Venison manty. VkusVill northern venison dumplings - “Venison dumplings are juicy and fragrant, incredibly tasty! Natural composition! "

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Sergey Krotov

Books → Manty and dumplings. Real jam! → Dumplings stuffed with venison

Dough: 300 g flour, 1 egg, 125 ml water, 0.5 teaspoon salt

Filling: 400 g of venison pulp, 200 g of beef fat, 1 onion, to taste - ground black pepper, salt

Dough: Pour flour on the board with a slide, make a depression in the middle and pour in a mixture of slightly warmed salted water and eggs. Knead the dough so that it falls well behind your hands, then cover the finished dough with a clean towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Filling: mince meat together with fat and half an onion. Finely chop the other half of the onion and add to the minced meat. Pepper the mixture, salt and mix thoroughly.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out the circles with a glass, put the filling in the middle of each circle, pinch the edges.

Put the finished dumplings in boiling salted water (for 1 kg of dumplings, 4 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of salt), bring to a boil and cook at low boil. When the dumplings float to the surface, cook them for another 5 minutes, then remove them with a slotted spoon on a dish.

The taste of meat is extraordinary, and therefore the taste of dumplings is a miracle. In order not to spoil the flavor of the meat, I recommend serving only natural vinegar diluted in reasonable quantities with water. A mixture of vinegar and water can be slightly pepper with white pepper.

I love dumplings and use them regularly. But home. My mother is a factory for the production of dumplings, makes them on an industrial scale, freezes them and always gives them with her - on hungry days when there is no time to cook.

But then in the VkusVill store I came across venison dumplings and could not resist, because the pork and beef are already boring
First of all, the dumplings were attracted by their packaging - a cardboard box with a small window (I always rejoice in eco-friendly packaging).

From all sides on the packaging it is written about the naturalness of the product, this is very captivating.

The manufacturer also promises that in the dumplings:

The composition is simple: indeed, the same as if we made dumplings in our kitchen.

The minced meat also contains pork, but this is understandable, because venison is dry meat, and pork adds juiciness to the filling.

So, having opened the package, I was a little disappointed: inside the cardboard box there was an ordinary polypropylene bag (and after all, a product with a claim to naturalness and environmental friendliness could do without it).

There were exactly 28 dumplings in a half-kilogram package. This amount turned out to be sufficient to feed two gluttons to fullness. The dumplings themselves are round, even, not broken.

I usually eat dumplings without broth, but the aromas soared that I decided to add liquids.

At the same time, for some reason I thought that the dumplings would be dry and the broth would be needed, so to speak, to moisten the dry meat.

The dumplings preserved their integrity during the cooking process, did not fall apart and did not crack.

The dough for dumplings of medium thickness, filling ... a lot. And she's straight meat, no additives - everything is as indicated on the package. The onion is there, but it is not too large and is not particularly felt. To be more precise, I felt it in just one dumpling. I think that ardent dislike of boiled onions need not say that it is there - I'm sure no one will notice

They say venison is like beef. But for me, the taste is different, for at least in these dumplings. The filling, in spite of my fears, turned out to be very juicy and fragrant.
In general, dumplings are different from those that my mom makes, and even more so from those that are usually sold in stores.
We liked it very much, despite the considerable cost, we will buy sometimes for a change.

Homemade dumplings made in a restaurant with reindeer and sour cream

Deer dumplings
Russian home made pelmeni with venison (deer) and sour cream


  • 500 gr - Wheat flour
  • 2 pcs - Chicken egg
  • 40 g - Salt
  • 170 ml - Milk
  • 20 ml - Vegetable oil
  • 2 g - Allspice
  • 1 pc - Bay leaf
  • 20 gr - Onion
  • 100 ml - Chicken broth
  • 10 gr - Butter
  • 100 gr - Sour cream
  • Reindeer mince

cooking method:

Sift the flour into a dry, clean bowl through a fine sieve. Then add warm milk, 15 grams of salt, whipped to the flour egg and vegetable oil. Add all ingredients gradually, while constantly kneading the dough with your hands.

After the dough for dumplings is kneaded until firm homogeneous mass, cover the bowl with a towel and put in a cool place to infuse for two hours.

Pour a little flour on the table and on a table dusted with flour, roll out the finished dough for dumplings with a rolling pin into a sheet 2 mm thick. Then cut out circles with a diameter of 5 - 6 cm from the dough. The circles can be cut using a glass beaker or a special metal ring.

Then, in the center of each circle, put the prepared venison minced meat. For each dumpling, there should be 5 grams of minced meat.

Then carefully fasten, pinch the edges of the dough to make closed dumplings.

After the dumplings are prepared, they must be frozen so that the dough does not open in the future.

Peel the onions, rinse, dry and cut into large petals.

Then boil the dumplings. Pour water into a clean metal saucepan and boil. Then add to the pan chicken bouillon, allspice, bay leaf, onion and salt. Cook for 5 minutes. How to make chicken broth is described on another page.

Then put the frozen dumplings in a saucepan and cook for another 7 to 10 minutes, until the dumplings are fully cooked.

After the dumplings are cooked, carefully remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon and put them in a deep plate. Put on top of the dumplings butter and let it melt completely. Serve dumplings with sour cream.

How to make minced venison


  • 200 g - Venison
  • 30 g - Lard
  • 30 g - Onion
  • 10 ml - Vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper to taste

cooking method:

Rinse venison thoroughly and remove veins. Then rinse the venison again, dry and cut into medium cubes.

Rinse pork fat thoroughly and remove dirt and skin. Then dry the bacon and cut into medium cubes.

Peel, rinse and dry onions. Then cut the onion into a medium dice and fry on vegetable oil in a skillet until golden brown, i.e. sauté the onion.

Then roll the venison and sautéed onions through a meat grinder. Add salt and pepper to taste. Gently mix the minced meat with your hands until smooth with the addition of 20 ml of boiled water. The minced deer is ready.

Bon Appetit!

recipes for dumplings and dumplings

Old Tower restaurant
delicious Russian cuisine in the center of Moscow

Homemade dumplings self made with mushrooms and sour cream

Homemade dumplings cooked in a restaurant with salmon and butterfish, sour cream

Homemade dumplings made by hand with pork and beef and sour cream

Homemade handmade dumplings with duck meat and sour cream


Sift the flour into a bowl so that it forms a mound, make a hole on the top of the hill. Dissolve the salt in a glass of water, beat the egg separately with a spoonful of vegetable oil. Pour the water and beaten egg into the well in the flour and start kneading the dough, gradually mixing the flour with the liquid. Knead first with a spoon, and when the dough becomes thick, start kneading with your hands. Well-kneaded dough is quite thick, elastic and does not stick to hands and board. Ready dough must be set aside for proofing for 40 minutes, covered with an inverted bowl or wrapped in plastic wrap.

Both types of meat must be chopped using a meat grinder, setting the largest wire rack. Chop the onion together with the pieces of meat. Mix the minced meat well by adding salt and pepper. For juiciness, it is necessary to pour about half a glass into the finished minced meat cold water and knead well again. Let the finished filling stand for about half an hour.

Divide the dough into 4-5 pieces. Roll each part into a thin (about 1.5 mm thick) layer, and cut out circles using a glass with thin walls. Put a teaspoon of filling in the center of each mug, pinch the edges of the dough and fasten the corners, forming dumplings.

Boil water, salt. For a kilogram of ready-made dumplings, 4 liters of water and a tablespoon of salt are required, you can also put bay leaves in the water. Dip the dumplings in boiling water, stirring so that they do not stick together. Cook after boiling for five minutes, avoiding boiling and stirring gently.

Remove the finished dumplings from the boiling water using a slotted spoon, season with butter (you can use ghee) and sprinkle with herbs.

The taste of these dumplings is extraordinary due to the presence of venison in the mince. In order not to "hammer" the flavor of the meat, do not use hot spices... It is better to serve sour cream or diluted vinegar with the addition of a small amount of white pepper to the dish.

You don't often see venison dumplings on the table - for the simple reason that stores, frankly, are not overwhelmed with this meat; and not in every family a man, returning home from a hunt, brings a freshly killed deer on his shoulder every day. And the meat is good: not fatty, and environmentally friendly, and with an intense own taste. This taste (the taste of game) is not loved by everyone. I would describe it as a bit sweet, and sometimes (not in all pieces, but quite often) - similar to liver. But if you have nothing against him, and there is such meat at hand, then it is quite suitable in dumplings.

For 2-3 servings (14 large dumplings with a tablespoon of filling in each), you need 250 gr. venison, 1 very large onion, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 5-10 gr. dried mushrooms or dried mushroom powder, salt and pepper to taste. For the dough - 200 gr. flour, 100 ml of water and about half a teaspoon of salt. You can, of course, boil dumplings in water, but they will be much tastier if you take concentrated beef broth or game broth.

Knead a tight dough from salted water and flour for 10 minutes, wrap it with foil and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

Finely chop the onion.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until brown and let it cool while the dough is resting.

Scroll the minced meat either through a nozzle with small holes, or twice.

If dry mushrooms are used, and not powder, then we grind them into powder.

When half an hour has passed and the dough has rested, and the onions have cooled down, mix the stuffing for minced meat dumplings, fried onions and ground mushrooms, season with salt and pepper to taste.

We roll out a rather thick dough (2 millimeters), cut out the blanks and sculpt dumplings.

Cook venison dumplings in salted water or broth previously brought to a boil for 10-12 minutes under a lid.

Bon Appetit!