Zucchini stuffed with minced meat in the oven. Stuffed zucchini in the oven: recipes with photos Baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat

Juicy zucchini as if they are asking to be filled with meat filling with herbs and vegetables, mushrooms, and other combinations of products that are at hand at the moment. And a few minutes before they are ready, be sure to sprinkle them with spicy cheese so that an appetizing and golden crust appears on the surface.

Zucchini is very useful for the body, and is versatile in preparation, as it is combined with most other products. For the filling, you can use not only chopped meat, but also its combination with cereals and vegetables, mushrooms. Fish and seafood, a mixture of cheese and vegetables are also used. And you can enjoy the dish not only hot, it is no less tasty and cold. For serving, you can use sauces based on sour cream, tomato paste, homemade mayonnaise.

How to cook stuffed zucchini

In order to fill the zucchini, not all fruits are suitable - they must be intact, preferably young, not overripe, with a thin skin. Before cooking, they are thoroughly washed, cut lengthwise - for "boats", and across - to make "cups". Carefully take out the pulp with a spoon, leaving a little on the sides and at the bottom - since the vegetable is very soft, then if you cut off all the pulp, it can simply fall apart during baking.

There is also a quick "alternative" option for cooking zucchini with minced meat - when the vegetable is cut into thick circles, on which the filling is then laid out, and everything is sprinkled with cheese with the addition of herbs and spices.

The temperature for baking zucchini in the oven should not be very high - 160-180C will be enough. If only vegetables, seafood or meat that has passed the preliminary heat treatment, then 20 minutes will be enough for cooking.

But if the meat filling is used raw, then it is worth baking the vegetable in the oven for at least 45 minutes, preferably an hour. To make them quickly brown, it will be enough to increase the oven temperature to 200C, and leave the vegetables for 7-10 minutes, carefully looking after them.

Zucchini are often cooked on the stove, frying in oil, with the addition of garlic and cheese, mayonnaise, or baked, after adding to them delicious filling... Each recipe, with the main ingredient in the dish, has its own flavor, delicious aroma and taste. We bring to your attention the simplest and delicious recipes for cooking.

A simple recipe for stuffed zucchini with meat and cheese

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Of course, vegetables are very healthy, but, unfortunately, they cannot provide us with the necessary calories during the day, which we need to restore energy and give strength. therefore perfect option- combine them with meat.


The dish looks very impressive on the table, thanks to the way the vegetable is filled with meat filling.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

One serving contains 139 calories.


  1. Wash the zucchini well, it is advisable to choose those that have an even shape along the entire length. Peel them if necessary;
  2. Cut the vegetable into "washers" 3-5 cm thick. With a teaspoon, carefully remove part of the core, while it is important to keep the bottom so that the filling does not fall out;
  3. Prepare meat filling- add salt, ground black pepper, your favorite spices, such as coriander or sweet paprika, into a well-chopped minced meat a couple of times through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Mix everything well, you can also add fragrant dry herbs or spicy fresh herbs;
  4. Chop the onion and garlic, for piquancy and better taste for filling, they can be fried in butter, or used raw - the decision is left to the discretion of the chef;
  5. Stir the meat with root vegetables, knead and stuff the washers quite tightly. Put them on a greased baking sheet, bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes;
  6. Grate the mozzarella, you can cut it into thin slices. 5-7 minutes before being ready, take out the form with zucchini, sprinkle with cheese, and return the baking sheet to the oven until tender.

A hearty and delicious dish can become great lunch, dinner or a snack, if you add to it a simple side dish of potatoes or rice, vegetable salad.

Cooking time - 75 minutes.

One serving contains 103 calories.


  1. Minced meat must be made from chicken fillet, for this, rinse and dry the meat, remove bones and skin, and scroll through a meat grinder a couple of times, or grind using a blender;
  2. Chop onion and garlic, fry in vegetable oil to a ruddy and golden color;
  3. Chop the mushrooms, but do not make the pieces too small;
  4. Add to the skillet with the fried onions. Put out a little, and after evaporation of moisture, sprinkle everything with salt and pepper with spices;
  5. Mix everything well and add minced chicken, fry it;
  6. Add to meat with vegetables tomato sauce, pour in the cream and hold the pan over the fire for another 5 minutes, until almost all the sauce has evaporated;
  7. Prepare zucchini for stuffing in a way convenient for you, stuff them with filling and bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with cheese and herbs, bake until golden brown.

Zucchini with minced meat and buckwheat porridge, cooked in the oven

A very simple recipe for cooking zucchini with the addition of meat and buckwheat, which makes the dish hearty and incredibly tasty.

zucchini or zucchini 3 pcs
any meat for minced meat 250 g
good quality buckwheat 1 glass
quality mayonnaise 2-3 tablespoons
spices taste
salted cheese 100 g
fresh herbs small bundle
onion and garlic 1-2 pcs
sea ​​salt Little

Cooking time - 55 minutes.

One serving contains 151 calories.


  1. Prepare zucchini for baking by cutting them into "boats" or "washers". Take out the pulp and immerse in cold water so that they do not darken;
  2. Go through buckwheat, rinse it, add water and cook until tender. Can be used buckwheat porridge that was left over from yesterday's dinner;
  3. The pulp from the zucchini should not be thrown away, but cut it along with onions and garlic and fry over medium heat until golden brown;
  4. Make minced meat from a piece of meat and add it to fried vegetables, season with spices, add salt and stir. Simmer for about 10 minutes, if necessary, add a little liquid;
  5. Add buckwheat porridge to the finished meat filling, grate feta cheese, you can cut some fresh herbs. Stir mayonnaise into the mass, season, if necessary, with salt and spices;
  6. Fill the zucchini with minced meat and bake in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes.

Zucchini recipe with minced meat and cheese on a vegetable pillow

This recipe differs from the others in that the prepared dish turns out to be incredibly juicy and mouth-watering. Vegetables will be a great addition to minced meat boats with cheese.

ripe zucchini 3 pcs
tomatoes 3 pcs
any meat for minced meat 425 g
feta cheese or mozzarella 250 g
round rice 4 tablespoons
carrot 1 PC
spices taste
Bell pepper 1-2 pcs
fresh herbs small bundle
homemade mayonnaise 3 spoons
onion and garlic 1-2 pcs
sea ​​salt Little

Cooking time - 90 minutes.

One serving contains - 168 calories.


  1. Sort the groats, rinse in cold water, and put to simmer over medium heat until half cooked. After cooking, boiled rice should be rinsed and cooled, allowed to drain off excess water;
  2. Chop the onion and garlic, fry them in oil;
  3. Prepare vegetables for the "pillow" - grate carrots, chop bell peppers and tomatoes. Fry them together with onions over high heat, but do not simmer for a long time;
  4. Transfer the vegetables to a greased form, let them cool;
  5. Prepare boats from zucchini, stuff them with a mixture of twisted minced meat, cooked rice until half cooked, and grated cheese. If used for cooking very salty cheese, then it is worth salt the minced meat with great care;
  6. Add salt and spices and fill the courgettes, transfer them to a mold on top of the fried vegetables and bake for 45 minutes.

So that when baking, the "boats" do not fall to the side, you can either fold them tightly side by side, or cut off a thin strip of skin with pulp from the bottom for stability.

You don't need to add spices to your dishes, but then you should use spicy varieties of cheese and herbs.

If you are not sure about your oven, then you can pour a little water or broth on the bottom of a refractory baking dish, but you still have to follow up, since zucchini is a delicate product, they can get overcooked and sour.

Zucchini with minced meat in the oven is a great option for a summer dish. Although they can be cooked successfully in winter, because zucchini keeps well for several months. In the article you will find four basic recipes, in which you can then make adjustments and each time get a new taste.

Zucchini are very “docile” vegetables. They are not difficult to cook and go well with any products, "love" aromatic herbs and spices. It turns out very tasty or.

Zucchini with minced meat "Lodochki" in the oven

Zucchini with minced meat prepared according to this recipe will not only be tasty, but also turn out to be very beautiful. Therefore, they can be put on a festive table as a hot dish.


  • three young zucchini;
  • big chicken fillet;
  • one tomato;
  • onion head;
  • fresh basil and dill;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste;
  • refined oil for frying;
  • piece of cheese.


First of all, let's start preparing the zucchini. We will wash them thoroughly, since you do not need to remove the skin from the zucchini. Cut off the ends on both sides and carefully cut each in half.

Now, using a spoon, you need to remove the middle from each particle. But this must be done carefully so as not to break through the peel.

Do not throw away the pulp, it will be used as part of the filling.

All our zucchini halves need to be brought into this form. Now the future boats need to be salted and pepper on both sides: both inside and outside.

Additionally, we lubricate each workpiece sunflower oil"Odorless" and put on a baking sheet, also oiled.

Please note that you need to lay them upside down.

You need to bake zucchini at a temperature of 180 ° C for 15 - 20 minutes.

You need to put the zucchini in a preheated oven.

While the zucchini is baking, let's prepare the filling. Chicken fillet must be chopped. If desired, it can be replaced with a ready-made minced chicken or any other meat.

Fry the chopped chicken until tender. Let's put it aside for now and take care of the onion. It must be cut into half rings.

And lightly fry in the same pan in which the chicken fillet was cooked. Add chopped squash pulp to it and bring vegetable mix until ready.

Grind the tomato and herbs. We mix them.

Add chicken fillet, grated cheese, mayonnaise to them and squeeze garlic into the mixture. We mix.

Then put the cooled zucchini in a bowl and mix again.

Now it's time to stuff our partially cooked courgettes. We spread the prepared filling in the "boats", put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese.

We put the baking sheet in a preheated 180 ° C oven and cook the zucchini until the cheese melts.

Oven baked stuffed zucchini with minced meat - a simple recipe

Zucchini can be stuffed in another way - cut into thick rings, take out the middle and fill it with prepared minced meat.


  • 3 - 4 young zucchini;
  • two onions;
  • any minced meat;
  • tomato paste - one large spoon;
  • sour cream - 200 - 250 ml;
  • piece of cheese;
  • lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper.


Wash the vegetables well under running water and cut them into thick rings.

With the help of a small spoon, we need to clean out the entire core. But the bottom should remain. It will turn out to be a kind of cups.

The side of the zucchini should remain about the thickness of your little finger.

Now let's start preparing the filling. Cut the onion and the flesh of the courgettes into small cubes, and then cook this mixture in a pan until the zucchini is fully cooked.

In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients: minced meat, onion and zucchini mixture, a tablespoon of tomato paste. Mix and add lemon juice, chopped dill green tea, two tablespoons of oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

We turn on the oven at 180 ° C - let it heat up. And we begin to fill the zucchini rings with cooked minced meat. But you don't need to do this too tightly.

We put stuffed zucchini with "soldiers" in any suitable baking dish. And put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Now you need to prepare the fill. Salt sour cream, put greens in it and stir.

Now we take out the zucchini and generously water them with dressing, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send them back in the oven for another 20 minutes, but already at a temperature of 160 ° C.

And you're done. You can invite everyone to the table. Bon Appetit!

Zucchini with minced meat in the oven with vegetables and cheese

Zucchini with minced chicken, vegetables and cheese are surprisingly tender and tasty. If desired, you can use pork or Ground beef- it depends on your personal preference. To make the zucchini taste even more interesting, you can put fried mushrooms in the minced meat.


  • minced chicken - 400-500 grams;
  • one large zucchini;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • large tomato;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • greens.


Wash the zucchini and peel it if it is already overripe.

In young specimens, you can leave it - it is tender enough to be completely baked.

We cut the vegetable into rings - choose the thickness yourself - and clean the entire middle. So that the pulp does not disappear, you can make zucchini pancakes from it, it will turn out very tasty.

Now let's take a look at the onion. Cut it into cubes and send it to the pan to fry until golden brown.

Then rub the carrots and put them on the onions. Fry them together.

We spread the zucchini rings on a baking sheet. It can be greased with oil, or it can be covered baking paper.

Put vegetable frying in minced meat, salt it, pepper and stir.

And we lay it out on zucchini rings. Then we cut the tomato into thin slices and put it on each ring, like a lid. Sprinkle on top with a layer of cheese, put a spoonful of mayonnaise and put in the oven.

You need to bake the zucchini for about 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Zucchini with minced meat in an omelette

If you don't have time to stand at the stove, but you need to cook something hearty quickly, try making zucchini with minced meat baked in an omelet. If you take minced chicken, you get a dietary low-calorie dish.


  • one zucchini;
  • minced meat - 300 grams;
  • rice - a quarter cup;
  • large tomato;
  • piece of cheese;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • oil.


  1. First of all, let's get to the zucchini. It must be washed, cut into not too thick circles and remove the middle from them. Season with salt on all sides and fry until cooked.
  2. Boil the rice and put it on the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add a little tomato paste or finely chopped tomato slices to the minced meat.

If desired, you can stir in black pepper or a little garlic.

  1. Grease a baking dish with oil and spread the courgette rings over the bottom. Fill all the middle with prepared minced meat.
  2. Now you need to prepare the omelet mixture. Beat eggs with milk. Season the mixture with pepper and salt.
  3. Pour our stuffed rings with it and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

You need to put the zucchini in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. They take about 30 minutes to prepare. Bon Appetit!

I suggest you watch a video recipe for cooking zucchini with minced meat under cheese coat in the oven

Bon appetit and see you new recipes!

You can stuff not only cabbage leaves and bell peppers, but also zucchini, and this eggplant-like vegetable goes well with meat fillings.

Learn how to cook zucchini, stuffed with minced meat baked in the oven is an incredibly tasty dish that should please even those who do not particularly like vegetables. There are several options for zucchini stuffing and we will consider the most interesting ones, you can choose any recipe you like at your discretion.

Stuffed zucchini: recipe with cheese and tomatoes


  • - 3 pcs + -
  • Minced meat (beef, pork)- 500 g + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 3 cloves + -
  • - 4 things + -
  • Hard cheese - 150 g + -
  • - taste + -

How to cook zucchini with cheese and tomatoes

  1. Rinse the zucchini, you do not need to peel them. Cut them in half lengthwise, remove the pulp in the middle with a spoon or a knife to make the “boats”. Do not throw away the removed part of the vegetable, chop finely and mix with minced meat.
  2. Chop the onion smaller, push the garlic through a press or finely chop with a knife.
  3. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onion, minced meat and garlic for 20 minutes. Salt, season with spices.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices or slices.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and place the zucchini on it.
  7. Fill each "boat" with fried minced meat, put slices of tomato on top and sprinkle the zucchini with cheese.
  8. Heat the oven to 180 ° С, bake the dish for 30 minutes.

If you want the stuffed zucchini with tomatoes and cheese to turn out even more juicy, after placing the minced meat, pour a little sour cream or mayonnaise on each "boat". But do not forget that this will increase the calorie content of the dish.

How to bake zucchini with minced chicken and corn

This is unusual diet recipe baked zucchini with minced meat, which is suitable for those who follow their figure.


  • Minced chicken - 500 g;
  • Zucchini - 3 pcs;
  • Canned corn - 1 can;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Tomato - 1 large;
  • Cheese - 150 g;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

How to cook minced chicken zucchini

  1. Rinse the zucchini, cut them lengthwise and remove the pulp in the middle to make indentations. Do not discard the pulp, but chop and add to the minced meat.
  2. Chop the onion finely, squeeze the garlic through a special press or finely chop it with a knife.
  3. Pour a little oil into the pan and fry the onion with minced meat until half cooked, add garlic, salt, spices there.
  4. Grate the tomato and mix it with the minced meat when it cools a little.
  5. Add corn, sour cream to the mass and mix everything well.
  6. Spread the zucchini on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Stuff each with minced meat.
  7. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it on the boats.
  8. Heat the oven to 180 ° C and bake the stuffed zucchini for half an hour, after which the dish is ready.

You can cook this recipe with minced meat, not chicken, there are no strict restrictions here.

Zucchini stuffed with vegetables: recipe for the oven

If you want to get vegetarian dish, then this recipe for zucchini-boats, stuffed with vegetables- exactly what is needed.


  • Zucchini - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Cauliflower - 150 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Greens (parsley, dill) - several branches;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

How to cook zucchini with vegetables in the oven

  1. Rinse the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove the core with a spoon.
  2. Carrots, onions, bell pepper and chop the cut zucchini pulp into small cubes.
  3. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and chop too.
  4. Peel the tomato by pouring boiling water over it and chop finely.
  5. Press the scrub through a press or finely chop it with a knife.
  6. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on fire. Throw the onion fried first, after 3-4 minutes add the carrots, simmer the vegetables for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Then add the bell peppers, garlic and cabbage. Add the tomatoes after 5 minutes. Salt, season vegetables with spices, simmer for 10 minutes.
  8. Received minced vegetables start the zucchini, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, and place them in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the boats with finely chopped herbs.

The dish can also be eaten cold. There are no more than 100 calories in one serving, so enjoy a delicious dish without harming your figure.

These were best recipes, how can you cook zucchini stuffed with minced meat, baked in the oven. This simple and cheap vegetable is so versatile that you can experiment as much as you want. Culinary inspiration and bon appetit!

When the zucchini begins to ripen, the gardeners simply do not know what to do with the crop. This vegetable is extremely unpretentious to grow, and if there is no plot, then in summer and autumn, zucchini are sold in the markets at record low prices. It's a sin not to take advantage of the offer, especially since this vegetable is healthy, but what to cook with it?

On our site you can find the most different recipes that is prepared with zucchini or where zucchini are part of. This is traditional dishes, as well as looking at a vegetable from a completely unusual angle, for example, making a sweet zucchini-based pie. But in this section of the site we will talk about how to cook stuffed zucchini with minced meat baked in the oven. There is only one recipe with a photo of such a dish, did you think? Nothing of the kind, stuffed zucchini can be prepared in different ways, and differ not only in shape, but also in filling.

So, in order to cook stuffed zucchini at home, you need to choose a recipe for this. The recipes will differ, first of all, in the composition of the minced meat. Very beautiful and unusual appearance and, of course, delicious, you get stuffed boat zucchini with minced meat in the oven. To cook them, you only need to buy young zucchini. If you cut it into two parts and gently clean the middle with a spoon, then you will just get the boats that you need to stuff.

The most common ingredient for stuffing zucchini is, of course, minced meat. As for the type of meat, it can be absolutely anything - chicken, pork or beef, you can mix several types of meat. It is recommended to add onions and carrots, salt and your favorite spices to the minced meat. But, the filling can also be mushroom or vegetable. With mushrooms, everything is clear, it will be tastier if you also add rice to them. Concerning vegetable filling, then any vegetables are also suitable, even the zucchini themselves.

Cooking zucchini stuffed with minced meat in the oven, recipes with photos in this section will definitely inspire, you can quickly and easily. Choose the filling option and the shape of the zucchini themselves that you want to try today and get down to action. We hope that you will be able to translate all the recipes into reality and enjoy the beauty, but most importantly, the taste. healthy dish... By the way, remember that everything cooked in the oven is not only tasty and simple, it is also healthy.


Zucchini-boats with minced meat in the oven

Ingredients: zucchini, pork, onions, garlic, cheese, salt, pepper, rice

How to cook a healthy and tasty dish - stuffed zucchini with pork, cheese and vegetables, this will tell step by step recipe.

- 2 zucchini,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 1 onion,
- 350 grams of pork,
- cheese to taste,
- 100 grams of boiled rice,
- salt to taste,


Zucchini with minced meat in the oven

Ingredients: zucchini, zucchini, minced pork, onion, cheese, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper

Zucchini and minced meat are a delicious and successful combination. It is on it that the recipe for stuffed zucchini baked in the oven is based. Be sure to cook such a dish, she will surely become your favorite.

- zucchini - 4 small pieces;
- minced pork - 0.5 kg;
- onions - 0.5 pcs;
- hard cheese- 70 gr;
- vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
- salt to taste;
- ground black pepper to taste.


Zucchini boats stuffed with minced meat

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat, cheese, tomatoes, garlic, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil

Zucchini are excellent "friends" with almost all products, but they are especially successfully combined with meat. Therefore, we suggest you prepare an incomparable appetizer - zucchini boats stuffed with minced meat, cheese and tomatoes. Tasty, no words!

For cooking, take:

- 2 young zucchini;
- 200 g minced meat;
- 70 g of hard cheese;
- 1 tomato;
- 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- a pinch of salt;
- a pinch of ground black pepper;


Baked zucchini stuffed with meat

Ingredients: zucchini, pork, onions, garlic, hard cheese, tomato paste, herbs, refined vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper, spices

Stuffed zucchini is perhaps the most common dish prepared by housewives in the summer. Firstly, baking vegetables is not at all troublesome. Secondly, it is always tasty, nutritious, original. We offer you one of the options for baked zucchini.

For the recipe you will need:
- one zucchini,
- 300 gr. meat,
- onion head,
- three cloves of a clove,
- 50 gr. cheese
- tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons,
- dill or parsley greens - medium bunch,
- vegetable oil - for frying,
- spices to taste.


Fried curd balls in oil

Ingredients: cottage cheese, sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, soda, vinegar, lemon juice, flour, salt, deodorized oil

Cooking delicious dessert from cottage cheese. Curd balls, fried in oil can be offered for a family dinner or prepared for a children's party. You don't need to get carried away too much, but a few mouth-watering balls will undoubtedly decorate the table and delight both small and large guests.

- 250 g of cottage cheese,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar,
- 2 tablespoons of wheat flour,
- 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of table vinegar,
- 0.5 tsp of soda,
- 1 pinch of fine salt,
- 400 ml of deodorized oil.


Baked zucchini with minced meat and cheese

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat, onion, herbs, cheese, mayonnaise, black pepper, salt, vegetable oil

From ordinary minced meat and young zucchini, you can prepare an amazingly tasty dish that will appeal to all, without exception, members of your family. Baked zucchini with minced meat are cooked in the oven, so they can be given even to children from 3 years of age and older.

Required Ingredients:

- 2 zucchini;
- 250-300 g of minced meat;
- 1 onion;
- a bunch of greens;
- 70 g of hard cheese;
- 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
- 1/3 tsp ground black pepper;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- some vegetable oil.


Zucchini stuffed with minced meat and baked in the oven

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat, onions, carrots, hard cheese, tomatoes, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt

Zucchini is a vegetable not only known even to those who are not closely related to cooking, but also loved by almost everyone. A special excitement around zucchini begins in the summer, when simple tasty dishes are prepared from this vegetable. We decided to talk about one of them.

For the recipe you will need:
- zucchini - 1 kg,
- minced meat - 300 g,
- large onion head,
- large carrots,
- cheese hard varieties- 50 g,
- 2-3 tomatoes,
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream,
- salt to taste.


Stuffed zucchini in batter

Ingredients: minced meat, zucchini, eggs, spices, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, onions, flour, milk

Zucchini is summer vegetables that many people like. They are very tasty, healthy, low-calorie and versatile, as they can be used to prepare many delicious dishes. I also love zucchini because they go well with almost any food. My favorite dish is stuffed zucchini in batter.

We will need the following products:

- flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- medium zucchini - 1 pc .;
- minced meat - 360 gr.;
- milk - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- vegetable oil - 50 gr.;
- spices - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- pepper - to taste;
- onion - 1 pc.


Zucchini stuffed in the oven

Ingredients: Minced meat, zucchini, tomatoes, cheese, onion, garlic, pepper, salt, spices, herbs

This is my favorite recipe for stuffed zucchini. This dish has a very good combination of minced meat and vegetables and seasonings. In the process of preparing a dish, it turns out to be juicy, rich and very tasty. A beautiful and delicious dish for festive table... This is a good alternative to heavy meats.

- zucchini - 1 pc.;
- mixed minced meat - 540 gr.;
- cheese - 220 gr.;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste;
- pepper - to taste;
- spices - to taste;
- tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
- garlic - 4 cloves;
- greens.


Stuffed zucchini boats

Ingredients: zucchini, pork, mayonnaise, salt
Calorie content: 630

You will learn how to cook stuffed zucchini in the oven from this recipe. Cook simple but original dish and your efforts will be highly appreciated. Stuffed zucchini boats are delicious, simple and beautiful!

- pork meat - 500 grams,
- zucchini - 2 pcs.,
- mayonnaise to taste,
- greens for decoration,
- salt to taste.


Baked zucchini with meat "Korabliki"

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise

We offer you an original design of a simple and delicious dish... Both adults and children will like this baked marrow in the shape of a boat.

For the dish you will need:
- two zucchini;
- any minced meat - 100 g;
- salt - a pinch;
- ground black pepper - a pinch;
- mayonnaise - to taste.


Hot zucchini with minced meat

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat, hard cheese, mayonnaise, onion, garlic

The good thing about zucchini is that they can be used to quickly and deliciously prepare meals for the whole family or even festive hot and cold snacks. We offer you a recipe fast food zucchini for a family dinner or a small celebration.
For the dish you will need:
- 1 young zucchini;
- 0.5 kg of minced meat or chicken;
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- half a small onion head;
- a small clove of garlic.


Stuffed zucchini with chicken and vegetables

Ingredients: chicken fillet, carrots, onions, bell peppers, vegetable oil, tomato paste, dill, zucchini, curry, cream, cheese, salt, black pepper

To prepare zucchini stuffed with vegetables with chicken, we need:

- chicken breast(fillet) - 1 piece,
- zucchini - 1 kg (3-4 pieces, depending on the size),
- carrots - 1 piece of medium size,
- onions - 1 large head,
- sweet pepper - 1 piece,
- tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
- curry powder - half a teaspoon,
- dill - 20 grams,
- cream - 150 ml,
- cheese - 150 grams,
- ground pepper (pinch),
- vegetable oil (a few spoons),
- salt.


Stuffed zucchini "Dela cordial"

Ingredients: zucchini, chicken hearts, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, eggs, black pepper, spices

The dish can be prepared as interesting for the guests, no one knows what is inside.
A very original dish, room for imagination is simply huge, it will take nothing to prepare it, but what an intrigue! What do we need? So:
1. Zucchini, three pounds.
2. A kilogram of chicken hearts.
3. A couple of onion heads.
4. Spices and salt, in this option only black pepper was used.
5. Eggs, depending on the number of zucchini rings. 6. Greens to decorate the dish, lettuce and dill with tomatoes were used.

Stuffed Zucchini recipe - a vast base for the culinary space! You can fill them with anything - meat, mushrooms, any vegetable mixture, add rice, cheese, herbs, your favorite spices, etc. to the main set. The choice, as always, is unlimited and remains with the culinary specialist, but today we will consider the most popular version of this dish - we prepare stuffed zucchini with minced meat, baked in the oven.

A large amount of meat mass with a sweetish carrot-onion sauté is an ideal and universal filling, together with sour cream and under a dense cheese crust it becomes even more juicy and "expressive".


  • young zucchini - 700 g;
  • minced meat (any) - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 small head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 70-80 g;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 2-4 tbsp. spoons.

Oven baked stuffed zucchini with minced meat - recipe

  1. For stuffing, we choose young zucchini with a thin skin - we leave the mature, overripe fruits for another recipe (for example, for). We cut each zucchini across - divide into 3-4 parts.
  2. With a teaspoon, scrape out the core from each piece, leaving thin walls and a bottom. Thus, we get vegetable "cups" - blanks for filling with minced meat.
  3. Cooking the filling. Chop finely, fry the onion in vegetable oil. We keep on fire for 3-4 minutes, do not forget to stir.
  4. Next, load the coarsely grated carrots. Continuing to stir, sauté the vegetable mixture for the next 3-4 minutes.
  5. Put the minced meat for the carrot and onion frying. Break up all large meat pieces with a spatula, periodically mix the mass. We are waiting for the red-pink minced meat to completely change color and become gray-beige (this will take about 10 minutes).
  6. Finely chop about half of the squash pulp and add to the minced meat (the rest can be left for cooking stews or other dishes). Next we add tomato paste and 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt / pepper. Stir, keep the mixture of meat and vegetables on fire for another 1-2 minutes.
  7. We put our blanks into the mold. If you want to get the most softened zucchini, before stuffing and sending to the oven, you can boil them in salted water for about 5 minutes (lovers of baked zucchini with a light "crunchy" skip this step). After lightly sprinkling the squash "cups" with salt and pepper, fill it tightly with the meat mass.
  8. Lightly grease the surface of the stuffed zucchini with a spoonful of sour cream. Then sprinkle with cheese grated with small shavings.
  9. We send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  10. We serve the dish hot.

Stuffed zucchini with minced meat, baked in the oven, ready! Bon Appetit!