Jam from tangerine slices is a simple recipe. How to cook tangerine jam at home and where you need to store the blank

Tangerines and winter seem to be made for each other. As soon as winter comes, we are immediately drawn to buy these same tangerines in kilograms and use them in all kinds of dishes.

If you are tired of eating tangerines in their usual form, make jam from them. But not simple, but very aromatic, bright and tasty. Make peeled tangerine jam. Many will say: “Why would I cook it with a peel? I like tangerines without peel much more. " And they might be wrong. Peeled tangerine jam will be much more aromatic than its counterpart, made from peeled tangerines.

To remove the bitterness that is present in the white layer and tangerine films, we first boil the tangerines in water with the addition of lemon juice. Frankly, a little bitterness will still remain in this jam. But! It is not critical, but rather pleasant and fits quite organically into the taste of this jam. The main thing here is to choose suitable tangerines with a thin peel for jam.

Tangerine Jam with Peels can be served as independent dish with a slice of bread or a loaf, or can be used in the preparation of various pastries.

Do not know what to give your friends and family for New Year and Christmas? Few will surprise anyone with souvenirs with the symbol of the year, but homemade jam in a festive package is a completely different matter. Original, not beaten, homely, cozy and warm. Today I suggest you cook, dear friends, a fabulous, magical, and incredibly festive tangerine jam.

This is the first time I've made tangerine jam. I did not find it on the Internet suitable recipe, so I decided to make jam using one of my proven fruit jam recipes, and improvise a little.

It turned out ... amazing! It's a pity the photos do not convey all the beauty and richness of the taste of this tangerine jam. Remember in the 90s there were lollipops in boxes "Mandarin slices"? So the tangerine jam tastes like these candies from my childhood. Sweet, with a pronounced citrus taste, and a subtle sourness - this is what kind of herringbone tangerine jam!

Despite the fact that the tangerines gave a lot of juice during cooking, and according to the recipe you need to add water, the finished jam turned out to be not liquid, and it is convenient to spread it on bread or on toast.


* indicated weight of peeled and prepared tangerines

  • Mandarins 1 kg
  • Sugar 600 grams
  • Water 250 ml.
  • Juice from one lemon

How to make tangerine jam:

For tangerine jam, we need ripe and sweet tangerines, with a thin skin that easily lags behind the tangerine slices. Also, it is advisable to choose pitted tangerines.

Peel the tangerines and remove the white membranes. We carefully examine the fruits for seeds. It should be noted that this is the most time-consuming process in the recipe; further work will go faster.

Pour sugar into the pan, where we will prepare the jam, pour in water.

Stir and put on a small fire, until the sugar is completely dissolved. You don't need to boil the syrup, just dissolve the sugar in water, and that's it.

Put the tangerines in a saucepan with sugar and water, and put on medium heat.

We bring our future tangerine jam to a boil, reduce the heat, and cook for about 30-40 minutes.

After the specified time, the tangerine slices will already float in the syrup, which means it's time to start the next step.

Add lemon juice, do not forget to strain the juice so that no bones get into the jam. If you come across sour tangerines, then first taste the jam, perhaps you don't need to add lemon juice.

Use the hand blender to turn the tangerine jam into puree.

We check the jam for readiness by dropping a little on a saucer. You need to draw a drop with a spoon - if the drop does not merge back into a single whole, and retains the shape that you gave it, then the jam is ready.

We put the hot tangerine jam in dry sterile jars, tighten the lids, and send them to the pantry to wait for the gift wrapping.


  • Mandarins (medium or small) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg 200 g
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Citric acid - 1/3 tsp.

Cooking time 20 hours, of which 19 hours - infusion of slices.

Yield: 1 kg of tangerine slices - 1 kg of jam.

Surprisingly bright and unusual, and at the same time delicate, the taste of peeled tangerine jam will appeal to everyone. Amber slices and attract attention to themselves, hands themselves are drawn to this fabulous delicacy. Making tangerine jam in slices according to a recipe is a long process and requires patience. Step-by-step photos will clearly show the progress of processing tangerines and cooking.

How to make tangerine jam in slices

To prepare tangerine jam in slices, you need to select ripe dense fruits. They should be juicy and of the same size - all small or all medium. Identical slices will cook evenly. Peel the thoroughly washed tangerines and divide them into wedges. Do not throw away the crusts - you can also cook jam or make candied fruits from them.

With the end of a sharp knife or a toothpick, carefully, trying not to damage the surface of the slices, remove the grains, if present.

Fold the prepared tangerine slices into a saucepan, pour cold purified water so that it should completely cover the tangerines. Bring to a simmer over medium heat and continue simmering for 15 minutes.

Put the tangerine slices with a colander into a deep bowl, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave for about 10 hours. Do not pour out the water where the slices were cooked. Syrup will be prepared on it.

Boil sugar syrup and a glass of water in which tangerines were boiled. Put cooled slices of citrus fruits in boiling syrup, let it boil, boil for 5 minutes, set aside from heat. Cool by covering the pan with a towel. Let it brew for 5-8 hours (you can leave it until the next day).

Put the tangerine slices in the syrup over low heat, bring to a boil. It is necessary to stir frequently so that the slices do not burn to the bottom. Cook for about 30 minutes 30 minutes. If the tangerines are sweet, then you can put a little citric acid... It can be replaced by the juice of a small lemon. Put the finished tangerine jam in slices into sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Tangerine jam in slices is ready. This jam will appeal to both adults and children. Transparent slices amber flowers you can decorate cakes, pastries, rolls and pies, any cottage cheese dishes.

A pleasant winter treat can be prepared with topical tangerines. A pinch of cinnamon adds a special festive touch!

To prepare aromatic jam from tangerines in slices, choose ripe quality citrus without pits. Prepare tangerines, sugar, water and some ground cinnamon.

Rinse tangerines, wipe with a towel, remove the peel. Now it will take a little time, patience and perseverance. Tangerines should be disassembled into slices and all white streaks should be carefully removed from each of them.

Combine peeled tangerine wedges, sugar, water and cinnamon in a small saucepan. Stir the contents of the pan lightly, being careful not to damage the wedges.

Leave for 2-6 hours for the tangerines to juice.

Slowly start heating the jam, gradually increasing the heat and bringing the mass to a boil.

Stir the jam occasionally, but gently so as not to crush the slices.

When the jam boils, boil it for a minute or two, and then put all the slices in a clean container, because further cooking will turn them into "rags".

Boil the syrup by at least a third and fill it with slices.


  • Tangerine peels (soaked) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Lemon (small size) - 1 pc.
  • Lemon zest

Cooking time - 2 hours

Yield: 1 kg of soaked tangerine peels - 800 g of jam

Mandarins are one of the most common delicacies. Having eaten their delicate fragrant pulp, the crusts are thrown away without regret. But you can make jam from them, which will retain the bright aroma and taste of tangerines.

How to make tangerine peel jam

It is not necessary to buy a lot of tangerines to make tangerine peel jam. The rind can be left over from making tangerine jam in wedges or after a holiday. You can also collect them little by little over a few days. Put the peels from the eaten tangerines in a container with water. When there are enough of them, cook jam from tangerine peels, adhering to the proposed recipe and relying on step by step photos... In the same way, you can cook tangerine jam with peel.

The crusts can be cut into strips, cubes, rhombuses, leaves, stars.

To remove the bitterness, pour the prepared crusts with boiling water, let them brew for 15 minutes, then drain the water. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. Then rinse them with cold water.

Tangerine peels, soaked in water, will become soft, loose and in jam will be transparent and tender. If they are not soaked, the jam will be very sweet and the crust will be tough.

Throw the soaked crusts into a colander, let the water drain, but do not squeeze. Place them in a deep bowl, cover with sugar, stir and leave for a while, so that the sugar melts a little and does not burn during cooking.

Place the bowl with tangerine peels over medium heat, add the zest and juice of 1 small lemon and cook until tender (about 40 minutes) over low heat, stirring constantly. Lemon can be substituted for 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid. The crusts are transparent, drops of syrup do not spread over the saucer - the jam is ready. Transfer it to jars, close the lids or parchment paper and store in a cool place. Roll up jars of jam for long-term storage hermetically.

Serve aromatic spicy jam from tangerine peels with tea, coffee. A bright citrus aroma and a bitter - sour taste will not only add zest to baked goods, desserts, but also serve as a beautiful decoration for them.