Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits in the oven. Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots – 4 recipes

“I have managed to lose weight many times, but it was more like in the Mark Twain quote “Quit smoking? Easy! I quit a hundred times myself. "To lose weight is one thing, but to keep the weight ... If you list the diets that I managed to test on myself, then this is" System Minus 60 ", buckwheat, kefir," breakfast only "," 7 petals ". On all these systems, of course, I lost weight, but I also got fat right there," - told HELLO.RU Irina Bulavina.

"A good figure is by no means expensive and it is not the privilege of the elite with ideal heredity and thin bones. A good figure depends only on your desire. There is always a choice - buy a gym membership or run in the park; go for procedures to the most expensive salon or do cling film wraps and "scrub" the body coffee grounds Houses", - thinks Anna Bolotskikh.

“Once I weighed 83 kilograms, and the condition of my body and skin left much to be desired. Thanks to those close to me who set me on the right path, I began to fight for my new figure. There were ups and downs, I lost weight, gained weight again and even earned anorexia" starts his story Tom Podanev.

“Recently, my daughter found my old pictures and asked: “Mom, who is this aunt next to dad and why is she with him?” She just didn’t recognize me! tells Anastasia Skrylnikova. At 26, I weighed 76 kilograms and wore size 52. Something needs to change, I decided then. I studied many articles, analyzed diets that could be right for me, and realized that ... none. Everything turned out to be simpler: to lose weight - you need to eat a lot. In a sense, you need to eat often and "cleanly", that is, in small portions 5-6 times a day, while replacing harmful foods with healthy counterparts.

"Neither inspiring pictures, nor words of acquaintances could induce me to lose weight. My mind turned around the desire to become a mother of a healthy baby, - begins the story Maria Savina. - I was told that problems with being overweight could adversely affect a future pregnancy, and I really wanted to have big family where there are no problems. Thus, I once and for all put an end to the burning of life and health. I started working on myself small: I ran every morning for 15 minutes and stopped eating after six in the evening. By the wedding, she lost 11 kilograms and began to weigh 76. Exactly one year later, our wonderful daughter was born. A year and nine months later - a son. And in 2 years - the third child, the son. We were not going to stop there - we bought a dog, expanding our already large family."

"I have been playing tennis since childhood - it was my passion and love of my life. My parents were proud of my success, the coach had hopes. Every day I spent at least 3-4 hours on the court, constantly went to tournaments, I had almost no days off "Everything changed overnight - a tragedy happened in our family that turned my whole life upside down. In order to forget, I went into sports with my head, completely excluded weekends from my life, worked for wear. As a result, an injury to my playing hand and a complete ban on training by doctors "I studied for a few more weeks, until I realized that the matter was getting worse and my hand might simply stop moving. The chain of these events inevitably led me to one thing - to a deep depression. For a whole month I settled at home, buried in problems and medicines. Tears, stress and ... hormonal failure. And now, from a slender athletic girl, I turn into a person with 15 kilograms of excess weight, " begins the story Anastasia Semenova.

"A year ago I hated myself and my body, - begins the story Anastasia Salavatulina. - At the age of 19, with a height of 154 centimeters, I weighed 83 kilograms. When I first saw these numbers on the scales, I honestly had tears in my eyes. These words are said by many fat girls, I know, but do not be surprised, they say, "Didn't she really see and understand nothing until she weighed herself." So it is, I did not see and did not realize. I recovered not because I was “prone to it”, “just such genes”, “my mother fed me” and what else. I admit that one day I just got lazy and didn't give a damn about myself."

"As a child, I was a normal child, not thin and not fat, - begins the story Alena Mikhailova. - At the age of 9, I had a post-vaccination allergy, swelling of the internal organs, I ended up in intensive care, and after a long treatment, my hormonal background was disturbed. I grew up, but at first I didn’t realize at all that something was wrong with me. The weight was added. The realization that he would soon be in danger of exceeding the 100 mark on the scale almost led me to depression. I began to try all methods of losing weight in a row: two days on kefir, two on cucumbers, two on boiled breast. Kilograms left, but the condition was terrible - constant fatigue, pain of unknown origin.

"The problem of being overweight is not about me," - so I thought until the age of eighteen, - begins the story Ekaterina Fadeeva. - I ate everything, did karate and always remained in the same weight. Everything changed due to the difficulties of student life and lack of time. I threw the kimono into the far corner of the closet, and nothing else reminded me of my past life. First, plus 5 kilograms, then plus 10 ... So I reached 37 kilograms of excess weight. I didn’t notice or didn’t want to notice the hanging sides and already imperfect hips. I started wearing baggy clothes, and instead of exercising, I only ate and sat. That's all".

"I began to gain weight due to the use of hormonal drugs. - begins the story Daria Besfamilnaya. - I didn’t have any complexes at that time, it was more important for me to get pregnant and bear a healthy child. Simply put, I perceived the extra pounds as a payment for the opportunity to have a daughter. Having become a mother, for some time I did not attach importance to my appearance. My decision to start losing weight was influenced by the conflict that I had with a colleague. In her hearts, she threw an insulting phrase at me about my excess weight, and other colleagues began to console me uncontrollably and with sorrow in their eyes. At that moment, I decided that I would not give any more reason to mock myself."

"I've never been thin. In elementary school, I was constantly teased, my father" poked "his nose into the scales, - begins the story Yulia Bartholomei. - The years passed, the lifestyle became less mobile, and the arrow on the scales for my 20th birthday exceeded 80. I decided to lose weight on a bet - we made a bet with my father, following which I had to get rid of 10 kilograms in six months. As a result, she dropped 29 - in two years. I didn't lose weight quickly. Firstly, it is harmful, and secondly, I did not want to severely limit myself and turn weight loss into constant stress. The first thing I did was reduce the portions. First I put it on as usual, and then I removed exactly half. I slowly got used to it, although this step was not easy for me. I have always loved to eat delicious food and cook something for loved ones - I am a chef by training. "

“I weighed 92 kilograms, but I never had complexes because of this. My attitude towards myself was changed by “sick” love. I met a guy, fell in love with him without memory, we had all the prerequisites to start a family. But still we broke up The pain was so strong that I didn’t know how to distract myself from it. I cried at home for a week, and then I bought a gym membership. I trained for my own pleasure, forgot, pulling iron, " begins the story Ekaterina Putilova.

“I tried to lose weight many times using the “the way you can’t do it” method - I practically starved. At some point I got to the fitness club, bought a subscription for a year, believing that the money spent would definitely drive me to the gym. I threw off about 7 kilograms and gave up classes. I probably experienced everything that any fat person usually experiences: anger at myself and at my laziness, looking for excuses, prolonged depression ... "- begins the story Alexander Konovalov.

“With a height of 165 centimeters, I weighed 85 kilograms and for a long time did not see this as a problem, I did not understand that it was because of my excess weight that I had chronic pain in the spine. I looked at myself with different eyes during a trip to Thailand: photos in a bathing suit, I looked like an elephant, you can’t say otherwise, "- begins the story Natalia Vokhmina.

“At 22, I got a job and began to often run into fast food cafes. It seemed to me that my work - and it was mobile - would help to ensure that those extra pounds were not put off, but that was not the case. In 2012, I changed my "active" work for a cozy office. A sedentary lifestyle, an uncontrolled diet, lack of sleep - all this led to a strong weight gain, at the age of 23 I began to weigh 95 kg, "- begins the story Anastasia Rudenko.

“After the birth of my child, my weight stopped at around 99 kilograms, I sat at home, my husband stopped looking at me as a woman, I got really depressed. In one of his stand-ups, Pavel Volya said: "When a woman gives birth, she drops out of life for three years." I can't help but agree with him! I don’t know how my story would have ended if I hadn’t gone with my sister and our children to rest. Under the sun, away from problems, I seemed to wake up, open my eyes and breathe deeply. On vacation, I, an incredible coward, rode a roller coaster with a dead loop and took up parasailing ... All these activities made me think that I want to move more, do something and finally break out of my overweight body "- begins the story Elena Gerasimova.

“After leaving the hospital with a weight of 100 kilograms, I made a promise to myself that I would get myself in shape for the sake of my husband and child. My men deserve to see a beautiful girl at home, and not an aunt in a XXXL bathrobe. I gave myself a direct installation - on my first birthday son, I will weigh 62 kilograms! And I fulfilled it, "- tells Anna Bricheva.

“I decided to lose weight after I saw my friend’s toned press, a fitness model. I looked at her, and then at my“ apron ”on my stomach. At that moment I was 91 kilograms with 156 centimeters of height. I was determined - We need to get rid of this!" - begins the story Evgenia Rakhimova, who got rid of 33 extra pounds. - I significantly reduced the calorie content of the diet and began to rapidly lose weight and decrease in volume. I went to university with containers of the right food - rice and chicken, buckwheat, fish. At first, my classmates looked at me in amazement, but soon I even had followers. If you master the principles of proper nutrition, everything becomes simple. I adhere to this principle: you lose weight when you spend more than you consume. I calculated the number of calories I needed, the ratio of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and try to stick to my new norm.

My life seethed and gushed: a loving family, an exciting job, true friends, - begins the story Katya Krizhanovskaya. - And then one day, just at this exciting job, we got into a conversation with my colleague, who asked me directly - as they say, in the forehead: "Katya, do you want to lose weight?" I replied: "Well, I want to." And she is even straighter in the same forehead: "What are you ready for?" - "For all!" Following the advice of a friend, the first 12 days of the "marathon" I just drank water. In the morning she allowed herself only a miracle candy: a spoonful of honey with the addition of small bran. So my first 10 kilos were gone. I want to say that it was very difficult for me. I remember that in these "hungry days" I even dreamed about oatmeal. After juices, I started the main stage in my life - proper nutrition. I decided not only to eat healthy meals, but also to strictly limit myself - 300 calories a day until I come to a more or less acceptable weight for myself.

"My first attempts to lose weight were frank hunger strikes, - begins the story Marina Kashkarova. - So, I spent a week on apples and tea alone, then 10 days on water alone. Those experiments could not go unpunished, I am still restoring my health, although 10 years have passed. Endless weight jumps also affected the body, I'm talking about stretch marks now ... However, the most "interesting" was ahead. At the age of 19, I got married, got pregnant and gained ... 28 kilograms. I ate for two, I had an iron excuse. I left the maternity hospital weighing 92 kilograms with confidence: I will quickly lose it. But the miracle did not happen, on the contrary, I ate another 6 kilograms. At that moment, I felt absolutely overwhelmed: shortness of breath, apathy for everything, depression ... "

My story is not typical for a fat woman, - begins the story Alexandra. - I have never had problems with self-confidence, with the opposite sex and with activity. I did tennis, circus gymnastics, boxing, dancing and everything that was possible. With a lot of weight, I have always been quite elastic and loved my body. At a weight of 90 kilograms, I got married, and a few years later we had a baby. There were no problems with pregnancy and childbirth, but when I returned home from the hospital and expected to see my old self, I was in for a shock. I gained only 5 kilograms, but something unimaginable happened to my body: my stomach was stretched and covered with stretch marks, and my skin became flabby. Then I set a goal for myself - to lose weight.

"All my adult life I have been involved in sports: I ran 10-12 kilometers regardless of the weather, I swam in the pool, - begins the story Arina Shumakova. - I thought that physical activity would allow me to look fit and be healthy all my life. Everything changed when I was 34 years old. After a series of examinations, I heard a disappointing diagnosis - cancer. From that moment on, my long struggle for survival began: three years of constant procedures, several strip operations, endless medication and a strong weight gain in the rehabilitation period - plus 40 kilograms.

"When everyone around is beautiful, healthy and slender, and you weigh 95 kilograms, life is not easy, - begins the story Veronika Kvashnina. - I was the most complete child in kindergarten, school, university. To be different from everyone else means constantly "bathing" in name-calling. Remembering that difficult period, I - being already slim - will never call a fat girl "fat". What stopped me and why did I start to lose weight? Fear of a three-digit number on the scales. I was terribly scared, imagining 100 on the scales.

"My husband has always said that he loves me at any weight, - begins the story Mila Gritsenko. - I got pregnant, began to eat at night, for two, but what's there - for a whole company. Cake buns have borne fruit - I came out of the maternity hospital of immense size. With a height of 157 cm, my weight was already about 85-90 kg. It looked depressing. I was a very young girl, but I looked like an untidy middle-aged woman. Realizing this, I decided: I don’t want to put up with this state of affairs and I won’t. And she took action. As a result, in 5 months I easily said goodbye to 36 extra pounds. Over time, girls began to contact me with the same problem that I had. I was happy to help with recommendations based on life experience, and then I thought: why not make it my profession? The world is full of rumors - I moved to Moscow and found star wards. At the moment, figure skater Irina Slutskaya, actress of the series "Deffchonki" Anastasia Denisova, actress Anna Kalashnikova, singer Katya Lel and many other stars who, for personal reasons, would like to remain incognito, have used my method.

"Wanting to get rid of extra pounds, I decided to go on a rather strange" diet "- begins the story Olga Usenko. - For a year and a half I ate only chicken, soups and drank kefir. I managed to lose more than 30 kilograms, but what happened to my body afterwards cannot be described in words. I was in the hospital for a blood transfusion."

“To throw off 4-5 kilograms, sitting on one buckwheat or kefir, of course, is possible. But you can’t predict what problems this will turn out to the body later, - begins the story Diana Melnikova. - In my case, it almost led to disaster. I began to feel dizzy, I felt a breakdown around the clock, I was nervous. Slowly began to break into chips, buns and other "gastronomic garbage." At some point, after several days and nights spent on the Internet in search of a suitable way for me to lose weight, I discovered Dr. Dukan's nutrition system. That's where things started..."

“I decided to lose weight for the company with my mother - I went on a kefir diet and threw off a few kilograms, - begins the story Evgenia Semenas, who at the age of 14 weighed 110 kilograms. - For two weeks we put ourselves in order for the New Year, alternated day after day the usual food with a complete rejection of food in favor of kefir. As a result, my stomach shrunk, and I simply could not eat the same size portions. After the holidays, I decided to continue to adhere to this system, after 8 months I saw minus 30 kilograms on the scales. I was in a pleasant shock, and my friends began to shower with compliments. Words: "Zhenya, you're so good!", "Keep up the good work!" They gave me strength and helped me move on."

"A year and a half ago, I weighed 120 kg with a height of 175 cm and was in some prostration due to these three-digit numbers, - begins the story Flora Datskova. - I lived as if this problem did not concern me at all, and continued to amuse myself with memories of the time when everything was in order. It was such self-deception and delaying work on oneself. I had an official excuse - I was a young mother who believed that there was no time, "because I have a small child."

But now the child is one year old. My jackets did not button up on me, and I was forced to buy myself an oversized coat. And suddenly I woke up - something needs to change! I approached the matter of losing weight responsibly: first of all, I passed all the tests in order to make sure that I had no problems with the hormonal background. Then I signed up for a consultation with a nutritionist to lose weight qualitatively, without diets and forever.

“My weight peaked four years ago when I started living with a young man and, like many women, relaxed. Well, what? Everything is fine, the man is nearby, I am constantly at the stove ... kilograms And the funny thing is that, going to the mirror, I thought: “Well, lose five kilograms - and that's it, I'll be just like J. Lo or Beyoncé. My God, how illusory we perceive ourselves!" - tells Alesya Bandelyuk, who got rid of 48 extra pounds. - I stopped throwing everything into myself and now I don’t understand how I could eat like that before ?! I'd be lying if I said that right at the click of a button, all bad habits were gone. No, it's not. I love sweets and once in 10-14 days I eat what I want. But those desserts that I ate before and those that I eat now are fundamentally different. Of course, I practice all this in my "special forces" training. So slowly but surely I'm leaving the "sausage shop". As my main motivator says: "The road will be mastered by the walking one."

"Now, with a height of 165 centimeters, I weigh 55 kilograms, - begins the story Tatyana Rybakova. - But at the age of 15 I would be ashamed to name my parameters - the figure on the scales showed 105. It's no secret that overweight children have a hard time at school: they endure constant mockery and humiliation. More than once during my school years, I found out that people whom I considered my friends discussed and called me names behind my back. It seemed to me that because of the excess weight I would always be alone ... "

“At 23 I weighed 115 kilograms, two years later - almost half as much. How did it all start? - begins the story Ekaterina Volkova. - At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with asthma and prescribed medications that powerfully hit the hormonal background. In combination with an unbalanced diet, this gave an explosive effect. At that moment, when I decided that this could not continue anymore, I already had a fiancé, so I definitely decided to lose weight not because of a lack of male attention. The fact that everyone around me was saying "It's too hard" and "Yes, you won't succeed" only spurred me on to fight."

There are many real stories of people who have lost a lot of weight with confirming before and after photos. Based on their experience, you can analyze how easy or difficult the weight loss process is.

There are so many tips, recipes, diets and medicines on the Internet, but in most cases all attempts end either in vain or with great damage to health. Some manage to lose a couple of kilos, which then quickly return.

If it is difficult to decide on strict measures or actions, then looking at yourself from the outside, as Mikhail Dmitriev did, you can radically change your own opinion. Most stories reveal many negative aspects of being overweight: loneliness, illness, or the painful heaviness of one's own body.

More often people eat stress, problems, or simply a lack of time to take care of themselves and their nutrition. People who lost weight, before and after photos of which can be seen below, had big problems with self-esteem, nutrition and society, but in the end they were able to overcome them, as well as the problem of being overweight.

Keith Reiter

At the age of 21, the girl gained weight equal to 120 kg, it became difficult for her to walk, and her health began to deteriorate greatly. At that moment, Kate realized that something needed to change. The girl always had a good appetite and loved to eat a lot and tasty. But at a turning point she started by reducing the portions of food consumed, thanks to which, in 7 days, the weight decreased by more than 8 kg.

Seeing this result, she began to act more actively, installed a calorie counting application and began to carefully follow the diet, gradually reducing it, thereby reducing the weight by another 15 kg in about 3 weeks. The result is amazing, but Kate did not stop when it became easier to move, she began to actively train in the gym.

Weight decreased and in less than a year it became equal to 70 kg.

Darina Tsiganova

From early childhood, Darina gradually gained weight due to psychological trauma and their so-called “jamming”. The girl really gained a lot of weight and by the age of 25, when she was also pregnant, the figure became equal to 128 kg. Darina realized that it was wrong, that she wanted to be a beautiful girl and mother.

When the child was one year old, Darina finally made up her mind, at first she completely excluded sugar, salt, rolls and bread, butter from the diet. In the first week, the girl dropped almost 10 kg. The next step was fractional nutrition: many small portions at intervals in time instead of one hearty lunch.

Once a week, she allowed herself to deviate from a healthy diet, but only at the cost of a long walk. She started to go in for sports and run 2 times a week, and so after 8 months she lost 63 kg.

Veta Obukhova

Since childhood, Veta had a tendency to be overweight; at 15, she weighed 73 kg. The first time she tried to lose weight, she just practically stopped eating, the weight decreased, but her health also deteriorated. In addition, she soon scored twice as much, still aggravated first by one pregnancy, then immediately by the second.

With a weight of 90 kg, she went to the training of a nutritionist from Moscow, under whose influence she began to lose weight correctly. The diet was made up of wholesome food: vegetables, fish, cereals, nuts - and is divided into many meals and snacks. With this diet in 8 months she lost weight to 55 kg. And later, starting to train, she decorated her body with a small relief.

Anna Sizenova

Anna's romantic story began with 88 kg and the absence of her size in fashion stores. Like everyone else, she first tried to lose weight on her own, but all diets ended with the girl starting to eat a lot again. And so, having decided, she began to work individually with a coach.

He made her a menu, to put it mildly, strict, and prescribed workouts 3 times a week (strength and cardio). In almost 3 months, Anna then lost 12 kg, after which she said goodbye to the coach and began to gradually train herself. Soon a new coach took his place, offering to help Anna with training for free, who later became her husband.

He made her hearty but low-calorie menu and continued to train, thanks to which today her weight is 65 kg.

Yulia Enkhel

Julia entered the institute with a weight of 75 kg, immersed in her studies, she often did not notice the excess weight and the amount of food consumed. But a beauty contest was coming, in which she wanted to win, but her fullness did not allow. Then almost stopped eating, she dropped 15 kg and won, but immediately gained them back.

Having finally decided to get rid of them, she created a menu for herself, the daily calories consumed did not exceed 1100-1200 and removed sugar and flour from the diet.

Thus, in almost a few years, she achieved a result of 50 kg.

Julia Sergacheva

People who have lost weight, the photos before and after which confirm the veracity of the stories, spoke about the efforts with which they managed to overcome excess weight, but in the case of Yulia, circumstances helped her a lot.

Her result is amazing, as she easily and in a fairly short time dropped as much as 50 kg.

In adolescence, Julia rapidly began to gain kilograms, eventually reaching a weight of 135 kg. Due to health problems, she initially adhered to non-strict diets and gradually went in for sports. After another operation, the doctors prescribed her a strict menu based on exceptionally healthy nutrition.

She ate several times a day, in small portions, mainly:

Evgeniya Vorobieva

After the birth of two children, Evgenia gained a lot of weight, which at that time was about 117 kg. And, of course, she did not like her appearance when she realized the situation. She started with a diet based on counting calories, which she still follows. TO healthy eating I also added classes in the gym 3 times a week, later enhanced by protein intake. As a result Eugenia's weight dropped to 69 kg.

Sara Saisonova

The girl was always distinguished by harmony and had a weight of 54 kg, but the birth of a child changed everything, which led her to the deplorable figure of 80 kg. After the end of breastfeeding, Sarah decided to change something and began to look for diets, opting for proper nutrition with reduced portions.

Sara Saisonova is one of the thinner women whose photos are presented. She was able to lose 20 kg.

Portions became no larger than a fist, Sarah began to drink more water and soon transferred the whole family to a similar menu.

Her weight is back to normal, today it is 60 kg. It cannot be said that in the process of losing weight, Sarah did not go in for sports, since any mother with a small child leads a rather active lifestyle, full of walking, cleaning and household chores.

Marina Kozlova

Marina was always overweight, but this did not bother her, she especially relaxed when she met her future husband. But after a trip for 2 weeks with all-inclusive meals, where she did not deny herself anything, Marina was frightened by the numbers on the scales, or rather, it was 88 kg, which became the starting point.

However, the numerous diets on which the girl sat on her own did not give any result at all, until the book "System minus 60" fell into her hands. It was with her, not limiting herself in food only up to 12 days, that she said goodbye to 13 kg in a short time. But after a while, she became pregnant twice. And although the weight did not increase much, it was still difficult to call the body ideal.

People who have lost weight (photos before and after which are presented in the article) might have given up in Marina's place, because the old method no longer gave the girl results. But Marina began to study all the intricacies of proper diet and nutrition. And so, the numbers on the scales began to decrease again, but the body did not become much more beautiful. At that moment, the girl decided to turn to sports.

Gradually getting used to it, Marina became interested in running, and the results after 1-2 months could not but rejoice, not only the body has changed, but also the general mood. She decided to add strength training, 4 times a week for half an hour.

Just adjusting the power for yourself, that is, doing healthy desserts, and without eating after 19.00, Marina began to weigh 62 kg.

Mikhail Dmitriev

People who have lost so much weight like Mikhail (his before and after photos are given below) are able to inspire and give useful advice just by telling your story. Mikhail rapidly gained weight by the end of school, the figures were about 110 kg. The situation worsened after entering the institute and the time allotted exclusively for study, he gained up to 130 kg.

Many times, trying various diets, Mikhail broke down, not having lasted more than a week. And yet, he decided to get down to business thoroughly and plunged into the study of proper nutrition programs. A difficult year, constant bans and breakdowns gave their result, Mikhail lost 63 kg.

Tatiana Rybakova

Tatyana was always full, but during the period of graduation from school and entering the institute, the weight became critical, it exceeded the mark of 100 kg. Often trying diets, Tanya constantly broke down, and they did not help. Today, she skillfully fits foods, even harmful ones, into her diet, while not gaining weight.

This is due to the fact that she correctly calculates the calories consumed, and the percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Yes, proper nutrition combined with competent training, this is a laborious process that takes a lot of time, however, the result is worth it.

Thinner people, whose before and after photos are really amazing, often begin their weight loss program. Tatyana is also today not only a fitness trainer for girls who want to lose weight, but also their adviser on proper nutrition.

Tatyana began to conduct her own courses for overweight girls, the key idea of ​​which is not only weight loss, but also keeping it on track. The basis of her diet are any products, but always made from useful components.

Galina Kuznetsova

By the age of 54, Galina had tried all kinds of diets: from Japanese, buckwheat and to diet cocktails. But the result has always been the same. She could hold out for some time, shed a couple of extra pounds, as a result, her patience ended due to an increased feeling of hunger, and she gained more than she threw off during this time.

Trying to lose weight in similar ways, she only gained, and her weight became 108 kg. At this time, serious health problems began: it was difficult to walk, lack of strength, shortness of breath during a normal walk. Then Galina began to be interested in a healthy balanced diet, which ultimately saved her.

The journey took a long time, but in the end in less than 3 years, Galina was able to easily get rid of 33 kg. Water became an additional assistant, setting a reminder on the phone, she did not forget to drink as much as possible. And this, in turn, helps to cleanse the body and accelerate metabolism.

Anastasia Rudenko

By the age of 23, Anastasia weighed 95 kg, she was often looked at with pity, insulted, and she herself did not particularly like the reflection in the mirror. And after several years of a sedentary lifestyle, adding more than 10 kg finally convinced her of the need to act. Then she and her friends bought a gym membership, where she began to personally work out with a trainer.

The first months of Anastasia were insanely hard, she could hardly walk after class, however, she soon began to change outwardly and got used to physical exertion. Centimeters began to melt before our eyes, so less than a year later, the weight dropped by 30 kg. In addition, the girl is so used to and loved the sport that now she cannot live without it.

Tips from people who have lost weight, feedback on the effectiveness of different methods

As can be understood from the experience of numerous girls, the most effective ways for them were:

  • proper nutrition;
  • counting calories;
  • portion reduction;
  • training in the gym.

But, of course, in order to achieve the best result, it is necessary to control all these aspects at the same time. It is important to say about training that they must necessarily combine strength and cardio training so that the muscles do not grow under a layer of fat.

People who have lost weight, before and after photos of which are presented above, say: in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to eat tasteless and exclude your favorite foods from the diet. Firstly, sometimes you can allow small excesses, the main thing is that after that there is no breakdown in malnutrition.

And secondly, even healthy foods can be incredibly delicious:

  • healthy desserts made from cereals;
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • vegetable stew, especially cabbage and beets;
  • fish and lean meat with various sauces.

Basically, all the weight loss stories given above are based precisely on proper, balanced nutrition.

As you can see from the example of people who have lost weight in before and after photos, you should not eat more than you want and what fits into the body, you do not need to consume fatty foods and then feel heaviness.

By eating healthy food in small portions, it is much easier to make the figure perfect, besides improving health and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video about losing weight

Photos of celebrities before and after losing weight:

Losing weight together, using someone else's positive or negative experience, can be much easier and more effective than alone, only on the basis of theoretical knowledge. This section of our site presents real weight loss stories from users who managed to normalize their weight with the help of diets, pills, special exercises or other methods.

Real stories are the best motivation

Real stories of people who have lost weight are a great addition to a dry list of recipes, rules, and tips. After all, even the most detailed instructions can be interpreted in different ways, something to miss, something not to attach importance to. And just reading detailed description process, learning about the mistakes and their consequences, you can find the most correct way that will lead to the best result.

In addition, such success stories inspire confidence that getting rid of excess weight, although difficult, is quite real, even when the number of extra pounds is expressed in solid numbers. Particularly impressive are the stories with photos before and after losing weight, when you can not only read, but even see for yourself the effectiveness of a particular technique, multiplied by your own perseverance.

Personal experience to help everyone

Almost everyone who wants to lose weight faces the same problems - it is very difficult to limit yourself in food, force you to go to the gym, and also accept your appearance as it is, do not be upset about being overweight, but look for right ways getting rid of her. Stories with photos of ordinary people before and after losing weight help to gain self-confidence even for those who are desperate to return to a normal physique. This is the best support, ideal motivation, irrefutable proof that it is possible and necessary to normalize weight if you set a real goal for yourself, and then stubbornly go towards its achievement.

Everyone is hearing today numerous cases of "incredible weight loss" of various celebrities. It is rather difficult for an ordinary overweight person to believe in them, since his capabilities are very far from those available to the "stars". Therefore, most of these people do not even try to make at least some effort on themselves and change themselves. But if the same ordinary layman shares the result of his weight loss, then the reality of achieving success becomes much closer. Therefore, our website presents the true stories of ordinary people who were able to independently create the figure of their dreams. They not only explain how they managed to achieve this, but often describe their life before and after losing weight - what positive changes have occurred, how their personal relationships have improved.

We need to support each other by talking about our personal experience and the results achieved in losing weight. After all, someone's success story can change to better life many people, and before and after photos can become a powerful incentive to start a diet, get involved in sports or lead a healthy lifestyle.