The recipe for pea beef meat soup is delicious. Pea soup with meat

If you are going to cook whole pea soup, you should rinse it in cold water and soak it for 12 hours. To prevent the peas from fermenting, store the soaked peas in a cool place, and best of all, in the refrigerator. To cook a puree soup, it is best to take pea varieties that boil quickly. It is enough to soak the split peas for 60 -120 minutes, so it is best to use it.

We wash the peas in cold water until the water is completely clear.

Pour prepared peas in a convenient container cold water and leave for 120 minutes - while the meat is boiling.

Since pea soup with beef (the recipe of which is taken as a basis) is cooked on meat broth, it is advisable to take a piece of meat with a bone - this will make the broth more rich and rich.

We wash the meat well in running water to wash off the remnants of crushed bones.

Fill the meat with cold water and cook the broth over medium heat.

After the meat has boiled, skim off and reduce heat. Boil the broth until the meat is tender and comes off the bone well.

When the meat is done, gently remove it from the hot broth and refrigerate. After a few minutes, when the meat is not very hot, carefully separate it from the bone and cut into small portioned pieces.

It is advisable to strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, after which we again put it on fire and bring to a boil.

To cook pea puree soup with beef, you need to boil peas very well. Therefore, we drain off the excess water in which the peas were soaked, and add it to the broth.

The soup can be salted only when it is almost ready, so we do not add any salt or spices yet.

Cook the meat with peas over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes, during which time the peas should boil well.

During this time, we prepare all the necessary vegetables.

After the soup has boiled, add the prepared potatoes to it.

Onions must be peeled and chopped as small as possible. Can be chopped into thin rings using a special vegetable grater.

In a small amount vegetable oil fry the onion until golden brown, then add the carrots to the coarsely grated carrots.

Detailed photos of pea soup will help you prepare this wonderful soup how real professional chefs cook.

Add the fried onions and carrots to the soup after the potatoes are already soft enough.

At this stage it will be possible to add required amount salt and spices to taste.

Bring the soup to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes more.

After that, the ready-made pea soup with beef can be served, but it is best to let it brew a little - about 3-5 minutes.

Chop fresh dill or parsley with a knife and add to serving bowls.

If you have any difficulties when cooking this dish, you can watch a video of making pea soup:

Serve hot soup with warm croutons or croutons from white bread... Bon Appetit!

Since ancient times, peas have been used in food. Peas belong to legumes and are famous not only for their taste, but also by its useful properties.

In the composition of peas, the amount of protein is almost the same as that of beef. That is why this soup is so popular with athletes. The content of B vitamins and amino acids make peas essential in medical nutrition.

In order to cook boneless pea soup with beef, prepare the products according to the list.

Cut the beef into small pieces. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put meat in it. We put on high heat and let it boil.

Be sure to remove the foam that appears with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat and cook the meat for about five minutes, then add the peas.

We take peas for the soup quick-cooking, crushed. There are varieties of peas that simply fluff up when cooked. We rinse it thoroughly, you can soak it for half an hour in water.

At one time, I was told one secret - in order for the peas to boil quickly, you need to add a glass of cold water to the pan a couple of times during cooking. The temperature difference promotes the boiling of the peas. We wait until it boils, and also remove the foam, now "pea" and continue to cook over low heat.

Peel the potatoes, wash them under running water and cut them into cubes. If the potatoes are not boiled, you can lay them almost immediately with the peas. In this case, I have an excellent variety of potatoes and I put it in when the peas are almost ready.

Peel the onions, rinse and cut into small cubes. I also wash the carrots, peel them and either three on a grater, or cut into strips. Lightly fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

Salt and pepper the soup, add frying, bring to a boil and that's it. Pea soup with beef is ready.

Leave a little carrot and onion fried to decorate the soup as it is served. You can also decorate and refresh the soup with herbs.

Used as the main ingredient in a dish, peas are a treasure trove nutrients... This type of legume is rich in vegetable protein, many vitamins (especially A, B and C), iron, selenium, potassium, fluorine, etc.

It is interesting: thiamine, which is present in peas, stimulates the brain and slows down the aging process. It is also recommended for children as a substance that promotes good growth and high muscle activity.

Today, you can often find these beans (both yellow and green) as an ingredient in many dishes. They are added to hot first meals, cereals, salads, or a one-component puree is prepared. The reason for this is delicate taste and rich composition of the product.

Beef Pea Soup Recipe

It's simple and useful popular dish national Finnish cuisine. The special reverence with which the inhabitants of Suomi treat hot and rich broths can be seen in a large number of photos and videos of similar dishes found in cookbooks countries. At the same time, it is the pea soup with the addition of meat that the Finns cook especially often for themselves and offer their guests to taste. Since it is quite simple to prepare it, let's take a closer look at the recipe and find out why the people of Finland are so fond of this food.


Servings: - +

  • peas 150 g
  • beef 350 g
  • carrot 1 PC.
  • potato 2 pcs.
  • onion 1 PC.
  • vegetable oil2 tbsp
  • water 2 l
  • black pepper (peas)3-4 pcs.
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • parsley to taste
  • salt to taste

Per serving

Calories: 75 kcal

Proteins: 5.6 g

Fats: 3.3 g

Carbohydrates: 5.6 g

50 minutes Video Recipe Print

    We wash the beef, remove all films from it, cut into portions. Put in a saucepan, fill with cold water and set over medium heat. After boiling the liquid, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, fasten the flame and leave it to cook for 1 hour. You need to salt the broth in the middle of this stage (after 30 minutes).

    Sorted out in advance, soaked in cold water (for several hours, or better - overnight) and already washed peas are transferred to the meat, we increase the fire. Remove the foam if it appears. Cook these two components for another 25 minutes.

    Without wasting time, we clean vegetables for frying. Cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into thin strips (you can just grate coarsely).

    Peel the potatoes and cut into medium-sized cubes. When the time comes (25 minutes have elapsed after throwing the peas into the pan), add this ingredient to the future soup.

    Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on another burner. Add chopped onions and carrots there, fry them until softened and golden brown (5-7 minutes). We remove the frying from the stove.

    We transfer the resulting mass from the pan to the pan. Add spices there - bay leaf and pepper. Leave to cook for another 15 minutes.

    Checking the softness of the potatoes. If it is already ready (a knife or fork easily enters), pour chopped greens into the pan. We increase the fire, let the soup boil for a couple of minutes and remove it from the stove.

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Important: Soak peas in water so that they soften and swell. This will shorten the time it takes to cook the beans completely until cooked, and therefore shorten the duration of the soup preparation.

Finnish chefs note that it is correct to let the dish brew for 20-30 minutes before serving. This will make the food more flavorful. Bon Appetit!

Beef and Smoked Pea Soup Recipe

This variation will have a higher calorie content. But it's worth it! The rich taste and aroma of smoke, which will give smoked meats, in the final hot dish will appeal to everyone who loves a hearty meal.

Advice: this recipe does not use a single gram of spicy spices, as they can "kill" the specific aroma that other ingredients will give the dish anyway. All you need is salt, garlic and some fresh herbs.

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Servings: 12

The energy value

  • calorie content - 86.1 kcal;
  • proteins - 6.3 g;
  • fats - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.1 g.


  • beef - 350 g;
  • smoked meats - 200 g;
  • peas - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. We prepare the peas in advance. It needs to be sorted out, soaked in cold water and left for at least 5 hours. During this time, it will soften and swell, which will shorten the cooking time.
  2. Rinse the beef and cut into convenient medium-sized pieces. We transfer the meat to a cooking container, fill it with water and leave to cook over low heat for 45-50 minutes. The emerging foam must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  3. Peel the vegetables and chop. Onions - in half rings, and carrots - in thin strips. You can put half of the prepared vegetables into a saucepan and boil the meat with them. This will make the broth more flavorful.
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium cubes.
  5. We take a board and grind the existing smoked meats (these can be sausages, ribs or brisket).
  6. When the above time has passed, pour the peas into the pan. Before adding it, you need to rinse it well (4-5 times) under running water.
  7. 15 minutes after the peas, throw the chopped potatoes into the bowl.
  8. Meanwhile, pour the oil into the pan, fry the smoked meats there until they have a beautiful crust. Add the remaining onions and carrots there and cook everything together for another 5 minutes until the vegetables soften.
  9. Then we remove the frying from the stove. We add it to the future soup a quarter of an hour after adding the previous component. We mix. Only 10 minutes are left until ready
  10. We check the soup for salt (it was smoked). If not enough, add salt to the dish. Meanwhile, finely chop the garlic and herbs. We add these components 5 minutes before the end of cooking. And then we remove the pan from the stove.

We infuse the soup for 30 minutes. Some eaters like to add a spoonful of sour cream to each serving. Follow your preferences and serve the dish the way you like it.

Advice: it is advisable to use fresh herbs as an ingredient. However, when there is none, dried or frozen will do.

Cooking in a slow cooker

If you can reduce your interference in the cooking process and entrust it to a smart kitchen machine, do it. Consider a few points. If the multicooker has a pressure cooker mode, using it, you can not soak the peas for a long time. 2 hours will be enough. And then add some water and butter into the bowl, pour the peas there. He will have time to reach half-readiness in 20 minutes. This way you can prepare the desired ingredient faster.

Cooking takes place in the "Soup" mode (this function is available in devices manufactured by many companies - Redmond, Panasonic, Philips). Otherwise, the sequence of actions remains unchanged.

This cooking option will be more convenient. The kitchen gadget allows you to set the duration for each process separately. If at a certain moment you do not have time to come to the kitchen in time to control the readiness of a particular component, the multicooker will pause the cycle automatically.

Surprise your loved ones and constantly add variety to your own diet. The proposed recipes for pea soup with beef will help with this. They describe in detail the cooking process and highlight the nuances and subtleties that need to be taken into account so that the final dishes come out the most delicious and aromatic.

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Pea soups are present in traditional cuisines many peoples of the world. Peas have always been a fairly cheap product, so this soup could often be seen on the tables of peasants and workers. The recipes used to make soup today contain many wholesome and healthy ingredients.

Step by step recipe

For any pea soup, you can take either whole dry peas or crushed peas. In the second case, it does not have to be soaked, and it will take less time to prepare the dish. The chopped pea soup will be thicker.

To prepare pea soup with beef in a saucepan, follow these steps:

Delicious pea puree soup with meat and croutons

Soup-puree with peas and croutons will appeal to those who like thick first courses.


  • 150-200 g of beef;
  • 250 g peas;
  • 250 ml of broth (left over after boiling beef);
  • 3 g each of any kind of salt, dill and pepper - the amount of these products can be determined in accordance with your taste;
  • crackers from any bread - the amount depends on taste preferences;
  • 6 cloves of garlic.

Cooking time: about 1 hour (and another 6-8 hours for soaking whole peas).

Calorie content of 100 g of soup: 78 kcal.

How to cook pea puree soup with beef and croutons? First, boil the meat and set it aside. Peas, pre-soaked, are boiled in the remaining broth. It should boil very well. Then pour the broth into a blender, add garlic and grind the mixture until puree.

Finely chop the cooled meat and add to the soup, add salt and pepper, chopped fresh or dry dill. Pour the soup into a saucepan and place on the stove, on low heat, for another 10 minutes.

The croutons are added directly to the plate. It is better to put them on the table in a separate container in order to add new ones during the meal. You can buy both ready-made crackers and dry any bread in the oven yourself.

Pea soup in a slow cooker

Having entrusted the preparation of a dish to a multicooker, you can do other things while the cooking process is in progress. Let's consider in detail how to cook pea soup with beef in a slow cooker.


  • ½ kg of beef;
  • 200 g of peas;
  • 3 pcs. carrots and potatoes (medium);
  • salt and herbs according to preference;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 4 liters of filtered or mineral water.

Cooking time: about 1 hour 15 minutes (plus 6-8 hours for soaking peas, if they are whole).

Caloric content per 100 g: 143 kcal.

All vegetables are peeled and cut as you like - cubes, strips. The meat is cooked in a multicooker, turned on for the "Stew" mode, for an hour. Then all the ingredients, including cooked and cut into pieces meat and peas, are placed in a slow cooker, poured with water and cooked for 1 hour in the "Stew" mode. The greens are added to the plate.

If you don't have a blender, you can grind the boiled peas through a sieve to make a puree soup. Green peas can also be used to make soup. It is boiled in pods, adding to the broth with meat, at the same time as potatoes.

Peas must be washed thoroughly. Since this product is quite difficult to digest, it is advised to add more dill to the soup, which will help avoid unpleasant consequences for the intestines. Pea soup it is better not to use for those who have problems with the liver, blood circulation, stomach.

Before serving, it is better to hold the finished dish in a closed saucepan for about 10 minutes.

You need to choose good quality meat. For cooking soup, such parts of the animal as bones, neck, tail, brisket, shoulder blade are suitable. The meat of a young animal will be light (light red or pink) with white veins.

In older animals, the meat is dark, and the veins and bones acquire a yellowish tint. If the meat on the counter lies in puddles of water and blood, it is better not to buy it in this place. Beef, like other varieties, does not like too much moisture.

Air, on the other hand, is good for meat. Therefore, it is better to store it not in a tied plastic bag, but in parchment paper... The meat should be firm, not flabby, and have a pleasant smell.

Soup vegetables should be free from rotting, potatoes should not have green or sprouted areas.

The taste of the finished dish depends on the quality of the ingredients, so you need fresh vegetables, good meat. Then your pea beef soup will turn out to be really tasty, healthy and aromatic.

All housewives should know about beef. After all, such a dish is very nutritious and satisfying. It can be served for dinner every day.

Today, the cookbooks of most housewives describe quite a few ways of how to make delicious pea soup. We will present the recipe with beef and various smoked meats right now. There is no need for you to purchase expensive overseas products. After all, such a soup is made from affordable and simple ingredients.

Pea soup with beef: a culinary step by step recipe

If you do not want to invent new ways to prepare your first courses, we recommend making a regular beef bone pea soup. For him we need:

  • split peas - 2/3 cup;
  • beef on the bone - about 1.3 kg;
  • onion and carrot - 1 large each;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 4 large spoons;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • pepper, sea salt and other spices (paprika, basil) - use to taste;
  • bread croutons - serve.

Preparation of components

How to make beef pea soup yourself? Step by step recipe this dish requires careful processing of all ingredients. First, rinse the beef on the bone and remove all unwanted streaks and films from it. Next, you need to sort out and rinse the split peas well, and then fill it with cold water (drinking) and leave in this state for 2-3 hours.

As for the vegetables mentioned, they should be peeled and chopped. Grate carrots, and cut potato tubers and onion heads into cubes.

Passing components

The presented recipe for pea beef soup requires the mandatory use of browned vegetables. Indeed, with them, such a dish turns out to be more satisfying, aromatic and tasty. To prepare such an additive, put carrots and onions in a pan, season them sunflower oil and spices, and then fry for ¼ hour.

Cooking soup

How should you cook pea soup at home? The beef recipe requires the use of a large saucepan. It is necessary to put meat with a bone in it, add water (drinking) and boil. During this process, a foam should form on the broth. It must be removed with a slotted spoon.

As for the broth, then split peas soaked in water should be put in it and cooked for 40 minutes. Next, you need to add potatoes to it and continue the heat treatment for another 20 minutes.

After all the described actions, you need to put sautéed vegetables, pieces boiled meat shredded green onions and ground pepper. After mixing the components, they must be brought to a boil, removed from the stove, tightly closed with a lid and insisted in this state for about ¼ hour.

How to serve?

Now you know classic recipe pea soup with beef. After the first dish is infused under the lid, it must be laid out on plates and immediately served to the household. If desired, in such rich broth you can add sour cream or mayonnaise, as well as homemade croutons.

Pea soup with beef: step by step cooking with the addition of smoked meats

We talked about how to make classic pea soup on beef bone. But sometimes you want to pamper yourself with some spicy dish, the preparation of which does not take much time. That is why in this section of the article we decided to describe in detail the recipe for pea soup with beef and smoked meats. This dish turns out to be more spicy and aromatic.

So, we need:

  • split peas - a full glass;
  • smoked beef ribs - about 500 g;
  • aromatic bacon - about 250 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 medium pieces;
  • onions - 2 small heads;
  • lavrushka - 3 leaves;
  • salt and allspice - use to taste;
  • vegetable oil - use at your discretion.

Ingredient processing

With strict adherence to the recipe, you will definitely get a very tasty and aromatic pea soup with beef. We will tell you how to cook it right now.

Before proceeding with the heat treatment of the dish, all components should be prepared in advance. First, you need to peel the vegetables, and then chop them into small cubes. After that, you need to take the bacon and cut it into thin strips. As for the smoked ribs, they should only be removed from the packaging. You also need to separately sort out and rinse the split peas, and then soak them in water for two hours.

Cooking on the stove

Having prepared vegetables, meat products and legumes, it is necessary to proceed with the heat treatment of the whole dish. To do this, put the smoked ribs in a saucepan (large), add water (cold) and bring to a boil. After boiling the ingredient for about ¼ hour, add split peas to it and continue heat treatment for another 30 minutes.

After the specified time meat product remove, cool and separate the pulp from the bones. Subsequently, it must be put back into the pan.

Roasting ingredients

In order not to waste time simply during the period heat treatment meat and peas, you should do the frying of chopped bacon, onions and carrots. If necessary, you can additionally add sunflower oil to them.

The final stage

After frying some of the ingredients, put the chopped potatoes, as well as any spices, into the dishes along with the pieces of meat. After ¼ hour, bay leaf and previously fried vegetables with bacon must be added to the broth. In this form, the dish should be boiled, and then removed from the stove, covered with a lid and left under it for 10-13 minutes. During this time, the soup will fully absorb the aromas of spices and smoked products.

How should the first course be served correctly?

Pea soup with smoked meat turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic than the one that is made only from meat on the bone. But in view of the fact that this dish is too spicy, it is not recommended to use it every day.

After the soup is infused under a tight-fitting lid, it must be poured into large plates and serve immediately to guests or family members. If desired, add a handful of crackers or a small spoonful of sour cream to the broth. Also, before serving the aromatic soup, it is recommended to season it with fresh chopped herbs.