the spoon, but slide down smoothly.
  5. It remains to add soda. There is no need to extinguish it. This will make kefir. Mix the dough. 6 Using a tablespoon, gently spread the dough into the preheated skillet and bake the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

In this way, you can quickly and tasty cook pancakes. Moreover, the recipe, as you can see, is very simple. And no complications should occur during the preparation of breakfast dishes.

So such sweet pastries will delight all family members. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for delicious homemade pancakes

Homemade pancakes are a classic pancake recipe. You can cook them quickly and tasty. In addition, the cooking time is 25 minutes.

So you can safely cook them, even if you have a lunch break and you manage to come home to pamper yourself with something delicious.

Although most of all this recipe pancakes are suitable for breakfast, as a light morning snack.

To make pancakes, you need the following ingredients:

2 stacks millet. flour; half a liter of home. kef-ra; three chickens. eggs; the third part is small. lies. soda; half tea l. Cook. salt; 1 tables. lies. sah-go dog; 4 bol. l. vegetable oil.

If you want to make delicious homemade pancakes, then follow my steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork until frothy. Then add salt and granulated sugar and beat again.
  2. Now pour in kefir and gradually add flour.
  3. The dough should look like thick sour cream, as in the photo.
  4. Finally add baking soda and stir again.
  5. Then put the dough in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil with a large spoon.
  6. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Here's a simple pancake dough recipe. Although there are other recipes that are very similar in terms of ingredients.

But this one is the fastest and easiest one. Some housewives claim that it is homemade pancakes that are the best and most delicious.

Such pancakes can be served with anything, both with sweet honey and with homemade sour cream... What does anyone like. Bon Appetit everyone!

Proven recipes classic pancakes on kefir, milk and sour cream below

Absolutely every housewife can make delicious pancakes for breakfast. But which recipe to choose among the large amount of information in books and on sites?

I decided to make your life easier and I offer you recipes that I have tested, according to which it is easy to prepare the best pancakes in the world.

Kefir pancakes

To make delicious pancakes, we take the following ingredients for the dough:

3 chickens. eggs; sah. dog. 1 tables. l .; 2.5 stack. millet. flour; rast. oil 4 small. lies .; half a liter is fresh. kef-ra; salt and soda are half small. l.

The pancake dough should always be thick, otherwise the pancakes will not be fluffy. So this point should be considered first.

So, let's start making dough and baking pancakes:

  1. I put eggs, sugar and salt in a deep saucepan. I beat everything with a mixer at minimum speed.
  2. Then I pour in one full glass of kefir and add flour. I knead the dough. Please note that the dough should be free of lumps.
  3. Pour a portion into a hot frying pan vegetable oil and spread the dough over the pancakes with a large spoon. It should be thick and slowly slide out of the spoon, as shown in the photo. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
  4. Serve delicious pancakes with honey or sour cream.

As you can see, such sweet pastries are perfect not only for breakfast, but also as a snack at work. In addition, it is not difficult to do them, and even quickly.

So this recipe is for those who value their time and love to pamper themselves with delicious.

Pancakes with milk

For the dough, we take the following ingredients:

2 stacks fresh. milk; 1 chickens. egg; 3rd floor stack. millet. flour; 1 small. lies. dry yeast; salt and sugar. dog. 1 tables each. l .; rast. wt. for frying.

The pancake dough is prepared like this:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. It is advisable to take a deep container, as the dough will rise twice. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the egg with a fork and add to the dough. Stir everything.
  3. Then in the right amount add granulated sugar, salt and pour in a little vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to the pan.
  4. Gradually add flour and knead the dough without lumps. Let it stand until bubbles appear. It is advisable to wrap the container with a warm towel or blanket.
  5. Fry the pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil. Our sweet pastries are ready. Can be served at the table.

This recipe makes pancakes like pictures - even, smooth and fluffy.

1 full stack sour cream; 3 eggs of chickens; 3 tables. lies. sah. sand; 2 full stacks millet. flour; vegetable oil for frying; pinches. salt and soda.

Cooking pancakes is not difficult, since pancakes are, in principle, quick baking... They are perfect for breakfast. Let's start cooking:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and grind them with granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. In a deep container, combine the egg mass with sour cream and flour.
  3. At the end, add a pinch of baking soda. It is important that the dough is free of lumps. Although some recipes for pancakes with sour cream are prepared in a different way. But this particular recipe is the best among others.
  4. Now, in a separate bowl, beat the whites until white and gently add them to the yolk mass. Mix everything and bake the pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil.
  5. After baking, the pancakes can be brushed with a little butter on top.

Children will love such sweet pastries. Especially if it's made for breakfast. The kids will be happy and, most importantly, well-fed.

Vegetable and fruit pancake recipes

You can cook pancakes different ways... Classic recipes involve kefir and dairy bases.

Although there are a very large number of other components on the basis of which pancakes can be prepared.

For example, squash or potato fritters... That is, a vegetable or fruit is taken as a basis.

Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini pancakes are no longer sweet pastries, since they are prepared on the basis of grated zucchini.

They can fully replace breakfast or dinner. They can be served with mayonnaise sauce or sour cream.

To prepare zucchini pancakes, we take the following ingredients:

1 zucchini; 2 chickens. eggs; 1 tooth. garlic; 2 tables. lies. millet. flour; rast. frying oil; salt to taste; one bunch of your favorite greens.

So, if you want to quickly cook vegetable fritters for breakfast, follow my recommendations for cooking:

  1. Peel the zucchini (if it is young, you do not need to peel it) and grate it on a fine cloth. Squeeze out excess juice. This must be done to prevent the pancakes from falling apart when frying.
  2. Then chop the garlic and herbs and add to the grated zucchini.
  3. Then drive eggs into the mass and salt to taste. Mix everything so that the eggs are evenly distributed over the entire base.
  4. Add flour at the end and stir again.
  5. Gently spoon the pancakes and place them in a preheated skillet with a little vegetable oil. As soon as the pancakes are browned on one side, turn them over to the other side with a wooden spatula.
  6. Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.
  7. Serve the pancakes best with a garlic-based sauce.

This recipe squash pancakes one of the best. Although there are other recipes according to which you can cook zucchini pancakes.

Pumpkin and potato pancakes

This recipe is very popular among housewives. Since it is simple and fast. Pancakes can be used for breakfast or as an addition to dinner.

The following ingredients are needed for potato-pumpkin pancakes:

0.2 kg of ripe pumpkin; 0.2 kg of potatoes; 3 tables. lies. millet. flour; 2 chickens. eggs; 1 tooth. garlic; salt and pepper to taste; parsley; mayonnaise.

Prepare pancakes for breakfast in this way:

  1. Peel and grate vegetables. Add yolks and mayonnaise to them.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the whites until white. Then combine them with the vegetable mass, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add flour at the end. Mix everything.
  4. It remains only to fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  5. For the sauce, you need to take chopped garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. Combine everything and stir thoroughly. Serve the pancakes with garlic sauce.

As you can see, the recipes vegetable fritters fairly simple and affordable. Although some recipes may have specific ingredients.

Fruit pancakes on semolina

Fruit pancake recipes are very varied. But I want to suggest that you cook pancakes with semolina and kefir.

To prepare fruit pancakes, you need the following components for the test:

one and a half glasses of kef-ra; 3 tables. l. decoys; 4-5 stacks millet. flour; 0.2 kg of fruit; pinches. soda and salt.

When preparing, it should be borne in mind that some recipes do not allow the use of soda. But my recipe is with a little soda to make the pancakes lush.

Pancakes are prepared in this way:

  1. In a saucepan, you need to combine kefir with soda and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Then add semolina and salt. Mix everything.
  3. Then add flour and knead the dough.
  4. Finely chop the fruit and add the dough.
  5. Fry on both sides for 2 minutes.

Like these ones wonderful recipes fritters can be made at home. Choose according to your taste and enjoy delicious pastries.

My video recipe

Fritters are the simplest dish that many people love. However, not everyone bakes them. The problem is that it is not always possible to prepare a high-quality dough for pancakes, and therefore they often turn out not lush and fried, but flat, fatty and completely not appetizing. How to do correct dough from the products that are on hand?

Not everyone really succeeds in making dough and baking lush pancakes. Inexperienced housewives give up when the products come out thin, dense, dry quickly or absorb a lot of oil. You can eat such pancakes, but you want something ruddy and airy.

There are a few secrets here. Of course, a lot depends on the type of baking powder - you make them using baking soda or with yeast.

But there are general principles of cooking:

  1. The frying pan must be hot - the dough is put on the crusty butter. After that, you can cover the pan and reduce the heat, but the first touch should be passionately hot. Otherwise, the product will instantly absorb all the oil!
  2. You don't need to pour in a lot of oil, just grease the pan if you don't want excess oil in the product.
  3. Watch the consistency of the dough. Fritters from batter quickly fall off and become pancakes. The density of good sour cream is a role model.

Kefir dough for lush pancakes

Kefir dough is quite common. It is loved for its simplicity and splendor, but most importantly, it allows you to dispose of unused leftovers of "milk". You can use any fermented milk products found in the refrigerator. And also, kefir pancakes remain soft and airy for a long time, and therefore they can be eaten with pleasure the next day.

To start a kefir dough for lush pancakes, prepare:

  • 2 glasses of kefir (a product of any fat content is suitable);
  • about three glasses of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • a little salt and vanillin;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon without top of soda.

Important! When measuring flour, look at its moisture content. The dough can take less or more, depending on this indicator.

In this recipe, a measuring glass of 160 g is used. Kefir is taken as the most sour - it reacts better with soda and gives out carbon dioxide, which means pancakes are splendid.

Working process:

  1. Beat the egg, salt and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Separately, in a small container, for example, in a ladle, heat the kefir until it rolls up - we just need the flakes.
  3. Pour the kefir into the eggs, slowly and stirring the mixture with a whisk so that the egg part does not curl.
  4. Sift flour and mix with vanilla.
  5. Pour the liquid into flour and mix vigorously.
  6. Pour baking soda into the finished dough and immediately knead just as quickly. By this time, the dough should not be liquid, but thick, with difficulty flowing from the spoon. If you have it faster, add a little flour.
  7. The oven must be instantaneously, until all air bubbles have left. To do this, sprinkle some oil on a hot frying pan and spread the dough with a spoon. As soon as it “grasps”, reduce the fire. And when the pancakes are browned, turn them over and cover. You will notice how your pancakes have grown fat.

After removing the dessert from the heat, you can place it on a paper towel to remove excess fat. It is served with jam or sour cream, or both.

With curdled milk

Absolutely the same principle of heating a fermented milk product and combining it with flour and soda also applies when using sour cream, sour milk or yogurt. You can vary the amount of sugar and change the number of eggs, but the proportions of flour and fermented milk product remain the same - 2.5 or 3 glasses of flour are used for half a liter of liquid. Pancakes are baked in the same way.

With sour cream and fermented baked milk

If you want to get pancakes with a delicious taste of cream or baked milk, make them with sour cream or fermented baked milk. It's really tasty, aromatic and magnificent.

Foods to prepare:

  • half a liter of fermented baked milk;
  • 250 g or slightly more flour;
  • 1 tea a spoonful of baking powder or baking soda;
  • a couple of medium sized eggs;
  • 1 or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Pour the fermented baked milk into a bowl and add a beaten mixture of eggs, salt and sugar to it. Then mix everything and add soda or baking powder. Gradually adding flour until it makes the dough thick, like sour cream. Heat oil in a frying pan and start baking, as written in the previous recipe.

Pancakes made of dough with milk and soda

You can also make the dough with fresh milk. Usually such pancakes are made with yeast, but you can also use soda. In this case, we sour fresh milk with vinegar, let it curl a little over the fire and then add salt, sugar, eggs to the hot mixture and then flour with soda. The oven is needed as usual.

And here, in fact, are the ingredients for the dough:

  • a glass of milk;
  • half a spoonful of salt and three quarters of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table vinegar;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of butter and sugar.

Milk and yeast recipe

The dough with milk and yeast turns out to be wonderful - loose, rich, soft. For half a kilo of flour and half a liter of milk, 2 tablespoons of dry yeast are taken (without top, it is better to give the pancakes more time to stand and discard).

Also cook 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, salt to taste and vegetable oil - a little in the dough and more for frying. Some people like to put vanillin, but that's optional.

Cooking will be with dough, so everything is in order:

  1. Dissolve sugar, vanillin in warm milk and add a glass of flour. After stirring, leave in a saucepan for half an hour to raise the cap.
  2. Beat eggs with a whisk and add salt, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  3. Gently pour the egg mixture into the dough cap and, stirring, add the rest of the flour. The dough will appear thick, but it will become less dense and lighter as it ferments. In general, do not be afraid that it is like rubber - it should be so.
  4. After half an hour in a warm place, our dough will become twice as large, which means it's time to bake.
  5. Fry pancakes in hot oil, taking out portions of dough with a spoon. But do not stir it so as not to disturb the air porosity of the structure! Moderate heat and slow roasting - that's what pancakes need. To make it easier to take the dough, you can moisten the spoon with water.

By the way, these pancakes are fried very quickly, so don't get away from them.

Fritters like at school

You adored too school pancakes? Delicious, huge and melting in your mouth! There is a recipe corresponding to this GOST, which was used in all canteens of the USSR. Try it, you will definitely remember your school years.

Recipe in exact grams, as written in GOST:

  • 481 g of heated water;
  • fresh yeast 14 g (you can replace it with dry yeast, you need 1 tsp. with a slice);
  • large egg;
  • 17 g granulated sugar (or a large heaping spoon);
  • 6 g salt (half a teaspoon).
  • a little oil, literally three tablespoons, for frying.

Tip: If you are not sure how to measure the water accurately, pour in two 250-gram glasses and subtract two tablespoons from the resulting amount.

Further pancakes from yeast dough without milk are made as follows:

  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water (not hot, but slightly warm!), Add salt and an egg, mix everything at low speed of the blender for two minutes.
  2. Add flour, previously well sifted, and knead the dough.
  3. The dough will be completely heavy and must be left under the plastic wrap for an hour. When it rises, it needs to be slightly besieged.
  4. After another hour, the dough will double again. It's time!
  5. Such pancakes are baked on low heat almost without oil and under a lid. It is important! It is necessary to turn it over, as one side is fried. The fritters are spongy, toasty, delicious and slightly rubbery - just the way you remember them in your high school pantry life.

Lean version on water without eggs

Water dough is usually made when fasting is required. How is it prepared? Yes, just like everything ingenious! No eggs, no milk, nothing but flour, yeast and vegetable oil. And the taste comes out at the same time excellent, especially if it is eaten in the heat of the heat.

  1. One and a half glasses warm water add sugar (large spoon with a slide) and salt (small spoon without slide). Add 7 g of any dry yeast and let sit for five minutes.
  2. The yeast has dissolved - add flour after sifting it.
  3. The dough should stand in a warm place for half an hour to rise. As it doubles - fry in butter on both sides. But don't forget to spread out the dough without stirring!

Zucchini pancake recipe

They can be called dietary compared to other pancakes.

For 600 g of zucchini peeled from the centers and peels, take an egg, a glass of flour, 1 onion, soda, salt and pepper to taste, as well as a couple of garlic cloves and half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Do not salt the zucchini grated on a coarse grater, otherwise they will give a lot of juice. Salt is at the very end.

  1. In the meantime, add pepper to the grated mass, you can Provencal herbs as well as chopped garlic and flour.
  2. Mix everything and get a dough in which we put the yolk. Grind and add finely chopped onions.
  3. Pour a pinch of salt into the remaining protein and beat until foamy - it is due to it that the pancakes will turn out to be lush.
  4. After adding protein, mix everything gently and set aside for about half an hour. Just before frying, salt and start frying in oil, which is poured about 1 cm thick.

The excess oil will then have to be collected with a paper towel, but the dish is still very tasty.

Fruit pancakes on semolina

The original recipe with fruits and semolina will surprise and delight gourmets.


  • one orange;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 1 tbsp. decoys;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • some salt and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • oil.

These pancakes are made like this:

  1. You need to take an orange and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add sugar and salt, as well as the grated apple.
  3. Pour in eggs and mix everything.
  4. Add flour.
  5. Let the dough stand for 15 minutes, then heat the oil and bake the pancakes.

Pancakes are one of the most delicious and easy to prepare breakfasts. These are not pancakes that require adherence to the rules and serious practical training. They are quick and easy to prepare, and are adored by both adults and children.

Fritters can be prepared in many different ways and with different ingredients. There are also a couple of chips to make them as light as fluff. But, in general, there are usually no difficulties with cooking.

Let's see what and how you can make delicious fluffy pancakes.

As usual, we will try to sort out a variety of ingredients that are used to knead the dough.

Donut-like pancakes on kefir

Let's start with the most commonly used ingredient, kefir. With him, the easiest way is to get tender and air pancakes.


  • Kefir - 250 ml
  • Water - 40 ml
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp


1. Mix kefir with water in a saucepan and set it to warm up over low heat. You need to heat kefir to about 40 degrees, stirring constantly.

To understand when you can remove the pan, dip the tip of your little finger into it - if the kefir is a little lukewarm, then you can already remove it

2. Break the egg into a bowl, add salt and sugar and mix everything well.

3. Then pour heated kefir into a bowl and mix again.

4. Add flour in three approaches. That is, we pour a third of the prepared flour into a bowl, mix it well so that there are no lumps left, then add more flour and mix in again.

The resulting dough should be thick enough not to drip off the spoon, but slowly drip off the spoon.

If the dough is too thick, then you can dilute it with kefir

5. When the dough is ready, add soda to it and mix thoroughly again.

6. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil, set the heat to low and spread the dough on it in portions using a tablespoon. 1 spoon - 1 pancake.

7. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden crust... This takes about 1 minute per side.

From the specified number of ingredients, about 15 pancakes will be obtained. Enough to feed two.

Bon Appetit!

Yeast pancakes with milk light as fluff

Well, the surest way to make the pancakes fluffy and airy is to cook yeast dough.


  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Flour - 4 cups
  • Dry yeast - 8-12 g
  • Eggs - 1-2 pieces
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp

The recipe specifies 250 ml glasses


1. Pour warm milk into a deep bowl, add sugar and yeast. Stir and let the milk stand for 5 minutes for the yeast to start working.

2. Then add the egg to the milk and stir with a whisk.

3. Add salt and flour to the resulting mixture and stir until a lump-free dough is obtained.

4. When the dough is ready, cover it with cling film or a clean towel and put it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.

During this time, it should increase in volume by about 2 times.

5. Ready dough spread with a tablespoon in a pan with a lot of vegetable oil.

Before scooping up the dough with a spoon, soak the spoon in cold water so that the dough does not stick to it

6. Fry over low heat on both sides until golden brown.

That's all. Bon Appetit!

How to cook pancakes with sour milk

And if you suddenly find out in the morning that the milk is sour, then it is not a problem - fluffy pancakes can be made from sour milk. Many people think that they are even tastier.


  • Sour milk - 0.5l
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • 3 cups sifted flour (250 ml)
  • Sunflower oil


1. Break the egg into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Beat with a whisk.

2. Then add the sour milk and slightly stir again.

3. Pour the sifted flour into the resulting mixture, but do not mix it yet, but simply set it aside for a while.

4. Pour soda into a separate bowl, add 2 tablespoons of boiling water to it and mix well.

Then we pour it into flour.

5. And now we begin to knead the dough very carefully.

6. The dough should be very thick, but still drip off the spoon.

The finished dough must be left alone for 15 minutes for it to come through. After that, you no longer need to mix it.

7. Fry pancakes over low heat in a well-heated pan with sunflower oil. The oil should be as thick as a finger.

8.When we see that the pancakes are browned underneath, turn over.

9. It will take about a minute to fry each side.

Done, bon appetit!

Video recipe for lush pancakes without yeast

If you want to cook lush pancakes in milk, but without yeast, then watch this short video. The creators were able to accommodate the entire cooking process in 1 minute. I love these videos.

How to make pancake dough in water without eggs

And here is the recipe lean pancakes, no milk and no eggs. But yeast will be needed - if we want fluffy pancakes, then we cannot do without them in this recipe.


  • Water (warm) - 1 glass (250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Flour - 2 cups (250 ml)
  • Fast-acting yeast - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon and for frying


1. Pour salt and sugar into a bowl of warm water. Stir until they dissolve.

2. Add the sifted flour and yeast to the bowl.

3. Mix thoroughly.

Until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Then add vegetable oil and mix well again.

5. The dough should be tight and difficult to drain from the spoon.

If the dough is too thin, add flour, and if too tight, dilute with water

6. Cover the bowl with a dry clean towel and put it in a warm place for 40 minutes. During this time, the dough will rise and increase in volume by 1.5-2 times.

The risen dough should in no case be stirred - you need to immediately start cooking

7. Put the dough in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Done, bon appetit!

The best recipe for fluffy pancakes with sour cream

In this recipe, sour cream is taken as a basis. The pancakes are very tender and tasty. This is one of my favorite ways to make dough.


  • Sour cream - 1 glass (250 ml)
  • Flour - 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Sugar - 2-3 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Butter to taste


1. Put sour cream in a deep bowl and cover it with sifted flour.

2. Add sugar.

3. As well as salt and baking powder.

4. Thoroughly mix everything so that there are no lumps left.

5. Combine eggs with vanilla in a separate bowl and beat with a whisk or fork.

6. And mix the eggs with the dough.

7. Put the dough with a tablespoon in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.

8. And fry on both sides until golden brown.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

Air pancakes with curdled milk

And finally, not the most popular, but very tasty recipe for fluffy pancakes with curdled milk. Please do not confuse curdled milk with sour milk from the store. If you want to cook pancakes according to this recipe, then buy ready-made yogurt from grannies in the market.

Store milk sours at first and you can still cook on it. But then it does not turn into yogurt, but simply goes out

For cooking you will need:

  • Sour milk - 0.5 l
  • Flour - 2-2.5 cups (250ml)
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar 1-2 tbsp


1. Pour salt, sugar, soda and vegetable oil into a bowl with curdled milk. Stir until smooth.

Everything liquid ingredients should be at room temperature. It is important

2. Begin to fill the flour in small portions and stir in it with a whisk. We add in several passes, we achieve the consistency of thick sour cream without lumps.

3. When the dough is ready, put it with a tablespoon in a preheated pan with a little oil (the vegetable oil is already in the dough and the pancakes will not burn).

We put on a slow fire and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Done, bon appetit!

Well, we have considered the main products on which you can cook fluffy and airy pancakes.

Yes, there is more original recipes like pancakes on yogurt, but here it is easy to guess that you can take a recipe for pancakes with sour cream as a basis.

And if you are interested in more details to familiarize yourself with different options pancakes with kefir, I recommend that you do it on the website of my good friend Irina. She has a very scrupulous approach to recipes, so all the dishes are great.

Well, I have everything for today, thanks for your attention.

Step 1: prepare the eggs.

Before we beat the eggs, rinse them under running water. I recommend doing this, as the eggshells are often not completely clean, and this can in turn lead to serious intestinal infections. Using a kitchen knife, break the shell and pour egg yolk and protein in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Then, using a tablespoon, pour the sugar to our ingredient into the bowl and whisk everything with a hand whisk until a homogeneous fluffy mass. Attention: you need to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can use a mixer to whisk all the ingredients better and faster.

Step 2: prepare the flour.

The basis of our dish is flour. Therefore, if you want you to get tasty and tender pancakes, use a quality flour product. Flour should be wheat, top grade, fine grinding and the brand you trust. Before we combine flour with other ingredients for making the dough, we need to sift it so that it is free of lumps and is enriched with atmospheric oxygen. To do this, take a bowl with wide edges and, using a sieve, sift it through it.

Step 3: prepare the dough.

And so our first component is kefir. Well, in order for our pancakes to turn out lush, it is imperative to put soda in kefir or sour milk.
Soda does not need to be extinguished in vinegar, the acidic environment of our ingredient is perfect for this process. Add the component with a teaspoon to a bowl of kefir, and then stir everything well with a tablespoon.
Then add vegetable oil and salt to taste using the same tableware.
Mix everything again. Add flour to the bowl last. It is important to add this ingredient gradually and in small portions, also using a tablespoon, while mixing the whole mass well so that the flour does not come in lumps, and the dough becomes homogeneous in consistency. It should turn out like thick sour cream. When our dough is ready, we put the bowl in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Step 4: whip up the pancakes.

When the dough is infused, you can start cooking pancakes. To do this, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put on medium heat. After the frying pan is hot and the oil has warmed up, tighten the fire. Using a tablespoon, pour the dough in small portions onto a hot surface.
When the pancakes are fried on one side, turn them over to the other, holding them from below with a wooden spatula, and from above with a fork. Attention: since our dough is cooked quite quickly, it is very important that the pancakes do not burn.
To do this, adjust the heat and make sure that they are lightly browned until golden brown. To do this, it is enough to lift them with a fork and monitor the frying process.
When the pancakes are fried on both sides, transfer them to a dish. It is important to remember that flour tends to settle to the bottom of the pan, so when you prepare a new batch of dough for frying, be sure to stir it well with a spoon before putting it in the pan.

Step 5: whip up the pancakes.

Serve pancakes immediately after cooking. We serve on the table on the dish in which we transferred them after frying, removing them from the pan. And although our pancakes themselves have a fragrant and unforgettable taste, it can be enhanced by serving whipped cream, sour cream or jam to the dish - as you like. Enjoy your meal!

- - To make your pancakes look appetizing the next day, the plate with the dish must be rewound with cling film, and before serving, the dish must be reheated in the microwave.

- - If you like the smell of vanilla in baking, then you need to add it at the tip of a knife, since this ingredient can make your dough not only fragrant, but also bitter. And nothing can fix it.

- - When cooking pancakes, do not pour a lot of vegetable oil into the pan, as this can cause them to become soaked in oil and become very greasy. If, nevertheless, you "overdid" with butter, do not be discouraged: put the prepared pancakes on a kitchen paper towel, it will absorb the excess fat from your baked goods.

- - It is better to cook pancakes with kefir. And the more sour it is, the better. Then you can add a little more sugar.

- - It is better not to cook the dough in milk, as it will rise poorly and your dish will not turn out fluffy.

Hello! Today we will once again cook delicious pancakes.

The most interesting thing is that the dough for pancakes can be different, I mean their constituent component, that is, it can be kefir, yogurt, milk, water or whey.

It all depends on taste preferences and the end result. If you want to make fluffy pancakes, it is better to use a kefir base.

This dish is ideal for breakfast or a light dinner. In addition, there are also vegetable baked goods, that is, pancakes can be made from vegetables, such as squash or pumpkin.

In cookbooks or on sites on the Internet, you can find completely different recipes and methods for making pancakes.

But I suggest that you do not waste time looking for a recipe for the most delicious pancakes, but cook them according to my recommendations.

Believe me, you will not regret it, and your family and friends will be delighted with such pancakes. Well, let's get started. I will tell you in detail how to bake pancakes.

A simple recipe for making quick kefir-based pancakes

Composition: one full stack. fresh homemade kefir; one chickens. egg; half tea l. table salt; 3 small. lies. sah-go dog; soda 12 part is small. lies .; flour 1 stack. with a slide; 30-50 grams of boiled clean water.

Cooking pancakes on fresh kefir is considered a classic recipe for this dish. Cooking pancakes with this recipe is a pleasure.

Do you need to use such simple and affordable ingredients to make pancake dough? which I wrote about above.

So, how to cook kefir pancakes? The question is always relevant for young housewives and not only. Now I will explain everything to you in detail.

In order to bake the most delicious kefir-based pancakes for breakfast, you should follow these steps:

  1. I put an egg in a container, beat it lightly with a fork and combine it with salt and sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar yourself, depending on the preferences of the family. Someone likes very sweet, and someone likes savory pastries.
  2. After a homogeneous egg mass is obtained, I add a full glass of kefir at room temperature and water. If the kefir was in the refrigerator, then it needs to be heated, just not much. Otherwise, it will curl up and get cottage cheese.
  3. To make the dough airy, I beat the mass again with a fork. In principle, you can also use the mixer at minimum speed. Foam should appear.
  4. Now it remains to add flour to the dough. I do this gradually so that there are no lumps. At the end, the mass can be mixed with a whisk. The consistency of the dough should be thick. It should not pour out of the spoon, but slide down smoothly.
  5. It remains to add soda. There is no need to extinguish it. This will make kefir. Mix the dough. 6 Using a tablespoon, gently spread the dough into the preheated skillet and bake the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

In this way, you can quickly and tasty cook pancakes. Moreover, the recipe, as you can see, is very simple. And no complications should occur during the preparation of breakfast dishes.

So such sweet pastries will delight all family members. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for delicious homemade pancakes

Homemade pancakes are a classic pancake recipe. You can cook them quickly and tasty. In addition, the cooking time is 25 minutes.

So you can safely cook them, even if you have a lunch break and you manage to come home to pamper yourself with something delicious.

Although most of all, this recipe for pancakes is suitable for breakfast, as a light morning snack.

To make pancakes, you need the following ingredients:

2 stacks millet. flour; half a liter of home. kef-ra; three chickens. eggs; the third part is small. lies. soda; half tea l. Cook. salt; 1 tables. lies. sah-go dog; 4 bol. l. vegetable oil.

If you want to make delicious homemade pancakes, then follow my steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork until frothy. Then add salt and granulated sugar and beat again.
  2. Now pour in kefir and gradually add flour.
  3. The dough should look like thick sour cream, as in the photo.
  4. Finally add baking soda and stir again.
  5. Then put the dough in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil with a large spoon.
  6. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Here's a simple pancake dough recipe. Although there are other recipes that are very similar in terms of ingredients.

But this one is the fastest and easiest one. Some housewives claim that it is homemade pancakes that are the best and most delicious.

Such pancakes can be served with anything, both with sweet honey and homemade sour cream. What does anyone like. Bon Appetit everyone!

Proven recipes for classic pancakes with kefir, milk and sour cream below

Absolutely every housewife can make delicious pancakes for breakfast. But which recipe to choose among the large amount of information in books and on sites?

I decided to make your life easier and I offer you recipes that I have tested, according to which it is easy to prepare the best pancakes in the world.

Kefir pancakes

To make delicious pancakes, we take the following ingredients for the dough:

3 chickens. eggs; sah. dog. 1 tables. l .; 2.5 stack. millet. flour; rast. oil 4 small. lies .; half a liter is fresh. kef-ra; salt and soda are half small. l.

The pancake dough should always be thick, otherwise the pancakes will not be fluffy. So this point should be considered first.

So, let's start making dough and baking pancakes:

  1. I put eggs, sugar and salt in a deep saucepan. I beat everything with a mixer at minimum speed.
  2. Then I pour in one full glass of kefir and add flour. I knead the dough. Please note that the dough should be free of lumps.
  3. Pour a portion of vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and spread the dough on the pancakes with a large spoon. It should be thick and slowly slide out of the spoon, as shown in the photo. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
  4. Serve delicious pancakes with honey or sour cream.

As you can see, such sweet pastries are perfect not only for breakfast, but also as a snack at work. In addition, it is not difficult to do them, and even quickly.

So this recipe is for those who value their time and love to pamper themselves with delicious.

Pancakes with milk

For the dough, we take the following ingredients:

2 stacks fresh. milk; 1 chickens. egg; 3rd floor stack. millet. flour; 1 small. lies. dry yeast; salt and sugar. dog. 1 tables each. l .; rast. wt. for frying.

The pancake dough is prepared like this:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. It is advisable to take a deep container, as the dough will rise twice. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the egg with a fork and add to the dough. Stir everything.
  3. Then add granulated sugar, salt in the required amount and pour in a little vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to the pan.
  4. Gradually add flour and knead the dough without lumps. Let it stand until bubbles appear. It is advisable to wrap the container with a warm towel or blanket.
  5. Fry the pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil. Our sweet pastries are ready. Can be served at the table.

This recipe makes pancakes like pictures - even, smooth and fluffy.

Sour cream pancakes

1 full stack sour cream; 3 eggs of chickens; 3 tables. lies. sah. sand; 2 full stacks millet. flour; vegetable oil for frying; pinches. salt and soda.

Making pancakes is easy, as pancakes are basically quick baked goods. They are perfect for breakfast. Let's start cooking:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and grind them with granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. In a deep container, combine the egg mass with sour cream and flour.
  3. At the end, add a pinch of baking soda. It is important that the dough is free of lumps. Although some recipes for pancakes with sour cream are prepared in a different way. But this particular recipe is the best among others.
  4. Now, in a separate bowl, beat the whites until white and gently add them to the yolk mass. Mix everything and bake the pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil.
  5. After baking, the pancakes can be brushed with a little butter on top.

Children will love such sweet pastries. Especially if it's made for breakfast. The kids will be happy and, most importantly, well-fed.

Vegetable and fruit pancake recipes

There are many ways to cook pancakes. Classic recipes involve kefir and dairy bases.

Although there are a very large number of other components on the basis of which pancakes can be prepared.

For example, squash or potato pancakes. That is, a vegetable or fruit is taken as a basis.

Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini pancakes are no longer sweet pastries, since they are prepared on the basis of grated zucchini.

They can fully replace breakfast or dinner. They can be served with mayonnaise sauce or sour cream.

To prepare zucchini pancakes, we take the following ingredients:

1 zucchini; 2 chickens. eggs; 1 tooth. garlic; 2 tables. lies. millet. flour; rast. frying oil; salt to taste; one bunch of your favorite greens.

So, if you want to quickly cook vegetable fritters for breakfast, follow my recommendations for cooking:

  1. Peel the zucchini (if it is young, you do not need to peel it) and grate it on a fine cloth. Squeeze out excess juice. This must be done to prevent the pancakes from falling apart when frying.
  2. Then chop the garlic and herbs and add to the grated zucchini.
  3. Then drive eggs into the mass and salt to taste. Mix everything so that the eggs are evenly distributed over the entire base.
  4. Add flour at the end and stir again.
  5. Gently spoon the pancakes and place them in a preheated skillet with a little vegetable oil. As soon as the pancakes are browned on one side, turn them over to the other side with a wooden spatula.
  6. Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.
  7. Serve the pancakes best with a garlic-based sauce.

This zucchini pancake recipe is one of the best. Although there are other recipes according to which you can cook zucchini pancakes.

Pumpkin and potato pancakes

This recipe is very popular among housewives. Since it is simple and fast. Pancakes can be used for breakfast or as an addition to dinner.

The following ingredients are needed for potato-pumpkin pancakes:

0.2 kg of ripe pumpkin; 0.2 kg of potatoes; 3 tables. lies. millet. flour; 2 chickens. eggs; 1 tooth. garlic; salt and pepper to taste; parsley; mayonnaise.

Prepare pancakes for breakfast in this way:

  1. Peel and grate vegetables. Add yolks and mayonnaise to them.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the whites until white. Then combine them with the vegetable mass, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add flour at the end. Mix everything.
  4. It remains only to fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  5. For the sauce, you need to take chopped garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. Combine everything and stir thoroughly. Serve the pancakes with garlic sauce.

As you can see, recipes for vegetable fritters are quite simple and affordable. Although some recipes may have specific ingredients.

Fruit pancakes on semolina

Fruit pancake recipes are very varied. But I want to suggest that you cook pancakes with semolina and kefir.

To prepare fruit pancakes, you need the following components for the dough:

one and a half glasses of kef-ra; 3 tables. l. decoys; 4-5 stacks millet. flour; 0.2 kg of fruit; pinches. soda and salt.

When preparing, it should be borne in mind that some recipes do not allow the use of soda. But my recipe is with a little soda to make the pancakes lush.

Pancakes are prepared in this way:

  1. In a saucepan, you need to combine kefir with soda and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Then add semolina and salt. Mix everything.
  3. Then add flour and knead the dough.
  4. Finely chop the fruit and add the dough.
  5. Fry on both sides for 2 minutes.

These are wonderful recipes for pancakes you can cook at home. Choose according to your taste and enjoy delicious pastries.

My video recipe


Nutritious and tasty breakfast- pancakes, for the preparation of which there are great amount ways. To make them lush, a yeast product or kefir is poured into the dough, as well as sour milk or baking powder. As a rule, the dough should look like sour cream so that it does not spill, and pancakes should be fried in a very preheated frying pan.

This dish is loved by many, because it does not require a lot of food and time to prepare it. Distinctive feature Pancake pancakes are thicker, and soda or yeast helps make them fluffy.

The readiness of the dish is indicated by the toasted edges, which will peel off from the pan, the main thing is not to overcook the pancakes. The product turns out much tastier if milk or sour cream is added to the dough, you can, of course, cook in water. Very interesting and original way making pancakes is a bottle. Everyone puts in it necessary ingredients, shake well and pour the dough straight from the bottle into a preheated frying pan. This method can create the most original and unpredictable images from the test.

Pancake recipes

On kefir

For 4 servings you should take:

  • Two glasses of kefir;
  • Sahara;
  • A teaspoon of salt and soda;
  • Two glasses of flour;

In a deep container, mix the fermented milk product with salt and soda, stir and sift the flour, bring the dough to the consistency of sour cream. Spread the cakes on the heated surface of the frying pan using a spoon. Use any oil you like to fry the tortillas. Cook the pancakes, frying on each side, for a few minutes, until they are browned.

With banana in milk

4 servings require:

  • Egg;
  • 2 bananas;
  • Milk 250 ml;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 125 gr flour;
  • 2 tbsp lean oil.

With the help of a mixer, it is necessary to mix all the products, except for flour, so that a dough of a uniform consistency is obtained. Stir quickly and sift the flour. Heat a frying pan and grease with oil, then spoon out the cakes, the pancakes will be ready if they are brown on both sides.

Squash pancakes

Prepare for two portions:

  • Young zucchini;
  • Flour;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Oil and spices.

It takes 20 minutes to cook the squash pancakes. In a deep bowl, mix eggs with salt and pepper, whisk lightly. Rinse the zucchini well and dry, then grate, if the product is not young, then you should cut off the rough skin and completely remove the core. Add the egg mass to it and shake everything, periodically adding flour. Fry the cakes in lean, heated oil until golden brown.

The video will additionally tell you how to cook pancakes with zucchini correctly

Sour milk based

Recipe for three servings:

  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 500 ml of sour product;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt and sugar by eye;
  • Soda, 0.5 tsp.

Creating a delicious dish with sour milk will take 35 minutes. Mix all products, add baking soda and beat well, for example, with a fork or whisk. Slowly add flour into the mixture, stirring, to obtain a sour cream state.

When the dough is completely ready, it must be put on water bath, for this, pour hot water into a bowl or pan, you can boil water, or you can from the tap. In the water, lower the container where the dough is prepared, cover with foil or a dry clean towel and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, it is good to heat a frying pan and heat the vegetable oil, fry the pancakes until a crispy crust appears. In addition, the dough should not be mixed, just scoop it up with a spoon and put it on a frying pan, then the product will turn out to be fluffy and loose inside.

In more detail the recipe on the video

With apples

Recipe for 6 servings:

  • Egg;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • 250 ml of fermented milk product, such as kefir, buttermilk or yogurt;
  • Baking powder;
  • 220 grams of flour;
  • Cooking oil;
  • Two sweet apples, large.

The process begins with the eggs being mixed with sugar and beaten using a fork or whisk. Add kefir to the egg mixture, stir. Wash and peel the apples, then grind them with a coarse grater, add to the eggs and kefir. If there are no large apples, you can use medium-sized fruits, only slightly larger in proportions.

Combine all bulk ingredients, flour, salt and baking powder, then sift to the rest of the ingredients, stirring occasionally. As a rule, a glass of flour is 250 grams, someone uses a kitchen scale, someone falls asleep by eye. After cooking, you need to leave the dough to rest for 10 minutes, due to the state of the liquid it should be sour cream.

Fry the pancakes in a skillet, which should be well preheated, adding sunflower oil, pour the dough with a tablespoon. Cook over medium heat, fry on one side until golden brown, then on the other side. Pancakes can be served with honey or sour cream.

For more information on how to cook pancakes with apples, the video will show

Yeast and milk

For the dish you will need:

  • 500 ml of dairy product;
  • Dry yeast -12 gr.;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Sugar;
  • 100 grams of oil in a frying pan;
  • Salt.

Prepare all products in advance so that they are at room temperature. In a special container, mix warm milk and dry yeast, slowly pour in the sifted flour and stir to get a dough of the same consistency. After that, cover with a special film or a clean cloth and let it rest for 40 minutes. At this time, mix the following products: salt, sugar, butter and eggs, you can only whipped whites, or you can add the whole.

After time has passed and the dough has risen, using a spatula, gently stir and combine with egg mixture, leave the second time to come up for 20 minutes under a towel.

Heat the butter in a skillet and spread the dough, without stirring, with a cutlery. As a rule, yeast pancakes are cooked quickly over medium heat, fry on both sides until golden brown, and serve with sugar or jam.

In more detail, how to properly cook pancakes with yeast and milk, the video will tell

On kefir without eggs

5 servings and 20 minutes to cook, you need:

  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • 500 gr flour;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower oil.

Pour kefir into a bowl or saucepan, dissolve soda, sugar and salt in it, in addition, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar... Sift flour, add 3 tbsp. kefir, as well as vegetable oil and mix everything with a whisk.

Heat a frying pan to a high temperature, grease the surface and spread the dough with a spoon, cover and cook over low heat until the dough stops flowing, about 3 minutes. Then turn the pancakes on the other side and let them fry until golden brown. Put the finished dish on a plate and additionally grease with jam, jam or honey. Therefore, use all the dough.

Details about the recipe, additionally tell the video

Potato cheese

To prepare 7 servings you will need:

  • Half a kilogram of potatoes;
  • Greens;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of spicy shredded cheese;
  • Egg;
  • 100 grams of smoked brisket;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • For decoration, sweet peppers.

It takes 30 minutes to make delicious potato and cheese pancakes, this is delicious dinner, which will complement any dish, from meat or fish, you can prepare a sauce for it.

The process begins with grinding green onions and garlic, cut the brisket into cubes, peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces, boil and make mashed potatoes. Grated cheese, egg, onion, garlic and brisket are added to it, as well as salt and spices. Mix all the ingredients, using a special ice cream spoon, make balls, put them on the table and press down to form a disk shape, the thickness of which will be 4 cm.

Use this method to use all the dough, use breadcrumbs on both sides and fry in warmed vegetable oil in a skillet, for a short time, until a golden color appears. Serve hot pancakes, add sour cream or cream, sprinkle with herbs or paprika.


The recipe for delicious and lush pancakes provides for the use:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 750 ml of milk;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Dry yeast 18 gr;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt.

Heat milk, mix with dry yeast, add sifted flour and sugar, prepare dough. Cover with a film or a towel and set it aside to rest, then beat in the eggs, add oil and salt, and leave to rise a second time. Before cooking, heat a frying pan and oil on it, pour the dough with a tablespoon, without stirring, you can moisten it with hot water so that it does not stick. Fry pancakes until light crust, turning, serve hot with the addition of sour cream, cream or jam, honey can be used.

Additionally, see how to properly cook delicious and fluffy pancakes on video

Lean pumpkin

For the test, you need to take:

  • 200 gr pumpkin;
  • 200 ml of yogurt;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • Fry the pancakes with vegetable oil.

Peel the pumpkin thoroughly, remove the skin and cut out the inner fibers, then grate it as finely as possible. Combine yoghurt with sifted flour, vanilla and slaked soda, as well as pumpkin and sugar. Mix the dough thoroughly and leave to brew for 5 minutes. To prepare pancakes, it is better to take a non-stick frying pan, grease with vegetable oil and heat over high heat. Pour the dough with a tablespoon, forming a circle or oval. Fry the pancakes until tender, as indicated by the brown toasted crust.

Additionally, you can watch how to cook pumpkin pancakes deliciously in the video

On the water

For 6 servings, you need to take:

  • 250 ml of liquid;
  • 500 gr flour;
  • Three eggs;
  • A little salt;
  • Sahara;
  • Vanillin, soda and vegetable oil.

This is the simplest and most budget-friendly option for making delicious pancakes and no less airy, quick breakfast or dessert for tea, which will not add any extra hassle. The recipe saves and pampers if there are no dairy products in the house, but you really want pastries, lush, delicate and very tasty pancakes that are easy to cook at home on water.

First, separate the yolk and white from each other. Pour sugar to the yolks and grind well, quench the soda with lemon juice or vinegar essence, add liquid and sift flour slowly. Add a little salt and vanillin to the whites, and beat them in another bowl to get a good and persistent foam. This is exactly what will make the pancakes soft and airy. Introduce whipped proteins into the dough gently, do not beat and stir with a spoon. You can, of course, add yeast to the water for splendor.

Put a frying pan on the fire and heat the oil for frying. Spread the dough with a spoon and cook the cakes over medium heat, cover with a lid. Before serving, they can be poured with condensed milk, sour cream or jam, it will be very tasty with hot chocolate. A great way to have a quick breakfast.

An additional video will show you how to quickly and easily cook pancakes in water


The main elements of the recipe:

  • 500 g of the main product - liver;
  • Bulb;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream;
  • Wheat flour 2 tablespoons;
  • Spices and vegetable oil.

Cut vegetables and liver, grind with a meat grinder, beat in eggs, sour cream, spices and flour, knead the dough well. Heat the vegetable oil, then reduce the heat and form the pancakes, pour the dough into the pan with a tablespoon. Fry on both sides for a while, 4 minutes is enough for full readiness. If there are doubts and it seems that they are not ready, you can put everything in a frying pan and stew for some more time so that the product is completely ready. Liver pancakes can be served additionally with a variety of side dishes, but sour cream is preferred most of all. So simply and quickly you can prepare this dish not only with beef liver but also chicken.

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The simplest and most incredible delicious dish pancakes are considered that can be cooked in a pan in a minimum amount of time and on their own. In addition, costs are practically not required. Despite the fact that pancakes are easy to make, the recipe is passed down from generation to generation and over time, as it were, has not changed, it still remains simple and affordable.

Prefer the classic pancake recipe? Why not experiment and make a masterpiece out of banal pancakes. It is worth noting that they will be delicious in any case, even with original additives, even without them. So what can you put in the pancake dough? There are a lot of options, since each housewife has her own secrets.

Namely, as an additive, it is perfect:

  1. Apple;
  2. Banana;
  3. Quince;
  4. A pineapple;
  5. Raisin;
  6. Dried apricots and so on.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with the amount of additive, as this will significantly affect the splendor and, accordingly, the deliciousness of the dish.

As for what to serve pancakes with, here the imagination can be simply limitless:

  1. Maple syrup;
  2. Jam;
  3. Condensed milk;
  4. Jam;
  5. Sour cream.

The choice depends only on personal preference and nothing more.

The secret of a simple pancake recipe

It is easy to make the most ordinary pancakes tasty, but if you follow some of the recommendations of experts or, in other words, study the little secrets of a great kitchen.

Craftsmanship Secrets:

  1. Flour. It is advisable to choose exactly wheat flour, or it can be the base of a mixture of corn, buckwheat and rye. The flour is sieved before adding to the dough.
  2. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Cakes laid out on the surface of a hot pan should not spread.
  3. Products added to the dough should be warm. In this case, we are talking about kefir, since it dissolves much faster in a warm liquid and will give a reaction of soda.
  4. You should always give the dough a rest. 15-20 minutes is quite enough.
  5. If you want to make the pancakes aromatic, you can use vanilla for a sweet dish and dill for a salty one.
  6. Knead the dough in a medium bowl with a whisk or spoon. As for the baking dish, the best option would be a cast iron pan with a thick bottom.
  7. If you plan to add fresh fruits or dry ones, then it is advisable to limit their quantity. In particular, 1/3 of the total test volume is sufficient.

Roasting is carried out in hot oil. First, pour the oil, heat the pan, and only then put the cakes there using a large spoon. Turn over with a spatula or fork.


  1. Kefir - 300 g;
  2. Flour - 300 g;
  3. Soda - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
  4. Sunflower oil - 100 g;
  5. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  6. A pinch of salt.

Cooking pancakes: as easy as shelling pears

Kefir at room temperature, it can be a little hot, poured into a container. Salt, sugar and 1 tablespoon are added there. vegetable oil. You can choose kefir of any fat content, since this does not affect the splendor or taste. Flour and soda are added. Flour is sifted, soda is extinguished with vinegar.

When kneading the dough, the amount of flour can be increased by a couple of tbsp. spoons, depending on the resulting consistency.

Then the entire contents of the container are thoroughly whipped. The consistency of the dough should resemble 15% fat sour cream. Otherwise, the pancakes will not rise and will not only be flat, but also not tasty. The oil is poured into a frying pan and heated on the stove. The dough is laid out with a large spoon or scoop. Enough cakes 5 cm in diameter. They will increase significantly when baked. It is not necessary to shape them, as they themselves form cakes. Pancakes are fried over low heat on both sides until cooked.

After cooking, they are laid out on a paper towel to get rid of excess grease. This cooking method is simple and a pleasure to use it. If you do not make mistakes and do not violate the recommendations, then the dish will fully meet all expectations.

Quick pancakes as easy as shelling pears (video)

Pancakes can be a great breakfast, dessert, deliciousness for children and adults. Served with chocolate or slightly melted ice cream will drive you crazy.

Classic pancakes: recipe (photo)