Rolls with trout. Rolls at home (cucumber, avocado, trout, cheese)

Japanese cuisine I discovered for myself quite recently. More precisely, I knew about her for a long time, even once tried the rolls, but they did not impress me, rather they even caused disgust.

But for the past New Year I decided to cook the rolls myself. It turned out very tasty, and now we regularly prepare rolls at home.

To make rolls with cucumber and trout, we need:

  • 5-6 sheets of nori,
  • 250 grams of sushi rice,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of rice vinegar
  • 3 fresh cucumbers,
  • 1 avocado (optional)
  • wasabi (optional),
  • 200 grams lightly salted trout or salmon,
  • makisu - a bamboo mat for rolling rolls.

Recipe for rolls with cucumber and trout.

An important part of the rolls is properly cooked rice. I cook it according to the instructions on the package.

First, I rinse the rice very well, until clear water. Pouring in cold water and leave for half an hour. Drain the rice. Pour rice with new water in a ratio of about 1: 1.15 and bring to a boil. I turn the heat down to a minimum, cover and boil for 10 minutes. I turn off the heat and leave the rice like that until it cools down to room temperature.

Then I add 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar to the rice. I mix everything and let it stand for a few more minutes.

I cut the fish and cucumbers into strips.

I peel the avocado, cut it into strips.

From the tools we need a bamboo mat, a sharp knife.

I pour water into a separate cup and dilute a small amount of rice vinegar there.

Place the nori sheet with the shiny side on the bamboo mat. We moisten our hands in previously prepared water with vinegar. Take a handful of rice and distribute it over the nori sheet so that about 2 cm is left from the top edge.Every time we take rice, hands need to be moistened. This is to prevent the rice from sticking to your hands.

Put the fish and cucumber filling on the bottom edge. If you want, you can put slices of ripe avocado instead of a cucumber or together with it, and put a thin strip of wasabi under the slices of fish (it is very spicy!). My household is not very fond of wasabi, so I do not add it.

Wet the free edge of the nori a little with water. Using a bamboo mat, fold the roll tightly.

Roll can be shaped like a circle, square, triangle.

Cut the roll into 6 pieces with a sharp knife, each time wetting the blade in water.

Serve rolls with pickled ginger and soy sauce.

As you can see, making rolls is not at all difficult. This is versatile dish... It can be served both at a crowded party and at a romantic dinner.

Bon Appetit.

And a little humor.

I made such awesome sushi! True, I had no fish, so I stuffed sausages in there. And instead of nori salad. And instead of wasabi, horseradish "Uncle Vanya"

Well, did you at least find some rice? Or replaced with buckwheat?

No matter what skeptics say, rolls are still not only fashionable and delicious dish but also very useful. Especially rolls with salmon or any red fish. Red fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which protect our body from the development of cardiovascular diseases, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and besides, they are a source of vitamin D. Nori algae contain iodine in their organic composition, a necessary element for the normal functioning of the nervous system. All products used for making rolls are natural and do not contain GMOs.

Salmon rolls step by step photo recipe

Rice for rolls is cooked in a multicooker (the ideal ratio of rice to water is 1: 1.2) or in the classic way on the stove. After boiling, it must be marinated with rice vinegar with the addition of a pinch of sugar, then it will not only be enriched with a pleasant aroma, but will also stick together better, which will greatly simplify the work with cooking.

Especially for site readers Good recipes we will tell and show in a photo and video recipe:

how to make rolls with cucumber and red fish at home

Video from the channel "How to do"


  • water;
  • rice vinegar;
  • nori leaves;
  • salted red fish (salmon, salmon, trout or pink salmon);
  • fresh cucumber;
  • fried sesame seeds;
  • salad (leaves).

Cooking process:

The nori sheet has two sides: matte and glossy. In our case, you need to lay a sheet of nori with the glossy side down on a bamboo mat, having previously wrapped it with cling film (you can in several layers).

Put a small lump of rice on top, distribute it over the surface of the nori, remembering to leave the top edge empty, as in the photo.

Then carefully lay out the filling. Put the fried sesame seeds in a thin strip on the rice mass. Then - records fresh cucumber, pieces of red fish and a little greens.

Wrap the roll in a roll carefully, lifting the edge of the mat.

By the way, rolls with cucumber and fish can also be made "inside out", that is, so that the rice is outside the workpiece ... For this, as in the previous method, spread the rice on a sheet of algae and turn the sheet over with the rice side down.

We wrap the mat, forming a roll. That's why you had to wrap the bamboo mat with cling film. If this was not done, then the rice, when pressed on the mat, would get stuck between its twigs. This would not make it possible to work normally, the mat would have to be washed and dried after each roll, and appearance the dishes would certainly have suffered too.

Cut the roll in half with a sharp knife, trim the edges and cut it into 6 pieces. If such parts seem too large to you, then you can cut the finished roll not into 6, but into 8 parts.

Put the rolls with red fish on a plate decorated with lettuce leaves.

Rita told how to make rolls with salmon or pink salmon, the recipe and the author's photo.

Rolls with different fillings have long been fond of the Russian people, therefore Japanese dishes on the Russian table no one is surprised. In our country, unlike Japan, Japanese dishes are prepared with any seafood, both salted and smoked, thanks to which you can constantly get different and at the same time incredibly tasty, healthy dishes.

For cooking you will need:

  • Rice for sushi
  • Nori seaweed
  • Trout
  • Cucumber
  • Rice vinegar
  • Soy sauce
  • Pickled ginger
  • Wasabi

How to cook rolls with trout and cucumber

If your refrigerator does not contain the right products, do not rush to get upset, rolls with trout, shrimp, avocado and many other fillings can be ordered with delivery to your home or office, almost around the clock. In addition, it is very easy to order rolls in Perm, and delivery will not be long in coming.

Cooking rice is the first step in making rolls and requires special preparation. First, the rice is washed in ten waters, until completely transparent, then sent to boiled water and cooked over low heat for 20-25 minutes. The amount of water and rice is taken in a ratio of 1.2: 1, respectively. There is no need to salt the water. After the rice is cooked, it is cooled and seasoned with rice vinegar. Let it brew for a few minutes and only then use it.

Now directly about. Here we need a mat as an improvised material. Place the noria leaf (shiny side down) on a mat wrapped in cling film.

From chilled rice we form a cake with a diameter of about 6 cm, spread it on the nori and distribute it evenly over the surface, leaving one free edge. By the way, so that the rice does not stick to your hands, you need to make an acidified solution of water from vinegar or lemon juice. The same liquid will be required for gluing with the edge of the roll.

Put the filling in the center of the rice layer: strips of trout fillet, cucumber cut into cubes and you can add wasabi.

Holding with your fingers and gradually pulling the mat, we form a roll, coat the free edge of the bucket elevator with an acidified solution and clamp.

Cut the roll into several parts with a sharp knife. We also cut off the uneven edges.

Serve with trout and cucumber with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Japanese cuisine has become quite popular in recent years. Today, hardly anyone can be surprised by a party in japanese style, the main treat on which, of course, are sushi and rolls.

Cooking rolls is actually not difficult at all. The main thing is to correctly distribute the filling over the surface of the roll and twist it correctly so that it does not turn out to be a twisted "snail". Of course on taste qualities this will not affect the roll, but the appearance of the dish will be spoiled.

It takes practice to make the rolls beautiful. This means that you need not be afraid to experiment and improve your skills.

To make homemade rolls with trout, we need:

- rice for making rolls;
- nori algae;
- salmon paste;
- trout;
- pickled ginger;
- soy sauce;
- wasabi;
- avocado or cucumber;
- greens.

How to cook from a photo step by step

1. We collect products.

2. Place the nori sheet with the glossy side down on the bamboo mat. Take a small amount of boiled rice, pre-seasoned with rice vinegar, and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the nori leaf. Only the upper edge of the algae should remain not filled.

3. To add spice to the red fish roll, coat a thin strip of wasabi across its entire length.

4. Place the trout slices.

5. Then slices of peeled avocado or cucumber. Pickled ginger can be added.

6. Add the salmon paste.

7. Gently holding the edges of the trout roll, wrap it in a mat.

8. Do not squeeze the mat too tight, otherwise the filling will come out over the edges of the roll.
Our roll is ready.

9. Cut the fish roll into 6 pieces and serve with pickled ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.
We hope our recipe for trout rolls is useful to you!
For lovers of trout, we also offer to cook

Today you won't surprise anyone with rolls, they are sold for every taste and color. But you can also buy the basic ingredients for their preparation in almost every store.
There are also many roll recipes, but I will share my simple and quick recipe cooking roll with trout (you can take salmon), cucumber and melted cheese, you can't make them without rice).

So, we need boiled rice (to be honest, I take brown or the most regular rice for these purposes, I have never tried to do it with special sushi rice) of a viscous consistency, so that it is convenient to sculpt.
Cut the trout and fresh cucumber into oblong pieces:

On a mat for rolls (I pre-wrap it with a plastic bag so that it does not get dirty)

I spread a sheet of nori seaweed

then I slightly spray it with water so that it becomes more elastic and not brittle.
Spread a small layer of rice on 3/4 of a sheet

then I put a strip of fish and a cucumber

and then I add processed cheese

and using the mat I twist the roll:

Here's a roll turns out. To make the roll beautiful, I give it a shape and cut it at the ends:

I put the resulting roll in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, and then I cut it into pieces and the product is ready for use)

I like to eat rolls with soy sauce, just pour the sauce over the sliced ​​rolls.

The rolls are tasty, juicy and moderately salty.
The recipe is simple and not time-consuming, and if you suddenly wanted to rolls, then if you have all the ingredients, it is quite possible to make them right away!

Bon Appetit!

P.S My recipe is far from the present Japanese recipe, so please do not judge strictly!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.