How to make coffee c. How to brew ground coffee

Coffee, like any other drink, must be prepared correctly. This can be done using different devices (a Turk, a coffee machine, a coffee maker, or even an ordinary saucepan). In order for the desired drink to really turn out to be truly tasty and aromatic, you need to clearly know how to brew coffee correctly. Indeed, in any of the options listed there are rules and subtleties that must be followed.

For a long time, the dish that is traditionally used for brewing coffee is the Turk. It is a metal vessel with a handle, made in the shape of a truncated cone.

The wide bottom heats up the contents quickly and the narrow neck ensures minimal evaporation of moisture.

In addition, the thick in this vessel settles very quickly. You can brew coffee in a Turk over an open fire or on hot sand. In conditions home cooking this is most conveniently done on the stove. To work, in addition to the Turk and the cup, you will need the following main components:

  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 teaspoons (with a slide) of ground coffee;
  • 15 grams of sugar;
  • a little salt.

How to brew coffee in a Turk properly:

  1. First of all, the dishes must be slightly warmed up before work. Therefore, the Turk needs to be held, a little on the stove or doused with boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into it.
  3. Add sugar. Experts say that such a drink should be either very sweet or completely bitter. Partially reducing the amount of sugar will only lead to a loss of its flavor.
  4. Pour water into the Turk. It should be almost icy.
  5. The cooking process should be carried out on low heat. However, it should not boil. As soon as the foam formed from above begins to rise, the Turk must be immediately removed from the fire.
  6. Wait 6-7 seconds and repeat this procedure a couple more times. Here it is necessary to ensure that the "cap" of foam does not burst. Otherwise, the drink will lose its unique aroma.
  7. Gently bang the Turk on the table. This is necessary for the thick to go down.
  8. Warm up the cups by filling them with boiling water.
  9. Drain the water, and immediately pour coffee into a warm dish.
  10. Wait a couple of minutes for the suspended particles to settle to the bottom.

After that, you can drink aromatic coffee with pleasure.

Brewing rules in a coffee machine

For those who have no time to stand at the stove, experts have created coffee machines. In the process of preparing a drink, these devices perform several functions at once:

  • grinding of grains;
  • powder dosing;
  • heating water;
  • liquid injection under pressure.

As a result, very good coffee is obtained. As you can see, the unit takes over all the main work. Depending on the specific model and type of drink, the coffee preparation technology is different. Generally speaking, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  1. Pour natural coffee (grains) into the hopper. Some machines use a pre-ground product.
  2. Pour water into a special container located nearby. It is advisable to take a distilled or bottled drink.
  3. Switch on the device. After that, the machine starts grinding the grains. Part of the crushed powder through the dispenser enters the brewing device. Heated water is pumped here under pressure (usually no higher than 90 degrees). It takes no more than a minute to prepare a cup of aromatic coffee. As a result of the extraction process, the finished product is saturated with flavoring and aromatic components.

A person can only substitute a cup and wait until it is filled with the long-awaited drink.

In a drip coffee maker

A coffee machine is, of course, a convenient, but often rather bulky and not at all cheap unit. Therefore, it is better to have a coffee maker at home. There are seven types of coffee drinks, depending on the preparation method. Most popular for home use they use drip devices. They represent a flask (usually glass), which is located on an electrically heated stand. How to properly brew coffee in such a device?

For this you need:

  1. Place the filter in the funnel located at the top of the device.
  2. Pour on it ground coffee, and then lightly tamp it with a spoon.
  3. Pour water into the side compartment.
  4. Switch on the grinder. At this time, the water begins to heat up. The vapor rises from it, and then condenses and in the form of drops falls on the filter. Further, passing through the layer of coffee, the finished drink flows into the flask.

Many modern models of such coffee makers have additional functions with which you can, for example, adjust the strength of the drink or the rate of passage of the liquid, as well as automatic heating for half an hour.

Recipe in a saucepan on the stove

How to be those lovers popular drink, who has no Turks in the house, no coffee maker? In such a situation, you can use a regular pan for work. How to brew coffee in it correctly? First you need to prepare the main components: you need 50 grams of coffee per liter of water. It is advisable to take a coarsely ground product, since after brewing, large particles will quickly settle to the very bottom.

Next you need:

  1. Preheat a saucepan. This can be done in two ways: heat water in it or pour in ready-made boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into a heated dish.
  3. Place the pot on the stove and cook the contents over low heat.
  4. A small layer of foam forms on the surface over time. When it starts to rise, the pan must be immediately removed from the stove.
  5. Cover it with a lid and wait no more than five minutes.

After that, you can pour hot coffee into cups and enjoy a fragrant freshly prepared drink.

How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

In Europe, many families still make coffee using geyser-type coffee makers. In our country, until a certain time, they were also quite popular.

The apparatus is extremely simple and consists of three main elements:

  • water tank;
  • strainer (filter);
  • tank for the finished product.

To brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, you need:

  1. Pour water into the lower container.
  2. Pour onto the filter the right amount ground coffee.
  3. Fasten it to a container of water.
  4. Place the container for the finished drink on top and secure it with a screw connection.
  5. Put the coffee maker on the fire immediately. The process takes place in two stages. First, the boiled water gradually rises up the inner tube. Then, passing through a strainer, it brews coffee and flows out into the upper container in the form of a ready-made drink. On average, this takes no more than ten minutes.

For this option, it is advisable to use finely ground coffee. It will brew better. In addition, it is undesirable to set the flame too high. The coffee can burn, and an unpleasant bitterness will be felt in the finished drink.

Step by step recipes for espresso, cappuccino, latte

Today there are several dozen different recipes making coffee. And true amateurs should not only know, but also be able to cook them correctly. Among the most popular types of this drink is undoubtedly "espresso".

To prepare it you will need:

  • 7-8 grams of ground coffee;
  • 30-35 milliliters of drinking water.

To make an espresso, for example, in a hopper coffee maker, you need to:

  1. Switch on the device.
  2. Place a cup on top so that it gradually warms up.
  3. Pour the ground coffee into the holder. Seal it well with tempera.
  4. Insert the horn into the device and press the "start" button. Immediately place a warm cup on the bottom of the tray. Literally in 20 seconds, freshly brewed coffee will begin to pour into it in a thin stream.

In Italy, for example, is very popular "cappuccino"... In fact, this is the same espresso with frothed milk.

For 1 serving (180 milliliters) you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • a little sugar;
  • 10 grams of ground coffee;
  • 35 milliliters of water.

How to prepare cappuccino coffee:

  1. Pour water into the tank.
  2. Pour milk into a cup and beat until soft foam. For this, the coffee maker has a special steam pipe (cappuccino maker) on the side.
  3. Pour coffee into a horn and tamp it there.
  4. Insert the horn into the device.
  5. Place the foam cup on the tray (under the horn).
  6. Press the liquid button and wait until the first drops of coffee appear.

It turns out an original three-layer drink with a pleasant creamy coffee aroma.

Latte is another coffee drink that differs from cappuccino:

  • volume (250 milliliters);
  • recipe (not 200, but 300 milliliters of milk);
  • way of filing.

How to make a "latte" correctly:

  1. Whisk the milk in a large cup.
  2. Prepare an espresso separately and pour it into the bottom of the glass.
  3. Pour the whipped milk on top. The products in the glass are mixed and the "latte" is almost uniform, and the top is preserved with milk foam no more than 1 centimeter thick.

A properly prepared "latte" has a pleasant glossy color and a delicate creamy shade.

Drink at home with ice cream, caramel, milk

There are many other equally interesting coffee-based drinks. Take glace, for example. To make it, you need to have in stock:

  • 10 grams of natural coffee;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of ice cream.

Preparing a "glace" is very simple:

  1. First, you need to brew ordinary black coffee in any convenient way.
  2. Strain it, then add sugar and stir.
  3. Put a scoop of ice cream on top.

Those with a sweet tooth and real gourmets will surely like coffee with caramel.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and the same amount of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of cold water.

How to properly prepare a "miracle drink":

  1. Pour sugar into a dry turk. Heat it over low heat until completely melted.
  2. Add coffee immediately along with water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Pour hot coffee into cups, filtering through a strainer.

The easiest option is, of course, coffee with milk. But here, too, there are some subtleties. Most often, milk is added to ready-made coffee. But you can do it differently. For example, to make Warsaw-style coffee, it is brewed with milk.

How to do it:

  1. Pour milk into a Turk, add sugar (if necessary) and heat a little.
  2. Add coffee.
  3. Heat until the foam "hat" rises to the top. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

The drink turns out to be delicate, aromatic and unusually tasty. By the way, it will be slightly sweet even without sugar.

More than three centuries ago, coffee appeared in Europe, in particular in Italy, where to this day it is valued above all other drinks. During this period of time, a variety of cooking methods appeared, special dishes for brewing and eating. But the rules for obtaining a tasty and aromatic drink have remained unchanged.

Turkish traditions

It was the Turks who taught the Europeans how to brew coffee in a Turk. The story says that in Asian countries the tradition of making a strong, scalding and invigorating drink was born. Today it has the name Turkish coffee. Travelers and coffee connoisseurs are still sure that the most delicious and colorful drink can only be tasted by Egyptian Bedouins. Why?

It's all about the technology and the freshness of the grain. The Bedouins themselves fry the grains in a copper frying pan that looks like a cauldron, and its aroma is already inviting and invigorating. Later, in a special mortar or mechanical meat grinder, they grind the grains to a medium fraction. The dishes in which this is done are sometimes used to grind spices, which gives its own special flavor to the taste of the future drink.

The process of brewing coffee itself can be carried out on sand or over an open fire. They certainly use a dzhezva or a copper Turk of a tiny size, but with a long handle. It should be in the shape of a funnel, widening towards the bottom and tapering towards the top. In order for the taste of the finished drink to be really rich, ginger, pepper, cardamom and other spices are added to it. It is not accepted to put sugar.

Cooked on hot sand and warmed up by the rays of the desert sun, it turns out to be so fragrant that it is impossible to refuse the next cup, although the first one has already cheered up and gave strength.

The sand cooking process does not require any special skills.

Today, even in an apartment, you can brew coffee in a Turk on the sand. For this, there are special devices that are installed on the stove, or have their own heating system. The turka is immersed in evenly heated sand and gently moves for about a minute until the drink is ready. The tradition of making delicious coffee on the sand is revived again in many resorts and in specialized coffee shops, replacing the machine method of brewing.


To properly brew coffee in a Turk, you need to choose it wisely. The first thing that pays attention to is the material. Ideally, copper with good thermal conductivity and a safe coating on the inside. When it is put on fire, the metal heats up evenly. Due to this, the grains maximize the extraction of aromatic and flavoring components.

The second thing that is taken into account when choosing a vessel is volume. If coffee is brewed daily for one person and rarely for more, choose a 100-150 ml Turk. It will be completely filled, which means that the heat will not go away and the drink will be rich. The bottom of the turkey should be 3-4 times wider than the neck. The narrower the top of the vessel, the more aromatic the drink will be.

A ceramic turk is considered a good option, but when cooking with gas, it often cracks, therefore it is not durable in use. Glass, tin and silver turks are more suitable for kitchen decor than practical use. So, how to make delicious coffee in a Turk?

Coffee preparation options

It is correct to say brew, not brew ground coffee. After all, he himself only languishes on the fire, and does not boil or boil. Exists different ways how to properly brew coffee in a Turk. You need to brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove like this:

  1. At the bottom of the cezve, 5 g of ground grains are poured into 50 ml of water.
  2. Put sugar to taste and desire.
  3. Pour cold spring or bottled water.
  4. They put on a low fire.
  5. Warm up until a light foam appears and remove from heat.
  6. Put it back on the stove until the foam rises, repeat 2-3 times.
  7. Remove from heat, let the drink brew for 2-3 minutes.

This recipe for brewing coffee in a Turk is used all over the world to prepare a strong drink in Turkish, or the so-called espresso in a Turk. Before serving the drink, be sure to warm up the cup by holding boiling water in it for several seconds.

The darker the crema, the stronger the coffee

You can brew coffee in a Turk on the stove in a slightly different way. First, prepare the base for the coffee. To do this, put sugar in the cezve, pour cold water and heated until the sweetness is completely dissolved. Further in sweet water put ground grains, mix thoroughly until they fall off, and brew until foam appears.

There is a recipe for making coffee in a Turk with a caramel flavor.

The technology is as follows:

  1. Put the cezve on the fire, add sugar.
  2. Turn on the lowest heat and let the sugar melt a little, but not burn.
  3. Pour it over with water, add coffee and brew according to traditional technology.

If everything is done correctly, then the prepared drink will have a pleasant caramel note, and the foam will turn out to be much lighter, a real cream.

To diversify the taste, you can make coffee in a turk with spices. The drink goes well with pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla. They are added with all the other ingredients in scanty doses, literally by a pinch.

In Asia, there is a way to brew coffee in a turk with peeled froth. In the process of brewing coffee, the foam formed on the surface of the cezve is removed and transferred to a heated cup. This is done 2-3 times. Later, the brewed drink is poured into a cup in a thin stream, and the foam left there slowly rises to the surface.

Generally, to get creamed coffee in good shape difficult if the grain quality is poor. Not every Arabica variety produces a thick cream. It is formed by combining several varieties of Arabica and under the condition that the water does not boil in the Turk. Arabica gives froth, but robusta does not.

Choice of coffee

To make delicious coffee in a Turk at home, you need to take only a high-quality grain product. Today, small roasting shops are widespread, which means that it is no longer difficult to acquire. It should be stored in an opaque, sealed container and grinded just before preparing the drink. This is one of the main conditions for getting the right invigorating drink.

Ideally, a multifaceted drink in taste and aroma is obtained from a mixture of several varieties of Arabica

It is blends that are more often found in stores than monos. The latter are intended for use by professionals. At home, you can experiment and mix 3-4 grades of grains in arbitrary volumes, but it is better to purchase ready-made mixtures designed specifically for cooking in a Turk.


The most popular varieties are "Robusta" and "Arabica". As a rule, "Robusta" is used extremely rarely, since the final composition turns out to be strong, tart, and bitter. In our country, the Arabica variety has gained wide popularity - coffee with optimal bitterness and light sourness.


Depending on the degree of grinding, coarse (coarse), medium, fine (fine) and ultrafine grinding are distinguished.

Coarse grinding is used when coffee is prepared in express coffee machines or filter coffee makers. In addition, on the basis of coarse grinding, you can prepare a drink in a Turk, it will turn out without sediment.

Experts call the average grind universal. With it, you can brew coffee both in a professional machine and at home on the stove - in a Turk.

Finely ground coffee is chosen by people who have geyser equipment for brewing a drink. Also, the composition is great for cooking in a Turk, but sediment may appear.

Ultrafine or ultrafine grinding is used less often than all others. On the basis of this type, real Turkish coffee is brewed, it is also used for coffee makers, which assume the output of the final product through fine grains, similar in structure to flour.

Important! All the necessary information about the variety, grind and degree of roast is on the front of the package. If you have a grinder, choose whole grains, which must be ground just before brewing.

Coffee class

In terms of quality coffee beans, there are 4 classes: first, second, highest and premium segment.

By far the most the best option considered a premium class. In this case, the grains will be milled uniformly without large particles. However, if it is not possible to purchase an extra-class, give preference to the higher or middle, the low option should be abandoned right away.

Roast degree

The taste of the finished drink, its strength and consistency depends on the roasting of the beans. There are 4 degrees (1-4). If you do not like coffee that is too strong, choose the second or third stage. For connoisseurs of soft drinks, the first roasting category is suitable. It all depends on individual preferences.

The subtleties of making a drink with foam

Brewing coffee in a Turk at home is easy, but getting a drink with a lush and stable foam is difficult. To achieve this result, you need to take into account some of the subtleties of cooking.

  • Choose only bottled or spring water. It does not contain metal salts and does not impart hardness and off-flavors to the drink.
  • Having poured the ground grains and sugar into the Turk, they must be mixed - this is the basis of the future foam.
  • The fire should be weak so as not to accidentally overlook the boiling stage. In this case, bubbles will appear on the surface of the foam and it will disappear.
  • In order for the foam to be stable, the Turk should be removed from the fire 3-4 times, but not more than 5.

A good foam can only be obtained from high-quality beans that have undergone proper roasting. If it is overcooked, then most essential oils and aromatic compounds have collapsed, which means that the foam may be completely absent. There is another regularity: the greater the difference between the parameters of the bottom of the Turks and the neck, the thicker the layer of foam turns out. But it is more difficult to brew coffee in such a vessel, as it can quickly escape from the narrow top.

A selection of recipes

In turkish

O yes! It is Turkey that is famous for its strong and aromatic coffee, which was first recognized there back in the 16th century. Imagine, to prepare a drink for the Sultan, more than 40 people and just an endless amount of all kinds of dishes were involved! Women from the harem were specially trained in the art of making "kahwe" - this is how the word "coffee" sounds in Turkey.

If you prefer a strong drink, then Turkish coffee is perfect option, and we are not talking about the type of coffee beans, but about the method of preparation. The drink is so strong that you can forget about your favorite half-liter cups, only small ones, like from grandmother's coffee service (most likely, you put it far on the mezzanine, since you did not find any use, but it is a pity to throw it away).

To make Turkish coffee, you need to grind high-quality coffee beans literally into dust, and then boil them on fire or hot sand. The latter method, by the way, is more exotic and is presented as a national Turkish feature.

Fine grinding allows you to make the drink thick, very strong and aromatic, with a fluffy foam. You can drink coffee only in small portions, in small sips and be sure to wash it down with water - sometimes the strength of the heart could not stand it.

The classic recipe for cooking involves the presence of a small brazier with pebbles and fine sand deep enough to immerse the Turk up the neck.

For one cup, pour 50 ml of water into the cezve, add sugar to taste and heat until hot. Add one teaspoon of finely ground quality coffee, stir and wait until the first rise. Immediately remove the turk from the heat (sand), transfer the foam to a cup and heat it up again. Repeat the process two to six times. Moreover, it is better for the Turk to periodically move on the sand for uniform heating.

Remember, Turkish coffee is capricious in preparation. It requires only perfectly clean water, without impurities and salts (take at least boiled water, not from the tap). The grains must be fried just before grinding, and grind so that they resemble flour.

And yes, if you like spices, put them together with sugar, and then fill with water, otherwise you will spoil the foam.

In Arabic

For the Arabs, the coffee ceremony is similar to the tea house in China and Japan. Many are associated with it national traditions... For example, a drink should be served according to the seniority of those present and no more three times for the entire time of the conversation. If you want more, bear with it, asking for more after three cups is indecent.

Any guest in an Arab house will surely taste coffee. If you are desired, then a small cup will be placed in front of you and the drink will be poured as it disappears. When the host wants to celebrate an unwanted guest, he will put a large cup in front of him so that he can drink everything at once and leave!

Real Arabic coffee does not recognize technical progress; the entire brewing process must be done by hand. The grains are selected and roasted, burnt or spoiled grains are thrown away without regret. Now they need to be crushed, preferably by hand, using a metal pestle, and to a powder state.

The peculiarity of Arabic coffee is the presence of cardamom and other spices. This coffee is even stronger than Turkish coffee. A tablespoon of the finest coffee powder is placed on 80 ml of water.

The recipe is as follows.

  1. Pour sugar (as much as you like) into the cezve and fry it until golden brown. The caramel flavor is in perfect harmony with cardamom.
  2. Pour in 75-80 ml cold water per cup.
  3. Prepare coffee (tablespoon) and cardamom (quarter spoon).
  4. The water has boiled, remove it from the heat and add the coffee-cardamom mixture. Mix well.
  5. Bring to foam. Repeat three times.
  6. The drink is ready, pour into a cup and sprinkle with cinnamon.


Each country comes up with its own special recipe for coffee, so that it is different from others, and has a national flavor. In Brazil, a real cult of this drink, they say that Brazilians drink up to twenty cups during the day. What is different brazilian recipe from everyone else?

It's simple - notes of dark chocolate and a cap of whipped cream or ice cream will add richness and tenderness to the strong drink. And one more important ingredient - rum, it is not surprising that Brazilians love coffee so much!

For one cup, do the following.

Put a quarter of a teaspoon of cocoa and sugar in half a glass of cold water, mix well.
Add a large spoonful of ground coffee.
Heat until foam rises. Take it off.
Be sure to strain through cheesecloth. Brazilians do not tolerate sediment.
Pour into a cup, add rum (as much as you like) and heavy cream or ice cream. Unusual yummy!
By the way, Brazilian coffee cups need to be large and wide. And, secretly, adding rum is not necessary at all. Most likely, the Brazilians are cunning, otherwise they can drink 20 servings of a tasty and invigorating drink, but with the addition of rum ... Where then do they have such frisky football players?


Austria. Opera. And a little coffee shop on the corner. What else does a tourist who comes to Vienna for the first time need? If you have tried Viennese coffee once, then most likely you will forever fall in love with its taste.

The Europeans did not really like the Turkish drink, it was bitter and too strong. The owners of the first coffee houses, so as not to go broke, modified the recipe by adding milk and sugar to it. And they did not lose! A little later, a cap of whipped cream and a light citrus note were added.

Would you like to make your own Viennese coffee and enjoy exquisite taste? Let's try.

  1. Roast coffee beans until chocolate brown and grind in a coffee grinder. Everyone knows that the most aromatic drink will be obtained after fresh grinding.
  2. Whip 50 grams of cream until thick. The fatter they are, the lighter and thicker they will be.
  3. Brew coffee using any usual method at the rate of 2 teaspoons of powder and half a glass of water.
  4. Pour into a cup, add sugar and whipped cream. Top them can be decorated with chocolate, chopped nuts, orange zest or cinnamon.

Warsaw style

In Polish, the drink sounds like "kava sour cream" and is prepared not with water, but with good village milk. There are two classic Warsaw coffee recipes. Let's cook both and compare them in taste.

With baked milk

  1. Pour a glass into a Turk baked milk... Heat it until hot, but avoid frothing.
  2. Gently stir in two tablespoons of ground coffee.
  3. Put in a third of the spoon vanilla sugar and a teaspoon of ordinary if you prefer sweet.
  4. Bring over low heat until frothy.
  5. Remove from the stove, wait for the foam to come down and repeat twice more.
  6. The foam has risen for the third time, so you can pour it into the cup. It is better if it is wide and slightly warmed up in the microwave.
  7. Sprinkle with a mixture of cocoa and fine chocolate chips on top to add sophistication.

Coffee with milk

  1. Brew coffee (100 ml water and 2 teaspoons freshly ground coffee powder).
  2. Add sugar to taste.
  3. Leave it aside, let it infuse. Strain.
  4. Half a glass of milk (better than baked milk) is well heated, but not boiled.
  5. Pour hot milk and strained coffee into a wide cup.
  6. Enjoy exquisite taste.

With honey and spices

In many countries, it is customary to brew coffee with various spices. Let's experiment?

  1. Black pepper will add aroma. It is enough to throw two or three peas at the Turk.
  2. Ginger. It perfectly reveals its qualities and goes well with coffee, it is better to use it fresh. Add half a spoonful of freshly grated ginger to the already prepared drink and enjoy.
  3. Nutmeg. Tones up and energizes. It can be added along with the coffee powder or sprinkled over the froth already in the cup.
  4. Carnation. It imparts a slight bitterness, neutralizes caffeine and is a powerful antiseptic. It is good to drink such coffee for sore throats.
  5. Cinnamon. Its sweetish aftertaste adds piquancy. Sprinkle the foam with cinnamon powder, or even better, dip a whole stick in the drink for a couple of minutes.
  6. Cardamom. The coffee will taste spicy and aromatic due to the presence of essential oils. Such coffee will relax, relieve fatigue.
  7. Vanilla. When you add the spice, you get a very fragrant drink.

And if you add a spoonful of honey instead of sugar to freshly brewed coffee, then you will be surprised at the richness of taste sensations.

With cognac

French coffee will be good on cold winter evenings, it will warm, invigorate and at the same time relax after a hard day. Just remember that alcohol should be of high quality and in moderation, so that cognac with coffee does not turn out. A couple of spoons per cup should be sufficient.

What can replace a Turk

Not all people have a Turk, but everyone wants to enjoy a natural drink. In order not to buy a cezve, we will consider the current replacement options.

1. Geyser coffee machine... The device is rightfully considered an analogue of the Turks. It consists of a lower compartment for water, a tap, a container for ground coffee and a kettle for the final drink. After pressing the "Start" button, the water in the lower compartment heats up, passes through the tap, which is directed to coffee grounds... The finished composition flows down, filtering the ground grains. As a result, you get delicious coffee without crema and dripping of grounds.

2. French press. A household appliance not designed for brewing coffee. You can boil the crushed grains, insist and strain. This option replacement suitable for people who are used to drinking coffee big company, as well as for those who do not like to observe the remains of ground grains in the cup. The taste of the final drink is much inferior to a Turk and a geyser coffee maker.

3. Stewpan or casserole... If you have a stewpan or a small thick-bottomed saucepan lying around in your kitchen, use a coffee pot. The disadvantage of this option is that the thick rises along with the foam and settles very slowly. In this case, the aroma disappears, distorting the entire drink. If you choose to brew coffee in a saucepan / saucepan, put a lid on the container and leave a small gap to allow steam to escape. Make sure that the coffee does not boil over or burn, these are the most common mistakes.

The coffee recipes are really plentiful. They include mass additional ingredients, sometimes so unusual that it is difficult to even imagine the taste of the finished drink. But home brewing methods are good because they give room for experimentation, as a result of which that very favorite recipe can be born. You will not try this even in the most famous cafe.

Where does it begin good morning? For someone with a kiss from a loved one, for someone - with delicious scrambled eggs prepared according to your favorite recipe, and for someone with freshly ground brewed coffee. One has only to imagine ... Morning. Music plays quietly, a Turk with a drink languishes on a small fire on the stove, and the whole house is filled with an amazing aroma. Isn't this a perfect morning?

So what is the right way to brew coffee in a Turk at home to get a delicious drink? How small, but important secrets need to know?

How to choose

Of course, delicious coffee in a Turk will not come from low-quality raw materials. It is better to give preference to coffee beans. There are a lot of varieties, but the most popular are Arabica and Rabusta. Arabica variety is more delicate in taste with a slight sourness. Rabusta is a less noble variety. But due to its high caffeine content, it has a very good strength and is slightly bitter. Manufacturers often mix different varieties, thereby achieving certain flavors... Which is preferable - the choice of the consumer. But still, some rules need to be taken into account.

It is better to buy beans in small vacuum packages, since if the tightness is broken, coffee loses its taste over time. The grains should be smooth, even, without any spots. A scent without a hint of rancidity and mildew. And be sure to pay attention to the expiration date when buying.

The secrets of the perfect Turk

The correct Turk or as it is also called, cezva is also an important component of cooking. good drink... The ideal Turk must meet the following conditions:

very narrow neck and very wide bottom, since in the narrow neck the thick forms a dense crust that prevents the aroma from escaping from the coffee beans;

material - ceramic, with glazed inner surface or copper coated with tin. Such Turks are durable and, over time, acquire the ability to impart a richer flavor to coffee;

the thicker the walls, the better. In Turks with thick walls, heating occurs evenly and as slowly as possible. It is under these two conditions that the flavor of the coffee beans is fully revealed;

the handle is long, made of a material of low thermal conductivity.

Grain preparation

The taste of the drink will also depend on the degree of grinding of the coffee beans. Here you need to know the secret and be guided by your taste preferences. The finer the grind, the greater the ability to release the caffeine extract into the water, and as a result, the drink will be stronger. It is not necessary to grind a large number of grains in advance. After all, as already noted during long-term storage, taste is lost.

Cooking methods

There are 2 technologies for brewing coffee. There are many more recipes.

The easiest and most common brewing method is Turkish or Oriental coffee. You need to put an empty Turk on a small fire for no more than one minute to warm it up. Pour in two teaspoons of finely ground coffee, sugar to taste. Add one hundred milliliters of ice-cold filtered water. The coffee is brought to a boiling point. This is the secret of the perfect drink - to catch the moment when it is as hot as possible, but has not yet boiled! The crust that appears is given the opportunity to settle, removing the Turk from the fire. The cycle is repeated two to three times. The brewed coffee is poured into cups and allowed to sink to the bottom within one to two minutes.

Arabic coffee is the oldest brewing method. Put one spoonful of sugar in a Turk and put on the smallest fire. When the sugar begins to darken slightly, add ¾ of a coffee cup of soft purified water and bring to a boil. At this point, add two teaspoons of finely ground beans and bring to a boil, then add ¼ part of a coffee cup of water. Then warm well until foam appears, but not to a boil. They drink it hot. Add ground cinnamon if desired.

Turkish or Arabic coffee is the basis for many exotic drink recipes.


French recipe

one cup (one hundred milliliters) of brewed Turkish coffee;

one teaspoon of Cocoa liqueur;

Turkish coffee is poured into a cup. Allow to settle thicker. Add "Cocoa" liqueur or chocolate topping. Garnish with whipped cream.


one hundred milliliters of Turkish coffee;

one hundred milliliters of milk;

chocolate chips;

ground cinnamon.

It is necessary to heat milk to seventy degrees, pour it into a French press or thermos and shake thoroughly until foam forms. Pour milk into a transparent glass of two hundred and fifty milliliters and pour freshly brewed hot coffee on top in a thin stream along the wall. It can be considered that "Latte" has turned out if a clear boundary has formed between milk and coffee. Put the milk froth on top. To sprinkle chocolate chips and ground cinnamon.


One hundred milliliters of Turkish coffee;

cinnamon stick;

forty grams of heavy cream;

sugar to taste;

Lightly chop a cinnamon stick and pour over a freshly brewed drink. Let it brew for one hour. Remove the cinnamon, add the cream and sugar. Mix everything well and put to cool. Serve in tall glasses with ice.


Of course, many will think about the question: why make life so difficult for yourself? After all, there are coffee machines and
coffee makers that will select the optimal water temperature, required amount sugar and even add spices and milk to taste.

The use of Turks in cooking is a kind of ritual, tradition. The taste of coffee brewed in a Turk consists not only of high-quality beans, ground immediately before preparation, and the Turks selected from the right material with a narrow neck and wide bottom, but also the soul and mood of a coffee lover. Everyone can brew this drink, but not everyone can brew truly delicious coffee.

Cooking video

Many people are interested in how to brew coffee correctly so that it turns out to be strong, aromatic and thick. Coffee is able to cheer up and drive away sleep, it is for these qualities that the drink is appreciated all over the world. Consider the technology of making delicious coffee.

How much to brew coffee

To begin with, the Turk should be warmed up a little - for this, it is rinsed with boiling water. After that, add the required amount of coffee. Typically, this is 2 teaspoons per 100-150 ml of water. After that, the coffee is poured with cold water, while you need to try so that there is no powder on the surface of the water. Remember, too, that you need to use clean water to make coffee.

Now you need to heat up the water, but not too quickly. The drink should be brought to a boil, but not boiled. As soon as you see that the foam rises to the edge of the dish, the Turk must be immediately removed from the heat. Wait a little for the thick to settle, and serve the coffee on the table.

To speed up the settling process, you can drop a few drops of cold water, but it must be boiled.

If you don't want to mess with pre-boiling, you can change the coffee brewing process slightly. For this, cold water is poured into the Turk and brought to a boil. Then it is removed from the heat and coffee is quickly added, stirring until a thick foam forms. When the foam settles, the Turk must be put on a small fire again and brought to the moment when the foam "breathes". This is repeated 3-4 times, due to which flavoring and aromatic substances accumulate in the coffee foam.

Oriental coffee

To make coffee, you need a turk - a conical vessel with a long handle. It is recommended to take finely ground coffee. Coffee and sugar are poured into the Turk, everything is poured with water and slowly heated over low heat. As soon as you see that the foam has risen, the Turk must be removed from the burner, carefully so that a layer of foam remains on the surface of the coffee. The coffee should remain inside the cezve for some time, covered with foam like a lid. Repeat the entire heating process 2-3 more times.

Brazilian coffee preparation

In Brazil, coffee is prepared in its own way. To begin with, ground coffee is poured into the bottom of the Turks, then it is poured with boiling water, stirred and filtered into a vessel, preliminarily boiled with boiling water.

There are many more ways to prepare coffee, with the addition of other ingredients and spices. Experiment and learn new methods of making a delicious drink!

Coffee is considered to be a unique drink. Due to its exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste, it is popular all over the world. Leading manufacturing companies have developed many options for coffee machines, but none of them will convey the taste the way a Turk will. A simple device, which we will talk about today, will help to reveal all the qualities of ground grains. Let's consider the important aspects in order, and give practical recommendations.

Which coffee to choose

Before talking about brewing ground coffee, you need to choose a base for the drink.

Type of coffee
The most popular varieties are "Robusta" and "Arabica". As a rule, "Robusta" is used extremely rarely, since the final composition turns out to be strong, tart, and bitter. In our country, the Arabica variety has gained wide popularity - coffee with optimal bitterness and light sourness.

Coffee grinding
Depending on the degree of grinding, coarse (coarse), medium, fine (fine) and ultrafine grinding are distinguished.

Coarse grinding is used when coffee is prepared in express coffee machines or filter coffee makers. In addition, on the basis of coarse grinding, you can prepare a drink in a Turk, it will turn out without sediment.

Experts call the average grind universal. With it, you can brew coffee both in a professional machine and at home on the stove - in a Turk.

Finely ground coffee is chosen by people who have geyser equipment for brewing a drink. Also, the composition is great for cooking in a Turk, but sediment may appear.

Ultrafine or ultrafine grinding is used less often than all others. On the basis of this type, real Turkish coffee is brewed, it is also used for coffee makers, which assume the output of the final product through fine grains, similar in structure to flour.

Important! All the necessary information about the variety, grind and degree of roast is on the front of the package. If you have a grinder, choose whole grains, which must be ground just before brewing.

Coffee class
If we talk about the quality of coffee beans, there are 4 classes: first, second, highest and premium segment.

Of course, the premium class is considered the best option. In this case, the grains will be milled uniformly without large particles. However, if it is not possible to purchase an extra-class, give preference to the higher or middle, the low option should be abandoned right away.

Roast degree
The taste of the finished drink, its strength and consistency depends on the roasting of the beans. There are 4 degrees (1-4). If you do not like coffee that is too strong, choose the second or third stage. For connoisseurs of soft drinks, the first roasting category is suitable. It all depends on individual preferences.

Turk is an instrument that came from distant times, it allows you to fully convey the taste and aroma of the selected coffee. Of course, coffee machines simplify the process, but they are inferior to the “manual” preparation option.

Coffee brewed on a stove using a turkey (also called a cezve) is a truly unique delicacy. For this reason, it is recommended that you choose your accessories carefully.

Types of cezve
Clay, ceramic and copper Turks are distinguished depending on the available subspecies. They all have a number of features and properties.

  1. Clay turk. The device is bad because the walls absorb the taste and aroma of coffee beans. For this reason, when choosing a clay cezve, it is important to consider that it is recommended to cook only one variety in it. Otherwise taste qualities and the smell will mix and spoil the invigorating drink.
  2. Ceramic turk. Initially, it was in such a cezve that our ancestors made coffee. However, due to excessive fragility and fragility, the device has faded into the background. If you have a ceramic turk in good condition, give preference to it.
  3. Copper Turk. Due to the fact that the cezve has thick walls and a bottom, the coffee warms up evenly. This type of cooking is considered the most common, but only 90% of the taste and aroma are transmitted.

If we talk about other available types of Jaez, there are silver and gilded Turks (collection series). It is better to refuse them, since such devices were made for decorations, and not for household use.

Technical characteristics of the Turks
When choosing a cezve, give preference to the option that has a narrow neck and a wide bottom. This design provides uniform heating, as a result of which water boils away much more slowly.

If we talk about the volume of the Turks, one mug accounts for about 65-70 ml. water. It is important to remember forever that the size of the cezve directly affects the taste of the finished drink. If possible, it is better to purchase a small turkey, in which you can brew 1-2 servings of coffee.

What can replace a Turk

Not all people have a Turk, but everyone wants to enjoy a natural drink. In order not to buy a cezve, we will consider the current replacement options.

  1. Geyser coffee machine. The device is rightfully considered an analogue of the Turks. It consists of a lower compartment for water, a tap, a container for ground coffee and a kettle for the final drink. After pressing the "Start" button, the water in the lower compartment heats up, passes through the tap, which is directed to the coffee grounds. The finished composition flows down, filtering the ground grains. As a result, you get delicious coffee without crema and dripping of grounds.
  2. French press. A household appliance not designed for brewing coffee. You can boil the crushed grains, insist and strain. This replacement option is suitable for people who are used to drinking coffee in a large company, as well as for those who do not like to observe the remains of ground beans in the cup. The taste of the final drink is much inferior to a Turk and a geyser coffee maker.
  3. A saucepan or saucepan. If you have a stewpan or a small thick-bottomed saucepan lying around in your kitchen, use a coffee pot. The disadvantage of this option is that the thick rises along with the foam and settles very slowly. In this case, the aroma disappears, distorting the entire drink. If you choose to brew coffee in a saucepan / saucepan, put a lid on the container and leave a small gap to allow steam to escape. Make sure that the coffee does not boil over or burn, these are the most common mistakes.

  1. Not everyone likes to observe the leftover grounds in their cup, so it needs to be filtered. To do everything right, after brewing coffee, knock the bottom of the turkey on the edge of the table, then pour in a teaspoon of ice-cold purified water.
  2. In order to get coffee without foreign smell, use only filtered drinking water. It does not contain metals and impurities. Never bring liquid to a boil; it should simmer over low heat.
  3. If you don't brew coffee often, go for whole beans. Grind them before cooking. If you use a ready-made grind, which has been lying for a long time, the coffee will turn out to be unsaturated.
  4. In order not to get a drink with strong bitterness (especially for the "Robusta" variety), do not put too much ground composition in the Turk. Stick to the optimal mark for making a drink suitable for the whole family.
  5. If you want to surprise your guests with an invigorating scent that will last for a long time, do the following. Before pouring a drink, warm up the mugs (microwave oven, water or steam bath, pouring boiling water over it, etc.).
  6. To reveal the taste and enhance the aroma, place a pinch of crushed edible salt (not iodized, not sea salt) on the bottom of the turkey. Do not be afraid that the coffee will become salty, this will not happen.

How to make coffee in a Turk: classic (with foam)

After choosing a base and a suitable cezve, you can start cooking. The final drink will turn out to be tart with a light foam on the surface.

  • drinking water - 90 ml.
  • fine salt - 1 pinch
  • coffee (preferably finely ground) - 35-40 gr.
  • granulated cane sugar - 20 gr.
  1. Wash the cezve, rinse it with boiling water, wipe it dry. Pour in a pinch of chopped table salt, add granulated sugar and ground coffee, do not stir.
  2. Gently start pouring in the pre-chilled water so that the free-flowing mixture does not rise too much. Turn on the burner to the minimum mark, put the Turk on the stove.
  3. As it boils, you will notice that the composition begins to foam and darken. When the coffee rises exactly to the edges of the cezve, remove it from the heat and allow the crema to settle. Most importantly, do not miss this moment so that the drink does not spill out of the Turk.
  4. After the foam has subsided, put the device back on the stove, wait for the next approach. Repeat simple manipulations (removed from the stove, waited for the foam to settle, put it on the stove) about 4-5 times.
  5. During the preparation process, special attention must be paid to the foam head. She covers the drink, as a result of which it retains its aroma. If the foam disappears, the coffee starts to bubble, the drink will be spoiled.
  6. After the final preparation, knock with a Turk on the edge of the table, warm up the cups, pour the drink over them. Add condensed milk or whipped cream if desired.

Latte and cappuccino are prepared on the basis of espresso, so it makes sense to consider such a preparation recipe.

  • ground coffee (medium or fine grinding) - 40 gr.
  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • beet sugar - 10 gr. (at the discretion of)
  1. Wash and dry the Turk, add ground coffee to the container, turn on the stove to the minimum mark. Put the cezve on the burner, fry the ground beans a little. At this stage, you can add granulated sugar or skip this stage (if you do not like sweet coffee).
  2. Preheat drinking water to 40 degrees, gently pour it into the cezve along the edge of the device. Wait for the drink to boil, as soon as this happens - remove the Turk from the stove. Stir with a wooden spatula, return to heat.
  3. Wait for the second boil, repeat the previous manipulations. Repeat the steps 3 times, then turn off the hotplate, preheat the cups and pour coffee over them. Cover with a saucer, let it brew for 1 minute.

How to brew Turkish coffee in a Turk

Second classic recipe preparation is considered to be brewing coffee in a cezve in Turkish. If you want to surprise your guests, this method is perfect.

  • drinking water - 145 ml.
  • ground superfine coffee - 23-27 gr.
  • sugar (preferably cane) - at the discretion
  • ground cardamom - to taste
  1. Cool the water to a temperature of 30 degrees. Take cezve, add ground coffee, cardamom and granulated sugar (optional), add water and stir the composition with a wooden spatula until porridge.
  2. Turn the heat to low, wait until the foam rises to the brim. After that, remove the turk from the stove, pour the resulting foam into a preheated cup.
  3. Repeat the steps 2 more times, waiting for boiling, remove the foam during each approach. Now turn off the hotplate, wait 3 minutes for the thick to settle. Pour the leftover coffee into a cup and start drinking.

How to make coffee with milk in a Turk

  • ground coffee - 35 gr.
  • milk (fat content from 3%) - 60 ml.
  1. Pour milk into a Turk, place on the stove and bring to a temperature of 45-55 degrees. After that, add ground coffee to the heated liquid, put it on the fire again.
  2. When the drink begins to foam, remove the cezve from the burner, set aside for 2 minutes. Then repeat the steps 2 more times. Pour into cups, sweeten (optional), enjoy the mild flavor.

In addition to imparting a sophisticated and sophisticated aroma to the drink, cinnamon also reduces appetite.

  • drinking water - 110 ml.
  • cane sugar - 15 gr.
  • coffee (fine or medium grinding) - 25 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 5 gr.
  1. Wash and wipe dry, heat it over a fire so that the moisture completely evaporates. Cool the device, add granulated sugar, cinnamon and ground coffee, again hold the Turk over the fire.
  2. After 1 minute, pour in drinking water, set the burner to a minimum, put the cezve on it. Wait for the drink to boil, remove the Turk from the stove, pour some coffee into a cup (preheated).
  3. Then again bring the composition to the first boil, heat it up, pour the "top" into a cup. Repeat the manipulations 3 times, after the final preparation, let the coffee brew for 2 minutes.

It's easy to brew coffee in a Turk if you stick to simple rules... Consider milk-based options with added cardamom or cinnamon. The main condition for making an invigorating drink is considered to be uniform heating. You cannot get delicious coffee by brewing it over high heat. Stay between medium and minimum power, otherwise the composition will lose flavor or boil away.

Video: how to make coffee in a Turk