Why are black olives useful? The benefits and possible harm of olives for humans

Olives and olives. Chemical olives. Why olives are useful

Russia ranks second in the world in terms of olive consumption. This is all the more surprising since until the early 1990s we practically did not taste olives, because they did not grow here. But another fact is even more surprising - we are hooked on these fruits of the Mediterranean, we do not know anything about them. Olives and olive oil form the basis of the Mediterranean diet, recognized as the healthiest in the world. Olives contain over 100 substances, not all of which have been studied yet.

Olives and olives
And olives and olives - fruits of the olive tree - European olives - Olea europea, or, as it is also called, cultivated olives. But if you, buying a jar of black fruits, think that these are ripe olives, then, most likely, you are deeply mistaken. In almost a hundred percent of cases, these are pseudo-oils made from green olives. These are the wonders of food technology. Until recently, the world did not know such olives, they were made in the old grandfather's way, and green was green and black was black. But when they decided to make olives a global product, food technology engineers changed their production beyond recognition. As a result, they began to be made quickly and cheaply.
Green-Ripe Olives. They should not be considered immature. Their color ranges from yellow-green to straw, and inside they are white. The olives themselves are dense and contain less oils. They last longer and can be processed using traditional and modern chemical methods.
Olives-Turning Color. Olives that begin to change color, turning reddish brown. Their flesh is still white, but the "berries" themselves are no longer so tough. They can be processed using both old and new methods, using alkali.
Naturally Black Ripe Olives. Olives naturally blackened on wood. They are considered the most expensive and high quality, it is better to collect them by hand and before the cold weather. They are worse stored, more easily spoiled. The flesh of the fruit is already dark. It is better to process them using traditional methods - without chemicals. You can make olives in Greek - by drying them.
Chemical olives
Fresh olives are practically inedible, they contain a very bitter and, by the way, useful substance oleoropein. To remove it, olives were traditionally soaked in salt water, often in sea water, and fermented for several months. This natural process removal of bitterness took 3-6 months for black olives and 6 months to a year for green olives. Modern large food concerns cannot make a product with such a long production cycle - they need everything to be done quickly and stored for a long time. Food scientists have figured out how to compress this time to a few days. To quickly wash out the bitterness, they began to add alkali to the brine - caustic soda, or, as it is also called, caustic soda. As a result of such a chemical attack, the production cycle was reduced to several days.
The geniuses of food technology have learned how to make green olives black. If oxygen is still passed through the brine with green olives, the olives will turn black and look like natural black olives, which are traditionally more expensive.
The vast majority of olives sold under the guise of black olives do just that. In general, almost all green olives on our shelves in stores are made by an accelerated chemical method using alkali. This is very unfortunate, because olives, white or green, are made the traditional way are a fermentation product - as, for example, our sauerkraut... Naturally, they are incomparably better and more useful than leached ones. They have a more elegant taste, they are juicier, their pulp does not look like a dry sponge soaked in brine, like leached ones. And finally, they are much healthier - they retain more active substances for which olives are so famous and which have a beneficial effect on health.

When buying, how to distinguish green olives, brought to black color, from natural black olives, or, as we say here, olives, and how to distinguish leached olives from those made in a traditional way - without chemistry?
If caustic soda is added to olives, then it must be present on the label. Logical, but wrong. Here is the typical composition of these green olives - olives, water, salt, acidity regulator lactic acid, antioxidant citric acid. And no food additive E524 - this is how caustic soda is denoted, or, as it is also called, caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide. Why is this substance absent in the composition, because it is used in production? Lye quickly penetrates into olives, killing bitterness, but then it is washed off, and no mention of it remains on the label. This is officially allowed.
Unfortunately, the current labeling system does not help us distinguish such accelerated olives from traditional olives. This can be said with certainty if the manufacturer specifically indicates the method of making olives on the label. But this happens infrequently, even if they are made in the old grandfather's way. Therefore, they can be distinguished only by indirect signs.
First, leached olives are usually 2-4 times cheaper. Of course, there are exceptions, when leached olives are trying to sell at a high price. But there are no cheap traditional olives.
Secondly, olives that have undergone chemical treatment with alkali are more often produced in iron cans (unfortunately, there are exceptions to this rule).
Thirdly, in addition to brine, olive oil is often added to traditional olives, lemon juice and some other natural ingredients that are indicated in the composition.
Fourthly, after alkali, olives become, as it were, tougher and drier. Their surface is shiny and smooth, without the slightest defects. Traditional green olives are juicier, more elastic, and there may be defects on their surface - dots, specks. You should not be afraid of them - olives are like that in reality, and outwardly they become ideal after processing with lye.

Black and artificial olives
Most of the artificially blackened olives are made in Spain, they are even called Spanish style olives. But be careful: in other Mediterranean countries, such production is also used. True, olives are often made there using traditional methods. Fortunately, such black olives can always be distinguished from natural black olives made in the traditional way. This is despite the fact that Russian labeling requirements, traditionally unfriendly to the consumer, do not force manufacturers to disclose information about how they are made. It's just that they always have a “password” in their composition, which allows you to distinguish pseudo-oils from real black ones, ripened to such a color on the tree. And this password is iron gluconate, or E579. It is a color stabilizer that prevents oxidized olives from turning green again.
Here is the typical composition of such olives - olives, water, salt, ferrous gluconate. They can add more milk or citric acid, vinegar and some other acidifiers that will indicate in the composition. Mediterranean producers can call such olives in Russian olives, black olives, large selected olives. But, no matter how they tricked and painted on the packaging the dignity of their goods, if iron gluconate is present in the composition, then these are blackened olives. This means that they were collected green, treated with alkali, “colored” with oxygen, and their color was stabilized with the help of this substance.
In addition, artificially blackened olives are easy to distinguish, even if they are sold by weight and the composition is not specified anywhere. They are very black, often even shiny. This is an unnatural color. Natural mature black olives are dull and brownish. They are often colored unevenly - the barrel facing the sun is brighter and darker - it ripens faster, and the one hiding in the shade is paler. These imperfections are indicative of the naturalness of the olives. They are clearly visible in glass jars or when the olives are sold in bulk.
Olives made using traditional methods, without chemistry, can be not only black or green, but also pinkish, slightly purple or brownish. These are either medium ripeness olives, or special varieties of olives that darken moderately. For example, greek olives Kalamata are purple rather than black.
Greek style olives
There is another type of traditional olives made without chemicals and even without brine. These are olives in Greek, or, as they are often called in our country, olives in Greek. They are not sold in brine, they are simply poured into cans or packed in plastic bags. Often a little oil is added to them. Outwardly, they are very different from other olives - their fruits are somewhat shriveled, dried. Their taste is also different - they are a little bit more bitter, but many like it.
The word "olives" is a purely Russian invention. From time immemorial, the olive was called the olive tree, hence the origin of the olives. This name is quite logical - from Greek name olive (olea) the word “oil” itself occurred, which entered the mass of languages. That is, in Greek, the name of an olive also sounds like an olive tree. In the Mediterranean homeland, all its fruits are called olives. If they are black, then they are black olives, and if they are green, then they are green olives. Following the same logic, we also had to divide the olives into green and black. But when we got the fruits of the olive, they kept their native name "olives". This word quickly caught on. And the popular consciousness quickly divided these synonyms by the color of the fruit. Many olive suppliers accepted it, and began to write “olives” in Russian on jars with black “berries”.
Paint instead of taste
In summer, salads and snacks with olives are very popular - they are both hearty and healthy. But most of the olives sold on the Russian market are fake.
This conclusion was reached by experts of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Public Control", who conducted an examination of this product.
As samples, the experts chose five popular brands with the inscription "olives" on their labels. When assessing the appearance, the experts paid attention to the nature of the surface, the uniformity of the size of the olives, the presence of mechanical damage and the change in the shape of the fruit after canning. One requirement was put forward for the color of the fruits - uniformity. The consistency was assessed taking into account tenderness, roughness, and fiber. Moreover, the fruits should not have been boiled. Olives were also tested for the absence or presence of off-flavors and odors. To avoid bias, the tasting was carried out “blindly” - the “examiners” did not know the names of the brands.
As a result of the study, it turned out that all tested products contain iron gluconate (or E579), that is, a color stabilizer, and the manufacturer does not hide this, information about the content of the additive is on the packaging. It is with its help that the olives acquire their thick dark shade. However, such products have nothing to do with real olives. They are simply green olives dyed black.
By content nutrients artificial olives cannot be compared with natural ones. Real ones contain one third more fatty acids, and their nutritional value is 2.5 times higher. Nevertheless, blackened olives are rich in iron, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, thanks to iron gluconate. A lack of this substance can cause anemia. However, it cannot be abused either. Otherwise, there may be malfunctions in the liver, heart, kidneys. The recommended daily intake of iron for adults is 10-20 mg per day. One jar of tested olives contains approximately 22.5 mg of iron. Therefore, it is dangerous to get too carried away with such olives. Experts advise eating natural olives or green olives. And blackened, in reasonable quantities, should be used only as an appetizer, an addition to salads and sandwiches.
In Germany, the packaging of blackened olives is written “geschwärzt” - “painted black”. In Russia, truthful information is not indicated and only the inscription "olives" is placed on the banks.

Why olives are useful
In the Mediterranean countries, almost everywhere where olives are grown, one can observe one interesting dietary habit - some people swallow several olives right with the pits while eating. There is a popular belief that it is beneficial and even protects against cancer. Although the local doctors do not confirm the usefulness of this. Some argue that the bones are digested and release nutrients. The pits of the olives are very strong, and, most likely, they are too tough for the digestive enzymes. On the other hand, olives can contain useful substances in the kernel - the contents of almost any seeds, be they nuts or seeds, are very rich in them. Therefore, maybe it is better to chop olive pits like nuts? Fortunately, for most, bones are harmless, but in people with adhesions, constipation and sluggish intestines, they can become that "growth point" around which a bezoar forms - a foreign body in the stomach and intestines. Sometimes this leads to digestive problems, up to intestinal obstruction. And pay attention to the shape of the seeds, in some varieties of olives they have sharp ends and can hurt the mucous membrane. By the way, the Mediterranean diet is very healthy and therefore protects against cancer and other diseases in and of itself.
Some nutritionists believe that the Mediterranean diet is not entirely suitable for residents of cold countries, including Russia. The best option for them - the Norwegian diet.
People have always associated the olive tree with something divine. The ancient Greeks believed that they owe the creation of the olive to the goddess Athena, therefore the olive branch personified wisdom and fertility for them. The Egyptians attributed the olive to the goddess Isis and were sure that this tree was a symbol of justice. Christians believe that a dove with an olive branch in its beak brought the message of a truce between God and people after the Flood. Perhaps this respect for olive trees is due to their longevity. The olive grows very slowly, and some of the trees are believed to be over a thousand years old. This is probably why many peoples have a belief that the olive never dies and can live forever.
The fruits of the "eternal" tree may not be alike at all. Some varieties are comparable in size to cherries, while others are more like plums. The color changes during the ripening process. Green olives acquire a pinkish-brown hue over time, and when they finally ripen, they turn black.
But all varieties of olives and olives have one thing in common - they cannot be eaten in fresh... The fruits just plucked from the tree are very tough, and if you still manage to bite off a small piece, an indescribable bitterness awaits you. Therefore, to get gourmet appetizer, olives and olives are soaked for a long time, and then salted or pickled. At the same time, salted fruits are tougher than pickled ones.
The legendary Avicenna considered olives to be a cure for almost all diseases. The famous doctor was not so wrong, because these fruits are amazingly useful for our body. There are many B vitamins in olives and olives - the main helpers of our brain and nervous system, vitamin A - is needed for sharp vision, vitamin D - is necessary for strong bones and healthy teeth, ascorbic acid - strengthens the immune system, vitamin E - protects against harmful effects environment, prevents cardiovascular diseases, premature aging and malignant tumors. Still, the main wealth of olives is oil. Its content in fruits can range from 50 to 80%. Moreover, the more ripe the olives, the more oil they contain. Olive oil is a truly unique product. In him great amount unsaturated fatty acids. It is they that are necessary to lower the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which means to protect our cardiovascular system and prevent atherosclerosis. The oil contained in olives improves digestion and awakens the appetite. This is why olives are often served before dinner as an appetizer. And if you eat 10 olives daily, you can protect yourself from the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Olives help neutralize any substances that are toxic to the body. Therefore, they are considered perfect complement to many alcoholic cocktails... Olives not only perfectly set off the taste of the drink, but also protect against morning sickness after a friendly party.
For a long time, people believed that olives and olives increase masculine strength. Whether this is actually so is still unknown, but the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries, where olives are included in the daily menu, are really famous for their hot temperament.
On the shelves you can find olives stuffed with anchovy, lemon, pepper, pickles and other goodies. But it is not customary to stuff olives. It is believed that their taste is already quite rich and should not be "spoiled" by various additives. The only "manipulation" allowed with olives is the removal of the bone. However, gourmets are sure that this operation only spoils the quality and taste of olives.
When planning to put your favorite jar of olives in your bag, be sure to pay attention to their caliber. It is indicated by numbers written with a fraction, for example: 70/90, 140/160 or 300/220. These numbers represent the number of fruits per kilogram of dry weight. Therefore, the larger the caliber number, the finer the olives. So, the inscription 240/260 says that there are no less than 240 and no more than 260 olives per kilogram. Fruits, closed in a jar, should be approximately the same shape and size - this indicates the quality of the product.
And of course, the jar should not be deformed, there should not be any traces of rust or other damage on it.
Scientists have found out why the inhabitants of the Mediterranean are less likely to get breast cancer. The clue is oleic acid, which is the main ingredient in olive oil and is found in most of the local cuisine. Studies carried out at the Northwestern University of Chicago show that this substance not only reduces the risk of malignant tumors, but also increases the effectiveness of treatment if it does appear.
Scientists have also found that the risk of heart attack is reduced if most of the patient's calories consumed come from olive oil rather than other foods. The study involved 342 people, of whom 171 have already survived one myocardial infarction.
And according to other studies, olive oil can help your sore head no worse than analgin, since the substances found in it correspond in effect to the ibuprofen contained in pain medications.
Australian researchers have found that the more people consume olive oil, the less wrinkles they have. Oleic acid, which is part of olives and extra virgin olive oil, penetrates the membranes of skin cells, filling them, which makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable. To include as many olives as possible in your daily diet, use olive oil for cooking, add olives to pasta sauce and salads - or eat them whole.

Olives, like olives, belong to the Mediterranean cuisine. But, few people know how olives are useful for the human body.

Nutritionists note the special benefits of olives for women for a reason.

The positive properties of this product are due to the high content of fatty acids.

Chemical composition

In terms of nutritional value, the olive tree is the most valuable plant that bears fruit called olives. But what have the olives to do with it then? The fact is that olives and olives are, in fact, the same fruits. However, at a certain stage of production, the latter undergo an oxidation process under the influence of oxygen, which gives them a deep black tint. By chemical composition they are both identical fruits. Let's highlight the components that are useful for olives for health:

  • Vitamin B. Stabilizes the activity of the nervous system, has a calming effect;
  • Vitamins E and C. Powerful antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer;
  • Pectins. Help the body get rid of toxins and toxins, improve intestinal motility;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Contained in olives in the highest concentration, they normalize cholesterol levels and maintain the balance of other important elements.

However, despite the fact that olives contain a lot vegetable oils, they can be called dietary product: 100 grams of ready-made olives contains about 150 kcal.

Beneficial features

Olives are versatile. They are widely used for preparing hot and cold dishes, sandwiches and vegetable salads... And olives themselves are considered an excellent snack. But they are appreciated by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea and other regions, not only for their great taste. What are the benefits of olives for the body? Nutritionists advise: by consuming a handful of pickled fruits every month, you can get rid of stones in the kidneys, gall and bladder and even the large intestine. Men should eat at least a few olives a day: this will become excellent prevention stone formation in the prostate gland. What else are olives useful for?

Diuretic action

Olives have a mild diuretic effect, due to which swelling goes away and blood pressure normalizes.

Improving the digestive tract

The olive tree fruit is also an excellent source of fiber. Dietary fiber helps to normalize the digestive tract, eliminate constipation and restore the gastric mucosa.

Formation of the nervous system

During pregnancy, do not forget about the benefits of olives for women. They contain linoleic acid, which is necessary for a future baby for the full formation of the nervous system.

Prevention of aging processes

The unique complex of vitamins and trace elements in olives improves the process of cell renewal in the body, preventing premature aging. As a result, the destructive effect of free radicals on cells slows down, and the skin remains youthful and elastic.

Weight Loss

In the field of weight loss, olives are also a useful product. However, in the fight against excess weight, these fruits rather have an auxiliary effect, restoring the work of the digestive tract and cleansing the body of toxic substances. In general, the fatty acids found in olives have a beneficial effect on metabolism, which contributes to healthy and natural weight loss.

Cosmetic properties

The benefits of olives for women lie in their many cosmetic properties. Due to the high content of fatty acids and vitamin E, the fruits improve the condition of the skin and hair. For beauty and youth, nutritionists advise eating 7-10 olives a day, and for external remedies, use olive oil.

Olive is a tree of the olive family that can live for about two thousand years. It has long been considered a symbol of nobility, maturity and wisdom. The branches of the plant were woven into wreaths that the ancient Greeks presented to the winners of the Olympic Games. Our great-grandfathers believed that the fruit of the tree gives strength, endurance and vitality.

Today olives are loved in different countries the world. They are used pickled, salted, canned and stuffed. People have learned to cook the most incredible dishes with these fruits. The benefits from them are tangible, but there is also harm. We will talk about this further.

In the CIS countries, two concepts are used to designate berries: olives and olives. It is believed that the first name is green fruits, the second is black. On this basis, disputes often arise between people, but they are in vain, because both options grow on the same tree. The only difference is between the degree of maturity or processing.

The olives are harvested while they are still green. The fruit contains less oil, and the flesh is quite firm. The berries taste bitter, therefore they are not suitable for food. It is these samples that go for conservation. We will consider the processing process below. After reading the information, you will understand why canned olives can be not only beneficial, but also harmful.

The olives are harvested when the fruit becomes shriveled and dark purple in color. In most cases, they are used to make oil. Fresh berries rarely reach our country. If you manage to find them, then the price will be quite high.

Composition of olives

The benefits of the fruits lie in their generous composition. Olives contain about 100 useful components that have a beneficial effect on human health, prolong youth and provide a surge of vitality.

The energy value of canned berries reaches 145-168 kcal per 100 g. About 15 g are for saturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6), 0.6 g for carbohydrates, 1 g for proteins. The fruits have a fibrous structure and therefore are easily absorbed by the body.

The berries contain the following nutrients:
  • vitamins: A, group B (thiamine - B1, riboflavin - B2, niacin - B3, pantothenic acid - B5, pyridoxine - B6, folic acid - B9), choline, vitamins E and K;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper, zinc;
  • oleic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • pectins;
  • Sahara;
  • ash substances.

The fruits contain record levels of calcium and sodium. If you eat 100 g of canned olives, your body will receive 77% of the daily sodium intake. Therefore, the fruit can be harmful to those with kidney problems. However, the benefits of berries, especially when consumed in moderation, are more obvious.

Beneficial features

Berries have a positive effect on human health:

  • are the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver ailments and breast cancer;
  • remove salts of heavy metals, slags and toxins, restore intestinal microflora;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system: relieve stress, soothe, improve mood;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • have a beneficial effect on bone, muscle and connective tissue, are the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • optimize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, do not allow stones to form;
  • are a source of strength and energy;
  • have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system and help to conceive a child;
  • support male temperament and increase potency (just use 10-15 fruits a day);
  • improve appearance hair and skin.

In general, olives contribute to better absorption nutritional components from foods, have a mild laxative effect and quickly satisfy hunger.

It is important to consume the fruits for those categories of the population who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, especially in the zone of radiation exposure. The use of berries in this case is to suppress the formation and growth of malignant and benign tumors.

How are canned olives made?

To help you better understand what harm canned berries can cause, we will look at the process of their preparation. The fruits are harvested unripe, so they are quite bitter and tough. To solve this problem, specialists soak the olives in a solution of caustic soda. After the procedure, the berries are preserved, where each manufacturer adds specific seasonings.

The situation is worse with fruits, which in Russia are called olives. For their preparation, they take all the same green olives, place them in a saline solution for five months and maintain a temperature of +10 degrees. After this time, the berries are taken out into fresh air for the oxidation process to begin. In theory, after that, the product should fall into the tin. But today the technological process has not been changed for the better.

Green olives are placed in a special container and O2 is served, where a chemical reaction takes place within 7-10 days. After that, the product turns black, acquires a soft consistency and a special taste. Almost always, the manufacturer adds a stabilizer iron gluconate (E579), the excess of which harms organs and systems: it causes a malfunction of the heart, kidneys and liver.

Caution in use

The benefits of berries for the body will be observed only when you consume real ripe olives, and not artificially blackened fruits. One small jar of low-quality products can cause significant harm, as it contains an increased dose of iron.

Laboratory tests show that some samples contain tin, albeit within acceptable limits. In this case, the harm to the body is practically not felt, but still the use is undesirable. The increased content of this metal causes poisoning.

The benefits of olives with anchovies are generally excluded. As a filling, a dubious paste is used, which contains a sodium alginate thickener. The samples contain a lot of monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer), various antioxidants and stabilizers.

For people who suffer from cholecystitis, the fruits can be harmful, since they have a strong choleretic effect. Olives should be used with caution in case of indigestion and intestinal disorders.

The health benefits of olives depend on the quality of the product. We want to give you some tips to help you choose really good berries:

  1. Inspect the appearance of the can, if there is rust on it or the container is deformed, bypass the goods.
  2. Read the ingredients carefully. A large number of chemical compounds indicate fake olives.
  3. Good goods are produced by Spain and Italy.
  4. Pitted fruits are more beneficial to the body as they are saturated with fatty acids.
  5. Do not buy berries with additives, as they contain a higher concentration of stabilizers, preservatives and flavor enhancers.
  6. Natural fruits never have a completely black surface. In general, their color is heterogeneous and rather takes on a reddish-brown hue.

Buy olives from reliable producers, and then they will strengthen your health and give you positive emotions.

The benefits and harms of black olives are still controversial. Most people are of the opinion that black olives get their color from their coloration. Therefore, many people buy green olives and use them in cooking.

Description and types of olives

Black olives are the fruit of the olive tree (European Olive) and acquire their color in varying degrees of ripeness. Green olives are unripe fruits of the tree, which are also used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

They get black color during the ripening period. But, not all canned olives can be obtained naturally, but also by coloring. This process is carried out from unripe fruits, which are dipped in sodium hydroxide solution to remove bitterness, after which they are dipped in iron gluconate to give a black color. Oxidized olives are most often sold without pits, since it is difficult to pull them out of ripe fruits without violating the integrity of the fruit. Natural black fruits do not have an intense color; it ranges from black-purple to red-brown.

There are several types, which are obtained due to different times of collection of fruits. The process itself takes place from October to November.

  1. In October, unripe green fruits are removed.
  2. White olives are obtained from the semi-ripe fruit of the tree, which is harvested in November.
  3. Black (ripe) fruits become soft and are harvested from early to late December.
  4. In January, dried or dried remains on the tree.

In the intervals of color change and according to the degree of maturity, there are olives of pale yellow, pink, purple, brown, dark purple.

Composition and calorie content of olives

The beneficial properties of black olives are involved in different areas. They use the fruits, seeds of the olive tree and leaves for the treatment of various diseases, additives in cosmetics and in dishes.

Quantity per 100 g

Calorie content


Alimentary fiber

Canned black olives contain a large amount of useful vitamins, macro- and microelements, omega-3 and omega-6, essential and non-essential acids, as well as saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They also include:

  • vitamin A, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin;
  • b vitamins: thiamine, choline, pyridoxine, pantothene;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • alpha tocopherol, vitamin E;
  • phyloquinone;
  • vitamin PP.

They are natural antioxidants that help to strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, and prevent the onset of diabetes.

It is useful for men to use black olives to increase physical activity and strengthen immunity, improve the motor activity of sperm and the secretion of testosterone.

The benefits of black olives for women are great, because the substances found in the fruits help to improve the blood supply to the hair roots, increase the elasticity of the skin and create a rejuvenating effect.

Useful properties of olives

For the human body, black olives are more useful fresh, salted fruits are second in usefulness, after which canned ones.

  1. They have an antioxidant and tonic effect on the body.
  2. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and are a natural remedy capable of removing small stones from the gallbladder or providing a preventive effect.
  3. Improves the work of the heart muscle.
  4. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol.
  5. They help to remove toxins from the body.
  6. They stimulate digestion and improve metabolism.
  7. They have a positive effect on the connective tissues, in the joints, strengthening them.
  8. Good weight loss aid.

They are also used in cosmetology, they promote cell regeneration, increase skin elasticity. IN folk medicine they are used to prepare gruel for the treatment of wounds, ulcers and edema.

Medicines based on black fruits and olive oil have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • healing;
  • emollient;
  • choleretic;
  • laxative;
  • antispasmodic.

The most popular preparations containing pomace and other substances from fruits are Cistenal, Halagol.

Slimming olives

The benefits and harms of black olives have long been used by nutritionists when drawing up a dietary menu. The harm of the product lies in the fact that the consumption of large amounts of olives can lead to an excess of certain vitamins, which will contribute to a deterioration in well-being or cause intestinal upset.

The benefits and harms of pitted olives

Pitted olives, if accidentally swallowed, do not cause problems in a healthy person, but those who suffer from stomach or intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis or pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to serious consequences and exacerbate diseases. And also the bone can block the ducts, which will negatively affect the digestion of food and the excretion of bile. If it enters the intestine, there is a threat of closing the lumen of appendicitis, and causing its inflammation. Experts do not recommend eating with bones, they must be cleaned. The bones process and produce oils, belongings and other substances. Pitted olives will do more good than harm to the human body.

Can olives be for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits and harms of black olives when consumed during pregnancy and lactation are controversial. Fresh, natural olives - have a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby in the womb. Canned olives also have a positive effect, but they contain fewer nutrients. Canned and dyed olives in an industrial way can cause allergic reactions and harm the embryo, because dyes contain chemicals.

At what age can olives be given to a child

Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that the benefits and harms of black olives are not comparable to the consequences that can be caused by the product. Most often, canned foods with a high salt content, which are harmful to the body of a small child, get on the table. They cause disturbances in the digestive tract, allergies. The optimal age for the introduction of a new product is 5 years. They, like mushrooms, are a difficult food for the stomach to digest. Regular consumption of black olives is advised no earlier than 10 years.

The use of leaves and pulp of olives in traditional medicine

The leaves of the evergreen olive tree have beneficial properties. They contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • glycosides.

They help to normalize blood pressure, have a healing and cleansing effect.

A remedy for hypertension

For hypertension (high blood pressure), decoctions of dry olive leaves are used.

Recipe # 1.


  • 100 g of dry olive leaves;
  • 1350 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the leaves. Wrap the container in a terry towel, put it in a warm place (near the radiator or in the kitchen) for one day. After that, strain through a strainer and take within 14 days before meals (3 times) for 30 minutes in a glass of infusion.

Recipe number 2.


  • 200 g st. dried leaves;
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Pour the crushed (into powder) leaves into a thermos or glass jar, pour boiling water, wrap and leave for a day. Drink for 14 days, 500 ml per day (160 g at a time).

Compress for wounds and ulcers

The compress is made from fresh leaves, which need to be covered with a wooden spoon to the state of gruel, add a drop of vinegar and bandage the abscess, ulcer or wound. In case of severe burning sensation, remove the skin and rinse the wound with warm water.

Infusion for atherosclerosis

The infusion for atherosclerosis is prepared at home from the fruits of ripe olives and oil. Finely chop 200 g of black olives or grind with a blender, add a spoonful of oil and pour into a jar or thermos. Pour 1 liter of boiling water on top, leave for two days. It is taken orally before main meals for 1 tbsp. l.

Infusion for edema

2 tbsp. l. oleaginous leaves, pour ¼ l of hot water and boil in a water bath for 7 minutes. After that, strain and add boiled water, exactly as much as boiled away. The amount of solution should be 250 ml.

Drink three times before main meals for 4 tsp.

Olives in cooking

Olives are used in cooking in most cuisines of the world, in greatest quantities in dishes of Mediterranean countries. They have long gained popularity in Russia and are often used by chefs or housewives for cooking. Most popular dishes:

  • hodgepodge;
  • Greek salad;
  • Pizza;
  • Italian pasta;
  • sauces.

They are also used as decorations for meat and vegetable dishes.

What olives are combined with

Olives - universal product, which is combined with hot dishes, sandwiches, hot snacks, drinks and desserts. A good combination of olives and olives with salad, basil, tomatoes, cheese. Also delicious as a stand-alone snack when eating martini or wine. Baked dishes with sea fish and ripe olives acquire a specific flavor.

Daily intake of olives

For a healthy person without pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume from 7 to 10 medium olives. For small children and people with chronic diseases, their number is reduced by 2-3 times, or they are consumed no more than 2-3 times a week.

Harm of olives and contraindications to use

The harm of black olives lies in the canned form of a pseudo-product, which was made on the basis of chemicals and dyes. Additives: E524 and E579, can cause allergies or stomach upset. Natural and ripe fruits should not be consumed in case of individual intolerance.

  • with cholecystitis;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • with gallstone disease;
  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • in the presence of adhesions in the intestine;
  • with sluggish bowel syndrome.

In small quantities, black olives do not bring significant harm, but on the contrary are useful, as they saturate the body with the necessary vitamins.

Selection and storage of olives

When choosing olives, you should familiarize yourself with the label on the jar, where you can see how the black olives were prepared and whether they will benefit or harm the body. If one of the types is indicated on the label of a pseudo-product food additives or dyes, it is better not to buy such olives.

Store fresh olives in the refrigerator, in an airtight container for no more than 7 days in a vegetable drawer. Canned ones have their own expiration date, which is indicated on the package, but after opening it, the olives are poured with brine into a ceramic or glass container and placed in the refrigerator. This product can be consumed within 72 hours after opening.


The benefits and harms of black olives in canned or fresh form depend on the state of human health and other factors (production, collection, packaging of the product).

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Olives are usually called the fruits of the olive tree, which have a dark color. Interesting fact- black olives are called olives only in Russia, the rest of the world distinguishes between dark and green olives. In fact, the color of olives is not limited to black; there are dark cherry, red-brown, dark purple and chocolate berries. Olives, ripe on a branch, rarely have a glossy black color and a smooth surface, they are slightly wrinkled and their color is heterogeneous. The pulp of the olives is dense, oily, the taste and smell are specific, not everyone "recognizes" olives the first time. Sometimes there is a smoky aftertaste in the taste.

The main suppliers of olives are Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Syria, other countries of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East.

Calorie content of olives

The calorie content of olives is 166 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and useful properties of olives

The correct composition of the product is the absence of E-additives: ripe olives,. The vitamin and mineral complex of olives includes: vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, essential vegetable fats. The product promotes the elimination of toxins from the body due to the presence of fiber. Olives are recommended for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, because berries reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, thereby reducing the likelihood of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The harm of olives

The shiny black color and firm flesh indicates that the olives were treated with chemical additives - (E524) and (E579). Fresh olives are not suitable for consumption, they must go through a canning process for which salt and seasonings are used. There are no olives with fillers on sale; you can stuff the berries at home after opening the jar.

If olives are in their composition, then this means that olives contain, i.e. the olives have been artificially ripened and given their black color thanks to this addition.

Excessive consumption leads to its overdose in the body, which in turn can cause inflammatory processes in the liver and coronary heart disease.

The size, or otherwise the caliber of olives, is determined by the number of berries per kilogram. The caliber is indicated on the bottom of the package, these are two numbers separated by a slash. The lower the numbers, the larger the olives. For example, a size of 110/120 means that at least 110 and no more than 120 whole berries are reduced in a kilogram of olives.

Olives are packed in tin and glass jars, dense plastic bags. In tin cans, berries are not visible, and also, over time, such a can can enter into "vicious relationships" with the product, so it is preferable to choose olives in transparent packaging, dark purple or Brown but not black. Sometimes in the markets you can see olives sold in bulk, in this case it makes sense to try them and trust your taste.

Pitted olives - always oxidized, from fully ripened olives on the tree, it is very difficult to remove the pitted (calorizator). Therefore, it is better to choose olives with pits, because so the integrity of the fruit is preserved, they will definitely be ripe and the marinade has not completely taken over all the useful substances.

Another sign of the naturalness of olives is the date of manufacture. Olives ripen only in December, so all olives with a date before December are considered chemically colored a priori. Good quality natural olives cannot be stored for more than 6 months.

Unopened cans of olives are stored, according to the expiration date printed on the packaging, in a cool, dark place. After opening, you need to save the brine, transfer the olives from cans to glass, ceramic or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid. You can store olives in brine in the refrigerator for no more than 7-8 days.

Olives in cooking

Olives are used as an independent appetizer for, and, they are used as an ingredient for salads, pizza, cold appetizers and hodgepodge soup. Olives are an integral part of buffet canapes and snacks on skewers, a favorite decoration of the festive table.

You can learn more about olives and olives from the video clip "Olives and Olives" of the TV program "Expertise of Goods".

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