Salad with lightly salted trout, cucumber and cheese. How to make a salad with trout, herbs and vegetables Salad with salted trout and fresh cucumber

Published: 02.08.2014
Posted by: FairyDawn
Caloric content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Salads in my family are the most favorite dish... And this is not surprising: there are so many recipes that you can choose for every taste and for all occasions: classic "", hearty "Nicoise", exquisite "", light "" ... What I like most about salads is that experiments with ingredients always lead to a positive result: in this case, adding your favorite product, you cannot spoil the dish in any way. But try to somehow change the recipe for the dough for pies or cream for the cake: it is not yet known what will turn out in the end. So I very often prepare salads, and not only strictly adhering to the recipes known to me, but also simply combining some components. Sometimes it turns out just delicious, and sometimes - very, very tasty! This one also belongs to such successful salads - a salad with lightly salted trout, cucumber and cheese. Add some more of your own Have a good mood, call for inspiration to make a beautiful presentation - and you get a small cooking masterpiece, which will decorate any feast.

For 1 serving:

- 1 small cucumber;
- 30-40 g of lightly salted trout;
- 30-40 g of hard cheese;
- 1 egg;
- 2-3 tsp mayonnaise;
- lettuce leaves for decoration.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Let's start with the most important ingredient - fish. It does not have to be exactly trout, salmon and pink salmon will do. The main thing is that the fish is really not too salty - otherwise it can ruin the whole salad. Since we do not need beautiful, even pieces, we can use not too running parts of the fish - the tail or the bellies.

We carefully cut off the skin, remove bones, if any, in your piece. If it is a belly, notice that it has a lot of fat on it - it needs to be removed too.

Cut the trout into small cubes for the salad.

Boil the egg hard. To do this, he will need to cook for 10 minutes in boiling water - then the yolk will become solid, as we need. Cool the egg and clean.

Separate the whites from the yolks. If you buy not store-bought eggs, but get eggs from domestic chickens (this can be done on the market, for example), then the yolks will be bright, not even yellow, but orange, very appetizing.

We also cut the protein into small cubes, like the trout.

But three yolk on a medium grater.

Well, now about the cheese. No need to invent something, try to add feta, feta cheese or blue cheese. Simplest hard cheese- that's what we need! If you really want to, then take processed cheese but not smoked and of good quality.
Cut cheese for salad with lightly salted fish into small cubes.

You will definitely need a fresh cucumber - lightly salted or canned cousins ​​will not work here. Be sure to try the cucumber - its skin may turn out to be bitter, then it will simply ruin your dish. If so, don't be discouraged, there is a way out. Just cut off the skin carefully with a knife or vegetable peeler: then there will be no trace of bitterness!

Cut the cucumber into small cubes, like the rest of the ingredients.

We have prepared everything, it remains only to mix and season with mayonnaise. But it's too boring for me. I love it when even very simple dishes served beautifully - be it a dinner party or an ordinary dinner with the family. After all, it will only take an extra 5-7 minutes, but the mood of those for whom you are cooking will improve significantly! It is quite simple to do this - beautiful plate, herbs for decoration, an unusual pattern of sauce - and that's it, your dish looks just like in a restaurant! As for salads, they can be served in portions, forming in a serving ring: this is both neat and more appetizing. Do not be intimidated by the words "serving ring" - you may not even buy it on purpose, but make it yourself, simply by cutting off a plastic bottle of mineral water.
Put washed and dried lettuce leaves on a plate.

Place the serving ring on top.

The first layer is protein. We compact it slightly.

Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to the protein. It is best to do this with a teaspoon, spreading the sauce over the entire surface so that there are no gaps.

The second layer of salad with cucumber and cheese is lightly salted trout.

We tamped the fish and apply a layer of mayonnaise.

Now it’s the turn of the cheese.

And again a layer of mayonnaise. Add the chopped cucumber.

And one more layer of mayonnaise.

The final touch is the grated yolk.

That's all, all the layers are in their places, it remains only to carefully remove the serving ring so as not to damage the salad. But if you tamped the layers, as I advised you, then you will succeed. The only caveat is the yolk. No matter how hard you try, pieces of it, too small, will surely crumble slightly onto the plate. They can be carefully removed or left like that - there is a certain charm, some playfulness, charming incompleteness that will give your salad its own flavor.

Decorate the salad with parsley and serve. Bon Appetit!

You should not prepare a salad of lightly salted fish, cucumber and cheese in advance: the yolk can weather, the cucumber can let the juice flow, and the structure itself can collapse if it stands for a long time. If you want to save time, just prepare all the ingredients (just do not grate the yolk, but you can chop the rest). And when the time comes to serve the salad, quickly pick it up and decorate - then with it appearance everything will be good.

And feel free to experiment: replace the cucumber with an avocado, add corn, take instead of red fish canned tuna... In general, create for your own pleasure!

Salads with such wonderful fish as trout and salmon always turn out to be very refined, with a rich amazing taste. In this article, we will talk about best recipes such delicious salads.

Lightly salted salmon and trout taste very similar, so they are interchangeable in salads. You can use both purchased lightly salted fish, and salt it yourself, because it's pretty easy.

More often salads with trout and salmon are prepared for the holidays, because this is a great option for a New Year's or any other festive table. They can be both flaky and simple - when the ingredients are simply mixed with each other, you can also replace this fish with another, for example, make "Trout under a fur coat" instead of herring - this is a great alternative to the traditional and familiar.

Recipe one: Salad with trout and potatoes

You will need: 400g of slightly salted trout / salmon, 300g of mayonnaise, 8 boiled eggs and potato tubers, 1 onion, 1-2 tbsp. pomegranate seeds, green onions, salt.

How to make a salad with trout and potatoes. Separate the whites of the boiled eggs from the yolks, cut the onion into thin half rings, add salt and mash. Finely chop the fish, put in the first layer in a salad bowl. Sprinkle the fish with onions, rub the potatoes on top so that the fish can be seen on the sides, grease with mayonnaise. Rub on top egg yolks... Sprinkle grated whites on top of the yolks, pour over with mayonnaise again, sprinkle with chopped green onions, put pomegranate seeds on top.

Recipe two: Festive salmon salad without mayonnaise

You will need: 1 apple and avocado, ½ lemon, slightly salted salmon or trout, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cheese, sesame seeds, arugula, Pine nuts, dressing - 120ml olive oil, 25ml wine vinegar, 20ml soy sauce, 20g mustard, 15ml honey.

How to cook New Year's salad with trout without mayonnaise. Peel the avocado, cut into small cubes, remove the pit, repeat the same with the apple, sprinkle the apple and avocado with lemon juice. Finely chop the fish, pick lettuce and arugula, chop the nuts not too finely, dice the cheese, combine all the ingredients for the salad. Mix all the ingredients for dressing, pour over the salad, stir it, put in small round plates, tamp and turn on flat plates. Garnish with cherry tomatoes, soaking underneath and dipping in sesame seeds.

Salads are very tasty in which lightly salted salmon is combined with other seafood.

Recipe three: Salad with salmon and seafood "Cornucopia"

You will need: 250 g of slightly salted salmon / trout and peeled shrimps, 4-5 boiled eggs, 1 medium cucumber, a glass of boiled rice and a jar canned corn, ½ lemon (juice), green onions, mayonnaise, pepper, salt, decoration - fish, red caviar, parsley, shrimp.

How to cook holiday salad with seafood. Separate the whites of the boiled eggs and the yolks; set aside the last for decoration. Chop fish, combine with shrimp and drizzle with lemon juice, add corn and rice, finely chopped cucumber, grated egg whites, chopped green onions, pepper and salt, add mayonnaise and stir. Put the salad on a flat horn-shaped dish, sprinkle with finely grated yolks, decorate with caviar, parsley, fish and shrimps, let it brew before serving.

Recipe four: Salad "Salmon on a fur coat"

You will need: 300g of slightly salted trout / salmon, 100-200g of natural yogurt / sour cream / mayonnaise, 2 boiled tubers of potatoes, beets and eggs, 1-2 onions, 1 boiled carrots, greens.

How to cook Salmon on a fur coat salad. On a coarse grater, grate all the vegetables, chop the onion, chop the eggs, or rub too. Put a ring on the plate, with the help of which it will be convenient to lay out the salad in a beautiful round shape. Grease the bottom of the plate vegetable oil, lay out the beets, grease with sauce, then lay out all the ingredients, greasing with sauce: after carrots, potatoes, eggs, onions. The last layer is fish cut into pieces. Decorate with herbs and let the salad brew, with a quick movement carefully remove the ring.

Recipe 5: Salad cake with trout

You will need: 500g of slightly salted salmon / trout, 100g of Philadelphia cheese or curd / cream cheese, 8g of gelatin, 4 boiled eggs, 1 pack of crab sticks, 4-5 tbsp. boiled rice, 4 tablespoons each sour cream and mayonnaise, herbs and red caviar for decoration.

How to make salmon salad cake. Cover a deep dish food foil, overlap (so that there are no gaps) thinly sliced ​​fish, covering both the bottom and sides of the dish. On a fine grater, grate separately the egg yolks, whites and crab sticks... Pour gelatin with 0.5 cups of cold water, wait for swelling, then dissolve in a water bath, but do not boil, remove from the stove and let cool. Mix soft cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise until smooth, pour in the cooled gelatin, grease the fish layer with the resulting cream, lay out the grated yolks in a layer (you do not need to distribute on the sides like fish - put only in the center of the dish). Then grease with cream, put crab sticks, then again cream, proteins, cream, rice, cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Take the cake out of the refrigerator, cover with a flat plate and turn over onto it. Decorate the salad with herbs and red caviar.

Having prepared a salad with lightly salted salmon according to any of the proposed recipes, you will receive a lot of praise, because such salads are always tasty and appetizing, and a beautiful design will help to add spectacularity to them.

Salads with such wonderful fish as trout and salmon always turn out to be very refined, with a rich amazing taste. In this article, we will share the best recipes for such delicious salads.

Lightly salted salmon and trout taste very similar, so they are interchangeable in salads. You can use both purchased lightly salted fish, and salt it yourself, because it's pretty easy.

More often salads with trout and salmon are prepared for the holidays, because this is a great option for a New Year's or any other festive table. They can be both flaky and simple - when the ingredients are simply mixed with each other, you can also replace this fish with another, for example, make "Trout under a fur coat" instead of herring - this is a great alternative to the traditional and familiar.

Recipe 1: Salad with Trout and Potatoes

You will need: 400g of slightly salted trout / salmon, 300g of mayonnaise, 8 boiled eggs and potato tubers, 1 onion, 1-2 tbsp. pomegranate seeds, green onions, salt.

How to make a salad with trout and potatoes. Separate the whites of the boiled eggs from the yolks, cut the onion into thin half rings, add salt and mash. Finely chop the fish, put in the first layer in a salad bowl. Sprinkle the fish with onions, rub the potatoes on top so that the fish can be seen on the sides, grease with mayonnaise. Rub the egg yolks on top. Sprinkle grated whites on top of the yolks, pour over mayonnaise again, sprinkle with chopped green onions, top with pomegranate seeds.

Recipe 2: Festive salmon salad without mayonnaise

You will need: 1 apple and avocado each, ½ lemon, salmon or slightly salted trout, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cheese, sesame seeds, arugula, pine nuts, dressing - 120 ml of olive oil, 25 ml of wine vinegar, 20 ml of soy sauce, 20 g of mustard, 15 ml honey.

How to make a New Year's salad with trout without mayonnaise. Peel the avocado, cut into small cubes, remove the pit, repeat the same with the apple, sprinkle the apple and avocado with lemon juice. Finely chop the fish, pick lettuce and arugula, chop the nuts not too finely, dice the cheese, combine all the ingredients for the salad. Mix all the ingredients for dressing, pour over the salad, stir it, put in small round plates, tamp and turn on flat plates. Garnish with cherry tomatoes, soaking underneath and dipping in sesame seeds.

Salads are very tasty in which lightly salted salmon is combined with other seafood.

Recipe 3: Cornucopia Salad with Salmon and Seafood

You will need: 250 g of slightly salted salmon / trout and peeled shrimp, 4-5 boiled eggs, 1 medium cucumber, a glass of boiled rice and a can of canned corn, ½ lemon (juice), green onions, mayonnaise, pepper, salt, decoration - fish, red caviar, parsley, shrimps.

How to make a holiday seafood salad. Separate the whites of the boiled eggs and the yolks; set aside the last for decoration. Chop fish, combine with shrimp and drizzle with lemon juice, add corn and rice, finely chopped cucumber, grated egg whites, chopped green onions, pepper and salt, add mayonnaise and stir. Put the salad on a flat horn-shaped dish, sprinkle with finely grated yolks, decorate with caviar, parsley, fish and shrimps, let it brew before serving.

Recipe 4: Salad "Salmon on a fur coat"

You will need: 300g of slightly salted trout / salmon, 100-200g of natural yogurt / sour cream / mayonnaise, 2 boiled potato tubers, beets and eggs, 1-2 onions, 1 boiled carrot, greens.

How to cook Salmon on a fur coat salad. On a coarse grater, grate all the vegetables, chop the onion, chop the eggs, or rub too. Put a ring on the plate, with the help of which it will be convenient to lay out the salad in a beautiful round shape. Grease the bottom of the plate with vegetable oil, lay out the beets, grease with sauce, then lay out all the ingredients, greasing with sauce: then carrots, potatoes, eggs, onions. The last layer is fish cut into pieces. Decorate with herbs and let the salad brew, with a quick movement carefully remove the ring.

Recipe 5: Trout Salad Cake

You will need: 500g of slightly salted salmon / trout, 100g of Philadelphia cheese or curd / cream cheese, 8g of gelatin, 4 boiled eggs, 1 pack of crab sticks, 4-5 tbsp. boiled rice, 4 tablespoons each sour cream and mayonnaise, herbs and red caviar for decoration.

How to make salmon salad cake. Cover a deep dish with food foil, overlap (so that there are no gaps) thinly sliced ​​fish slices, covering both the bottom and sides of the dish. On a fine grater, grate separately the egg yolks, whites and crab sticks. Pour gelatin with 0.5 cups of cold water, wait for swelling, then dissolve in a water bath, but do not boil, remove from the stove and let cool. Stir soft cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise until smooth, pour in the cooled gelatin, grease the fish layer with the resulting cream, lay out the grated yolks in a layer (you do not need to distribute on the sides like fish - put only in the center of the dish). Then grease with cream, put crab sticks, then again cream, proteins, cream, rice, cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Take the cake out of the refrigerator, cover with a flat plate and turn over onto it. Decorate the salad with herbs and red caviar.

Having prepared a salad with lightly salted salmon according to any of the proposed recipes, you will receive a lot of praise, because such salads are always tasty and appetizing, and a beautiful design will help to add spectacularity to them.

Salad6- with fish, cucumber and red caviar

300 g cheese 1 pack of sliced ​​red fish

1 boiled potato 1 boiled egg

1 pickled cucumber red caviar mayonnaise

Grate potatoes, cheese, egg, cut cucumber into strips. Spread the salad in layers, each smearing with mayonnaise: half potatoes, cucumber, cheese, egg, remaining potatoes, fish. Top the salad with red caviar and herbs.


slightly salted salmon fillet (I salted myself, added brandy, which gives the salmon flavor) - 250 - 300 g,
avocado - 1 pc.,
fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
leaves Chinese cabbage,
bell peppers (red and yellow) - ½ each,
eggs - 3 pcs. (only protein, yolks sent to salad with cod),
hard cheese (I took Olterman 17%) - 50 - 80g,
cream cheese Almette - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons,
shrimp (small, boil them with spices in highly salted water and peel)) - 200-300 g,
caviar, pine nuts, mayonnaise.

1st layer: finely chopped cucumber and avocado, Chinese cabbage leaves and creamy Almette cheese;
2nd layer: salmon fillet, cut into cubes,
3rd layer: yellow and red pepper, cut into strips, a thin layer of mayonnaise is applied to the pepper;
4th layer: finely grated egg white, a thin layer of mayonnaise;
5th layer - grated cheese.

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves with your hands, sprinkle on the dish and put on the shrimp leaves, sprinkle with fresh lemon or orange juice.

Decorate (I decorated with caviar and pine nuts) and enjoy the taste !!!

Treats with seafood today are becoming more and more popular and relevant for any celebration, because they are delicious and refined. And if a salad with salted trout decorates the serving on your festive table and teases the stomachs of guests, then it alone will be enough for the full value of the menu.

Another question is which recipe to choose from all this variety, because almost all such dishes are really tasty, very beautiful and mouth-watering.

We will help you make the right choice. If you are a fan of appetizers with any red fish, then we advise you to find the best treat for yourself in this selection of recipes.

Original Chinese Trout Salad

The recipe embodies traditional cuisine China. There is also glass noodles, and fresh vegetables and fish. And dressing with soy and oyster sauce best of all emphasize the "geography" of the treat.


  • Funchoza dry - 50 g;
  • Salted trout fillet - 0.2 kg;
  • Short fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs .;
  • Red Bell pepper- 1 fruit;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs .;
  • Caviar "Tobiko" of any color - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sesame seed - 2 tablespoons;
  • Oyster sauce - 1 tbsp.;
  • Classic soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - 30 ml.

How to make salted trout salad

  1. We brew the funcheza with boiling water and leave under the lid for 5 minutes. Then we put the finished noodles on a sieve. After a couple of minutes, as the water drains, cut the noodles and put them in a salad bowl.
  2. Cut pepper, peeled from seeds, into strips.
  3. Grind the cucumber in the same way.
  4. Salmon should be chopped into cubes.
  5. We transfer all the chopped ingredients to the funchose and mix the salad.
  6. Oyster and soy sauce combine and mix with oil.
  7. Pour the salad with the resulting dressing, add sesame seeds to it. Then we mix the ingredients again.
  8. Leave the salad to infuse for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator.
  9. When serving, the salad should be garnished with flying fish roe. And lay cherry tomatoes around the edges.

Salted trout salad "Iceberg"


  • - 1 package + -
  • - 170-200 g + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • 1 small fork + -
  • - 1 pack + -
  • - 1 bank + -
  • - ½ tsp + -

How to make trout salad

Light, juicy and crunchy, thanks to the "iceberg", the salad will be in demand throughout the festive evening. This dish can be safely called sophisticated. Here, each component is felt in isolation, rather than interrupting each other. This recipe is very simple and really quick. It takes no more than half an hour to implement it.

  1. Set the eggs to boil for 20 minutes. After cooling down in cold water we clean them and chop them into cubes.
  2. Wash the iceberg lettuce and shake it off the water. Then we cut it into large squares. Or we tear the leaves with our own hands in arbitrary pieces.
  3. Trout fillets should be taken whole, not cut into slices. It must be crushed into small pieces.
  4. Strain the corn from the marinade and add to the salad bowl.
  5. The cheese is best cut into strips. But you can also grate it with coarse shavings on a grater.

Mix all the ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise. Salt the finished dish if necessary. But do not forget that the salad contains salted fish.

Salad with trout or salmon "King of the Sea"

The abundance of seafood in this salad makes it truly seafood. But the red caviar, generously poured on top, makes the treat truly royal. Cooking such beauty at home is not a difficult task. For this we offer you our step-by-step recipe.

  • Bring water in a saucepan to a boil over medium heat and salt it. We dip the squid into the boiling water. After 3-4 minutes we remove them from the water.
  • Put the shrimps into an empty pan with boiling water for 2-3 minutes and immediately take them out.
  • Crab sticks (or meat) and squid should be cut into strips.
  • We shave the cheese through a grater with fine chips.
  • Cut the fish into slices or large cubes.
  • We chop the onion very finely.
  • We will lay the salad in layers:

    • The first layer is potatoes. Sprinkle it with a pinch of salt and cover it with a mayonnaise mesh.
    • Next, sprinkle the potatoes with crab straws and also cover with a layer of mayonnaise.
    • Then there are eggs mixed with mayonnaise and a pinch of salt. We distribute them evenly over the crabs.
    • And on the egg mass we put squid + net of mayonnaise.
    • Sprinkle the salad with cheese crumbs on top of everything.
    • Now we put fish and shrimp slices around the edge of the salad. And in the center we place a slice of caviar, framed with onion slices.

    Such a salad with salted trout will cause a storm of enthusiastic emotions. Well, you see, it looks not just beautiful, but stunning and very expensive!

    If you want your table to be easy to prepare, but at the same time appetizing, tasty and hearty dish, you can safely use one of the recipes for salads with lightly salted trout.

    The ingredients in these salads contain many nutrients that will have a beneficial effect on your health. Trout itself will spice up salads and make them more satisfying, which will ensure the success of such dishes on any table.

    Salad with lightly salted trout and egg


    1. Lightly salted trout - 200 g
    2. Boiled egg - 3 pcs
    3. Tomatoes - 2 pieces
    4. Mozzarella cheese (any hard cheese is possible) - 5 pieces
    5. Pickled garlic - 5 cloves
    6. Olives - to taste
    7. Quail eggs - 4 pcs
    8. Olive oil - 4 tablespoons
    9. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
    10. Liquid honey - 1 tsp
    11. Pepper mix - to taste
    12. Sea salt to taste


    • Take chicken, hard-boiled eggs. Peel and cut into large cubes. Put half of the resulting mass in a salad bowl.
    • Dice the lightly salted trout and place half of the whole trout over the eggs.
    • Scrape the seeds out of the tomatoes. Cut the tomato pulp into cubes. Also cut the cheese of your choice into cubes. Take half each and place in a salad bowl.
    • Now repeat the layers one more time from those products that remained after the first installation. When laying in layers, do not crush them. The salad should remain fluffy. Place some pickled garlic on top.
    • Prepare salad dressing... To do this, mix olive oil, lemon juice, liquid honey. Add sea ​​salt and a mixture of peppers. You can adjust the acidity and sweetness of the sauce to your liking.
    • Season the salad. Garnish it with olives and quail eggs... Put the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour to steep the salad.

    Trout salad in a fur coat


    1. Lightly salted trout - 200 g
    2. Boiled potatoes - 2 pieces
    3. Boiled carrots - 2 pieces
    4. Boiled beets - 1 piece
    5. Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
    6. Cheese - 100 g
    7. Green onions - 1 bunch
    8. Mayonnaise - 200 g


    • Peel the potatoes and grate. Season with a little salt and mix with mayonnaise. Place it on a plate - this will be the first layer.
    • Lightly salted trout should be cut into small cubes. Combine the fish with mayonnaise and place in a second layer on a plate.
    • Wash and chop green onions, after drying. Sprinkle chopped herbs over salad.
    • Put eggs, crushed on a fine grater, in a third layer, which must be peeled beforehand. Before laying out, the egg mass must be mixed with mayonnaise.
    • Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Make a mixture of grated cheese and mayonnaise. Lay it out in fourth layer.
    • Grate the carrots, add mayonnaise to it - this is the fifth layer. Next, lay out the beets. You can arrange a salad in the shape of a fish. To do this, leave a little light part - this will serve as the head of the fish. You can decorate the salad as you like.

    Fjorda salad with lightly salted trout


    1. Lightly salted trout - 300 g
    2. Salmon caviar - 130 g
    3. Boiled rice - 150 g
    4. Red salad onions - 1 head
    5. Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
    6. Mayonnaise to taste
    7. Green lettuce - to taste


    • Rice must be boiled and cooled. When it's cool, place it in a salad bowl.
    • Cut the onions into medium-sized cubes and place in a salad bowl with the rice.
    • The eggs must be peeled and cut into medium cubes. Slice lightly salted trout in the same way. Place these ingredients in a salad bowl as well.
    • Mix everything thoroughly. Season the salad with mayonnaise. If you wish, you can add a little salt to it.
    • Arrange the green lettuce leaves on a flat plate. Put the resulting dish on them in a slide. Garnish the salad with salmon caviar. You can serve the dish on the table.

    Salad Kumushka with slightly salted trout


    1. Lightly salted trout - 200 g
    2. Cheese - 150 g
    3. Boiled egg - 3 pcs
    4. Bow - 1 head
    5. Green apple - 1 piece
    6. Pear - 1 piece
    7. Mayonnaise to taste
    8. Pomegranate seeds to taste
    9. Parsley to taste


    • Cut the lightly salted trout into small cubes. Place the chopped fish in a salad bowl in the first layer.
    • Chop the onion into cubes and place in a salad bowl in a second layer, mixing it with mayonnaise.
    • On a grater, grate the previously cleaned green apple... Place the apple in a salad bowl, thus forming the third layer.
    • The fourth layer of lettuce consists of eggs mixed with mayonnaise, which must first be chopped into small cubes.
    • Peel and grate the pear. This minced fruit will make up the fifth layer of salad.
    • Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Combine half of the cheese with mayonnaise. You will get the sixth layer. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the salad. Garnish with pomegranate seeds and herbs.

    Lightly salted trout salads will become desirable and popular dishes on any table. They are distinguished by their nutritional value and unique taste. In addition, trout will add a touch of tenderness to your dishes. Choose from all variety suitable recipe and enjoy its taste!