Serving temperature of alcoholic beverages in the restaurant. Vodka etiquette: choice, serving temperature and serving

Sake Day is celebrated on October 1. This original drink requires a special serving. In Japan, a whole set of rules has been developed. One of them is what temperature the drink should be served to the guests. There are two types of serving: expensive sake is served chilled, while cheaper sake is heated in a water bath to room temperature... Usually the drink is served at 22-30 degrees. understands at what temperature spirits and wines should be served.


Before serving, champagne must be cooled - dipped in a bucket with crushed ice and cold water. Because the optimal temperature for serving a sparkling drink is 6-8 degrees.

Red wine

The basic rule for red wine is to serve at room temperature. But there are nuances. For example, aged wine is served at 16-18 degrees, slightly cooler than the temperature in our homes. Experts emphasize that the word "room" means the temperature in French castles, and it was much cooler there than in our apartments. Therefore, good and expensive wines should still be slightly chilled.

White wine

Dry white is served at a temperature of 6-9 degrees, the so-called cellar temperature.


It should be at room temperature, about 20 degrees. Before serving, you just need to put the bottles in the room if they were in the cellar or somewhere else in the cool. But not in the refrigerator, strong aged drinks should never be stored there, it is deadly for their aroma.

Keep in mind that you cannot heat cognac or put it near the fireplace, for example. It will lose its flavor.


Whiskey on ice is a kill for the drink. The ice will instantly kill the subtle nuances of the whiskey nose. This drink is served in the same way as cognac - at room temperature. If you still want to cool and dilute it a little, then it is better to use cool (but not ice-cold) non-carbonated water.


Vodka is often frozen in the freezer and served in hoarfrost. This is spectacular, but wrong. Ice vodka acquires some viscosity, but loses its taste, which it actually has. The best temperature for serving vodka is 5 degrees for hot weather (the bottle is well chilled in the refrigerator) and 10-12 degrees for the winter (the bottle can be taken out of the cellar or kept in the refrigerator for a short time).


The serving temperature of beer, like vodka, depends on the season. In summer - about 6-7 degrees, and in winter - 10-15 degrees.


A good aged rum is best served as a whiskey and cognac - at room temperature. But in gold, spicy or white rum, it is quite possible to add an ice cube.


Gin is served well chilled, along with ice. Although pure gin is not drunk very often. More often this drink acts as a component of cocktails.


Most often, sambuca is set on fire when served. And served burning with coffee beans. It's beautiful. But try cold sambuca with ice - it tastes much better than hot.

Complete modern encyclopedia of etiquette Yuzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

Submission rules alcoholic beverages

It is customary to pour drinks, bending over at the right shoulder. If the next guest cannot be approached from the right, he is poured with his left hand, and his neighbor - with his right. At the same time, they hold the bottle with their whole hand, trying to prevent the neck from touching the edge of the glass.

During a traditional Russian feast, vodka is sure to be consumed. Unlike many other countries where wines are served with an appetizer, it is customary for us to start a festive dinner with vodka.

The owner of the table, having poured only the first drop for himself, then fills the glasses of the guests: first, ladies, then men. You can pour it in turn, but in any case, the owner fills his glass with the last one.

Small glasses are filled with vodka about 3/4 (cognac is poured onto the bottom of a large glass).

Wine has long been considered an exquisite and noble drink. And if now men prefer stronger drinks, then women have no choice but to give preference to wines.

Such a variety of wines - from simple table wines to expensive high-quality ones - which you will probably find on store shelves today, has never happened before. The problem of choice has probably come up before you more than once. Red or white, strong or light, young or mature - there is already something to think about. Let's try to figure it out together!

Let's say you have a festive lunch or dinner. In this case, when choosing wines, it is best to be guided by the menu on the agenda. You will figure out the strength yourself, but giving advice on the age of the wine is very difficult. If you are guided by price, then keep in mind that the older the wine, the higher the price. There is no dispute about tastes: young wines, as a rule, have a light, but at the same time "immature" taste; old wines, in turn, can be heavy and slightly depressing.

Wines are often characterized by successful and less successful years. We are talking about the quality of the starting material (grapes) for the production of wines, which is determined by weather conditions, as well as a number of other factors. If you are looking for more information on this topic, we advise you to visit the server

However, choosing a good wine, as they say, is only half the battle. It is equally important to be able to serve it correctly. Usually, the serving temperature is listed on the label, but if you still haven't found this cherished number, here are some tips to remember.

White wine. Dry and semi-dry white wines are served chilled. For wine that has been stored in a cool place, 1 hour in the refrigerator is sufficient. If the wine has been stored in a dark place or in hot weather, the cooling time can be slightly increased.

Do not overcool the wine. If you keep it in the refrigerator for several hours, it almost loses its taste.

Very sweet wines take a little longer to cool than dry wines. The younger and lighter the white wine, the more chilled it is served.

Champagne and sparkling wines should be kept at a temperature of 5–6 ° C. However, do not overdo it, otherwise you will not feel the taste behind the scalding cold. If you need to chill champagne in a short time, do not put it in the freezer - you can spoil its taste (in extreme cases, an unopened bottle can be placed only for 10-15 minutes). Limit yourself to a regular refrigerator compartment, this cooling will take about 1 hour. Champagne that has been in a cool place should be placed in an ice bucket for 30 minutes before drinking.

Red wine. Most red wines are served at room temperature. This means that the bottle is left in a warm, but not hot, room for 2 hours. If the wine is placed in a very warm place, such as in the kitchen or near the radiator, it can be ready in about 45 minutes.

If you urgently need to warm red wine, place the bottle in a container with warm water for 10 minutes. Many experts advise against doing this, however, it is better to use this method than serving cold wine.

Among red wines, young, not fully ripe varieties should be cooled more strongly.

Pink wine served chilled than red.

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47. VARIETIES OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Liqueurs - alcoholic beverages obtained by blending alcoholic infusions on various aromatic herbs, seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, alcoholic juices, sugar syrup and other flavoring components.

Any feast begins with a choice. A person goes to the store and finds himself face to face with a huge assortment of vodka products, which is quite difficult to navigate.

Here is a small collection of folk wisdom that will help in this holy work.


We must trust the store unconditionally. If something confuses us in him, it is better not to tempt fate. Gatherings at a beautiful vodka table deserve a high quality vodka. Personally, I would rather drive the extra 20 miles to a trusted trade establishment than risk the health of my friends and myself.

Vodka brand

If there is a manufacturer whose product quality we trust unconditionally, then thank God.

When there are no special preferences or you want to try something new, we start researching.

In general, the main ingredients of vodka are alcohol and water. Everything else is gag and amateur performance of expensive manufacturers.

If the product description contains the words "extra" or "highly refined alcohol", we decisively put the bottle back on the shelf and look further.

All the tricks with the composition are designed, first of all, to soften the taste of the drink, and secondly, to avoid morning sickness.

If, due to the extremely small print, we cannot read at all what is written about vodka there, naturally, we will refrain from purchasing. Let their cats in the bag drink themselves, pests.


Logic dictates that if there are two vodkas next to each other at the same price, and a bottle of one of them is replete with various tricks - volumetric inscriptions through the drink, carving, highly original shape, gift wrapping, and so on - this could not but affect the quality of the product itself.

It is necessary and sufficient not to run into a fake - the presence of a dispenser in the neck, a branded bottle with factory casting on glass and high-quality etiquette. Everything else is from the evil one, the intrigues of pickpocket marketers.

That's all, we bought a sweetheart. Now it should be cooled.

There are several opinions as to whether exactly what temperature should the vodka be cooled to.

The most common is refrigeration in the freezer, that is, until it is somewhat thick and oily.

Yes, at this cooling temperature, vodka has no smell. As well as taste. You can do only one thing with it - toss a lump from the pile down your throat.

And here we are faced with several negative factors.

Having frozen a drink, we are not able to test it for taste and smell, and this is important.

Direct indicators of the quality of vodka are that after the first glass it should not juggle and it, by taste should be drunk without snacks.

And in frozen form, all vodkas are the same, and fake vodkas have every chance of being drunk in the same way as noble drinks.True, the effect, especially in the morning, will be strikingly different.In addition, there is every chance of a cold throat with the most unpleasant consequences.

The second and, in my opinion, the most correct opinion on the consumption temperature is cooling in the range from plus five to plus ten degrees.

Simply put, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The third opinion is to drink vodka at room temperature.

I am afraid that I have not reached such heights of enlightenment as to drink warm vodka.

When offering alcoholic beverages, the season must also be taken into account. On hot days, white dry wines with a refreshing taste should be recommended, in winter - red table strong wines and cognacs.

When serving alcoholic beverages, it should be remembered that drinks for a group of guests are served in a bottle, for one guest - in a decanter of the appropriate capacity. For easy pouring, the carafe should be filled 3/4 full.

Before placing the bottle with the ordered drink on the table, the waiter must show it to the guest. To do this, it is necessary that the bottle is facing the guest with the label, which will allow him to make sure that the order is fulfilled correctly. The bottle can only be opened in the presence and with the permission of the guest.

After showing the bottle and opening it, the waiter pours the guest a test sip. By raising a glass (glass) against the light, the guest has the opportunity to check the color and transparency of the wine. By the scent, he defines his bouquet. Having received consent, the waiter fills the glasses (glasses) of all guests present at the table and the last - a glass (glass) of the host of the feast. When serving a large group of guests, a test sip is not given to the host (organizer).

In vodka, Madera and Rhine wine glasses, the drink is not topped up by half a centimeter. Lafite and champagne glasses are 2/3 full, wine glasses half full.

The waiter refills only completely empty glasses, glasses, wine glasses. In order to top up a drink that has not been completely drunk, you must first obtain the consent of the guest.

Offer and serving of soft drinks. Mineral water and carbonated soft drinks should be cooled down to 4-6 ° C, as they acquire a more pleasant taste and better quench thirst. The waiter brings bottles of drinks in his hand or on a tray and opens only in the presence of the guest. Having received the guest's permission, the drink is poured into a glass to half or 1/3.

Chilled water with ice is served in jugs or decanters, with individual service - in a conical or cylindrical glass.

Juices, kvass, fruit drink, soft drinks of our own production are served in jugs, poured into conical glasses or wine glasses. To tomato and vegetable juices salt and black pepper are served separately.

Hot drinks offer and service. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) have a tonic effect on the human body, increase its efficiency. They are served for breakfast, lunch, dinner. The special service also ends with a cup of coffee or tea. The temperature for serving hot drinks is 75 ° С.

How coffee is brewed depends on the preparation method. Black coffee can be prepared in a coffee pot according to the number of specified portions. To maintain the temperature, it should be carried in a coffee pot and poured on a utility table or directly to guests in cups. The coffee pot with the remaining coffee is placed on the table on the right side of the guest. Coffee can be served in cups and saucers. At the same time, the waiter approaches the guest on the right and puts a cup and saucer in front of him.

Knowledge of the basic rules of table setting. The word "serving" in French "servier" means, on the one hand, preparing the table for eating, that is, arranging the dishes in a certain order, and on the other hand, a set of items (dishes, cutlery, table linen) intended for this goals.

Table setting is a creative process that is multivariate and depends on a number of factors:

Meal time;

The assortment of dishes on the menu and the way they are prepared;

Service methods;

Service types and other factors.

When using serving items, it is necessary to follow certain rules, in general, boiling down to the fact that the used tableware and cutlery must always be polished to a shine and each serving element must have its place on the table. Serving begins with the arrangement of porcelain dishes, then the appliances are laid out, glass or crystal dishes are placed. The serving ends with the placement of napkins, after which cutlery with spices and vases of flowers are placed on the tables. A guide in the distribution of serving items is the folds on the tablecloths or the arrangement of chairs, which are usually set according to the number of guests with an interval of at least 30 cm.In order for guests to feel comfortable and it was easy for waiters to serve them, 60 -70 cm for daily service and 80-100 cm for banquets.

In the most general terms, there are two types of serving: preliminary and performing.

Pre-setting the table perform in the process of preparing the restaurant hall for service. It includes the minimum number of items that can be used to complete an order.

Executive table setting - serving, which is made in advance famous menu order, usually when serving banquets and other events.

Pre-setting the breakfast table assumes the presence of a pie plate, a snack bar, a teaspoon, a glass, and a napkin. Depending on the menu offered, there may also be a butter knife and a snack plate. Such serving includes minimal set items (fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Breakfast table setting

Pre-table setting in the daytime includes a pie plate, cutlery, wine glass, napkin.

During lunch, according to the à la carte menu, serving includes a pie, snack plates, snack and cutlery, wine glass, napkin (Fig. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. Serving dining table

For serving in the evening, dishes and cutlery are additionally received from the menu of customized dishes. Tables are pre-served with pastry and snack plates installed on small dining rooms, snack bars and cutlery (without a spoon), napkins, wine glasses, spice cutlery, vases with flowers (Figure 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Dinner table setting

When serving, snack and dinner plates are placed on the table at a distance of 2 cm from its edge (opposite the center of each chair). To the left of snack bars or small canteens, patty plates are placed at a distance of 5-10 cm, while their center should be on the same line. Those cutlery that are usually laid on the right side of the plate are placed in the direction from left to right, the cutlery that is usually laid on the left side of the plate is placed in the direction from right to left. The guest takes the appliances in reverse order.

When arranging glassware, one of the items is always placed at the tip of the cutlery knife. In cases where serving with several glass items (wine glass, glasses of different containers) is envisaged, the location of each of them is determined by the sequence of serving food and drinks. It is convenient for both guests and waiters when glasses for drinks served with an appetizer are in front, and glasses, glasses intended for use during dessert, are behind them. Wine glasses and glasses can be set diagonally. It is also allowed to place them in a triangle.

As a result, we can formulate the following general rules:

The main container is a glass, which is intended for a drink served with the second course;

You should not serve the table with more than three glass items;

When serving drinks ordered additionally, the waiter serves other glasses, wine glasses, etc. to them. (fig. 4.5).

Rice. 4.5. Table setting options with glassware for drinks (glasses, wine glasses, glasses, shot glasses): but - when serving in portions: 1 - a glass for beer, 2 - a glass for cognac; b - when serving a two-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink for the second course, 2 - a glass for dessert wine; in - when serving a three-course lunch: 1 - a glass for a drink to fish dish, 2 - a glass for a drink to the second meat dish, 3 - a glass for dessert wine; G - table setting option with glassware for a three-course dinner.

The basic rules for table setting are not something immutable. Each waiter, guided by them, can show a creative approach to solving the issue and offer his own version of the arrangement of cutlery and dishes. However, it should be appropriate and provide maximum comfort for guests.

The term "room service" has been used for some time in relation to any kind of service to the hotel's guest rooms. Nowadays, it is used in a narrower sense - serving food and drinks to the rooms. Wishing to concretize this type of service, some hotels also use such concepts as "breakfast in the room", "lunch in the room", "dinner in the room".

Service in hotel rooms requires special training of staff. It is connected not only with the fulfillment of the guests' wishes, table setting, the sequence of serving dishes, service technique, but also with the rules of conduct of the staff in the room.

Hotel customers make orders by phone directly to the head waiter, as well as to the maids who keep in touch with the head waiter. In large hotels, orders can be taken by the duty or senior waiter.

When accepting an order, it is imperative to take into account and record the following data:

1) the number of the room where breakfast, lunch or dinner should be served;

2) the number of guests served;

3) detailed name and quantity of ordered dishes, snacks, drinks;

4) the time of ordering.

Having accepted the order, the head waiter hands it over to the direct executors: the waiter, the kitchen workers.

For service in hotel rooms, special tableware and appliances are used (metal deep dishes with lids, metal coffee pots, kettles, creamers, various coasters, appliances and equipment for heating and maintaining the temperature of hot food and drinks directly in the room), rectangular trays, service trolleys of various designs, lightweight folding portable tables.

There are special rules for serving guests in the rooms:

1. An order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) must be served either on a tray or on a mobile service cart or table. If a tray is used, the waiter must carry it in his left hand. Keep your right hand free to open or close a door, move an object on a tray, etc. When moving along the corridor or passages, the tray is held at the shoulder and only before entering the room is it lowered to chest level.

2. You must first knock on the room and enter after obtaining permission.

3. Should say hello to the guest (s).

4. If the guest is going to have breakfast in bed, the tray must be served from the side. If two people have breakfast in bed, a separate tray is served for each.

5. When serving an order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for one person, everything is put on a tray in the same order as on a table in a restaurant.

6. If the guest is going to eat at the table in the room or on the balcony, then the table should be covered with a tablecloth. The tray can be placed on the table, or you can rearrange everything from the tray to the table.

7. The waiter should not stay in the room longer than required. You can only talk to a guest if he asks about something himself. In any situation, the waiter must be delicate.

When organizing service in restaurants (cafes) of hotel complexes, the following food conditions are usually offered:

1) full board, that is, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) - Full Board (FB);

2) half board, that is, two meals a day (breakfast plus lunch or dinner) - Half-Board (HB);

3) only breakfast, that is, one meal a day - Bed and Breakfast (BB).

Special catering conditions are created in hotels operating in the club recreation system (except for three meals a day, a large selection of free snacks, alcoholic and other drinks is offered throughout the day) - All inclusive (all included in the price).

In all hotels, special attention is paid to breakfast service. The day of guests begins with breakfast, and it largely depends on its organization whether the beginning of the day will be good or bad for guests. Unlike lunch and dinner, almost all guests staying at the hotel come to breakfast. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

The room in which breakfast is organized must be clean and well ventilated;

Despite the early time (breakfast can start as early as 6:00), employees should be vigorous and active;

A smooth service process must be ensured.

Distinguish the following types of breakfasts :

1. Continental breakfast. The name comes from the English language (continental breakfast) and describes the breakfast adopted on the European continent for many decades. Currently not the only type of breakfast used in hotels different countries... Continental breakfast includes: coffee, tea or hot chocolate, sugar, cream (milk), lemon, two types of jam, jam or honey, choice bakery products, oil. On Sundays, complemented by a cold egg. In many European countries, a continental breakfast is included in the price of hotel accommodation.

2. Extended breakfast. This type of breakfast has spread in Europe since the mid-60s. In addition to a continental breakfast, guests are offered: juices (orange, grapefruit, tomato), a dish with chopped ham, cheese and sausage, egg dishes, yoghurts, cottage cheese, dry cereals. During breakfast, most often a buffet service is organized or a waiter brings a dish with cold cuts, puts it on the plates and leaves the dish on the table. Egg dishes are prepared according to individual orders.

3. English breakfast. IN classic version An English breakfast begins with morning tea or coffee (possibly hot chocolate) brought to your room. It also includes sugar, baked goods, toast, butter, jam, honey, preserves. This so-called "short breakfast" (short breakfast) can be complemented by egg dishes (scrambled eggs with ham or bacon, eggs fried on bread, scrambled eggs with ham or mushrooms, etc.), fish dishes, cereal dishes (oatmeal or soup in milk or water with sugar or salt). The English breakfast is served in the same way as the extended breakfast. If a guest instead of egg dishes orders a fish dish or oatmeal, then additionally serve a fish appliance or a tablespoon.

4. American breakfast. At American breakfast additionally offered: regular drinking water with ice cubes, fruit juices, fresh fruits(grapefruit, watermelon, berries with milk or cream) or fruit compote (plums, peaches), cereal dishes (corn, rice flakes), a small portion of meat, pie, etc.

The decisive condition for the most complete identification of the taste of alcoholic beverages is the observance of a certain temperature when serving them. Table 4.2 shows the recommended temperature for serving different beverages.

Table 4.2

Beverage serving temperature

When offering alcoholic beverages, the season must also be taken into account. On hot days, dry white wines with a refreshing taste should be recommended, in winter - red table strong wines and cognacs.

When serving alcoholic beverages, it should be remembered that drinks for a group of guests are served in a bottle, for one guest in a decanter of the appropriate capacity. For easy pouring, the carafe should be filled 3/4 full.

Before placing the bottle with the ordered drink on the table, the waiter must show it to the guest. To do this, it is necessary that the bottle is facing the guest with the label, which will allow him to make sure that the order is fulfilled correctly. The bottle can be opened only in the presence and with the permission of the guest.

After showing the bottle and opening it, the waiter pours the guest a test sip. By raising a glass (glass) against the light, the guest has the opportunity to check the color and transparency of the wine. By the scent, he defines his bouquet. Having received consent, the waiter fills the glasses (glasses) of all guests at the table and the last one - a glass (glass) of the host of the feast. When serving a large group of guests, a test sip is not given to the host (organizer).

In vodka, Madera and Rhine wine glasses, the drink is not topped up by half a centimeter. Lafite and champagne glasses are 2/3 full, wine glasses half full.

The waiter refills only completely empty glasses, glasses, wine glasses. In order to top up a drink that has not been completely drunk, you must first obtain the consent of the guest.

Offer and serving of soft drinks. Mineral water and carbonated soft drinks should be cooled down to 4-6 ° C, as this will give them a more pleasant taste and better quench thirst. The waiter brings bottles of drinks in his hand or on a tray and opens only in the presence of the guest. Having received the guest's permission, the drink is poured into a glass to half or 1/3.

Chilled water with ice is served in jugs or decanters, with individual service - in a conical or cylindrical glass.

Juices, kvass, fruit drink, soft drinks of our own production are served in jugs, poured into conical glasses or wine glasses. Salt and black pepper are served separately with tomato and vegetable juices.

Hot drinks offer and service. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) have a tonic effect on the human body, increase its efficiency. They are served for breakfast, lunch, dinner. The special service also ends with a cup of coffee or tea. The temperature for serving hot drinks is 75 ° С.

How coffee is brewed depends on the preparation method. Black coffee can be prepared in a coffee pot according to the number of specified portions. To maintain the temperature, it should be carried in a coffee pot and poured on a utility table or directly to guests in cups. The coffee pot with the remaining coffee is placed on the table on the right side of the guest. Coffee can be served in cups and saucers. At the same time, the waiter approaches the guest on the right and puts a cup and saucer in front of him.

Knowledge of the basic rules of table setting. The word "serving" in French "servier" means, on the one hand, preparing the table for eating, that is, arranging the dishes in a certain order, and on the other hand, a set of items (dishes, cutlery, table linen) intended for this goals.

Table setting is a creative process that is multivariate and depends on a number of factors:

Meal time;

The assortment of dishes on the menu and the way they are prepared;

Service methods;

Service types and other factors.

When using serving items, it is necessary to follow certain rules, in general, boiling down to the fact that the used tableware and cutlery must always be polished to a shine and each serving element must have its place on the table. Serving begins with the arrangement of porcelain dishes, then the appliances are laid out, glass or crystal dishes are placed. The serving ends with the placement of napkins, after which cutlery with spices and vases of flowers are placed on the tables. A guide in the distribution of serving items is the folds on the tablecloths or the arrangement of chairs, which are usually placed according to the number of guests with an interval of at least 30 cm.In order for guests to feel comfortable and it was easy for waiters to serve them, 60 -70 cm for everyday service and 80-100 cm for banquets.

In the most general terms, there are two types of serving: preliminary and performing.

Pre-setting the table perform in the process of preparing the restaurant hall for service. It includes the minimum number of items that can be used to complete an order.

Executive table setting - serving, which is made according to a previously known order menu, usually when serving banquets and other events.

Pre-setting the breakfast table presupposes the presence of a pie plate, a snack device, a teaspoon, a glass, and a napkin. Depending on the menu offered, there may also be a butter knife and a snack plate. This serving includes a minimum set of items (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Breakfast table setting

Pre-table setting in the daytime includes a pie plate, cutlery, wine glass, napkin.

During lunch, according to the à la carte menu, serving includes a pie, snack plates, snack and cutlery, wine glass, napkin (Fig. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. Dinner table setting

For serving in the evening, dishes and cutlery are additionally received from the menu of customized dishes. Tables are pre-served with pastry and snack plates installed on small dining rooms, snack bars and cutlery (without a spoon), napkins, wine glasses, spice cutlery, vases with flowers (Figure 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Dinner table setting

When serving, snack and dinner plates are placed on the table at a distance of 2 cm from its edge (opposite the center of each chair). To the left of snack bars or small canteens, patty plates are placed at a distance of 5-10 cm, while their center should be on the same line. Those cutlery that are usually laid on the right side of the plate are placed in the direction from left to right, the cutlery that is usually laid on the left side of the plate is placed in the direction from right to left. The guest takes the appliances in reverse order.

When arranging glassware, one of the items is always placed at the tip of the cutlery knife. In cases where serving with several glass items (wine glass, glasses of different containers) is provided, the location of each of them is determined by the sequence of serving food and drinks. It is convenient for both guests and waiters when glasses for drinks served with an appetizer are in front, and glasses, glasses intended for use during a dessert, are behind them. Wine glasses and glasses can be set diagonally. It is also allowed to place them in a triangle.

As a result, the following general rules can be formulated:

The main container is a glass, which is intended for a drink served with the second course;

You should not serve the table with more than three glass items;

When serving drinks ordered additionally, the waiter serves other glasses, wine glasses, etc. (fig. 4.5).

Rice. 4.5. Table setting options with glassware for drinks (glasses, wine glasses, glasses, shot glasses):but - when serving in portions: 1 - a glass for beer, 2 - a glass for cognac;b - when serving a two-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink for the second course, 2 - a glass for dessert wine;in - when serving a three-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink for a fish dish, 2 - a glass for a drink for a second meat course, 3 - a glass for dessert wine; G - table setting option with glassware for a three-course dinner.

The basic rules for table setting are not something immutable. Each waiter, guided by them, can show a creative approach to solving the issue and offer his own version of the arrangement of cutlery and dishes. However, it should be appropriate and provide maximum comfort for guests.