The use of Panchenkov's nozzle in a moonshine still. Use of Panchenkov's nozzle and independent production of SPN

Panchenkov's nozzle is a corrugated metal mesh twisted into a roll. It is used in distillers and rectification columns in order to increase the degree of purification. It makes it possible to obtain a pure product due to the filtration of alcohol vapors from fusel oils and various impurities.

Types of Panchenkov nozzles:

Copper differs from stainless steel in that it has a neutralizing effect on sulfur compounds that are formed during fermentation. Thus, Panchenkov's copper nozzle is more efficient to use.
Copper nozzles are used for premium equipment. They are more expensive and require constant care. They must be washed after each use.

Universal "classic". For distillation of any wash. Unlike copper, it is not whimsical in its maintenance, does not oxidize and is easier to clean.


  • Material: Stainless steel or copper.
  • Width: 10 cm.
  • Length: 1 m.
Working principle of the Regular Wire Nozzle.
After heating in the cube of the apparatus, alcohol-containing vapors rise into the pipe (drawer), where they come into contact not only with the walls, as in classical distillation, but also with the surface of the nozzle, giving off some of the heat to the wire. As a result, fusel oils and other impurities with a high boiling point condense and flow back into the cube along the walls of the tsarg in the form of reflux (liquid), and alcohol vapors purified from some of the harmful impurities continue to move further to the cooler.

Thus, the RPN in conjunction with a reflux condenser helps to increase the strength and obtain a higher quality and purified product at the output.

In the application of the Panchenkov's nozzle there are pros and cons.


  • A significant decrease in the throughput in the tsar, thereby slows down the whole process.

A plus:

  • Using the nozzle - you get a cleaner drink.
  • If the quality of the resulting product is more important than the speed of distillation, then we recommend using a nozzle.
Advantages of the attachment
  1. After distillation, you will get a cleaner product.
  2. Increases the strength of moonshine.
  3. The time for cleaning the moonshine is reduced. The process takes place simultaneously with distillation.
  4. The attachment is easy to install and use.
  5. Long lasting.

If a couple of years ago there was a rather active discussion of the topic "which nozzle is better?", Today this question is practically closed. The emergence and development in practice of the SPN (spiral-prismatic packing) resolved these disputes quite unambiguously. Of course, even now it remains relevant to use cut or uncut stainless steel sponges as a nozzle. But this is an option "on hastily”And rectifiers using washcloths sooner or later come to SPN. Nevertheless, we will mention not only these varieties. What did you use before (and in some places still sometimes today)?

1. Washcloths. They were awarded the first place for availability, cheapness and quite good results in use. When choosing washcloths, the main focus should be on the issue of real corrosion resistance. Therefore, you should not buy a lot at once, you need to check the candidate first. For this, the washcloth must be "salted", i.e. cut into pieces, sprinkle with salt and wrap in a wet cloth (or soak the cloth with brine), leave to lie down. If, after a few days, rust has not appeared, everything is in order, you can buy. According to the number of washcloths, one should proceed from the approximate packing density of 250-280 grams of washcloths per liter of the internal volume of the column packing. You can stuff it with whole washcloths, or by cutting them into pieces. The density of the packing depends on the size of the cut (you don't need to grind it too much - it crumbles), and the quality of separation depends on the density. Still, it will not be possible to achieve maximum separation on washcloths.

Also, washcloths can be used as a retaining "plug" when packing the column with other nozzles.

2. Raschig rings, balls, ceramics and other repeating elements. These types of packing have long been used in packed columns. The material from which the elements are made can be different - metal, ceramics, glass. The surface is better roughened. In principle, a normal nozzle.

3. Sulzer's nozzle, Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer. This type of attachments has long been presented by some manufacturers of household RK as an almost breakthrough solution. In fact, these nozzles have also been used for a long time in the industry. Compared to the tips above, these two options (essentially the same) provide better separation and slightly more performance.

Finally, relatively recently appeared

4. SPN nozzles (spiral-prismatic). SPN Selivanenko was the first to appear on the market. At the moment, the topic of creating a SPN is developed by other manufacturers. A lot of work has been done to create specific SPNs to achieve various goals. At the moment, this type of packing is the best for use in household columns. According to the results of numerous experiments carried out by rectifiers, the best option in terms of versatility, results and cost is the use of a 10-sided SPN manufactured in Ukraine - the so-called Diogenes SPN.

You can also make SPN yourself, although for a single use it is easier to buy from a reputable manufacturer. The price of a good nozzle on average ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles per liter (1 liter of a nozzle weighs about 1.2 - 2.1 kg, depending on the thickness of the wire). Recently I was at a construction fair, I went to a pavilion with moonshine goods, so they asked 1,500 rubles for 450 grams. This is, of course, chaos. Here is a video on how you can make a nozzle yourself.

Variants of use as a nozzle broken glass I will not consider other ersatz substitutes, since for those who want to save money, there are washcloths that give a completely predictable result and there are a lot of reviews about the operation of which.

What is the effect of the attachment on the final result? The packing is designed to ensure good retention of the maximum amount of reflux in the form of a film on its surface and at the same time ensure the passage of a sufficient flow of steam. Indeed, it is during the interaction of steam and reflux that the separation of the alcohol-water mixture into fractions occurs. Thus, the larger the surface area of ​​the packing, the better, but the packing should not be too "tight" so that the vapor path does not become obstructed. As soon as the “flooding” of the nozzle with phlegm begins, steam bubbling through the reflux begins to occur, and then flooding occurs. Thus, there are several operating modes of the column: "film", "emulsification" and emergency - flooding. The most advantageous mode is emulsification. The main thing here is to find out at what indicators of the supplied power and the selection in your column it is possible to achieve a stable pre-flood, which does not turn into flood, however. For each column, these indicators will be different, since it is impossible to take into account all the nuances, for example, heat loss, heater efficiency, etc.

You can write a lot about a nozzle, even just one SPN, so if you have any specific questions, ask.

Traditionally, copper is used for the production of moonshine stills all over the world. It has a number of properties that all other metals lack. First of all, copper began to be used for the manufacture of stills because of its malleability, corrosion resistance, and high thermal conductivity. But all the "religious" disputes among moonshiners revolve mainly around the properties of this amazing metal to purify distillates from sulfur compounds and make them more refined. Not the last place in these disputes is given to copper oxides hazardous to health on the inner surfaces of the moonshine still. In this article, we decided to shed light on all aspects of the use of copper in home brewing and express our point of view, based mainly on laboratory research.

Why Distillation Copper Is Good

The main and most important property of copper, for which distillers all over the world value it, is the chemical activity of this material. During distillation, ions and oxides on the copper surface actively interact with compounds in alcohol vapors, acting as a kind of catalyst for various exchange and redox reactions. As a result, copper takes something from the drink, and gives something to it. With this, perhaps, and should begin.

Copper takes away

One of the most important redox reactions associated with copper is the interaction of copper oxides with various foul-smelling sulfur compounds. The result of this interaction is either an insoluble solid layer on the surface of a copper product, or a soluble deposit, which can partially get into the selection (read about this below). As a result, the amount of compounds with an unpleasant odor in the distillation products is reduced, and their organoleptic properties are improved. The mechanism of "binding" of sulfur by copper oxides has been partially studied.

It is known that one of the most foul-smelling sulfur compounds is dimethyltrisulfide (DMTS), the perception level of which is only 0.1 μg / L, and the typical concentration in fruit and grain alcohols varies from 1 to 6 μg / L. It has been proven that after distilling alcohol in moonshine stills with copper components, the amount of DMTS associated with a lot of unpleasant odors, from rotting fish to boiled cabbage, decreases to a level below the perception of our receptors. Copper also acts as a catalyst in the conversion of mercaptans (thiols) into compounds that are less pungent in smell. Mercaptans often appear in mash as a by-product of fermentation (especially when the wort is contaminated with anaerobic bacteria) and have a strong, very unpleasant smell of rotten vegetables.

In the 1980s, ethyl carbonate (urethane) was a hot topic in distillation - it was proven that it is carcinogenic and is concentrated in alcoholic beverages during their ripening stage. During their research, scientists found that many distillates, especially grain whiskey and bourbon, prepared in stainless steel columns, contain too much urethane, which only concentrated during their aging. As it turned out later, copper in the design of rectification and beer columns significantly reduces the concentration of ethyl carbonate in the drink. After that, many manufacturers of noble drinks in the USA and Europe began to equip their columns with copper elements.

The greatest influence of copper on the "binding" of sulfur (DMTS) in conventional moonshine stills is observed in the steam zone during the first distillation and in the still during the second. Prolonged contact of reflux with copper also has a positive effect on redox reactions. Intensive reflux in beer columns with copper elements allows you to get drinks with a lower content of DMTS and phenols, but with a large amount of esters and higher alcohols, which later, at the stage of maturation of the distillate in a barrel, form a complex flavor profile. It follows from this that copper, in addition to cleansing moonshine from many dangerous and foul-smelling compounds, also contributes to the formation of new substances that form a more pleasant and complex taste and aroma profile of the drink.

Copper gives

There are many scientific studies, including domestic specialists, which prove that copper in the steam zone during the first distillation acts as a catalyst for the oxidation of higher acids and allows you to obtain a larger amount of enanth esters (they form a complex fruity taste of cognac alcohols and are desirable in almost all fruit distillates ). Distillation fruit mash in copper cubes, esters are formed by 60-100%, aldehydes by 10-15%, furfural by 150-200% more than during distillation in stainless steel apparatus. In addition, the aged cognac spirits contain compounds, the origin of which is associated with the decomposition of ascorbic acid under the influence of the catalytic properties of copper.

Also, copper in the distillation still is a catalyst for a number of complex reactions that occur in the bottoms at distillation temperatures - melanoidin formation, caramelization, dehydration and cyclization of sugars, followed by their polymerization and polycondensation. As a result, heterocyclic compounds are formed, imparting a huge range of aromas to drinks - caramel, vanilla, chocolate, nutty, spicy, etc. In other words, copper has a huge impact on the formation of more complex and tasty distillates!

Why copper is dangerous

Simultaneously with the purification and improvement of moonshine, soluble copper oxides are formed in copper moonshine still, which are toxic and can greatly harm the health of drinkers. To prevent contact of copper salts with foodstuffs, copper dishes are covered with a layer of tin (tinned). But there is little use from tinned copper in moonshine stills - it does not come into contact with vapors or phlegm, and no reactions occur. Dead end? Not really.

Copper oxides can get into the distillate only at the moment of condensation of alcohol inside the copper refrigerator - before that, non-volatile copper salts either settle on the helmet of the alambik and copper components of the counter-reflux condenser of the beer column, or are washed off by reflux back into the cube. Therefore, using a tinned refrigerator (or made of stainless steel) solves the problem described above without harming the general business. Especially the copper refrigerator that has been proven laboratory research, has a minimal effect on the removal of DMTS (but has a positive effect on the conversion of smelly dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to a less aromatic sulfide).

Why copper needs to be cleaned

And now we get to the most important thing - copper must be cleaned without fail. Oxides, which gradually accumulate on copper surfaces, prevent the contact of alcohol vapors with metal. Redox reactions are minimized, heat transfer properties suffer. There are several simple but effective ways to clean copper from salt deposits, while you do not need to use any household chemicals, the residues of which on the inner surfaces of the distiller can affect the quality of the moonshine:

  1. Hot bard: for quick and effective cleaning of small copper items such as on-load tap-changers, copper tubes and the caps of the disc column, they can be dipped in hot vinasse (the remainder of the liquid in the still after distillation) for 10-15 minutes. For the best effect, the stillage can be boiled directly in the cube (or poured into a large saucepan if the neck of the alembic is too narrow).
  2. Lemon acid: dissolve 25 g citric acid in a liter of boiling water, rub all oxidized parts with this solution, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse with running water. An ordinary toilet brush (of course, only new and intended exclusively for cleaning copper), which is convenient to rub in the solution and remove hardened salts, will help speed up the cleaning process. In this way, you can clean all the copper elements of the moonshine still, including the coil.
  3. Cola, sprite, ketchup: exotic yet effective copper cleaners. Cleaning is carried out according to the scheme described above with citric acid: the product is rubbed into the oxidized surface, kept for some time and washed off with clean water. There is one drawback: copper can absorb odors, which can affect the organoleptic properties of the drink.

To keep the copper in "working order", it should be cleaned regularly, ideally after each distillation or when visible plaque appears on surfaces. It is also recommended to clean the outside of the copper elements, which not only affects the appearance products, but also retains its high thermal conductivity. This is especially true for the copper helmet of the alambik, the walls of which, by cooling with air, act as a kind of dephlegmator. For external cleaning, you can use special copper cleaners or use one of the folk remedies.

The outer surface of the copper can be polished with a paste homemade based on ordinary flour, salt and vinegar. To do this, you need to mix a quarter cup of flour and a quarter cup of salt, and then add vinegar, with constant stirring, until a thick paste forms. For polishing, it is enough to apply the paste using a soft cloth on copper surfaces, wait about 30 minutes until it dries and simply rinse off with water.


Copper, of course, is an important component of distillation and it is unlikely that in the near future, despite its obvious disadvantages, it will be completely abandoned by large producers and home enthusiasts who are not indifferent to grain and fruit distillates. However, you need to use it wisely:

  • It is advisable to use copper only in the steam zone of the moonshine still - the main refrigerator, where the condensation of alcohols occurs, it is better to tin or replace the copper elements with stainless steel.
  • To minimize sulfur compounds (DMTS) and improve the organoleptic properties of the drink, it is most effective to use copper elements (a copper helmet, a cupboard with copper nozzles, a disc column with copper caps, etc.) in the steam zone during the first distillation of the mash. During the second distillation, it is most effective to use copper distillation cube.
  • Regular cleaning of the external and internal surfaces of copper products is the key to high-quality and tasty moonshine.

Many people like to use alcoholic drinks and some like to make them themselves. This is not just a way to save money, but an exciting one. creative process which brings pleasure to many men.

However, distillation is quite difficult process and this requires specialized knowledge and equipment. In order for the moonshine to turn out to be safe for health and of high quality, it is necessary to get rid of harmful impurities in the composition of the mash. This can be done with multiple devices.

Panchenkov's nozzle is one of them. With its help, unnecessary impurities are eliminated during the distillation process. At the same time, the result is odorless moonshine, fusel oils and does not lose strength.

The article will help you understand the advantages, disadvantages, the principle of operation and the features of the preparation and installation of the Panchenkov nozzle.

Description of the device

Before considering the features of the operation of Panchenkov's grid-packing, it is necessary to briefly describe the procedure for purifying moonshine from impurities - rectification.

This procedure is a repeated distillation of raw alcohol, as a result of which all unnecessary impurities are removed from it, for example, wood alcohol, the use of which can be fatal to humans.

  • To purify the raw alcohol, it should be poured into the cavity of the distillation still.
  • Next, the container should be placed on a heat source, for example, a gas stove burner and brought to a certain temperature.
  • When a certain temperature is reached, the liquid turns into vapor, which circulates through the distillation column, and then enters the reflux condenser cavity.
  • After that, the condensate flows down the walls of the rectification column and reflux condenser.
  • The very same column cavity is equipped with a Panchenkov grid, which is combined with stainless steel shavings in distillation units.

It is this feature of the moonshine that allows you to clean the moonshine, and without prejudice to its strength.

The attachment, called Panchenkov's grid, was developed by JSC Tupolev, and the invention was patented. This wire mesh was originally intended for high-quality cleaning of crude oil with the aim of its further use as fuel for aircraft.

The mesh itself was made of copper, since this metal absorbs sulfur qualitatively and, at the same time, the sulfur does not return back to the purified product. Copper also increases the heating and cooling rate of the mesh.

Today Panchenkov's nets are actively used in light industry. They are also used to equip premium moonshine stills.

The mesh looks like a coiled copper wire with a special weaving, which allows you to conveniently place the fixture inside the device. You can adjust the grid parameters yourself. It is also easy to clean after use.

Principle of operation

After heating in the cube of the moonshine still, alcohol-containing vapors rise into the pipe (tsarga), where they come into contact not only with the walls, as in classical distillation, but also with the surface of the nozzle, giving off part of the heat to the wire.

As a result, fusel oils and other impurities with a high boiling point condense and flow back into the cube along the walls of the tsarg in the form of reflux (liquid), and alcohol vapors purified from some of the harmful impurities continue to move to the cooler, where they condense and enter the receiving container in the form of moonshine ...

During distillation, the Panchenkov nozzle reduces the steam flow rate in the tsar, slowing down the entire process. Compared to a conventional moonshine still, it takes more time to distill the same amount of home brew, but the resulting moonshine is cleaner.

In the case of rectification, the tap changer performs the same function as any other tray or packing, providing a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process.

reference Information

Adjustable wire nozzle, RPN is a scientific development of JSC Tupolev, confirmed by a patent for an invention. It was originally developed to increase the efficiency of refining petroleum feedstocks for subsequent use as fuel for aircraft.

  1. For the manufacture, copper was used, designed to improve the absorption of sulfur and prevent it from entering the already purified product.
  2. Thanks to its physical properties, copper acts as a catalyst for the operation of the apparatus, increasing the rate of heating and cooling and reducing the interval between these processes.
  3. Today, the RPN is used not only in the flight industry, but also in the production of alcohol-containing products. In everyday life, it is used to make premium moonshine stills, like Grinalko and others.
  4. Structurally, it is a coiled copper wire with a special braiding, which is convenient to insert into the column. The size, density and length can be easily adjusted by yourself, it is also easy to pull it out and clean it from absorption products.

Practical use

The use of an improving nozzle can be considered in such a unit as the Favorit moonshine still. It has a dephlegmator column that is connected to a wave adapter with a flow-through cooler. The column also contains a pre-cooler, which can be switched off.

The complete set includes a Panchenkov nozzle. The installed hinged structure is collapsible, and, if necessary, undergoes modification. This requires the purchase of additional items.

Novice moonshiners claim that the Panchenkov nozzle significantly reduces the flow rate. This is true, but in the end, a pure product is obtained faster and of better quality, since indiscriminate distillation or rectification is not required.

Although a slight decrease in dispensing is present, this is offset by a cleaner product in the exclusive Favorit moonshine still and other similar units. In cases where a regular Panchenkov packing (RPN) is used, the design of the apparatus can be reduced without lowering the quality of the finished product.

This solution is beneficial for small-sized products, where important place assigned to the outer dimensions. Since a superstructure a meter high or more will look excessively bulky even in a large kitchen.

The moonshine still using the nozzle keeps the basic principle of operation the same as in the classic layout.

  • The only difference is in the elongation of the passage of the vapor in the cavity.
  • Passing through a pipe with a filler (nozzle), alcohol vapors containing impurities have the opportunity to come into contact with a larger metal surface than during passage through an empty pipe.
  • Releasing heat, fusel oils cool, condense and return to the cavity to the wash.
  • At the same time, the alcohol continues to move on to the outlet.
  • Reflux particles can be picked up again and transferred to the upper layers of the container, where, once passing through the tap changer nozzle, they will return again.

Thus, it is possible to prevent unwanted liquids from entering the finished alcohol or moonshine.

The pipe, like its filler, does not fall in temperature conditions to the level of condensation of alcohol vapors, which provides them with a passage into the refrigerator. The role of the nozzle is as a condensation filter for household moonshine stills. It was first used for large industrial units engaged in the distillation of oil, alcohols, gas, etc.

Product advantages

The main positive qualities possessed by the Panchenkov nozzle are as follows:

  1. with the simplicity of the design, it is possible to achieve maximum cleaning results;
  2. the terms of cleansing with a nozzle are significantly reduced, since the process goes in parallel with the production of alcohol;
  3. it can be placed / taken out inside the drawer side in a rolled form;
  4. can be adjusted according to the degree of filling in the pipe, creating a flow of the required power;
  5. the material is stainless steel, which can be used for many years;
  6. if necessary, it can be purchased separately to the one included in the kit.

Disadvantages of using

Many distillers do not want to use this additional filter.

And although the principle of operation of the Panchenkov nozzle allows you to remove harmful impurities from the drink, because of it, the flow rate in the moonshine is noticeably reduced. However, most people use it, because they are willing to sacrifice distillation time, and in the end they get a better and more refined alcohol.

Actually, the increase in distillation time is the only drawback that can hardly be called serious.

Features of the Panchenkov nozzle


The regular wire nozzle is used to increase the degree of purification and allows you to get cleaner moonshine and alcohol, filtering vapors from fusel oils and various impurities.


It perfectly copes with its main task, namely, it creates an extensive surface for heat and mass transfer between steam and reflux during the rectification process.


It is convenient to use in almost every moonshine still capable of placing a rolled nozzle inside the column of the apparatus.


The amount of filling of the nozzle in the barrel of the moonshine still can be independently adjusted. The attachment can be easily removed from the moonshine still for cleaning. Ideal filler for small distillation columns.

The main characteristics of the Panchenkov's nozzle

What can be achieved using the device

  • when passing through it, alcohol-containing mixtures are perfectly separated into separate fractions;
  • it increases the strength of moonshine;
  • it is easy to maintain at home;
  • durability, low cost and availability.

However, it should be borne in mind that a regular wire nozzle works effectively with a pipe length of at least 35 cm, therefore, it can only be used in household appliances of low and medium power.

What is most interesting is that Panchenkov's mesh nozzle was developed by Tupolev Design Bureau in 1981. This product was intended to increase the degree of refining of petroleum feedstock in the production of aviation fuel.

In real conditions, Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer began to be used in domestic distillers with tsarga and domestic rectification columns. On-load tap-changer Panchenkov is the second in the degree of purification (after SPN Selivanenko) and the easiest nozzle to operate.

Briefly about how it works. After heating in the cube of the moonshine still, alcohol-containing vapors rise into the pipe, where they come in contact not only with the pipe walls, but also with the surface of the nozzle, giving off some of the heat to the wire. As a result, fusel oils and other impurities with a high boiling point condense and flow back into the cube along the walls of the tsarg in the form of reflux (liquid), and pure alcohol vapors continue to move to the cooler, where they condense into the final product.

    Panchenkov's packing reduces the steam flow rate in the tsar, slowing down the distillation process. The driving time is significantly increased in comparison with conventional devices with dry steamers and bubblers, but at the output the moonshine is cleaner.

The main wire material for the rectification columns is stainless steel and copper. But copper tips are more expensive and require constant care - washing after each use.

Do-it-yourself Panchenkov RPN is virtually impossible, due to the complexity of weaving and the tolerances and standards that are used at the plant.

Preparation of the moonshine still and Panchenkov's baits

  1. For greater practicality, we combine 2 processes and boil the Panchenkov's nozzle right in the tank. To do this, pour 4-5 liters of water into the distillation cube, pour 1 sachet of citric acid into it and throw the nozzles inside.
  2. We assemble the device, connect the cooling hoses and start heating. Heating can be carried out at maximum speed, in this case it does not play a special role.
  3. After the first drops of water have gone, we slightly reduce the heating and boil in this state for another 15 minutes. Then turn off the heating, take out the nozzles from the cube and wait until the apparatus cools down.
  4. We rinse the boiled nozzle again with clean water, and, if no defects were detected in the apparatus during the first distillation, we insert the nozzle into the column, and proceed to the first distillation of the wash.

And a few more useful tips for beginner moonshiners. In order to avoid troubles when working with the device, we recommend that you read them carefully:

  • Try not to leave the device unattended, especially at first;
  • Carefully monitor the amount of mash in the cube, if it has completely boiled away, the heating of the cube must be stopped urgently
  • It is very important to constantly monitor that the right amount water served in the refrigerator for cooling
  • When distilling on stoves with an open flame, be careful as strong moonshine tends to burn
  • After each distillation, rinse the still with warm water.

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How to install and clean the Panchenkov's nozzle

The most optimal price-quality ratio is possessed by the regular Panchenkov nozzle (RPN) made of copper.

First of all, it is copper. Copper, as it was found out, binds sulfur compounds on its surface, which makes it possible to obtain a drink that is much tastier and more aromatic, free from the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

  1. Due to weaving in a special way in the form of a stocking folded in half, from four copper wires with a diameter of 0.15 mm and giving a special relief, Panchenkov's RPN has a large surface.
  2. The larger the surface, the more efficient the process of heat and mass transfer in the column.
  3. The excellent thermal conductivity of copper (only silver is better) also makes this process more efficient.

First of all, decide on the length.

It depends on the inner diameter of the column side. The approximate length of Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer is given below:

  • Ø30mm - 15cm
  • Ø38mm - 30cm
  • Ø51mm - 50cm
  • Ø60mm - 100cm
  • Ø74mm - 200cm

After cutting off the tap-changer, roll it up, form a wad, sometimes called a roll or bar. It is necessary to reel quite tightly. But with a small diameter of the drawer side (up to 38mm), you should not overdo it, because the likelihood of column flooding may increase. At the same time, wads for tsars with a large diameter should be wound more tightly so that they do not fall out of the tsars.

Folding methods

There are three ways to fold the wad. There is no fundamental difference between them.

Method 1. You can roll up completely "roll", spiral. In this case, it will turn out to be more dense. Pay special attention to the beginning of the winding so that a through hole does not form along the axis of the wad.

Method 2. Quite often, the tap changer is folded like this. Bend about one third of the tap changer length and fold it with the rest. After that, already twist into a "bar", starting from the point of inflection. In the photo, the process of wad formation.

Bend about one third of the tap changer length and fold it with the rest. Then, from the side of the bend, turn the tap-changer into a "bar".

Method 3. Often the wad is formed as shown in the photo above, but the tap changer is pre-folded in half.

The width of the tap-changer is 10 cm. Accordingly, the length of the wad will be exactly 10 cm. As a rule, there are several wads from the tap-changer in the column of the moonshine still. All stainless steel wads can be replaced with copper ones. And you can partially. Three copper "bars" are enough. You can even two. But with a fairly productive device, this may not be enough.

Preparing the device

  1. After that, rinse the "bars" in detergent for dishes to remove residues of oil used in its production, and rinse with running water.
  2. Then pickle a little in a citric acid solution. Enough about 10 ... 20 grams of citric acid per 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Stirring to dissolve citric acid (it dissolves very quickly) and dip the "bars" into the solution. A few minutes are enough.
  4. Then remove Panchenkov's RPN from the solution and rinse it in running water. Everything. The preparation is over.

During operation, due to the interaction with sulfur compounds and other substances of vapors from the distillation still, the surface of the packing is covered with a deposit. Depending on the raw material, the color can vary from black to silver.

If the plaque is very strong, the tap-changer may "coke" as it dries, and it is worse to let the mash vapors pass in the future, which leads to flooding of the column. Therefore, after each use, it must be removed from the column with a hook-shaped object, washed and etched in a citric acid solution, as described above.

The pickling time depends on the degree of soiling. Etched until the characteristic copper color appears.

Carry out etching in a ventilated area. Small dark areas can be ignored. Then rinse the tap-changer in running water and dry. After drying, the surface may darken, but there is no need to worry.

The service life of Panchenkov's copper tap-changer depends on the frequency of use, the feedstock and acidity of the wash, the cleaning time in a citric acid solution.

Prices for Panchenkov's nozzle

These nets are sold in many stores in this direction, they are not expensive, so the purchase will not hit the distiller's pocket. One such mesh costs an average of 500-700 rubles. However, the price depends on the parameters. In expensive moonshine stills, they are on by default, which once again confirms the need for their use.

However, if there are problems with finding this mesh or buying it, then you can use an ordinary household steel sponge. Its efficiency is not lower, and it filters fusel oils just as well.

Device analogs

There are various “everyday” inventions that people use in the absence of the Panchenkov nozzle itself.

The most popular of these is a regular metal washcloth, which is sold in almost any home store and costs a penny.

  • However, it must be checked for corrosion resistance before use.
  • This can be done as follows: first you need to cut it into fragments, wrap them in a damp cloth and sprinkle with salt.
  • If within two or three days the sponge has not become rusty, then you can safely replace the Panchenkov mesh with it.

The second "analogue" is Raschig ceramic rings. Rough rings are recommended. Also, the mesh can be replaced by spiral-prismatic nozzles, which are no worse than Panchenkov's meshes in terms of efficiency.

Spiral prismatic fillers were invented quite recently. SPN Selivanenko was the first of them. Now there are some modifications of this nozzle, for example, 10-sided SPN Diogenes.

Currently, the spiral prismatic packing is considered the best for use in home-brewed stills and rectification columns. For household mash columns and distillers, it is better to use copper SPN, according to some reports, it softens the taste of the distillate.

  1. SPN is made of stainless wire with a thickness of 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 mm.
  2. Consists of 4x4 segments; 3.5x3.5; 3x3 and 2x2 mm prismatic spiral.
  3. The smaller the size of the packing, the higher the quality of the product obtained, but the lower the productivity, and with the larger packing the sampling rate increases, but the quality of separation is lower.

The nozzle is poured into the column and slightly compacted every 10 cm, for this it is convenient to use a shovel handle. For a household column, it is easier to buy a nozzle from a trusted seller, because lately there have been many fakes on the market.

The price of the SPN Selivanenko nozzle is about 1500-2500 rubles per liter, 1 liter, depending on the type of wire, weighs about 1.2 kg.

You can make a SPN with your own hands at home. To do this, you need a stainless steel wire, a winding device (usually a drill or screwdriver), the finished cut nozzle must be etched.

  • This element passes steam through itself, retaining phlegm on its surface, which settles in the form of a film. This is where the work on separating the mixture into fractions takes place.
  • An increase in the area of ​​the SPN has a beneficial effect on the final moonshine, however, it is important not to create obstacles for the passage of vapors.
  • The tight packing can block the movement of future condensate.
  • In the case of an increase in the phlegm layer to a critical one, the moonshine still begins to flood.

There are 3 types of flood: film, emulsification and emergency. Thus, it is necessary to select the power so that the apparatus works in the system of emulsification flooding, without turning into an emergency one.


Washcloths are at the forefront of their use as column packing. The reason is availability and low price. The main rule when choosing is corrosion resistance. Considering this, there is no need to do, immediately, a bulk purchase.

Below is a private opinion on the choice of washcloths and their use.

In order for the processes of heat and mass exchange to take place in the distillation column, the column pipe must be filled with a packing. There is a wide variety of industrial distillation column packing. But, getting them is not always possible.

Therefore, as an alternative to the nozzle industrial production, in the rectification column, a nozzle made of household sponges was used for washing dishes made of stainless steel. Shown below are photographs of the washcloths used and the manufacturing process for the distillation column packing is explained.

  1. Washcloths made in China. Were used for more than a year, after removal from the column, no traces of corrosion were noticed. Can be used as a nozzle.
  2. Washcloths Russian production"Clean". They have about twice the volume compared to the Chinese ones. Chinese washcloths, later I have been replaced by these. Washcloths come from different manufacturers and can be made from different grades of steel.

Sometimes not quite satisfying in quality. During the distillation process, from such sponges, various changes in the taste and smell of the distillate can occur. Therefore, the choice of washcloths is a crucial moment, not all washcloths are suitable for use as a nozzle.

It is better to use "Clean" washcloths in the column.

Cutting and separating the washcloth

We take scissors, pierce the washcloth approximately in the middle and cut it in half. It has become much more convenient to work.

After the sponge is cut in half, you need to divide it into several more parts. We cut with scissors, right along the urine. You should get about 4-5 pieces.

Then we cut the pieces into separate rings of 3-5 turns in each. It turns out a loose nozzle.

In the process of cutting the washcloths into separate fragments, many small rings and other debris are obtained.

In order to get rid of unnecessary debris, you can use a sieve with holes of suitable diameter. The diameter of the holes must be selected in such a way that the fragments of the nozzle remain in the sieve, and the debris is sifted through the holes. As such a sieve, you can use such a device.

The dimensions of the nozzle are in millimeters. Here are different sizes cut from different washcloths.

The sizes of the loops, as well as their diameter, are different for different sponges. Different washcloths should be used depending on the diameter of the pipe. For pipes with a small diameter of 25-35 mm, use scouring pads with a minimum size of turns. For pipes with a larger diameter, it is better to use scouring pads with a large diameter of the coils. The slicing process will go faster.

The pipe is filled to the top with a nozzle. It remains to insert the grating and solder the adapter to connect to the reflux condenser.

Sometimes this substance is used for other purposes, such as creating a water lock. When filling the apparatus with a different nozzle.

Ceramic Raschig Rings

Raschig rings are ceramic nozzles that have found wide application in modern industry. The nozzles work as follows: absorption occurs on the surface of the nozzles when they are placed in the absorber.

Ceramic packing for effective absorption must meet a number of specific requirements:

  • they must have a high specific surface area,
  • as well as significant free volume,
  • and also have a low specific gravity in order to produce a minimum pressure on the supporting structures, to provide insignificant resistance to the gas flow,
  • efficiently distribute liquid over the surface and be characterized by excellent corrosion resistance to the environments in which they will be located (most often we are talking about acidic and alkaline environments).

Raschig rings (ceramic packing) are intended for mass transfer, heat exchange, as well as modern highly efficient rectification and separation industrial equipment (chemical and oil refining industry).

They have a number of distinctive characteristics and must meet some specific requirements.

  1. Among them, a large specific surface area and a small specific gravity can be distinguished.
  2. There should also be a sufficiently large free volume, the ability to provide low resistance to gas flows, the ability to distribute liquid well.
  3. An equally important indicator is the resistance to the corrosive environment in which the nozzles are located.

Raschig rings belong to one of the subtypes of ring nozzles. Outwardly, these are cylindrical nozzles with thin walls. The outer diameter of such devices, most often, is equal to the height of the ring itself. This parameter changes from 25 to 150 millimeters.

The market is also saturated with other, more modern, attachments, which are in many ways better than Raschig rings. These are the adaptations of Pall and Berl. This fact is connected with the fact that Raschig rings are very simple, do not have any additional devices.

But this is their plus, since the attachments are quite easy to manufacture and cheap. Today they are widely used in practice and are most often used in many enterprises.

The main stages of home brewing

The rules of home brewing fix 4 main stages in the preparation of this wonderful drink:

  1. Preparation of raw materials.
  2. Fermentation.
  3. Distillation of mash.
  4. Purification of the resulting drink
  5. Aromatization is an optional, but recommended step for enhancing the flavor and giving it a bright aroma.

For those who are just mastering the basics of home brewing, it is advisable to have a fully equipped apparatus, where there is:

  • a hydrometer for determining the strength of the finished drink;
  • a thermometer to control the distillation temperature;
  • manometer - a device for measuring the pressure in the distillation cube.

Distillation process

The technology of home brewing is not limited only to this stage, but this is precisely the very mechanism for obtaining ethyl alcohol from fermented mash.

For this purpose, a moonshine still is used - it can be both home-made and factory-made.

The mash itself is poured into a sealed alembic, where it is heated to a certain temperature. The purity and content of the drink depends on how correctly the temperature is maintained at each stage.

The whole process can be divided into the following stages (distillation):

  1. Intensive heating to a temperature of 66-68 ° C, when the first impurities begin to separate. Then the temperature is gradually brought to 78 °. It is important to do this slowly so that some of the mash does not spill out.

The drink obtained during the first distillation contains more than 50% of harmful impurities, including acetone and fusel oils. Its use is fraught with food poisoning and even death.

  1. Maintaining the temperature at around 78-82 ° is the longest stage during which the bulk of the ethyl is released. After the second distillation, the product can already be consumed, but if you do not use the dry steamer, the concentration of fusel oils is still very high.

Periodically check the alcohol content in the collection with a hydrometer or the old-fashioned way of setting fire to a spoon. As soon as the liquid has stopped burning, turn off the heating.

  1. In millet of the third distillation, the temperature is increased to 87-90 ° C to start the separation of heavy fuselage.

Throughout the entire process of home brewing, the temperature in the refrigerator (coil) is controlled - it should not rise above 30 ° C. This balance is ensured by the constant circulation of cold water.

Types of moonshine stills

The choice of a moonshine still needs to be done based on its functionality and practicality. Let's look at what moonshine stills are, the main criteria that determine the price and a set of options:

  • Functioning principle (rectifier, distiller);
  • The material from which it is made;
  • Distillation cube volume;
  • Cooling method;
  • Power (in the presence of heating elements)
  • Liters per hour capacity


The principle of operation of distillers is simple. First, the alcohol-containing liquid is heated to the boiling point of the alcohol, and then the alcohol-containing vapors are cooled. Throughout the entire process; ssa ferrying maintain a certain temperature regime, since when it fluctuates, fusel oils get into the drink, spoiling the smell and taste.

A distiller for moonshine is chosen if it is important to the drink to convey the aroma of the raw materials used in the preparation of the mash. Suitable for making whiskey, cognacs, calvados, rum and aromatic vodka. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the low cost, ease of use and maintenance.

The distillation column is capable of almost completely purifying the final product from fusel oils and other impurities.

The quality of the raw materials from which the mash was prepared does not matter because organoleptic properties in the final drink are almost absent, and the percentage of alcohol is 96.6%. Distillers cannot give such a result even with repeated distillation. From such alcohol, wonderful tinctures and vodka are obtained.

Rectification is the separation of binary or multicomponent mixtures due to countercurrent mass and heat exchange between vapor and liquid.

  1. The principle is the following, alcohol-containing vapors rise up and are cooled by a refrigerator located at the very top of the column, return downward in the form of reflux and meet with rising steam, mass-heat exchange occurs, the concentration of alcohol increases.
  2. Below there is a selection unit with which it is possible to control the amount of taken alcohol and change its quality, the slower the selection, the cleaner the alcohol at the outlet.

Most modern devices have two modes (distillation and rectification) by slightly changing the configuration of the equipment, you can prepare a distillate or rectified, this is very convenient.


Potential buyers are keenly interested in alambiks - classic distillers with a dome-shaped upper part of a distillation still. In practice, only distillation stills made of copper have advantages over other devices. They give out a product with the best organoleptic properties.

Almost all alambics are handcrafted in Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, Italy) and are expensive. They can often be seen in drinking establishments specializing in the production of exclusive alcohol.

They shine and impress your visitors. It is easier for an ordinary man in the street to purchase a moonshine mini-factory with a high degree of automation for this money.

Distillation cube volume

It should be decided what volumes you are going to process and how often. The more productive the model is, the larger, heavier and more expensive it is.

Pay attention to the capacity of the cooler. It must correspond to the volume of the cube and the heating power or be higher (in this case, it will be possible to change the cube to a more spacious one).

Therefore, in order to choose the right home brew distiller, you should get advice not only about performance, but also about the maximum possible volume of a cube, the recommended intensity of heating and cooling.

For example, from 10 liters of mash with a strength of 12% after double distillation with the separation of the head and tail fractions, you will get about 1.8 - 2 liters of 40% distillate, based on these data, decide how much mash you need to process to obtain the amount of alcohol you need.

What material should the apparatus be made of

Disputes over copper or stainless steel should be a moonshine still going on for a long time.

Often, the advice of experienced winemakers boils down to the fact that the best home distillers must be made of copper. In fact, each material has advantages and disadvantages.


  • The main advantage of copper is the ability to absorb sulfur oxide, which makes the folk drink too "aromatic".
  • In addition, copper is characterized by high thermal conductivity, and, consequently, greater productivity and less water consumption required for cooling.
  • And of course, copper moonshine still looks expensive and presentable.

Unfortunately, there are no fewer shortcomings behind the pluses:

  1. Price. If the purpose of buying a device is to save money, it makes no sense to take expensive copper equipment.
  2. The complexity of leaving. Plaque builds up on the surface of the device due to the adsorption of sulfur oxide. It must be removed after each use, which is quite laborious.
  3. Life time. Copper is not as strong as stainless steel. Most supporters copper apparatus steel stills are still used, since the copper bottom quickly burns out.

Stainless steel

Apparatuses and stills made of stainless steel for them occupy high places in the rating. It is necessary that the steel not only does not undergo rusting, but also complies with the GOSTs of the food or medical industry.

  • An important factor is the thickness of the material. The optimal parameter is 2 mm. Such models of home-made moonshine still are durable, affordable and easy to use.
  • In devices made of thin steel up to 1 mm, the mash will burn and give the final product the taste of burnt porridge.
  • Distillation stills with a wall of 3-4 mm. in practice, they have no particular advantages. At the same time, they weigh 50-70% more and are more expensive by at least a third.

In order to get rid of sulfur compounds, it will be enough to fill the column copper nozzle and you will get the result no worse than on a device made entirely of copper.

Design features and additional equipment of the moonshine still

Also, the choice of a moonshine still must be made taking into account the method of heating the structure.

  1. If a gas stove is used, special design requirements for home use no, only the height of the assembled apparatus, it may not fit on the gas stove, the hood or something else will interfere.
  2. For induction and electric cookers, it is necessary to choose containers with a flat bottom, specifically for an induction cooker, the cube should be with a thick feromagnetic bottom.

The presence of an emergency relief valve for excess pressure (without this module, it is not safe to operate the moonshine still).

The presence of a thermometer is necessary for measuring the temperature at all stages of production, the control of which creates a drink that is optimally suited to specific preparation technologies at the outlet.

Collapsible modules are easier to clean. It is better to opt for a cube design with a wide neck, into which you can easily stick your hand and rinse thoroughly after use.

  • For rooms with insufficient height, you can purchase a cube with a built-in tenom or additionally buy an induction cooker, they are not so expensive, and heating is very efficient and fast.
  • For a summer residence where there are often problems with cold water, types of moonshine stills that do not require running water are suitable.

An electric moonshine still with automation, on the one hand, simplifies the process, on the other, complicates the operation. Even if one controller fails, the entire device will cease to function.


Now you know what the Panchenkov's nozzle is, the advantages of its use, the cost. If you are already engaged in the distillation of moonshine at home, then be sure to use this grid. This simple and primitive device really helps to cleanse moonshine from harmful fusel oils, the ingestion of which will certainly harm health.

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  • Delivery in the Moscow region up to 5 km. from the Moscow Ring Road - 600 r.
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