Making kozinaki at home. Kozinaki at home

Kozinaki from seeds


  • Peeled sunflower seeds - 400 g.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Honey - 50 g.


  1. Mix sugar and honey and keep on minimal heat, stirring occasionally, until a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Add seeds, mix so that they are all well covered with honey.
  3. Put the sweet mass on the parchment. Flatten it into a layer.
  4. While the mixture is warm, cut it into strips or cubes.
  5. When the mass is completely cool, break it into pieces.

Kozinaki with walnuts


  • Peeled walnuts - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 60 g.
  • Honey - 100 g.


  1. First, peel the nuts off. To do this, calcined them in a pan, stirring constantly, until a pleasant smell appears. Then wrap it in a towel and rub - the husk will come off.
  2. Chop the nuts into medium pieces with a knife.
  3. Now mix sugar and honey, melt them.
  4. Add nuts to sugar and honey, mix.
  5. Put the sweet mass on the parchment and smooth it out. Cut into pieces.
  6. When the mass has cooled, break it apart.

Kozinaki with sesame seeds


  • Sesame - 300 g.
  • Honey - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml.


  1. In a dry frying pan, fry the sesame seeds until golden brown. Be sure to stir it so it doesn't burn.
  2. Melt the honey, add to it lemon juice and mix.
  3. Add sesame seeds, stir until smooth.
  4. Put the sweet mass on parchment, flatten, cut and let cool.

For cooking kozinaki, you can use different nuts: peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios. Poppy, dried fruits, chocolate sauce and other ingredients are also added to this delicacy. In a word, turn on your imagination, and you will definitely get wonderful sweets. You may even be able to create an original combination of ingredients and cook kozanaki according to your own unique recipe.

How to cook kozinaki according to the Georgian recipe:

For traditional Georgian kozinaks from walnuts and honey will be required equal amount honey and nuts (250 or 500 g each, depending on the portion) and four times less granulated sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Roast the nuts until golden brown and chop them into medium pieces with a knife or using a food processor;
  2. Put honey and sugar in a saucepan, and boil for 15 minutes until viscosity;
  3. Pour the nuts into honey syrup and knead well;
  4. We line the mixture on oiled parchment, a wet board or in an enamel dish, level the layer with wet hands or with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-2 cm, cut into portioned pieces and leave to freeze;

You can use almost any nut for this recipe.

How to cook kozinaki with poppy seeds:

Fans of poppy seed baked goods will surely love the poppy seed kozinaki according to the following recipe.


  • natural honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • poppy seeds - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • any nuts - ¼ st .;
  • butter - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

  1. Bring the honey to a boil and
  2. add poppy seeds, chopped nuts and butter to it.
  3. Boil the mixture over low heat for about an hour, stirring continuously.
  4. We put out the poppy seed for kozinaki in the same way as in the previous recipe, only in a thinner layer - only ½ cm.

How to make oatmeal kozinaki:

Kozinaki from oatmeal... To prepare them, stock up on:

  • oatmeal - 6 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. L.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.


  1. We carefully combine all ingredients and
  2. We send to slow fire.
  3. Bring the mixture to a light golden color with constant stirring,
  4. Then quickly put it on a surface oiled with vegetable oil or in molds and
  5. We leave to freeze.

How to make richer kozinaki?

Use the following recipe:

  • oatmeal - 450 g;
  • natural honey - 6 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • dried fruits (dried cherries, dried apricots, prunes) - 300 g;
  • any nuts - 150 g.


  1. Rinse dried fruits and steam in hot water for 20-30 minutes,
  2. dry and chop coarsely.
  3. Fry the nuts, peel them and chop them in half with a knife or hands.
  4. Mix honey, sugar and butter and dissolve over low heat.
  5. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly with syrup,
  6. put the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment in a layer of 1-2 cm and
  7. put in the oven for 40-60 minutes. at 180 ° C.

How to make kozinaki? How to make delicious kozinaki yourself

Step 1: prepare the baking sheet.

We take a baking sheet, put baking paper on its bottom and pour 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil on top of it. Gently with a brush to smear we distribute the butter throughout the baking paper... We do this process so that the entire sheet is covered with a layer of it and soaked. Kozinaki will now not stick to the bottom of the baking sheet after it has cooled down. They can be easily sliced ​​and removed from the baking sheet.

Step 2: prepare the seeds.

We take a frying pan. We put it on the stove and turn it on at full power. When the pan is very hot, screw the stove to the middle level. Pour the peeled sunflower seeds into a dry heated frying pan. We don't go far - such the seeds are not fried for a long time, from about 5 to 10 minutes. Mix them constantly with a spoon, so that they are fried on all sides and do not burn. And now the pleasant aroma of fried delicious seeds spreads through the kitchen.

Step 3: pour the seeds onto a baking sheet.

Pour the fried seeds onto a prepared baking sheet. And with a spoon we evenly distribute them around the entire perimeter. baking paper... It turns out that the fact that sunflower seeds are edible was learned only at the beginning of the 18th century. They are very beneficial for the human body because they contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help in digestion and strengthen the skin. Now the main thing is to restrain yourself and not eat healthy and tasty seeds until the final result of cooking kozinaki.

Step 4: prepare the caramel - part one.

We are distracted from our favorite seeds, which we crunch very often and with pleasure. And we start preparing a lot of an important ingredient in our dish. Cooking caramel. We take a small aluminum saucepan and pour the amount of sugar we need into it. We put the saucepan on a small fire. Within 5 to 7 minutes, the sugar will begin to melt... Unforgettable stirring it with a spoon, this will save us from sticking caramel to the bottom and sides of the pan.

Step 5: preparing the caramel - part two.

The sugar dissolved and began to boil. Our caramel has become darker, brown and thickened. The smell of molten, burnt sugar spread through the kitchen. It's time to add following ingredients... We take 1 tablespoon honey and add to a saucepan with melted sugar. Cook the caramel for about another 5-7 minutes... Do not forget to mix everything with a spoon. The caramel darkened even more and boiled. Without removing the aluminum saucepan from the stove, add to the caramel 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoons water... A spoonful of lemon juice can be squeezed over half a lemon, or you can get ready-made lemon juice at the store. I chose the second option. Take care of your hands! When you add lemon juice and water, the caramel will sizzle and splash on the surface. Therefore, we add these ingredients slowly, drop by drop. Mix everything thoroughly and keep on fire for another minute. Lemon will remove the bitter taste of burnt sugar, and water will make the caramel more elastic. We remove the finished sweet liquid from the stove.

Step 6: pour caramel over the sunflower seeds.

Do not let the caramel cool down. Pour the fragrant, hot liquid into a prepared baking sheet, which contains baking paper soaked in oil and our ready-made fried sunflower seeds. On top of the seeds with caramel, crush and level with a spoon, so that our kozinaki are beautiful and without bumps. Our dish is almost ready.

Step 7: cool the kozinaki with seeds.

Ready-made dish "Kozinaki with seeds" cool in a cool place for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the caramel will not have time to strongly crystallize, and we will be able to beautifully cut our kozinaki. We take a sharp knife and cut the cooked sweetness right in the baking sheet, as we like. After - we leave the kozinaki to cool further.

Step 8: Serve the kozinaki with seeds.

Carefully separate the finished kozinaki from the baking paper with a spatula and put it on a plate. You can serve kozinaki with tea or coffee, cold liquid sorbet or lemon juice. When I make kozinaki from seeds at home, my sweet teeth eat them so quickly that sometimes I don't even have time to brew tea. Wonderful homemade sweetness made from natural products. Bon Appetit!

- - Kozinaki can be made from different types seeds and nuts. Nuts are very tasty combined with prunes or dried banana.

- - If you want your caramel to be darker in color, then for its preparation you should purchase dark sugar, for example - beetroot.

- - Always use a heavy-bottomed aluminum pan for boiling caramel. In such a saucepan, there is less risk of caramel burning.

- - Instead of lemon in caramel, you can add 1 tablespoon of regular table vinegar(3 - 6%) or 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (5%).

- - If you do not have a special brush for greasing baking sheets and baking paper, do not be discouraged! Gently spread the vegetable oil over the baking paper with your hand.

- - When room temperature caramel is stored for no more than two to three weeks.

Probably, there is no person in the Russian open spaces who would not have tried kozinaki. For almost everyone, they personify the time of a serene childhood. Mothers probably want to introduce their offspring to bright memories and sweet sensations. But not always and not everywhere there is an opportunity to buy the cherished delicacy. Well, that means you need to cook your own kozinaki. At home, they cook quickly and easily. In addition, you will be sure that nothing superfluous has been slipped into the sweet. Moreover, it becomes possible to vary its taste in accordance with the wishes of the younger generation.

Kozinaki: benefits and harms

The positive qualities of a dish are primarily determined by the ingredients that the chef has put to use. Unfortunately, all the benefits of honey in kozinaki are not manifested, since it is thermally exposed. But if you have not previously fried, you have a lot of vitamin E. Nuts will put in your body almost all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Do not forget about their nutritional value: the delicacy is highly recommended for those recovering from an illness.

As for harm, kozinaki is contraindicated only for diabetics, however, like other sweets. Allergy sufferers should also be wary of them. But the harm for losing weight is very exaggerated: the delicacy is so sweet that you will not eat much of it.

Classic kozinaki

First, take two glasses of nuts and fry them lightly. Small kernels, such as pistachios or peanuts, can be left whole, large kernels are chopped, but not too small. A glass with a slide of sugar is poured into a frying pan, supplemented with half a glass of honey, water is poured into the container (three quarters of a glass), and after boiling, the syrup is boiled for about a quarter of an hour. With the appearance of foam, nuts are poured into the bowl (four hundred grams, this is about one and a half glasses). At the same moment, half a spoonful of soda is introduced, it is needed for the "bubbling" of the dessert. The form is slightly smeared, ready-made "dough" is laid into it. After cooling, nut kozinaki are cut into triangles or rhombuses at home. To speed up the process, you can put the mold in the refrigerator. If done correctly, the dessert will be crispy but soft.

How to cook kozinaki at home without honey?

This option is suitable for those who have allergies in the family with a reaction to bee products. The recipe will also come in handy when there is simply no honey at hand. To do without it and get delicious kozinaki from nuts at home, take a glass of kernels - you can only walnuts, you can mix with or peanuts, as you like. Nuts are dried in a dry frying pan and crushed. It should be chunks, not flour. Four tablespoons of sugar with cardamom, taken at the tip of a knife, are melted over the lowest heat until they become syrup. To facilitate the process, you can pour in a spoonful of water, only then you will have to wait until it evaporates. Nuts are poured into syrup, kneaded, laid out on parchment, slightly oiled with oil, so that later it is easier to separate. The sausage rolls down and hides in the refrigerator for ten minutes. After the kozinaki (it is not at all difficult to make them at home), they are cut into circles and served with tea. If you like these sweets in a different shape, you can form a layer, and when it begins to set, cut it as needed.

Diet delicacy

Those who protect the figure and do not trust the assurances that oriental sweetness safe, it is not necessary to deny yourself a little pleasure, since you can make kozinaki at home in a version harmless to the waist. They are also suitable for people prone to diabetes, since the sweet ingredients are replaced by a banana. A glass is soaked in water for half an hour, after which they are dried on a paper towel and ground with an equal amount of dry counterparts. Pieces of three bananas are mashed with a blender, flavored with cinnamon (half a spoon) and cardamom (a pinch), mixed with seeds. Small cakes or figures are molded from the mass, sprinkled with sesame seeds, laid out on a sheet covered with parchment and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Airy dessert

Nuts and seeds are a traditional filler when making kozinaki at home. The recipe that we offer below is quite original: it uses a more familiar one. The unification of the traditions of this country with the Georgian ones turned out to be very successful. And you don't even have to look for a special kind of rice, ordinary, round rice will do.

Half a glass of cereals is cooked in a large volume of water for about a third of an hour. Then she diligently strains, and even dries with a towel, scatters on a baking sheet lined with parchment and hides in the oven. At a temperature of 80 degrees and occasional stirring, the rice should dry for 2.5-3 hours. Then it is fried in a slightly greased skillet in small portions until swollen. Three tablespoons of granulated sugar is diluted by five cold water, mixed with two tablespoons of flower honey and a few grains citric acid... A thick syrup is brewed, cooled slightly and intervened in the rice. The mass is straightened into a cake, cooled and cut into pieces. Rice kozinaki at home are ready and waiting for their connoisseurs.

Pearl barley kozinaki

The cereal, unloved by many, in this dish turns into delicious dessert... A glass of pearl barley is soaked for twenty minutes; the main thing here is not to overexpose, so that it does not become too soft. A little, three tablespoons, vegetable oil is poured into a deep frying pan, and cereal is poured. With continuous stirring, it dries well, until it whitens and begins to swell. At this time, sugar is poured, 3-4 tablespoons. Stirring at this stage should be especially vigorous. The groats begin to brown and stick together a little. When it becomes completely ruddy, the mass is laid out on a missed plate. Cool down - can be broken and consumed with tea.

Oatmeal - in business!

Those who ventured to experiment with rice and barley will certainly agree to try the dessert with "hercules". Its main advantage is the speed of preparation combined with a wonderful taste. Five spoons are combined in a frying pan sunflower oil no flavors and the same amount of sugar. When the latter melts, an equal amount of flakes are poured. The mass is quickly mixed, and after thickening, it is laid out on a plate moistened with cool water and leveled. Quick kozinaki at home are immediately cut and after half an hour, even without refrigeration, are available for eating.

Something about Georgian delicacy

If you already know how to make kozinaki at home, and your loved ones have tasted them and were delighted, then it's time to experiment. You can try making brown sugar caramel for a start.

The taste can be changed by adding lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla or apple cider vinegar (the main thing with it is not to overdo it).

Homemade kozinaki from seeds will be especially tasty if you mix several varieties: pumpkin, sunflower, sesame.

Nuts are great in kozinaki with prunes, dried apricots and

An interesting taste effect is provided by the coating of the finished delicacy with melted chocolate. Moreover, black is more suitable for walnut, and white for pome fruit.

How to make kozinaki from seeds

Kozinaki is sweetness Georgian cuisine made from crushed walnuts and honey.

Today, sunflower seeds, dried fruits, peanuts and sesame seeds have been added to kozinaki. All these ingredients are poured with honey and sugar syrup, formed into briquettes. Kozinaki, one of the natural sweets that benefits our body. The combination of honey and seeds is incredibly beneficial for people who lead an active lifestyle, this mixture gives them extra energy.

What is necessary:

  1. 150 grams of seeds (peeled);
  2. 60 grams of walnuts;
  3. 3 teaspoons of honey;
  4. 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  5. 1 dessert spoon of refined oil.

products for kozinaki


If you have nuts, shelled and veined, all that remains is to cut them as small as possible.

chop the nuts

Throw the peeled seeds into a dry frying pan and dry them for about one minute.

dry the seeds in a dry frying pan

Pour the specified amount of sugar into a small enamel bowl.

Add honey to the sugar, put the bowl on the stove with the lowest possible fire. In this case, the mass must be constantly stirred to avoid sugar sticking to the bottom of the bowl.

combine sugar and honey

Once all the sugar has dissolved and the mixture turns into a clear syrup, remove the bowl from the stove and very quickly pour out the prepared seeds and nuts. Mix everything thoroughly so that each seed and nut slice is coated with sweet syrup.

add seeds from a nut to a sweet lye

Lubricate the foil with a thin ball of vegetable oil.

grease the foil with vegetable oil

Pour the sweet mass onto this foil, add kozinaki beautiful shape that you want to see in the end.

put on foil

For convenience, you can cut it into pieces. Give them some time to harden.

kozinaki recipe step by step with photo

Soft homemade kozinaki are similar to nut bars that are easy to bite off without breaking the fillings on hard caramel. The only drawback is that they need to be stored in the refrigerator, because in the heat, they do not keep their shape well.

Before you start:

  1. Take any seeds, nuts and dried fruits you like (or what you find in the closet).
  2. Dried fruits must be washed and blotted dry with a napkin so that there is no excess moisture in the kozinaki, otherwise the syrup will begin to absorb it and liquefy.
  3. Glucose syrup is used here as a stabilizer - without it, the sugar will begin to crystallize, and the bars will acquire a white coating, crunch on the teeth, and harden more strongly. You can use honey instead, if you have no prejudice that it becomes a deadly poison when heated, and one drop will knock a horse.


  1. Seeds - 90 gr.
  2. Nuts - 70 gr.
  3. Dried fruits - 30 gr.
  4. White sugar - 40 gr.
  5. Glucose syrup - 40 gr.
  6. Water - 30 gr.
  7. Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp


1. Fry the seeds (90 g) and nuts (70 g) to make the kozinaki more aromatic and brighten the taste of the nuts. I often use a sesame mixture, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, and sometimes chia. From nuts - almonds and cashews. It is better to fry them separately, so as not to burn the small ones, while the large ones do not even think to get warm.

2. Cut nuts and dried fruits into smaller pieces so that the bar does not fall apart and is relatively homogeneous. Mix everything in a bowl.

3. In a small saucepan, combine sugar (40 g), glucose syrup or honey (40 g), water (30 g, ∼2 tbsp) and lemon juice (0.5 tsp).

Heat over medium-high heat, bring the syrup to almost a "soft ball" - 110 ° C, if there is a thermometer. If not, you can drip the syrup into ice water in the old fashioned way, and wait until it starts to form soft ball... I just scoop the syrup with a spoon and pour it back - at first the liquid will drip, but gradually you will notice that the droplets hang lower and lower, and at some point they will begin to form a thread and stretch almost to the very surface of the syrup. Then you're done.

The more you heat the syrup, the harder the kozinaki will be. Can be heated to a hard ball, or even plain caramel to get it.

4. Mix the nuts with the syrup while it is still hot - as it cools, it will thicken and become more difficult to do.

5. Spread on cling film or baking paper and level with hands slightly moistened with water. We form a flat cake of the desired thickness and shape.

6. Wrap in foil completely and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

7. Cut into portions. Each piece can be wrapped in a separate film and taken with you as a snack on long walks. From this proportion, I got 8 rectangles 3x7 cm, 1 cm high.

And for inspiration - a few options. All tested, all awesome.

Nut with salt and dark chocolate

(so rich, fragrant. I would say masculine =))

  1. Almonds, peanuts, Walnut- 60 gr. of each
  2. Sugar - 40 gr.
  3. Glucose syrup - 40 gr.
  4. Water - 20 gr.
  5. Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
  6. Salt - 1/5 tsp

To cover:

  1. Dark / bitter chocolate - 75 gr
  2. Coconut oil - 2 tsp


1. Fry nuts, chop not very finely.

2. Boil the syrup, mix, form a cake, cool.

3. To cover, put the chocolate and butter in a small plate, and heat it in the microwave for periods of 5-10 seconds, taking out and stirring each time so as not to overexpose and not burn the chocolate (ideally, it should be tempered, but for home use You don't have to bother.) You can use a water bath.

It is possible without coconut oil, but it will take a little more chocolate - we kind of liquefy it so that the coating layer is thinner. It is possible with another oil that hardens in the cold, and without a strong smell / taste. With ordinary liquid oil, the coating will be unstable and will melt ... although it depends on the temperature - it's hot in our house, and the photo shows that even with coconut oil, the chocolate topping floats. It was necessary to temper so that this would not happen, but I broke ... plus we have up to + 40 ° C in the shade, so tempering does not always help.

4. Cut the cake into bars, dip the bottom in chocolate, put it on cling film. Sprinkle the top with the rest of the chocolate. We cool it down. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry yoghurt coated.

(awesome girls, sweetish with delicate sourness of raspberries and yoghurt)

for 6 bars ∼10 x 4 x 1 cm:

  1. Almonds, cashews - 80 gr.
  2. Freeze-dried raspberries - 25 gr.
  3. Air Quinoa * - 15 gr.
  4. Sugar - 50 gr.
  5. Glucose syrup - 50 gr.
  6. Water - 20 gr.
  7. Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp

To cover:

  1. White chocolate - 100 gr.
  2. Coconut oil - 2 tsp
  3. Yogurt without additives - 1 tablespoon

* Airy quinoa can be replaced with any airy crap you find - the main criterion is to be small (or cut), and a neutral taste without unnecessary flavors and sweeteners. We sell puffed rice, amaranth, wheat (but it needs to be cut, it is large).


1. Fry nuts, chop.

2. Cut raspberries (or other slightly sour berries, freeze-dried), mix everything together + quinoa, so that there is a homogeneous composition.

3. Boil the syrup, mix with the base, form the cake, cool.

4. To cover - put chocolate in a bowl, and Coconut oil(you can without it), and melt in the microwave (for 5-10 seconds, stirring each time) or in a water bath. Then add the yogurt. If the yogurt is cold, the mixture will thicken - just heat it up a little.

5. Cut the cake into bars, and grease each on all sides. We cool it down. Store in the refrigerator - not worth it at room temperature because of the yogurt.

Dried apricots-coconut

Suddenly, one of the most fragrant and richest - the main thing is to find delicious coconut flakes, or chips, not dried sawdust. I take organic - with them in general it works magically =)

for 6 bars ∼10 x 4 x 1 cm:

  1. Almonds - 100g.
  2. Dried apricots - 60 gr
  3. Coconut flakes / chips - 30 gr.
  4. Air Quinoa * - 10 gr.
  5. Sugar - 50 gr.
  6. Glucose syrup - 50g
  7. Lemon juice 1/2 tsp


1. Fry nuts, chop coarsely.

2. Wash dried apricots and dry them with a napkin so that there is no excess moisture in the base. We also cut into cubes.

3. Mix nuts, dried apricots, coconut and airy quinoa. Quinoa can be replaced - see above.

4. Cook the syrup, mix with the base, form the cake, cool. Cut into bars and store in the refrigerator.