Black currant recipes for winter jam. Black currant jam

Black currant is one of the most unpretentious horticultural crops. Breeders have bred varieties that bear large berries. At the same time, this product is extremely useful due to the high content of vitamins and other valuable substances. High yield, pleasant taste and beneficial features berries cause a natural desire to prepare currants for future use. Its fruits are frozen, ground with sugar, compotes and jam are closed from them. One of the most popular blanks is black currant jam. Pleasant color, bright aroma and rich sweet and sour taste of this dessert make it popular in cooking.

Cooking features

Making blackcurrant jam is not complex process... Knowing a few subtleties will allow even an inexperienced housewife to get an excellent result.

  • Jam is best cooked from ripe or even slightly overripe, but fresh berries. Before cooking, the currants should be sorted out, peeled from the leaves.
  • You can wash the currants under running water. After the berry is poured into a colander and wait until it dries a little. It is not necessary to dry it on a towel, since it will still be prepared with the addition of water at the first stage.
  • Simple options for making blackcurrant jam involve chopping berries, mixing them with sugar and then boiling the berry mass over low heat until the desired consistency is obtained (the jam is considered ready if its drops do not spread on the saucer). To speed up the process, gelling components are sometimes added to the jam, although there is no great need for them - the currant itself contains a sufficient amount of pectin.
  • In cooked by classical technology blackcurrant jam comes across bones and pieces of tough currant skins, which make the jam not very pleasant to the taste. To get rid of them, the berry is rubbed through a sieve. It will be easier to do if you boil it a little. Efforts spent on grinding berries are rewarded delicate taste and appetizing view ready-made delicacies.
  • When using thickeners, pay attention to the instructions for use on the packaging. The consistency and composition of these products are not always identical, the manufacturer's recommendations may differ from the instructions given in the recipe. In this case, the instructions on the packaging are considered priority.
  • Do not use aluminum dishes for making jam. There are many organic acids in currants, upon contact with which aluminum forms harmful substances.
  • The larger the evaporation area, the better the jam will boil down. You can cook it faster in a bowl than in a saucepan.
  • Blackcurrant jam can be stored all winter only if it is laid out in sterilized containers and hermetically closed with lids boiled for 5-10 minutes.

Storage conditions for blackcurrant jam can vary by recipe, but it usually works well when room temperature.

The classic blackcurrant jam recipe

Composition (for 1.75 l):

  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 150 ml.

Recipe for the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Go through and rinse the currants well, let them dry out a little, pour them into an enamel bowl or another container suitable for making preserves, jams.
  • Pour the berries with water, put on medium heat.
  • Wait for the water to boil. Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Mash the berries well with a potato grinder, mix.
  • Heat over low heat until the berry mass begins to boil. Add sugar in 0.2 kg portions, each time achieving its complete dissolution.
  • Simmer over low heat, stirring so that the currants do not burn, skimming off the foam protruding on the surface, until the jam is thick enough.
  • Sterilize the jars and matching lids.
  • Fill the jars with blackcurrant jam and screw them on with metal lids.

Store cooked by this recipe jam can be in the closet or in any other not too hot room.

Seedless black currant jam

Composition (per 1 l):

  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.75 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out the currants, rinse under running water, sprinkle on a towel to dry the berries faster.
  • Grind the berries with a blender or meat grinder.
  • Rub the berry puree through a sieve. This will separate the juice from the grains and rind.
  • Mix currant juice with sugar. Place the basin with it on the stove.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Cover with gauze and leave for 5-6 hours, or overnight.
  • Cook the jam for another 15 minutes, again leave to cool for at least 5 hours.
  • Cook the jam for the third time for 20 minutes.
  • Spread the hot mass in sterilized jars, seal them tightly.

The jam made according to the given recipe looks very appetizing, as it has a bright color, it turns out transparent, without pits and skins. Such a dessert is pleasant to eat with spoons. It can be used as an addition to ice cream, cottage cheese and other desserts, as a filling for pies and other baked goods. Store the jam in a cool place.

Blackcurrant jam with gelatin

Composition (for 1.5 l):

  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 0.45 l;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the prepared currants with a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool, rub through a sieve. If you pre-grind the berry with a blender, it will be easier to grind it.
  • Mix berry juice with sugar. Leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place.
  • Put the bowl with the workpiece on low heat, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • Pour the remaining clean water over the gelatin. After 10 minutes, pour into a bowl of jam, mix.
  • Heat, stirring occasionally, for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Distribute on prepared banks, roll up.

The jam made according to this recipe has a delicate, jelly-like consistency. This option can be considered economical.

Blackcurrant jam has various uses in cooking. If you have harvested a large harvest of berries, do not be too lazy to make this sweet preparation.

Product Matrix: 🥄

If you have a meat grinder, then it is better to scroll the black currant through it, since the skin of the berries is quite dense. I don't have a meat grinder, which actually stopped me from making jam, so I ran the berries in the food processor using the "metal knife" attachment. As you can see in the photo, the coarse pieces of skin remained.

After that, the mass must be wiped through a sieve.

The resulting puree I got 330 grams.

Pour the mashed potatoes into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, stir and put on high heat, covering the pan with a lid.

Bring to a boil, then remove the lid, stir and begin to collect the foam with a spoon. Cook the jam over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes. Currants gell up perfectly.

You can check the readiness of the jam by dropping a drop on a cold saucer - the drop should not spread. Hot jam from black currant pour into a clean sterilized jar, close with a boiled lid, turn over and let cool. This time I miscalculated a little with the container and the bank turned out to be incomplete. The cooled jam acquired a thick consistency. Store at room temperature, and put the opened jar in the refrigerator. In winter, this jam will be a great reminder of summer!

Useful preparations made from fresh summer berries are a real delight for the eyes and for taste buds, as well as significant savings for your family budget. After all, even in the summer you can make blackcurrant jam for the winter: a simple recipe will not take you much time and energy, and then enjoy long winter evenings during family tea parties. Sweet berry jam added to yoghurts and baked goods, spread on bread and simply eaten with spoons. Such a delicacy is much more useful than a store product, because it consists from natural ingredients - currant berries and sugar... The currant itself contains a sufficient amount of pectin, thanks to which homemade jam keeps well and turns out to be thick, tasty, satisfying and soft. Next, you will find two recipes for making a wonderful jam, as well as step-by-step instruction with photos and detailed explanations.

You are not mistaken, we will tell you how to make blackcurrant jam for the winter in five minutes. We have already described, according to the recipe "five minutes". By the same principle, you can make jam, and if you come across whole berries in a product such as jam, then jam is a homogeneous sweet mass that resembles confiture... In fact, this is confiture, it is loved by many adults and children, it has a rich taste and pleasant texture.

In order to make a five-minute jam, you should take equal amount sugar and black currant berries, for example, one kilogram of sugar for one kilogram of berries.

  1. Sort out and rinse the currant berries under a stream of water. In the preparation process, it is necessary remove all twigs, stalks, green and spoiled berries.
  2. Dry the currants in a colander.
  3. In a large enamel bowl or in a stainless steel saucepan, grind the berries with a blender. If you do not have this unit, you can pass the berries through a meat grinder, crush in a mortar or knead with a crush for potatoes.
  4. Pour sugar into a saucepan with berries and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  5. Bring the berries to a boil over low heat stirring slightly with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  6. Cook the jam for exactly five minutes, while removing the foam.
  7. Pour into jars and roll the blank without sterilization. Jars and lids must be perfectly clean and sterilized at home (over steam or in the oven for 15 minutes).

Harvesting the perfect seedless winter jam: sweet currant

Currant confiture is a real delicacy that can be given even to young children and elderly people. The berry for this recipe goes through several stages of processing, the result is tasty, tender and very aromatic.

Cook together and enjoy: blackcurrant jam is a recipe for the winter so great that it can be used for other summer berries as well.

We take the same proportions as in the previous recipe - one to one. The only caveat is for one kilogram of sugar, it is necessary to prepare one kilogram of already grated berry puree.

Grind prepared, washed and dried berries with a blender.

We pass this berry mass through a sieve. You can also fold regular non-sterile gauze several times, fill with berries and squeeze the juice and pulp out of them. Oilcake is often used to prepare compotes - do not throw away the useful product.

Ideal bring the seedless mass and cake to a boil, cover with sugar and wait until it dissolves.

  • you need to prepare more sugar - currants have a natural sourness;
  • you can cook jam only in stainless steel dishes, the rest, when interacting with fruit acid (which black currant contains in large quantities), release harmful substances, and they can cause poisoning.

Well? Let's get started?

You will need:

  • black currant 330 g;
  • sugar 330 g;
  • agar-agar 10 g (can be replaced with gelatin).

Jam is a great addition to any dessert. It can be added to ice cream, pancakes, pancakes and cheese cakes, or you can just drink tea with it.

How to make blackcurrant jam with agar agar for the winter

Rinse the berries thoroughly, remove the sheets and all that is superfluous. Throw away rotten and spoiled berries.

Put in a deep container and cover with sugar.

Mash the berries until you get homogeneous mass.

Add agar-agar and mix well.

Bring to a boil over a fire, stirring occasionally with currants.

Cook for ten minutes.

Arrange the jam in jars, close tightly and overturn on the lid. You can cover with something warm and put it in storage in the morning.

Small culinary tricks

  • If, when putting the jam in the jars, a few drops get on the neck, wipe them off immediately. The consistency of the jam is quite dense and when dried, these drops will not allow the lids to be tightly tightened, which means that it may disappear;
  • when making jam without gelling ingredients, you can check if it hardens. To do this, drip jam on a cold saucer, if the drop spreads, then you need to boil for a few more minutes;
  • if you are making jam without gelatin, then this requires additional cooking time to obtain the desired consistency;
  • jam, unlike jam, needs to be twisted almost instantly after pouring into jars;
  • if the berries are dense, then it is better to knead them first, and only then sprinkle with sugar.

See how else you can do

Blackcurrant jam is a delicious delicacy with a slight sourness for the whole family. In winter, it serves as an excellent filling for baked goods, especially juices with currant jam. And how pleasant it is to enjoy the delicate sweetness with tea in the evening watching the TV! I confess that my beloved children love to spread jam on bread and eat sweet sandwiches with pleasure. And at these moments I remember myself, because I also loved bread and jam.

I note that the process of making jam from the process of cooking currant jam is almost the same, the only thing is that for jam, the berries need to be thoroughly kneaded or chopped in a blender before cooking. In addition, currants have natural gelling properties, and this helps the mass to become jelly-like. Many housewives add pectin to the jam, but I think that there is enough of it in black currant. Well, I think it's time to get down to business from chatter.

To make blackcurrant jam, we need


  • Black currant - 4 kg (I first went through it from the branches and washed it).
  • Sugar - 4 kg.

Cooking process:

Some hostesses believe that you need 2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of currants, but for me it is sugary sweet, for lovers of light sourness I recommend 1: 1), like mine. The preparations are captured in the photo step by step, so repeating the process is not difficult for you.

Into the big enamel pot Pour the berries along with sugar, rub lightly with your hands.

Then we begin the grinding process in a blender, you can use a meat grinder, as you like. We put the currants with sugar into the container of the kitchen machine, as much as it will fit.

The longer the knife turns, the finer the skins from the berries will be.

Thus, we will process all the berries with sugar.

Then we put the pan with the contents on medium heat and cook, after boiling the jam, foam forms, which means that the pan can be removed from the heat.

While the jam was cooking, I prepared the jars (I have Veresovsky ones with self-screwing lids), and sterilized each for 10 minutes.

Next, pour the hot ready-made jam into a container using a ladle, tighten the lids tightly and turn the lids down. In this position, we leave until the jam has completely cooled. That's the whole process. The jam turned out to be jelly-like, thanks to the gelling properties in the currants. As you can see, everything is pretty easy, fast and affordable.

Be sure to use this method, I'm sure you will like the speed and simplicity of the process, and the result will delight your sweethearts.

How many years blackcurrant jam will be stored, I do not know, because, no matter how long it was, it leaves us with a bang over the winter. Therefore, I wish you Bon appetit With delicious jam from currants.

You may be wondering how to cook currant compote:

Best regards, Anyuta.