Measure blackcurrant five-minute jam with glasses. Five-minute black currant for the winter

Blackcurrant jam 5 minutes is the main jam of my childhood, a constant source of vitamins, which was transported from a remote village across half of Russia in heavy suitcases with three transfers. Grandma's small vegetable garden produced currants on an industrial scale, for some reason they picked it up in the evenings, surrounded by clouds of small insects. It seemed that the whole garden was whining with mosquito polyphony. Grandmother put on a thick jacket. Mosquitoes sat down together on her back, but they could not bite through a centimeter hair, after which they flew over to me with the whole flock and happily took up dinner. It is clear that my main task was to fight the bloodsuckers, and not to collect currants. I was of little use in the process of bulkheading these hefty baskets of berries. Grandmother considered it her duty to cut off each (!) Currant tail with scissors, because supposedly the five-minute was better that way. Now I feel my grandmother's diligence waking up in me and quietly rejoice, because the property is useful. True, I do not cut off the tails from the currant, but throw it into the jam just like that. Everything is fine, nothing explodes, so my jam can rightfully be called a five-minute jam. I buy berries at the market, sort them out, wash them, cover them with sugar, put them on the stove, wait for them to boil. Five minutes and you're done. Poured into jars, rolled up - the supply of winter vitamins is ready.


  • currants - one kilogram,
  • Sugar - one kilogram

How to make a five-minute blackcurrant

Prepare sterile jars and lids immediately before cooking. Banks can be placed upside down in a double boiler and held for 5-7 minutes. Boil the lids.

Jam from the category "you can't imagine any easier". I will tell you how to make it so that it turns out to be "five" and can be spread in a thick layer on bread, used as a filling for pies. There is only one trick here. Which one is just below. For now, let's start over. The currants need to be sorted out. If you have berries from the market, then most likely they may be partially crushed, partially unripe, partially with twigs. All rubbish must be carefully selected. For me personally, the process is not one of my favorites. But there is no way around it. Put ripe, whole currants in a colander, berry after berry. And then we rinse very well, for three or four minutes.

Let the water drain and pour the currants into a saucepan. It is important that its volume is three times more than the volume of berries. You will soon find out why.

We fill the berries with sugar. Shake lightly to distribute the sugar. But we don't interfere. There is no need to wait for the currants to release the juice. Immediately set to cook.

First, we make a small fire so that the sugar can dissolve in the juice, which will be released in abundance from the berries during the heating process. Do not forget to stir the jam by running a spoon along the bottom so that nothing burns.

When the jam boils, we look at the clock. We need to count down exactly five minutes for the boil. Increase the fire to medium. The jam will begin to boil violently and will greatly increase in volume. This is why a large saucepan is needed - so that the five-minute does not run away. Within five minutes of a vigorous boil, the jam will reach a temperature of about 105-107 degrees, at which pectin grasps, which is abundantly contained in black currants.

When the time is up, immediately remove the jam from the heat, the foam will mostly remain on the sides of the pan, and scoop up the rest from the middle to the edges and pick it up on a spoon. There will be few of them. We pour five minutes into sterile jars. First, pour a little jam into the jar so that it heats up and does not burst, then fill it whole and immediately tighten with metal lids. Turn upside down, wrap a blanket and let cool completely.

That's all. Prepared in the above-described way, "Five-minute" jam from black currant turns out to be such that there is a spoon in it. And what delicious - beyond words!

Successful winter preparations!

An excellent way out in the hot season of the preparation recipe for jam from black currant- five minutes. You can make jelly in this way, you can make it without water. Such a recipe is very simple and helps out when there are a lot of berries, but there is no time at all, in the midst of the season it is always like this.

Blackcurrant jam five minutes - recipes for the winter

For the preservation of berries, we began to use freezing more often, it is more convenient and faster, then vitamins are also saved. But how sometimes in winter you want to open a jar of fragrant self-prepared food.

  1. For a five-minute period, choose berries of approximately the same size so that they are evenly saturated with sugar syrup.
  2. If you want to get a beautiful jam, berry to berry, then you should not collect overripe gifts of the garden, which will quickly burst.
  3. So that the berries do not wrinkle during cooking, keep their shape, pour them into a colander and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds right in it, then cook.
  4. First, the berry is washed, only then the tails are cut off. You do not need to soak the currants for a long time.
  5. I suggest several different recipes, where a different amount of sugar is indicated, it depends on the degree of acidity of the berry. So, try your own, if anything, feel free to increase or decrease the amount of sugar.

Blackcurrant five-minute jam, recipe for the winter

This recipe for five-minute jam can be called traditional. Depending on the acid contained in the berry, you change the amount of sugar. If the berries are harvested after rain, then reduce the amount of water.

  • Kilo of ripe berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Two thirds of a glass of water

How to make a five-minute blackcurrant:

We prepare the berry, as I described above, it is advisable to dry it after washing so that there is no excess water in our workpiece.

It is best to cook in a stainless steel basin; you can buy a wide saucepan for this. We put sugar in there and fill it with water, we begin to slowly heat, without ceasing to stir, so that it disperses completely. Only after that, add the berries and continue slowly heating to a boil.

The most important thing in this recipe is not to go far from the kitchen and stir the jam with a wooden spatula all the time. As soon as it starts to boil, we detect exactly five minutes, then turn off the gas and immediately pack the blank into clean cans.

For jam, I do not sterilize cans, I just pour boiling water over it and let it dry. I use screw lids, I always put a circle of parchment under them.

Blackcurrant five-minute jam without water

To prepare a recipe without water, we need to cover the prepared berry with sugar and leave it to stand until at least a little juice comes out, then cook, as always. I really love this recipe, because there is little sugar here and the product turns out to be especially aromatic, but if you do not like sour, you can increase the rate.

We will need to prepare half a kilo of sugar for each kilogram of berries.

How to cook five-minute jam:

We put the dried berries in a cooking bowl, if you had no time to fill them with sugar in advance, then you can do this before cooking, but heat very slowly and stir vigorously so that the berries do not burn, but give juice under the influence of high temperature.

We heat it gradually until it boils and continue to boil for five minutes, without stopping stirring. After that, we immediately pack it hot in half-liter jars.

Blackcurrant Five Minutes - Jelly

The five-minute jelly turns out very quickly and hardens well, because natural pectin is present in the berry. Such a product can be used for baking in winter, or just smear sandwiches for breakfast.

  • Three kilos of berries
  • Four and a half kilos of sugar
  • Two and a half glasses of water

How to make five-minute jelly:

The berries must be selected especially carefully so that the jelly is tasty. We will prepare them and place them in a container, where we will cook. Pour water with sugar there. We begin to heat until the berries burst. Then we remove from the stove and pass the mass through a sieve. So we will have pure juice with sugar at the exit.

Now we pour the liquid again into the same container and begin to slowly bring to a boil. Cook as always for five minutes and pour the jelly into small jars. When it cools down, do not turn the cans over.

Jellied blackcurrant five-minute jam with glasses

My kids love jellied jam because it's delicious, and I like making it because it's very convenient to measure it with glasses.

These ingredients make up the recipe:

  • Fifteen glasses of currant berries
  • Fifteen glasses of sugar
  • Three and a half glasses of water

We wash the ripe currants and sort them out. Pour into a cooking container and add water according to the recipe. We slowly wait for a boil, boil for three minutes and add sugar at the rate. Stir, boil again and boil, as always, for five minutes. We will lay out hot in small jars. You can store it in a closet or on a shelf.

Blackcurrant five-minute jam recipe with photo step by step

Finally I give step by step recipe with a five-minute photo, according to which even a novice cook can cook.

We use:

  • Two kilos of berries
  • Three kilos of sugar
  • Three glasses of water
  • On the tip of a spoonful of citric acid

Pour water into a wide enameled or stainless steel basin.

We fall asleep the measured amount of sugar.

Stir and wait for boiling.

Pour in a clean and ripe berry and mix with a wooden object.

As it boils, add the lemon and count down five minutes.

Pour into jars and close them under lids.

Five-minute black currant for the winter

Unique berry has huge amount vitamins that it retains even with heat treatment... Delicious and very aromatic five-minute jam is a great way to prepare a treat for the winter. At the same time, each currant remains soft and whole, and due to the fact that they do not cook for a long time, the consistency does not turn into mashed potatoes.

How to choose and prepare currants for harvesting for the winter

Before you cook a five-minute blackcurrant for the winter, you need to do a few things:

  1. Go through the collected (or purchased) berries. Cut off the remains of sepals from each.
  2. The fruits should be dipped in a colander in small portions. The water pressure should not be strong so that the berries are not damaged. Rinse with running water.
  3. Before cooking, the berries from the currant bush must be dried.
  4. To get excellent jam with classic taste, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipes.


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How to cook currant jam for the winter Pyatiminutka

Making blackcurrant blanks for the winter Five-minute is fast, simple and convenient. Boiling takes about 5 minutes, so the berries are not deprived of their health and nutrients. In some cases, the delicacy does not even lend itself to heat treatment. You can use the black fruits of the berry bush, red or yellow, whichever is more to your taste.

Classic recipe with water

You can really cook a five-minute jam in five minutes. To do this, you only need to have:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • a small amount of water - 2 glasses.

The recipe for the delicacy is simple, it is done very quickly:

  1. Black currants are sorted out, washed thoroughly. It is better to wash in a colander, then wait a little so that the water is completely drained.
  2. In a cooking container, water and sugar are mixed, placed on the stove, brought to a boil until a syrup is obtained. While the liquid is boiling, the fruits of the berry bush are added to it.
  3. After boiling, the ingredients are boiled for exactly five minutes. If foam forms on top, it must be removed.
  4. The most delicious jam is left to roll up in jars. The container must be sterilized in advance, because the workpiece itself is done very quickly.

Five-minute black currant for the winter without water

Jam without adding water is perfect for storing in an ordinary apartment in the city. A vitamin delicacy is made provided that the hostess has a kilogram of ripe berries and the same amount of sugar. A five-minute step by step is done like this:

  1. Wash the fruits of the currant bush, sort, remove all the branches, put them in a container, cover them with sugar.
  2. We leave the mass for 12-14 hours to form the juice.
  3. We put the pan on the fire, wait until it starts bubbling, do not forget to remove the foam.
  4. After boiling, we boil the future currant jam for the winter for 5-10 minutes.
  5. We pour the hot mixture into pre-prepared cans, then roll up and wrap it up with a blanket for 2 days.
  6. You can rearrange the finished currant delicacy in the place where it will be stored.

How to cook black currant and raspberry

Delicious jelly with raspberries, even after rolling, retains a maximum of vitamins. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • black fruits of a currant bush - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries (ripe and juicy) - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • water - 1 glass (so that all the berries are covered).

We cook a five-minute jelly from black currant for the winter, observing the sequence of actions:

  1. We sort, wash all the berries.
  2. We put the components of the jam in a bowl, pour a glass of water, put on a slow fire, cook the berries until they soften.
  3. Filter the released juice, let it brew, then drain.
  4. We boil the juice by half, while constantly removing the resulting foam.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the juice, cook until tender.
  6. Pour the aromatic mixture into prepared dry sterilized jars, roll up with metal lids.

How to cook with orange and minimal sugar

The recipe will be useful for those housewives who follow the figure and try to consume as little sugar as possible. You don't even need to cook such a preparation of currants and orange. You can prepare a dietary treat like this:

  1. Take five cups of black berries and two (medium) oranges.
  2. Rinse the currants well and dry.
  3. Cut the citruses together with the zest into small wedges.
  4. All components are to be driven through a meat grinder or grind with a combine.
  5. You can add a sweet apple so that the jam is not too sour.
  6. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly with a spoon and put in sterilized jars. It must be closed with plastic lids and stored at cold temperatures.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter Pyatiminutka - a recipe for a multicooker

Blackcurrant five-minute jam for the winter acquires a jelly-like state due to the special composition of the berries. With a multicooker, the process of making jam is faster and more convenient than cooking on the stove. To make a delicacy suitable just for tea or as a filling for baking, you only need the currant itself (8 glasses), sugar (10 glasses) and a couple of glasses of water.

Step by step jam-jelly in a slow cooker is done like this:

  1. The berries are sorted out, all branches and leaves are removed, washed thoroughly, covered with sugar.
  2. Leave the berries when room temperature air before the juice appears (this takes about 6 hours).
  3. Transfer the contents of the bowl to the multicooker bowl.
  4. The technique is put on the "Multipovar" program, the temperature is set to 120 degrees, and the time is set to 10 minutes.
  5. You do not need to close the lid during cooking.
  6. Pour the jelly jam into sterile jars, roll it up, put it upside down until it cools completely.
  7. We put the jam for the winter in the refrigerator - this way the shelf life becomes longer.

Five-minute black currant for the winter - best recipe cooking

Five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter is a great way to feed seven vitamins in the cold season. It can be served simply with tea or used for baking.

Black currant five minutes

The five-minute recipe is simply created for currants! Fast cooking preserves all the vitamins that the aromatic berry is so rich in. At the same time, you do not need to add thickeners, the jam hardens perfectly due to natural pectin, which is found in large quantities in currants. The billet turns out to be jelly-like, very tasty and aromatic to the point of dizziness.

Blackcurrant jam "5-minute" for the winter is extremely easy to prepare. The berries need to be covered with sugar, immediately brought to a boil and cooked for only five minutes. And that's it! Aromatic sweet currant jelly can be poured into sterilized jars. The stock of winter vitamins will be perfectly stored even in apartment conditions.

Cooking time: 15 minutes


  • black currant - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g

How to cook a five-minute blackcurrant

The first step is to prepare the container and berries. Banks should be thoroughly washed with soda, and then sterilized in any way convenient for you: process over steam, in the microwave or in the oven. Boil the lids. Sort and sort the currants. For jam, I painstakingly select whole berries, reject all suppressed, spoiled and unripe ones. I remove all debris and twigs, the remnants of green stalks. I leave the dried pedicels ("noses" on the other end), although some housewives also cut them off with scissors - this process is very long and not the most pleasant. If this is of principle for you, then remove the "noses", but I can assure you that they will not be felt at all in the finished jam, and the jam will stand perfectly with pedicels. I rinse the sorted currants and discard them in a colander to glass the water.

I take a saucepan for jam - large and spacious, three times more than the volume of currants. What for? So that the berries do not press on each other, they are warmed up evenly and not overcooked. And even during active cooking, currants love to foam and just strive to escape from the pan, so the walls of the pot must be high. I cover the berries with sugar. The ratio is 1: 1, that is, for every kilogram of currants, one kilogram of granulated sugar.

I shake the pan in the air so that the sugar is better distributed and begins to melt.

Immediately set to cook - first on a small fire. Due to the slow heating, the berries will gradually heat up and they themselves will let the juice out.

After 7-8 minutes, the sugar crystals will dissolve, and the currants will literally "float" in the liquid (no need to add water!).

As soon as it boils, I turn up the heat. The jam should boil vigorously so that the pectin is actively released. I boil for exactly 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, without a lid. Stir gently with a spatula so that the jam does not stick to the bottom. If you have a saucepan with non-stick coating, then you can turn it lightly in the air without stirring. And don't forget to skim off the foam.

After 5 minutes, I remove the pan from the heat and pour the five minutes into the jars. Attention! To prevent the glass from cracking, first pour 2-3 spoons of jam into the jar, scroll the jar in the air to warm up the walls, after which you can fill it to the top. I seal with clean lids. Turn it upside down and leave it that way until it cools completely.

Delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter is ready! As it cools, it will thicken like jelly. Preservation can be stored in a cellar or hidden in another dark place. Shelf life is 1 year.

Blackcurrant five-minute jam for the winter, Magic

Classic jam black currant, cooked according to the five-minute principle - a simple, proven recipe that always turns out.

Today we will tell you how to make five-minute currant jam. As you know, this berry contains a huge percentage of vitamins C and E. What are the benefits for the body?

  • currants help improve digestion
  • strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape
  • improves cell metabolism
  • helps fight colds
  • the berry contains substances that prevent atherosclerosis, fights liver problems, respiratory tract problems, and so on.

You can also cook from jam delicious cakes, pies, for example . You can talk about the benefits of currants for hours, let's get down to making five-minute jam. Why such a name? The jam is boiled for up to 5 minutes, which helps to preserve not only all vitamins, but also taste qualities, that's why the hostesses called it that way - five minutes.

5-minute currant jam

For the recipe, prepare:

  • currants (1kg)
  • sugar (1.5kg)
  • water (1 glass)

1. Sort out the berries, rinse thoroughly and give time to dry. Next, pour water into a saucepan (enameled) or a basin, sprinkle with sugar, knead and place on the fire to boil. Add the currants to the boiled mixture, bring it to a boil again and then boil it over low heat for exactly 5 minutes.

2. After cooking, pour hot jam into jars (pre-sterilized) and roll up the lids. Note: so that the berries do not wrinkle during cooking, first dip them in very hot water for a couple of minutes, then let dry. The five-minute currant jam is ready!

Jelly currant jam five-minute number 2

If you like jelly, then jot down the recipe quickly. Take:

  • currants (12 cups)
  • water (1 glass)
  • sugar (15 glasses)

If the proportions are violated, then the jam will not turn out the desired consistency. So let's get started.

1. Carefully sort out the berries: remove the twigs / tails, rinse and dry. Using a blender / food processor, blend everything into a homogeneous mixture. Put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan / cooking vessel, fill with water, add sugar (half the portion for now) and put on high heat. We are waiting for everything to boil. Then we reduce the heat and boil for 5 minutes.

2. Turn off the stove and add the remaining sand. Mix thoroughly and let it brew until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour a ladle of hot jelly, five-minute black currant jam into jars, cover with a towel and leave for 60 minutes at room temperature. After - we roll up the lids.

Black currant jam five minutes in a slow cooker
  • black currant (8 cups)
  • water (2 cups)
  • sugar (10 cups)

As usual, we sort out the berries, rinse, dry, pour into a bowl and cover with sugar. Let it brew until the juice appears, about 5-6 hours. After - we put the infused berries together with the juice into the multicooker bowl, set the “multi-cook” function (temperature 120C) and leave for 10 minutes (it takes 5 minutes to boil and another 5 minutes to cook the jam). Do not cover with a lid. Pour the prepared jam into clean jars, fix it with lids and put it on the surface with the bottom down to cool completely.

Currant jam five minutes without water


  • currants (1kg)
  • sugar (1kg)

We sort out the berries, rinse and cover with sugar. We leave all this overnight so that the juice stands out. Then pour the mass into a saucepan / bowl, put it on a small fire and wait for it to boil. Do not forget to stir with a spatula (wooden) in the process and remove the foam. When the currants boil, reduce heat and boil for another 5 minutes. After - we distribute hot jam among the washed jars, roll up the lids and insulate for two days, turning the jars upside down. Then we move it to the pantry.

Currant jam five-minute number 5
  • currant berries (6 cups)
  • water (1.5 cups)
  • sugar (7 cups) divided into two parts

We sort the berries as usual, rinse with water and dry. Then pour them into a prepared cooking vessel with water and add half of the sugar. Mix well, place on the stove and wait for it to boil. When the mixture boils, boil for another 5 minutes and then add the remaining sugar. Stir, pour into jars and roll up. You don't need to turn it over, just cover and wait for everything to cool. All is ready!

Red currant five-minute jam
  • red currant (1kg)
  • water (300ml)
  • sugar (1.5 cups)

How to cook? Carefully remove debris, twigs, tails, rinse and dry. We cook the syrup: pour sugar into a saucepan, fill it with water and boil. After - add the berries, boil again and boil for 5 minutes. We remove from the stove, carefully alter and put on fire again. Boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Pour into clean cans and roll up with boiled lids.

Recipe number 7 "Special" currant jam

This cooking method cannot be called five minutes. The jam is not only tasty, but also beautiful: the berries remain whole + there is a viscous sweet syrup. What could be better? Prepare:

  • currant berries (6 cups)
  • sugar (6 cups)
  • water (200ml)

For jam, pick up the largest and most beautiful berries. Carefully sort out the currants, rinse in cold water up to two times and put them in a colander to dry. Next, pour into a cooking pot (enameled), pour in water and boil on the stove. After - we reduce the heat and boil for another 5 minutes. Next, fill it with sugar and mix gently so as not to break up the berries. Cook the mixture for up to 15 minutes. When everything is ready, we remove it from the stove, let it cool completely, and roll it into clean jars. All is ready!

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Variety of currants and its composition

There is a more troublesome option to make jelly blackcurrant jam. But the resulting delicacy is simply unique in color and taste:

Another 300 gr. sugar and 2 cups boiled water.

And do not be surprised, red currant is a champion in all types of berries. Red, like blood, currants perfectly helps to fight anemia, replenishes the lack of iron in the body and simply makes the blood work. So, if you suffer from at least one blood ailment, currant jam without cooking (from red) should be in your refrigerator. Well, and you can not ignore the white currant.

The benefits and medicinal properties of currants

This jam turns out to be a puree-like consistency, without whole berries, but with excellent taste. To make such a jam, you should first scroll the washed berries in a meat grinder. Then add sugar in the same proportion, stir and cook in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Pour hot jam into a jar. Add pink pepper (optional - for lovers of a light spicy taste) and decorate the jam with a sprig of mint. You need to store it in the refrigerator.

For cooking five-minute blackcurrant jam, we will need standard ingredients

quick jam

Selection and preparation of dishes for jam

Black currant - 600 g.

Many housewives love to prepare this dessert, as it is made quickly and easily. The classic 5-minute blackcurrant jam is the simplest recipe. For cooking, you will need 1 kg of sugar and berries. That is, the ratio is 1: 1.

Water - 400 g.

Red currant puree jelly

Summer is the season not only for fruits and vegetables, but also for berries. Among them, currants are in demand. She is a real storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, almost every housewife tries to make a variety of desserts out of her: preserves, jams, jellies and much more. In winter, the berry is irreplaceable. After all, it also has medicinal properties. V different options there is a 5-minute currant jam: jelly, jam, etc. In the article we will consider a few of them.

1) cover black currants with sugar (1: 1 ratio), crush with a crush, leave until sugar dissolves for about 10 hours;

  1. How to cook currant jam, recipe "Kiev":
  2. The benefits of berries are not in doubt: the cardiovascular system cannot work without white currants - this is a fact! Being most valuable source iron, potassium, magnesium, white currants are also incredibly tasty. Much sour than any other berry, white currants are great for refreshing. Try to make jelly from currant jelly, namely from white - it is so tasty, and cold fruit drink, where there is five-minute jam from white currant and soda, is very fragrant!
  3. Prepare 1 kg of berries, about 200 ml of water (about a glass) and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. The berries must be sorted out thoroughly, rinsed with water, after which they must be allowed to drain by throwing them in a colander. For red currant jam, the syrup is cooked first. To do this, mix water and granulated sugar in an enamel bowl, put it on high heat and bring to a boil.

Do you have any favorite quick jam recipes?

Blackcurrant puree jelly

Boil water with sugar and make a syrup. In the meantime, prepare some ginger. Don't overdo it with this ingredient. Too much ginger will spoil the taste and smell. Many housewives do not like this spice. However, culinary experts say that any person will like ginger, the main thing is to use it correctly.

  • Pour sugar into the currants and let it brew for about an hour so that the berries let the juice flow. Now you can put on medium heat. When it boils, let it simmer for another 5 minutes. Roll up the hot mass in a previously prepared container.
  • Prepare currants, rinse with stems. Transfer to a clean cooking pot and heat. Now pour in the water and wait for the berry to burst. To make less vitamins boil away, after softening the berry, press it down with a spatula to release the juice more quickly. Cook for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Berries are very beneficial for the body. The currant is one of them. She happens three types: red, white and black. Each berry is useful in its own way and has medicinal properties.​

2) after - grind the entire mass through a fine sieve, put in a saucepan and boil, adding 1-1.5 cups of water (if necessary).

1) dry the washed and brushed berries on towels;

There are a lot of cooking methods and recipes for currant jam, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of them. Basic recipes currant jam can always be diluted, supplemented with fruits or berries and then you will get a completely new, royal currant jam, which only you will have!

Jam making

Red berries can be dipped into the already boiling syrup, and after boiling the total mass, cook for only 5 minutes. Then the brew is shaken and again sent to a slow fire, so we boil the berries for 5 minutes in three passes. Ready jam can be poured into washed and sterilized jars and closed.

1.5 kg sugar

Quick jam (sometimes also called

Classic currant jam

Put currants in boiled syrup, add ginger and keep on low heat for a maximum of 5 minutes. Now you can roll up.

Red currant jam "5-minute" must be cooked in the above way. However, some housewives believe that sugar can be put in 100-200 grams less.

Now you can rub through a sieve to make a thick puree. Count how many glasses of mashed potatoes you make. Add 1 glass more sugar.

Add pumpkin to the jam

They contain a lot of potassium, iron, sodium, fluorine. The currants contain vitamins of group B, C, E, D, PP. They are good for any organism. That is why housewives try to make such a preparation as currant jam for the winter "5-minute". The dessert is prepared quickly and very easily.

  • It takes a very short time to cook black currant jelly: 5-7 minutes. Put the hot stuff in jars and let cool - an incredibly tasty and aromatic dessert is ready!
  • 2) cover the berries with sugar, leave in a cool place for 8-10 hours;
  • If you do not yet know how to make currant jam - no big deal! The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar, a basin or enamelled saucepan and clean jars with lids. If you want to cook blackcurrant jam, which will not stand in the refrigerator for the winter, you need to cook it correctly. But everything is in order. So, the ingredients for the dish are as follows: currant berries and sugar. Moreover, granulated sugar must be taken depending on the acidity of the berries, an approximate proportion of 1/1 for one kilogram of currants, one kilogram of sugar!
  • Please note that if you do not shake the jam during cooking, but stir it, you will get a jelly-like mass, which is just as tasty. You only need to use only a wooden spoon.

Currants are a storehouse of useful vitamins, especially a lot of vitamins C and E. But in addition to useful properties, it is also famous excellent taste in the form of jam. A delicacy made from this berry is easy to prepare and quick, especially the five-minute blackcurrant jam, which is loved by many for its excellent taste. Below we have selected the most popular recipes for cooking currant blanks for the winter, tested by experienced housewives.

1 kg black currant

With the addition of ginger

Five-minute jam

Most often they are used to cooking this dessert. There is an opinion that the jam prepared in this way is stored for a long time. However, you can do without cooking. To make such a workpiece as "5-minute" currant jam, you need to measure the proportions with glasses. In this dessert, you cannot take a 1: 1 ratio. There must be more sugar so that the jam is stored until winter. It should be kept exclusively in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.

  • This dessert is not for everybody's taste. To make sure you like it, make a jar or two to try. To make jam you will need:
  • Now you can put on fire to boil. Let it simmer for about five more minutes. Roll the hot jelly into jars immediately and cover them with something warm. So it turned out the red currant jam "5-minute". The jelly comes out viscous and pleasant to the taste. Such a dessert will come in handy in winter.
  • There are many pectins, mineral salts and iron in currants. Therefore, berries are necessary for everyone, especially pregnant women and children. They strengthen blood vessels, immunity and help the heart to cope with physical activity.
  • To make red currant jelly jam, you need to do it very simply:

3) in the morning, cook syrup from 300 gr. sugar and water, add to the settled jam and cook over very low heat (removing the foam) until the berries become completely transparent.

How to make black currant jam for the winter:

Raw blackcurrant jam "5-minute"

The name was given to the jam for a reason, since it is a truly royal delicacy rich in vitamins, as well as with an incredible taste and pleasant appearance. For its preparation, no special ingredients are needed, they are all absolutely accessible:

It's fast vitamin method harvesting currants for the winter in the form of jam. For him, 1.5 kg of berries, 1.5 cups of purified water and 2 kg of sugar are taken. Rinse the currants thoroughly, but carefully so as not to crush ripe berries... After rinsing, so that the excess water is glass, we discard it in a colander.

1.5 tbsp. water

) Cooks, of course, not five minutes, but still it will take not several hours to cook it, but half an hour or an hour at most (including not only cooking, but also the preparation of fruits and berries).

If you took 9 cups of currants, then add 10 sugar. Remember! The berries must be washed and dried well. We put them in a plastic or glass container. Now the berries must be grated with a wooden crush or grind in a meat grinder. Arrange in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar in the desired ratio.

Currant - 300 g. It can be used not only fresh, but also frozen.

This dessert is very healthy. Similarly to the first, it is called "5-minute blackcurrant jam". The jelly cooks pretty quickly, so you won't have to work long and hard on the pot. To prepare it you will need:

The berry is very useful for the child's body. Often, kids do not like it fresh, but they eat jelly or jam with pleasure. You can also make baked goods in the form of buns or a pie with berries. If you want to make currant jam, the "5-minute" recipe is the most suitable. Indeed, in such a jam, many useful substances remain.

1) choose an option for preparing a dessert: cook or do without cooking;

After that, pour the jam into sterile jars, seal with lids, turn over the jars, cover with a blanket and allow to cool in this position. You can store "Kiev" jam outside the refrigerator.

1) Rinse the berries, pick off all the leaves, remove the debris and dry the berries very thoroughly on a clean towel;

6 cups of berries and sugar; In the meantime, we can boil the syrup from a combination of prepared water and granulated sugar. It is better to cook it in an enamel bowl - a bowl or saucepan. When the syrup boils, put the berries in it and bring everything together again to a boil. The berry mass is cooked over low heat for 5 minutes, after which it is immediately poured into prepared sterilized containers. You can boil for 5 minutes in 3 passes, it will still take a little time. Only ripe and large currants are suitable for cooking jam. We wash the berries cold water and sort out, remove dry flower cups and stalks. Then the currants need to be blanched in boiling water (2-3 minutes) or hot water at a temperature of 90-95 ° (3-5 minutes).

In this jam, berries and fruits retain their taste, color, aroma, shape and vitamins. But you will have to store quick jam. Raw jam is stored for up to 6 months. It is considered more useful than boiled, since all vitamins are preserved. Therefore, several jars of raw jam must be closed every summer Pumpkin (pulp) - 200 g.

Currants Berries contain a lot of vitamin E, which helps to regenerate the skin. Even age spots disappear with regular use. There is an opinion that the darker the currant, the more useful it is. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and minerals 2) pick 2 kilograms of currant berries from the twigs, rinse and dry the berries;

Raspberry five-minute jam

The most delicious jam currant - jelly! Absolutely everyone loves jelly currant jam. Even people who, in principle, do not recognize any sweets, do not refuse a spoonful of amazingly fragrant jam, made with love. Jellied blackcurrant jam is quite simple to prepare, it is only important to be patient and allow yourself to fantasize a little. So what you need: 2) Prepare a clean measuring cup, sugar and boiled clean water. About 200 ml of water

  • A couple of tips:
  • We cook from water and sugar sugar syrup and bring to a boil. Dip the prepared berries into the hot syrup, bring to a boil again and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal with pre-boiled lids.

In a cold place

Blackcurrant five-minute jam

For a variety of taste, many housewives add other berries to the currants: gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries. Sugar - 100 g. Sugar.

  • The berry helps to cope with the aging process, improve memory, restore vision and can help with atherosclerosis. Influenza diseases, viruses are often treated with currants, since it contains phytoncides.
  • 3) prepare granulated sugar 3 kg, a fine sieve, a crush, a spoon and an enamel basin.
  • 8 glasses of berries;

Now the most interesting thing is how to cook currant jam for the winter: in a bowl or saucepan, boil the syrup from a glass of sugar and 1/2 glass of water - add 1 glass of berries, boil for 5 minutes and add 1 glass of sugar with a glass of berries again.

Naturally, for the recipe for Royal Currant Jam, it is better to take the most beautiful berries, so we sort them out carefully. We clean it from debris and dirt, and then gently rinse it in cool water, and twice. The second time, having already thrown it back into a colander, then let the berries drain.

Quick grapefruit jam

♦ to get jam with whole berries while cooking, shake and shake the pan to mix evenly.If you like exotic jam with an unusual taste, you can try making a quick jam from red grapefruit with mint. It does not even need to be cooked on the stove - it cooks perfectly in the microwave so that it does not spoil and the shelf life will be less than that of jam that has been cooked for several hours.

  • The most important thing when making jam is to keep the proportions. Better to measure with glasses. Currant is a capricious berry, and if you don't get enough sleep required amount sugar, it will quickly deteriorate.
  • Butter - 2 tsp
  • Water.

Even when boiled, the berries retain their beneficial and medicinal properties. Consider how to make currant jam. "5-Minute" is very simple. However, any culinary specialist first chooses and prepares a container.

Red currant jelly without cooking is made as from black:

8 glasses of granulated sugar;

Simmer until the berries run out. This recipe has been tested over the years, it always turns out. The main thing - do not forget to constantly stir the sugar so that it does not stick to it. A little liquid or the syrup turns out to be a little thick - add half a glass of water for each kilogram of sugar (if you cook everything correctly, you will only need water for the first time). Skim the jam while stirring. Now you know how to cook black currant jam. Pour the hot brew into sterilized jars, seal with lids, turn the jars over and leave to cool. Do not worry, despite the long cooking process, the jam turns out to be excellently scented and tasty.Pour the washed currants into a pan with an enamel coating and add water to it. We send the pan to the fire, bringing the berries with water to a boil, after which they are cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. Then you can add sugar and mix gently. We cook the mass for another 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the jam is ready, it can be removed from the oven and left to cool completely.

Five-minute black currant jam, and red currant jam. Royal currant jam

♦ so that the berries do not wrinkle, before cooking they need to be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then discarded in a colander.

Five-minute black currant jam with whole berries

To prepare it, we will take

Raspberries are such a delicate berry that you won't be able to cook it for a long time with all the desire - it will quickly boil down and lose its "presentation". But a quick five-minute raspberry jam is what you need.

The most delicate and pleasant taste is obtained if the berries are lightly blanched (3 minutes) in a pressure cooker or slow cooker. Then the currant remains intact, beautiful and unwrinkled.

Cover the currants with sugar for 15 minutes. In the meantime, the pumpkin pulp must be cut into very small cubes. Pour into a saucepan with currants and put on low heat. Put there butter... When the jam has boiled, turn on a low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.

As mentioned in the first recipe, you need to take 1 glass more sugar than mashed potatoes. Therefore, you can use as many berries as you need without adhering to a specific recipe.

Five-minute currant without water

Before you start cooking, you need to prepare necessary utensils... First, sterilize the jars and lids and turn them upside down on a clean towel. Banks must be prepared in advance so that they have time to dry.

  • 1) rub the berries with sugar, leave for 8 hours;
  • 1.5 cups of clean boiled water.
  • The recipe for red currant jam is not much different from any other. If you know how to make black currant jam, you can easily cope with red. It is important to understand how much to cook currant jam: you do not need to digest it - you will get molasses, you need to cook any berry no more than 15-20 minutes in order to preserve the taste and aroma. Red currant jam starts with processing berries:
  • The uniqueness of the recipe is not only in the ratio of ingredients and the cooking recipe, but also in the fact that the jam turns out to be incredibly beautiful, with whole berries and a viscous sweet syrup. In addition, the cooking method allows you to save everything beneficial features berries. You can eat the jam right away, or you can prepare it for the winter. The hostesses say that such a delicacy can be stored in well-sterilized jars for up to 5 years, but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to check this, since the Royal Currant Jam is too tasty.
  • For this jam for 5 minutes from black currant, you do not need to cook syrup. We do this:

The fastest recipe for jam 5 minutes from black currant

Red currant, five-minute jam

To prepare it, we need

To make jelly, white currants are not suitable, you need red or black. Juice from berries, into which sugar is poured, is best suited. It is necessary to filter or grind the currants through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Most often, this method is used for jelly or when you want to make seedless jam.

This dessert cannot be called a five-minute one. However, many housewives like to cook it, as it is done quite quickly.

Royal currant jam

Pour all the ingredients into a plastic bowl and let it brew. Ten minutes should be enough for the juice. Then pour into a cooking pot. Now you can put on a slow fire. Let it cook for a maximum of 5 minutes after boiling. The foam must be removed. Pour hot into jars, roll up and set for evaporation. For jelly, it is better to rub the berries through cheesecloth.

  • The best way to cook the berries is in an aluminum bowl or saucepan. Enamel dishes are not always suitable, as the jam burns in them. Therefore, you get an unpleasant taste and a spoiled saucepan.
  • 2) then pass the whole mass through a sieve, remove the seeds and put the jelly currant jam in jars. Such a dessert without cooking should be kept in the refrigerator;

One little secret: if there are not many cans in the house, and you get a lot of jam, pour the sweet yummy into thick plastic bags (of course, cooled down). It is better to store such blanks in the freezer, but the jellied blackcurrant jam will lie for a very long time, enough until the new harvest.

1) carefully pick all the berries from the twigs, peel them of leaves and husks. Many hostesses leave the most beautiful branches and cook red currant jam with branches - you can choose yourself, but the cleaner the jam, the longer it will stand;

Which recipe to choose is up to you. Five-minute blackcurrant jam retains more vitamins than the classic one, and by Royal recipe the result is a workpiece incomparable with anything in taste and aroma. Enjoy your tea in winter!

Fill the washed sorted berries with sugar (for 1 kg of berries 1 kg of sugar);

8 recipes for currant jam | Ekskyl

2 red grapefruits

Currants are cooked very quickly. You still need to keep an eye on her. If the foam still stands out, then it is too early to turn off the jam. Dessert is ready only when it is transparent and beautiful. There should be no foam. To do this, gradually remove it.

Now you know how to cook 5-minute currant jam in the usual way. However, the taste of the dessert can be diluted with a variety of products. For example, ginger adds extraordinary spice, aroma and pungency.

In winter you will be delighted with 5-minute blackcurrant jam. The jelly is excellent. It is suitable not only for tea, but also for any baked goods.

You can also cook berries for cooking in plastic. It is recommended to grind them with a wooden crush. Let's start preparing a delicious dessert.

If you need to make delicious red currant jelly for a long time, then it's even easier:

Blackcurrant jam: always great results

Jelly black currant jam, recipe:

2) rinse and dry the berries on towels. It is necessary to process red currants very carefully, the skin of the berries is extremely tender, it is easy to spoil it.

It is impossible to find a person who has never seen a currant bush. And already those who have not tried the berry are generally impossible to understand!

Leave overnight to extract juice;

A sprig of fresh mint or lemon balm

1 kg of raspberries

Red currant jam: tasty and aromatic

Any currant is contraindicated for a person who is sick with thrombophlebitis. Berries will help blood clot even faster.

To make jam you will need:

However, not everyone will like this "5-minute" currant jam. Jelly isn't always practical. But jam can be put in any baked goods. Therefore, every housewife should have at least a few jars.

This dessert is made by many housewives. After all, in winter you can not only eat it with tea, but also add it to various confectionery: soufflé, casserole, cocktail.

1) after the jam has been covered with sugar and rubbed through a sieve, removing the seeds (see the first version of the jam), you need to cook syrup from 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of water, put all the jelly in it and boil for 5 minutes on very low gas;

White currant jam: a little troublesome, but delicious!

1) sort out the berries, rinse, dry;

  • If you want, you can make currant jam without boiling. To do this, simply cover the red currants with sugar at the rate of 2/1 (for 2 kilos of sugar - one kilo of berries), crush with a crush and leave in a cool place overnight. In the morning, stir the sugar (it should dissolve), pour the delicious currant jam into clean jars and store in the refrigerator.
  • How to refuse perfumed red, black or white currants, which literally melts in the tongue with sweet sourness and gives a lot of pleasure? And currant jam is a delight that cannot be replaced by anything. Put a spoonful of jam on a loaf, pancakes or just eat and drink tea - there is nothing tastier than this!

Put on medium heat, wait for the boil, stirring with a wooden spatula and removing the foam;

0.5 tsp pink peppercorns

1 kg sugar

Currant leaves, like berries, have beneficial properties. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, prepare them for the winter. They have the same medicinal properties as the berry.

Sugar - 700 g.

Blackcurrant jelly jam

This dessert turns out to be thick and is often used as a jam. To prepare it, you need to put currants (1.5 kg) in boiling water and cook for up to two minutes to soften the berries.

  • This dish is called "5-Minute Red Currant Jam". Jelly is prepared very quickly, easily and interestingly. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 2) do not forget to remove the foam when boiling. As soon as the delicious jelly-like red currant jam is ready, pour it into jars. You can seal it with lids, let it cool and put it in a cool place - the jelly dessert is ready!
  • 2) put the berries in an enamel bowl or saucepan, pour in water and boil over low heat (bringing to a boil) for about 5 minutes;

But if you prefer boiled delicious red currant jam, then do the same as without boiling jam, just boil the jam for 15 minutes before sealing. Everything! An excellent and tasty meal for the winter is ready. True, in such a delicacy, bones will come across, and therefore it is better to learn how to cook jelly jam from currants. You know how much to cook currant jam, there is also a recipe for red currant jam, it's time to start processing white currants.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Summer is in full swing, and we gladly strive to feast on our favorite berries. For some it is strawberry, others prefer raspberries, but for me there is nothing tastier than black currant!

You can make sweets, jam, sweets from it, but I will offer you jelly-like currant jam, which has many interesting recipes.

Blackcurrant jelly is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The fruits have many, simply magical properties... In the summer, fresh, they are able to perfectly heal the body, and in the winter they will saturate us with vitamin C and other valuable substances.

What kind of black currant has beneficial properties and contraindications?

First, let's figure out the benefits that this berry brings. What can be found in it from vitamins?

  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • carotene;
  • niacin, etc.

Not devoid of currants and trace elements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Based on this composition, one can understand why traditional healers revered her so much:

  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, it successfully fights cancer;
  • affects brain health;
  • helps with stomach and intestinal disorders, diarrhea;
  • enhances blood circulation, therefore it is used in the treatment of the female genital area;
  • heals skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema;
  • acts as a medicine for kidney disease, as it has a diuretic effect;
  • due to the vitamin composition, it is prescribed for vitamin deficiency.

However, not everyone will benefit from black currant. Fruits are not recommended for the following diseases:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • stomach diseases, including ulcers and hyperacidity;
  • increased thrombus formation.

Contraindications should be considered during pregnancy. If present, the berry is best consumed in limited quantities.

How to make jam?

Many readers don't like messing around with jam, especially in the summer. It’s hot, but I don’t want to stand by the stove! But if black currant grows in your country house, five-minute jelly jam will be very useful. Cooking is not difficult. Let's look at the recipe step by step.

Five minutes


  • 4 tbsp. fruits;
  • 6 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. water.


  1. Pour half of the sugar into the water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Put the currants and boil for 7 minutes.
  4. Pour in the rest of the sugar.
  5. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the currants into sterilized jars and roll up.

Store cooked jam for five minutes in winter in a cool place.

Jam for 7 glasses of berries

You can make jam in any proportion. It all depends on how many berries you have. Here is a recipe for 7 cups of currants. Ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. water;
  • 10 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 7 tbsp. fruits.

The cooking method does not differ from the previous one. The only difference is in quantity.

Jam for 11 cups of currants

Here are some more proportions for more jam. A recipe for 11 cups of berries will require the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • 11 Art. berries;
  • 13 Art. Sahara.

Jam for 22 cups of currants

And here's another recipe for 22 glasses:

  • 6 tbsp. water;
  • 26 Art. Sahara;
  • 22 Art. berry base.

However, in last recipe for 22 cups, the cooking method is slightly different:

  1. In the 6th Art. Pour 12 tbsp of water. Sahara.
  2. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour in the currants and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  4. Pour in the remaining sugar, boil and remove from heat.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars.

Whichever recipe you choose, the jelly jam will turn out to be delicious!

Jam in a slow cooker

Of course, not everyone wants to stand near the stove in the heat. So if you have kitchen appliances, which will make the jam for you, will be just fine!

I propose a recipe that will make life easier for many housewives. Cooking jam in a slow cooker!


  • 700 g of the main product;
  • 700 g sugar.


  1. Wash the fruits and pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour sugar on top and let the food stand a little. This measure avoids adding water. The product should start juicing.
  3. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode and leave for 25 minutes.
  4. At this time, sterilize the cans and lids.
  5. When the jam is ready, let it cool slightly.
  6. Divide into jars. If you want the jam to be stored all winter, the filled jars must be additionally sterilized in hot water.

So, multicooker cooking is less troublesome, but it does not allow you to immediately prepare the product for long-term storage. If you will not be eating jam soon, it is best to use the traditional gas cooking method.

This dish can be used as a complete dessert. Over time, after settling in jars, it hardens and really resembles jelly. It is not a pity to treat relatives and friends with such a dish.

What are the benefits?

The advantages of this cooking method are obvious. Usually, in order to get a high-quality harvest, you have to stand the fruits for some time with granulated sugar, so that they let the juice out. Then the currants are boiled for a long time.

The secret of this dish is a large amount of granulated sugar, which acts as a preservative. Of course, at the present time, the option is not cheap, but if you value time, then this is for you.

Until next time, friends!