Philadelphia cheese at home. Basic Cream Cheese Recipe (Philadelphia)

Philadelphia cheese is a soft, but rather dense, buttery, slightly sweet cheese that is used in many recipes for cream soups, creams, desserts, snacks and sandwiches. I want to tell you how to make Philadelphia cheese at home... The cheese is made with a neutral taste, so it can be supplemented with spices, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruits, sugar, depending on what you cook with it. Wonderful cheese, try it!


In order to make Philadelphia cheese at home you will need:

milk 3.2% - 1 liter;

kefir 3.2% - 0.5 liters;

salt - 1 tsp;

chicken egg - 1 pc.;

lemon juice - 15 ml.

Cooking steps

Stir everything for about 3-4 minutes, the milk should curdle and the curd will separate from the whey.

Strain the hot cottage cheese from the whey through 2 layers of cheesecloth. Stir the curd in cheesecloth until all the whey is drained.

Delicious and tender cheese"Philadelphia", made at home, let cool completely and can be used, adding to it what you need. I added salt and some garlic in the first case and used the cheese for the sandwiches.

In another case, I just added sugar to homemade Philadelphia cheese and served it on sweet biscuits with dried cranberries.

Enjoy your meal!

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home? First, pour the milk into a saucepan - choose the one with a thick bottom (it certainly doesn't burn into such milk).
We put on medium heat to heat up.
Stirring constantly, bring (well, almost) to a boil.
Then add a teaspoon of salt and sugar, stir (so that they completely dissolve) and immediately turn off the heating.

Without hesitating for a long time, add kefir (better already warm, room temperature) and mix ...

Until our mass curdles - a bit like making curd, isn't it?

We put all this beauty on cheesecloth, which was folded in several layers.

Then, having rolled up some semblance of a bag, we try to hang (show your imagination and possibilities here) over some container (a saucepan, perhaps) for 15 minutes so that the serum is glass.

This whey is an excellent base for making pancakes or pancakes. Therefore, we save it and use it as intended. Well, and the curd itself is not "drained" for more than the prescribed 15 minutes, so that it still remains damp - for a delicate consistency. That is why it is not recommended to wring out with your hands, let it strain naturally.

The next step: beat the egg until fluffy with lemon juice.

And then we put the received curd mass and beat well again until you get a fluffy, uniform consistency. Well, that's all, as it were!

We put the cheese in the refrigerator for storage for cooling, until it is used.

As you can see, making "Philadelphia" at home is not at all troublesome. The output of ready-made homemade "Philadelphia" from the proposed products is somewhere around 350 grams.
For the preparation of cheesecake, of course, it is not enough, but for the preparation of delicious canapes - just right!

Here, the barriers to your ingenuity and imagination simply do not exist - experiment.
This cheese goes well with seafood ( smoked salmon, shrimp) and with vegetables, which I show you ...

Enjoy your creative inspiration!

This view cream cheese can be classified as a gourmet food: Philadelphia has high cost and is not sold universally. Tender cheese paste you can cook at home yourself and quickly, without spending a lot of money on ingredients.

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home

This soft cheese should not ripen for a long time like other varieties of the product. It has a creamy texture and high fat content (340 kcal per 100 g), therefore, it is undesirable to use the creamy mass for people with problem weight. How to cook Philadelphia cheese at home tasty and unusual? To do this, you can deviate somewhat from the basic recipe, replace some ingredients and add new ones. Secrets of making curd cheese:

  • To add a spicy aroma and taste to the paste, add finely chopped parsley, onion, cilantro, dill to it.
  • Crushed chive will add spiciness to a home-made cheese mass.
  • A chicken egg, in case of allergies, can be replaced with 4 quail eggs - this will make the dish more useful.
  • Instead of citric acid experienced chefs advise to apply natural juice lemon (1 tsp is enough).
  • Better to choose for homemade fat milk, so creamy mass will get more.
  • In Philadelphia, if desired, you can add pieces of bacon / meat, mushrooms, red fish, fried onions.
  • If you are making cake cream or sweet pasta, add sugar and pieces of berries or fruit to the dish.

Philadelphia Cream Cheese

It takes an average of half an hour to cook the cheese mass at home. After that, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. The finished pasta can be smeared on toast, used for making cakes, rolls and other dishes. You will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg;
  • milk (fat content 3.2%) - 1000 ml;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tsp each.

Check out step by step recipes.

How to make Philadelphia cheese:

  1. Put the milk to a boil, turning on medium heat.
  2. Pour salt, sugar into a saucepan, stirring constantly.
  3. After boiling, pour kefir into the container, mixing the contents thoroughly (the liquid should not curl).
  4. Throw the contents of the pan onto cheesecloth, which should be hung over another container for 10-15 minutes, allowing the whey to drain.
  5. Whip the lemon juice with the egg in a separate container, add the mixture made from milk and kefir here.
  6. Whisk the mixture until smooth and fluffy.

How to make Philadelphia cheese from cottage cheese

Homemade product is great for sandwiches and cheesecakes. A plus of this recipe- the presence in it of many nutrients(calcium, manganese, zinc, iron, vitamins B, A, beta-carotene). Plus, the ingredients don't need to be boiled, so the micronutrients remain intact and you get them in full. Required components:

  • skim cheese- 1 package (500 g);
  • sour cream (20%) - 0.2 l;
  • cream (30%) - 0.2 l;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt to taste.

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home:

  1. Whip the cream with a mixer, adding cottage cheese and sour cream.
  2. Add salt, chopped herbs to taste, mix the mass thoroughly.
  3. Leave the cheese in the kitchen for a day to ripen.
  4. Transfer the prepared cheese to the refrigerator the next day. It is allowed to store it no longer than a month.

How to make Philadelphia cheese from milk and kefir

The taste of the finished homemade product is somewhat different from the natural one, but it does not cost so much. The kefir-milk recipe is not very complicated, only 4 ingredients are used to make the cheese:

  • low-fat kefir (preferably 1%) - 0.5 l;
  • salt;
  • egg;
  • low-fat milk (goat can be used) - 0.4 l.

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home:

  1. Mix kefir with egg until smooth, salt.
  2. Place the liquid on the stove, stir occasionally with a spoon.
  3. After bringing the milk to a boil, pour the boiled egg-kefir mixture into it.
  4. After boiling the ingredients again, remove the mixture from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes.
  5. Transfer the contents of the dishes to a sieve / colander, wrapped in gauze a couple of times, and wait for the excess to drain.
  6. After about 1-2 hours, transfer the mass under the press, having previously wrapped it in gauze. Leave the dish like this overnight, and in the morning you can taste it.

Check out the recipes for how to cook.

Homemade Philadelphia cheese on yogurt

This analogue of the popular Philadelphia is practically indistinguishable from the original. According to the recipe, you need to cook the product in fat sour cream and natural yoghurt(better homemade). Required components:

  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • salt;
  • yogurt - 0.5 l.

How Philadelphia cheese is made at home:

  1. Place the colander in a deep bowl, covering the bottom with several layers of cheesecloth.
  2. Put dairy products in a prepared container, add a couple of grams of salt, mix the ingredients.
  3. Lift the edges of the fabric up and tie into a knot, place the weight on top of the mass. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  4. Drain the liquid from the colander occasionally. The product is ready when all the excess liquid has come out.

Video: making cheese at home

Delicate creamy pasta cooks at home quickly and easily, which makes it different from other cheese varieties. Philadelphia serves as a base component in the creation of many exquisite dishes different cuisines of the world. It is used in the preparation of omelets, terrines, rolls, sushi, smoothies, red fish rolls, American cheesecakes, canapes, various sauces, fruit and chocolate desserts... By watching the video below, you will learn about the secrets of creating delicious and useful product.

Homemade cheese recipe without heat treatment

How to make cheese from cottage cheese

Making homemade cheese from yogurt and sour cream

In 1872, the Crafts Food Company came up with a recipe for a unique cream cheese called Philadelphia. A lot of dishes are prepared on its basis. You can buy such cheese in any grocery supermarket, but there it will cost decent money. It will be much more economical to buy the ingredients necessary for making Philadelphia cheese at home and make it yourself.

Philadelphia cheese recipe with milk and kefir

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 liter of fat milk;
  • 500 ml of fatty kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • citric acid (literally on the tip of a knife).

Cheese making process:

  1. Get a good heavy-bottomed saucepan. It is desirable that she had non-stick coating so that dairy products do not burn and have a pleasant smell.
  2. Pour milk into this saucepan. Bring it to a simmer over moderate heat.
  3. When the milk boils, add the specified amount of salt and sugar to it.
  4. 10 minutes after that, kefir is added to the milk. It needs to be boiled down until it curls up.
  5. Transfer the resulting thick mass to cheesecloth and hang over the sink so that all the serum is drained from it.
  6. While the mass loses liquid, beat the egg in a separate container with citric acid a whisk.
  7. After that egg mixture you need to combine with the curd, which turned out.
  8. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer to get a uniform consistency, similar to very sour cream.

So you can do it great cheese"Philadelphia", which can be used as directed.

Yogurt-based Philadelphia cheese recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 500 ml of yogurt;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid (you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead);
  • salt (literally on the tip of a knife).

The process of making Philadelphia cheese:

  1. Take a colander. Put cheesecloth on its bottom (preferably in 2-3 layers).
  2. Pour yogurt with sour cream on this cheesecloth, which must be mixed with salt and lemon juice in advance so that they are a homogeneous mass.
  3. Cover the colander with the contents with gauze, and put some kind of oppression on top of it (this can be a heavy jar or saucepan).
  4. Leave the cheese in this state for 2-3 days. When you remove the oppression, you have a thick mass that can be used as cream cheese "Philadelphia" - it will taste very similar to the product that is prepared in an industrial setting.

  1. If you want to achieve a soft and tender consistency of Philadelphia cream cheese, then instead of chicken eggs use quail.
  2. We do not recommend using citric acid, but rather lemon juice.
  3. All dairy ingredients should be as fat as possible.
  4. Add any spices to the cheese and additional ingredients to give it a special taste. Just don't overdo it.
  5. Do not store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.

We hope that our recipes will help you create a real culinary masterpiece!

Hello friends! We haven't cooked anything for a long time. Let's stir up Philadelphia cheese at home today, Ilya Polyakov will give us the recipe, he is a master at such things, he has the floor ...

Cheese making is difficult and exciting. But not easy. Someone needs moldy caves for cheese, while others need the meadows of Provence or Switzerland.

It is also difficult to tinker with cheese aging. Therefore, in the conditions of the city, cheeses and their production becomes quite difficult.

Although possible. Even if not by conventional recipes but quite tasty. And don't be confused by the non-cheese ingredients. Cheese has a lot of faces. There are also such.

By the way, the British do not know the word "curd". For them, it's just a variety young cheese.

The first recipe was written down personally. The rest were somewhere stashed and kept in storerooms. But everyone tried it - I give only those recipes that I cooked personally.

By the way, it is quite difficult to spoil them, although it is possible. But learn quickly - the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

First recipe

Boil milk, adding salt and sugar to it.
Bring to a boil and turn off the gas.

Now add kefir (warm), stir until the mass curls up.

In a colander, discard the mass on cheesecloth (it is better to make layer 4) and let the whey drain - this will take about 15-20 minutes. You should not squeeze the whey yourself, because not much of it should remain in the cheese. But you can stir not a lot (periodically).

Beat the egg with citric acid (on the tip of a knife) in a separate bowl until foam forms.

Now add the resulting hot curd mass to the egg mass and continue beating until smooth.

We send Philadelphia cheese to the refrigerator to cool.

Second recipe


  • Thermometer (we don't eat it)
  • A piece of very fine gauze
  • Large saucepan (galvanized or stainless)
  • Scoop
  • Large colander
  • Large whisk
  • Large capacity (bowl)
  • Reliable rubber band

You get about 680 grams of finished cheese.

Two more video recipes for cheese at home

As already mentioned, there are many recipes, it would be good to take proven ones. Here is a cool video that I found on YouTube, by the way, the channel is called that way - recipes and reality. Blogger girl beret interesting recipe, cooks on it, and then says that she did it.

So, you looked, and for the sake of order, I will lay out the tested recipes here.

The first is a simple one, made from yogurt and sour cream, and the second is a recipe from professionals using special ferments, enzymes and calcium chloride.

1. A simple recipe - which turned out to be not ice


Sour cream (fat content more than 20%, preferably 30-40%) - 200 g
Yogurt (natural fat content 3.5%, without additives, for example "Natural Activation") - 500 g
Fine salt - 0.5-1 tsp (to taste)

2. The recipe from professionals - the one that won
Milk - 4 l;
Cream 20-25% - 1 l;
Calcium chloride(solution) - 1/8 tsp;
Mesophilic starter culture - ΒΌ teaspoon;
Rennet (aqueous solution) - 6-8 drops;

Baked apples with Philadelphia cheese

Well, now let's not let the cheese disappear. You can, of course, just spread it on bread, but why do we need extra, let's cook apples and cheese. Watch and repeat.

Well, that's all for today. I would really like you to like these recipes, and if so - click on the buttons, share with your friends, I will be very grateful to you for that!