The right yeast for the mash. Which yeast is better for moonshine

Turbo Yeast is a blend of alcohol resistant fungi and nutrients. They can bring alcoholic brew to a strength of 21%, while conventional bakeries squeeze out an average of 11%. In terms of speed, they also win all other fungi, on average, fermentation ends in 2-3 days.

This type of "turbo" is a novelty in our market. Not everyone has tried this product yet, so there are very few objective reviews about them. We will try to explain to you the advantages of this yeast over others (we already have it on our website), and also tell you how to use it correctly.

In the beginning, I wanted to explain the difference that is felt during the fermentation of the mash. Fungi with turbo attachment:

Classic turbo yeast C 48 (Double Snake).

  • Can process high concentration of sugar... It is for this reason that at the end of fermentation, the strength can be 18–20%, and not 12%, as with ordinary yeast.
  • Work faster... All sugar is fermented in 2-3 days. In the case of pressed fungi, this process can take up to 10 days.
  • They are significantly more expensive... Start from the formula: 20 liters of mash - 200 rubles for yeast... Regular ones are 5 times cheaper.
  • Require certain temperatures... Between 20-30 degrees, optimal fermentation of the mash takes place. On the packaging of all products with the "turbo" prefix, their temperature conditions are written, which are highly recommended to withstand. Only in this case, fermentation will proceed as written in the instructions.

Stronger, faster and more expensive. That's all there is to say about this product.

Which turbo yeast is better (brands, manufacturers, prices)

When you come to a store or study the assortment on the website, you will come across the fact that all packaging very similar and they cost quite expensive.

If you choose yeast yourself, be sure to look at gram-to-price ratio... A package for 60 grams can cost 200 rubles, and for 140 grams 280 rubles, so it is advisable to immediately buy at a higher price.

T34 is the most expensive brand that wanders for 34 hours.

  1. Alcotec... This line includes the C24, C48 and T34. The vast majority of moonshiners use this particular brand for their mash. The manufacturer has its own dosages indicated on the packaging, so at first, be guided by them. Packages of 70 grams will cost you about 250 rubles.
  2. puriFERM... Another British company, the address of which is the same as that of Alcotek. The product of this brand is slightly cheaper, but the quality is not inferior at all. You should also pay attention to them.
  3. Double snake... Another line from the British firm Hambleton Bard. They cost a little cheaper than the first two, so it is even preferable to buy them so as not to overpay extra money.
  4. From Belarusian and intoxicated turbo yeast is better to give up right away. In terms of quality, they are several times worse, they wander for a long time, and they look somehow suspicious.

Exactly UK manufacturers have become market leaders and are confidently holding it.

You have to pay a lot of money for quality, but the result will be decent anyway.

Highly interesting video prepared Youtube channel Antonich and Alexey Podolyak.

The moonshiner guru talks about the technology for studying turbo yeast and expresses his opinion on this matter. As always, very interesting things for self-development and experience.

How to put mash on turbo yeast: instructions, proportions, hydromodule

The setting of the mash is not very different from the classical approach. Three gold ingredients are used as a base:

  • Sugar - 5-9 kg (depending on the instructions on the yeast packaging).
  • Water - 21 liters.
  • Yeast - 60-70 grams.

It is impossible to single out "golden" proportions, since manufacturers recommend extremely different values ​​of hydromodules. Do not pour too much sugar and too much yeast the first time.... Try to use everything in moderation and evaluate your result at the end. And only then carry out experiments. The classic is considered to be the ratio of 1 to 4 (for 1 kg of sugar 4 liters of water).

We put the mash using the following technology:

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use a fermentation trap.

  1. We mix sugar, water and yeast (we study the label with yeast!)
  2. We do not put a water seal, as according to the instructions this is not required.
  3. We are waiting for 2-3 days until fermentation stops completely.
  4. We send the mash for the first distillation without separation of fractions.
  5. We re-distill the product with separation and.
  6. Let's taste it!

Objectively speaking, it is a pleasure to put mash on such fast fungi. The process is fast and active, and the result is amazing.

The distillate "exit" should also please you. In most cases, it will exceed the average values ​​of the usual sugar mash.

Why it is not always advisable to use turbo yeast

There is also a downside to the coin, which must be mentioned. The fact is that many immediately abandoned the use of this product, without really feeling the result. Arguments against turbo yeast the following:

Yeast is a unicellular fungus. As alive as all other organisms.

  • The product is too dry and unnatural... Fungi are living organisms that convert sugar into alcohol. It's one thing to use live pressed fungi, where the shelf life is several days, and another is a dry powder that can lie on the store shelf for months. Moonshiners are losing some of the authenticity of the process, so many abandoned this too suspicious product in favor of bakery raw materials (like and).
  • Why speed up fermentation when you can wait... Again, fungi eat sugar and cannot do it faster. After all, the body is alive, it cannot eat more if the conditions are not created for it. But the turbo somehow manages to speed up this process. Is it worth saving a few days and doing some sort of sugar processing too quickly? Many people think that it is better to wait and get a quality product using proven technology.
  • High price... The product is new, there are few manufacturers and the price is still high. Over time, it will decline, but so far it is quite stressful to pay that kind of money.

Not surprisingly, many have opted for regular baker's yeast. Overpaying extra money for a dubious product is not a big deal.

If bakery and wine yeast has been used for more than one hundred years, then alcohol strains have appeared on the market relatively recently. They cannot be called universal, but they are endowed with interesting properties , which can and should be used during the preparation of the mash. Today we will look at the pros and cons alcohol yeast, as well as the technology of setting and distilling the mash.

As a separate item, I will consider Belarusian alcohol yeast, which are sold in a package of 250 grams. Enough has already been said about them on the Internet, but I would like to summarize and share my experience. I must say right away that it is better to take something more expensive and of high quality.

Their qualities speak for themselves:

Alcoholic fungi can be dry and pressed. The quality of the products is about the same, but the pressed ones should be added 10 times more (according to the recipe).

  1. Fast fermentation... Braga ripens within 3-7 days.
  2. Less foam... In the first two days, the release of foam can be strong, but it quickly calms down and comes into balance.
  3. Less "booze" and harmful impurities are released... This is directly related to the high fermentation rate.
  4. High alcoholism... Alcohol strains withstand about 18% of the strength of the mash and continue to break down sugar. All other yeast cannot boast of such aging.

Which manufacturer should you choose?

We definitely give preference to imported manufacturers: Alcotec, Pakmaya and all kinds turbo yeast(24, 48, T-34 and others). The increased cost fully justifies the quality of fermentation, which will be ideal if the technology is followed.

Classic turbo yeast 24.


Of the Russian manufacturers, one can single out Krasnoyarsk Khmelny... These are dry, fast-acting fungi that break down sugar well and cost only 100 rubles per 100 grams.

Krasnoyarsk intoxicating.

We strongly discourage the use of Belarusian alcohol yeast.... In most cases, your fermentation will take several times longer, and the quality of the final product will still raise questions. A rather strange product was released in Minsk, which does not justify itself at all against the background of such competition.

Budget alcoholic yeast (Belarus, Minsk). It is because of them that the maturation of the mash can take a very long time.

Recipe and proportions of mash on alcohol yeast

"Golden" recipe for 20 liters of mash as follows:

With 1 kg of granulated sugar, a little more than 1 liter of 40-degree moonshine will suffer.

  • Water - 20 liters.
  • Sugar - 5 kg.
  • Alcoholic dry yeast (50 grams) or pressed (500 grams).

But we believe that these proportions are quite enough for normal fermentation and there is no point in overpaying for extra raw materials.

Mash setting and distillation into moonshine

For a better understanding of the material, we use the format step by step instructions... For cooking good moonshine you need to complete all the steps one after another. It is important to adhere to the recommendations regarding fermentation time and temperature regime.

  1. We mix water and sugar in a fermentation tank. Mix vigorously.
  2. At this time, we activate the alcohol yeast: pour the fungi into a liter of water with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and mix. After about 15–20 minutes, they will start to sizzle and foam. At this time, they need to be poured into the wort.
  3. A water seal should be placed on the fermentation tank, and then check the tightness of all connections (lids, tubes, etc.).
  4. We take the container to a dark place for 3–7 days. The temperature should be maintained within 23-27 degrees, and the wash should not stand in a draft or near a hot battery.
  5. Ripe can be recognized as the mash, which has stopped emitting carbon dioxide (the water seal is silent), has become light and bitter in taste (at the start, it has sweet taste Sahara).
  6. It is advisable to filter the finished mash through cheesecloth, after which it can be sent to the first distillation.
  7. The first time you need to collect the maximum amount of distillate. We continue to drive moonshine until the fortress in the stream drops to 25-30 degrees.
  8. We dilute the resulting drink with clean water to a strength of 20 degrees and send it to the second distillation with the separation of fractions.
  9. We select the first harmful 250 ml separately. This alcohol cannot be drunk, it is highly saturated with harmful impurities.
  10. After the harmful fraction comes the "body" - our main product, which we continue to collect until the strength in the stream drops to 35–40 degrees. After that, "tails" will begin to drip, alcohol saturated with fusel oils, which is strictly prohibited to drink.
  11. Let the finished product cool, then feel free to start tasting.

According to the recipe above, you should get about 5 liters of 40-degree moonshine double cleaning.

This indicates the minimum content of "booze" and impurities in the distillate, as a result of which the taste will be mild, and the hangover in the morning will be lighter.

As a video, I still recommend you watch the video Antonich and Alexey Podolyak... Within 25 minutes, the author shares so much experience that you can read several articles and still not understand anything. And here everything is very interesting and useful for self-development.

Currently on the market there are great amount types of yeast with which you can make the wort ferment. It is not always possible for an experienced moonshiner to understand this variety, so we made rating of the best yeast for mash.

We will focus primarily on efficiency and price. I would like to buy yeast in a combination of price and quality, so that fermentation goes well and at the same time is inexpensive. I suggest not to linger and go straight to the rating.

Yeast is a single-celled fungus rich in organic matter

Relatively recently, this species appeared on the Russian market and immediately bypassed all its competitors in terms of quality. At the moment, there is no better product that will make your mash "play", for some types of alcohol analogs are called turbo yeast... All the benefits are listed below:

  • Increased output of moonshine.
  • Braga ripens faster.
  • Increased strength of the mash up to 14%.
  • Less harmful substances are released.
  • Loyalty to the temperature regime.
  • Low consumption: 100 grams per 6 kg of sugar.

Unambiguous first place in our ranking. The cost of such pleasure is relatively small. A bag of 100 grams will cost you from 100 to 250 rubles.

The best manufacturers are: turbo 24, turbo 48 and Alcotek... Not a bad option from the budget alcohol yeast 250 grams(Republic of Belarus, Minsk).

2) Wine yeast: very expensive and high quality

This look is considered more professional. It is used by experienced distillers and moonshiners to obtain very high-quality mash for different kind alcoholic beverages... They were quite applicable for the usual home use, if not for such a high price and complex fermentation technology.

Vinomax (packing 100 grams)

We confidently put them on what they deserve second place because spirits really do outperform wine.

It turned out to be quite difficult to find good yeast of this type on the Internet, so I had to spend a little time.

I liked the producers Vinomax, BirWingham and Oenoferm C2... Their price varies from 400 to 2500 rubles per 100 grams.

3) Bakery (dry and pressed): a classic that has become irrelevant

I think a lot of the grandparents of our readers used ordinary baker's yeast for mash. The proportions were known to everyone, there were no problems with finding them, and everyone was happy with the quality of the final product. Years go by, technology changes, so now it is highly inappropriate to use baker's yeast.

Unfortunately, this kind we can only give last place in our rating, as their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

  • Braga reaches a maximum of 10-12% of the fortress.
  • More harmful substances are formed.
  • The foam "cap" is often extremely unstable.

Therefore, we unambiguously switch to other analogues, and forget the bakery ones. It is interesting to use them only for remembering. classic recipes our ancestors. But, from the point of view of health and quality of the mash, they are meaningless.

Summing up and listening to a reputable moonshiner

  1. Alcohol unwaveringly took the top line, they should definitely be given preference when creating moonshine.
  2. Wine are also very good, but their price is noticeably higher.
  3. Bakery gradually become obsolete and it is better to use them for making excellent pastries, and not mash.

In support of the above, we suggest you watch a short video from the Youtube channel Moonshine Sanych... The man has a very good authority in matters of moonshine, so we fully agree with his advice.

Making moonshine at home is a complex and exciting process. The taste and smell of the resulting drink depends on how high-quality raw materials are selected. No one wants to spoil their taste experience with unpleasant odors or yeast flavors. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the quality of the selected products.

To do good mash, you need to choose the right yeast... This affects how much alcohol and how long it will take after fermentation, as well as how clean the moonshine will come out. Therefore, many people who are taking the first steps in home brewing are wondering: what yeast is best to use for mash? If in Soviet times there was no particular choice, they used ordinary bakery, today there is a large selection of this product in stores.

Why yeast is needed

Yeast itself is mushroom, which, when multiplying, process sugar and emit carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is the fermentation process. Of course, these organisms need a suitable environment, a specific temperature. They can exist in liquids that contain ethyl alcohol, but only up to a certain concentration. There are many types of yeast, but not all of them are suitable for making moonshine.

In order for the yeast to start multiplying and fermenting, a number of conditions must be met. They can carry out their useful activities only in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. On top of that, for better fermentation, jars of mash should be placed in a dark place. If, for example, you mix water and sugar, and then add yeast there, close the container with a glove or a water seal, after a while the liquid will become lighter. When you open the can, it smells like alcohol. This will be the desired result of fermentation.

These mushrooms are highly sensitive to water quality.... You cannot use tap here. Spring water or, in extreme cases, bottled water, which is sold in supermarkets, is best suited.

Variety of varieties

The strains that are used for home brewing can be sold pressed and dry. The former are more used for baking. They have a limited lifespan, so before using them for mash, you should carefully ask about the expiration date on the packaging.

Dry yeast is a spore of a fungus who are just waiting to be placed in a favorable breeding environment. Many people think that they are not suitable for making mash, but this is far from the case. There is a large selection of these products in supermarkets.

Yeast itself is of different types:

  1. Bakery.
  2. Wine;
  3. Beer houses;
  4. Turbo yeast;
  5. Alcohol.

Not all of them are suitable for home brew, give different yields of ethanol, and so on. Therefore, it is better to study the issue thoroughly, and then decide which yeast is best for moonshine.

You can buy this product in supermarkets and specialized stores. There are sites that sell yeast specifically for making mash and moonshine. The quality of the resulting moonshine depends on this product no less than on moonshine still... Many do not take into account this moment, and then they are very surprised that the drink strongly gives off fuselage and it is impossible to drink it.

Bakery strains

These strains are the most common... Previously, they were the only ones used to make mash. But, it is worth noting that this is not the most better option... Mash with baker's yeast takes a long time - up to two weeks. The result is a drink with a strength not exceeding 10 degrees. At the same time, a large amount of fusel oils... As a result, moonshine from such a mash turns out to be of poor quality, it must be distilled a lot in order to get rid of impurities and an unpleasant odor.

At the same time, the bakery variety has its advantages:

  1. They are sold in all grocery stores;
  2. They are very inexpensive;
  3. Stored in the refrigerator for a long time;
  4. Easy to use.

Baker's yeast is sold dry and pressed. After opening the package and use, the latter must be put in the freezer so that they do not deteriorate. For the preparation of mash, 100 grams of the product is taken per 1 kg of sugar.

This type is also good in that it can be immediately added to the wort, and the fermentation itself begins quite quickly. Wherein this product also has disadvantages:

  1. With them, the mash turns out to be weak, 9-11 degrees.
  2. Moonshine has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes.
  3. If the product has been stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. Need feeding.
  5. They give a copious foam, as these mushrooms emit a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Dry yeast can be used to make mash. They are quite suitable for moonshine, sold in small bags, must be diluted in water before use. Among famous brands you can name the yeast Saf Moment, Saf Levure and Pakmaya.

Among their advantages are:

  1. Cheapness and availability;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long shelf life.

The proportions of dry yeast mash are as follows: for 1 kilogram of sugar, 16 to 20 grams of product are taken. Dilute in water before adding.

Braga comes slowly on this product, foam is likely to form. Here you will need a defoamer, which can be purchased at the store. Otherwise, you will have to regularly clean the floor around the place where the mash jar is.

The yeast smell, albeit small, is still present. The yield is also not very strong: the mushrooms die at an ethanol concentration of 14 percent.

Wine yeast

This product is suitable for to make moonshine but with some restrictions. Wine yeast in the wild lives on grapes and is used in Italy and the Caucasus for the preparation of spirits: grappa and chacha. Actually, they are ideal for fermenting grape pomace that remains after wine production. From this mash, grape moonshine is made, which has an excellent taste and aroma.

This product is well suited for the production of mash from berry crops or fruits. But for sugar mash, it is not recommended to use it.

The shops sell dry wine yeast... They have great advantages:

  1. With their help, you can get a drink with a strength of 17 degrees.
  2. There is no characteristic yeast smell from them either in the mash or in the moonshine.
  3. They are very unpretentious during storage.
  4. There are no foreign organisms in them, it is a dry, clean product.
  5. They give a special taste to drinks, especially on grape raw materials.

Wild yeast can be made by yourself at home, for which there are many different recipes... But the quality of the purchased ones is also quite acceptable.

Brewer's yeast

This product is not suitable for mash and moonshine... By itself, it is indispensable when brewing beer. It will also be useful as a dietary supplement. Brewer's yeast was invented in Germany in the 19th century.

This strain is not suitable for moonshine for two very important reasons. First, during fermentation, they give a very high foam yield, which is completely unacceptable. Secondly, as a result, too little ethyl alcohol is formed in the liquid. Nevertheless, there are craftsmen who use brewer's yeast for making mash and moonshine. Also, this product can be made at home by yourself.

Turbo yeast

This product occupies an intermediate position between bakery and alcoholic products. The attitude towards him is ambiguous. Some praise him, others, on the contrary, criticize.

Manufacturers promise record results, the fermentation process, according to their assurances, takes no more than two days. At the exit, you should get a mash with a strength of about 20 degrees. This is definitely a good result. In addition, turbo yeast has other benefits:

Some experts are critical of such claims. This composition is used in the food industry. Chances are high that the output will turn out to be strong, but tasteless mash. Therefore, to get good moonshine, it is worth feeding the culture.

Turbo yeast is not cheap, this is also a disadvantage. A regular pack of Turbo-24 should be enough for 40 liters of mash, but it is not a fact that the costs will pay off. You can buy them on the websites of winemakers or in specialized stores.

Alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast is considered the best option for making mash and moonshine. By themselves, they were created precisely for the creation of alcoholic beverages. They are suitable for sugar mash. If moonshine is made from grain then these strains will also be the best option. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. High fermentation rate. 4 days is enough;
  2. The strains begin to die at an ethanol concentration of 18 degrees, therefore, you get a mash with just such a strength.
  3. There is no smell left from this product, so a very high-quality drink is obtained;
  4. They don't foam. The mash container can be filled almost completely. Antifoaming agents are not required.
  5. They are easy to store, easy to use, free of unnecessary impurities, and so on.

Dry alcohol yeast is on sale. To prepare mash, strains are required in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of wort.

You can buy the product in specialized stores and on the Internet.

How to make the right sourdough

To create the most comfortable conditions for the mushrooms, they need to be fed... This will increase the survival rate of the colony and the rate of fermentation. The culture will need vitamins, trace elements, ammonia and phosphorus salts. Fertilizers can be used as top dressing; as a rule, they are available from the owners of summer cottages. We are talking about adding superphosphate, urea, ammophos and so on to the liquid.

There are also folk ways of feeding. For better yeast growth, you can add to the mash:

  1. Raisin;
  2. Boiled peas;
  3. Nettle leaves;
  4. Rye bread;
  5. Boiled rye flour;
  6. Ground malt.

Colony feed can also be bought in stores. They are specially produced industrially for home brewing. They already have all the necessary useful material... Winemakers often use a preparation from brewer's yeast casings that have already been used and dried.

Terms of use

It is not enough to buy the right strains, you need to competently approach the preparation of the mash itself... There are a number of rules that will help you create a high quality, good character spirits.

Which yeast is best for mash, one cannot say for sure. You can experiment with different types of them, but this is the lot of experienced moonshiners. Alcohol is most suitable for beginners. Thanks to them, you can create high-quality moonshine with a minimum of disadvantages.

Attention, only TODAY!

Yeast are the main component. A novice winemaker can get confused by the variety of types of yeast: baker's, brewer's, spirits and wine. Some are better for preparing alcohol, others are worse. We will tell you which yeast is better for moonshine and how to use it correctly.

In general, yeast is a fungus that triggers fermentation... How does this happen? In addition to the yeast base, granulated sugar is included. Yeast, getting into sugar, begins to multiply, release carbon dioxide and ethanol. They are involved in activating the fermentation process. But, fermentation is carried out only in a certain environment and at a certain temperature.

How to start the process of multiplication of yeasts and fermentation of the drink? We do this:

  • set the temperature from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius;
  • we use only pure spring or bottled water;
  • mix water, granulated sugar, yeast in it, close the lid and pull on a punctured rubber glove;
  • we put the jar in a warm place;
  • the liquid will turn out to be light.
  • an open can will smell like alcohol - this indicates the beginning of fermentation.

Variety of varieties

Yeast can be pressed as well;

  • dry bakery;
  • turbo yeast;

What is the best yeast to use for? Each of the species has its own characteristics, therefore, it is impossible to say for sure which of them is better to add to. You can buy yeast at your regular supermarket or liquor store. The choice of yeast should be approached with special care.

Bakery strains

This is the most popular yeast for. They are mainly used in baking or in the production of alcoholic beverages. But, they cannot be called the best: moonshine also takes a long time to insist on them: from 2 or more weeks. The result is alcohol with a high content of fusel oils and a strength of less than 10 degrees. At the same time, the drink has a pungent, unpleasant odor and a very low quality. Therefore, winemakers recommend overtaking it several times.

What are the benefits of baking yeast?

  • purchased at any store;
  • have an optimal cost;
  • stored for a long time in the refrigerator;
  • easy to use;
  • getting into dry wort, they quickly activate the fermentation process.

Baker's yeast is sold dry and pressed. When using a pressed product, the packaging is stored in the freezer after opening, otherwise it will deteriorate. How much yeast is required for moonshine? Very few of them are needed: only 100 grams per 1 kg of granulated sugar.

What are the disadvantages of baking yeast?

  • the finished drink has a strength of 9 to 11 degrees;
  • alcohol comes out with a pungent smell that not everyone will like;
  • if stored improperly, they quickly deteriorate;
  • when using yeast, feeding is required;
  • Their use provokes a lot of foam, so an antifoam must be used;
  • they give off a lot of carbon dioxide.

What brands of yeast for moonshine are there? For the preparation of alcohol use dry baking yeast... The most popular brands are: Saf Moment, Saf Levyur, Pakmaya.

Why are they in demand by consumers?

  • cheap and easy to use;
  • are available for sale in any store and are stored for a long time.

They are added like this: take 1 kg of sugar and 16-20 grams of purchased yeast. They are diluted with water before adding. During infusion, the yeast smell is felt throughout the house and the finished alcohol has a rich yeast taste, but the strength is only 9-14 degrees. Consumers often compare these drinks to regular light beers.

Wine yeast

Some winemakers use wine yeast for preparation. But, the technology here is different from the classic recipe.

In nature, wine yeast is found on grapes. In Italy and the Caucasus, grappa and chacha are made from them. This yeast is good for fermenting grape pomace obtained after making wine. Now you can buy dry wine yeast in the store. Drinks on them are light, pleasant, they have a pronounced grape taste and smell. Such alcohol is in particular demand among women. Winemakers rarely use wine yeast for moonshine.

What are the benefits of dry wine yeast?

  • ready-made alcohol has a strength of more than 17 degrees;
  • the mash disappears a sharp and unpleasant smell and taste;
  • they are easy to store;
  • it is a dry, clean product that does not contain harmful impurities;
  • the drink infused with raw wine and wine yeast turns out to be very pleasant.

Sure, DIY wine yeast is of very good quality, but dry wine yeast is also very good. Which one should you choose? Only the winemaker can decide.

Brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is not taken for moonshine or mash. They are used to make beer. It is also a dietary supplement that helps to get rid of many diseases. Yeast first appeared in Germany in the 19th century.

On what brewer's yeast to put Unfortunately, on any. Why?

  • they give a lot of foam;
  • the infused drink contains a lot of ethyl alcohol and fusel oils.

But, there are also winemakers who use beer and wine yeast for making mash and moonshine. Moreover, they prepare such yeast at home themselves. And how to make them yourself? Easy: take enamel pot, add 1 glass of boiled water and 1 glass of flour to it. The water should not be very hot or very cold, otherwise the yeast will not dilute. Mix the mixture. We close the saucepan with a lid and put it in a warm place. We insist the composition for 5-6 hours. After 6 hours, put 1 spoonful of sugar in a saucepan and pour in 1 glass of beer, mix and put in the heat again. Drain the yeast into a bowl. They are stored in the freezer.

Turbo yeast

They occupy a separate category among baker's and alcoholic yeast. But, winemakers treat them differently. Some people love and praise them, while others hate and scold them. They wander, when used in winemaking, for 2 days, the strength of the alcohol infused on them is 20 degrees. Of course, this is very good for making alcohol at home.

What other advantages do they have?

  • do not form foam;
  • it is not required to feed, since the feeding is already in their composition;
  • practically do not emit harmful substances;
  • easy to apply.

What are their disadvantages?

  • are made chemically;
  • used in the production of strong alcoholic beverages with a specific taste;
  • have a high price tag. An ordinary pack of Turbo-24 yeast produces 40 liters of moonshine, but often one pack is not enough;
  • you can buy turbo yeast for you in a special store or on the Internet.

Having studied the pros and cons of "Turbo yeast", one can understand why winemakers rarely use them for preparation homemade alcohol and prefer natural ingredients.

Alcohol strains

Alcohol yeast is most suitable for making alcohol. Using them, winemakers prepare or. Even manufacturers recommend using them for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Especially if cereals are included in the drink.

What yeast is better for moonshine and why is it that alcoholic yeast is in special demand among many professionals?

  • fermentation time is only 4 days, so alcohol yeast is the choice of many professionals;
  • yeast fungi die when the alcohol strength is over 18 degrees. Therefore, the finished home brew also has a strength of 18 degrees;
  • finished alcohol does not have an unpleasant odor, possesses good taste and excellent quality;
  • when added to the mash, alcoholic yeast does not emit foam, so the barrel is filled with liquid entirely and defoamers are not used;
  • they are easy to store, easy to use, and contain no harmful impurities.

Alcohol dry yeast is often sold in stores. Alcohol yeast for moonshine is sold in a special store or ordered online.

How many do you need to take? The number of packs depends on the amount of alcohol you want to receive. For example: from 2.5 grams of dry yeast, 10 liters of mash are obtained.

Terms of use

Have you bought yeast for sugar mash and think it will turn out delicious? This is not entirely true.

A few tips on how to properly insist the mash at home:

  1. Do not use plastic or aluminum containers for infusion. Better drink wanders in a glass container.
  2. For better infusion, close the container with a water seal or a rubber glove.
  3. Shake the liquid every day.
  4. The drink ferments better in a warm place. For better heating, place a heater.
  5. Add yeast strictly according to the instructions on their packaging.
  6. Dilute the yeast with water before adding to the jar.
  7. Is there a lot of foam forming? Place 2-3 crushed livers on top of the drink.
  8. Are you using Saf Velor yeast and you get a lot of foam? Pour Saf Moment yeast on top of the drink.

What is the best yeast for? There is no definite answer to this question. Right choice can only be made by the winemaker himself. The most experienced ones use different varieties yeast for home brew and only by trial and error find the best ones for themselves. If you are a beginner, then give preference to alcoholic yeast. So you will get really high-quality and tasty alcohol, which you can surprise yourself and your loved ones with. It can also be a great gift for a colleague or boss at work. Believe me, no one will remain indifferent.