Eggs stuffed with red caviar and cheese. Eggs stuffed with red caviar recipes with photos How to cook an egg with caviar

Do not know how to decorate a festive feast beautifully and in an original way or buffet table? Among other dishes, stuffed eggs with red caviar will look great.
Recipe content:

Stuffed eggs are an indispensable snack on any festive table. They are simple, quick and easy to prepare, look beautiful, and taste are in no way inferior to complex exquisite dishes... They are stuffed with a variety of products. But if you like experimentation, then prepare a traditional, festive and generous appetizer with red caviar. Such flavor combination products will definitely amaze all guests. Such a real masterpiece will not only decorate a feast, but such a delicacy will definitely disappear from the table in the first place.

It is worth noting about the benefits of this snack. A chicken egg contains many nutrients... It is assimilated by the body by 97-98%. A nutritional value one egg can be compared to 50 g of meat or 200 ml cow's milk... Among other things, eggs are low in calories. On average, one egg contains about 75 kcal. Red caviar eggs are a fish egg, which contains everything necessary for the embryo to fully develop. Eating red caviar in reasonable doses is an excellent prophylaxis for enhancing immunity. In addition, this gift of the sea has a positive effect on vision, strengthens bones and improves blood circulation. The product significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 214 kcal.
  • Servings - 16
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes for a snack, plus time for boiling and cooling eggs


  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Red caviar - 15 g

Cooking stuffed eggs with red caviar:

1. Boil the eggs in advance until they are cool. To do this, place them in a container with cold water... Boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Then transfer them to ice water, which you change several times, because from the heat of the eggs, it will heat up. Soak them for about half an hour. Eggs that have cooled down completely, peel, rinse and dry.

2. Carefully cut the eggs in half lengthwise, remove the yolk and cut off some of the white to make the filling cavity larger.

3. Grate the yolk with the cut protein on a medium grater.

4. Add softened butter... Take it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it gets room temperature.

5. Stir the mixture well until smooth. The mixture should be soft, but not runny. Ideal texture if yolks can be rolled into a ball.

6. Fill the egg whites with the yolk-oily mass and tamp it lightly. Do not fill the yolks to the top of the whites so that there is room for caviar. At this stage of cooking, you can wrap the eggs with cling film and send them to the refrigerator so that they do not get chapped, and when you serve the appetizer, fill them with red caviar and serve.

Good afternoon dear friends! Don't know how to surprise your guests? Looking for unusual and sophisticated dishes? Today we will learn to amaze guests with simple old recipes, but we will cook on new way... So, everyone has long known the "stuffed eggs" appetizer. She fell in love and took root on the tables of many housewives. We offer a new cooking option: eggs with red caviar. Quite unusual, isn't it?

Healthy goodies

  • quail eggs- 30 pcs.;
  • cheese hard varieties with creamy taste- 200 g;
  • granular red caviar - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise (preferably homemade);
  • greens;
  • salad pepper;
  • tomatoes (small cherry can be used).

With red caviar, they are distinguished by originality and are quickly swept off the table.

1. Boil the eggs in slightly salted water. Cooking time takes up to five minutes in boiling water. Eggs have a special sweetish taste; if you overdo them, they will lose this quality.

2. Cool in cold water, thanks to this they will clean well and neatly.

3. Peel, cut in half.

4. Separate the whites from the yolks by putting them in different containers.

5. Grate cheese on a fine grater to the yolks. Grind, add mayonnaise until smooth.

6. Prepare the proteins.

7. With a teaspoon, gently pick up the filling and fill with the proteins.

8. Open the can of caviar and lay it beautifully on top of the filling.

9. Decorate the appetizer itself with herbs, and the dish with beautifully chopped tomatoes and peppers.

There should be no salt in this dish, as it can spoil the delicate taste.

Eggs with red caviar should be filled with creamy cheese; when mixed with yolk, it will become tender.

To prepare this dish, it is best to take deep dishes, and serve on a large, beautiful tray.

The contrast of the dish lies in the red caviar. It will not only become a decoration, but also a flavoring addition to the recipe.

The testicles will definitely win the hearts of even the most picky gourmets and become the highlight of your table.

Eggs with red caviar

If you don't like quail eggs, then this will be a chic alternative to them.

  • chicken eggs - 10-14 pcs.;
  • champignon mushrooms - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices;
  • greens;
  • mayonnaise;
  • Red caviar.

1. Boil the eggs. Cooking time is seven minutes.

2. Cool under running water, clean.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, chop finely.

4. Peel the onion and chop.

5. Heat a frying pan with oil, pour out the onion and fry over medium heat until transparent. Add mushrooms, salt and pepper. Cook for another 3-5 minutes, then pour half a glass of water into the pan and cover. Reduce the fire to small.

6. After evaporation of the liquid, the mushrooms are ready.

7. Transfer cooled frying to a bowl and beat with a blender.

8. Mix the mushroom mixture with the yolks, adding a little mayonnaise.

9. Stuff the eggs with a teaspoon or small fork.

10. Top with red caviar and a sprig of parsley or dill.

Our eggs with red caviar are ready. We can start tasting.


You can actually stuff eggs with anything you want. This includes chopped liver with onions, sprats, and even ham. The dish can be stored for a maximum of two days, then it is not suitable for consumption. Mayonnaise, as we said above, is best to take homemade, as it makes the filling more tender and airy. Eggs with red caviar will become not only a gorgeous decoration for your New Year's table, but also the usual everyday feast. We recommend trying the eggs in the "under a fur coat" style. To do this, make a spicy beat with a blender and fill the middle of the egg with it. This dish is much faster to prepare than a salad.

Stuffed eggs with red caviar are truly a delight in taste and color.

We wish you Bon Appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Stuffed eggs. Filling - red caviar and fresh herbs this recipe- an appetizer suitable for a holiday, or for a feast in big company... The number of ingredients is minimal and cooking takes less than 15 minutes.

The recipe for eggs stuffed with caviar belongs to the Russian home kitchen... For cooking 12 servings you will need:

  • 6 eggs
  • 100 grams of red caviar.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • A couple of scallions for the filling and 1-2 more for the garnish.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.

Eggs, stuffed with caviar are getting ready no more than 15 minutes... A few tips:

  • For convenience, cut off the bottom of the protein halves so they become stable.
  • If red caviar sticks to a spoon, pre-moisten it with cold water.
  • Since the snack contains a lot of protein, it should be served at the beginning of the meal.

Stuffed eggs with caviar - recipe with photo

  1. Wash the eggs, put them in water. Simmer in boiling water for 10 minutes, then cool.
  2. Peel the eggs, cut in half. Remove the yolks and make holes in the whites for the filling. Set the remaining eggs aside for future use in the filling.
  3. Wash the herbs, chop.
  4. Grate the rest of the yolks and whites and a deep plate, add small onions and dill, stir.
  5. Add caviar, pepper, spices to taste. Stir again and taste with salt. Alternatively, you can first make the stuffed eggs, and then put the caviar on top.
  6. Fill the egg white halves using a spoon or curly pastry bag.
  7. If caviar remains, give the filling a nice look. Also add some green onions for garnish.

Stuffed eggs stuffed with red caviar and greens

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A recipe variation worth trying out!

Eggs with red caviar, stuffed - this is an appetizer that is served in our house for mom's birthday, as it seemed to me almost all my life. True, this year it turned out that not so long, but still already 18 years old. I can almost remember when it was a surprise and an element of luxury. Then it became the subject of banter, now, probably, it is already a tradition. Its presence on the menu for my mother's birthday is considered mandatory and is not discussed.

For about 7 years, my mother regularly tells the story of how one of her friends decided to make eggs with red caviar and was surprised that she didn’t turn out so tasty. It turns out that she just cut the eggs and spread them with caviar on top. This story initially surprised me a little, it seemed that everyone knew how to cook eggs.

While preparing this appetizer for my mother's birthday this year, I decided to take a picture to post it on the site. My daughter asked in surprise, do I really think that there are people who do not know how to cook eggs stuffed with red caviar? I reminded my grandmother's story about her girlfriend (this is now probably also a family story)).

Eggs with red caviar, stuffed, nuances:

Laying out this recipe, I looked through the Internet and to my surprise I found out that people do not mix yolk with anything, but almost all have mayonnaise, but no butter. So, I strongly recommend that you try it with butter. It is not for nothing that it is customary to smear butter on sandwiches under caviar. Caviar, if it is really tasty, only requires that it be favorably set off, well, and beautifully served)).

Prep Time:10 minutes

Cooking time:10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Dish: Fish snacks

Cuisine: Russian

Servings: 12

Thirdly, it is convenient, to compactly arrange such a snack on the table. It is prepared easily and quickly, with its appearance it attracts the attention of guests, and whets the appetite. Let's dwell on the simplest, most delicious and nutritious option.

Recipe for chicken eggs stuffed with red caviar

(but you can stuff quail ones as well)


  • chicken eggs,
  • red granular caviar,
  • some fresh dill in the filling,
  • two or three feathers of green onions for serving,
  • mayonnaise,
  • ground black pepper.


1. In order to boil hard-boiled eggs, take them out of the refrigerator in advance, rinse thoroughly under warm running water (there are dirty spots on domestic eggs, rub them with salt to clean them). Boil water, dip the testicles into it, it is better to do this with a spoon or slotted spoon. Add a little salt to the water in which the eggs are boiled so that the shell does not burst. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Then quickly transfer them to cold water. The heat from the eggs will transfer to the water, so change it to cold a few times. This simple process will allow you to easily peel the eggs from the shell.

2. Cut the boiled and peeled eggs into two equal halves along their entire length. Set the whites aside for now, and put the yolks in a separate bowl.

3. Cut the fresh dill very finely. Using a fork, grind the egg yolks, add the dill to them, add mayonnaise, sprinkle with black pepper to your liking and mix well. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise yourself - the main thing is that the mass is of medium density (not liquid, otherwise it will spread, and not very dense, then it will be inconvenient to fill the egg whites with it).

4. Fill the halves of the eggs with the resulting mass. You can do this with a teaspoon.

If you want to give your stuffed eggs more sophistication and a festive look, use a cooking syringe or a piping bag with a curly nozzle. Extrude the filling in the original pattern into the grooves of the proteins.

5. Arrange the eggs nicely on top, garnish with a sprig of fresh dill or sprinkle with chopped green onions.

6. Put prepared eggs stuffed with red caviar on a large holiday dish garnished with fresh salad leaves. Just imagine how attractive and seductive it will look due to the bright riot of colors.


  • so that the halves of the eggs do not roll on the dish, but stand level, cut the bottoms a little with them;
  • so that the caviar does not stick to the spoon and lies well on stuffed egg, before picking it up from a jar, moisten a spoon each time in cool water;
  • both eggs and red caviar are nutritious protein foods. Therefore, during festive feast Serve this appetizer first, but don't cook too much. Proceed from the calculation - for each guest there are two stuffed egg halves (after all, the whole holiday is still ahead and there are so many delicious temptations).