How to make raspberry mousse. Raspberry mousse is an airy berry dessert for kids and adults! How to make raspberry mousse using semolina

Mousse is airy, sweet dessert dish... Mousse is prepared based on fruit, berry juices or puree, using egg yolks or gelatin. Instead of gelatin, use semolina, which will swell during cooking and give the finished dish an airy consistency. You can make a mousse using cottage cheese, sour cream, chocolate, or coffee. After cooking, the mousse must be cooled.


  • Frozen raspberries - 200 grams;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Semolina - 150 ml;
  • Sugar - 30 grams;
  • A sprig of mint.
  • How to make raspberry mousse using semolina:

    To make the raspberry mousse, pour the water over the raspberries and place the pot on the stove.

    From the moment the water boils, cook for 20 minutes. Add sugar during cooking.

    After the berries are cooked, rub them through a metal sieve.

    Pour the berry broth into a saucepan and put on fire.

    This mousse does not use gelatin or proteins. It takes one small bowl of semolina. This is approximately 150 ml.

    Pour semolina into boiling berry broth.

    Cook semolina until tender, stirring constantly.

    Beat with a mixer for 10 minutes.

    The color of the mousse lightens as you beat.

    Put any fruit or berries from the jam into prepared glasses.

    Put the whipped mass into glasses.

    Cover the glasses and place in the cold for 1-2 hours to harden. Decorate the frozen mousse with mint leaves, sprinkle with powdered sugar or put slices of any fruit. Delicious raspberry mousse made with minimal ingredients is ready. Enjoy your meal!

    The raspberry story continues in my kitchen! I have already said many times that raspberries are my favorite berry, therefore, when great happiness came to me in the form of a box of raspberries, I immediately took up a variety of desserts with it. And today there is a queue of simply incredibly tasty raspberry mousse: it is made simply, and the result exceeds all expectations. I’m not lying, not a fire, you can swallow your tongue! Of course, you can use not only fresh berries, but also frozen ones. In this case, it is better to take quick freeze, in it less ice and, as a consequence, water. The rest of the ingredients in this recipe are quite familiar and familiar - all of them can be found without any problems in any store ...

    Cooking time: 25 minutes
    Freezing time: 3-12 hours

    Ingredients for 5-6 servings:

    • 300 g Raspberry Puree (~ 450 g Raspberries, you can use frozen)
    • 160 g Cream 33-35%
    • 2 Squirrel
    • 100 g Sugar
    • 14 g Gelatin

    Cooking method:

    First of all, you need to get puree from raspberries by carefully rubbing it through a fine sieve. We squeeze everything out to the last drop of juice. Only bones should remain in the sieve, which I also do not throw away, and then add to cereals and yoghurts - this is very tasty, especially if you use fresh berries.

    We start by whipping cold cream to a persistent cream. After beating, cover the cream with a film and put it in the refrigerator, they will be needed later.

    Soak gelatin in cold water. In this recipe, I am using a leaf. You can also powder, but then it will need to be poured with a small amount of water, left to swell, and then melted in a steam bath or in a microwave.

    Heat the raspberry puree a little over low heat, it should be hot, but in no case should it boil. Remove from heat, add gelatin, mix thoroughly. Now the mixture needs to be cooled to a temperature of about 20 ° C, well, that is, just below room temperature. You can put in a container with ice water and stir periodically to make the process go faster.

    In the meantime, we are preparing Swiss meringue... Mix eggs and sugar in a bowl. We put the bowl on water bath and, whisking, bring the mixture to a temperature of 63 ° C. It will brighten, become more airy, the sugar should completely dissolve. It will take about 5-7 minutes. You can do without a thermometer, but the main thing here is not to boil the proteins. I prefer to play it safe.

    Having reached the desired degree, remove the mixture from the heat and continue to beat with a mixer at high speed until persistent peaks. And we continue to beat until the meringue cools down.

    Into the cooled raspberry mixture, add whipped cream, carefully so as not to disturb the lightness of the cream, but carefully so that the mass is homogeneous. Stir in the cream, add the meringue, first add a third, stir in, then add the rest.

    The resulting air mass must be distributed over the molds. I decided to use silicone spheres. It is convenient to do this with a cooking bag. Fill to the brim and level with a spatula or culinary spatula. What is on top will then be the bottom, so it should be flat. Alternatively, you can use some kind of glass tins or glasses.

    Mousse in silicone molds we send it to the freezer for at least 6 hours, and better for 12 hours. It should harden well so that it can be easily removed. Mousse in glass molds can be sent simply to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, this will be quite enough.

    After the freezer, we remove the mousse from the molds, immediately placing it on dessert plates, in portions. And we send it to the refrigerator - to defrost. Full defrosting will take 2-3 hours. The mousse is not stored for a long time, so it is better to defrost it no earlier than a day before serving.

    You can also make coolies - raspberry sauce. A small amount of raspberry puree, along with sugar, boil a little over low heat and refrigerate.

    Shortly before serving, decorate the mousse with whipped cream, raspberry coolies, fresh raspberries and mint leaves. Until the very last moment, we keep the dessert in the refrigerator and serve it chilled.

    Raspberry Mousse - Raspberry Mousse

    How tasty and tender it is, words simply cannot convey. This is something that melts in your mouth, giving you incredible delight! Such a fresh, not at all cloying taste and airy texture. Mmm ... In general, it is urgent for everyone to cook! And don't forget to share your results on Instagram using the hashtag #cookingfan or tagging me on your creations.

    Raspberry Mousse - Raspberry Mousse

    Raspberry mousse

    500 g of fresh raspberries (can be frozen), 8 g of gelatin, 1 teaspoon of sugar or sugar substitute, 2 egg whites.

    Soak gelatin in cold water. Rub the raspberries through a sieve and separate 250 g of the resulting puree. Squeeze the gelatin, put it in a small saucepan, add water and heat over low heat until completely dissolved. Cool slightly. Mix the gelatin solution with the measured raspberry puree. Add sugar, gradually add whipped egg whites. Pour into a wet mold and refrigerate for 4 hours. Decorate fresh fruit and serve with the remaining raspberry puree.

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    Raspberry mousse is an ideal airy dessert with aromatic raspberry flavor... It is easy to create - literally in a matter of minutes. Even a novice culinary specialist can cook a delicacy.

    When making a raspberry mousse, you can use both fresh and frozen raspberries. If desired, you can add fresh mint, powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar, and agar agar instead of gelatin. It is advisable to whip chicken proteins in a water bath, especially if you are making a dessert for children. But you can just beat them in a bowl of a food processor with salt, if you are sure of the quality of the eggs (I have poultry eggs).

    By the way, using this recipe as an example, you can create strawberry, blackberry, sea buckthorn mousse, etc. - do not limit your imagination in the season of picking various berries.

    Rinse the raspberries in water, remove the tails from them and place in a saucepan or small saucepan. Simmer with granulated sugar, placing on the stove, for about 5-7 minutes, so that the juice stands out from the berries.

    Soak gelatin in hot water and stir thoroughly. Let it swell for 5 minutes and stir again.

    Rub the hot raspberry puree through a strainer, removing the cake - it no longer appears in the recipe, you can remove it. Pour water with gelatin dissolved in it into hot raspberry puree, mix and put in the cold for 10-20 minutes. Since you will add it to the whipped egg whites, it is imperative to chill it!

    Pour the chicken whites into the bowl of the food processor, breaking the eggs and separating them. Use the yolks in other recipes. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt until peaks. This will take about 3-4 minutes - try not to interrupt them so that the foam does not fall off.

    Pour the raspberry puree into the whites and beat again for about 3-4 minutes.

    Divide the whipped raspberry mousse into the bowls and place them in the cold for about 20-30 minutes. This time is just enough for the raspberry mousse to freeze qualitatively.

    When serving, garnish the dessert with raspberries, you can sprinkle it with ground cinnamon.

    Enjoy it!

    For a biscuit: sift the flour, beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy, gradually adding sugar with vanilla sugar... Beat for 5-7 minutes. In two or three steps, add flour to the beaten egg mass, mix. Add the dye to the color you want or do not add, you can replace some of the flour with cocoa powder)

    Cover a 36/33 cm baking sheet with baking paper, if in doubt about the quality of your paper, grease with oil. Put out the dough, level and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10-12 minutes, do not dry the biscuit. Ready biscuit remove from the baking sheet together with the paper, cover with a towel and let cool for 30 minutes.

    Cover the ring with a diameter of 20 cm from the inside with acetate tape or as I do baking paper... Cut two strips 9 cm high from the biscuit and insert into the ring, place the ring first on a cake dish, plate or cake base, cut out pieces from the remains of the biscuit and cover the bottom of the mold with them.

    For the mousse: I used 350 grams of ice cream raspberries. Boil raspberries for 3-5 minutes, rub through a sieve. Whisk 400 g of cream until lightness, room temperature cottage cheese, condensed milk and vanilla essence beat, stir with whipped cream with a spatula. Soak gelatin in 100 g of cream, dissolve without boiling, Mix the dissolved gelatin with warm raspberry puree. Combine the cream cheese mass with mashed potatoes, mix until smooth. Pour mousse over the biscuit mold. Put in the refrigerator.

    For raspberry jelly (confit): mix thawed raspberries at room temperature with sugar, soak the gelatin in water, dissolve the gelatin, mix with the raspberries and pour over the top of the cake, put in the refrigerator. If you don't like raspberry pits, rub it through a sieve. Let the cake stand in the refrigerator for several hours. and then gently use a knife to walk along the edge of the jelly, separating it from the paper (or acetate tape), remove the ring, remove the tape or paper.