Picnic dishes (L. A

Konstantin Ivlev is a popular chef with three Michelin stars, one of the hosts of Ask the Chef and Eat It Now. Is ...

Dishes according to the recipes of Konstantin Ivlev

From Masterweb

24.04.2018 12:00

Konstantin Ivlev is a popular chef with three Michelin stars, one of the hosts of Ask the Chef and Eat It Now.

In the article, we will consider several recipes from Konstantin Ivlev. He is sure that from simple products delicious and balanced meals can be prepared.

"Affordable Taste" with Konstantin Ivlev. Simple salad recipe

On March 26 this year, a program with Konstantin Ivlev went on the air, under the title "Taste Affordable". In it, the author tells how to diversify the daily menu using familiar products. Simple housewives help him in this, who every day "puzzle" over what delicious to cook for their family.

The guests of the show are preliminarily given lists with ingredients for an amount not exceeding 1,000 rubles. They make up their own menu from them. And already in the studio, together with the leading of these products, they prepare delicious and refined dishes.

We offer a simple salad recipe from Konstantin Ivlev (with barrel cucumbers and potatoes) from the above program. A great idea for those looking for something new.

It will take you a few minutes to prepare the dish, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.


  • 10 potatoes (boil them first);
  • 5 cucumbers from a barrel;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • fine salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper.

At the first stage, peel the already boiled potatoes and cut them into small cubes.

At the second stage, we take out the cucumbers and squeeze them out, so that the glass has excess liquid. Cut into small cubes.

At the third stage, I wash the herbs and dry them by spreading them out on a dry towel. Then finely chop.

At the last stage, we combine all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with sour cream.

Garnish with green onion feathers before serving.

Young cabbage with poached egg

Quite simple but still exquisite recipe from Ivlev Konstantin for breakfast.


  • one head of white cabbage;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • two tablespoons of truffle oil.

Cooking process:

  • Remove the top leaves from the head of the cabbage. Cut it into four pieces. For cooking, you need one part. Place it on the wire rack in your multicooker. Pour two glasses of water into the bowl. Set the "Steamer" mode.
  • Use a wok. Pour in one liter of water and add a spoonful of vinegar. Bring the liquid to a boil. Using a whisk, shake the water so that a funnel forms. Drive an egg into it. Do not stop stirring. This must be done carefully so that the egg does not spread. It should remain liquid inside. Remove with a slotted spoon.
  • Parboiled cabbage must be grilled with olive oil.

Let's start forming the dish. Prepare a flat serving plate. Place the cabbage on the side and the poached egg on top. Sprinkle everything with truffle oil.

Kiwi, banana and spinach smoothie - recipe from Konstantin Ivlev

We take the ingredients per person:

  • 5 kiwi;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 grams of fresh spinach;
  • ice cubes.

Cooking process:

  • peel and dice banana and kiwi;
  • Rinse spinach and leave to drain in a colander;
  • send all the ingredients to a blender and mix;
  • add ice cubes to a glass before serving.

Rabbit stew with risotto

This dish according to the recipe from Ivlev Konstantin can be served as the main one for lunch. We take the ingredients for 4 people.

The maximum cooking time is one hour.


  • one small head of onion;
  • 150 grams of celery;
  • 10 grams of thyme;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • 6 peas of black pepper;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • half a liter of chicken broth;
  • fresh basil for garnish;
  • fine salt to taste;
  • 350 grams of arborio rice;
  • 100 grams of shallots;
  • half a glass of white wine;
  • half a packet of butter;
  • 100 grams of parmesan;
  • rabbit legs;
  • one carrot.

The step-by-step cooking method looks like this:

  1. Cut the prepared meat from the rabbit legs into small cubes.
  2. Carrots, celery and onions, peel, rinse and chop finely.
  3. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the "Fry" mode. When the oil is hot, put the rabbit meat, chopped vegetables, and thyme into the bowl.
  4. Grate the garlic and send it to the meat. Fry the ingredients for no more than 10 minutes.
  5. After that, pour the broth into the bowl, add the bay leaf, peppercorns. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour the contents into a deep container.
  6. Start preparing risotto using the classic technology with the addition of white wine. Add the grated Parmesan when finished.
  7. Place the risotto in the middle of the plate and place the stew in the center. You can decorate everything with fresh basil leaves.

In the article, we examined several recipes from the chef Konstantin Ivlev. This is just a small list of his masterpieces.

May holidays are traditionally associated by many with the first trips to the country or just to nature for barbecue. Some people prefer to cook steaks on a trendy grill or fry burgers, but still, most prefer to string pieces of meat on skewers, spread over hot coals and wait until the juicy meat is golden brown.

Frying kebabs is only at first glance a simple and completely uncomplicated matter. In fact, each stage requires serious preparation:

1) Choosing meat for barbecue

The main rule is that the meat for the shish kebab should be fatty. Frying over a fire melts the fat, making the meat juicy. If we take, say, lean beef the dish will be too dry or even tough as a result. The ideal option is pork or lamb.

2) Cooking the marinade

Once you buy the right meat, cut it into small pieces and remember it well with your hands. The next step is choosing the right marinade. The main thing here- create an acidic environment and keep the meat in the marinade for at least 10, and preferably 12 hours. During this time, the fibers will soften, ensuring that the kebab does not come out hard. Citrus juices (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit), fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream) or wine are suitable as the main ingredient for the marinade. Do not use vinegar - it is too aggressive and will deprive your meat of its taste. You can add chopped vegetables to the marinade - onion, carrots, apples.

3) We fry the kebab

Remove the meat from the marinade. The marinade itself, like vegetables from it, cannot be used, because it absorbed all the harmful substances from the meat. String the pieces of meat on skewers and fry over hot coals, turning occasionally so that the meat is baked on all sides. Wrap the finished kebab in thin pita together with fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, tarragon, oregano) and leave for 10 minutes to "rest".

Basic rules for cooking barbecue:

  • 10-12 hours: that is how much any meat for barbecue is marinated.
  • Cold: pickled meat should be in the refrigerator. If it takes more than 15–20 minutes to get to the “barbecue” place, you should consider ways of transporting meat, especially on a hot day.
  • Lid: meat should only be marinated in a sealed container. Firstly, this way the kebab will not wind up. Secondly, the lid prevents flies and midges from getting into the marinade.
  • Marinade and its ingredients are not used in further cooking. Any vegetables, including onion rings that have been marinated with meat should be thrown away. During pickling, they absorb everything that is superfluous - not only salt, but also harmful substances from the meat itself.
  • Knead vegetables added to the marinade before laying the meat is a must. Thoroughly and sparing no effort. So they give their juice better, especially onions. After placing the meat in the marinade, mix all the products well with your hands, but carefully, so as not to damage the structure of the meat pieces.
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper put in the marinade to taste. To determine the salinity level after the vegetables and meat are mixed, taste the marinade. It should be slightly more salted than average. During pickling, the vegetables will take away the excess. If the marinade is made at home, you can fry one piece of meat in a skillet and determine whether to add salt and pepper more.

Should you fry meat with vegetables?

In some photographs, skewers can be seen where meat alternates with vegetables. Such a shish kebab looks, of course, beautiful. In addition, both the meat and the side dish are ready at the same time. Fit bell pepper, red onions, tomatoes and mushrooms. To cook meat and vegetables at the same time, the kebab will have to be cut into very small pieces. Otherwise, you will end up with charred vegetables along with juicy meat or ready-made vegetables with undercooked meat. Professionals, however, prefer to prepare different foods separately. In this case, the vegetables can be grilled, and the choice of ingredients will be much wider than just for barbecue.

What can you cook when going to a picnic? How to arrange a barbecue, how to use a barbecue? And what can you cook just over a fire, with smoke? What products to take with you, and which ones are better to refuse? And in general, how to make your country trip a success and be remembered for a long time? The book contains recipes for cold snacks (sandwiches, salads), barbecue, barbecue, hunting and fisherman's cuisine, mushroom dishes, as well as drinks and desserts.

Technology, organization

Fundamental rules

Duration of roasting

Barbecue marinades

Kebabs prepared in advance

Kebabs from various types of meat

Hunting kebabs

Fish kebabs

Poultry and game kebabs

Kebabs different nations

Spices and sauces for kebabs

I really liked camp life. The cannon lifted us up at dawn. Sleeping in a tent is surprisingly healthy. At lunch we washed down the Asian barbecue with English beer and champagne, frozen in the Taurian snow. Our society was diverse. The beks of the Muslim regiments gathered in the tent of General Raevsky; and the conversation went through an interpreter. Our army included the peoples of our Transcaucasian regions and the inhabitants of the lands recently conquered.

A. Pushkin "Travel to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829"

REFERENCE. Shashlik - a Caucasian dish made from pieces of meat, usually fatty lamb, strung on a metal skewer and fried with onion rings. It has been known in Russian since the beginning of the 17th century. The word is Turkic in origin, but it is rarely found in modern Turkic languages, where it came from the Russian language. Probably from Azerbaijani shish -(skewer) plus suffix - lyk.

Technology, organization

Kebabs now it is not only a way of preparing meat, fish and other products, it is a whole ceremony, with its own characteristics, rules and traditions. In principle, on barbecue, it is not so much the result that is important as the process itself. A bonfire, smoke, good company are required.

You can cook kebabs from raw meat, or you can put it out in advance at home. However, in this case, it is unacceptable to cook meat only until half cooked, because half-baked meat is dangerous: bacteria spread in it most easily, it quickly deteriorates and loses its quality. There are advantages to using pre-stewed meat: it is safer (after all, raw meat is not always completely fried), but the effect is not the same.

Do not forget: you need to take care of the marinade in advance, because the marinating time ranges from several hours to several days.

To prepare barbecue, you can use barbecue grills and metal skewers made of non-oxidizing metals. A traditional grill is best suited for this, but when installing it, you need to monitor the height. The fire should not burn the kebabs: they should roast, not burn... The optimal height of meat above the coals is 4–5 cm, but it can be lower. It is better to make a brazier with grate bars (lattice with small holes) and a blower. All these simple devices help to adjust traction depending on wind and other weather conditions.

In the absence of a barbecue, you can show ingenuity and resourcefulness: fold the hearth out of an improvised non-combustible material - bricks, stones, etc., and use bicycle knitting needles, knitting needles, ordinary raw tree branches, those that are thicker and stronger, as skewers.

And a few more words about firewood - this is also important. And if in your company there are people who know how to distinguish between tree species, then for firewood they are suitable: white acacia, dogwood, blackthorn, beech, oak, i.e. deciduous tree species. This type of wood is best used because it burns almost smokelessly and produces a lot of coal. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of real kebabs will say that the best firewood is from vine. Do not use resinous wood species(some conifers) due to the specific taste acquired by kebabs when using such firewood, as well as trees with poisonous wood(except beech). But in general, the main thing is the amount of coals and their heat.

You can use ready-made charcoal instead of firewood, it is made from birch chunks, but just like in the case of stewed meat in advance, this will not be the same.

Fundamental rules

The meat and fish you want to bake must be fresh. The meat should be young and juicy. You can bake chicken, fish, and cutlets, the main thing is that the dish you take is within your power. To get good results, the following rules must be followed:

Avoid cooking frozen meat kebabs. Ice cream meat lacks even a third of the nutrients that are found in fresh meat. No matter how you cook it, marinate it, or beat it, it will remain tough, and if it softens, it will be tasteless;

Avoid cooking kebabs from fresh meat, from a freshly slaughtered animal. The blood should drain from the carcass, the meat should be allowed to lie down, "rest" for several hours, and finally, marinated. The same applies to game. In the old manuals, it was generally considered bad taste to cook shot game earlier than two or three days after returning from the hunt;

However, it is just as unacceptable to cook kebabs from stale fish. It is just necessary to take it of primary freshness (especially of sturgeon breeds) and in no case prepare kebabs from it, if there is the slightest suspicion about its suitability. This is especially true in the summer. If you really want to eat stale fish, then boil it well, stew it in a saucepan with spices and in no case put it on a skewer;

If the meat is still frozen, then it must be completely defrosted before baking, and let it rest for a certain time. Stringy meat is not suitable for grilling;

A spit or grate should be pre-greased with vegetable oil and heated (for at least 5 minutes). The intense heat tightens the pores of the meat, and the juice is retained in it;

If you are roasting whole chicken on a rotating skewer, sprinkle some fat on it from time to time. It is also good to grease drier meat or wrap it in thin slices of bacon. Meat or fish should be baked for as long as indicated in the instructions, otherwise the meat will turn out to be dry;

Seasonings are added to the meat to make it more juicy. While the meat is still warm, you can put a piece of butter on top of it;

If the pieces of meat are quite large, then first they are fried at a higher temperature to close the pores, and only after they are fried (salt to taste from all sides), they continue to simmer at a lower temperature.

When roasting meat, you should constantly observe the spit or grate and not be distracted by any activities. If you have already undertaken to cook, then you have to endure both acrid smoke and hellish heat. It is very easy to spoil a kebab, just turn away for a minute.

It is imperative to put a vessel under the spit where the juice would flow. After the meat is ready, the juice can be drained, seasoned and then poured over the meat.

Meat cooked on a spit should be eaten immediately, since after additional heating it loses its specific taste;

The skewer should be thoroughly cleaned after each use, as small pieces of meat adhering to it burn and give the meat an unpleasant taste.

Duration of roasting

Kebabs can be prepared from lamb, chicken, liver, fish, liver and other products.

· bacon or bacon- cut off the skin and fry for 3-5 minutes on one side only;

· ham- fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, then reduce the temperature and hold for another 5-6 minutes on each side;

· sausages - remove the cellophane cover, prick with a fork in several places, grease with sunflower or melted butter and fry at a high temperature for 4–5 minutes, turning it over from time to time, then fry at a lower temperature for 5–6 minutes.

· b ifsteak (1.5 cm thick) - spread with melted butter, fry at high temperature for 2-3 minutes on each side, then lower the temperature. If you want the meat to remain pink in the middle, bake it for another 2 minutes on each side. If you want the steak to be medium-fried, fry it for 2-3 minutes on each side at high setting and 4-5 minutes at a lighter setting, for a well-done steak - 2-3 minutes on each side at high setting and from 6 to 10 minutes with a weaker one;

· lamb (lamb) cutlets or chops - spread with melted butter, fry for 3-4 minutes on each side at a high temperature and for 8 minutes on each side at a lower temperature;

· pork chops - Cut off the fat (optional), grease the cutlets with melted butter, fry for 5 minutes on each side at a high temperature and for 10-15 minutes at a lower temperature.

· NS Hechen - peel off veins and films, cut out harder places, grease with melted butter, fry for 2-3 minutes on each side on a wire rack at high setting and 2-3 minutes at weaker setting.

· c Chicken - it is preferable to take a broiler for roasting. If you are using a skewer, the chicken can be roasted whole. Portions grease the chicken or a whole carcass with melted butter and grate with seasonings, fry for 4–5 minutes on each side, reduce the temperature and continue to fry for another 15–20 minutes, until the chicken is golden brown and baked properly;

· a fish- if the pieces of fish are thin, they should be fried for 2–5 minutes without turning them over. If the pieces of fish are thicker, they are fried for 8 to 10 minutes, and they are turned over to the other side and greased with melted butter.

Barbecue marinades

The most the best marinade usually considered lemon juice. It can be used for meat, game and fish. Considering the fact that in most cases they go far to barbecue, it is better not to use any perishable food at all in the preparation of barbecue and marinade. This is especially true for dairy products, because many people consider kefir marinade the most suitable. Of course, this remark does not apply to people who are armed with a portable refrigerator. However, in order not to expose yourself and your body to danger, we offer marinade recipes that are suitable for picnic conditions.

Both the composition of the marinades and the marinating time depend on the quality of the main product: its freshness, softness, the method of cutting vegetables. Almost all recipes indicate both the method and the time of pickling. If you do not have time to prepare the options below or you decide to experiment with the composition of the marinade, we advise do not add vinegar or lemon juice to the marinade with alcohol... Meat loves one marinade, but not all together.

Marinade for meat

Ingredients: 200-250 ml dry white wine, 200-250 ml vegetable oil, 1 carrot, 2 large onions, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 lemon (or 250 ml of vinegar), 1 small bunch of parsley, 2 bay leaves, black peppercorns.

Preparation: cut garlic, onion, carrots into slices. Pour the meat over with vegetable oil, after placing it in a bowl, where it will be marinated. Pour the chopped vegetables, bay leaves, parsley and black pepper with wine, then lemon juice, leave to marinate from 2 hours to 2 days.

Marinade with spices and roots

Ingredients. For 1 liter of marinade: 500 ml of water, 500 ml of vinegar (6%), 12 peppercorns, 5 pcs. cloves, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt to taste, 1 bay leaf, 1/4 parsley root, 1-2 onions, 1/2 celery, 1 carrot.

Preparation: in boiling water, put chopped slices of onions, carrots, parsley, celery, unmilled pepper, bay leaf, cloves, salt and sugar to taste and cook for 15–20 minutes over low heat in a covered saucepan. Then pour in the vinegar, let it boil and cool immediately. The composition and quantity of roots in the marinade can be changed. If you do not have any roots such as parsley or celery, you can add more carrots and onions.

Marinade for poultry

Ingredients: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 clove of garlic, salt, black pepper.

Preparation: Grease the bird with vegetable oil, pour over with lemon juice, cover with slices of garlic and onion, parsley, sprinkle with salt, black pepper, leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.

Lamb yoghurt marinade

Preparation: crush, peel and finely chop garlic or, as well as mint. Add garlic to yogurt, or sweet paprika and fresh mint.

Marinade simple

Ingredients: 250 ml vinegar, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 1 large onion, salt, black pepper.

Preparation: Pour the meat with vinegar, add parsley, pieces of bay leaf, onion slices, salt, black pepper marinate for 2 tsp.

Marinade for meat

Ingredients: 200 ml of vinegar (3%), 50 g of onions, 25 g of carrots, 20 g of parsley, 20 g of celery, bay leaf, pepper, salt, sugar.

Preparation: boil water with salt, sugar, seasonings, vegetables and vinegar. When the marinade has cooled, pour the meat over it.

Ingredients: 250 ml vinegar (3%), 40 g onions, 25 g carrots, 25 g parsley, 25 g celery, sugar, pepper, bay leaf.

Preparation: boil water with salt, seasonings, sugar. When the marinade has cooled, pour the meat over it.

Aromatic marinade for meat

Ingredients: 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of cognac, aromatic spice mix (for example, "herbs of Provence") and cayenne pepper.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients, spread the meat on a flat dish, grease with marinade and leave for 1 hour, turn once.

Pork mint marinade

Ingredients: 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3-4 mint leaves, 60 ml of white wine, 1 onion, garlic powder (or 2-3 chopped garlic cloves), rosemary.

Preparation: mix oil with chopped fresh mint leaves, white wine, chopped onion, garlic powder and rosemary. Grease the meat with the resulting mixture and leave overnight.

Honey marinade for pork and beef

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 80 ml of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 2 teaspoons of grated ginger, 2 cloves of garlic.

Preparation: in a bowl, combine warmed honey, soy sauce, sesame oil, grated ginger and crushed garlic.

Mint Poultry Marinade

Ingredients: 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3-4 mint leaves, 60 ml of white wine, 1 onion, garlic powder (or 2-3 chopped garlic cloves), rosemary, marjoram, thyme, ground red pepper (hot and sweet).

Preparation: finely chop the onion, chop the mint, mix with the rest of the ingredients, marinate the bird for only 1 tsp.

Fragrant marinade for fish

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. whiskey spoons, 1 tbsp. sherry spoon, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, aromatic spices, garlic, black pepper.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients, spread the fish with the resulting mixture and leave for only 30 minutes.

Poultry yogurt marinade

Ingredients: 125 ml plain yogurt, 1 clove of garlic, 1 red pepper or 1/2 teaspoon of sweet paprika, 2 teaspoons of fresh mint.

Preparation: crush garlic, peel and chop finely or chop mint. Add garlic to yogurt, or sweet paprika and fresh mint.

Kebabs prepared in advance

We remind you that the main criterion for the quality of kebabs is their complete readiness. After cooking at home, such kebabs need to be placed, just like traditional ones, on the grill, or on what serves its functions, and fry for a short time over coals so that they acquire a characteristic smell of smoke. In principle, any kebab can be prepared in advance, and not just the ones below.

Original kebab

Ingredients: 1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3 pods of yellow sweet pepper, 630 g minced meat, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. bread crumbs, cayenne pepper, 10 cherry tomatoes, 10 mini mozzarella balls.

Preparation: Chop onion and garlic and sauté in vegetable oil. Add Bell pepper, cut into large strips, and simmer. Place vegetables in a mold. Mix the minced meat with the egg, breadcrumbs, salt, ground black cayenne pepper. Roll into balls and fry in vegetable oil. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. On skewers, greased with vegetable oil, string meat balls, tomatoes and mozzarella balls. Place on stewed vegetables and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Shish kebab in a saucepan

Ingredients: 60 g of pomegranate, 320 g of lamb, 80 g of onions, salt, pepper, 40 g of lamb lard.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into 40 g pieces, fry in a pan until tender, season with salt, pepper and simmer in a sealed container. When serving, sprinkle with raw chopped onions and pomegranate juice.

Steamed kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 400 g of onions, 100 ml of grape vinegar, bay leaf, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut young lamb (ham, brisket) into slices, chop the ribs into small pieces, mix everything in an enamel bowl with finely chopped onions, vinegar, bay leaf, black pepper, salt, leave for 6-12 hours (or even a day) in a cold place. Then place this dish in a kettle filled with hot water, so that the water level does not reach the edge of the enamel dish by two fingers. Close the cauldron tightly and put on moderate heat for 2-3 hours. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not boil away before the kebab is ready.

Ingredients: 800 g dried white mushrooms, 600 g onions, 200 g green onions, 400 g lard, 400 g fresh tomatoes, 2 lemons, parsley and dill, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: soak dried porcini mushrooms. When they swell, drain, cut into large slices (do not cut small mushrooms). Cut onions into thick slices, fresh pork lard into 3-4 cm pieces. String on wooden or metal skewers alternately slices of mushrooms, onion slices and pieces of bacon, salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Place the kebabs in a deep frying pan or roast pan, add water in which the mushrooms have been soaked, bring to a boil, cover and simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes. As a side dish, place coarsely chopped green onions, slices of fresh tomatoes, garnish with lemon slices, parsley sprigs and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Khazani khorovats (armenian cuisine)

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 100 g of ghee, 150 g of pomegranate or 100 ml of pomegranate juice, 150 g of onions, greens, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces of about 40-50 g each, put in a saucepan with ghee, sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry. Add onions cut into rings to the finished meat and continue to fry for another 5 minutes. After that, pour in fresh pomegranate juice and mix. Serve the barbecue, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds or pomegranate juice and sprinkle with parsley.

Whale meat kebab

Ingredients: 2 kg of whale meat, 500 g of bacon fat, 4 onions, 1 lemon or 15 g of vinegar (3%), black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut whale meat into pieces, fold into enamel pot, salt, sprinkle with black pepper, add finely chopped onions, parsley, vinegar or citric acid and mix. Cover the saucepan with a lid and put in a cold place for 4 hours. Put the marinated pieces of meat on a metal skewer, interspersed with chopped pieces of bacon. Fry the kebab in a frying pan, periodically turning the spit so that the meat is cooked evenly. Serve with pickled fruits, green onions, lemon slices.

Bluefish shish kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of fish, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 3 onions, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 lemon, pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: peel the fish, wash, cut into fillets, remove the skin, cut into small pieces, salt, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, add onion and mix. Put the prepared fish in a cool place for pickling for 1 hour. After that, put the pieces of fish on a skewer and fry over a fire or wire rack. Before serving on the barbecue, put finely chopped onion, pour over butter and garnish with lemon and herbs.

Shish kebab in a cauldron

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 3 onions, 100 g of dill or cilantro, 1 red capsicum or 10 g of red ground pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the lamb into small pieces, season with salt. Cut the onions into rings and mix with finely chopped dill or cilantro. Lay the meat and the onion-dill mixture in the cauldron so that the entire tab fits no lower than the middle of the cauldron or does not reach its top by two fingers. In the penultimate layer on top, put a pod of red pepper, cut in half lengthwise, or sprinkle with red pepper. Close the cauldron tightly and put on very low heat for about 3 hours. Serve with pickled onions.

Kebabs from various types of meat

Hunting lamb shashlik

Ingredients. For 500 g of lamb: 2 onions, 100 g of green onions, 200 g of tomatoes, 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil.

Preparation: Wash the lamb (kidney or the pulp of the hind leg), cut into small pieces, put in a bowl, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, add finely chopped onion, vinegar or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix. Cover the dishes with a lid and put them in a cold place for 2-3 hours to marinate the lamb. Before frying, put the marinated pieces of lamb on a metal skewer, alternating with sliced ​​onions. It is necessary to fry the shish kebab over coals burning without a flame, for about 15–20 minutes, turning the spit so that the lamb is fried evenly. Remove the prepared kebab from the skewer, put on a dish, pour over with oil and garnish with green onions, tomatoes, chopped slices, and lemon slices. In addition, boiled rice and separately dried ground barberry or pomegranate juice can be served as a side dish.

In the same way, shish kebab can be prepared from pork.

Liver kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg beef liver, 400 g bacon, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped dill, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ready-made mustard, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the liver and bacon into thin wide slices, the onion into half rings. Salt and pepper the liver slices, grease with mustard, spread the bacon slices on them, then the onion, sprinkle with herbs and roll up. Skewer and fry over coals. Serve with baked potatoes, fresh vegetables.

Sh ashlik Spicy pork

Ingredients: 500 g pork, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of paprika, 1 teaspoon of coriander, 1.5 teaspoons of chopped basil, a little ground ginger, ground cinnamon, paprika and nutmeg, 1 chopped bay leaf, salt and black pepper to taste.

Preparation: paprika, coriander seeds, chopped basil, ground ginger, a large pinch of ground cinnamon, paprika and ground nutmeg, finely crushed bay leaf, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper put in a saucepan and stir. Cut the pork into cubes, put in a saucepan, stir with the marinade. Cover the pan with a lid and refrigerate for 8-12 hours, turning the meat over from time to time. String the meat onto small skewers. Bake, turning, until the pork is baked while remaining juicy. Garnish with lemon slices and bay leaves.

Veal shashlik with grapefruit juice

Ingredients: 1 kg veal, 2 grapefruit, 1 sweet yellow pepper, 1 sweet red pepper, 1 large apple, 1 onion.

Preparation: veal (preferably ribs or brisket), rinse in cold water, cut into pieces, add the juice of one grapefruit, pepper and set in the cold overnight. There is no need to salt the meat. Chop peppers, onions, apple and grapefruit in large pieces, put on skewers. Separately from fruits and vegetables, prepare skewers with meat, placing the veal loosely, so that the pieces of meat are not pressed and fried on all sides. Pour over skewers with fruits and vegetables with vegetable oil. Fry everything. Salt the meat before serving. Serve a skewer with meat and a skewer with vegetables and fruits.

Pork shashlik with onions

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork, 1 kg of onion, 1 can of mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

Preparation: cut the meat into pieces, the onion into rings, add salt, seasonings, mayonnaise, mix and leave for 1 hour. String the meat on skewers, alternating with onions. Fry over coals.

Sokolski barbecue

Ingredients: 600 g beef pulp (tenderloin), 1 boiled or smoked beef tongue, 100 g bacon, 1 liter of dry white wine, 2 onions, juice of 1 lemon, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: for the marinade, mix lemon juice, wine and finely chopped onions. Cut the beef into portions, beat thinly, salt and pepper, put in the marinade and stand for 4 hours. Cut the tongue and bacon into thin slices. For each piece of beef, put a slice of bacon and tongue, twist tightly and string on skewers. Fry for 25-30 minutes. Serve with pickled onions, lemon, cilantro or parsley.

Karski barbecue

This name originates from the impregnable Turkish fortress Kare, taken by Russian troops during the Crimean War. Since then, barbecue has become a fashionable dish in St. Petersburg restaurants. Until then, they preferred to roast game on a spit wrapped in thick paper.

First way

Ingredients. For 500 g of lamb: 2 kidneys, 1 onion, 100 g of green onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 1/2 lemon.

Preparation: wash the kidney portion of the mutton, clean it by cutting off the tendons, make cuts so that the pieces of mutton do not shrink during roasting, and cut one piece (250 g) per serving. Also wash the kidneys and cut them in half. Put the prepared lamb and kidneys in a bowl, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped onions and parsley, sprinkle with vinegar or lemon juice and leave for 2-3 hours to marinate. Before roasting, put each piece of lamb on a metal skewer, adding half a kidney on both sides of the piece, and fry over coals without flame. Turn the spit during roasting so that the lamb is evenly roasted. Remove the prepared kebab from the skewer and serve in a whole piece along with the kidneys, putting a slice of lemon on a plate. Sprinkle the skewers on top with green onions and parsley. Serve hot tomato sauce separately.

Second way

Ingredients: 1.5 kg lamb, 3 onions, 1 kidney, 1 tomato, 50 g lamb lard, 1/2 bunch of green onions, 1/2 lemon, 20 g dried barberry, 50 ml tkemali sauce, herbs, salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation: cut lamb pieces into cubes of 30-40 g each, season with salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, stir, put in a non-oxidizing dish and put in the cold for 4-6 hours. Put the marinated meat on a skewer, put on a lamb kidney peeled from film at one end, and a medium tomato at the other. Grease the meat with melted fat tail fat and fry over coals or in an electric grill. When serving, remove the fried kebab, kidney and tomato from a skewer, place on a dish and garnish with rings of raw onion, lemon wedges, green onions and parsley. Serve separately tkemali sauce and fresh or dried ground barberry.

Third method (vodka marinade)

Ingredients: 240 g of lamb, 50 g of fat tail fat, 50 g of onions, 10 ml of vodka or brandy, 3 ml of vinegar (3%), red ground pepper, 20 g of fresh herbs, salt.

Preparation: the pulp of fatty lamb (hind leg) cut into pieces with a diameter of 100-150 mm and a thickness of 30-40 mm, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped herbs and onions, put in a non-oxidizing dish, pour with vinegar, cognac or vodka, stir, compact and leave for 6-8 hours in the cold. Then string the pieces of lamb on a skewer, alternating with slices of raw fat tail fat and fry on a skewer, turning occasionally. When the meat is fried to a depth of about 8-10 cm, cut off thin slices from it with a sharp knife, continue to fry the remaining meat, then cut it off again and so on until all the meat is fried. When serving, place the meat slices on a platter and serve as a side dish.

Garnier: chopped onions and green onions, tomatoes and sprigs of parsley and cilantro.

Pork (wild boar) shashlik

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork, 50 ml of vinegar (3%), 3 onions, green onions, 50 g of lard, 150 g of garnish, salt, ground red pepper, herbs.

Preparation: for this shish kebab, it is better to use the meat of a young boar at the age of no more than one year. The meat must not be frozen. The degree of freshness can be judged by pressing the meat with your finger: the resulting fossa should quickly level out. The pork flank (the side of the carcass that remained with the spine when cut, with the thin and thick edges and ends of the ribs removed) is best suited. Cut off the fat (not completely, and if the hog was not very fat, then you can not cut it off, just remove the skin). The most important thing is that the meat should be light. Dark meat will be dry and tough. In extreme cases, a tenderloin, an entrecote (kidney part), and any meaty part will do. Cut the meat into 150-200 g pieces, season with salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, stir, put in a non-oxidizing dish and leave in the cold for 4-6 hours. Pickled pieces strung meat on a metal skewer interspersed with slices of onions, grease with melted fat tail fat and fry over burning coals. Remove the prepared shashlik pieces from a skewer onto a dish, serve with crumbly rice porridge and fried onions or without rice, with raw onions and green onions, tomatoes and lemon.

Kebab marinated in kefir

Ingredients: 600 g of lamb pulp (ham), 1 onion, 500 ml of kefir, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, black ground pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the meat into cubes, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped onions, add kefir and marinate for 6 hours. Skewer the dried meat, grease and grill for 25-30 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes, cilantro or parsley.

Lamb shashlik with rice

Ingredients: 1.6 kg of lamb, 300 g of onions, 150 g of rice, 200 g of fat tail fat, 1 lemon, 50 g of green onions, 20 ml of vinegar (3%), salt, red pepper.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces and marinate in vinegar and lemon juice. Fry interspersed with onions over coals. Remove the prepared kebab from the skewer and put on a dish with crumbly rice porridge, garnish with lemon wedges and herbs.

Beef kebab with rice

Ingredients: 1.6 kg of beef, 400 g of bacon, 200 g of lard, 50 g of butter, 50 ml of meat juice, 150 g of onions, salt, red pepper.

Preparation: cut the tenderloin into pieces weighing 20–25 g and beat to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut the pork fat into thin slices (2-3 mm) approximately 50x50 mm in size. String the meat on a skewer interspersed with bacon so that there are slices of meat on the skewer at both ends. Align the kebab on a skewer, sprinkle with salt, ground red pepper and fry in a pan with lard. When serving, place loose rice porridge in a bed in the middle of the plate, pour butter and meat juice over it. Place ready-made kebab on porridge, and on it - rings of fried onions.

BBQ with tomatoes (see diagram)

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of lean pork, veal or lamb, 1 onion, 2-3 tomatoes, salt, pepper to taste, garlic, 50 ml of vinegar (3%).

Preparation: cut the meat into 40 mm cubes. Add salt, pepper to taste, onion rings and fresh tomato slices to the meat. Leave to marinate for 6-8 hours. Do not add vinegar and wine, because tomato juice is already sour. The more onions and tomatoes the better. String the meat on skewers without onions and tomatoes, knead it so that the corners do not stick out and the kebab is whole and even. Sprinkle the kebab with a mixture of vinegar, garlic and pepper (to taste) so that it does not burn on the coals.

Pork shashlik in white wine

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork, 3 onions, cilantro, dill, basil, black ground pepper, red ground pepper, bay leaf, salt, 300 ml of dry white wine (like "Sauvignon", Rkatsiteli "," Tsinandali "), lemon , pita bread, pomegranate.

Preparation: Free the pork from excess fat, cut into pieces of medium size (the pieces should have an oblong shape, it is advisable to leave some bones). Cut onions into rings (the more, the better, you won't spoil the shish kebab with onions). Prepare a mixture of spices: cilantro, dill, basil, black pepper, a little red pepper, bay leaf. The amount of the mixture depends on the amount of meat. Then put the meat, onion, the prepared spice mixture into the container, salt to taste. Pour white dry wine over the meat so that the wine slightly covers the meat. Squeeze out the lemon. Cover the meat and marinate for 3 hours. Then fry the meat over coals, sprinkling with wine (to make it juicy). Put pita bread on the bottom of the container (the bottom of a bread loaf is suitable), after frying, remove the meat from the skewers directly into this container. Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle on the meat, squeeze out the pomegranate juice there (or sprinkle with pomegranate seeds), mix, cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Potato kebab

Ingredients: 125 kg of potatoes, 300 g of lamb ham, 200 g of green onions, 50 g of parsley, salt, pepper.

Preparation: Peel potatoes, cut large potatoes into 45-50 g pieces and blanch in hot salted water. Cut the mutton fat tail into 15–20 g each and alternate with the potatoes on the ramrod and fry in the grill. Sprinkle the prepared shish kebab with herbs.

Beef kebab Siberian

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of beef or lamb, allspice, bay leaf, 2-3 onions, red ground pepper, 100 g of tomato paste, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar (3%), 1 lemon, 200 ml of white wine.

Preparation: using this method, you can bring even very tough meat to the required softness. Let the meat thaw (beef and lamb can be frozen) and cut into pieces a little larger than a matchbox. Pour a layer of allspice (peas) on the bottom of the pan. Cover it on top with a layer of bay leaf. Put a layer of onion cut into rings, a layer of meat on top, salt and pepper with ground red pepper, put a layer of onion again, etc. The last layer should be onion. Put a layer of bay leaf on top of it, then a layer of tomato paste in a finger thick and vinegar. Cover all this with an inverted plate and put about 10 kg of oppression on top. Withstand a day. After a day, drain the soup, discard the top layer of the bay leaf and transfer the meat to another dish, leaving the bottom layer of bay leaf and allspice in the same dish. Squeeze lemon into the meat, add white dry wine. After 2 hours, you can fry.

Shish kebab of young lamb with mushrooms in a hunting way (see diagram)

Ingredients: 2 kg lamb, 700 g fresh mushrooms, 500 g of sweet peppers, 150 ml of vegetable oil, black ground pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the lamb into pieces, salt, sprinkle with black pepper. Fresh mushrooms sort out, rinse, cut large in half, salt. Cut the sweet peppers into rings. String everything on a spit, alternating. Grease the prepared kebab with oil and fry on hot coals, turning the spit from time to time and making sure that the meat, mushrooms and peppers do not burn. Put beech leaves on a napkin, on them - ready-made shish kebab and wrap it for 5-6 minutes with a napkin so that the shish-kebab softens a little.

Shashlik with nutmeg

Ingredients: 1.25 kg of lamb, 250 g of bacon or smoked ham, 150 g of onions, 25 ml of olive oil, bay leaf, nutmeg, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the flesh of the hind leg into pieces of 30-40 g, soak for 2-3 hours in a marinade made from olive oil, salt, black pepper, grated nutmeg, powdered bay leaf and finely chopped onions. String the prepared meat on a skewer, placing pieces of bacon or fatty smoked ham between the pieces of meat. Fry in a charcoal grill over hot coals.

Garnier: boiled rice.

Shish kebab with bacon and mushrooms

Ingredients: 500 g of fresh mushrooms (white, oak, boletus, boletus), 3-5 onions, 100 g of bacon, sweet pepper, herbs, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: choose mushrooms of the same size, peel and rinse thoroughly, boil for 15 minutes, put in a colander, rinse with cold water and separate the caps from the legs. String on skewers alternately mushroom caps, onion slices, thin slices of bacon, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry over coals or in a frying pan. Serve shish kebab with tomato sauce, dill or parsley, bell pepper.

Vegetable shish kebab

Ingredients: 20 cocks brussels sprouts, 20 cauliflower pods, 2 pods of sweet peppers of different colors, 5 large tomatoes, 5 small onions, 250 g of mayonnaise, 100 g of gherkins, Ѕ teaspoon of ground red pepper, 300 g of lard, herbs for decoration.

Preparation: cut cabbage coals in half, cut pepper pods into large slices, onion and tomatoes into slices. Skewer vegetables and lard, and fry until crusty. Serve kebabs on a platter, garnish with herbs. Serve the sauce separately. Sauce: Mix mayonnaise, chopped gherkins and ground pepper.

Shish kebab assorted of three types of meat

Ingredients: 1 kg each of pork, beef and veal, 300 g of smoked bacon, 200 g of fat, 5 onions, 100 ml of dry white wine, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Beat pieces of pork, beef and veal 1–1.5 cm thick, salt, cut into 3x3 cm squares. Cut smoked bacon into pieces, onions into rings. Then string on a wooden skewer, alternating: a piece of bacon, a piece of beef, a circle of onion, a piece of bacon, a piece of pork, a circle of onion, a piece of bacon, a piece of veal, a circle of onion, etc. Heat the fat in a frying pan, fry the kebab on all sides, sprinkle with black pepper, pour over with wine and simmer until tender, covered. Lamb can be used instead of veal. When serving, pour over the kebab with wine.

Garnier: boiled rice.

Shish kebab in Caucasian style

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of lamb, 3 onions, 3 green onion feathers, 20 ml of vinegar (3%), 10 tomatoes, 100 ml of tkemali sauce, 20 g of dried barberry, Ѕ lemon, 50 g of lamb lard, salt, ground black pepper, herbs.

Preparation: cut lamb pieces into cubes of 30-40 g each, season with salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, stir, put in a non-oxidizing dish and put in the cold for 4-6 hours. String the marinated pieces of meat on a metal skewer, interspersed with slices of onions, grease with melted fat tail fat and fry over burning coals or in an electric grill. Remove the prepared pieces of shish kebab from the skewer onto a dish, garnish with raw chopped onions or green onions, tomatoes and a slice of lemon. Serve separately tkemali sauce and fresh or dried ground barberry.

Sausage and mushroom shashlik

Ingredients: 300 g sausage, 2 onions, 200 g fresh mushrooms, 3 tomatoes, 3 green onion feathers, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the thin sausage into 2 cm thick slices. Cut the onion into quarters and pour over with boiling water. Sort fresh mushrooms (caps), rinse and fry. Fresh tomatoes cut into slices. Put prepared food on skewers, alternating sausage, onion, tomatoes, mushrooms, and salt. Fry the kebab in hot fat on all sides and serve, sprinkle with ground pepper and finely chopped green onions.

Dried mushroom shashlik with bacon

Ingredients:200 g of dried white mushrooms, 200 g of onions, 50 g of green onions, 100 g of lard, 100 g of fresh tomatoes, 1/2 lemon, parsley and dill, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: soak dried porcini mushrooms. When they swell, drain, cut into large slices (do not cut small mushrooms). Cut onions into thick slices, fresh pork lard into 3-4 cm pieces. String on wooden or metal skewers alternately slices of mushrooms, onion slices and pieces of bacon, salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Place the kebabs in a deep frying pan or roast pan, add water in which the mushrooms have been soaked, bring to a boil, cover and simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes.

Kidney and heart slices on a skewer

Ingredient. For 300 g of veal kidneys and 300 g of heart: 200 ml of dry red wine, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Preparation: to clear the kidneys from film and veins, cut the heart in half, remove blood vessels, film and fat. Cut everything into slices as thick as a finger and keep in wine for at least 30 minutes. Dry, skewer with thick onion rings and tomato slices, grease with vegetable oil and fry. Sprinkle with herbs and serve immediately. Garnish with spicy sauce.

Sausage barbecue

Ingredients: 3 sausages, 2 onions, 5 tomatoes, 5 prunes, 50 g sliced ​​brisket, 25 g cheese, parsley.

Preparation: sausages fried on charcoal acquire a very special taste and aroma, therefore we recommend it to everyone as a picnic dish, especially if there are children in the company, and the meat is tough. Cut the sausages into pieces 3-4 cm long. Soak the prunes in warm water for 6-8 hours, remove the bones from it and wrap each plum in strips of chopped brisket. Cut onions and tomatoes into quarters. Put sausages, rolled parsley leaves and onions, tomato, plum in brisket, a slice of cheese, sausage again on skewers.

Indonesian satay

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef or lamb. For the marinade: 60 ml sunflower oil, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 teaspoon ground or, 1 tbsp. spoon peanut butter sandwich, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice.

Preparation: place the meat in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then, when it freezes slightly, cut it across the fibers into squares with a side of 5 cm and a thickness of 5 mm. Heat sunflower oil in a small saucepan, add chopped onion and chopped garlic, cook until soft. Add the rest of the marinade ingredients, pour in a glass of water. Stir, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, pour the marinade over the meat, mix, cover with cling film. Leave to marinate for 2 hours. String the meat (tight enough) on thin wooden sticks. Most of the marinade should be allowed to drain from the meat back into the pot, in which it should then be boiled, and subsequently served as a sauce. Fry the satay, turning frequently, on the grill until crisp. Lightly season with salt before serving.

Hunting kebabs

Rabbit kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg rabbit meat, 200 ml orange juice, 20 g of garlic, hot pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: Wash the meat, cut into equal pieces, salt, add juice, add finely chopped hot pepper. Mix everything and keep in the cold for 6–8 hours. If the rabbit meat is not fat, then the pieces strung on skewers should be poured with vegetable oil before frying. Assorted vegetables and fruits can be served with the barbecue.

Deer, elk, wild goat, deer barbecue

Ingredients: 2 kg of meat, 50 ml of olive oil or 50 g pork fat, 200 g of onions and green onions, 200 g of cucumbers, tomatoes or pickles. For the marinade: 100 ml wine vinegar, 2-3 black peppercorns, 100 g of onions, 1 head of garlic, 30 g of sugar, bay leaf, salt.

Preparation: cut the meat into pieces of 30-40 g and marinate in a cold place for 10-12 hours. For the marinade, dilute the vinegar with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, add the onions minced through a meat grinder, garlic pounded with salt, sugar, coarsely crushed black pepper, Bay leaf. String the meat on a skewer and fry over hot coals, greasing it olive oil or pork lard... Serve barbecue with raw onions and green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers or pickled cherries or plums, grapes. Serve tkemali sauce or ketchup separately.

Hare barbecue

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of meat of a young fat hare, 2-3 onions, 50 ml of olive or sunflower oil, 150 g of salted bacon, walnut leaves.

Preparation: meat of a young fat hare, without pickling, cut into large pieces, salt and pepper. Cut the onion into slices, mix with the meat and pour over the olive or sunflower oil. Salted lard cut into thin slices. Prepare wooden skewers, string pieces of hare on them, alternating with onions and lard, and fry over coals with intense heat (no flame), pouring butter over the skewers from time to time. Put the finished shish kebab on skewers on nut leaves, add chopped onions, wrap, let stand for 5-10 minutes for aroma and serve on the leaves.

Hunting saiga liver

Ingredients: 1 kg fresh saiga liver, salt.

Preparation: Cut the fresh saiga liver into pieces, put it on wooden peeled and diamond-shaped rhombuses (cola) about 1 m long. Make cuts on the pieces of liver, into which to pour salt. They should be stuck into the ground near the fire with an inclination so that the pieces of liver are at a distance of 30 cm from the fire on the leeward side and so that the liver is not covered with smoke. Turn the rods with pieces of liver several times and cut off the top fried layers from the pieces of liver as it bakes.

Fish kebabs

The best fish for barbecue sturgeon is, and those who have tried it on the shores of the Caspian will no longer want to fry barbecue from other fish. But there is no limit to the search for perfection, and a person, through cooking, improves his knowledge of life in order to eventually learn one simple truth: but for happiness, a cup of spring water and a slice of coarse bread are enough for us ...

However, if you come across a fresh sturgeon, then you should not make him wait for the grill. First, the sturgeon must be freed from the skin and thorns. To do this, the skin must be poured with boiling water, armed with a sharp knife and ... patience. Keep in mind that a sharp sturgeon thorn, hitting the throat or on the tooth, can spoil the mood from dinner for a long time.

End of introductory snippet.

A fun and informative book (and this is precisely a convenient and consistently compiled book, and not just a collection of scattered recipes) "Cooking for one, two, three!" from Konstantin Ivlev will tell everyone who is interested in cooking, but still does not know how to take the first step, about how easy, quick and boring to cook delicious and healthy meals for children and adults. No magic! No magic! Only creativity and inspiration! See for yourself by studying the recipes from "Cooking for one, two, three!" - a menu for children and adults, the publication of which, especially for the readers of the site, was organized by the Astrel publishing house

Breakfast at home and not at home
Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy! Me and Matvey subscribe to these words! Breakfast is an important component of a vigorous day, it energizes us for exploits, so it is imperative to have breakfast and it is better to have a hearty breakfast. Firstly, in the morning, the calcium contained in fermented milk products (yoghurts, cottage cheese, kefir, smoothies with yoghurts, etc.) is better absorbed. Secondly, you don't think about food until lunchtime, hungry cramps do not distract you from work and study! Thirdly, in the morning you can always afford to feast on your favorite, but not very useful (from the point of view of doctors and nutritionists) foods: all this is easily processed during the day, and "extra" calories will be burned in the struggle for knowledge ... in vitality, it is not necessary that "the tone was in you", you just need to act according to our saying - have a full breakfast!

Millet porridge with strawberries and vanilla aroma

200 grams of millet,
1 liter of milk
60 grams of butter
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
or 1 vanilla pod,
or vanilla extract,
(Add what you have found. Matthew and I took vanilla sugar)
Salt, sugar to taste
Fresh strawberries - no matter how much

Casserole, knife and cutting board


Rinse the cereals well under cold water, cover with milk, bring to a boil and reduce heat under a saucepan. Boil the millet at a moderate temperature for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, add butter, vanilla sugar, regular sugar and salt a little.

The porridge is ready, it's time to add the chopped strawberries. Mix - and on the plates!

For millet, in addition to strawberries, pumpkin, blueberries, gooseberries, sour apples are well suited ... Almost anything your heart desires! By the way, you can put fresh frozen berries and fruits in the porridge, but be aware that the color of the porridge will change: it will take on the color of the berries that you added to it. We remind you: put the berries 5 minutes before the cereals are ready.

Serious lunch on the go
What about without lunch? Lunch is generally considered the main meal. For a real business person, lunch is not only time to think about how to pass the test in the next lesson or how to successfully negotiate with partners, but also the opportunity to eat deliciously. For a quick and healthy lunch, you can take soup with you. Pack it - no problem: not in a jar, old fashioned, but in a fashionable plastic container! Hearty and delicious. And for those who don't like soup, there are other dishes that will delight and satisfy your hunger even on the go! Matvey, for example, learned how to make a sandwich - it's a whole lunch. And you try. By the way, our sandwiches are healthy, and they are not "junk food" at all, since we prepare them ourselves from good, proven products!

We have lunch: mashed potato soup with mushrooms

10 medium potatoes
60 grams of butter
50 ml. vegetable oil,
1 small onion
200 ml. 30% cream,
2 liters of chicken or vegetable broth,
Salt and pepper to taste.
For filing:
100 grams of champignons


Heavy-bottomed saucepan, skillet, blender, knife and cutting board.


The potatoes need to be peeled and rinsed under cold water, then dried with a napkin and cut into small slices. Peel the onions and chop finely.
Then melt in a deep frying pan butter and fry the potatoes for 3 minutes. Add vegetable oil and onions, fry together with potatoes over medium heat for another 4 minutes.
Once the smell of fried potatoes spreads throughout the kitchen, add the broth and cream. Cook until the potatoes are completely boiled.
Pass the dish through a blender, salt and pepper. Pour the puree soup into a bowl.
You can serve it with bread croutons, or you can ... fried mushrooms! To do this, wash the mushrooms, fry them in vegetable oil and put them in the very middle of a plate of potato soup.


Calab sandwich (three-tiered)

3 slices of 7-grain toast bread,
50 grams of soft cheese - a substitute for mayonnaise (we will try to lighten our sandwich a little),
2 slices of cheese
70 grams of smoked turkey,
5 iceberg lettuce leaves,
1 tomato,
1 egg,
Salt and pepper to taste.

Frying pan, foil, knife and cutting board


In a frying pan with a Teflon coating, make fried eggs. Salt and pepper are a must! We wash and dry lettuce leaves.
Grease the bread with soft cheese, put on it a tomato cut into rings (it should also be salted and pepper), plastic cheese, turkey, salad and do not forget about scrambled eggs. In the middle is the second piece of bread. Above - again a tomato, a second plastic of cheese, turkey and lettuce.
When the sandwich is assembled, cover it with the third piece of bread and wrap it in foil.
By the way, it is better to eat a club sandwich an hour or two after preparation. It will be saturated with the aromas of the products of which it is composed, and it will become even tastier.
Put it in your hefty briefcase that you take to the office every morning. Or in a school backpack if your main occupation is studying. There is no better lunch for a serious business person!

Everyone needs dinner!

Of course! What normal person, being in complete health and sound mind, would voluntarily refuse to eat? There is no such thing. On the contrary, it is in the evenings that all refrigerators in the world are subjected to a particularly fierce siege. Hungry as wolves children
and adults return home from work (from school or from a fun walk) and first of all demand dinner! Yes, hurry up! At the same time, it is important that the dinner is light. These are the recipes we have chosen especially for you: fast food dishes that can satisfy any (even a wolf's!) Appetite and at the same time are light!

Sauteed vegetables salad with lettuce leaves

½ eggplant,
½ zucchini,
1 tomato,
1 branch of fresh thyme,
1 clove of garlic
30 grams of lettuce,
10 ml of Balsamic vinegar,
50 ml olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste.

Deep skillet, mixing bowl, garlic crusher, knife and cutting board.


Cut the eggplants and zucchini into thin slices and fry on both sides in olive oil. Take just a little oil - 10 grams. Do not forget to throw a sprig of thyme into the pan, add crushed garlic, which will have to be removed at the end of frying.
Add the balsamic vinegar to the remaining olive oil and mix well.
Salt and pepper the clean lettuce leaves, fill with a dressing of olive oil and vinegar, put in the center of a large plate.

Cabbage rolls:

200 grams of beef
200 grams of lean pork
2 cloves of garlic
1 zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 onion
200 ml of vegetable oil,
1 head of cabbage chinese salad,
Salt, pepper to taste
2 sprigs of fresh thyme,
100 grams of butter
1 liter of water.

A saucepan, a frying pan, a meat grinder, a couple of mixing bowls, a grater, a knife, and a cutting board.


We all love stuffed cabbage rolls. But to wait for hours until they are ready, there is no strength! And since Matvey and I are innovators, we came up with our own quick recipe for stuffed cabbage. At first, white cabbage we replaced it with Chinese lettuce. Secondly, we add a lot of vegetables and vegetable oil to minced meat: vegetables make cabbage rolls more aromatic, and vegetable oil allows them to warm up faster and more evenly.

Scroll the meat through a meat grinder into a separate dish. Rub the garlic into the other.
Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, mix with grated zucchini and carrots.
Mix half the grated vegetables and fried onions with minced meat, add salt, thyme and 100 ml of vegetable oil, mix well. We have got a fragrant mass of meat, vegetables and spices. It is a little thin, but this is a plus - the stuffed cabbage will be juicier.
Immerse juicy and whole leaves of Chinese lettuce in boiling water for 2 minutes, and then immediately in cold water so that they cool quickly. Then we cut off the thick sinewy parts from the leaves -
we don't need them. We put the prepared leaves on the table.
We make mini-cutlets from minced meat, put on lettuce sheets and wrap like rolls.
Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, put stuffed cabbage on the bottom, fill it with the remaining grated vegetables on top. Salt, fill with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Then we reduce the heat and simmer at low temperature for 25 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the stove and leave to brew for another 5 minutes.
We have a great aroma of vegetables and spices in our kitchen! Put the cabbage rolls on a plate and serve them with sour cream. Matvey strives to eat everything with ketchup. In no case! I will not allow to spoil cabbage rolls!

Bon appetite, the Astrel publishing house, together with Konstantin and Matvey Ivlev, wish you!

It doesn't matter if you are frying steak for the first time or practicing it regularly, I suggest you refer to my recipes for cooking meat and other grilled dishes.

Below I will share with you some tips preparing the steak for frying, and the best assistant in the kitchen from Tefal will do the rest for you.

I am often asked questions about steaks, the general meaning of which is: how to cook the perfect steak? To do this, you need to choose the meat wisely, season it with salt, pepper and herbs, and then "catch" the desired degree of roasting.

With the Tefal grill, the latter will never cause you any difficulties: just wait for the color indicator and the sound signal - and enjoy the steak of your favorite degree of doneness.

The names of the steaks are given depending on which part of the bull carcass the piece of meat was cut from:

  • ribeye- from the rib part,
  • striploin- from the lumbar,
  • tibon cut at the border of the dorsal and lumbar parts.

Pieces of meat from different cuts differ in softness, so filet mignon is the most tender meat, and striploin has a denser structure, it is less fatty, but more aromatic.

The same cuts can have differences in taste and consistency, and this depends on the type of feeding of the animal, which is indicated on the package. Grass feeding means that the bull from birth to slaughter fed exclusively on grass. Such meat is more aromatic, but sometimes harsh. "Grain" feeding implies that from birth, the bull was fed with grass, but then it was transferred to grain so that it gains muscle mass faster. Such meat is softer: due to the enrichment of protein
a lot of thin fat layers appear in it - just such beef
Dinu is called marble.

It is very important to remember that any meat must be defrosted before grilling!
If you use frozen meat, then the water will not allow the appearance of a fried crust..

OptiGrill electric grill created to turn the traditional idea of ​​the meat preparation process! The smart appliance itself determines the required degree of roast and ensures a flawless result for any of them. Wherein OptiGrill absolutely universal: built-in fully automated 6 programs will do everything themselves. All you need to do is select the program you want, preheat the grill and place the food on the plates.



  • Fillet steak (tenderloin) 4 pcs, 180-200 g each
  • Olive oil 80 ml
  • Thyme 2 sprigs
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Filet mignon recipe:

  1. Pour the oil into a container, add the thyme leaves and let it brew. Season the steak generously with salt, pepper and brush with thyme oil on all sides. Turn on the grill, select the "steak" mode and press the "ok" button. Wait for it to fully warm up without opening the plates.
  2. Place the meat on the grill. Fry until the required cooking level is reached.
  3. Transfer the meat to a platter, cover with foil and let it rest for 5 minutes, then serve with your chosen side dish and sauce

TIP: for filet mignon, the classic roast is medium rare.
It will allow you to fully experience the taste of a good tenderloin - meat in the center
remains red with juice, resulting in a very soft steak.
RECOMMENDED SIDE DISHES: baked potatoes, spinach, zucchini or grilled zucchini.
RECOMMENDED SAUCE: pepper (made from cream and crushed pepper) or mustard.



  • Ribeye steak 400 g
  • Olive oil 30 g
  • Fresh rosemary 3 g
  • Salt / pepper - to taste

Rib eye thick edge how to cook:

  1. Set the grill to steak mode. Meanwhile, the meat is abundant
    salt, pepper and put in oil. Add a rosemary sprig.
  2. Place the meat on the grill, select the required cooking level and wait until cooked.
  3. Transfer the steak to a platter and remove the rosemary sprig from it.

TIP: For a rib eye steak, the classic grill is medium. Since ribeye is a fatty cut, which has a lot of fatty layers, it needs to be fried
so that in the cut, the meat has a slight pink juiciness, but completely without blood.
RECOMMENDED SIDE DISHES: baked tomatoes, grilled onions, bell peppers.
RECOMMENDED SAUCE: homemade adjika, any creamy sauce or horseradish.



  • Striploin steak 4 pcs, 250-300 g each
  • Olive oil 80 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Season the steak with salt and pepper, brush with olive oil on all sides. Turn on
    grill, select the "steak" mode and press the "ok" button. Wait for the warm-up beep without opening the plates.
  2. Place the meat on the grill. Fry until the required cooking level is reached.
  3. Transfer the meat to a platter, cover with foil and let it rest for 5 minutes, then serve with your chosen side dish and sauce.

TIPS: For strip steaks, the classic grill is medium.
This is a lean cut, there is very little fat in it, and it is this degree of roasting
will provide you with a soft, juicy bite.
RECOMMENDED SIDE DISHES: lettuce leaves, grilled vegetables, potatoes
all types (baked, mashed potatoes, fries), asparagus, spinach.
RECOMMENDED SAUCE: mustard (or just mustard), pepper, adjika,
mushroom or creamy.



  • Beef neck pulp 400 g
  • Shoulder or rump pulp 400 g
  • Beef fat 80 g
  • Vegetable oil 60 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Burger buns 4 pcs
  • Lettuce 40 g
  • Cheddar cheese 60 g
  • Large tomato 1 pc
  • Small red onion 1 pc


  • Cucumbers-gherkins 40 g
  • Mayonnaise 80 g
  • Ketchup 40 g

Burger with cheddar cheese and vegetables recipe:

  1. Scroll the meat along with the fat through a meat grinder. Add vegetable to the minced meat
    butter, 60 g ice water, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Divide the minced meat into 4 equal parts and shape each into a rounded patty about 2 cm thick.
  2. Transfer the patties to a parchment-lined plate and refrigerate for 10 minutes. For the sauce, combine mayonnaise, ketchup and finely grated gherkins.
  3. Turn on the grill, select the burger setting and press the ok button.
    Wait for it to fully warm up without opening the plates. Place the chilled cutlets on the heated grill surface and fry until tender. Wipe the surface of the plates with a paper towel. Cut the buns in two, place on the grill and lightly fry on the plates while they are still hot.
  4. Grease the inside of the buns with sauce, place on the bottom half of the cutlet, on it - a piece of cheese. Top with chopped onion, tomato and lettuce. Close up
    second buns and serve.



  • Pork neck 800 g
  • Boiled or baked beets 600 g
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil 40 g
  • Creamy horseradish 160 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Greenery for decoration

Grilled boiled pork with horseradish and beetroot preparation:

  1. Peel the beets and cut into thick slices. Mash the garlic in a mortar with
    a small amount of vegetable oil. Season the pork with plenty of salt, pepper and brush with garlic oil.
  2. Turn on the grill, select the pork and sausage setting and press the button
    "OK". Wait until it is fully warmed up without opening the plates. Stack pork
    on a heated grill surface and fry until tender.
  3. Transfer the boiled pork to a preheated plate. Wipe the surface of the cooled plates with a paper towel, grease again with oil. Place the beets on the grill, lightly fry them for 2-3 minutes in manual mode.
  4. Place the boiled pork, beets and creamy horseradish... Garnish with herbs and serve.



  • Kupaty (any that you like - pork, chicken, beef, with cheese) 1 pc
  • Vegetable oil 20 g
  • Mini grain baguette 1/3 pc
  • Tomato 100 g
  • Fried crispy onions 20 g
  • Sweet mustard 10 g
  • Cream cheese 20 g
  • Parsley 3 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Grilled boiled pork with horseradish and beets

  1. Cut the tomato into small cubes and add spices, finely chopped parsley.
  2. Cut the kupatas lengthwise into two parts. Do the same with the baguette. The main thing is that they do not split into two halves.
  3. Turn on the grill, select the pork / sausage setting. Wait until warmed up with
    covered plates, place the kupata on the grill. Remove upon arrival
    beep ready signal. Wipe the cooled surface of the grill with paper
    with a towel, set to manual mode and fry the bread for 1-2 minutes.
  4. When the bread is ready, brush one side of it with mustard and the other with cream cheese. Place prepared tomatoes with herbs, then add toasted kupaty and sprinkle with plenty of crispy fried onions.



  • Small thin pita bread 4 sheets
    Turkey fillet 400 g
  • Small zucchini 1 piece
  • Small sweet pepper 1 pc
  • Large tomato 1 pc
  • Red sweet onion 1 pc
  • Cilantro 2 sprigs
  • Olive oil 60 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  • Natural yogurt 200 g
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Dill / cilantro / green onions 80 g each

Recipe for turkey shawarma with grilled vegetables:

  1. Cut the turkey fillet into 2 cm slices. Brush with oil, salt and pepper.
  2. Turn on the grill, select the "poultry" mode and press the "ok" button. Wait for it to fully warm up without opening the plates. Grease the plates with oil, place the turkey and fry until tender.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and onions into small cubes. Cut the zucchini into slices, pepper
    peel and cut into 4 pieces. Wipe the surface of the cooled plates
    paper towel.
  4. Preheat the grill on manual mode for 2 minutes, then sauté the zucchini and peppers for 3-4 minutes. Transfer the cooked turkey and vegetables to a board and cut into cubes convenient for eating.
  5. For the sauce add finely chopped herbs and garlic to yogurt, mix thoroughly. Put vegetables, meat on a sheet of pita bread, pour with sauce, then add onions and tomatoes.
  6. Wrap the lavash in a roll, tucking the open edges. Heat the shawarma on the grill on the plates while it is still hot.



  • Chicken breast fillet 4 pcs, 200-250 g each
  • Smoked suluguni 160 g
  • Frozen spinach 160 g
  • Olive oil 40 g
  • Green salad mix 120 g
  • Cherry tomatoes 200 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Chicken breast stuffed with smoked suluguni:

  1. Defrost the spinach and squeeze thoroughly in a sieve. Chop finely. Grate suluguni on a coarse grater. Combine the cheese with spinach. Chicken fillet cut horizontally along the long side without cutting to the end about 1.5 cm.
  2. Beat the chicken lightly through the plastic to create a layer of uniform thickness. Season with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the cheese and spinach mass on half of each piece, cover with the other half and press a little to make an even piece.
  3. Turn on the grill with the poultry setting and press the ok button.
  4. Wait until fully warmed up with the plates covered. Lay out stuffed breasts grill, grill until tender. While the chicken breast is roasting, prepare the salad.
  5. Cut the tomatoes in half, mix with green salad, season with salt, pepper and olive oil. Toss and place on plates. Place ready-made chicken breast next to it.



  • Pork loin on the bone 1 kg
  • Tomato 200 g
  • Bulb onions 200 g
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Ground coriander 1/3 tsp
  • Fresh cilantro 20 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Pork loin marinated in coriander recipe:

  1. Chop the tomato finely, onion into half rings, crush the garlic with a knife,
    Tear cilantro with your hands.
  2. Cut the meat into even pieces and transfer to a container, add onions, tomatoes, salt, pepper, coriander, cilantro and garlic. Mix everything very well and place
    in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. Remove the meat from the mixture, turn on the grill, select the pork / sausage setting
    and press the "ok" button. Wait until fully warmed up with the plates covered.
    Place the loin on the grill and grill until tender.

TIP: When you put the meat on the dish, you can garnish it with sun-dried tomatoes.



  • Trout 1 pc
  • Green beans 100 g
  • Lemon ½ pc
  • Olive oil 20 g
  • Soy sauce 15 ml
  • Sour cream 20% 40 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Grilled Abkhazian trout with green beans:

  1. Peel, rinse and dry the trout. Turn on the grill after greasing
    oil plates. Select fish mode. Wait for warm-up with closed
    plates, place the fish on the grill. Remove when ready.
  2. Wipe the cooled plates with a paper towel, place on the grill by hand
    mode, put the beans and sprinkle it soy sauce... Broil for 2 minutes,
    then transfer to the fish.
  3. Beat the sour cream with a whisk until the volume doubles, add salt, juice
    lemon and lemon zest... Mix everything well and add to the trout.



  • Pink salmon steak 4 pcs, 200 g each
  • Medium zucchini 1 pc
  • Medium tomatoes 3 pcs
  • Cilantro sprigs 2-3 pcs
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Olive oil 80 g
  • Ground coriander - on the tip of a knife
  • Sugar / salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Grilled pink salmon with zucchini and homemade adjika:

  1. FOR SAUCE. Peel the tomatoes. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater.
    Season the tomatoes with sugar, salt, pepper, coriander, finely chopped cilantro and garlic. Stir and refrigerate until serving.
  2. FOR THE MAIN COURSE. Cut the zucchini into 1 cm slices and drizzle lightly with olive oil.
  3. Salt and pepper the pink salmon and sprinkle with olive oil too.
    Turn on the grill, select the fish setting and press the ok button. Wait until fully warmed up with the plates covered. Place the pink salmon on the grill, fry to the required degree of doneness.
  4. Wipe the surface of the cooled plates with a paper towel. Grill
    zucchini, lightly fry for 2 minutes on manual mode.
  5. Put the finished fish on plates, put the zucchini next to it, serve with the sauce.



  • Ciabatta 2 pcs
  • Mozzarella cheese 200 g
  • Tambov ham 200 g
  • Medium tomato 2 pcs
  • Green basil 3 sprigs
  • Olive oil
  • Sugar
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Panini with tomatoes, mozzarella and Tambov ham:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, season with olive oil, salt, pepper, sugar and finely chopped basil. Cut the mozzarella and ham into thin slices. Slice the ciabatta longitudinally, about 1.5 cm before the end.
  2. Uncover, put some mozzarella, tomatoes, ham on the bottom and mozzarella again on top. Close the ciabatta and press lightly.
  3. Turn on the grill, select panini mode and press the ok button.
  4. Wait until fully warmed up with the plates covered.
  5. Place the panini on the grill and grill until crisp.
  6. Serve hot panini



  • Chicken 1 piece
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Rosemary 2 sprigs
  • Olive oil 80 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Farm Chicken with Garlic and Rosemary:

  1. Cut the chicken lengthwise along the back, open and press firmly so that it becomes
    flatter. Season with salt and pepper on both sides, brush with about 20 g butter.
  2. Turn on the grill, setting the "bird" mode, and press the "ok" button, immediately grease the plates with oil. Wait until fully warmed up with the plates covered.
  3. Place the chicken on the grill, grill until tender.
  4. Whisk the remaining butter with the garlic and leaves while the chicken is roasting.
    rosemary until smooth. After finishing frying, grease the chicken
    fragrant butter on both sides and grill for another 1-2 minutes.



  • Tiger prawns 18 pcs
  • Mini squids 18 pcs
  • Olive oil 60 ml
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Lemon for serving


  • Mayonnaise 160 g
  • Small cucumber 1 pc
  • Cucumbers-gherkins 40 g
  • Parsley 2 sprigs
  • Garlic 1 clove

Squid and shrimp mini skewers with tartar sauce:

  1. Soak 6 wooden skewers in water 1 hour before cooking.
    For the tartar sauce, cut the cucumbers (fresh and gherkins) into small cubes, add finely chopped parsley and garlic, mix with mayonnaise and black pepper.
  2. Refrigerate before serving.
  3. Peel the shrimp from the shell. Check for any mini squid left inside
    entrails. Place shrimp in each squid, put on skewers.
  4. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Switch on the grill, select manual mode and press the "ok" button. Wait
    complete heating (3-5 minutes) without opening the plates. Fry kebabs until
    readiness 3-4 minutes.
  6. Put ready-made kebabs on plates, put lemon slices next to it, serve with tartar sauce



  • Conference pears 4 pcs
  • Butter 40 g
  • Honey 4 tbsp. l.
  • Creamy soft cheese 8 tbsp. l.
  • Dried cranberries 40 g
  • Mint 1 sprig

    1. Cut each pear into 4 pieces and carefully remove the core.
      Brush the pears with softened butter.
    2. Switch on the grill, select manual mode and press the "ok" button.
    3. Wait until it is fully warmed up (3-5 minutes) without opening the plates.
    4. Place pears on the grill, fry for 3 minutes, transfer to a platter.
    5. Place cheese next to it, pour over with honey, sprinkle with dried cranberries and garnish
      mint leaves.

Enjoy cooking!

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