Protein Viennese waffles recipe. Protein PP Wafers in Redmond Multi-Baker

Greetings, you are my friend. Finally, I have matured to the point where I start publishing on the site. Added this section about five months ago, so dear readers, you are present at a historical moment. The main thing is that I have the strength not to give up this business.

Recently, in a health chat for a couple of weeks, the topic of protein waffle recipes did not fade away, passions boiled more than water in a kettle. And this forced me to buy a waffle iron and test a few recipes, and then invent myself perfect recipe with the selection of proportions. I will say right away that this has not been done yet, it was easier to give up, give up and rush to buy o12 protein waffles (not advertising). But this is not about me, once my protein Belgian waffles are perfect, I will make a video for you.

We take 100 grams of cottage cheese, 50 grams of oatmeal (do not forget to grind) or oat flour, if it is not possible to grind in a coffee grinder or just laziness, 4-5 egg whites, 30-40 grams of your favorite protein.

We begin to mix proteins, gradually add cottage cheese, protein, oatmeal. Bake the finished mixture until tender.

Mike O'Hearn's Protein Waffle Recipe

4 whites 2 yolks, one banana, 45-50 grams of whey protein, walnuts grams 50. Knead all the ingredients in a blender, do not forget to mix everything before baking, the nuts may settle at the bottom.

Attention, do not pour out a large amount of the mixture, the waffles rise very much. Once instead of nuts, I added peanut butter and the problem with airiness and splendor was solved.

A Simple Protein Waffle Recipe

Oatmeal 50 grams, chicken eggs 2 pieces. whey protein, 30 grams, baking powder half a teaspoon, any nuts - 10 grams. Mix dry ingredients in a blender, then add eggs and bake this mixture.

Try these recipes, and I will prepare a second selection for you. After I test it at my leisure. Let's evaluate these creations in the comments, because the taste is subjective and for someone herring with ice cream is an ideal combination.

Protein waffles are protein wafers with whey protein isolate that are recommended in a weight loss program or when you need an additional source of protein, or even to maintain muscle tone.

per serving (30 g)
Calories - 126 kcal
Protein - 11.26 g
Carbohydrates - 10.52 gr
Total Fat 4.8g
Salt - 0.23 gr

oatmeal, egg powder, Whey Protein Isolate, Milk Protein Concentrate, Flavoring Bulk, Fructose, Salt, Thickeners, Sweeteners, Baking powder, Cinnamon extract.

for one waffle, fill a shaker with 60 ml of water or skim milk, add one spoon (30 g) from the mixture, shake the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a preheated waffle iron, bake until tender. Readiness can be checked by piercing the wafer with a toothpick, it should remain dry.

Individual intolerance to the components of the product. Consult a physician before use.

Note: is not a drug.

Storage conditions:
Store in a dry place out of direct sunlight and high temperatures. Keep out of the reach of children. The product is not a meal replacement. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by improper use or storage of the product.

Anastasia shared her recipe for protein PP waffles in a multi-baker in our group In contact with(if you have not signed up yet, then be sure to join us, we share our recipes, reviews, advice and experience in cooking different dishes in a Redmond electric waffle iron). Nastya has kindly allowed to publish her recipe for protein PP-waffles in a multi-baker, for which a special thanks to her! :)

And so, to prepare a recipe for protein PP wafers in a multi-baker, you need the following products:


  • Oatmeal - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Protein - 1 sting
  • Yogurt (1.5%) - optional

Used panels

Cooking method:

1. Mix oatmeal with egg and protein scoop. Mix everything with a fork until smooth onto the protein PP waffles in a multi-oven. If too thick, you can dilute with 1.5% yogurt :)

2. Install the panel for REDMOND (form for Viennese waffles) RAMB-02. We plug the multibaker into an outlet and heat it up with the lid closed until the green indicator lights up.

3. Put the dough on the panel and bake for 5-6 minutes until golden brown on pp-waffles. We transfer it to a plate, bake the rest of the dough in the same way, we got 2 protein PP waffles in a Redmond waffle iron.

Even those who watch their weight sometimes want something tasty. It's no surprise that protein waffles are popular with athletes. In fact, the way to prepare them is not at all complicated.

It is interesting that it is presented in a wide variety. In this article, you will learn not only how to make different protein tortillas, but also other healthy desserts.

Homemade waffles


100 g whey protein; 10 gr. chickens. egg whites; 150 g flour from oatmeal(you can buy a finished product); 350 gr. cottage cheese; 30 gr. van. Sahara; a pinch of orange peel.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Oatmeal should be mixed with chickens. eggs. It is important to separate the chickens. white from the yolk. The yolk can be kept for other dishes as it is no longer needed.
  2. Protein powder needs to be injected with proteins and mixed well. Then mix with a mixer. This should take one to two minutes. The mass should be homogeneous. Be sure to dissolve it so that there is no powder on your teeth while using the waffles.
  3. It is worth adding cottage cheese, a pinch of orange zest to the mass and stir the batch. It is necessary to exclude all lumps so that they are not in the dough.
  4. I add flour and knead further. I heat the waffle iron to swell the mixture.
  5. Heat the waffle iron, sprinkle with baking spray and pour in the dough. The tortillas can be served with honey, yogurt, berries and fruits.

In 100 gr. a serving of the dish will have about 180 calories. This dessert is very tasty, you can also cook such homemade cakes, their taste will not disappoint anyone, as well as the usefulness of the dish.

Homemade banana waffles

Even during regular workouts in the gym, I really want to pamper myself with something tasty, of course, the dish should also be healthy.

It will take about 10 minutes to prepare the dish, no more.


4-5 pcs. chickens. proteins; 25 gr. whey protein; 35 gr. oatmeal flour; 1 PC. banana.

For decoration, you can take chocolate chips.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix proteins, protein powder, oats in a container. flour and mashed banana. The best way to do this is with a blender. By the way, chocolate chips can also be added to the mixture.
  2. I pour the mass into the waffle iron. The cakes will be ready in 7-10 minutes. Serve dessert to the table, you can eat them with a healthy glass of delicious milk.

The cooking method has come to an end, but that's not all, I still have something to surprise you with. Read on for more recipes, be sure to try them in your kitchen.

Bon appetit, everyone!

Another way to make delicious protein waffles


100 g oats. flakes; 4 things. chickens. proteins and 2 pcs. chickens. yolks; 150 ml of kefir (low-fat).

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Oats. I grind the flakes with a blender to make flour.
  2. I introduce proteins and 2 yolks. Beat the mass again.
  3. I add kefir, beat the dough again.
  4. I pour the dough onto the oiled rast. butter form. You need to heat it well before baking. One waffle will take about 2 tablespoons. kneading.
  5. I bake tortillas until tender. Each piece should take 6-7 minutes. The waffle iron should warm up to 220 gr.

I hasten to disappoint lovers of crispy waffles, as they will turn out to be healthy and tasty, but they will not crunch. You can sprinkle the pulp of tangerine, pineapple and orange, as well as other delicacies on top.

Serve with delicious hot tea tasty product, rest assured that no one will be disappointed with its taste. Moreover, protein cakes turn out to be very useful, and therefore be prepared that everyone will ask you for a method of preparing them.

Protein waffles

The method allows you to bake delicious tortillas which will consist only of complex carbohydrates and high quality protein, and will not include the addition of oil. Without flour, other ingredients and other ingredients, you can bake delicious dessert, which will be useful even for those who adhere to sports diets.


40 gr. oatmeal; 115 gr. cottage cheese (I advise you to take a fat-free product); 130 ml of chickens. proteins and 1 pc. chickens. yolk (about 5 hens. medium-sized eggs).

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix chickens. eggs, oatmeal in a blender and mix well.
  2. I add cottage cheese.
  3. I bake in a waffle iron until cooked.

Homemade Viennese Healthy Waffle Recipe


40 gr. oatmeal; 130 ml of chickens. proteins; 115 gr. soft cottage cheese; cinnamon; sugar; honey.

As an additive, you can add vanilla, chocolate or strawberries.

You can use 1 scoop of protein for the specified number of components

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I pour in chickens. eggs into a blender and add oatmeal. Grind with a blender very carefully so that the mass is homogeneous.
  2. I pour the mass into the waffle iron and bake until tender. Bon Appetit!

The recipe for the right mango waffles


30 gr. sweet casein; 3 tsp apple puree (you can take pumpkin); 15 gr. oats. flour; 100 g cottage cheese ( fat-free composition); 2 pcs. chickens. proteins; stevia; 1 tsp coconut shavings; mango; 1 tsp cocoa; 2 tbsp nat. yoghurt fat percentage 1.5.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Stir casein, puree, flour, proteins. The dough should turn out in composition like liquid sour cream. You need to introduce water. I advise you to sprinkle water on the waffle iron device in advance.
  2. Grease the olive shapes. butter and fry them until tender for 3 minutes.
  3. I mix cottage cheese and stevia, add shavings and knead.
  4. I put the cream, then cover with mango slices, pour the sauce with chocolate. To make it, it is worth stirring cocoa and yogurt.

Banana Ice Cream Waffles


30 gr. sweet casein; 15 gr. oats. flour; 50 gr. cottage cheese (fat-free composition); 2 pcs. chickens. proteins; 1 tsp coconut shavings; 1 PC. banana (freeze in advance); 4 tablespoons nat. yoghurt fat percentage 1.5.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I stir casein, nat. yogurt, egg whites and flour.
  2. I spread the mass to the state of liquid sour cream, and then I smear the waffle iron with the help of rast. oils.
  3. I bake until tender for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Banana ice cream will perfectly complement the tortillas. Chocolate sauce must be made with cocoa and yogurt. On top of the tortillas you need to put banana ice cream, cottage cheese and pour over the sauce.

Protein Chocolate Wafers


1 tbsp. nuts; half st. protein blend with chocolate flavor; 2 tbsp cocoa powder and the same amount of flour; 4 things. chickens. eggs; 1/3 Art. nat. yogurt; ΒΌ tsp stevia in a liquid state; 3 tbsp peanut butter.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Grind nuts with a blender. Toss in a bowl with the protein mixture, cocoa powder, and flour.
  2. I bring in chickens. eggs, butter, stevia, and yogurt.
  3. Beat the mass and make a homogeneous mass.
  4. I turn on the waffle iron and start baking the waffles. Bon Appetit.

My video recipe