Second courses in foil in portions. Delicious surprise in foil

Original post I am _-_ MASTER

Halibut in foil

Halibut is a gorgeous fish that does not require special culinary processing... Here is a recipe for halibut in foil, which will tell you how to prepare a delicious dinner using the minimum amount of ingredients.

Chum salmon in foil

Chum salmon in foil is a delicious dish. Highly easy recipe cooking this fish, which will not take you long. Chum salmon turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, you just lick your fingers.

Pike in foil

Pike in foil is a primitive recipe for those who do not know how to cook pike. Although the most primitive does not mean the worst. The dish turns out to be amazing. Try it!

Perch in foil

River bass in foil. It sounds delicious enough, but you probably just now remembered a terrible nightmare - getting rid of scales. Here's a recipe where you can skip this painful process!

Roach in foil

Very easy to prepare roach in foil will decorate any dinner table... Super affordable step by step recipe with a photo will tell you how to cook roach in foil as quickly and easily as possible.

Pink salmon in foil

Another great way to cook pink salmon is pink salmon in foil. The cooking method is very simple and quick, but the fish is simply excellent.

Pollock in foil

I propose a very simple recipe - pollock in foil. A dish of this fish is prepared quickly and easily. In addition to fish, we need nothing at all - dill, lemon and a little vegetable oil.

Salmon in foil

To try for real exquisite dish it is not necessary to go to an expensive restaurant, because at home you can very easily and quickly make incredible delicious salmon in foil.

Goose in foil

Potatoes in foil with cheese

A simple recipe for potatoes in foil with cheese will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast, afternoon tea or dinner for the whole family! The dish is very tasty - children especially like it.

Mackerel in foil

If you love fish, but cannot stand the smell that is always present when frying it, then this recipe is for you! This dish is very easy to make at home, even for a novice in cooking.

Fish in foil in a slow cooker

I offer you a simple recipe for fish in foil in a slow cooker. You can save time while dinner is being prepared. The fish is not only tasty, but also healthy, so you should take note of this recipe.

Red fish baked in foil

Red fish baked in foil is an ideal dish in terms of the balance of simplicity and speed of preparation and deliciousness of the result. Just half an hour - and a festive lunch or dinner is on your plate.

Potatoes in foil in the oven

Potatoes baked in foil turn out to be very tasty and beautiful. It can be made just for dinner. They can easily decorate festive table... And the sauce will give the potatoes a special spicy taste.

Minced meat in foil

It is very convenient to bake minced meat in foil - quickly and no splashes. Try it and I'm sure you will use this method more than once!

Chicken baked in foil

The recipe for cooking chicken baked in foil. Chicken meat is very soft and tender, and in combination with the marinade, the dish turns out to be just wonderful. Much depends on the prepared marinade.

Potatoes baked in foil

If fried potatoes too high in calories for you, and boiled ones are already fed up, then you should learn how to cook potatoes baked in foil - easy, healthy and very delicious side dish for the whole family.

Crucian carp in the oven in foil

There is nothing tastier than whole baked fish, and if you stuff it with onions and herbs, then there is nothing to say - you just lick your fingers. An incredibly delicious recipe for cooking crucian carp in foil for you!

Carrots in foil

Simple, healthy and incredibly tasty - it's all about carrots in foil. Cast aside doubts and try to cook this dish at home, you will definitely surprise yourself and your loved ones!

Bream in foil

I propose a simple recipe for cooking bream in foil. Everything about everything will take you half an hour. Do not stain the baking sheet, you do not need to marinate anything. Just add spices to the bream and send to the oven.

Pangasius fillet in foil

Fillet of pangasius in foil - tender and light, almost diet dish, which is well suited for ordinary family dinner or dinner. A minimum of effort, and the result is of a restaurant level.

Sea bass in foil

Sea bass baked in foil - extraordinary tasty dish! This lunch is perfect for a holiday or a normal weekday. Cooking!

Entrecote in foil

Entrecote in foil is baked with spices in the oven, wrapped in foil. The meat languishes and turns out to be tender and very soft. I recommend serving this entrecote with baked vegetables and rice. Tasty!

Fish with vegetables baked in foil

A classic of the family dinner genre is fish and vegetables baked in foil. With white wine, this is light and, at the same time, juicy the dish goes just amazing. I recommend giving it a try.

Steamed chicken in foil

Recipe chicken thighs with mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, ginger and garlic.

Burbot in the oven in foil

Burbot in the oven in foil is prepared simply and quickly. Burbot meat is white, tender, practically without bones. I recommend baking burbot in foil with vegetables or fragrant herbs... Let's get started!

Pork baked in foil

Pork in foil is very simple to prepare, it can be served both on weekdays and on holidays. It is good to serve red wine with baked pork.

Baked apples in foil

Foil-wrapped baked apples can be a delicious breakfast or dessert. Use them with different fillings, for example, with nuts, dried fruits or cottage cheese.

Potatoes with bacon in foil

We always make potatoes with bacon in foil at picnics, but in winter it is good to make them in the oven in foil. The potatoes are saturated with the aroma of bacon, they sort of "get married", and the result is a luxury potato!

Chicken with potatoes in foil

Chicken with potatoes in foil turns out to be tender, juicy. The main thing is not to stand for a long time with pans over the stove. The potatoes are soaked in chicken juice and just melt in your mouth. The main thing is to pick up the spices.

Pork with vegetables baked in foil

Recipe for cooking pork baked in foil with vegetables. Pork by this recipe it turns out fragrant and very tasty.

Rack of pork ribs in foil

Pork ribs in foil, this is exactly the dish about which they say "You will lick your fingers!" It is done elementary, but causes delight and praise. Juicy, tender meat melts in your mouth. Here's a recipe for you, try it!

Salmon steak in foil

It is useful to cook fish in foil. When baked, it retains all its useful elements. Salmon steak in foil is prepared with herbs and spices. Try it.

Young pork baked in foil

Recipe for cooking young pork, which we bake in foil. Young pork contains a large amount of vitamins and proteins.

Chops in foil

I suggest you classic recipe chops in foil is a delicious and beloved dish that will not lose all the juice when cooked in foil. It will take a little more time, but good hearty lunch worth it!

Potatoes in foil on charcoal

If you do not know how to cook potatoes in foil over charcoal, I will teach you. Yes, not just potatoes, but with lard and aromatic spices - it will be difficult to refuse this even for those who are on a diet!

Meatballs in foil

Recipe for cooking meatballs in foil - cooking original dish for lovers of hearty and tasty food... Cooking meatballs in foil is very simple and convenient - I recommend trying it.

Young potatoes in foil

The most the best dish that can be cooked in the summer is a young potato. And potatoes baked in foil turn out to be almost as tasty as on a fire.

Beets in foil

I suggest you prepare a wonderful side dish from ordinary beets, which is perfect with meat, poultry and fish, or will become a delicious independent snack. I hope this simple foil-wrapped beetroot recipe will pleasantly diversify your daily menu! :)

Chops in foil in the oven

I think it will be interesting for you to learn how to cook chops in foil in the oven - a dish not for every day, but I have never succeeded in making meat more tender and juicier than with this recipe. I advise!

Dorada in the oven in foil

Fish dishes are always full of vitamins and minerals for humans. Cooking fish in the oven is a pleasure! Easy and fast! I will tell you a recipe for cooking gilthead in the oven in foil.

Pork with potatoes in foil

An incredibly simple and at the same time insanely delicious recipe for those who do not like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but you can cook it both for guests and for dinner.

Meat with potatoes in foil

Meat with potatoes in foil turns out to be very juicy and tender, because it languishes in own juice... I really like the dishes prepared in this way, they are more useful and tasty.

Mackerel with herbs and lemon baked in foil

Recipe for making mackerel with herbs and lemon, baked in foil. The fish is tender and very tasty.

Salmon in the oven

Salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals. Fatty acids found in fish have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and skin. Fish cooked in foil does not lose its beneficial qualities.

Baked silver carp with lemon and herbs

The recipe for baked silver carp with herbs and lemon. In the process of cooking, a very refined and tasty dish is obtained from ordinary silver carp.

Beef ribs in the oven

Beef ribs are a very tasty dish, which, among other things, is not difficult to prepare!

Roach baked in coals

For all lovers of fishing, camping and picnics, this simple recipe for roach baked in coals will come in handy! The fish is very tasty, with a real smoky aftertaste. A field kitchen classic!

Chicken roll with garlic

Chicken roll with garlic is very delicious snack, which will perfectly decorate your festive table!

Lamb ribs in the oven

Oven-baked lamb ribs are incredibly tasty! This dish is perfect for both everyday and festive tables!

Chum salmon in foil is a delicious dish. A very easy recipe for cooking this fish, which will not take you much time. Chum salmon turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, you just lick your fingers.

Pike in foil is a primitive recipe for those who do not know how to cook pike. Although the most primitive does not mean the worst. The dish turns out to be amazing. Try it!

River bass in foil. It sounds delicious enough, but you probably just now remembered a terrible nightmare - getting rid of scales. Here's a recipe where you can skip this painful process!

Very easy to prepare roach in foil will decorate any dining table. A super affordable step-by-step photo recipe will tell you how to cook roach in foil as quickly and easily as possible.

Another great way to cook pink salmon is pink salmon in foil. The cooking method is very simple and quick, but the fish is simply excellent.

I propose a very simple recipe - pollock in foil. A dish of this fish is prepared quickly and easily. In addition to fish, we need nothing at all - dill, lemon and a little vegetable oil.

In order to taste a truly exquisite dish, you do not have to go to an expensive restaurant, because at home you can very easily and quickly make incredibly tasty salmon in foil.

A simple recipe for potatoes in foil with cheese will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner for the whole family! The dish is very tasty - children especially like it.

If you love fish, but cannot stand the smell that is always present when frying it, then this recipe is for you! This dish is very easy to make at home, even for a novice in cooking.

I offer you a simple recipe for fish in foil in a slow cooker. You can save time while dinner is being prepared. The fish is not only tasty, but also healthy, so you should take note of this recipe.

Red fish baked in foil is an ideal dish in terms of the balance of simplicity and speed of preparation and deliciousness of the result. Just half an hour - and a festive lunch or dinner is on your plate.

Potatoes baked in foil turn out to be very tasty and beautiful. It can be made just for dinner. They can easily decorate a festive table. And the sauce will give the potatoes a special spicy taste.

It is very convenient to bake minced meat in foil - quickly and no splashes. Try it and I'm sure you will use this method more than once!

The recipe for cooking chicken baked in foil. Chicken meat is very soft and tender, and in combination with the marinade, the dish turns out to be just wonderful. Much depends on the prepared marinade.

If fried potatoes are too high in calories for you, and boiled potatoes are already fed up, then you should learn how to cook potatoes baked in foil - an easy, healthy and delicious side dish for the whole family.

Simple, healthy and incredibly tasty - it's all about carrots in foil. Cast aside doubts and try to cook this dish at home, you will definitely surprise yourself and your loved ones!

I propose a simple recipe for cooking bream in foil. Everything about everything will take you half an hour. Do not stain the baking sheet, you do not need to marinate anything. Just add spices to the bream and send to the oven.

Pangasius fillet in foil is a delicate and light, almost dietary dish that is well suited for an ordinary family lunch or dinner. A minimum of effort, and the result is of a restaurant level.

Sea bass baked in foil is an unusually tasty dish! This lunch is perfect for a holiday or a normal weekday. Cooking!

Entrecote in foil is baked with spices in the oven, wrapped in foil. The meat languishes and turns out to be tender and very soft. I recommend serving this entrecote with baked vegetables and rice. Tasty!

A classic of the family dinner genre is fish and vegetables baked in foil. With white wine, this is light and, at the same time, juicy dish goes simply amazing. I recommend giving it a try.

Recipe for cooking chicken thighs with mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, ginger and garlic.

Burbot in the oven in foil is prepared simply and quickly. Burbot meat is white, tender, practically without bones. I recommend baking burbot in foil with vegetables or aromatic herbs. Let's get started!

Pork in foil is very simple to prepare, it can be served both on weekdays and on holidays. It is good to serve red wine with baked pork.

Foil-wrapped baked apples can be a delicious breakfast or dessert. Use them with different fillings, such as nuts, dried fruits or cottage cheese.

We always make potatoes with bacon in foil at picnics, but in winter it is good to make them in the oven in foil. The potatoes are saturated with the aroma of bacon, they sort of "get married", and the result is a luxury potato!

Chicken with potatoes in foil turns out to be tender, juicy. The main thing is not to stand for a long time with pans over the stove. The potatoes are soaked in chicken juice and just melt in your mouth. The main thing is to pick up the spices.

Recipe for cooking pork baked in foil with vegetables. Pork according to this recipe turns out to be fragrant and very tasty.

Pork ribs in foil, this is exactly the dish about which they say "You will lick your fingers!" It is done elementary, but causes delight and praise. Juicy, tender meat melts in your mouth. Here's a recipe for you, try it!

It is useful to cook fish in foil. When baked, it retains all its useful elements. Salmon steak in foil is prepared with herbs and spices. Try it.

Recipe for cooking young pork, which we bake in foil. Young pork contains a large amount of vitamins and proteins.

I offer you a classic recipe for chops in foil - a delicious and beloved dish that, when cooked in foil, will not lose all the juice. It will take a little longer, but a good filling lunch is worth it!

If you do not know how to cook potatoes in foil over charcoal, I will teach you. Yes, not just potatoes, but with lard and aromatic spices - it will be difficult to refuse this even for those who are on a diet!

Recipe for cooking meatballs in foil - we are preparing an original dish for lovers of hearty and tasty food. Cooking meatballs in foil is very simple and convenient - I recommend trying it.

The best dish you can cook in summer is young potatoes. And potatoes baked in foil turn out to be almost as tasty as on a fire.

I suggest you prepare a wonderful side dish from ordinary beets, which is perfect with meat, poultry and fish, or will become a delicious independent snack. I hope this simple foil-wrapped beetroot recipe will pleasantly diversify your daily menu! :)

I think it will be interesting for you to learn how to cook chops in foil in the oven - a dish not for every day, but I have never succeeded in making meat more tender and juicier than with this recipe. I advise!

As you know, in the women's hostel, dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's hostel before. Because we don't like all this fuss in the kitchen sink (and how can we love it?). And the foil practically frees you from contact with kitchen utensils... I put all the ingredients on a thin aluminum sheet, wrapped it, put it in the oven - that's all the science. If you wish, you can even do without plates. Here, check out the menu.

1. Salmon with zucchini

What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 2 fillet strips, any salmon fish(salmon, trout, pink salmon) 200 g each
  • 3-4 st. l. olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp ground white pepper
  • Zest of 1 lemon, grated
  • 2 zucchini
  • Sauce to taste (Chinese sweet and sour, or soy, or ordinary adjika are suitable)

What to do

1. Grate fillet with spices, lemon zest and brush olive oil... Leave to marinate for 10 minutes - this will make the dish more aromatic.

2. Spread the sauce over the pieces and place each on a separate sheet of foil.

3. Cut the zucchini into half-centimeter thin slices, add a little salt and put in 2-3 layers on each piece of fish.

4. Now is the time to wrap the fish in foil envelopes. How to do it simply and correctly - look further on the diagram.

5. Put the envelopes in the oven preheated to 180 ° C (this is a common rule for all recipes - first preheat the oven, and then stick into it) for 15 minutes. However, you can cook in a regular frying pan - without adding oil. Fry the envelopes over low heat, cover with a lid, on each side for 5-6 minutes. You can even cook this fish in the microwave. It is important, however, that the oven has a convection or grill mode. Cook in the same way as in a conventional oven.

If you don't have a heart for fish, you can bake chicken in a similar way. Write it down.

2. Chicken breasts in spices

What do you need:

(for 3-4 servings)

  • 1 kg chicken breasts
  • 1 tsp ground chili
  • 4-5 Art. l. sunflower or olive oil
  • 3-4 pinches of ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground paprika

What to do

1. Roll the breasts in spices, salt and butter, then place each in a separate envelope.

2. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.


What do you need

(for 3-5 servings)

  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 4-5 branches fresh thyme
  • 300 g of any hard cheese
  • 35 g sunflower or olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • 100 g sour cream of any fat content

What to do

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin (as far as you can) circles. Grate the cheese.

2. Combine sour cream, salt, spices, thyme leaves and oil in a bowl. Roll over potato mugs in this sauce.

3. In equal portions, lay out on sheets of foil (the number and sizes were determined by yourself, depending on the number of eaters) over a layer of overlapping circles. Sprinkle cheese on top. Make three of these layers. Tamp everything tightly and wrap in envelopes.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. We recommend making a separate envelope for each serving. So it is more convenient to serve on the table (if there are several of you), or you can hide some of the blanks for the future. But no one forbids you to wrap all the ingredients in foil at once, just tear off a larger sheet, or even use two sheets. Well, it will take longer to bake the dish.

These envelopes are great stuff. They fold in three steps and free you from fiddling with all kinds of baking bowls. See how simple it is:

1. Tear off a sheet of foil. The size for each dish will have to be determined separately, but it makes no sense to make them less than 25 cm in length (this is about an A4 sheet).

2. Bend the sheet in half. Sprinkle both halves with sunflower or olive oil to prevent food from sticking as you cook. Then put the food in one half.

3. Having covered the dish with the second half of the sheet, fold the edges twice: first from the sides, then from the end side - and you're done. The envelope should not be too tight on the dish.


What do you need

(for 4 rolls)

  • 1 kg of meat (veal, beef or chicken will do)
  • 30 g gelatin
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp dried marjoram
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 head of garlic, peel
  • 2 pickled bell peppers
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh herbs (parsley, onion and dill)
  • 1 egg

What to do

1. Place the meat, spices and garlic in a food processor or blender. To prevent your machine from choking, first cut the meat into finger-sized cubes. Break the egg here. Thoroughly grind everything. If kitchen appliances you don't, just buy minced meat and mix it with other ingredients.

2. Pour into a bowl cold water and throw in the gelatin. Wait until it looks like a jellyfish.

3. Narvi four wide sheets of foil and in the center of each place the minced meat in equal portions in an even layer. It is important that you have a lot (three fingers) of free space on all sides of the sheet so it will be easier to wrap it up.

4. Remove the gelatinous jellyfish from a bowl of water and grease the meat with it. The jelly will not let the juices that stand out from the meat during the baking process disappear, the rolls will be juicy.

5. Cut the peppers into strips. Place strips in the middle of each serving.

6. Now roll the meat into tubes and wrap it tightly with foil. Twist the ends of the foil sheets additionally - the rolls should resemble large candies.

7. Cook in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. When you take it out of the oven, wait 5-10 minutes until it cools slightly (it is important that the jelly hardens), and you can put it on a plate.

Put it aside

You can prepare yourself such dinners for several months in advance. The trick is simple: fold the foil envelope and send it straight to the freezer instead of the oven. You can cook it later at any time. Meat rolls you need to defrost it first, and as for the rest of the dishes, just hold them in the oven for 10 minutes longer than the fresh version, and a hearty, juicy lunch is ready.

“Without harm to its nutritional and taste properties, fresh food can be stored in the freezer of the refrigerator for up to six months,” says nutritionist Yevgeny Repko.


What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 500 g green apples (eg Granny Smith)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • Half a glass of sugar (however, you can do without it - it will not be so sweet, but the dessert will not turn into a belly at night)
  • 150 g of any cookie
  • 1 lemon

What to do

1. Without peeling the apples, cut them into thick, finger-thick slices. Place in a deep bowl.

2. Stir the apples with ground cinnamon and sugar. Squeeze lemon juice on them. Sodium lemon peel on a grater and add to the same.

3. Lay out the result in equal portions on two sheets of foil and sprinkle with crushed cookies on top. Pack it in an envelope.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Tasty? And useful!

It is clear that a baked dish does not harm your body as much as a fried one. “And due to the fact that they are cooked in their own juice, products baked in foil retain the maximum level nutrients", - adds nutritionist Evgeniy Repko. But look at the clock and the thermometer when you cook. Studies published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science show that if you bake a dish at temperatures above 180 ° C for 40 minutes or more, then aluminum from the foil can penetrate the food, which is by no means useful. Don't go overboard and you won't have to digest metal.

We spent 230 rubles on this dish.


On February 23rd, we decided to cook something special for our men. Our "Surprise in foil" is a portioned casserole made from chicken meat, potatoes and cheese under sour cream sauce... It is done very easily, but the main thing here is not even the ingredients, but homemade foil molds. This is a great opportunity to do without special store forms, and you will not have to wash disposable molds.

Our men will definitely like this idea, because in foil molds it will be possible to cook a real dinner in field conditions(fishing, hunting, picnic) directly on the fire or in hot coals, dispensing with pots and plates. A wonderful idea and a delicious dish that everyone, without exception, will like.

Bon Appetit, and a happy holiday!


  • 2 chicken fillets,
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tomatoes,
  • 2 a clove of garlic,
  • 150-200 g of cheese
  • 2 eggs,
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream spoons,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • greens for decoration,
  • vegetable oil for lubricating forms.


For this amount of ingredients, we needed five molds.

We had extra strong foil, so we made two-fold molds out of it. It is better to make cups from ordinary foil from three to four layers of foil.

You can bake Easter cakes and various cupcakes in foil tins, if you don't have the usual shape at hand.

Cut the chicken fillet into medium pieces, fill it with a glass of milk and let it stand for an hour, so that the meat becomes soft tender and juicy.

In the meantime, we are preparing the molds forbaking from foil. We used

measuring plastic mug with a volume of 1 liter. Fold the foil in two layers, put it on the bottom of an inverted mug and press

from all sides. We fold or cut the edges of the foil so that they are even.

Cut the potatoes into slices, the onion into half rings.

Preparing the filling - shake the eggs with sour cream.

Lubricate every shape vegetable oil... Put potatoes in a mold, salt and pepper. Next, we lay the onion,on him - chicken fillet, salt and pepper again to taste.Sprinkle each portion with 2 tablespoons of pouring spoons.

Put a circle of tomato on top, sprinkle with chopped garlic and grated cheese.

We put the forms on a baking sheet and send them to bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Decorate with herbs and serve

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Among the variety of heat-resistant cookware, foil forms occupy a special place. Currently, their popularity has declined slightly. But they are forgotten completely in vain. There are many dishes that will taste perfect in the form of foil. A large number of useful characteristics speaks in their defense. Such an acquisition will be profitable and will definitely come in handy in the culinary business.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such forms are not in vain made of aluminum. Thanks to this, they have a lot of positive features.

  • Convenience and practicality. They speed up the preparation time of products, save energy on washing, if the model is disposable.
  • Multifunctionality. Due to their good heat resistance, they can not only bake, but also freeze and store food.
  • Uniform heat distribution. The food will not burn around the edges and will not stay soggy on the inside.
  • Attractive appearance... The forms are pleasant to use, they can serve cooked dishes on the table. Such dishes help maintain the right temperature.
  • Compliance with safety standards for humans, no toxic substances.
  • Environmental friendliness. Biodegradable material will not harm nature when disposed of.

Compared to other forms (ceramic, glass, steel or cast iron), foil is lighter, they are convenient to store. Of course, they are inferior in strength and can wrinkle. But on the other hand, they will not break when dropped, like glass, there will be no chips on them. Aluminum foil molds are more stable and retain their shape better than silicone or paper molds. An additional plus is low cost with good quality. Most people can afford these baking dishes.

Foil products are safe for food contact. Of course, if this does not apply to an acidic environment. In this case, the contact should be minimal in time. Even with frequent use, the ingress of aluminum into food and, accordingly, into the human body is negligible and cannot cause significant harm. What's more, the foil baking dish will help you to make your diet healthier as it does not require oiling.

Cooked foods are baked in their own juice and retain all the nutrients.


Since there are quite a few varieties of metal forms, it should be clearly understood what constitutes a foil product. Roughly speaking, they can only be understood as those types of aluminum baking dishes that were made from a sheet (by pressing). Cast aluminum cookware is a completely different look and will have different properties.

Products can vary in thickness. Thicker sides and bottom allow for reusability. But even reusable forms should be treated with care. In addition, shapes can vary in size, capacity and side height. Small tins are used for preparing portioned dishes.

Usually, when buying, they pay more attention to appearance. The most common are:

  • square or rectangular;
  • round or oval;
  • curly (in the form of a flower, heart, and so on).

The most popular are single options, but there are also double ones, as well as those consisting of several compartments. The bottom can be smooth or embossed. A ribbed bottom in the form of a certain pattern can decorate a dish, especially when it comes to confectionery... The same goes for the bumpers.

Pay attention to the edges of the forms:

  • L-shaped edge usually comes in models with lids;
  • The G-shaped edge is more suitable for baking and can be covered with a suitable sheet of plain foil.

It is necessary to distinguish between baking dishes and cassettes - a kind of disposable storage containers that help preserve the freshness of food. Food can be reheated in them.

Terms of use

Foil molds can be safely used for:

  • baking bakery products;
  • baking meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits in the oven;
  • for the preparation of cold snacks and desserts;
  • storage of cooked meals;
  • transportation of any suitable sized products;
  • freezing and reheating.

In addition to oven, they can be used for charcoal roasting (avoid open flames). There is a lot of controversy about the microwave. Manufacturers of foil containers claim that it is safe - you just need to make sure that they do not touch the walls microwave oven, and the cover was missing.

To avoid disappointment when using aluminum foil molds, there are a few rules to keep in mind.

  • Before the first use, despite the opinion that the foil has antibacterial properties, it is better to wash the product. This requires a soft sponge and a regular detergent- abrasives and hard brushes are prohibited. It is better to soak a dirty reusable container in a warm water, then wash and dry with a towel.
  • There is no need to lubricate the mold. But make sure that the temperature is optimal, and the dish does not burn - it is imperative.
  • To make the meat baked more evenly, it is better to close the mold with a lid or foil. 10-15 minutes before readiness, the lid is removed and the dish is allowed to brown. The foil will help if the top usually burns. The hermetically sealed baking dish will keep grease out of the oven.
  • Do not overheat empty dishes. Before you start cooking, you only need to preheat the oven. Direct contact with fire can cause burnout.
  • Removing food from the mold is quite simple. To do this, you can use spatulas, turn the container over or cut the sides.

How to do it yourself?

With purchase aluminum molds foil is usually not a hassle. They can be purchased at any specialty store, as well as at some grocery stores. However, if necessary, a similar shape can be easily made with your own hands, using ordinary foil for this. It bends and wrinkles easily, but does not tear. Of course, thicker foil is better for molds., but this information is not always indicated on the packaging, so any will do.

So that during the cooking process the shape does not deform, it is better to use several sheets superimposed on each other.

The easiest option is to take dishes that are suitable in size and shape as a base. In this case, you need to act in a certain way.

  • Sheets are superimposed on the outside or inside of the selected container. This must be done so that the center of the bottom and sheets approximately coincide, and the same distance remains on the sides.
  • Then we start forming the bottom. The stability of the structure depends on how clear the folds are.
  • After the bottom, we proceed to pressing the sheets on the sides. As soon as this is done, the formed sides must be cut off, and the sharp edges must be bent.