What are the potato dishes. What delicious dishes can you make from potatoes?

It's hard to imagine Russian cuisine without potatoes. And somehow it does not fit into my head that some three hundred years ago, our ancestors did without potatoes, and some particularly lively citizens even raised potato riots, not wanting to be "poisoned" by an overseas vegetable. And now, for almost any housewife, the lack of potatoes can cause, if not panic, then some inconvenience. Potato dishes can be very different, be it the first, second or even dessert. Potatoes are used to make wonderful bread and flat cakes. And most importantly, cooking from potatoes is quick and easy. The most democratic product!

But, oddly enough, not everyone knows how to properly cook potatoes. There are some rules that should not be broken. The fact is that the quality of potato dishes depends on the presence of starch in it and on how it is converted in potatoes under the influence of high temperature, liquid and acidic environment. So, for example, potatoes will never boil in an acidic environment. That's why sauerkraut for cabbage or salted cucumbers for pickle, stew separately and put in a saucepan shortly before the end of cooking, otherwise the potatoes will be dense, as if undercooked. But when cooking potatoes for salads, this feature will come in handy. Some varieties of potatoes are very boiled and may even fall apart - and in these cases it will help lemon acid or vinegar.

Even the simplest dish - - not everyone knows how to cook correctly. Jacket potatoes or peeled tubers should be placed in boiling salted water and cooked under a lid. The fact is that if you put potatoes in cold water and put them on fire, then the temperature inside the tubers will reach 70 ° C only after 20-25 minutes, and during this time at least 10% of starch is saccharified in the potatoes under the influence of heating. The resulting sugar goes into the broth, and the potatoes are sticky. A completely different picture will turn out if the potatoes are dipped in boiling water: after 5-6 minutes, the enzymes lose their activity, the starch is not hydrolyzed, and the loss of nutrients is significantly reduced. And potatoes are cooked much faster. After cooking, the water must be drained immediately, and the potatoes must be dried over low heat, covered with a lid.

... To cook good potatoes for a salad or in order to take a "brake" with you on the road, prepare "freite" potatoes. Make a so-called hypertonic brine - a very concentrated salt solution (350 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Not all of the salt will dissolve in water, that's okay. Put the washed, unpeeled tubers into the cold solution and put on high heat. If the salt dissolves during heating, add more. After boiling, cook under a loosely closed lid over fairly high heat. Try to keep all tubers covered with water. When boiling, the potatoes sizzle, as if they were fried in oil - this boils off the water, its vapors do not allow the brine to penetrate inside. Therefore, such potatoes must be salted before use. The potatoes are cooked for about 15 minutes. The longer the boil time is, the smaller and denser the potatoes will be. As soon as the potatoes are ready, immediately remove them from the brine, do not let them remain in them for a minute. If the potatoes were cooked for storage outside the cold (for example, on the road), leave them at room temperature without washing - the salt forms a dense crust that protects the potatoes from spoilage. Do not pour out the solution after cooking, it can be used more than a dozen times. Potatoes cooked in this way taste like baked ones.

. In the preparation of this dish there are several subtleties, having mastered which, you will prepare an amazing puree (and not "speck", which hardens like a stone when it cools). Boiled potatoes are rubbed hot through a sieve, oil is added, almost boiling milk is poured in 2-3 times and beat thoroughly until fluffy. Whipping is a must! To delay the inevitable hardening mashed potatoes when cooling, during cooking add fresh eggs or yolks and refined vegetable oil (you can add as much or half as much as butter). Hot cream can be added instead of milk. When rubbing hot potatoes, the cells of its tissues remain intact, and the mashed potatoes do not become sticky.

If you want to please your family fried potatoes with a crispy crust, you have to try a little, but the result is worth it! Cut the potatoes into wedges, slices or cubes as desired. Rinse in cold water and pat dry on a towel. Dip the potato slices in the flour (or a mixture of flour and egg powder, it tastes better). Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed skillet and place the potatoes. The layer of potatoes should not exceed 4-5 cm. Fry, stirring occasionally, until tender, without covering with a lid. Salt after formation golden brown.

Properly cooked French fries are considered as dietary as boiled ones! This statement in no way applies to potatoes served in fast food cafes, where potatoes are fried on something incomprehensible, rarely filtered in order to save money. So, first, let's prepare deep fat: a mixture of refined vegetable oil and ghee lard in a 1: 1 ratio, but it is possible that deep fat can only consist of vegetable oil. Pour deep fat into a tall saucepan, with the oil no more than half full. The oil must be heated to 180-190 ° C. Cut the potatoes into long sticks, rinse with cold water and pat dry on a towel. In no case need to salt, the potatoes will get wet because of this and will absorb the fat too much. Place the potato wedges in a special mesh and dip in boiling oil. Potatoes should be 8-10 times less than oil. After the formation of a golden brown crust, remove the potatoes, let the oil drain and sprinkle with fine salt, which can be additionally flavored with seasonings. Do not fry the potatoes until they are too crusty, as this will impair the taste of the finished dish and cause the frying to burn through. (With proper frying, deep fat can be used multiple times.) Deep-fried potatoes can be sliced ​​using a special tool that cuts potatoes in a spiral pattern. After cutting the spirals, tubers with holes can be stuffed with minced meat and baked.

And now you can cook more complex potato dishes. Although, if you look at it, there is nothing complicated in their preparation.

4-5 potatoes,
1 egg,
flour, salt.

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and chop in any way. Season with salt, add egg and flour and knead soft dough(do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the finished gnocchi will be like dumplings). Blind sausages, cut into pieces, roll into balls and press each one lightly to make washers. Boil the gnocchi in salted water. Serve with sour cream. Gnocchi can be prepared for future use, frozen, and then boiled until half cooked, put in pots and baked with cheese, ham, etc.

Potatoes baked in bacon

Peel the peeled potatoes, wrap with thin strips of bacon, wrap in foil and bake in hot oven within 30 minutes. Great recipe for a picnic!

4-5 potatoes,
100 g champignons,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper, sour cream, onion or garlic, herbs.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Cut the peeled tubers into thin circles, not cutting a little to the end, so that they open like a fan. In each cut, put slices of mushrooms, sprigs of herbs, salt and pepper, put crushed garlic or grated onion on top. Place the potatoes in a greased pan, drizzle with melted butter and place in the hot oven for 40 minutes. For a picnic, wrap each accordion potato in foil and bake for 30 minutes.

5-6 potatoes,
100 g of hunting sausages,
5 eggs,
250 ml of milk
salt pepper.

Cut the potatoes and sausages into slices and simmer in olive oil until tender. Beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper. Place the potatoes and sausages in a baking dish and cover with eggs. Bake at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.

5-6 potatoes,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp flour,
salt pepper.

Rub raw potatoes on a coarse grater, add eggs and flour, mix gently. Blind small patties and fry them in vegetable oil. Submit immediately. If the potato pancakes stand up, they will become dense. In this case, they can be stewed in sour cream with garlic, diluted with water and lightly salted.

300 g potatoes
200 g of cottage cheese,
300 g flour
300 g berries
1 egg,
butter, sour cream, salt.

Boil peeled potatoes in salted water and cool. Grind in a blender or crush. Mix with egg and cottage cheese, add flour and knead the dough. Roll the dough into balls the size of Walnut... Roll each ball into a cake and put one whole berry in the middle. Connect the edges of the cake and shape the ball again. Boil the dumplings in salted water for 7-10 minutes. Serve with butter or sour cream, sprinkled with sugar.


400 g potatoes
300 g of meat,
100 g fresh lard,
2 onions,
1 egg,
3 tbsp flour,
vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, cut the bacon into small cubes, chop the onion. Lightly fry the bacon, add the onion and simmer until half cooked. Put the minced meat and fry until tender, season with salt and pepper. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and chop. Mix with egg, flour and salt, knead the dough. Divide into equal pieces, make tortillas, add cooled filling and shape patties. Dip in flour or bread crumbs and fry until golden brown or bake in the oven. Minced meat for zraz can be anything: mushrooms, eggs with onions, cheese, cabbage, fish, shrimps ...


1 potato tuber,
2 stacks flour,
¼ tsp Sahara,
1 ½ tsp salt,
⅔ stack. warm water or potato broth,
3 tbsp olive oil,
⅔ tsp dry yeast,
1-2 ripe tomatoes,
1 tsp dried oregano.

Boil peeled potatoes until tender in salted water and chop in mashed potatoes. Pour the right amount broth and cool to 30 ° C. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the broth and leave for 10 minutes. Sift flour, pour yeast into it, stir and add mashed potatoes and salt. Stir with a wooden spoon and pour in 2 tbsp. olive oil. Knead the soft and elastic dough... Roll it into a ball, sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and leave for 1-2 hours. Transfer the dough that has come into the mold and stretch it along the bottom and sides of the mold. Peel the tomatoes, cut into rings or cubes and place on the dough, sprinkle with oregano, season with salt and pour over the remaining oil. Cover with a towel and leave for another hour. Then put in the oven, preheated to 210-220 ° C, for 40 minutes. Transfer the finished focaccia to the table and let cool slightly.

This is good recipe for a delicious dish from yesterday's mashed potatoes. Form small balls of mashed potatoes, breaded in flour, dipped in a loose egg and breaded again in breadcrumbs or grated wheat bread... Deep-fry croquettes. In mashed potatoes, you can add 2-3 tbsp. granular mustard, it will turn out spicy.

Another recipe for a hearty dinner made from leftover puree. Add 1-2 eggs, 3-4 tablespoons to the mashed potatoes. flour and knead the plastic dough. Add chopped herbs and spices. Put the rolled dough into a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and wrap it over the edges of the mold. On the dough, place a layer of grated cheese, onions fried in vegetable oil, diced ham or sautéed minced meat, a layer of cheese. Pour over with a mixture of eggs and sour cream. Bake at 180 ° C until browning.

Korean style potatoes


3-4 potatoes,
4-5 cloves of garlic
ground coriander, soy sauce, ground black and red pepper - as much as possible, since the dish should turn out to be quite spicy.

Grate peeled potatoes for Korean carrots to make long straws. Rinse the potatoes several times in running water until the starch is completely washed off. Salt and acidify a large amount of water with vinegar and boil. With boiling water, place the potatoes in a saucepan and stand for exactly 1 minute. Drain the boiling water quickly and rinse the potatoes with cold water like pasta. Add vinegar, black and red peppers, coriander, crushed garlic and soy sauce, stir and refrigerate for an hour.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all potato dishes in one article. But a great variety of recipes can be found on the pages of our site!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Potato dishes

Potato often called the second bread and therefore potato dishes are very popular - they are loved by both adults and children.

It is interesting that when Peter I imported potatoes to Russia, the peasants were forced to plant them literally by force. Now soups are cooked with him, fried, boiled and baked.

But it is quite possible to cook and unusual dishes from potatoes- this simple product... For example, pizza. Are you surprised? Below we will give 11 recipes for original potato dishes.

Potato canapes

Potato canapes

So, the first dish is canapes... Canapes are small sandwiches cut figuratively or in regular slices, and then skewered for convenience.

Potatoes and bacon can make pretty hearty snack... Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. If there is an airfryer, we will use it.
Then we cut the potatoes into small washers or take whole small potatoes. Note that you can clean them at will. You can simply brush and rub with salt.

Next, wrap the potatoes with pieces of bacon or regular bacon, then put them on skewers and bake in the oven until the bacon or bacon is golden brown. This dish can be served with tomato or sour cream sauce with garlic.

Potato sandwiches

Potato sandwiches

A sandwich with potatoes. Yes, don't be surprised. The most common hot sandwich tastier and more satisfying with a slice of fried potatoes.

Option one - with sausage and cheese. Place a fried potato slice, a sausage slice and a cheese slice on top of a slice of bread. We bake for five minutes in the oven, airfryer or microwave.

Option two - with tomato and bacon. Fry a slice of potatoes and a slice of bacon. We put it on a piece of bread, then a slice of tomato, on top you can grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. We also bake.

Option three - peel the potatoes and rub them on a coarse grater (like on potato pancakes). Squeeze the garlic into the potato mass, pepper a little, add some salt. Place the grated potatoes on the bread slices. Next, you will need to fry them in a pan in vegetable oil over medium heat. To do this, put the sandwiches with potatoes down. We fry the side with potatoes for about five minutes, turn over and fry the bread a little more. It turns out an appetizing sandwich that is very tasty to eat hot.

In general, there can be a great variety of options, according to your taste. Additives such as fried onions, mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, ham, lettuce will only add spice. Imagine, because hot sandwiches can help out when guests unexpectedly come to the house.

Stuffed potatoes

Stuffed potatoes

To cook stuffed potatoes, we take a fairly large potato.

Option one - wash the potatoes thoroughly and clean them with a brush. Cut in half and scrape out the inside to make a boat.

Cooking the filling. Anything is suitable for this - fried onions, mushrooms, fried slices of bacon or sausage, cheese, mayonnaise.

Mix the filling with potatoes from the middle and fill the boat. We bake until tender in a hot oven.

The second option is to bake a whole potato in foil, then cut and stuff with the cooked ingredients. Such hearty dish can be prepared in advance and taken with you to a picnic. And you can warm up our crumb-potatoes on coals in foil.

Potato roses

Potato roses

Baked mashed potato roses... An excellent option for recycling yesterday's puree.

Knead the potatoes better (if there is no mashed potatoes, then, respectively, clean, cook, knead the potatoes). You can add a little more oil and garlic. Next, put foil or baking paper on a baking sheet and spread the potato roses with a spoon or decorate the roses with a pastry syringe. You can sprinkle a little cheese on top, but not necessary. Bake until crusty.

Potato rings

Potato rings

Mashed potato rings... Another disposal option. Put the finished puree in the freezer for a while. Then we form the rings. It's simple - we roll up thin sausages and connect them in a circle, then roll them in an egg and breadcrumbs and fry. A great alternative to beer chips!

Potato waffles

Potato waffles

Potato waffles. Are you surprised? If you have a waffle iron, you can also make a great breakfast with leftover mashed potatoes.

So, add grated cheese to the puree, a little greens, you can put slices of sausage or onions. Add the beaten egg and a little flour, mix everything thoroughly. Next, bake like regular waffles. Hot and hearty breakfast ready.

Mini potato pizza

Mini potato pizza

Cut the potatoes into halves. Scrape out the middle and use it for mashed potatoes or face masks. And in the potatoes we put your usual pizza filling. Alternatively - ham, olives, pickles, onions and cheese. There are many options. We bake until the potatoes are ready.

Potato salad

Very popular dish in Europe. Here it is not so common due to the fact that the potatoes in it are cold. But if you want to try, please. So, boil potatoes, cool, cut into slices of any shape. Next, fill it with mayonnaise and herbs. Garlic or pickled onions can be added as desired. Let it brew a little and serve.

Potato gnocchi

Potato gnocchi

A very popular dish in various cafes. Gnocchi are balls of mashed potatoes with or without filling. They are either fried or boiled. So, we boil the potatoes, adding some salt to the water. After kneading it, add one egg, flour, to make an elastic dough. If you are making gnocchi with a filling, then roll the tortilla and put the filling in the center according to the principle of pies. If not, just make balls.

The dietary option is to boil our balls in water, you can add a couple of black peppercorns and a little garlic. We serve with tomato sauce... If you want to fry them, then you need to roll the balls in flour or breadcrumbs and fry until crusty.

Potato truffles

Yes, you heard right. Real chocolate truffles can be made with mashed potatoes, chocolate chips and vanillin. Form candies and roll in cocoa or coconut flakes.

Potato cake

Potato cake

For him we need:

  • three medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • raisins and vanillin.

Beat eggs with sugar until frothy. Add cocoa and grind with potatoes. Beat the whole mass until fluffy and pour into a greased mold. We bake for about an hour at a temperature of about 180 degrees.

As you can see original snacks and even a dessert can be made from such a cheap product as potatoes. They will not take away your energy or money. And this is very important in some situations.

Bon Appetit!

Excellent( 9 ) Badly( 0 )

One of the most common vegetables is, of course, potatoes. What kind of dishes mankind has not come up with from this truly great food product.

In almost any dish, be it the first, second, third or even dessert, you can find recipes using potatoes or potato starch.

Salads, soups, side dishes, main courses, drinks, pastries are everywhere, it is applicable and very popular.

How to make fries at home

Such delicious side dish goes well with any dish

Cut the potatoes into 6 - 7 mm thick slices

Cut the plates into strips with a thickness of 6 - 7 mm, try to cut the strips equally, then the potatoes will be fried evenly

After cutting, rinse the potatoes with cold water to wash off the starch that appears during cutting, then your potatoes will not stick together during frying.

Pour the washed potatoes into a bowl and dry with a paper towel to remove the water

We put a frying pan on the fire, pour refined sunflower oil, so that it covers the bottom of the pan by 6 - 8 mm, pour the potatoes into the heated oil

The oil should be so hot that the potatoes are fried right away, not boiled. Do not try to throw the whole thing at once, it is better to fry a little at a time, for several times, stir regularly so that it roasts evenly

Put the finished potatoes on paper towels, in order to remove excess oil, put them in a bowl, salt, mix - the fries are ready.

Recipe - French meat with potatoes in the oven

The well-known French meat with potatoes, under baked cheese, a time-tested dish that can feed a family, is perceived with a bang by the guests on the festive table, delicious, satisfying and very easy to prepare.

Step-by-step recipe for rustic potatoes in the oven

Thoroughly wash the potatoes with a brush and without peeling, cut them into large pieces

Sprinkle the potatoes with granulated garlic, seasoning for potatoes, black pepper, paprika, salt and stir

Add vegetable oil, mix again

We spread the potatoes on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven until 180 degrees. for 30 - 40 minutes

Potatoes are ready

We transfer it to a dish and sprinkle with herbs.

How to cook potato zrazy with meat

Delicious potato zrazy with minced meat, prepare quickly and easily

Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water, drain, dry and scroll through a meat grinder, add an egg to the mashed potatoes

Scroll the boiled meat in the same way through a meat grinder

Add the onion fried in vegetable oil to the resulting minced meat and mix everything well

Roll up balls of mashed potatoes and roll them in flour

We make small cakes from balls and put minced meat on them

Roll up in the form of a pie

Breaded in flour

In the vegetable oil preheated in a frying pan, spread the zrazy to fry

When the appearance golden crust, turn the zrazy over and fry the other side

We put it on a plate and serve with sour cream, it is possible with ketchup

When preparing this dish, you can add seasoning for potatoes to mashed potatoes, in minced meat at your discretion, herbal spices, garlic, a mixture of peppers. There are no restrictions here, everything is at your discretion and taste preferences.

Mushroom Fried Potato Recipe

A simple and tasty dish that will take you only 40 minutes to prepare


  • 1.2 kg potatoes
  • 400 grams of mushrooms
  • 3 onions
  • 3 tooth. garlic
  • Salt pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Prepare these foods

  • Peel vegetables, cut mushrooms into 4 pieces
  • Chop onion, garlic finely
  • Put the onion and garlic in the heated oil in a frying pan, fry
  • While the onion is fried, cut into strips, peeled potatoes
  • When the onion is fried until golden brown, put it from the pan into a plate.
  • Add a little oil and fry the mushrooms
  • Pour oil into a large frying pan, heat up and spread the potatoes
  • Stir occasionally, salt
  • When the potatoes are ready, add the fried mushrooms and onions with garlic to it, mix
  • Fry for another 5 minutes, the potatoes with mushrooms are ready, you can sprinkle with dill and serve

How to cook chicken and potatoes in a bag

A very tasty dish that is cooked in the oven, for its preparation you will need whole chicken, potatoes, spices.

Garlic potatoes in the oven, recipe with photo

Delicious and fragrant potatoes, prepares very quickly and easily

You need: Boiled potatoes, garlic, mayonnaise, cheese, herbs

Cut the boiled potatoes into two halves

Grate the cheese and finely chop the dill

Mix the dill with the cheese and add the garlic crushed through the garlic

We spread the mayonnaise and mix the whole mixture thoroughly

Lay out the baking dish parchment paper, grease it vegetable oil.

Put our mixture on each half of the potatoes

360 Moscow region has collected several interesting recipes.

People treat potatoes as an everyday, uninteresting food. Dozens of kilograms of this tuber are in the markets, it is inexpensive, and it does not look very attractive when unwashed and unpeeled. However, potatoes can also be used to make original dishes rather than the usual mashed potatoes, boiled or fried potatoes. "360 Podmoskovye" has collected several interesting recipes.

Potato salad with pickled mushrooms


mushrooms (boletus) - 300 grams;

potatoes - three large tubers;

pickles - two pieces;

onions - one piece;

green onions - 50 grams;

for refueling: vegetable oil - 125 milliliters;

eight percent vinegar - 50 milliliters;

salt, sugar, pepper, a spoonful of prepared mustard.

Preparation: boil potatoes, peel, cut into small cubes. Mushrooms and pickles - in slices, onions - in half rings. Mix the ingredients in a salad bowl and pour over the dressing. Prepare the dressing by mixing all the ingredients and whipping them with a fork or whisk. Top the salad with chopped green onions and parsley. Deliciously incredible!



minced meat (any) - 300 grams;

onions - one piece;

flour - one tablespoon;

salt, black pepper, ground coriander - to taste;

garlic - three cloves (optional);

sour cream - two tablespoons;

potatoes - by the number of eaters;

decoction of potatoes - 200 milliliters.

Boil the potatoes, pour 200 ml of liquid into a separate bowl. Cut the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown. Add minced meat and, stirring constantly, fry until tender. Season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with a little coriander, add chopped garlic, stir.

Sprinkle with flour, stir quickly. Then pour in the potato broth and add sour cream. Stir everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil and turn off. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Lightly mash the potatoes with a crush. Put potatoes on a plate and top meat sauce... Simple and tasty, easy to prepare dish.

Baked potato wedges


four large potatoes;

three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

¼ teaspoon sea ​​salt;

¼ teaspoon of garlic powder;

¼ a teaspoon of paprika;

¼ teaspoon of black pepper;

two tablespoons chopped fresh leaves parsley;

40-50 grams grated on a fine grater hard cheese(like parmesan);

two cups of ice cubes.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Wash the potatoes (peel if desired) and cut into wedges. Place in a bowl of water and add two cups of ice cubes. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then pat dry with paper towels.

Combine ¼ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon garlic powder, ¼ teaspoon paprika, and и teaspoon black pepper in a large, tight bag. Add potato slices and shake well. Then add ¼ cup olive oil to the bag and shake again until the potatoes are covered with the spice mixture.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange the potato wedges and bake for 30-35 minutes, until the potatoes are brown and crispy. While the potatoes are baking, chop two tablespoons of fresh parsley and combine in a large bowl with grated cheese.

Remove the potatoes from the leaf and place in the cheese and parsley mixture, stir. Spicy, beautiful, delicious!

Potato with lid


Garlic oil

100 grams of soft butter;

five tablespoons of grated cheese (parmesan);

one tablespoon of sour cream;

three peeled and crushed garlic cloves;

three tablespoons of finely chopped parsley.

Wash five peeled potatoes, put in a saucepan and cook until tender.

Mix everything, season with ground pepper and, if necessary, salt. Boiled potatoes cut lengthwise, put on a greased mold. Spread every potato garlic oil and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.

Cooking time 10-15 minutes (if potatoes are cooked in their skins in advance). The bright sauce will do the trick!

Shepherd potato pie with lamb


onions - one piece;

carrots - 200 grams;

potatoes - 600 grams;

chopped lamb (or minced meat) - 500 grams;

vegetable oil - two tablespoons;

flour - one tablespoon;

butter - 25 grams;

low-fat cream - 150 milliliters;

dried ground herbs - 0.5 teaspoon;

tomato juice- 250 milliliters;

ground black pepper, salt.

Peel and boil the potatoes in salted water. Mash in mashed potatoes, adding cream and butter. Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the carrots, cut into small cubes. Place in a skillet with heated vegetable oil and sauté until the onion is soft.

Add minced lamb (minced meat) to the pan with vegetables. Stir and grill over medium heat until the meat is browned. Stir constantly with a wooden spatula and add flour. Cook for 5 minutes.

Pour in tomato juice, herbs, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Transfer the meat and vegetables to a large baking dish. Place the mashed potatoes on top of the meat and vegetables. Loosen the surface with a fork.

Bake at 190 degrees for 25-30 minutes. You can turn on the grill two minutes before cooking. Allow the pie to cool slightly before cutting it into portions.

This is old dish British cuisine works great in our kitchens too. Try it, you won't go wrong.

Potato casserole with fish


six potatoes;

450 grams of fish fillets;

one zucchini;

one bell pepper;

100 milliliters of cream;

100 grams of mayonnaise;

one large onion;

100 grams of grated cheese;

100 grams of dill;

50 grams of margarine;

spices, salt, pepper;

Cut raw peeled potatoes into small slices. Onion, zucchini (without peel), cut pepper into rings. Fish - in pieces. Add fish spices to the cream and add some salt. Finely chop the greens.

Grease a baking dish with margarine. Lay in the following order: potatoes (lightly salt), onions, fish, zucchini. Pour cream over all stacked products. Spread mayonnaise on top with a spoon, sprinkle grated cheese, herbs on it, and decorate with pepper rings on top.

Place the casserole dish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and cook for 30 minutes until crispy cheese crust.

Potato pie with mozzarella and salami


600 grams of large potatoes;

50 grams of melted butter;

450 grams of finished puff pastry;

two tablespoons of parsley;

100 grams of salami, chopped into large strips;

one mozzarella scoop, thinly sliced;

five finely chopped hard-boiled eggs;

100 milliliters of sour cream;

salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Boil the peeled potatoes in boiling salted water until almost cooked, leave to cool. Peel the potatoes and cut into five millimeter slices.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Brush the split baking pan with a little melted butter. Put the rolled dough into a mold so that it extends beyond the edges of the mold, brush with melted butter.

Season the boiled potatoes with salt and pepper to taste. Spread half of the serving overlap on the bottom of the mold. Sprinkle half a serving of chopped parsley on top. Then place half of the salami, also overlapping like fish scales, and a layer of half of the mozzarella. Sprinkle finely chopped eggs on the cheese. Put sour cream on top, sprinkle with a teaspoon of water.

Add another layer of salami, then mozzarella, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and the last layer of potatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the filling with the pastry that has protruded from the edges of the mold and brush with the remaining melted butter. Bake and eat with indispensable pleasure!

Potatoes in bacon


10 medium-sized potatoes;

20 strips of bacon;

a bunch of fresh herbs;

For the sauce:

25 grams of butter;

250 milliliters of broth (any or water);

one tablespoon of flour;

100 milliliters of sour cream;

salt and black pepper;

juice of half a lemon.

Wash the potatoes, boil them in their uniforms until tender, cool a little, peel them. On the table, lay out two strips of bacon side by side in a crisscross pattern, put the potatoes on them, wrap them up and put them in the form with the seam down. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for ten minutes.

For the sauce: heat oil, add flour and grind. Pour in the broth little by little, stirring immediately so that no lumps form. Bring the sauce to a boil, then remove from heat. Stir in sour cream, salt and pepper to taste, add lemon juice... Pour potatoes with this sauce and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

High in calories, but delicious!

Potatoes with feta cheese


feta cheese - 250 grams;

cottage cheese - 250 grams;

potatoes - five large tubers;

onion - one large onion;

garlic to taste;

sour cream - 250 milliliters;

salt, pepper - to taste;

vegetable oil - two tablespoons.

Fry the onions until golden brown. Place foil on a baking sheet. Chop feta cheese into a bowl, add cottage cheese and sour cream, salt and pepper, mix well. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Put it on foil with a layer of two centimeters, pour the curd mixture. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Then put the fried onions on top and put the dish in the oven again for 10 minutes.

Potato "in a hat"


five large potatoes;



250 grams of minced meat;

a clove of garlic.

Boil five large potatoes, cut across the waist, take out the pulp with a spoon, leaving the side half a centimeter. Mix part of the pulp with chopped parsley.

In a frying pan, fry the chopped bacon fat in small cubes, add 250 grams of any raw minced meat, crushed garlic clove. Season with salt, pepper, stir well and fry.

Fill the potato "baskets" with this meat mixture, and put the remaining pulp with parsley on top and cover the potatoes with this "hat". Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a hot oven until the cheese is golden brown.

Li.Ru culinary community -

Potato recipes

Grilled potatoes are a very easy side dish to prepare, but still taste incredible, especially when cooked outdoors.

Canarian potatoes are the simplest dish served in every restaurant in the famous Canary Islands. I tell you how to cook it at home.

Chicken baked in the oven with potatoes is the dish for the celebration that has been and will be popular at all times. Birthday, New Year, any holiday - this dish will come in handy!

An excellent version of a delicious roast in a pot with young potatoes, which will appeal to even the most picky gourmets. Delight your family with the excellent taste of this home cooking!

Potatoes with sour cream in pots is a wonderful, very old, but at the same time incredibly tasty dish, our great-grandmothers have been cooking in the oven for a long time, but we will cook it in the oven.

A very tasty and healthy side dish of potatoes and spinach will suit everyone's taste. Prepare it for lunch or dinner and serve it with meat or fish, in any case the taste will be unforgettable.

What could be tastier than meat with potatoes baked in clay pots in the oven ?! Probably nothing, so we will immediately start preparing this magnificent dish.

Wonderful, delicious and tender potatoes, stewed in cream, are an excellent side dish for any meat and fish, and it is very easy to cook it, and it will not take much time.

Potato chips easy and quick to prepare at home. Plus, it's a cheap dish. And, of course, you will make preservative-free chips at home. You will need potatoes, oil, spices and a grater.

If you are lucky enough to pick up fresh butter in the forest, here is a recipe for fried butter with potatoes, perhaps the simplest dish that can be prepared from these mushrooms. Delicious and simple.

The main advantage of the pressure cooker is that food is cooked in it very quickly - a simple recipe for potatoes in a pressure cooker will help you feed hungry households in a matter of minutes!

Classic recipe potatoes with cheese without using eggs - perfect option for vegetarians. However, those who eat meat should also appreciate the bright, rich taste of this wonderful dish.

Potato gnocchi are small Italian potato dumplings. Most often they are served as a side dish, but you can (and very tasty) eat them and how independent dish with sour cream, for example.

Potatoes with porcini mushrooms - very tasty and nutritious dish, for which a European restaurant would have had to pay a lot of money. And our porcini mushrooms grow in the forest - why not cook it?

I offer you a simple recipe for pollock with potatoes, according to which this fish is prepared in our family. It turns out a full-fledged lunch or dinner from a side dish and a main course. If you have pollock, cook it!

One of the most delicious dishes that can only be prepared from mushrooms is honey mushrooms baked with potatoes in the oven. Such a dish will surely be appreciated by your household and guests!

If fried potatoes too high in calories for you, and boiled ones are already fed up, then you should learn how to cook potatoes baked in foil - an easy, healthy and delicious side dish for the whole family!

A simple recipe for potatoes in foil with cheese will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner for the whole family! The dish is very tasty - children especially like it! :)

This is how potatoes have been cooked in our family for many years - it turns out delicious and very beautiful hot snack... I hope you will like the recipe for cooking potatoes with sauce!

The recipe for cooking potatoes in cream is something special! The potato turns out to be neither fried nor stewed, but thoroughly soaked in the most delicate cream, aromas of garlic and herbs. Trying? :)

Do not rack your brains over how to cook creamy potatoes in a slow cooker, because it's very simple! I am sharing a recipe that will help you cope with the five-plus problem.

Bulgarian cuisine, in my opinion, is one of the most delicious in the world. Having learned how to cook potatoes in Bulgarian, you will also be convinced of this. Details - in the recipe with step by step photos!

This simple steamed potato recipe illustrates one of the most useful ways cooking potatoes, because it is steaming that preserves the maximum vitamins in the original product. Trying? :)

Not sure how to cook sleeve potatoes in the oven? It's very easy! Must Read Recipe for Vegetarians, Supporters diet food and everyone who cares about their health!

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven, you can cook in portioned pots or in a large heat-resistant dish - choose the dishes yourself, but it will turn out deliciously anyway, I promise!

In America, no picnic is complete without this potato salad... I liked it. I hope you enjoy the American potato salad recipe too;)

Scientists call potatoes a "botanical masterpiece". This root vegetable is one of the most valuable on earth. There are simply countless options for its preparation, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

In the forest, I gathered almost a basket of moss buns. She hung up a few to dry, and fried the rest with potatoes. Mokhoviks with potatoes came out notable! Served with sour cream and fried onions. Real jam!

Resting in the village at the end of summer, I often cook simple dishes... The forest and the garden are nearby, therefore fresh potatoes and mushrooms are always at hand. Umbrellas with potatoes are one of such simple and favorite dishes.

Shiitake mushrooms with potatoes are prepared in the same way as other mushrooms. One exception is Shiitake cooks faster. You should be aware that in the case of shiitake, only hats are used, the legs are usually thrown away.

Oh, who can resist fried potatoes with onions and honey agarics? I personally cannot. If you are also not indifferent to mushrooms - read the recipe!

Cooking potatoes with cabbage in a slow cooker is a pleasure: put all the vegetables, turn on the mode and go about your business further. In 20 minutes, you have a side dish ready - two in one!

There are only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, feel free to put boats on the festive table. I share the recipe!

Delicious and hearty pie with a thin crumbly dough. He prepares easily and quickly, and you can feed the whole family with them, because those who are indifferent to this culinary masterpiece definitely won't stay.

I want to tell you how to cook potatoes on the grill. Until the summer was over, no one canceled the picnic period! So be sure to try it next time - it's simple, fast and delicious.

Everyone knows how to cook potatoes in sour cream at home, and each housewife has her own recipe. I love to bake potatoes with sour cream in pots, so I share with you simple recipe!

Fried pies with cabbage - this is another story of our childhood and a taste that we will not confuse with anything. Have an evening of memories with warm aromatic cakes.

Personally, my homemade casserole with potatoes and fish always turns out to be very juicy, which is why it occupies a high place in the ranking of my favorite dishes. Try it, simple, economical and tasty!

I share my own way of making fried potatoes with mushrooms - a simple but very popular dish. And it is not surprising - it is fast, tasty, satisfying, and does not require any special financial costs. Ideally:)

Combining mushrooms with potatoes is always delicious! I propose a recipe for cooking porcini mushrooms with potatoes, a hearty dish, rich in fiber, but not fatty. Great option for a lunch menu.

The recipe for cooking oyster mushrooms, fried with potatoes, is somewhat at odds with the generally accepted technology for cooking mushrooms fried with potatoes. Do you want to know how? Read the recipe with step by step photos!

Baked chicken fillet with potatoes - a dish that will delight and surprise you with its variety flavors, excellent quality and ease of preparation. Great option for lunch or dinner.

I offer you a simple recipe for stewed potatoes with mushrooms, which, moreover, takes record little effort to cook it. And the result will definitely delight you - the mushroom aroma and very juicy potatoes! :)

Rosemary potatoes are baked in the oven. This dish is convenient to prepare when cooking something else in the oven. Rosemary potatoes are a flavorful and delicious side dish that goes well with anything.

Delicate, creamy and hearty mashed potatoes with a sweetish parsnip flavor will win you over with its delicate taste and a piquant aroma. You have never tasted such delicious mashed potatoes!

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream - a dish that I can never resist, it looks too delicious. The taste depends on the mushrooms used. I cook with white, chanterelles or mushrooms.

Beef with vegetables and potatoes is a classic dish that can be served to guests or to a family dinner. It is better to choose meat for this dish with fat. Let's add more seasonal vegetables and aromatic spices!

The recipe for cooking potatoes with mushrooms in a pan is, I tell you, a classic of the genre! One of the most popular "vegetarian" meals in our family - I hope you enjoy it too.

An excellent appetizer or side dish is obtained from jacket potatoes baked in the oven. The dish looks very appetizing! Such a versatile side dish is also suitable for festive table... And don't get dirty!

We always make potatoes with bacon in foil at picnics, but in winter it is good to make them in the oven in foil. The potatoes are saturated with the aroma of bacon, they sort of "get married", and the result is a luxury potato!

Pie with chicken and potatoes has a delicate taste, crispy crust and cream filling. He prepares for an hour and feeds the whole family. The dish is hearty, ideal for expectant mothers.

I am telling you how to cook potatoes in a baking sleeve - it's quick, simple, healthy and very tasty! I advise you to pay special attention to this recipe for ladies who care about their figure.

Young potatoes have a sweet taste, cook faster and do not need to be peeled. I cook young potatoes in the oven as soon as they appear. Served with fresh vegetable salad.

Pike in the oven with potatoes is a royal dish. And if also caught with your own hands! The dish is perfect for a celebration. I came out with fragrant and juicy pieces with well-fried potatoes.

Potatoes with cracklings - a chic dish in the season young potatoes... The dish is prepared very simply, within 45 minutes and is not expensive at all. Delicious, satisfying and simple!

A simple recipe for potatoes with mushrooms in the oven will help you build at any time delicious dinner or lunch for the whole family. Nothing complicated simple ingredients but the dish is very tasty and original.

How many different delicious dishes you can make from potatoes is hard to count. For example, potatoes with liver are very tasty and satisfying. It's simple!

I love casseroles! The rainbow of tastes becomes one light ray, in which a mass of tastes intertwines. The casserole with potatoes and chicken comes out tenderly creamy, juicy and satisfying. Both small and old!

What Slav doesn't like potatoes with meat ?! I really like potatoes stuffed with minced meat... It turns out a new interpretation classic dish... Delicious and beautiful! Any mince is suitable for a dish.

Hearty and very tasty khychiny with potatoes is prepared by my friend's mother. The dish is awesome, especially with sour cream or yogurt and garlic sauce. I tried to cook it myself. Happened! I recommend!

Light soup with rice and potatoes everyone will like. This is a classic lunch soup which I am sure everyone remembers from childhood. Anyone can cook such a soup with rice and potatoes. Let's get started!