Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms. Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms (detailed master class)

I'm sure everyone loves hot fried cakes, but not everyone will bother with them, make dough, filling, stand at the stove for an hour. All this is work, but if you make an effort, you will get an excellent result and aromatic pies will conquer the whole family with their taste. We will use a simple dough, with kefir, with soda, without yeast. I like the mushroom filling, but some mushrooms are very satisfying for pies, so I also add the most famous vegetable in our region - potatoes ....


For the test: __NEWL__

  • Fat kefir - 300 milliliters__NEWL__
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon__NEWL__
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces__NEWL__
  • Lean oil - 50 ml__NEWL__
  • Wheat flour - 500 grams__NEWL__
  • Extra Salt - half a teaspoon__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For filling: __NEWL__
  • Champignon mushrooms, fresh - 300 grams__NEWL__
  • Common bow - 2 heads__NEWL__
  • Club potatoes - 4 pieces__NEWL__
  • Dried dill or fresh, ground black pepper, coriander, salt - to taste__NEWL__

Cooking steps:

It is desirable that the products are all room temperature... First, prepare the dough for the pies. Drive eggs into a bowl, mix, add salt, warm kefir and soda, mix again with a fork.

Must be homogeneous mass... Add three tablespoons vegetable oil, you can instead of it and butter use.

Now pour out the flour, it is better to sift it through a sieve in advance.

We knead the dough well, with our hands, so that it is not too tight, but it does not stick to our hands either.

Let the dough stand on the sidelines for 20 minutes, let's start filling. Wash fresh champignons, peel the onion. Any kind of mushroom that is available can be used.

Finely chop the mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes in vegetable oil, medium heat.

Then add finely chopped onion, salt, dill with ground pepper, and fry until golden brown, about 8 minutes.

Cook the potatoes in their uniforms, 20 minutes, until tender, peel and grind with a crush until puree. You can add salt to the potatoes and a little broth or water, 3 tablespoons. Mix mushrooms with onions and potatoes.

Cut off a piece from the dough, roll out the cake, put the filling.

We pinch the edges and form a pie.

Thus, we sculpt all the pies, with love and good mood... Fry the pies in hot vegetable oil, the more there is, the more fried the pies will be.

As soon as you see that they are browned, turn over, after all, we have already prepared the filling.

Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms (detailed master class)

Traditional Russian deep-fried pies are called yarn. A very simple dough - but you will love working with it and will certainly love the result.

For 15 pieces you will need:

1 glass of water
2.5 cups flour
1 teaspoon yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1.5 teaspoon salt
250-300 ml of refined vegetable oil
700 grams of potatoes
300 grams fresh mushrooms(e.g. mushrooms)
2 onions

First, let's prepare the dough. It takes him some time to get ready.
Pour a glass into a deep bowl warm water.
The water temperature should be about 30-40 degrees.
Add a tablespoon of sugar.

Add yeast.

Stir yeast and sugar a little with water.

Yeast needs some time to go from a canned state to a working one. You will see that the yeast growth has begun within 10 minutes. Or foam will appear on the surface of the water. Or the water itself will be filled with air bubbles, like carbonated.

Only then add salt to the water (half a teaspoon).

Stir the salt in the water well.

Add two and a half glasses of flour.

Always measure water and flour in one or the same glasses. Proportion is important here.
Prepare 1/3 cup vegetable oil for the dough.

Start stirring the dough in a bowl.

First you need to stir the flour with water a little.

And only then pour in measured vegetable oil. It is important to avoid direct contact of the oil with the yeast.

Knead the dough.

It should lag behind the sides of the bowl and absorb all the flour.

At this stage, it is not important to knead it until smooth.

Set the dough aside for 20 minutes. During this time, the gluten will swell. And then you can easily and quickly knead the dough until smooth.

Cover the dough with a towel or cling film (so that the top of the dough does not dry out) and leave to rise for 30 minutes
After half an hour, knead the dough in a bowl. And leave it for another half hour to get up.

Peel the potatoes for the filling. Transfer to a saucepan. Top up with water. Season with 1 teaspoon of salt.

Boil the potatoes 25 minutes after boiling.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Fry the onion with vegetable oil (4-5 tablespoons) until tender and light brown.

Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

Place in a skillet. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until all liquid has evaporated. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mushrooms and fry until characteristic fried crusts.

Drain the potato pan. Mash the potatoes right in the pot with a potato grinder.

Add the onions to the potatoes along with the oil in which they were fried. Stir well.

Add fried mushrooms.

Stir well again and set the finished filling to cool.

Put the finished well-risen dough on the table surface lightly greased with vegetable oil.

Divide into 15 parts.

Roll each part of the dough into an even ball.

The dough is very soft, so you don't need a rolling pin when shaping the pies.

Place a skillet or stewpan over medium heat. Pour in the oil. The oil should be poured one and a half centimeters high.

Take one ball of dough. Lay it out in the palm of your hand.
Knead into a cake.

Place a full tablespoon of the filling in the middle of the tortilla.

Roll the dough with the filling inward so that the edges overlap slightly.

Gently pinch the dough where the edges join.

Put the prepared pies on the table with the tucks up.

As soon as the oil is hot (try not to overheat it), reduce the heat a little more (to below average).
Take one prepared pie in the palm of your hand, pinch up. Gently flatten the pie.

Place on paper towels first to absorb excess oil. Then transfer to a platter and serve hot.
If necessary, add a little oil to the skillet as you fry the rest of the batch before deep-frying the rest of the pies.
Yes, Russian yarn pies are not at all diet dish... But it is incredibly tasty and sometimes you can afford this pleasure.

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Today I will share with you a recipe for making pies with potatoes and mushrooms fried in a pan. The secret of these pies is in the dough, which reminds many of the favorite pies from the canteens.

Preparation time: 1 hour
Cooking time: 1 hour
Total time: 2 hours
Output: 15 pies

Ingredients for Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms

  • Flour - 5 glasses
  • Warm water - 2 glasses
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry yeast - 3 teaspoons
  • Vegetable oil - 400 ml (for dough - 100 ml, for frying - 300 ml)
  • Salt (for dough) - 1 teaspoon
  • Potatoes - 500 g
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Mushrooms - 250 g
  • Salt (for filling) - to taste

Step-by-step recipe for pies with potatoes and mushrooms

First, let's prepare a dough. In a deep container, mix one tablespoon of sugar with two glasses of warm water until completely dissolved, then add 3 teaspoons of dry yeast. We set aside our dough in a warm place for fifteen to twenty minutes, so that the yeast would come to life.

While the yeast is coming up, prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes, wash them and boil them in salted water. Then we will crush it. You don't need to add butter or milk.

Let's prepare the mushrooms. In my case, this is an assortment of dried forest mushrooms(chanterelles, boletus and porcini mushrooms). There is some sand in my mushrooms, so I soaked them in salted water beforehand, after which I changed the water and boiled it for twenty minutes. Boiled mushrooms Chopped finely and set aside for now. In case you do not have at hand dried mushrooms, I recommend that you buy champignons, they are very easy to handle in preparation. In the case of champignons, they will need to be washed, peeled and cut. Next, we will deal with the onion, we peel it and finely chop it. Then lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil for three minutes, add mushrooms to the fried onion and fry for another seven minutes. Then we mix the ready-made onions and mushrooms with crushed potatoes. The filling is ready.

Add one teaspoon of salt to the risen dough, mix, and begin to introduce flour. I introduce flour one glass at a time. When all the flour is added, add the vegetable oil. Mix well again and set aside in a warm place for forty minutes so that the dough rises well.

When the dough has risen, add two to three tablespoons of flour and knead the dough well again.

Lightly grease the table with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into fifteen pieces. For convenience, you can lay cling film on the table so as not to contaminate the surface with oil. We do not need a rolling pin to form the pies, since the dough is very pliable and it is more convenient to work with it just in the hands. If it seems to you that the cakes are too "slippery", lightly dust them with flour.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

We will cook lean fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms from yeast dough... Not everyone likes to tinker with it, many novice housewives are frightened off by the complexity of preparation, the abundance of ingredients and the lengthy process of kneading and proving the dough. But there is also very simple recipes, which make wonderful pies. The dough is prepared in water and vegetable oil, it contains only flour, salt, sugar and yeast. The kneading is simple, you will like working with it, and the result will also please.
You can make pies with any filling from this dough, it is universal. But since we are fasting now, we will have a lean filling - from potatoes with fried mushrooms and onions. It is just as easy to prepare and. Enjoy cooking for your family.

Ingredients for the dough:

- dry active yeast- 1 teaspoon with a small slide;
- water - 250 ml (full faceted glass);
- wheat flour top grade- 2.5 cups;
- sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- table salt - 1 teaspoon with a small slide;
- vegetable refined oil - a third of a glass.

For the filling you will need:

- potatoes - 650-700 gr;
- onions - 3 large onions;
- vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
- fresh champignons - 250 gr;
- salt, pepper or any seasonings - all to taste.
- besides this - vegetable oil for frying pies.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Heat the water to 35-40 degrees, pour it into a deep bowl. Add a tablespoon of sugar, stir.

Add dry yeast, stir until grains dissolve. Leave for 10-15 minutes for the yeast to become active, "wake up".

Then add salt and stir. Sift the flour through a fine sieve and add to the water with yeast. Set aside a little flour, it is possible that it will not be needed, because the quality is different, and each time it takes a little more flour, then a little less.

Stir in flour and yeast. Make a depression in the middle, pour in vegetable oil. Measure out all foods with the same glass so that the proportions of flour and liquid are not disturbed.

Mix flour, water, oil with your hands. Knead in a bowl first, not smooth. At the first stage, we need the dough to absorb all the flour and lag behind the bottom and walls. Cover the bowl and let stand for about 15 minutes for the flour gluten to develop. Then place the dough on a floured table and knead until smooth and smooth. The dough should not be dense, it will remain soft, but at the same time it will not stick either to your hands or to the table. To make kneading easier, grease your hands with vegetable oil. Cover the dough and heat for an hour to proof.

During this time, make the filling for the pies. Boil the potatoes until tender, drain the water, mash the tubers in mashed potatoes. Season with salt to taste.

Peel and dice the onion. Fry in a large amount of oil until golden brown, without frying too much, so as not to develop a bitter aftertaste.

Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, mix with the onions and fry until tender.

Salt, season with spices to your taste. Mix with potatoes, cool.

Meanwhile, the dough rose, increased in volume several times and became ready for further cutting.

If you have a kitchen scale, weigh the dough and divide it into pieces weighing about 40 grams or slightly less, depending on the desired size of the pies. Or divide into 15-17 pieces.

Roll balls out of the pieces, mash into a cake. Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle.

Leave the edges free. Lift the edges, pinch over the filling, first in the center, then move to the edges. Squeeze the scallop (seam), turn the pie over and place on a greased board.

When all the pies are ready, pour about 2 cm of vegetable oil into the cauldron. Heat over medium heat, then lower the heat to lower than medium. Lay out the pies with the seam down, 3-4 pieces at a distance from one another. Fry on one side, briefly, about two minutes or a little less. Since our filling is ready, you only need to fry the dough, but it is fried quickly.

Once browned, turn over with a fork, slotted spoon or spatula and fry on the other side.

Ready-made pies can be served immediately or laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat. For those who love sweet pastries, we offer a recipe for cooking