Sweet food presentation. Cold and hot sweet food

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Hot sweet dishes

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    Characteristics of hot sweet food Preparation of food Variety of sweet hot food Technology of preparation of hot sweet food

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    SWEET MEALS characteristic

    The assortment of sweet dishes is extremely diverse: they include creams, jellies, mousses, jelly and much more, which completes any table. Sweet dishes are not only tasty, but also nutritious, as they are the richest sources of carbohydrates, vitamins, sometimes proteins, fats, etc. For the preparation of these dishes, fresh, canned, dried, quick-frozen fruits and berries, nuts, as well as milk, cream are used , sour cream, various juices, syrups, extracts, cottage cheese, cereal products, eggs. Gelatin, agar-agar, starch, protein, etc. are used as gelling and foaming agents. Vanillin, cinnamon, citrus peel, coffee, cocoa, wine, etc. are used to improve the taste and aroma. Sweet dishes are subdivided into cold and hot. They are served at a temperature of 10-11 "(or lower) and 80-70", respectively. The cold ones include natural fruits and berries, compotes, jellied non-whipped dishes (jelly, jelly) and whipped (creams, mousses, sambuca, ice cream), etc. Hot - soufflé ( air pies), puddings, grandmothers, charlottes, Guryev porridge.

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    Fresh fruits are sorted out, washed, peeled and, if necessary, cut. Ripe and fresh fruits and berries are considered benign. Partially damaged fruits are cut off and used for the preparation of compotes, jelly, mashed potatoes. Fruits are washed two or three times in cold water... When peeling apples, pears, etc., the core with the seed capsule is first cut out, then the skin is removed (the stalk is left in the pears). Quick-frozen fruits can be used directly as a dessert or as a semi-finished product for preparing compotes, jelly, ice cream, etc. Before cooking, they are washed warm water, defrost at room temperature(you do not need to defrost for compotes) and use immediately. If the time for using them is delayed, it is necessary to pour sugar syrup over the fruit and put it in the cold. Canned fruits are used to prepare many sweet dishes as well as garnish. Before opening the fruit jar, wash it with warm water and wipe it off with a clean cloth. Preparation of food

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    For some sweet dishes, the fruit needs to be rubbed. Apples are pre-boiled or baked, pears are only boiled, stone fruits and berries, with the exception of cherries, are passed in sugar syrup for 20-25 minutes. Raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, currants and other berries are rubbed raw. Nuts - walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios are peeled from the shell and shell before use and are most often fried. Wormy, bitter kernels are not suitable for food. Sugar is usually added to fruit and berry dishes. To avoid overcooking, fruits and berries are boiled in concentrated sugar syrups; when frying, baking, sprinkle with sugar. Eggs are used natural, or mixed with milk, or ground with sugar. For the preparation of creams, etc., the whites are carefully separated from the yolks, since the latter prevent whipping. Chilled whites whisk better than warm whites. Yolks, on the other hand, are easier to grind with sugar to white when not chilled. Milk is used for the preparation of creams, dairy sweets, ice cream. It is introduced in various forms: natural, condensed, dry.

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    Cream is mainly used for making whipped dishes or is served on its own. Whisk the cream chilled, in a bowl with an oval bottom, in the cold; their volume will increase by 2-2.5 times. Sugar is added shortly before the end, at the rate of 25 g for 250 g of cream. Dishes, inventory. Sweet dishes should be cooked in dishes, since the acids contained in fruits and berries interact with the metal. For whipping creams, mousses, etc., it is best to use stainless steel dishes with an oval bottom; it is not recommended to use enamel dishes for this purpose, because on impact, the enamel can break off and get into food. For whipping, you need brooms, vests, etc. A home mixer is very convenient for these purposes. In addition, you cannot do in the kitchen without a coffee grinder, mortar for grinding nuts, almonds, etc., a juicer, molds, portioned pans, pastry trays, baking dishes made of faience, refractory glass, clay, steel. For the preparation of parafe, it is desirable to have special corrugated forms with lids. A pastry bag (or syringe) with a set of metal nozzles is also required. Instead of a pastry bag, you can use a parchment or other thick paper bag by cutting off a corner. Sweet dishes are served to the table in vases, bowls, glasses, on dessert plates and dishes.

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    A variety of sweet hot dishes

    1. Semolina pudding with fruit 2. Apple charlotte 3. Apples in dough (in batter) 4. Vanilla soufflé (air pie) 5. Apples with rice

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    Technology of preparation of hot sweet dishes

    Pour cereals into boiling milk in a thin stream and, stirring continuously, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. before desolation. Put in ready-made porridge granulated sugar, salt, stewed or baked finely chopped fruits and stir. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, and beat the whites into a foam. Add the crushed yolks and whipped whites to the porridge and mix thoroughly. Put the prepared mass in a mold pre-greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, with a layer of no more than 30 mm. Smooth the top, grease with sour cream and bake semolina pudding v hot oven(175-200 degrees) for 20-25 minutes. Serve semolina pudding with sour cream, jam, or sweet fruit syrup.

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    Apple charlotte

    Peel the apples, remove the core and grains, cut them into small slices, put them in a bowl, add sugar, cinnamon, vanillin (you can put ground crackers), cover with a lid and simmer until tender, and then cool. With callous wheat bread cut off the crusts and cut it into long pieces according to the shape in which the charlotte will be baked. Pieces of bread are moistened on one side with a lezon so that the moistened side of the bread is on top, they are placed on the walls and bottom of the greased form. Then put the stewed apples in a form lined with bread, cover them with slices of prepared bread and bake in an oven at 180-200 °. The finished charlotte is removed from the mold and served on a platter or plate. On vacation, pour hot sweet apricot sauce or serve it separately in a gravy boat. Instead of stewed apple slices, you can put boiled applesauce in a charlotte. Products per serving (in g): fresh apples 100, wheat bread made from flour top grade 65, milk 30, eggs ¼ pcs., Sugar 20, vanillin 0.01, butter 10, cinnamon 0.2.

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    Apples in dough (in batter)

    The washed apples are cored with grains in a columnar notch so that the apple does not have cracks, then peeled, cut into rings and sprinkled with sugar. Prepared apples are dipped in batter(batter), then quickly transferred to a bowl with heated fat (deep fat), fried until a crispy crust is formed and thrown onto a sieve. Apples are served immediately after frying. On vacation, apples are put on portioned dish or a plate with a paper napkin and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Hot apricot sauce is served separately in a gravy boat. Dough apples can be served cold. Preparation batter(batter). Cold water and milk are poured into the dishes, sugar, sour cream are added, wheat flour and knead the batter. Then whipped proteins are introduced into the dough and mix gently. Products per serving (in g): fresh apples 100, wheat flour 20, eggs ½ pcs., Milk 20, sour cream 5, sugar 3, salt 0.2, fat for frying 10, powdered sugar 10, ready-made sauce 40.

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    Vanilla soufflé (air pie)

    V egg yolks, pounded with sugar, put wheat flour, vanillin and, after stirring, gradually pour in cold milk. Then the mixture is boiled over low heat, without bringing to a boil. The resulting homogeneous thick hot mass with rapid stirring is combined with egg whites whipped into foam, then spread in the form of a slide in a greased frying pan; the surface is decorated with various patterns from the same mass, releasing it from a pastry bag. After that, the puffed pies are baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes. A properly prepared soufflé increases in volume by 2-2.5 times during baking. Soufflé is served on dishes or plates covered with paper napkins. Separately, cold cream or milk is released in a gravy boat. Products per serving (in g): eggs 2 pcs., Sugar 30, wheat flour 8, milk 40, vanillin 0.01, butter 2, powdered sugar 5, milk or cream 150.

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    Apples with rice

    Apples, peeled, grains and cores, are cut in half or core with grains is removed without cutting, and then boiled in sugar syrup with the addition of citric acid. Boiled apples are stored in warm syrup until leave. Sorted out, washed rice is scalded with hot water, after 5 minutes the water is drained, the rice is poured with hot milk, butter is added and cooked until tender. Ready rice porridge put sugar, vanillin, eggs, raisins and mix, you can add finely chopped candied fruits. On vacation, rice is placed on a plate or dish using a circular recess, a hot apple is placed on the rice and poured with hot apricot sauce. Products per serving (in g): apples 100, rice 15, milk 45, butter 5, sugar 10, vanillin 0.03, raisins 10, eggs 1 / 10pcs., Ready-made sweet sauce 40.

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    Sweets, desserts, drinks Grade 7 technology.

    Completed by: Teacher MBOU TSOSH # 3

    Avdienok G.G.

    This is a cube, but not ice, Sweet sweet but not honey White is white, but not snow Strong as a hazelnut. Doesn't taste like it Even a sugar melon. In the years of old Not everyone always had it. We drank tea with him and in the pad, And in pursuit, and in spying, But it was completely in Russian, If you drank tea with a bite.

    In Russia, cane sugar became known in the 12th century, and in the 16th it appeared on the royal table.

    Sugar was then considered an expensive and inaccessible delicacy. It was sold in pharmacies for a ruble per spool (a little over 4 g), while a cow could then be bought for 3 rubles.

    In 1718, by order of Peter the Great, the first sugar factory in Russia was built in St. Petersburg. Raw materials for sugar were imported from abroad

    Sweet dishes round off any meal, which is why they are also called dessert dishes. They decorate the table, but require skillful decoration. Sweet foods are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Most of them contain significant amounts of carbohydrates. For the preparation of sweet dishes, they use: fruits, berries, nuts, various fruit and berry juices, syrups, sugar, eggs, milk, cream, butter, flour and cereal products, gelling products, spices, flavors (vanillin, cinnamon, ginger, mint, citrus peel, etc.) ..


    Dessert (from fr. dessert ) - the final dish of the table, designed to get a pleasant taste at the end lunch or supper , usually sweet delicacies (not fruits ).


    In ancient times, it was customary to end a meal with fruit, honey or cheese.In medieval Europe, between meat dishes served jelly and sweets fruit pies or cakes. Later, the tradition of serving ice cream or sorbets after dinner came from Spain and Sicily, and chocolate from America. Ideally, for hearty lunch a light fruit dessert should follow The custom of consuming sweets after main courses did not spread widely in Europe until the 19th century, when sugar production increased.


    A cake is a dessert, a type of cake that consists of one or more cakes soaked in cream or jam. The top of the cake is usually garnished with cream, frosting, or fruit.

    What is soufflé?

    It is not known exactly when the soufflé was invented, but it is reliably known that the recipe for this exquisite dish was born in France. The word "soufflé" is translated from French as "airy" and even as "breath" - the second version reflects the main feature of this dish, whatever it may be: sweet or savory.


    The word for jelly is French. This was the name of a frozen dessert made from fruit juice by adding sugar and gelatin to it. The same word was used to describe the gelatinous mass formed after a long digestion of the skin and bones.

    Gelatin is a product of animal origin. It is obtained by digestion, drying and grinding of tendons, bones and other parts of animal bodies. It is indispensable during the preparation of jellied meat, but it should be placed in jelly carefully, since too much will lead to an unpleasant taste.

    Pectin is a gelling product of plant origin. It is perfect for making any kind of jelly and does not spoil its taste. When used, the jelly hardens at a high temperature. However, overdoing it with pectin can lead to clouding of the finished product.

    Agar agar - a gelling algae product. It does not spoil the taste of the product and goes well with fruit pieces


    Dessert can be served not only confectionery or sweets, but also drinks. Desserts include hot chocolate, coffee, jelly tea, compote or cocktail.

    Depending on the type of culinary product or drink served at the table, desserts are classified as hot or cold. According to the serving rules, desserts are served in special dishes (dessert plate, vases, dishes, bowls, bowls, etc.).

    In addition, the table is served for serving dessert with special cutlery.

    How are desserts served?

    Desserts are usually served in special dessert plates. Desserts are eaten with a dessert spoon - an intermediate size between a soup spoon and a teaspoon. The dessert table is also served with a dessert knife and a dessert fork.


    At the end of 2013, the Museum of Russian Dessert was even opened in the old merchant house of Zvenigorod. In it you can learn about the traditions of cooking and serving dessert dishes of our ancestors, as well as get acquainted with old recipes Russian sweets.

    Sweet food and drinks Cold and hot sweet food The value of sweet foods in nutrition.

    • Sweet dishes contain a significant amount of sugar, which is very easily absorbed by the human body. Many of the sweet foods are high in calories. Dishes made from fruits and berries are characterized by high vitamin activity. In addition, sweet dishes have a pleasant taste, aroma, delicate texture, beautiful color and a beneficial effect on the digestion process.
    Cold sweet food
    • Sweet food and drinks are a traditional addition to any menu. Dinners end with them, they are decoration and completion festive table... They are pleasant to the taste, highly nutritious, cause a feeling of fullness, and help improve digestion.
    Raw materials:
    • The composition of sweet dishes includes products such as cream, milk, eggs, sugar, cereals, flour, butter, berries, fruits, cocoa, coffee, various flavoring, aromatic and gelling substances.
    Cold sweet food
    • 1) fresh fruits and berries;
    • 2) fruit in syrup with wine and compotes;
    • 3) jellied sweet dishes;
    • 4) frozen sweet foods
    • Serving temperature: 8-10 С
    Kissels and compotes are prepared from fresh, quick-frozen, dried, sterilized fruits and berries. Kissels and compotes are prepared from fresh, quick-frozen, dried, sterilized fruits and berries.
    • Jellies and mousses are prepared mainly from the same products as jelly. And also use gelatin or semolina.
    • To prepare the cream, you need whipped cream of at least 30% fat or whipped sour cream, as well as dissolved gelatin.
    • Soufflé, unlike many other sweet dishes, is usually served hot immediately after baking.
    Hot sweet dishes
    • puddings
    • souffle
    • pancakes
    • Serving temperature: 65-70 С
    Easily digestible sweet dishes include all kinds of puddings, which are distinguished by a tender, fluffy consistency, casseroles, charlottes, fresh, boiled or baked fruits with a sweet sauce.
    • Easily digestible sweet dishes include all kinds of puddings, which are distinguished by a tender, fluffy consistency, casseroles, charlottes, fresh, boiled or baked fruits with a sweet sauce.
    • It has become customary to include ice cream in the menu of a festive dinner - an exceptionally pleasant taste and outwardly attractive product. It can be part of soft drinks such as iced coffee or ice cream.
    Hot drinks
    • Tea is considered the number one drink in the world. This tonic drink has a beneficial effect on the human body.
    • Another popular drink- coffee, which has a specific aroma and taste, has a stimulating effect on the body.
    Apples in syrup. The apples are washed, cored with a recess, peeled and boiled in slightly acidified syrup (100 g of sugar and 0.01 g of citric or other food acid are taken per 1 liter of water) until they are soft. Chilled apples are placed in bowls, poured with chilled berry (raspberry, strawberry, strawberry) syrup (from 500 to 800 g of sugar is taken per 1 liter of water). The syrup is boiled so that it is transparent and has a thick cream when cold. Fresh fruit compote.
    • Apples and pears are freed from the seed nest with a metal notch, peeled, cut into slices. Into cooked hot sugar syrup put the sliced ​​fruits and keep them there until they are soft. Peeled watermelon and melon are cut into slices. Peaches, apricots and plums are washed and cut into wedges. The grapes are washed. Fruit is beautifully placed in a bowl and poured over with chilled syrup.
    Jellied sweet dishes
    • For the preparation of jelly, fresh fruits and berries are used, as well as natural juices, syrups. The jelly contains sugar and gelatin. Gelatin is pre-soaked for an hour in tenfold amount of cold water. Sugar syrup is prepared, into which soaked gelatin is introduced, stirred and brought to a boil. The juice of berries or fruits is poured into the jelly; to improve the taste, add citric acid, grape wine or cognac.
    Sambuc made from apples.
    • The apples are washed whole, placed in a saucepan or cast-iron pan and baked in an oven. Gelatin is soaked in cold water. Hot apples are rubbed through a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting puree and raw egg whites are introduced in two steps. The mass is cooled and whipped until a thick foam is formed. white... Hot strained gelatin is added to the whipped mass in a thin stream, continuing to whisk. Sambuc is poured into molds or baking trays and cooled.
    Frozen sweet food
    • Watermelon sorbet.
    • sugar watermelon - 400 gr.;
    • honey - 20 gr.;
    • sugar - 60 gr.;
    • water - 100 ml.;
    • lemon juice- 1 tbsp.;
    • dry white wine - 60 ml
    Grind the watermelon in a mixer. Make a syrup. To do this, mix honey, sugar and water, add lemon juice and dry wine. Mix the resulting syrup with chopped watermelon. Place a slice of watermelon on the bottom of each mold, pour the sorbet and place in the freezer for 1 hour. After the first hour of freezing, gently stir the dessert with a fork and place back in the freezer for another 2-3 hours.
    • Grind the watermelon in a mixer. Make a syrup. To do this, mix honey, sugar and water, add lemon juice and dry wine. Mix the resulting syrup with chopped watermelon. Place a slice of watermelon on the bottom of each mold, pour the sorbet and place in the freezer for 1 hour. After the first hour of freezing, gently stir the dessert with a fork and place back in the freezer for another 2-3 hours.
    Crackling pudding.
    • Pudding is made from plain or butter crumbs. The rusks are cut into cubes and poured with warm milk (10-15% milk by the weight of the rusks). When the crackers are swollen, add raisins, vanillin, cloves, egg ice and egg whites whipped into foam. Egg ice is a mixture of egg yolks, pounded with sugar and diluted with hot milk (for 1 liter of milk, take 100 g of sugar, 4 eggs, vanillin powder). Mix everything well (the mass should be thick) and transfer to baking sheets or molds, greased with cold butter. Sprinkle the mass with breadcrumbs and bake. On release, the pudding is removed from the mold so that the underside is at the top.
    Pancakes with jam.
    • Pancake dough is prepared in milk, with the addition of flour, eggs, sugar. Pancakes are baked by pouring a marshy layer of dough onto a cast-iron frying pan greased with a piece of bacon. Place the baked pancakes on the board with the fried side up. Put jam on the toasted side of the pancake, shape it into an envelope and fry on both sides in butter. Dispense two or three pancakes per serving and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    Requirements for the quality of sweet dishes, conditions and terms of their storage
    • Kissels have a homogeneous consistency; in density they resemble sour cream or cream. Their surface should be without film. The taste of jelly is sweet; taste, smell, color correspond to those fruits and berries from which they are prepared. Kissels from decoctions, juices, syrups - transparent, from milk and fruit and berry puree - cloudy
    Jelly has a homogeneous, jelly-like, slightly elastic consistency. The jelly shape is square, with wavy edges or the corresponding shape. The taste is sweet with the taste and aroma of the products used.
    • Jelly has a homogeneous, jelly-like, slightly elastic consistency. Jelly shape - square, with wavy edges or the corresponding shape. The taste is sweet with the taste and aroma of the products used.
    • The mousse has a delicate, slightly elastic, fine-pored consistency. The shape of the product is square or triangular, with wavy edges. The taste is sweet with a sour aftertaste. Color - white, cream, pinkish; depends on the products used
    Compotes are composed of syrup and fruit. The syrup is transparent, from yellowish to light brown. Fruits and berries (whole or sliced) are not overcooked, retained their shape. The taste of compotes is sweet with a sour aftertaste, the smell of fruits and berries, from which they are prepared.
    • Compotes are composed of syrup and fruit. The syrup is transparent, from yellowish to light brown. Fruits and berries (whole or sliced) are not overcooked, retained their shape. The taste of compotes is sweet with a sour aftertaste, the smell of fruits and berries, from which they are prepared.
    • Cold sweet dishes are stored in non-oxidizing dishes for up to 24 hours at a temperature of 0-14 ° C. Hot sweet foods are stored until serving in an oven at a temperature of 55-60 ° C or on a water stove. Brewed tea is stored for no more than 1 hour. and berries or opened canned juices stored in porcelain or enamel dishes for 2 to 4 hours.
    National dishes and drinks in Italy
    • Apple salad with halva and nuts
    • Ingredients: 2 sweet and sour apples, 3 tablespoons of raisins, 3 tablespoons of pine nuts, 100 grams of halva, whipped cream, pomegranate seeds.
    Cooking. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into cubes. Cut the halva, keep the raisins in boiling water for 5 minutes. Mix everything, add nuts, pomegranate and decorate with cream. Sherbet
    • The name itself comes from the Turkish word "Şerbet". In Arabic, this drink was called "sharba" (drink). Interestingly, other types of sweets have exactly the same name: fruit colored lipstick with nuts, fruit ice cream, as well as a soluble powder invented in 19th century Britain to produce an effervescent carbonated sorbet.
    • Sherbet is the very first soft drink in history. Sherbets were very popular in the Ottoman Empire. They were usually drunk both during feasts and before meals. And today sherbet is extremely popular in Turkey. It is very refreshing, which is especially important in hot climates. According to the Turks, sherbet is not only tasty, but also a medicinal drink.
    Pancakes with jam
    • 200 g flour, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 bottle of milk, 1 slice lard, 2 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, 1 glass of jam, butter for greasing ready-made pancakes, sour cream.
    Grind the yolks with sugar and salt, add milk, stir well, pour in melted butter and gradually pour into a saucepan with flour, stirring so that there are no lumps. Add whipped egg whites before baking. Heat a frying pan greased with a piece of lard, pour in a little dough, turning the pan so that the dough spills out in a thin layer (if a lot of dough gets into the pan, drain it back into the pan). Put the pan on fire and as soon as one side of the pancake is browned, turn it to the other side with a wide knife or spatula. On each pancake, put 1/2 teaspoon of jam in the middle and fold it in four. Place the pancakes in a shallow saucepan. Sprinkle each row with melted butter. Cover and steam until serving. Serve hot with sour cream.
    • Grind the yolks with sugar and salt, add milk, stir well, pour in melted butter and gradually pour into a saucepan with flour, stirring so that there are no lumps. Add whipped egg whites before baking. Heat a frying pan greased with a piece of lard, pour in a little dough, turning the pan so that the dough spills out in a thin layer (if a lot of dough gets into the pan, drain it back into the pan). Put the pan on fire and as soon as one side of the pancake is browned, turn it to the other side with a wide knife or spatula. On each pancake, put 1/2 teaspoon of jam in the middle and fold it in four. Place the pancakes in a shallow saucepan. Sprinkle each row with melted butter. Cover and steam until serving. Serve hot with sour cream.
    • Prepare messages or presentations about national sweet food.
    • Prepare for practical work.

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    The work consists of three parts: Introduction. Everything about desserts and their impact on human health. Investigating the "What do you know about desserts" problem? Conclusion.

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    Explore literature about dessert dishes Learn about the effects of desserts on the digestive and cardiovascular system; metabolism. Get acquainted with the "problems" of desserts. Make a presentation on the topic "Desserts"

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    Conduct a survey to find out what classmates know about desserts. Create a "Desserts" website. Conduct a class hour "In the world of desserts", "Desserts and health".

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    How did the word "dessert" appear in Russian? Are desserts harmful or healthy? What recipes for making desserts do you know?

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    sources of information: Books and encyclopedias. Internet resources. Man as a source of information.

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    methods: Analysis and synthesis of information Questioning and interviewing classmates and teachers Modeling the site "Desserts" and the classroom scenario.

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    Sweet food is a traditional addition to any menu. Desserts are varied, beautifully decorated and adorn any table. The word “dessert” comes from the French desservir “to clear the table”. Desserts include: cheese, fruit, candy, ice cream and all sweets.

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    It was only in the 19th century that they began to end a meal with dessert in Europe, along with the growth of sugar production. Before that, sweets were available only to the rich, and they appeared on the table of commoners only on holidays. The decoration of the dessert is of particular importance, since the dessert is a festive dish.

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    “The famous French proverb“ they don’t argue about tastes ”sounds in Italian -“ they don’t argue about desserts ”. According to one of the versions, the origin of the first cakes is connected with Italy.

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    Another version says that the tradition of making sweets originated in the East: in the tomb of one great pharaoh, something similar to a dessert was found. And this can rightfully be called the oldest dessert in the world. Scientists found that the treat contained honey, sesame seeds, and possibly milk.

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    French chefs occupy the leading place in the preparation of desserts. It was in France that cafes and pastry shops first appeared. The words cream, jelly, meringue, caramel, biscuit are of French origin.

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    Desserts are a source of energy. Majority delicious desserts contain easily digestible simple sugars such as glucose. Glucose is formed in the body as a result of the breakdown of complex sugars in desserts. It is essential for brain tissue, muscles and cells in our body.

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    Scientists nutritionists The need for carbohydrates is determined by the amount of energy consumption. For a healthy person, the minimum amount of carbohydrates should not be lower than 50-60 g., And the maximum-400-500 g. Per day. Restrictions on easily digestible carbohydrates are important for those who are obese or overweight, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus.

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    Healthy desserts Healthy desserts are sweet and fat-free: marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. They are prepared from fruit puree, sugar, protein and agar. Light dessert are desserts from choux pastry and " bird's milk". Healthy desserts are prepared only at home and only on their own, since you do not use trans fats and strictly follow the recipe. In small quantities, dark chocolate (70% cocoa content) is safe for dieters.

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    Fruit and berry desserts contain a large amount of vitamins, fiber, trace elements. These desserts have a positive effect on the digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems. Healthy desserts

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    Healthy desserts Low-calorie desserts are used in the diet of overweight and diabetic people. As low calorie desserts use jelly, mousse, baked apples, and fruit juices, popsicles.

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    Harmful desserts Harmful desserts are not the sweetest, but the most fatty ones; they are everything that is sold ready-made in stores, since they are prepared from high-calorie ingredients: flour, butter, margarine, sour cream, sugar, etc.

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    Harmful desserts High-calorie pastries and cakes lead to metabolic disorders and obesity. Ice cream is a high-calorie dessert.

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    Cold sweet dishes Completed by: GAU KO POO KST master p / o Nina Mikhailovna Kornilova

    Sweet dishes are served at the end of the meal for dessert, which is why they are called dessert dishes; they can also be served: During breakfast During afternoon tea During dinner

    Cold Hot Sweet dishes Soufflés Puddings Sweet porridges Apples dishes Croutons with fruits Frozen Whipped cream Jellied Compotes, fruits in syrup Fruits, berries and fruit vegetables, fruit salads Kissel Jelly Sambuca mousses Creams Sorbet Parfait Ice cream Classification of sweet dishes:

    For the preparation of sweet cold dishes, they usually use: sugars, fruits, berries and their processed products, eggs, milk, cream, some types of cereals, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, fats, wheat flour, potato starch gelatin

    Cold sweet food is prepared: In a cold workshop In a hot workshop

    Dispensed: Glasses Ice-cream bowls Dessert plates Tempering temperature of cold dishes 10 ... 14⁰С Serving sweet cold dishes:

    Compote - prepared from fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits and berries, both in various combinations (assorted), where they complement each other to taste, and from one of any kind. Assortment of compotes: Fresh fruit compote; Strawberry or raspberry compote; Orange and tangerine compote; Canned fruits and berries compote; Frozen fruit and berries compote; Compote from a mixture of dried fruits.

    Technological process for preparing compote from fresh fruits: Pears Rinse Remove the seed nest Cut into slices Water Bring to a boil Vacation: in glasses of 200 gr. per serving Dissolve Add Boil for 10-12 minutes. Immerse Boil for 5-7 minutes. Granulated sugar Citric acid

    Serving compotes:

    Requirements for the quality of fresh fruit compotes The syrup should be transparent, with a concentrated taste and smell of fruit Moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness (if sour berries were used - currants, cherries, etc.) Fruits and berries should be soft, but not boiled and not crumpled. The presence of rotten and wormy fruits and berries is not allowed.

    Main defects: the syrup is sweet, but without the aroma and taste of the fruit (the liquid was drained and added with syrup); the taste is poorly expressed (the recipe was violated or insisted a little after cooking); some of the fruits are overcooked, some have retained their shape, at the bottom there is a cloudy sediment (all fruits were put into the syrup at the same time, and not sequentially in accordance with the cooking period); stalks, seeds of apples and pears, seeds of fresh plums and apricots come across (poorly sorted out and cleaned the fruits).

    Fruit salad is a dish made from a mixture of various fresh, canned fruits, berries, cut into small pieces. Range fruit salads: berry salad; fruit salad in baskets; fruit salad "Sabra"; special salad with melon; strawberry dessert; pear salad; cherry and apple salad with yogurt sauce; fruit salad with liqueur.

    Technological process for preparing fruit salad: Fresh fruits Canned fruits Dressing Nuts Rinse Remove the seed nest Cut into cubes Drain syrup Cut into cubes Combine Sort out Rinse Dry Add Leave: in bowls, wine glasses, glasses Season

    Serving fruit salad:

    Requirements for the quality of fruit salads Taste: sweet, characteristic of the taste of fruits and berries. Appearance: fruits and berries retain their shape, evenly distributed in the salad. Consistency: corresponds to the type of fruit or berries. Color and smell: typical of the ingredients in the dish.

    The main defects: the taste is poorly expressed (the recipe has been violated or little flavoring ingredients have been added); some of the fruits lost their shape, some retained their shape (not a combination of fruits laid too soft and hard fruits at the same time, and not sequentially); come across stalks, seeds of apples and pears, seeds (poorly sorted out and cleaned the fruits).

    The word for jelly is French. This is the name of a frozen dessert made from fruit juice by adding sugar and gelatin to it. Jelly assortment: From fresh berries and fruits; From juices, syrups, extracts; From fruit and berry broths, essences; From milk, jam; From fruit and berry puree.

    Technological process of jelly preparation: Gelatin Soak Fruits or berries Sort out Jelly is released in 100… 150 g each with sauce, syrup, whipped cream. Water Granulated sugar Rinse Pour Boil for 5 ... 8 minutes Strain Add Bring to a boil Introduce Strain Pour into portioned forms Cool at t 0… 8̊ С for 1.5… 2 hours. Put in a bowl or vase

    Jelly feeding:

    Requirements for the quality of the jelly: Taste - sweet, with the taste and smell of the products from which the jelly is prepared. Appearance - homogeneous mass, slightly elastic. The consistency is gelatinous, it can be transparent and opaque. Fruits and berries are neatly laid out in the form of pictures.

    Main defects: berry jelly opaque (poorly filtered or not lightened); the jelly is not solidified or is very thick (the gelatin was put in a wrong way); lemon jelly is bitter (the zest was poorly cleaned); pieces of gelatin come across (they did not soak the gelatin well and did not dissolve completely); slightly sweet (insufficient amount of sugar).

    Thank you for the attention!