Milk soup with rice recipe. rice milk soup

Milk soups

Prepare homemade, delicious, very fragrant and healthy milk soup with rice according to our signature recipe with photos and detailed video descriptions for cooking

35 min

155 kcal

5/5 (3)

An interesting fact is that some dishes that we did not like in childhood, in adulthood often attract us no less than newfangled overseas delicacies. For example, milk soup with rice: I remember very well how my mother and grandmother just went crazy trying to get me to eat at least a spoonful of this sweet dish.

No persuasion helped. However, now, when I am preparing such a soup for my own children, I am tempted to give myself more, and my husband generally considers it almost the main dish of dairy cuisine.

Did you know? How to quickly cook delicious milk rice soup? The main rule: do not think that such an elementary dish will cook itself, without your attention and concentration. You need to set aside time for cooking and follow the instructions in the recipe exactly, especially if you have no previous experience in making milk soups. According to my observations, it is rush and lack of attention that often cause “escaped” milk and a burnt milk dish.

Kitchen tools

Prepare ahead of time if possible. necessary utensils, appliances and tools that you will definitely need in the process of making delicious milk soup:

  • a saucepan or stewpan with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating with a volume of 3 liters or more,
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 200 to 600 ml,
  • tablespoons,
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale
  • linen and cotton towels,
  • sharp knife,
  • teaspoons,
  • kitchen potholders,
  • wooden spatula,
  • cutting board,
  • among other things, you may need a blender or coffee grinder to grind sugar in the absence of powdered sugar.

Milk rice soup can also be prepared in a slow cooker, only it is necessary to properly prepare it first. To do this, ventilate and thoroughly wipe the inner surface of the device with a damp cloth, and process the bowl detergent with degreasing effect. After that, dry both the bowl and the multicooker itself with towels.

You will need

The foundation


  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 50 g butter.

Experienced chefs and nutritionists recommend choosing skim milk for making this soup, especially if small children will eat it. In addition, I strongly advise you to use long-grain steamed rice - it almost does not boil soft and, according to my observations, children love it the most.

To improve the taste and make the soup more homogeneous, you can turn the granulated sugar into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. Moreover, the powder can not be added at all, replacing it with honey, liquid jam or jam.

Cooking sequence


Did you know? Rice is washed so that during cooking it does not curl into one unpleasant lump, which certainly no one will even try. The better you wash the rice grits, the more attractive the consistency of your milk soup will turn out.


Important! Some recommendations regarding cooking milk soup with rice in a slow cooker. Boil water at the highest power using the “Baking” program, and then pour the washed rice several times into the bowl. Cook it for about five minutes, then pour in the warmed milk, turn on the "Milk porridge" or "Soup" mode and close the lid of the device. After about ten minutes, your soup is completely ready, you can add powdered sugar, honey and butter.

Well, that's all, now you know exactly how to cook such a delicious milky rice soup so that not only children, but also adults are completely delighted with it. From time to time, I add various sweet syrups, such as strawberry or cherry, to the portioned plates, which give the soup an inimitable aroma and enhance the pleasant taste.

In addition, it is very tasty to eat milk rice soup with white bread, spread with butter and jam, and a sprig of mint will add a special zest to the dish. Just in case, I’ll add that it is not recommended to store milk soups, so cook exactly as much as you eat in a day.

Video recipe for milk soup with rice

The video shows step by step process cooking the perfect milk soup with rice, famous for its excellent taste and aromatic qualities.

Finally, I would like to ask you to give me some more attention. If you enjoyed the soup just described, you will definitely find other delicious homemade soup recipes that are quick and easy to make for the whole family. For example, try

Rice soup we cook with milk for children, but sometimes adults want to remember the taste of a kindergarten breakfast. Rice is a healthy product, and in the morning it is doubly useful, as complex carbohydrates maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time and give strength. Despite the rather high calorie content (344 kcal per 100 g) and carbohydrate content (78%), rice can be considered dietary product. Milk soup with rice, eaten in the morning or in the afternoon, allows you to survive the rest of the day on vegetables or other low-calorie foods without feeling hungry.

Every housewife has a recipe for rice soup or porridge, there are no secrets and special difficulties in cooking. Your task is not to let the rice burn, and the soup is guaranteed to be delicious. There are just a few nuances that we will tell you about.

Milk soup with rice is traditionally made from white varieties, but on the shelves of stores there are always several packages that differ, at first glance, only in the shape of the grains.

How to choose rice for milk soup

When buying rice in a package, examine the contents of the package through a transparent window, which is always left by trustworthy manufacturers. There should be no crushed and dark grains in the pack, you will have to select them manually. High-quality rice seems translucent, and chalk-like white grains are unripe, they will spoil the taste of the dish. Yellow kernels are unsuitable - they were stored in a humid room and may contain harmful substances, up to carcinogens. Shake the package a few times to make sure the rice is the same size and color.

  • Parboiled rice does not boil at an accelerated pace, as one might assume. Its cooking time is longer than usual - from 30 minutes. This species has a pronounced taste, it is good for side dishes.
  • Flattened rice will also not be ready in a couple of minutes, like oatmeal. The grains are boiled for at least 10 minutes.
  • The most "long-playing" variety is wild. Long dark kernels take time - they need to be boiled for about an hour.

All multi-colored varieties are regular rice in shells. After grinding, the grains turn white and lose most of their useful substances. Our recipe assumes the virgin whiteness of the soup, so we will focus on the usual varieties:

Arborio. Italian rice is round or slightly elongated, characterized by the ability to absorb the taste of other ingredients. Arborio makes excellent risotto, paella and porridge.

Basmati. The rice king grows in India and Pakistan. Long fragrant grains never boil soft and do not stick together. Pilaf, side dishes and oriental dishes are prepared from basmati.

Jasmine. Thai long grain rice. His distinguishing feature- Tendency to stick together while maintaining shape.

indica. The most popular rice in the world. Elongated grains do not boil soft, the rice is crumbly and is suitable for pilaf, salads and side dishes.

Krasnodar. The grains are round or slightly elongated. Milk porridges and soups are usually cooked from it.

Japanese. Round grain sushi rice.

We will cook milk soup with rice from round or medium white rice, Krasnodar is suitable. Round varieties have a lot of starch - the soup will turn out thick.

milk rice soup recipe

  • The number of servings is 5.
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes.


Our recipe is for four to five servings. Milk soup is desirable to eat immediately, so cook as many servings as you need for one meal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We wash the rice in several waters. If you are sure that you bought a high-grade product, you can not wash it, then the starch will remain, and the soup will be even thicker.
  2. Fill the cereal with water and cook over low heat for half an hour. There should be enough water so that the rice does not burn, if you notice that it is dry in the saucepan and the grains have not yet been cooked, add hot water.
  3. Boil milk and let it cool slightly.
  4. Pour milk over rice and cook for another 20 minutes over very low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. 10 minutes before cooking, you can add half a vanilla stick, a little cinnamon to the soup. The rice milk soup recipe can be supplemented with any flavor you like.
  6. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  7. A pinch of salt, which is included in our recipe, will give the soup a complete taste.
  8. We take it off the fire.
  9. Add a piece of butter to the finished soup and close the lid for a few minutes.

Milk soup with rice healthy dish for both children and adults. It can be prepared for breakfast or dinner. Milk rice soup is prepared quite quickly, from the simplest ingredients. Milk for him can be used both homemade and from a supermarket, any fat content. If you need to reduce the number of calories, take a low-fat product. Sugar can be omitted, and before serving, sweeten the dish with honey.

Soup by this recipe turns out thick. If you don't like them, increase the amount of liquid ingredients or decrease the amount. rice groats. In the summer season, the soup can be served with berries or fresh fruit.


  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Rice - 100 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Butter - 10 g


Servings - 2
Cooking time - 0 h 30 min

How to cook

Pour cold water and milk into a cooking pot. Send to a strong fire and boil. For the preparation of dairy dishes, it is advisable to use thick-walled dishes.

While the milk is on the stove, pour the rice into a deep bowl and rinse thoroughly under running water. Rub the grains between your fingers. Rinse them until the poured water runs clear. Rice can be taken whole or crushed.

Pour salt and granulated sugar into boiled milk. Stir immediately until dissolved.

Add washed rice. Stir and send to a large fire. Once the milk mixture comes to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the rice grains are fully cooked. If you use whole grains, the cooking time will increase slightly. Crushed rice cooks faster.

Today, from culinary, I propose to cook and enjoy milk soup. I always perceived milk soup with rice as an exclusively breakfast dish: hearty, liquid: the stomach lubricates well in the morning, and there is enough satiety from it for a long time.

They mostly prepare milk soup for children, but sometimes my adult men want something from their childhood. That's when I cook milk soup. I used to cook soup with whole milk, it turned out greasy and dense. I brewed and boiled rice with boiling milk, and now the recipe has changed a little. The result is excellent: the soup has become much easier for the stomach.

Milk soup with rice - recipe


  • -half a liter of milk (higher fat percentage, you can whole from the village)
  • - half a liter of water
  • 1/2 cup rice (not long grain or parboiled)
  • - a tablespoon of sugar
  • - on the tip of a teaspoon of salt
  • - butter

1. We wash the rice thoroughly and set it to boil in salted water until the water almost boils away.
2. Add milk, mix well, wait until the liquid boils again.
3. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid and let it simmer for about 10 minutes until the rice becomes mushy.
4. Add sugar and a tablespoon of butter.

My family likes every plate to have a buttery border. Therefore, I also put a little bit of butter in portioned plates.
My soup most often turns out to be pasty, liquid is minimal and it is thick. But if you want the soup to be with a clear yushka, then replace the round rice with long-grain rice (for pilaf) and cook it immediately in a mixture of water and milk.

It is quite easy to cook exactly rice milk soup if boiled rice is already in the refrigerator. Then add milk and put on fire.
Very often, vanillin or cinnamon is added to milk soup with rice for a special flavor. Bon Appetit!

Rice for soup is best taken round - this variety is the most suitable.
Rinse the cereal well cold water- so that the soup does not turn out sticky and looks like porridge, it is necessary to wash the excess starch. When the water is completely clear, pour over the rice in a small amount and cook over medium heat until all the liquid has evaporated.
Milk soup (a recipe with a photo is offered below) requires maximum attention from the hostess. Since milk forms a strong foam when boiling and can burn, you should carefully monitor the cooking process.

When the rice is almost ready, you need to add a little sugar, vanilla sugar and slowly pour in the milk.
Immediately you need to reduce the heat and, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon, bring the soup to full readiness - about 3-5 minutes.
Milk rice soup turns out to be quite thick, similar to custard.

Before serving, you can add a piece of butter and fresh fruit to the table. When using dried or frozen fruits, they will need to be soaked in hot water first.

If you are looking for a way to make milky rice soup more liquid so that risky grains do not boil too much, then it is best to immediately throw the rice into a mixture of milk and water. You can prepare this soup by boiling rice in advance - boiled rice is stored in the refrigerator for several days, so it will be enough just to prepare the milk mixture and pour it over the rice.

Recipe for milk soup with rice and vegetables:

Do not forget that milk tends to burn, so if there is no time to closely monitor the cooking process and stir it all the time with a spoon, you can use dishes with a thick bottom or heat-resistant glass.
Milk rice soup (recipe below) is prepared with the addition of vegetables - onions, carrots and herbs. For its preparation, the same base is taken - water and milk.
Carrots must be cut into small cubes or grated on a coarse grater, carrots can be cut into thin strips.

Onions or leeks are cut into thin rings or semi-rings.

In a separate bowl, simmer the carrots and onions in a small amount of water until the vegetables are completely softened.
Round rice should be washed very well in cold water until the water is completely clear.
In order for the rice to boil well, but not stick together, it is necessary to fill it with water and leave for 5-7 minutes to swell.

Drain the water in which the rice stood and add it to the boiling milk.

After the rice is cooked, add the prepared vegetables to the soup and boil for another 2-3 minutes.

Rinse fresh parsley well in cold water, then soak for a few minutes.

Finely mince the parsley with a sharp knife. We use only parsley leaves, cut off the stalks and throw them away, since it is in them that all harmful microelements accumulate.
At the very end of cooking, add salt to taste, you can add black allspice for flavor.

A few pieces white bread cut into small cubes and fry in a small amount of oil or dry in a toaster. Add croutons to a plate or serve on a separate saucer.
Ready milk soup with rice and vegetables can be served at the table. The soup will be even more rich and fragrant if you add a piece of butter to it. Bon Appetit!