Vegan lean cakes. Lean chocolate cake without eggs and milk

Finally, I can present you my ideal, magnificent, without undue modesty, the best in the world carrot cake.
Believe me, I know what I'm talking about! I spent a lot of time and effort on its invention, which makes this recipe seem even more valuable and significant to me.

I am proud and happy!

Although this pie appeared in my recipe book quite recently, but how many times I have already managed to cook it, I find it difficult to answer.

It has been tested by many holidays, picnics, tasted by vegans and ordinary people, children and adults, Russians and foreigners.

Every time - one hundred percent success!

At the same time, no one has yet guessed that the pie is vegan, because it is so delicious!

The cake is very easy to make - everyone can handle it.
It has almost no flour at all, and I use oatmeal, nuts and coconut flakes.

Delicate, airy, slightly moist, juicy, moderately sweet, with a fantastic cream, which is difficult not to eat even before the completion of the recipe itself.

And the smell! Hmmm ... This is without a doubt my favorite cake of all the creations presented here! I warn you right away: on one piece of this beautiful and delicious cake it will be difficult to stop. Control yourself! Or don't you?

Hee hee. Cooking? Let's try!

We need: (1 medium pie)

For the base

1 cup (250 ml) oatmeal

3/4 cup walnuts

2/3 cup coconut flakes

1/2 cup whole grain flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 cup brown sugar

1.5 cups grated carrots(about 1.5 - 2 large carrots)

1/2 h. - 1 tbsp. spoon of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon dry ginger

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves (optional)

1/4 cup of any unscented vegetable oil (I use canola oil)

3/4 cup orange juice

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Coconut oil for mold (optional)

For cream

230 g (or one pack) vegan or regular cream cheese

4 tbsp. tablespoons of agave syrup or honey without a bright aroma

2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice

Preheat oven to 165C / 325F.

Grind nuts, coconut, oatmeal.

Add flour.

We add sugar.

Add soda and spices.

Three carrots on a grater. Add to dry mix and mix gently.

Mix liquid ingredients and fill in the base.

Lubricate the mold (18 cm) with coconut (for a more pleasant aroma) or regular vegetable oil and pour our composition there. We send to the oven.

We take it out when the toothpick comes out dry, after about 40 minutes. The cake should rise. We cool it down and take it out of the mold.

We mix everything for the cream. We apply it only when our cake has completely cooled down. I repeat when the cake is cold. You will really want to do everything quickly, because applying the cream is so fun and pleasant, and the cake smells so appetizing that you will no longer have patience, but heed my advice, otherwise your cream on a warm cake will simply flow. By the way, you can replace the cream with a cream from my recipe.

The taste of the cake is somewhat reminiscent of the classic "Prague". However, "Prague" in comparison with him (if my recollections do not lie) is somehow very fat. Our mega-chocolate cake has dense, moist, slightly crumbly cakes. The cream is soft and smooth, very light, while keeping the “peaks” well over the entire surface.

To make the cakes of the required consistency, I used the RawMid Dream Vitamin DDV-07 dehydrator for “baking”. Two cakes fit perfectly on one baking sheet with a plastic mesh grid - which means that after “baking”, you just need to wipe the mesh and baking sheet with a damp cloth. Class!

This ice cream cake is vegan, healthy, awesome! No oil, nuts and tofu. I made it as useful as possible. And here a surprise awaits you, my little prank - salted peanuts. I love him! However, the peanuts in the whole cake are only 40 grams.

Ice cream cake tastes like a bomb! It is collected from a crispy base, creamy ice cream center, live caramel and silky ganache. Cooking is as easy as shelling pears, I did it impromptu.

Very cool recipe vegan baked goods I found on Instagram Sasha Garikova, who, by the way, has a birthday today!
Beautiful Sasha, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

So, it will be a pie or muffins-muffins - so what you want to cook more.

The recipe is extremely easy to perform, the dessert is super-fruity in taste.
Yesterday I baked such a pie, using 2/3 of grated apples and 1/3 of frozen black currants instead of just berries (like Sasha's) in the layer.

The taste of the pie is ... something with something! And no one will guess exactly how the dough was made. Try, while treating your friends, for fun ask, they say: there are such and such products in this pie, and guess how I made it. You will certainly be told something like: "soaked semolina in juice, then sugar and berries".

In fact, you don't need to soak anything.
Yes, this is also a good recipe: after cooking, you do not have to rinse the dough from the dishes.

So small, so cute, mmm! ..
Very soft, just perfect for a glass of warm soy milk.

She shared a recipe for wonderful cupcakes, she baked them according to a recipe from "Vegan surprise" :
- I added a little less sugar to my muffins than to original recipe- but this moment is completely at your discretion, perhaps someone will want a sweeter one.

Such a cake will appeal not only to vegans and fasting people, but also to people who do not adhere to a certain direction in nutrition. It can be easily applied for festive table and no one will understand whether he is vegan or not. This is absolutely important only for vegans.

Most of the cake recipes that are offered on vegan sites are not at all budgetary and from always available ingredients. I think my recipe turned out to be such that it does not "beat" the pocket and the ingredients are always at hand. The only thing, as it seems to me, what vegans can accuse me of is using ordinary white granulated sugar, but we have a rare cane guest on store shelves, I think they will forgive me for this offense. ;)

Reading cake recipes on vegan sites, their authors are somehow convinced that their desserts cause less damage to the figure, since they use less high-calorie ingredients. But I think that a glass and a half of sugar in a biscuit, another half glass fruit syrup and a glass of sugar in cream does not make such cakes dietary at all. I try to stick to less sugar and salt in my diet. It seems to me that in this way it is possible to better experience the range of tastes of dessert and dishes than just eating "sugar and salt". But, of course, you can add sugar to your preference, but also consider the sweetness of the decoration if you decorate the cake externally so that it does not turn out to be too sweet.

The cake turns out to be not sugary (to the taste of my family), with a slight sourness that prunes give. If you do not brew coffee yourself and do not have a coffee machine, then you can replace natural coffee with instant coffee by brewing it strong. Olive oil can be replaced with vegetable or sunflower oil.

The cooking time is indicated without taking into account the "ripening" of the biscuit. Creative inspiration to you !!!

Healthy eating, like maintaining a healthy lifestyle, requires significant efforts from the applicant. Refusal from a large group of products will require their replacement with similar ones that are not of animal origin. Our patisserie offers bespoke vegan cakes that take into account all the nuances of making desserts for vegans, and will allow you to dilute your strict diet with a delicious treat.

In vegan cakes, we use natural products, fresh fruits and berries, making them a unique composition of taste. Design solutions for vegan desserts will also impress connoisseurs of aesthetics in confectionery... Naturally, such a cake is suitable not only for an everyday meal, but also as a dessert at a birthday party, party or even a wedding.

Vegan cakes to order - features of flavoring compositions

All vegan cakes offered by our patisserie will have several features. Such a dessert will be interesting not only for vegans, because it is nutritious, healthy, tasty and attractive. The professionals of our pastry shop offer to buy a vegan cake:

  • with an original design and bright decoration of berries and fruits;
  • made from healthy natural products;
  • combining unusual taste ranges;
  • suitable for any celebration or celebration.

A versatile treat

It is not often possible to find dishes that would satisfy the tastes of all guests. It is a vegan cake to order in Moscow that will become such a delicacy that is relevant for dieters, athletes, and vegans themselves. Compliance with all these conditions is the use of only useful ingredients that are easily absorbed by the body and improve its work.

In addition, the combination of such ingredients allows for the creation of new flavors. Fresh fruits and berries will be not only a bright decoration that will "refresh" the celebration, but also a nutritious set of vitamins. You yourself can choose a set of fruits that will decorate the cake ordered for the holiday.

You can buy custom-made vegan cakes from us not only from those presented in the catalog, but also completely made up of the ingredients you proposed. For such an exclusive dessert, you will choose the products yourself, and professional pastry chefs will compose an effective and tasty composition from them.

Now there is no need to give up delicacies, no need to limit yourself to healthy and tasty food, but just choose vegan cakes to order and allow yourself a little sweet luxury. You can always meet your guests with this amazing dessert, which they will appreciate.

Today, fashion dictates more and more rules, including in nutrition. Many equate proper nutrition towards vegetarianism or veganism. But the recipe for this cake is not a tribute to my fashion. I'm just madly in love with desserts, but I love it even more so that not only me like them. Such a cake will be relevant for people who are intolerant to eggs and lactose, vegetarians, vegans and fasting people.

A distinctive feature of the vegan Pancho is custard instead of sour cream based on peanut milk, which gives a peanut flavor to the cake, which is not in the traditional version. One more hallmark as in all my desserts, the use of less sugar. My family is very fond of all kinds of desserts, but we do not like very sweet. So it seems to me that the gamut of taste is felt better, and the excess of sugar, in our opinion, prevents one from fully experiencing the entire “palette”.

The cake turns out to be very tender (especially, after a day it becomes like a pudding), not cloying, with a pleasant sourness of berries and fruits. The sweetness of the glaze is also compensated by the acidity of the juice.

The cake is being prepared perfectly not difficult and not for long in the presence of peanut milk and without the cooling time of the biscuits ( 80 minutes). And it's very easy to make peanut milk at home. It is difficult to wait until the cake "ripens" (the recommended minimum is until the morning);)

A faceted glass that has been tested since Soviet times is used to measure ingredients.

To make a vegan Pancho cake, we need the following ingredients:

For biscuit:

    Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

    Soda - 2 tsp

    Vinegar - 1 tsp

    Flax seed - 4 tbsp l.

    Drinking water - 8 tbsp. l.

For the cream:

    Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.

    Vanillin - 1/3 tsp

For glaze:

    Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


Cooking process:

The flax seed in the biscuit serves as the binding function of the eggs. Flax seed must be ground in a coffee grinder and filled with drinking water room temperature, to stir thoroughly. Leave the flaxseed mixture for 20-30 minutes.

While the flaxseed mixture is preparing, prepare the cake cream. You can brew the cream on the stove, or you can microwave oven... I like the microwave oven better. Mix corn starch, sugar and vanillin in a container:

Add cold peanut milk to the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly with a whisk. Put in the microwave at maximum power (my 800 W power) for 2 minutes. Mix thoroughly and put again for 1.5 - 2 minutes, mix again. The cream should be about 15% sour cream. It will become thicker when it cools down. If it is still not thick enough, then put it on for another 1 minute. To stir thoroughly:

Leave ready-made cream cool down by covering it with cling film. Before assembling the cake, beat with a whisk or even better with an immersion blender:

To prepare a biscuit, mix flaxseed mixture, peanut milk, olive oil or any vegetable oil, soda slaked with vinegar and sugar. In the resulting mass, in portions (since the flour is different everywhere), add the previously sifted wheat flour... Mix thoroughly. The dough should fall off the spoon:

Put 1/3 of the resulting dough into a pre-oiled baking dish (diameter 16-18 cm). Bake in a preheated oven to 170-190 degrees for 15-25 minutes until dry.
Stir in cocoa powder into the rest of the dough. Bake in the same form for 25-40 minutes until dry. Be guided, please, by your oven!
Cool the finished biscuits on a wire rack:
While the biscuits are cooling, cut the pineapple into cubes of about 1 x 1 cm, remove the seeds from the cherry. Pineapples and cherries are best used fresh or frozen, as canned ones will add sweetness to the cake, unless you like very sweet desserts. I generally use homemade canned pineapple zucchini (shhhh ...! It's a secret!):
For the glaze, mix cocoa powder with sugar, add the juice remaining from the fruit. Mix thoroughly and boil until a certain viscosity:
A microwave for about 2 minutes helps me, only the glaze is constantly trying to "run away", each time it is necessary to stir. Cool the finished glaze:

Let's start assembling the cake. Cut the top off evenly from the light cake. Try a pink salmon, if it is dry in your opinion, then soak it additionally, you can use fruit juice or sweet water. Place the cake on a serving platter:

The dark biscuit must be cut into pieces. Apply a small amount of cream to a light-colored cake. Put pieces of dark biscuit on top of the cream:

Apply the cream again. Next, arrange the pineapple pieces and cherries. Apply a small amount of cream directly to fruits and berries. Next, lay out the pieces of dark biscuit:

Thus, collect the whole cake. Cover with the rest of the cream and refrigerate.

Pour icing on the cooled cake from a spoon. This is the kind of cake for the next day. It can be seen that the glaze has absorbed a little. If you want to see jets of icing when serving, pour it shortly before serving. We were already very tasty:
Vegan Pancho cake is ready!

For preparing peanut milk raw peanuts (1 cup), rinsed and soaked in cold water for 4-5 hours. Rinse. Add cold drinking water (4 cups) and beat with a blender for 2-3 minutes. It will splash heavily, so take a larger container. Strain the peanut milk from the cake through a thick cloth. The peanut milk is ready, and the cake can be used elsewhere.

Bon appetit and be healthy !!!

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