Potato zrazy with Adyghe cheese. Tender potato zrazy with cheese, egg and herbs


  1. potatoes - 1 kg
  2. eggs - 3 pcs
  3. cheese (mozzarella) - 150 g
  4. wheat flour - 3 tablespoons
  5. vegetable oil
  6. bread crumbs - 4 tablespoons

Zrazy, are a stuffed cutlet. And, of course, zrazy can be meat, fish and vegetable. Initially, meat zrazy appeared, but with the advent of potatoes, zrazy from potatoes gained popularity. Potato zrazy turn out to be tender and tasty and will please everyone. The filling for potato zraz can be completely different. For lovers of hearty food, you can use meat or mushrooms. For adherents dietary meals Cabbage, beans, or asparagus are great alternatives. Another advantage of potato zraz is that they are very easy and quick to prepare.

Potato grains are very popular dish in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. The most popular are potato zrazy with meat.

Boil the potatoes and knead them.

Add eggs and flour. You can add a little more flour if the eggs are very large and the potatoes are slightly starchy. The composition should turn out to be such that it was possible to sculpt zrazy from it.

For cheese, I took mozzarella. This is my favorite cheese and its salty flavor will give your food an amazing taste. But here you can use both the usual and cheap cheese for us, they will not become worse from this.

Cut the cheese into small squares.

We sculpt a flat circle from. Put a piece of cheese on the center and wrap it in the form of a rounded diamond

- one of the most delicious dishes from potatoes. They can be prepared with meat and vegetable filling with the addition of mushrooms and eggs. Very tasty zrazy are obtained using cheese for filling in combination with other products. If you love cheese, then the recipes that we will talk about today are for you.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms and cheese


  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • mushrooms (you can take any) - 500 g;
  • hard cheese- 120 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • parsley and dill - 25 g;
  • crackers or flour for breading - 75 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Peel the potatoes, cook until tender with the addition of salt, drain the water, add the butter, knead with a crush (not a blender) and let cool. Then add eggs, chopped greens and mix well.

While the potatoes are boiling and cooling, let's start filling. Fry the washed, chopped mushrooms with onions until tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Grate the cheese.

Now we form zrazy. Place mushrooms and cheese in the center of the potato cake. Then we roll up the cake so as to hide the filling, give the zraz a beautiful oval shape, dip in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until browning.



In chilled mashed potatoes made from potatoes and mashed with butter, drive eggs and mix. For the filling, cut the ham into cubes or strips, grate the cheese. Put ham and cheese in the center of the potato cake, form zrazy and fry in vegetable oil until a beautiful dark golden color. In a similar way, you can also cook Potato Zrazy with cheese and eggs or with cheese and herbs. In any case, it will turn out very tasty, but with sour cream - you will just lick your fingers!

These potato zrazy are cooked without eggs, filled with Adyghe cheese and herbs. They turn out to be very tasty, tender, with sour cream in general, super.

Potato zrazy with cheese


  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 1 cup (250 ml) flour
  • 300 gr of Adyghe cheese
  • a bunch of dill with parsley
  • spices: 1/2 tsp each turmeric, ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Boil peeled potatoes until tender and drain off the water (or boil them in a double boiler).

    Boiled potatoes

  2. While hot, crush with a crush in mashed potatoes.
  3. Season with salt, add turmeric and stir.
  4. Add flour and stir well.

    Mashed potatoes for cooking zraz

  5. While it cools down, make the filling (you can from). This requires Adyghe cheese grate on a coarse grater.

    Grated cheese

  6. Salt if cheese is not salty enough.
  7. Add finely chopped herbs and spices. Mix.

    Cheese filling

  8. Thoroughly sprinkle the table with flour, take a little cooled mashed potatoes and make a cake with your fingers on the table.
  9. Do the second in the same way.
  10. Put the filling on one cake (about 1 tbsp. Spoon).

    Cooking potato zraz with cheese filling

  11. Cover with a second flatbread and press down a little on the edge. Take it in your hand and form a smooth zraz. Sprinkle it with a little flour and flatten.

    Formed potato zrazy with cheese

  12. Fry in a little oil over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

    Frying zraz

Ready-made zrazy can be served with sour cream or, even better, with. It will be delicious!

If you have any filling left, use it quickly.

P. S. And if you liked the recipe, you can subscribe to learn about new vegetarian recipes by mail.

Bon Appetit!

Juliya recipe author

Potato zrazy - general principles and methods of preparation

In some countries this dish is called potato pies, but in our country they are known as zrazy. Attractive golden crust and a little secret in the form of filling attracts amateurs unusual dishes... Although there is nothing unusual about the zrazah - the usual mashed potatoes in the form of a cutlet and the filling hidden inside. The most common dish in Belarusian cuisine, a close relative of sorcerers, although the word itself is rather Polish, is translated into Russian as a cut piece.

Potato zrazy - food preparation

The taste of the food depends not so much on the products as on the cooking technology. Any kind of potato will do. You can cook it in a uniform and peel it in finished form, or immediately peel and cut it into pieces, here everything is at the choice of the hostess. Cool the potato mass until it looks well warm, so that it is more plastic and easily molded with your hands. Anything that goes well with potatoes can serve as a filling - meat or minced meat, onions fried until golden brown, spinach and other greens with eggs, vegetables, sausages or sausages. Fry in vegetable or butter.

Potato zrazy - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Potato Zrazy with Minced Meat

Delicious and hearty dish is obtained from simple components: potatoes and fried minced meat with onion. This is a very special dish. After all, we will not fry our zrazy, but cook. Sticky potato dough difficult to shape into a bun, but it is not advisable to add a lot of flour. The case moves much faster if you wet your hands with cold water.

Ingredients. potatoes (1 kg), minced meat (250 grams), onions (3 pieces), bread crumbs (3 tablespoons), flour (300 grams), egg (1 piece), salt, pepper, vegetable oil. butter and cheese for decorating the finished dish and serving.

Boil the potatoes in their uniforms and cool. Fry the onions in vegetable oil, add the crackers and fry for another 3 minutes. Add the minced meat and fry, stirring occasionally until the minced meat is ready. While mixing the minced meat, break the pieces with a spatula so that it fries evenly. Rub the peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and add the egg. Add flour in parts, while stirring well. Moisten your hands with water and separate a piece of dough, then form a cake, place the minced meat inside and close it in the form of a bun. Place them on a plate as they fry quickly and it is advisable to bring them to full cooking at the same time. After floating, cook for 10 minutes. Put the finished products on a plate, coat them butter and fall asleep with grated cheese.

Recipe 2: Potato Zrazy with Cabbage

This is perhaps the most popular recipe. Cabbage with potatoes is a classic of the genre. By the way, if you don't have fresh cabbage, you can use sauerkraut. It is best to mix it in half with fresh and herbs.

Ingredients. potatoes (10 pcs), flour (3 spoons), onions (2 pcs), carrots (2 pcs), cabbage (1 small head, 1 kg), egg, salt, pepper.

Boil potatoes and mince. Break the egg and mix, add flour. Fry the onions in a skillet, add the carrots. Finely chop the cabbage, add to the onion. You can add fresh green onions or other greens. Cool the finished filling. We sculpt the zrazy with our hands - crush it in the form of a cake. Put the filling in the middle and cover it up. Fry the zrazy on both sides in a hot frying pan with butter.

Recipe 3: Potato zrazy with mushrooms

The classic combination of potatoes with mushrooms. First, cook the mushrooms and then hide them in the potato dough and fry. Simple and delicious.

Ingredients: fresh or frozen mushrooms (500 grams, champignons are ideal), onions (1 piece), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), breadcrumbs, sour cream (150 grams), salt, black pepper, potatoes (500 grams).

Prepare the filling - fry small pieces in vegetable oil, add the onion and fry for 5-7 minutes. Salt and pepper. Cool down. We clean and boil potatoes in salted water. Kneading the potatoes, add a little broth or hot milk, flour. The dough should be soft. We form pieces and sculpt pies. Put the mushroom mince in the center, pinch the edges, giving the shape of long cutlets. Roll in bread crumbs and fry in a skillet. Serve on a platter with sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Potato Zrazy with Liver

Zrazy with liver is healthy and tasty. Even if you do not really like the liver, its characteristic taste mixes with fried onions and mashed potatoes.

Ingredients. chicken or turkey liver (400 grams), mashed potatoes (1 kg, potatoes 1.5 kg), eggs (2 pcs), onions (2-3 pcs), dill and parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs.

Cook the whole potatoes, or cut them into pieces, strain them and knead them. Fry chicken or turkey liver in vegetable oil with onions for a short time, so that it becomes soft. Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs and chop finely. You also need to fry the onions separately, and then prepare the minced meat - pass the liver through a meat grinder, add the onion and chopped boiled eggs... You can also add green onion feathers. Break into a potato mass a raw egg, salt, pepper and stir with 3-4 tablespoons of flour. It remains only to form cakes and mold zrazy similar to a pie and fry them until golden brown.

It is better to cook peeled potatoes without salt, and add salt only with flour. A good effect will be obtained if, before frying, the cobbled semi-finished product is dipped in a beaten egg, and then in crackers. If, after breading, the whole structure is broken - level it at once with your hands, give it a beautiful shape.

Very delicious lean dish- potato zrazy with fish. The technology for their preparation is, in principle, very similar to other options. It is better to take fish without bones, boil it in a little water, mince it or grind it in a blender. You can add onions fried in vegetable oil.

Interesting articles

These potato zrazy are cooked without eggs, filled with Adyghe cheese and herbs. They turn out to be very tasty, tender, with sour cream in general, super.

Likewise, you can make zrazy stuffed with minced soy. How to cook such minced meat, see the recipe for vegetarian pasties.

Potato zrazy with cheese

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes 1 glass (250 ml) flour 300 g of Adyghe cheese a bunch of dill with parsley salt spices: 1/2 tsp each. turmeric, asafoetida, ground black pepper vegetable oil for frying Preparation: Boil peeled potatoes until tender and drain the water (or cook them in a double boiler).

Boiled potatoes

While hot, crush with a crush in mashed potatoes. Season with salt, add turmeric and stir. Add flour and stir well.

Mashed potatoes for cooking zraz

While the mashed potatoes are cooling down, make the filling (you can use minced soy). To do this, grate the Adyghe cheese on a coarse grater.

Grated cheese

Salt if cheese is not salty enough. Add finely chopped herbs and spices. Mix.

Cheese filling

Thoroughly sprinkle the table with flour, take some cooled mashed potatoes and make a flat cake on the table with your fingers. Do the second in the same way. Put the filling on one cake (about 1 tbsp. Spoon).

Cooking potato zraz with cheese filling

Cover with a second flatbread and press down a little on the edge. Take it in your hand and form a smooth zraz. Sprinkle it with a little flour and flatten.

Formed potato zrazy with cheese

Fry in a little oil over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

Frying zraz

Ready-made zrazy can be served with sour cream or, even better, with Tsatziki sauce. It will be delicious!

Potato zrazy with sour cream

If you have any filling remaining, use it in a quick preparation. potato casserole in a frying pan.

Bon Appetit!