Sly chef. Cooking tricks from the chef


Many people have to cook at home on their own. Some only prepare breakfast and dinner. Many people get by with snacks altogether. And some housewives have to cook a lot, for the whole family. When cooking, housewives, especially young, not very experienced, have some problems and questions. Sometimes the dish doesn’t work out the way we would like it. Experienced chefs know the little secrets and tricks of cooking. They are ready to share their experience and knowledge. Give some tips to help you when preparing meals. Perhaps in the tips below you will find answers to your questions:

- You can tell the taste of herring by looking at its back. The thicker the back, the tastier the herring.

Sauteed vegetables, seasonings, herbs, bay leaves are placed in a dish at the end of cooking 10-15 minutes before being cooked.

Put in a preheated oven confectionery, v cold dishes for stewing and baking.

- If the cutlets are overcooked, steam them. They will become soft and juicy.

- Cookies and eclairs are best baked on baking paper, they tend to stick to the baking sheet.

Products from unleavened dough will be crumbly if you add a spoonful of brandy or vodka to the dough.

You should not put bay leaves in. The broth loses its chicken flavor.

You cannot cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut in an aluminum pan, the acid destroys the alloy.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup must be salted after the cabbage is cooked, otherwise you can oversalt.

Fresh mushrooms first simmer in a pan without oil, then add oil and only after 15 minutes can they be salted.

To dried mushrooms have not lost their aroma, they need to be stored in a sealed container, and not strung on threads as many do.

If frying, place a piece of potato in the skillet. The apartment will not smell like fish.

Use salt to remove mucus from fresh fish. Rub the fish with salt and then rinse well.

It is better to cook fresh fish steamed or m in a shallow saucepan with a little water.

Natural honey cannot be heated, it loses its healing properties.

A jar of honey cannot be kept open, and even more so with a spoon left in it. Drain the water immediately after boiling vegetables. Vegetables left in the water become watery and not tasty.

The baked cake cannot be removed from the mold immediately, let it stand a little. Sugar should not be kept near strong-smelling foods. It absorbs the smell.

It is easy to roll out thin dough if you wrap the rolling pin with a linen cloth. It won't stick to the rolling pin. Can also be rolled over a sheet of parchment.

If the bottom of the pie burns in the oven, then you can put a saucepan with water or pour salt into it.

Eggs are put in the dough, it will be better to put one yolk, the dough will be tastier.

If the finished cake does not come out of the pan, hold it over steam or place it on a wet towel.

When kneading the dough, milk or water must be poured into the flour in a thin stream and stirred. The dough will be lump-free.

If the raisins in the dough sink to the bottom, then the dough is too runny. We need to add flour. Pancakes will be tastier if you first add the yolks and then the whipped whites to the dough.

To make the cake yellow, grind the yolk with salt and put in a cold place for 7-8 hours.

So that the cooked jelly does not form a film on its surface, sprinkle it with sugar.

Eggs are best boiled over moderate heat. They are tastier.

- Cut boiled egg better with a knife dipped in cold water.

To make the dried buns soft, place them in the oven first, sprinkling with water.

If the cookies are burnt on top during baking, rub them with a grater and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

- If you are using frozen fruits, you do not need to reheat them. Let it thaw at room temperature.

When cooking jelly, pour the starch diluted with water immediately. Kissel should not be boiled, only brought to a boil.

-If you are cooking sea fish cutlets, remove the skin from it. They will be gentle.

It is better to salt the fish before cooking, it will be tender and juicy.

Herring should be soaked not only strongly salted, but any. Soaking makes the fish much tastier, more tender and softer. You can soak in water or milk for about one hour.

Sturgeon and sterlet have their own pleasant aroma and taste, so spices should be added sparingly so as not to interrupt the taste of the fish.

Salted fish should not be fried or baked, only boiled or stewed.

Scales from the fish will be easy to clean if you pour boiling water over the fish.

After peeling onions, garlic or fish, hands can be rubbed with a lemon wedge to remove the smell. You can also do with a knife and a cutting board.

Bay leaves are placed in the dish not long before the end of cooking, otherwise it will burn out and have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Do not put too many spices in soups. They will drown out the aroma of the broth. The greens are best placed directly on the plate.

It is better not to defrost frozen vegetables. Put them in the pot right away.

Salt the first courses before the end of cooking, spices even later 10-15 minutes before cooking.

When preparing pickle pickles, it is better to grate and sauté. Then add to the soup. The cucumbers will be soft.

If you cook pickle, put the cucumbers last. They contain acid and will prevent other foods from cooking.

Garlic is easier to chop if the clove is first crushed with a knife and then chopped.

It is convenient to cut large sheets of basil by rolling them into a roll.

Grease the grater on which you are going to grate the cheese with vegetable oil. The cheese will not stick and the grater will be easily washed off.

You can speed up the cooking of food in the double boiler by adding salt to the water in the pan.

Buckwheat for crumbly porridge better to fry.

Pour cereal into boiling salted water.

Loose porridge is boiled only in water. The volume of water should be twice the volume of cereals.

Viscous porridge is boiled in milk and water.

If the garlic has a green sprout, it is better to remove it. Garlic will give flavor but less bitterness.

- will remain fresh if stored in a tightly closed container.

- The soup will be tastier and more beautiful if you put sautéed carrots in it, and not raw.

Carrots cooked in a peel are easier to peel if they are rinsed immediately after boiling. cold water.

Boil soup or borscht over low heat so that there is a barely noticeable boil. It turns out tastier.

When preparing soups, food should be placed in boiling water. The soup will taste better and the vitamins will be preserved.

It is better to sauté vegetables in a saucepan or a frying pan with a thick bottom and stir with a wooden stick.

Carrots and tomatoes contain carotene. These red-orange substances dissolve in oil during passivation. The soup becomes beautiful.

If you cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut, before putting it in the cabbage soup, pour boiling water over it and squeeze it out. The excess acid will go away. The cabbage soup will be tastier.

So that the beets do not lose their color in the borscht, add a few drops of vinegar to a spoonful of water when sautéing. The beets will retain their color and the borscht will be red. It is better to put potatoes in borscht whole, when ready to mash with a spoon. It is better to grate pickled cucumbers for pickle and sauté a lot. The cucumbers will be soft.

- When preparing soups, be sure to cut the vegetables correctly. For soup with noodles, slicing is suitable. For soup with peas or beans - cubes.

When frying cutlets, the formed cutlets are placed only in a hot frying pan. After frying, the cutlets must be brought to readiness in the oven.

It is good to skip the meat for cutlets in a meat grinder twice and the main thing is to mix the minced meat well. The cutlets will be more magnificent.

Tough meat will soften when beaten off or drizzled with lemon juice. You can grease with mustard, then rinse. Hold for 2-3 hours.

To add flavor to the broth, place chopped parsley and celery roots in it.

It is better to add grated onion to the minced meatball, and not scrolled in a meat grinder.

Stale white bread is best for minced meatballs. Fresh bread makes them sticky.

After use, the meat grinder should be immediately washed with hot water and soda, rinsed and dried, then assembled.

When cooking, the liver will be softer and tastier if you soak it for 2-3 hours in cold milk before frying.

Fried pork will be tastier and ruddy for this, before frying, you need to make several cuts on it.

Beef stroganoff and other meat stews are best salted while stewing.

When cooking pasta the proportion of water and pasta should be observed, otherwise they will stick together.

Eggs for an omelet are best beaten with a fork, not with a mixer.

There should be less milk in the omelet than eggs. For 1 egg, 1 spoonful of milk.

The sauce, cooked in meat broth, is served only with meat dishes.

Only meat or fish is seasoned with sauce; the side dish is not watered.

After cooking, it is better not to rinse the pasta, but add a little vegetable oil.

Sausages will be tastier if they are steamed for 4-5 minutes.

Old potatoes should be peeled off thicker. Nitrates have already been deposited in it.

To prepare the sauce, the flour must be fried until a brown hue appears.

Almost every experienced chef knows little secrets in cooking. But not every housewife, especially in young families, knows about them. Therefore, after reading this article with tips shared by qualified chefs, you can increase your experience in the master's wisdom.

1 If you steam sausages, they will be much tastier.

2 Do not rinse the pasta, add sunflower oil after cooking.

3 To prepare an omelet, you should adhere to the following proportions: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk - one egg. To make the omelet the right consistency, set aside the mixer and beat with a regular fork.

4 Salt stews or beef stroganoff during cooking, and neither how nor at the beginning.

5 To get an excellent sauce, the flour should be fried until Brown color... Meat dishes are served with a sauce based on meat broth.

6 If you make a couple of oblique (across the fibers) cuts, then the pork will become more aromatic when frying with a browned crust.

7 Want to get soft and delicious liver? Soak it in milk for a couple of hours before frying.

8 Any broth will be more flavorful if you add celery or parsley roots there.

9 After beating and spreading with mustard, for 2-3 hours, a piece of hard meat before frying, you can get a soft, well-done result. There is also another option. Before frying, drizzle with lemon juice and beat well.

10 If you skip the minced meat on the cutlets twice, then the finished product will be more fluffy. Stale bread should be added to the minced meatballs, since fresh bread sticks together and forms bread lumps in the cutlets. When cooking cutlets, grate the onion. Cutlets should be placed in an already hot pan.

11 Soups should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, watch how the vegetables are cut. For example, in spaghetti soup, carrots are cut into strips. It is better to grate cucumbers in pickle. When preparing borscht, beets are stewed in a pan with the addition of a couple of drops of vinegar - in this situation, the borscht will not lose color. To remove excess acid when cooking cabbage soup, scald it with boiling water and squeeze immediately before cooking. In general, when preparing first courses, vegetables must be placed in already boiling water. After that, it should be cooked only over low heat. Thus, vitamins are preserved, and the aroma will be richer.

12 Keeping fresh herbs such as parsley or dill in a vacuum package can help keep them fresh for a long time. To do this, you will need a vacuum packaging machine, which can be bought at an affordable price on the website. Using such devices, you prevent food contact with air, thereby protecting them from the appearance of bacteria, preserving the taste and aroma of products.

13 After boiling cold water on the carrots, peeling the skin will be easier.

14 When boiling milk porridge, you need to add a third of salted water (sugar is added at the very end). So that it turns out loose buckwheat, the cereals should first be fried.

15 Cheese will not stick to the grater if you brush it with sunflower oil.

16 Any fish can be easily cleaned if you first pour boiling water over it.

17 Dried pastry will be soft if heated in the microwave by placing a small container of water in the same place.

18 Only yolk should be added to the dough. When protein is added, baked goods quickly become stale.

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Professional chefs carefully keep their secrets and share them only with their students. However, some of their secret knowledge still manages to find out.

site has collected for you the secrets of chefs from around the world to help you learn how to cook like Gordon Ramsay. Or better. And at the very end, perhaps the most unusual awaits you. culinary advice that you have ever heard.

1. Perfect steak

Never fry meat that has just been taken out of the refrigerator. Leave it at room temperature for an hour or two - it will "warm up" and cook evenly during cooking, so you will cook the perfect steak no matter what kind of grill you prefer. And to get a nice crust, be sure to blot the meat before frying with a paper towel.

2. The most juicy meat

Chicken or lean pork takes a long time to grill, and it is very easy to dry them out. To avoid this, European chefs resort to a clever trick - soaking in brine. It is very simple to make a brine: in 1 liter of water you need to add 1/4 cup of salt and, if desired, 1/2 cup of sugar, then pour the meat over it so that the piece is completely immersed in it, and send it to the refrigerator.

Salting time depends on the weight of the product - 1 hour per 1 kg of weight, but not more than 8 hours and not less than half an hour. Also, when it comes to small pieces like chicken thighs, then the time is calculated based on the average weight of one piece. Remember to remove any salt residues from the meat before cooking.

3. Fragrant spices

In order for a spice, such as black pepper or cumin, to fully give its taste to the dish, it must be warmed up in a dry frying pan and then crushed. It is best to do this in a stone mortar - this way you will not lose a single drop of its wonderful aroma. Try replacing ground black pepper with peas - crush it, add it to the dish, and you will notice how many shades will add to the usual taste.

4. Airy baked goods

To prepare the perfect butter dough, follow just one simple rule: leave the butter and eggs at room temperature overnight.

5. Fish with a crispy crust

To obtain appetizing crust on the piece of white fish that you are going to grill, lightly brush the fillet with mayonnaise. To do this, take a cooking brush, dip the tip in the sauce and apply it to the fish in a few quick strokes. After that, salt the fish and boldly put it on the grill - a magnificent crispy thin crust is guaranteed to you.

And further. Fry fish with a minimum of spices, or better, use only salt and sprinkle it with a small amount at the very end lemon juice.

6. Steak without butter

One of the most famous chefs in the world, Alain Ducasse, has revealed his secret of cooking delicious steak... When frying, he first of all puts the piece in the pan with the side where the layer of fat passes. This will not only make the meat tastier, but it will also save you the hassle of using any other cooking oil.

7. Delicate mashed potatoes

Before turning boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes, they must be thoroughly dried. To do this, throw it into a dry hot frying pan and hold it there until the remaining water evaporates - the main thing is that the tubers do not begin to fry. And only then start making mashed potatoes - this way you will get a very delicate and delicious dish.

Little secret: to prevent hot milk from sprinkling directly on you when mashed, crush the potatoes a little and only then add the liquid.

8. Gourmet puree soup

Before you start cooking vegetable puree soup, separately fry all vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil and only then add water or broth. This caramelizes the sugar in the vegetables, reveals their taste and makes the dish rich and aromatic. The same goes for vegetable stews, by the way.

9. The most delicious pancakes

Regardless of the recipe, always add a couple tablespoons of good sour cream to the pancake batter. This technique works in all cases, without exception, whether you cook sweet pancakes or savory ones - they turn out to be much softer and tastier, and when wrapped, the fillings do not break.

10. Sugar is not for sweetness

Sugar can be the same seasoning as salt. Be sure to add a pinch of sugar to any dish that contains fresh, canned tomatoes or tomato paste - this will remove a little their natural acid and allow you to really reveal the taste of the dish.

11. The most difficult dish is flawless fried eggs.

The three main ingredients for a perfect fried egg are thick-walled pan, butter and minimum temperature. Preheat the skillet slightly and add about 0.5 tsp. butter - it should melt slowly, without sizzling. Then break an egg into a skillet and cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Salt and you can start your meal.

12. Clear broth

Transparent chicken bouillon- the basis for huge amount soups, sauces and other dishes. To make the broth "glassy", you need to use soup chicken and cook over very low heat without a lid for at least 3 hours, in no case allowing it to boil and removing the slightest foam in time. After an hour and a half of cooking, you can put parsley or celery root, carrots and onions in the broth.

But when preparing broth from beef or lamb, root vegetables can be "charred": cut them in half and put on a dry hot frying pan until a black crust forms, and then send them into the broth - this will give the dish a rich taste and color.

Everyone wants our dishes to be always appetizing and tasty, but sometimes it's not enough to find interesting recipe, buy fresh quality food and prepare food,

even if with a soul. And dishes prepared according to the same recipe by different home chefs usually differ in taste and appearance. Why?

And because everyone who cooks food has his own little culinary tricks, which he uses, conjuring in the kitchen. And now, by mixing the ingredients in a different order or adding a completely drop of something not included in the recipe, he gets what seems to be the same dish, but much tastier! And there are a great many such tricks!

Let's get to know some of them so that the food we cook is always tasty, desirable and delights our loved ones even more:

Broths, soups and borscht

Delicious broth. If you want the broth to be tasty, you need to start cooking vegetables in cold water.

Mushrooms in the soup. A few fresh chanterelles added to any soup will make it taste better.

Adding greenery. Chopped greens are placed in the finished dish at the very end, perfect option preservation of vitamins - add herbs and turn off immediately.

Cognac in broth. The meat in the broth will cook much faster, and the broth itself will taste more piquant if you add a few drops of brandy to the water at the very beginning of cooking.

Bay leaf. Never leave bay leaves in your soup. It is good at cooking and then at the end, and then only spoils the taste.

Ice in broth. Do you want the broth to be transparent? Dip an ice cube into it after boiling, and then bring to a boil again.

Foam. If you did not remove the foam from the broth in time and it sank to the bottom, pour a glass of water into the pan. The foam will rise and can be removed.

Onion peel. Decoction onion peel you can tint broths. This increases their nutritional value, enriches them with vitamins and improves their appearance.

Preparing vegetables. Vegetables are peeled or washed just before they are dipped into the soup.

Seasonings. Do not put any seasonings in chicken broth, only onions and carrots. Otherwise, it will lose its taste.

Clear broth.To obtain a clear meat broth during cooking, you need to put washed eggshells in it. Strain the finished broth.

Delicious borscht. When frying vegetables, add not only salt, but also sugar, as well as a little acetic acid, which will preserve the color range of vegetables, as well as add a piquant sourness.

Delicious okroshka. Should be sliced green onions grind with yolks before mixing with slices. If you prepare kvass for okroshka yourself, then add rusks from Borodino bread or other black varieties with aromatic additives to it. Do not forget to add mustard to okroshka.


Long-term storage of lemons. Lemons keep well in dry sand and should be stacked so they don't touch each other. You can also put a bottle in a 3 liter, first wash each lemon, wipe it dry, then wrap it in a paper napkin. Close with a plastic lid and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If you like sweetened lemon tea, then the lemons need to be cut into wedges, dipped in sugar syrup, put on parchment and in the oven to dry. Do not close the oven door. After the oven, hold in the air under gauze and put in a paper bag or also glass jar... It's delicious! Believe me!

Long-term storage of carrots. Carrots can be preserved for several months if they are sprayed with an aqueous extract of dry husks. onions.

Crispy cucumbers. To make pickled cucumbers crunchy, add leaves of amaranth herb, and of course horseradish, currant, cherry leaves to the jars.

Sausage and meat products

Delicious sausages. Sausages will be tastier if they are not boiled, but coated with mustard, then fried in sunflower oil over low heat.

Cereals and pasta

White rice. To make the rice white and crumbly, pour it into boiling salted water, add a few drops of lemon juice or dissolved in water citric acid... Do not cover the dishes in which the rice is boiled.

Frying rice. So that the rice does not boil over, you can fry it a little, however, it should be noted that in this case it will not greatly increase in size.

The milk won't run away. So that the milk does not run away, you need to throw a lump of sugar there and cover, stirring every 3-4 minutes. In general, the addition of sugar insures the milk from escaping.

No sticky pasta and rice. To prevent rice or pasta from sticking together during cooking, you need to add a little vegetable oil to the water. There is also advice from the chefs that before cooking pasta, rinse it under running water and also add vegetable oil when cooking.

Transparent rice. To make the rice transparent, you need to put it in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Loose rice. To make the rice crumbly, soak it in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking. This is done in the East when cooking pilaf.

Rice vinegar. Pour a tablespoon into the water in which the rice is cooked table vinegar- and the rice will become snow-white, crumbly.

Oils and fats

Butter for frying. Butter does not darken during frying if you grease a hot pan with vegetable oil.

Oil does not splatter. To avoid splashing the oil, lightly sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt before frying.

Food storage. It is advisable to store all products in a dark place. Direct sunlight is especially harmful to fats - they quickly go rancid. Because of the fat content, halva, mayonnaise, chocolate are afraid of light.
Under the influence of light, vitamins are rapidly destroyed in milk and many products.

Milk and dairy products

Sour milk quickly. If you put a piece of bread in milk, it will quickly turn sour. For homemade yogurt, add sour cream to warm milk, wrap and let stand. Delicious and chilling for the summer.

Cook with milk powder. Powdered milk should be sieved beforehand. And it is divorced in water 60-70 degrees.

Will not burn. So that the milk does not burn during cooking, rinse the pan with cold water, and cook over medium heat with added sugar, as described above.

The cheese won't dry out. To prevent the cheese from drying out, it is enough to put a lump of sugar on a plate of cheese and cover with another plate.

Meat and poultry

Boiled meat taste. Boiled meat will be more tasty and juicy if it is dipped not in cold water, but in boiling water and boiled at the same time large chunk, not in pieces.

For softening tough meat when cooking, it is useful to add ready-made mustard (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of meat) to the water when laying the meat. After 40 minutes of boiling, the taste and smell of mustard completely disappear. After boiling, the meat turns out to be much softer and juicier. The broth acquires a pleasant tangy aftertaste (not like the taste of mustard), but it becomes a little cloudy due to the presence of the smallest particles of mustard powder in it (if desired, the resulting hot broth can be clarified by filtering through a cotton cloth folded in half, but this is not at all necessarily).

For tenderizing meat pre-grease it with ready-made mustard for 15-20 minutes (with its subsequent removal), then breaded in the usual way.

Chicken cutlets can be breaded in bread crumbs (fresh white bread finely crushed with a knife). Frying with fresh breads requires significantly more oil, but they are tastier.

Honey for meat. To fry or bake meat with a golden crust, it must be coated with honey.

Soft liver. The liver will be soft if sprinkled with sugar before frying. And the main point is not to overexpose on fire.

Soft meat. Chops will be softer if you grease them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil 1-2 hours before frying. Do the same for the grilled meats. Although vinegar is a controversial issue. Many do not recommend it, including myself. (on the website, look at the “kebabs” tag. There are many recipes for marinating meat)

Film from the liver. Dip your fingers in salt to make it easier to remove the film from the liver.

Gutted bird. Non-gutted poultry is stored longer than gutted poultry.

Mixed minced meat. The most delicious dishes are obtained in which mixed mince: meat with raw potatoes, carrots, meat broth, canned corn, mustard.

Dishes with water in the oven. To prevent the meat from burning and becoming dry, put dishes with water in the oven.

Juicy cutlets. To cook delicious juicy cutlets, add equally finely chopped raw and lightly fried onions and some raw potatoes to the minced meat.

Old chicken. Old chicken will cook faster if, after it has been cooked for 20-30 minutes, it is immersed in cold water for 5-6 minutes. By the way, it is also recommended to cook beets.

Frying temperature for cutlets. The first minute of frying the cutlets, the fire should be strong so that the crust seizes and does not allow the juice to flow out. But then you need to bring the heat to medium and, turning the cutlets, increase it again for half a minute. Meat is also fried.

Reduce the toughness of the meat. Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage, or beetroot brine is a reliable way to soften tough meat.


Boiling coffee. Do not let the coffee boil: the taste and aroma will disappear. If you nevertheless overlooked, immediately remove the coffee pot from the heat and pour a few drops of cold water into it.

Kissel from fresh berries. To preserve the taste, aroma and color of fresh berries when cooking jelly, do not boil the juice squeezed from the berries. Boil only squeezed berries filled with water and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup. Pour the juice into the finished jelly when it is removed from the heat.

Starch in jelly. When preparing jelly, diluted starch should be poured not into the middle of the pan, but closer to its walls.

Cool the compote quickly. To quickly cool a hot compote, you need to put a saucepan with it in another, large dish, fill it with cold water and add a little coarse salt to the water.

Salt for coffee. A pinch of salt added to the coffee before the end of brewing gives the drink its special taste and aroma.

Vegetables, fruits and mushrooms

Fragrant prunes. Prunes will turn out to be much more aromatic if they are pre-soaked in black tea or in plum juice.

Fry potatoes quickly. To make the potatoes fried faster, they should be dipped raw in hot water for a few minutes.

Peel the tomato quickly. In order to quickly and conveniently remove the skin from a tomato, you should put it in boiling water, and then in cold water.

Cooking legumes. Beans need to be salted when they are very soft, otherwise they will not boil over. Add tomatoes or tomato paste (anything that contains acid that slows down cooking) only after the legumes are cooked.

Boiling mushrooms. It is better to cook mushrooms over moderate heat, then they will not become tough and flabby.

Boiling potatoes.

Cooking beets. After boiling, drain the water, pour cold and so on 3 times. Beets will cook much faster.

Beat mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes it is better to beat by hand. Whipped in a mixer becomes fluffy, but quickly loses its flavor.

The taste of mushrooms. Mushrooms in dishes are tastier the finer they are cut. In order not to drown out the taste mushroom dishes do not put hot spices in them.

Delicious carrots... So that the carrot has good taste boil it for 5-10 minutes. Carrots, like other vegetables, are boiled over high heat and salted at the end of cooking.

Delicious vegetables. If you want to get delicious vegetables when cooking, you need to lower them in water after the water boils.

Fried cabbage. Chop the cabbage for the filling, first pour it over with boiling water, and then pour cold water for a minute. Squeeze well and fry in a pan. Then the cabbage will not lose color, will not turn brown.

Cooking legumes. To shorten the cooking time of the legumes, you must first soak them in cold water for several hours. Cook beans and beans at a low boil in a sealed container. And since beans quickly burst, it is better to cook it like beets ... the water boils, drain, pour cold and until it boils. Cooking in this way has been verified by me personally.

Jacket potatoes Jacket potatoes will peel much faster if they are poured over with cold water immediately after boiling.

The potatoes will not darken. Rubbed raw potatoes stir immediately with a little milk, otherwise it will darken.

Lemon and boiling water. When serving lemon for tea, simply pour boiling water over it. This will bring out the scent more strongly. And don't put lemon in a cup before pouring tea. The opposite should be done.

Puree milk. Mashed potatoes should not be diluted with cold milk, it is better to first bring it to a boil. Dilute mashed potatoes only with warm milk, pouring it in little by little so that no lumps form.

Frozen potatoes. Frozen potatoes will regain their taste if, before peeling, pour it with water and vinegar for 15-20 minutes. And it's better not to cook anymore, my advice, it will be glass.

Rinse potatoes before frying. Before you start frying the sliced ​​potatoes, it must be rinsed with water - this will remove the starch, and the slices will not stick together and will not stick to the bottom. And yet, so as not to stick, it must be dried.

Sprouted potatoes. Sprouted or greened potato tubers should only be boiled peeled, as they contain a very harmful substance - solanine. Along with the peel, remove a significant layer of pulp, as well as remove green areas and eyes.

Cook the beets quickly. Beets are cooked for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours. And you can cook it for only an hour, then remove it from the heat and put it under running cold water for 10 minutes. The beets are ready.

Fresh mushrooms. Pour salted boiling water over fresh mushrooms and they will not spoil within 24 hours.

Fresh dry mushrooms. To make dried mushrooms look fresh, soak them in salted milk for several hours.

Soda for cooking carrots. In order for the carrots to retain their color better and cook faster, you need to add a pinch of baking soda.

Salt the fried potatoes. The potatoes should be fried in a very preheated skillet and salted when the slices are browned on all sides. If the potatoes are salted earlier, the juice that has flowed from it will mix with the fat and the slices will lose their color, taste and shape.

Salt on a cracked tomato. To prevent a burst tomato from becoming moldy, sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the crack.

Bulb safety. To prevent the cut onion from drying out, place it in a saucer with a cut on salt.

Old potatoes. Old potatoes will taste better if you add a spoonful of vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic and bay leaves during cooking, or boil them in broth. The older the potatoes, the more water is required.

Remove the bitterness of the onion.

The beans will not darken. If you want the beans not to darken during cooking, cook them in an open saucepan.

Crisp... To fry crisp potatoes, pour cold water over them, pat dry on a paper towel, and place in well-heated oil. You need to salt it at the end of cooking.

The color of the mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms will not turn black if they are immediately placed in salted, cold water.

So that your hands do not turn black. If you moisten your hands with vinegar before peeling vegetables and fruits and let them dry without wiping, they (in the sense of a hand) will not turn black.

Condiments and spices

Recover dried mustard. If the mustard has dried up, it is easy to save the situation, for this add a few drops of vinegar to the mustard and stir well.

Restore the freshness of the greens. Withered dill and parsley will be fresh again. if you put them in water slightly diluted with vinegar.

Sorrel replacement. Sorrel is easily replaced with nettle or spinach with citric acid added.

Using thyme. Thyme gives dishes a peppery-spicy taste with a camphor flavor. It should be eaten in small quantities with stewed and fried meat dishes, beans, peppers and eggplants. Perfectly preserved in dried form. It is added to various dishes of baked meat and fish, as well as to marinades and even to sweet creme brulee: thyme gives it a special piquant taste.

Slicing greens. Parsley, celery and dill are best cut, not chopped; chopped greens quickly release and lose aromas.

Horseradish processing... Horseradish can be minced if finely chopped beforehand.
Horseradish can be easily grated if left in cold water overnight.

Preparing cardamom. For use, cardamom must be peeled from the white shell, and then crushed with sugar.

Preparing the cinnamon. Before using, cinnamon should be dried a little on the stove and then pounded with sugar.

Preparing fresh herbs. If in front of you are not dry, but fresh spicy vegetables and herbs, then before proceeding with their processing, they must be thoroughly washed. They are cut quickly and only on a porcelain board, which retains their juice and aroma.

Basil application. Basil. Basil leaves are placed at the very last moment. Store in oil, vinegar or fresh frozen.
Basil is found in almost all vegetable dishes both Mediterranean and any southern cuisine: without it it is impossible to imagine a single sauce or salad.
Basil is also served with all types of pasta, poultry, eggs and some types of fish.
It is often combined with onions, garlic and tarragon. Basil-rich dishes are best seasoned with olive oil.

Application of bay leaves. Laurel berries are inedible. The leaves are dried, preventing them from darkening, otherwise they may lose their aroma. Laurel leaves refresh the air in the house and flavor dishes. Laurel is necessarily part of the spices used in cooking stews(no more than one or two leaves). When cooking soft-boiled eggs, try tossing one leaf of lavrushka in boiling water - and the eggs will suddenly become more fragrant. Bay leaves are placed in soups 5 minutes before they are ready, in the second - 10 minutes. Otherwise, the dish may taste bitter.

The use of chives. Store in the freezer in winter. This fragile and graceful plant is combined with all herbs and vegetables. It gives a unique taste to fermented milk products and egg dishes.

Lemon balm application. Lemon balm is used in fresh for cooking vegetable salads, vegetable sauces and soups.

The use of mint. Store dried or frozen. Mint gives extraordinary fresh taste salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, fruits. The British consider mint to be an excellent seasoning for roast lamb. Chopped mint added to mayonnaise adds a special flavor to shrimp and crayfish dishes.

The use of parsley. Store dried. Parsley should be preferred as it has a stronger flavor.
Parsley is perhaps the most popular of the garden herbs, as it goes well with almost all dishes: salads, meat, poultry, vegetables and ... butter... Parsley can be rinsed not with cold water, but with warm water. This will make it even more fragrant.

Application of rosemary. Store dried. Rosemary, which has a persistent fragrant aroma, is added everywhere! It is good in any spice mixture. If you cover the bottom of the pan with rosemary, you can cook small fish without adding fat. It will become much more fragrant. Rosemary also enhances the flavor of any fruit salad.

The use of dill. Fit with fish dishes, with fresh cucumbers and boiled asparagus. Seeds and greens are usually dried for the winter, although greens can still be frozen, salted, or pickled in vinegar.

The use of savory. Garden savory is best added when cooking. It goes well with dishes made from beans, cabbage and potatoes, as well as canning cucumbers.

Garlic application. Garlic for seasoning should be used with care, as it interrupts the flavor and smell characteristic of the dish.
Finely chopped garlic is best added to food 3-4 minutes before serving, when the fire is already off.

Tarragon use... Canned in vinegar or oil, or stored in the freezer.
A sprig of tarragon placed inside the chicken gives the meat a unique flavor. Tarragon, put in vinegar or added to a bouquet of herbs when pickling cucumbers, significantly improves them taste qualities... But tarragon has such a strong scent that it can drown out the aromas of other herbs and spices.

Sugar instead of wine. 2 lumps of sugar, previously dissolved in a small amount of vinegar, can replace white wine in the sauce.

Freshness of greenery. Parsley, dill and mint will stay fresh for several days in dry weather when placed in a tightly closed dry container.

Dry salt. To prevent salt in the dishes from moistening, add a few grains of rice to it.

The color of the dish. Saffron and basil greens will give the dish bright colors.

Fish and seafood

Potatoes in a frying pan... To eliminate the strong odor when frying fish, put 1 raw potato, peeled and cut into slices, in vegetable oil.

Blot the fish. The fish will not fall apart and gain golden crust, if you wipe it with a towel 10-15 minutes before frying and immediately salt it.

Salads and snacks

Cooking green peas. Green pea it is also recommended to cook in water without salt.

Boiling potatoes. Peeled potatoes are also placed in boiling salted water, it should be covered with water no more than 1 cm, to improve the taste of the potatoes, you can put bay leaves, dill, a couple of cloves of garlic, onions and a piece of celery root into the water (your choice).
Boil potatoes over moderate heat, then it swells evenly. To cook the potatoes faster, put a small piece of butter in the water.

Cooking salad vegetables. It is better to cook vegetables unpeeled, with a pinch of sugar to improve the taste, and bake beets, they will retain their juiciness and rich color, not to mention vitamins.

Cooking beets. If you are boiling beets, put them in boiling water without salt so as not to spoil their taste, to preserve their juiciness, do not peel them or cut off the roots. To preserve the color of the beets, you can add 1.5 teaspoons of sugar to 2 liters of water. And as described above, so that the beets cook faster, after boiling and boiling for 5 minutes, change the boiling water with cold water and continue cooking.

Radish taste. To soften the bitter taste, grated carrots can be added to the grated radish. In the East, the sliced ​​radish is kept in cold water - the bitterness disappears.

Laying vegetables. Put vegetables in portions in boiling water so that the water boils constantly.

Lemon peels. Lettuce with mayonnaise and vinaigrette will taste especially good if you put a lemon rind in them for a short time before serving.

Onions for salad. The onion will lose its bitterness and will be much tastier if, after slicing, put in a colander and pour over boiling water.

Milk in vinaigrette. If you want the vinaigrette to acquire a delicate and pleasant taste, pour a tablespoon of milk into it and add a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Peeling a tomato. To peel the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and then immerse them in cold water.

Dishes for cooking vegetables. The dishes in which vegetables are boiled should be tightly closed with a lid, there should be a small space between the surface of the liquid and the lid.

Sauerkraut salad. In sauerkraut salad instead of apples, you can put slices of oranges or tangerines.

Grapefruit juice for dressing. You will get a more delicate and aromatic dressing for vegetable salads if you use freshly squeezed grapefruit juice instead of vinegar. Careful with the partition - it will give bitterness.

Salt salads. Salads from fresh vegetables you need to salt just before serving, vegetables emit a lot of juice.

Salt in the salad. Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after the salad has been salted, vinegar and pepper have been added (salt does not dissolve in oil).

Vegetable temperature. You cannot combine warm vegetables for a salad with cold ones, the salad will quickly deteriorate.

Remove the bitterness of the onion. To remove the bitterness of chopped onions, mix them with salt and cover with cold water for 5-10 minutes. Or put it in a colander, pour over with boiling water, and then with cold water.


Fragrant sauce. For vegetable sauces, vegetables are boiled at the beginning, and only at the end of cooking spices are added to them. In this order, the sauce will retain its flavor and be more flavorful. tomato juice both mashed potatoes and citric acid are added at the end of the boil as they slow down the boil.

Replacing mayonnaise with sour cream... You can easily replace mayonnaise with sour cream by adding pounded yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard.

Sour cream in gravy. If you add a little milk to the sour cream, it will not curl in the gravy.

Safety tomato paste. To protect the opened tomato paste from mold, you need to put a little dry mustard on the lid.

Bread and pastries

The freshness of the bread. In order for the bread to be always fresh, it must be kept in a closed porcelain or enamel dish.

Storage of bread. It is not recommended to store black and white bread together, because from such a neighborhood the taste white bread deteriorates because it easily absorbs the smell of black.


Beat the protein. The white of the egg will whip into a fluffy foam faster if it is pre-cooled and a few drops of lemon juice or a little citric acid are added. WITH yolk they do the opposite - he loves warmth and sugar.

Determination of the freshness of eggs. If you are in doubt about the freshness of the eggs, pour about 10 cm of water into the container and lower them there. Fresh eggs will remain at the bottom. If only one end of the egg has risen, then they should be used first.

Lush scrambled eggs. To make the eggs lush, you can add two tablespoons of cold water to one glass of eggs and beat well.

Temperature when boiling eggs. With intensive fast boiling of the egg, the white turns out to be harder, and the yolk is more liquid, and with slow cooking, on the contrary, the yolk will turn out to be harder, and the white more liquid.

Egg whipping temperature. Egg yolks should be rubbed with sugar in a warm place in china, whites, like cream, on the contrary, whip well in a cold place.

The integrity of the eggs. So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be washed before that in cold water and add salt.

Egg boiling time