Delicious lean pancakes. Lean Pancake Recipes

I have always been friends with yeast dough, and my pancakes turn out to be lush, ruddy and incredibly appetizing. Baking is great for fasting, calorie-counting, and desperately wanting to indulge in something. sweet bun... My selection of recipes contains options for cooking with dry and live pressed yeast, with flour and semolina.

In the mood I fry with apples, pumpkin, bell pepper, onions, carrots, zucchini, spinach, and simply, no additives. Pancakes with fried mushrooms added to the dough are good, but they will not be fluffy, to be honest.

And if you turn on your imagination and not be afraid of experiments, then you can add any berries, banana, raisins, lemon and orange zest to the dough.

And one more secret - do not put too much filling in the dough, the products will come out too "dense". Read about other frying secrets below.

Lean lush pancakes with live yeast


  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons.
  • Pressed yeast - 25 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 4 large spoons.
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon.
  • Warm water - 2 glasses.

Step by step cooking lush pancakes:

  1. Heat the water to 40-50 degrees, add the crumbled yeast, stir to bloom. Pour in all the flour, mix again and put in a warm place.
  2. After an hour, the dough will rise. Add the rest of the food, including the oil, stir well and let rise again. This will happen quite quickly - in 10-15 minutes. The structure of the dough will turn out to be viscous. I do not advise you to mix it if you want to get lush products.
  3. Heat the oil well in a skillet. Spoon the dough with a spoon and spread out in portions a short distance away. The pancakes will begin to grow upwards before our eyes. Turning over to the other side, cover the pan with a lid and fry.

Recipe for lean yeast pancakes with apples

Delicious pancakes are obtained by adding apples. However, according to this recipe you can make pancakes with any berries and bananas. If you love pumpkin, put it coarsely instead of apples.

I won't list the number of ingredients, feel free to take from the previous recipe, but add a couple of apples.

Pancake preparation technology:

  1. Peel the apples, cut into cubes. When the dough rises a second time, toss the apples into the bowl, stir, and let the dough rise one more time.

Fast yeast lean semolina pancakes

Who said that fluffy pancakes can only be baked with flour. Make with semolina, and treat yourself to your health, the taste will not disappoint. Tested: Children love it very much, especially if sprinkled with honey or syrup.

You will need:

  • Semolina - 500 gr.
  • Fast yeast - 2 teaspoons.
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 glass (sweet lovers put more).
  • Salt is a small spoon.
  • Warm water - 1.5-2 cups.

Lean pancakes lush yeast - recipe:

  1. Dissolve yeast in a glass of water, add the rest of the dry ingredients, stir.
  2. The consistency will be pretty thick. Start gradually pouring water, making the dough thick with sour cream.
  3. Cover the bowl with a towel, put it in a warm place and let the dough ripen for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Stir the raised dough and bake the pancakes as usual.

Lush lean pancakes without milk and eggs - a recipe for dry yeast

An amazingly simple recipe, but meeting all the requirements of the hostesses - lush high pancakes are obtained.


  • Flour - 4 cups.
  • Sugar - 2-4 tablespoons.
  • Fast yeast - 11 gr. (2 small spoons).
  • Salt to taste.
  • Water - 1.5-2 cups.
  • Sunflower oil.

Instead of sugar, honey can be used if desired.

How to make pancakes:

  1. Make pancake dough - combine dry ingredients, stir, and add warm water. Pour in a little, stirring well.
  2. Set the bowl as warm for an hour, covered with a towel. The dough will rise, doubling in volume. Don't stir it.
  3. Heat the oil in a skillet, spoon the dough out, leaving some space between them, and fry.
  4. If you do not count the calories, then sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar, serve with jam.

Secrets of the splendor of pancakes

The method for preparing fluffy lean pancakes is the same as usual. The trick is to replace some products. For example, instead of milk, you take water, replace butter with lean sunflower oil. From personal experience I know that the dough rises on live pressed yeast no worse than on dry yeast, and their appearance does not affect the splendor at all. But they are much tastier.

  • If you want to make the pancakes as lush as possible, fry them over low heat under the lid.
  • Take live yeast - look at their freshness. Normal ones smell good, don't stick and crumble easily. For dry yeast, I also recommend finding out the expiration date on the packaging.
  • Traditionally, pancakes are fried in a pan, but if you have a bread maker in your arsenal, be sure to master step-by-step cooking test - save a lot of time.
  • Put the dough in well-hot butter and do not rush to turn the products over, allow time to rise well.
  • For those who are on a diet and do not accept fried, cooking pancakes in the oven is suitable.

Lean pancakes with onions - video recipe

To fry lush, lean pancakes with yeast, you do not need skill or experience, and most importantly, you do not need any special products. Everything is extremely simple - water, flour and sugar and salt. And yeast, of course, the fresher the better.

And there must also be a good frying pan, preferably cast iron. If not, use the thickest bottom pan.

Most often, pancakes are prepared with the addition of eggs and milk, they are not in our recipe, the dish is lean and at the same time tasty. If you want, at the end of kneading, you can add berries or apple pieces to the dough. Serve the lean yeast pancakes with honey or jam.

Taste Info Fritters


  • water - 1 glass;
  • pressed yeast - 10 g;
  • flour - 7-8 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 0.2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to make fluffy lean yeast pancakes

Transfer the yeast to a bowl, cover with warm water. Now stir thoroughly with a kitchen whisk or fork until the liquid is smooth without any pieces floating in it.

Pour in sugar and salt and continue stirring until their crystals are completely dissolved.

Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Do this carefully so that there are no lumps left.

Flour is of different quality, so adjust the amount yourself. You may need a little less or more than the recipe says. The main thing is to get the desired consistency of the dough. Spoon it a little and turn it over so it drips back into the bowl. Now observe, if the part that you took away immediately spread over the surface of the dough, which means that there is not enough flour, add more. When the dough, drained from the spoon, remains on the surface with a tubercle for some time, and spreads slowly, then this is the most suitable consistency.

Cover the bowl with a tea towel and place in a warm place for 20-30 minutes. Take a look and watch the dough rise from time to time.

It should approximately double in volume. It all depends on the yeast, if yours is not very fresh, then perhaps the dough will come up a little longer (40-50 minutes). You will understand that when it came up, light bubbles will appear on the surface from above.

You can knead the dough, cover it again and put it in a warm place to rise again. Due to this, the pancakes will turn out to be even more airy. But if you don't have time to spare, just once will be enough.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well. This is a very important moment in the preparation of fluffy pancakes - the dough should be spread only in hot oil. Do you know how to check if a frying pan is warmed up well? When you put it on fire, put some water in the center. When the water has completely evaporated and the pan is dry, add the oil. After 2 minutes, spread out the dough.

Place a mug of water next to it to constantly moisten the spoon before scooping up the next batch of dough. Collect it with a moistened tablespoon and transfer to a skillet. Hold the spoon vertically so that the dough flows from it into the center of the pancake, then it will turn out not flat, but chubby. In this way, lay out 4-5 servings (how much will fit in your pan) and fry until lightly browned.

Remember to leave a little space between the pancakes so they don't stick together.

Now turn the pancakes over and fry them on the other side.

Transfer the finished baked goods to a dish and start frying the next portion. This process is quite quick, each side is fried for no more than a minute. It turns out very tasty and at the same time lean pancakes with yeast and ordinary water, no eggs, milk, kefir or yogurt are needed.

To diversify pastries, you can add currants, blueberries or finely chopped apples to the dough at the final stage.

The main difficulty in making lean pancakes is that egg and milk are used in their usual and most common recipes, without which it is very difficult for many to imagine such pastries as pancakes or pancakes. However, in fact, there are a lot of recipes for making pancakes without milk, eggs!

The main difficulty in making lean pancakes is that egg and milk are used in their usual and most common recipes, or kefir and other similar products, without which it is very difficult for many to imagine such pastries as pancakes or pancakes. However, in reality, recipes for making pancakes without milk, eggs, etc. lots of!
Lean pancakes can be yeast-free, yeast-free, sweet, vegetable - the choice is considerable. The dough for them is kneaded from flour, sugar, salt and water, and yeast gives them splendor.
If you don't use yeast when cooking, be sure to add lemon juice slaked with lemon juice or baking powder to the pancake batter.
Lean pancakes can be made with nuts, squash, pumpkin, carrots, apples, and more.
Lean pancakes can be cooked the traditional way- in a frying pan with oil, or you can - in the oven, putting it on oiled parchment.
Recipe for fluffy lean yeast pancakes

You will need:
2 cups of flour,
11g active dry yeast,
500ml of water
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
vegetable oil.
Sift flour. IN warm water dissolve yeast and sugar, stir for 5-10 minutes so that foam appears on the surface, then add salt, vanillin, gradually add flour in portions, kneading the dough. The consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream, leave it after kneading in a warm place for half an hour, cover it - it should double in volume. When the dough is fine, heat the skillet with butter, then put the dough in the butter with a tablespoon, shaping the pancakes. Fry the pancakes for 2-3 minutes on one side until well browned, turn over, brown on the other side. After frying, spread the finished pancakes on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.
You can add raisins or finely chopped other dried fruits to the dough, replace vanillin vanilla sugar, make pancakes sweeter or bland to taste by adjusting the amount of sugar.
What to eat lean pancakes with? With honey, syrup, jam, jam - during fasting, such a breakfast can bring no less pleasure than on other days. So lean yeast pancakes are a dish that will give good mood and enjoy the taste homemade baked goods fully. But if everything is more or less clear with them thanks to yeast, then what if you want to cook lean yeast-free pancakes?
Lean, yeast-free pancakes recipe
You will need:
1 glass of water and flour, 1 tsp. baking powder for dough,
vegetable oil.
Stir the sifted flour with baking powder, gradually add water, kneading the dough, add sugar and honey to it, mix - in consistency it should turn out like not too thick sour cream, pour in a little vegetable oil and mix again. Fry the pancakes in a pan in the usual way on both sides, pouring the dough with a spoon or ladle.
Another option for yeast-free lean pancakes is with mineral water. Just swap the regular water in this recipe for sparkling mineral water.
Knowing the two proposed recipes for lean pancakes - yeast and yeast-free, you can prepare many of their options by adding various products to the dough: nuts, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables. Well, we will talk about another version of such a meal - in which animal products are replaced with similar plant foods, in this case cow's milk replaced by soy.
Recipe for lean pancakes with soy milk and apple

You will need:
2 cups of flour,
1 lemon and 1 apple,
1 glass of soy milk
3-4 tablespoons Sahara,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp baking powder,
a pinch of salt,
How to make lean pancakes with soy milk. Stir flour with baking powder, sugar, vanilla, salt and finely grated lemon zest... Cut apples into cubes or grate, sprinkle with half lemon juice. Heat the milk slightly, add it to the flour along with the butter, add the rest of the lemon juice, mix, put the apples in the dough, mix again. Prepare the pancakes in the usual way: spreading them into the pan with a spoon and frying on both sides.
In the same way, you can prepare lean pancakes on the coconut milk, which can be found in many supermarkets today - it will turn out very tender and tasty!
There is always a way out, even in fasting - experienced cook knows that there are no hopeless situations, and you can eat very tasty both during fasting, and with a diet, and being a vegetarian!


This lush pancake recipe is the most budget-friendly I've ever seen. There are no eggs, no milk, or fermented milk products in the recipe, but this does not affect their taste in any way. The pancakes are excellent!


1. Water - 2 glasses
2. Sugar - 2 tablespoons
3. Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
4. Dry yeast - 10 gr
5. Salt - 1 tsp
6. Wheat flour - 4 cups
(We choose a glass with a volume of 200 ml)

How to make fluffy lean pancakes:

1. Dissolve sugar, salt, yeast and vegetable oil in warm, boiled water.
In order to start the dough, you need to immediately choose a large bowl, due to the fact that the dough will grow.

2. Now add flour. You will need 4 glasses of flour or a little less, it all depends on the quality of the flour. The main criterion that there is already enough flour is this: our dough should turn out to be very lazy. Very! It should slide off the spoon very slowly.

3. Ready dough cover with a lid or a towel and put in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes. If you have time, you can take longer. The dough should rise and become fluffy and perforated.

4. Now you can start frying the pancakes. One important rule- the dough should never be stirred. We just take as much dough with a spoon as needed for one pancake. We take the dough carefully, on top, in small portions. They put it in a spoon and immediately into the pan, into the heated oil. The pancakes will continue to grow even in the pan. During frying, you need to cover the pan with a lid and fry the pancakes on one side and then on the other.

Lean pancakes, the recipe of which we will consider below, turn out to be just as tasty and satisfying as those products that are prepared using animal products (eggs, kefir, milk, etc.).

Today we will present the most popular and simple ways cooking such pancakes. It is recommended to put the recipes into practice during the Great Christian Lent or if you are a vegetarian.

Delicious lean pancakes: recipe without yeast (on mineral water with gas)

It's no secret that carbonated mineral water makes baked goods lush and delicious. In this regard, we recommend preparing lean pancakes with this drink.

So, to prepare a pancake base, we need:

  • sifted light flour - 1 full glass;
  • mineral water with gas - 1 full glass;
  • baking powder - full (you can replace ½ tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice);
  • sugar and salt - apply to taste (you can additionally use honey);
  • refined oil - use for frying pancakes.

Knead pancake dough with sparkling water

Lean pancakes are not only very tasty, but also relatively inexpensive. Indeed, for their preparation we only need water and flour, which cannot be said about ordinary pancakes, which are made using milk, eggs, kefir, cooking fats, and so on.

To make lush and tasty lean pancakes, you need to pour carbonated water into a deep container, and then add baking powder or baking soda, previously quenched with lemon juice, to it. After adding salt and sugar to taste to the liquid, sifted flour should be added to the same dish. After mixing the components, you should get a base, the consistency of which resembles thick and fatty kefir. It is from such a dough that you get very lush and soft pancakes, and not with holes.

Frying products in a pan

Like ordinary pancakes, lean pancakes must be cooked on or in a special pancake maker. The prepared container should be put on high heat and heated thoroughly. Then you need to pour into it (about 4 large spoons), you need to wait until a light smoke comes out of the pan. After that, put in a red-hot dish pancake dough... For this, it is advisable to use a large spoon (1 spoon - 1 pancake).

After browning the undersides of the pancakes, turn them over with a spatula and cook in the same mode for the same amount of time.

Place the fried pancakes on a plate, and put a new batch of products in the pan. In this case, it is recommended to grease the finished dessert with hot vegetable oil.

Serving to the table

Lean pancakes should be served only hot. Additionally, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, as well as decorated with a trickle of fresh liquid honey, berries or fruits. It is advisable to serve pancakes on soda water with a cup of black tea.

Lean pancakes: recipe using "fast" yeast

If you are a vegetarian or a Christian Lent, be sure to know how to prepare. homemade dessert no animal products. This information will allow you to make delicious and fragrant pastries no eggs, milk or cooking oils.

Very often, lean pancakes are prepared using a yeast base. With her, homemade pancakes turn out to be very fluffy, soft and satisfying. Moreover, such products have an unusual sourness, which is inherent only in pancakes made with kefir.

Thus, using yeast, you can make pancakes, taste qualities which are practically indistinguishable from a standard dessert with familiar products.

So, to make lean yeast pancakes, you need to purchase the following products:

  • sifted wheat flour - about 2 glasses;
  • warm water (boiled) - about 1.5 cups;
  • "fast" yeast - dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - a large spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - for frying products in a pan.

Making yeast dough

Have you decided to make lean pancakes with yeast? It is necessary to knead a lush base. To do this, use only warm drinking water. By creating a comfortable environment for the yeast, you will get an incredibly tasty and porous dough.

So, in order to knead the base for pancakes, white sugar must be dissolved in ordinary warm boiled water and sea ​​salt... Combining sifted flour with "fast" yeast in a separate bowl, you must add the mass to the sweet liquid and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. This should create a thick, but not steep dough. Cover it with a towel and leave warm for 25 minutes. During this time, the base should become fluffy and viscous. A suitable dough usually gives off a pleasant sour aroma (a sign of fermentation).

It should be noted that the longer the yeast pancake dough is infused in the heat, the more acidic it becomes. Therefore, it is not recommended to overexpose it.

Cooking pancakes in a pan

As in the previous recipe, yeast pancakes must be cooked in a thick pan or special pancake maker. It should be strongly heated along with refined oil, and then put 1 large spoonful of fragrant dough on it.

Prepare yeast products required over medium heat, until the bottom of the pancakes is browned, and the top is swollen and covered with multiple bubbles. After that, the pancakes should be gently turned over and fried in the same way.

The final stage

Having prepared the first batch of yeast pancakes, they must be removed and placed on a plate. As for the empty pan, pour a little refined oil into it again, and then lay out the base (1 spoon - 1 pancake). It is not required to additionally lubricate finished products with hot vegetable oil.

Serving lean pancakes to the table

Making lots of curvy and delicious pancakes yeast-based, you should put them in a heap on a dish, and then sprinkle with sugar powder. These products taste very much like kefir pancakes. They are the same fragrant, sour and have a kind of "dampness".

It is recommended to serve yeast pancakes to the family table along with a cup of hot tea. It is also necessary to present them with jam, condensed milk, jam or fresh honey. If desired, the product can be decorated fresh berries, or pieces of fruit.

Let's sum up

In this article, you were presented with two of the most popular recipes for lean homemade pancakes. Putting them into practice, you will feed all members of your family very tasty and satisfying.

By the way, some housewives cook not on carbonated water or yeast-based, but using natural juices and with the addition of various vegetables and fruits. For example, pancakes on orange or apple juice, as well as with grated carrots, softened banana, kiwi, etc.

If you are not a vegetarian or do not adhere to Lent, then it is recommended to cook homemade pancakes using eggs and dairy products. Moreover, after roasting classic pancakes must be lubricated with softened or melted butter... In this case, the calorie content increases several times.