How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin correctly. Pumpkin porridge with millet in milk

Pumpkin porridge is usually cooked along with some kind of cereal. It can be anything: semolina, rice, oatmeal. Each of them is good in its own way. But since ancient times, the favorite dish of our ancestors was pumpkin porridge with millet. There is a mass original recipes and different ways its preparation.

Harmony of taste

By choosing desired recipe, any housewife is primarily guided by the tastes and preferences of her household. In addition, pumpkin porridge with millet can be a great fasting meal if cooked without milk. There is one amazing recipe... Among the ingredients:

  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 grams of millet;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil and honey.

It is better to cook such porridge in a pot:

  1. In a small saucepan or saucepan, boil ½ liter of water with salt and sugar.
  2. Pour millet into a ceramic pot, fill it with the prepared solution, cover tightly with a lid and let stand for a while. This time is required for the cereal to swell a little.
  3. In the meantime, cut the pulp of the pumpkin into arbitrary pieces.
  4. Heat the butter and honey in a frying pan and fry the pumpkin in this mixture until half cooked.
  5. Transfer the resulting mass, while still hot, into a pot on top of the swollen millet.
  6. Cover it with foil or a lid, and then put it in an oven preheated to 130-140 degrees for 40 minutes.

This one turns out to be very lush, soft and rather sweet. Therefore, it is quite possible to serve it as a dessert.

If there is no oven

If the house is not oven or it is not working at the moment, do not be upset. Pumpkin porridge with millet is good because it can be perfectly cooked on the stove. Products required:

  • pumpkin weighing 1 kilogram;
  • half a glass of millet, water and sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Preparing such a dish is easy:

  1. Peel the pumpkin and chop the pulp at random.
  2. Put the resulting pieces in a saucepan, and then put it on the stove and turn on low heat.
  3. After 30 minutes, mash the still hot pumpkin in mashed potatoes. To do this, you can use a pusher or mixer.
  4. Pour millet on top, cover, and then put on fire again. The groats will slowly reach readiness, soaking in the pumpkin aroma.
  5. After 10 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove, and knead the contents again in a thick puree, adding oil.

Now you can put fragrant porridge in deep plates and invite everyone to the table.

Pumpkin with dried fruits

Those who like pumpkin porridge with millet can improve the recipe a little. The dish will be even tastier if you add raisins to it. In this case, the set of products will look like this:

  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin;
  • a glass of millet;
  • 0.5 liters of water and milk;
  • 50-60 grams of sugar;
  • 150 grams of seedless raisins.

The cooking process will be slightly different:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and core, and cut the rest in large pieces... Put the resulting blanks in a saucepan, pour gently cold water, and then put on fire for 20 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, drain the water into a separate bowl, and set the boiled pulp aside.
  3. Pour washed millet into a clean saucepan, pour pumpkin broth over it and let it cook for about 15 minutes.
  4. Add milk and leave the cereal to simmer for another 10-12 minutes.
  5. At this time, pour the raisins with hot water to swell.
  6. Meanwhile, crush the pumpkin until soft.
  7. Remove the pot with ready-made porridge from heat, pour pumpkin, sugar and prepared raisins into it. Mix everything well and let stand a little (about 10-15 minutes).

It turns out a very unusual pumpkin porridge with millet. Her recipe is not only original, but also allows you to prepare a dish that is very useful from a medical point of view.

Calorie control

People who are forced to control their weight dream of finding a product that can be eaten in any quantity without fear of gaining weight. Any specialist can confirm that ideal option in this case, it is pumpkin porridge with millet. The calorie content of 100 g of such a product is no more than 95 kcal.

Part low calorie recipe includes the usual products:

  • 300 grams of pumpkin and millet;
  • liter of water;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 20 grams of butter.

You need to cook such porridge correctly:

  1. Place the pumpkin pulp, chopped at random, on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Top with sugar and well washed millet. Pour the food over with water and put on medium heat, after covering it with a lid. It is better to take a saucepan with a thick bottom so that the porridge does not burn.
  3. Add butter 5-6 minutes before it is ready and, as soon as it melts, turn off the heat.
  4. Stir the contents of the pan, wrap it tightly in a blanket and let it brew a little.

Such a dish can be eaten at any time of the day without fear of gaining weight.

Lightweight way

Usually housewives are afraid to prepare meals that contain milk. During cooking, you need to closely monitor it. Otherwise, the mixture may escape or burn. But if there is a slow cooker in the house, then cooking such a dish as milk pumpkin porridge with millet is sheer trifles. The main thing in this case is to stock up on the necessary products:

  • 350 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 1 glass of millet;
  • 5 grams of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 20-30 grams butter.

The whole process takes place in two stages:

  1. Food preparation. Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized pieces. Millet should be thoroughly rinsed and rinsed with boiling water.
  2. Cooking. Put all the products in the bowl one by one, close the multicooker and set the "Milk porridge" mode on it. The device will automatically signal the readiness of the dish with a signal.

This option is very convenient and simple. And in conditions of a catastrophic lack of time for any hostess, he is a real find.

For the little ones

Delicious pumpkin porridge with millet is liked not only by adults, but also by children. Mothers try to cook it for their kids as often as possible. It's no secret that pumpkin contains great amount very different nutrients which are so important for a growing organism. To prepare an appetizing porridge, you will need products:

  • a glass of millet;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 500 grams of pumpkin;
  • some salt and sugar.

The dish should be prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the groats several times under running cold water, simultaneously removing debris that may be in it.
  2. Then put the millet in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the cereal by a couple of centimeters.
  3. Put the saucepan on the fire and slowly bring the contents to a boil. Reduce the flame and cook the millet for 15 minutes.
  4. Chop the pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater and add to the cereal, brought to half-readiness. To mix everything.
  5. Add salt and pour milk over everything. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  6. At the very end of the cooking process, add sugar and butter.

Such delicious porridge any kid will love it!

Millet groats and pumpkin taste great and very useful combination... Millet porridge with pumpkin can be cooked simply in water, as well as in milk alone. It is believed that millet grits in milk boil down worse than in water, but the addition of pumpkin successfully solves this moment. If you wish, you can cook crumbly or viscous millet porridge. The ingredient list shows the amount of milk for both options. It is better to take low-fat milk.

The pumpkin is suitable both fresh and frozen for the winter, grated or in pieces. Depending on the variety, the pumpkin pieces will either disintegrate or retain their shape when cooked. For sweetening, use sugar or honey, which is better added already in ready-made porridge than during cooking.

To prepare millet porridge with pumpkin in milk, prepare required amount ingredients on the list.

Soak the pumpkin cut into pieces in milk, i.e. in half the milk. To do this, after boiling milk, reduce heat and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

During this time, prepare the millet. If necessary, sort it out of garbage, but it is better to buy good quality cereals that do not require laborious sorting of the grains from you. Millet needs to be washed several times in cold water and several times in hot.

Put the prepared millet groats and a pinch of salt into a saucepan with milk and pumpkin, pour in the second part of the milk. I have a more crumbly than a viscous version planned, so two glasses of milk are used, it's easy to divide in half.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 25 minutes under a lid.

The finished porridge should be allowed to stand for a few more minutes - to steam. Then add butter and, if desired, sugar or honey.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready.

Bon Appetit!

Millet porridge with pumpkin is one of the most delicious, healthy and popular dishes in our country made from this wonderful orange vegetable, which belongs to the category of seasonal autumn-winter dishes. During this period, pumpkin can be found, probably, in almost every home, because it is quite simply grown on a personal plot, and in addition, it is stored for a rather long time at room temperature... In addition, pumpkin tolerates freezing very well and does not lose its unique benefits and taste properties, therefore freezing peeled and diced pumpkin allows you to get an excellent preparation for the winter, unusually convenient for the subsequent preparation of soups, cereals, desserts and other delicious dishes from it. ...

Today I want to offer you a simple recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin, which is best cooked in milk, although this is exclusively a matter of taste, and if desired, milk can be safely replaced with plain water. Moreover, pumpkin gives this porridge such a deep taste and rich texture that it practically overshadows all other components of the dish. Since in terms of taste, pumpkin is a cross between a vegetable and a fruit, such porridge can be perceived by your household both as a hearty solid meal, and even as a tasty treat. dessert dish... Therefore, millet porridge with pumpkin usually always goes with a bang and is very popular among children and adults.

Millet groats and pumpkin form an unusually harmonious union not only due to their taste properties, but also in terms of the benefits that they can bring together for our health. These plant foods are especially rich in various minerals, which strengthen bones and muscles, heal the nervous and endocrine systems, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, millet is capable of removing toxins, toxins and radioactive substances from the body, and pumpkin contains a record amount of vitamin A precursor, which has antioxidant and, therefore, anti-aging properties.

Be sure to try to cook millet porridge with pumpkin for this simple recipe and I am sure that both large and small members of your family will like it. This hearty aromatic porridge with tender pieces of sweet sunny pumpkin will perfectly cheer you up and give you a boost of vivacity for the most successful and productive day. In addition, the calorie content of millet porridge with pumpkin is only 82 kcal per 100 g of ready-made dish, which is noticeably less than most popular types of cereals. And if we take into account the fact that pumpkin has the ability to accelerate metabolism and thus contribute to weight loss, then this porridge is simply perfect dish to get rid of extra calories without hunger and unnecessary torment. Delicious and aromatic millet porridge with pumpkin, cooked in milk, will serve you as an excellent breakfast, giving you a lot of pleasure and great health benefits!

Helpful information

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk - a simple recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin on the stove with step by step photos


  • 1 tbsp. millet (200 g)
  • 300 g pumpkin
  • 300 ml milk
  • 300 ml of water
  • 2.5 Art. l. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • butter to taste


1. To cook millet porridge with pumpkin, ripe sweet pumpkin peel and seed and cut into small cubes.

2. Put the pumpkin in a saucepan and pour in an arbitrary amount of cold water so that it slightly covers the vegetables.

Advice! Millet porridge should be cooked in a cast-iron, metal or ceramic dish with a thick bottom, which ensures uniform heating and languishing of the cereal. Enamelled pots they are poorly suited for this purpose, since the porridge in them quickly burns, which gives the dish a not very pleasant taste and appearance.

3. Bring the pumpkin to a boil over medium heat and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, the millet groats must be sorted out and the damaged grains, which are often found in it, must be separated. Then put it in a fine sieve and rinse with cold tap water, then pour boiling water over it.

Cold water will wash away dust and possible dirt from the cereal, and boiling water will help remove the bitterness that appears during long-term storage of millet. This type of cereal contains more fat than other grains, so over time they tend to go rancid and give the porridge an unpleasant taste. I also advise you to smell the millet before cooking and not to use cereals if you feel an unpleasant, pungent aroma.

5. Put the millet in a saucepan with pumpkin and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until all the water is absorbed and the cereal swells.

6. Mix milk with water in equal proportions and pour about half of this mixture into a saucepan with porridge.

7. Cook millet porridge with pumpkin over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring frequently and adding the remaining milk as it boils down. At the end of cooking, the porridge should be slightly liquid, as it thickens during the infusion.

8. Season the prepared millet porridge with salt and sugar.

I have indicated the minimum amount of sugar for these proportions of ingredients, but you may need to add a little more if the pumpkin is not too sweet or you just prefer more delicious dishes.

9. Cover the pot with porridge with a lid, you can also wrap it with something warm and let it brew for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, the porridge will swell even more and become very rich and aromatic.

Delicate, thick and very tasty millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready! When serving it, it is recommended to additionally season it with a piece of butter. Bon Appetit!


Culinary Sketch 03/05/2018

Even porridge lovers often avoid such healthy cereals, how . And not many people like the beautiful pumpkin. But try to combine this "disgraced couple" in one dish! You will get amazingly tasty, aromatic and "sunny" pumpkin porridge with millet. Choose a recipe of your choice and cook!

Take a small slice of bright orange pumpkin and try to cook pumpkin porridge with millet. Maybe you have a slice of pumpkin in your fridge for a long time, bought for cooking, but still left without use? Then he has a straight road to porridge!

Irina Rybchanskaya, a permanent columnist, will tell us about how to cook pumpkin porridge with millet deliciously. I give her the floor.

Dear readers of Irochka Zaitseva's blog, for a long time my relationship with millet could hardly be called friendly. They were rather taut. During my student days, I had to eat so much tasteless construction brigade and collective farm millet porridge that I could not look at it for more than thirty years.

It was believed that millet of the consistency of hardened concrete, about which even sparrows broke their beaks, is very useful for our young and very skinny bodies. Of course, there was no question of pumpkin porridge. It was an ordinary millet porridge on the water.

But I love pumpkin with tender love. It was she who reconciled me with such hated millet. Thirty years after graduation, I first cooked "disgraced" millet porridge, or rather, pumpkin with millet. And it turned out to be delicious!

Then numerous experiments followed. I combined pumpkin and millet with mushrooms, lentils, chickpeas, ginger, fried onions, raisins, candied orange peels... All options were to my liking. Both sweet and salty, pumpkin porridge combined with millet is wonderful!

Pumpkin porridge with millet on water - recipe with step by step photos

I hope that during Lent the following lean recipe will prove useful to many. Fortunately, pumpkin is now sold in our supermarkets. all year round... And it's not a problem to get it on the market.


  • 300-350 g of bright fragrant pumpkin;
  • 550 ml of water (+ water for preliminary boiling with drain);
  • 170 g millet;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Peel the washed pumpkin, completely free it from the rotten center with seeds. Cut into large cubes about 1.5 cm on a side.

Put the millet on a sieve, put it under water, rinse well. Now fill the cereal with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1, bring it to 100 ° C, drain the liquid. So we deprive millet of unpleasant bitterness for many.

Pour cold water (550 ml) again, put pumpkin cubes into a saucepan, bring to a boil again, put salt and sugar. We reduce the flame of the burner to a minimum, cover with a lid. Cook for 15-20 minutes. I cooked my porridge for only 12 minutes. With the lid closed, she languished for another half hour. I think that step by step photos illustrate the cooking process well.

My remarks

  • Quick porridge can be flavored with butter. This is sometimes done during cooking - about five minutes before cooking.
  • Don't throw away pumpkin seeds. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried and eaten, as well as used to add to cereals, to dough for.
  • The pumpkin cubes in the finished dish are left intact or kneaded with a spoon or fork - both are great!
  • The dish can be flavored with raisins, any dried fruits, candied fruits, honey, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, served with honey.

Pumpkin porridge with millet in milk


  • 450 g pumpkin;
  • 170-180 g of millet;
  • 340 ml of water;
  • 340 ml of milk;
  • 20-30 g sugar;
  • 60 g butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

We cook ordinary pumpkin porridge in water, as indicated above, using only 340 ml of water for cooking. You should not simmer porridge under the lid - we will continue to cook it in milk.

Pour warm milk (340 ml) into the porridge, knead the pumpkin, stir, heat, look, wait for the mass to boil, cover with a lid. Cook with a minimum flame for nine to twelve minutes. Towards the end of cooking, put a piece of butter. Leave the "blame" in a sealed container for twenty to thirty minutes.

Ready porridge in the photo.

My remarks

  • You can change the recipe a little - put the ready-made porridge (without leaving it to "grill") in ceramic pots and bake for half an hour at 180 ° C in the oven

The recipe for milk pumpkin porridge with millet in the oven


  • 450 g pumpkin;
  • 170 g millet;
  • 550 ml of milk;
  • 160 g butter;
  • raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, honey (optional);
  • salt.

How to cook

Rinse the groats thoroughly.

Cut the washed, seedless peeled pumpkin into cubes with a side of one centimeter.

Heat the milk to a boil, put the pumpkin, cook for about five minutes, add millet, salt, reduce the flame, cover the dishes with a lid.

Cook on low flame for ten minutes. If desired, add dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, pitted dates, figs) candied fruits, honey.

Arrange in pots, place a little butter in each, cover with lids, bake in the oven at 180 ° C for thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Lean pumpkin porridge with chickpeas and millet

A very original lean food. It is eaten warm and cold. Delicate pumpkin flavor harmonizes perfectly with the nutty flavor of chickpea.


  • 1800 g dry chickpeas;
  • 350 g pumpkin;
  • one and a half glasses of water for cooking millet and pumpkin;
  • 80-90 g of millet;
  • one small onion;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of curry (optional);
  • savory sprigs (optional);
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Pour chickpeas with cold water. Leave to swell for four hours. Pour out the water, pour in fresh water, wait until it boils, drain the liquid, refill with fresh water. Cook until the chickpeas are soft but hold their shape. The process takes forty to sixty minutes.

Fry the peeled, finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until a beautiful golden hue. Stir in cooked chickpeas (no liquid), season with curry and salt.

Pour water into the washed millet, bring to a boil, drain the liquid, add one and a half glasses of water, put pumpkin cubes with a side of one centimeter (pre-cut the skin from the pumpkin and remove the seeds), throw a pinch of salt, cook for 15-20 minutes, closing the lid. Leave it for half an hour.

Carefully combine the pumpkin component with the chickpeas and season with savory leaves.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and millet baked in the oven

For me last fall and winter, pumpkin porridge with rice and millet turned out to be the most desirable dessert. Caramel crust, like a crème brлеlée, a dizzying sweet nutty aroma of baked milk - how delicious it is!


  • 80-90 g of millet;
  • 80-90 g of rice;
  • 900-1000 ml of milk;
  • 20-40 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Peel the pumpkin, remove the middle and seeds, cut into 1 cm cubes.

Rinse the millet and rice, send the cereals to a ceramic pot or put them in several pots, send pumpkin cubes there, pour hot milk, salt, and put a little sugar.

Bake in the oven without a lid until the milk froth is caramelized (it has a pretty color). Roasting time is about 80 minutes at 180 ° C.

Season the hot porridge with a generous piece of butter, stir and arrange on plates. It's hard to tear yourself away from this delicacy!

Pumpkin milk porridge with millet in a slow cooker


  • 450 g pumpkin;
  • 160 g millet;
  • 160 ml of water;
  • 320 ml of milk;
  • 60 g sugar sugar;
  • 60 g butter (+ a little more to grease the bowl)
  • a handful of dried fruits;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes. Another option is to cut half into cubes and grate the other half on a coarse grater.

Rinse millet, pour warm water, after thirty minutes, pour out the liquid.

Lay millet and pumpkin cubes in a greased multicooker bowl, pour water, milk, in which a pinch of salt and sugar are dissolved.

Cook in the "Milk porridge" mode for thirty minutes. After the signal of readiness, add butter and steamed chopped dried fruits. Stir, leave alone for four to six minutes, arrange on plates.

Millet porridge in a pumpkin baked in a slow cooker

A very unusual pumpkin porridge is obtained by baking a small pumpkin with millet and milk in a slow cooker. A great video will show you the whole process.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet on water in a slow cooker


  • 220 g of millet;
  • 640 ml of water;
  • 350 g pumpkin;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 30 g lean or butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

Cut the peeled pumpkin without seeds and core into cubes.

Try this delicious and proven pumpkin millet porridge recipe. This is the best breakfast you can think of for both kids and adults. Millet porridge with pumpkin will take care of your health, will give you energy for the whole day, and will protect you from illness and stress. Preparing porridge is easy, it turns out tender and fragrant. If you wish, you can cook pumpkin millet porridge in water, you can use milk, add raisins, nuts or cinnamon.


  • 1 glass of millet
  • 500 gr. pumpkin
  • 2.5 cups water
  • 1-2 tbsp. milk
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 40 gr. butter
  • raisins (optional)
  • cinnamon (optional)
  • For millet porridge, we need 500 grams of pumpkin. Choose an orange and sweet pumpkin. Since the pumpkin is a dense vegetable with a rather strong skin, we attract helpers from the strong half to the kitchen to help cut and peel the pumpkin.
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes, it can be quite large. Some people prefer to grate the pumpkin, but this is quite tedious, then I will reveal the secret of how to grind the pumpkin without the slightest effort in just a minute.
  • So, fill the chopped pumpkin with water, we need 2.5 glasses of water. There is no point in boiling pumpkin in milk, it boils down better in ordinary water.
  • We put the pan on the fire, cook the pumpkin for 15 minutes. After this time, the pumpkin pieces lose their density and firmness. If you want the millet porridge not to contain pumpkin pieces or to keep the pieces small, then crush the pumpkin with a regular potato crush.
  • I usually leave a small amount of the pumpkin cubes uncrushed, the rest I crush.
  • The next step is to add millet to the boiled pumpkin. A very important point: the groats should first be sorted out, because in millet quite often pebbles, pieces of earth, etc.
  • To make millet porridge with pumpkin tasty, the cereals should not only be washed, but poured with boiling water, and then drained. All the dust goes away and, what is important, the bitterness inherent in millet goes away.
  • After adding millet to the pumpkin, put a pinch of salt, and then continue to cook the porridge over low heat under the lid. Cook for 15 minutes, make sure that the porridge does not burn.
  • Usually by this time the millet is almost ready, add butter and sugar to taste. You should not save on oil, it is the oil that softens the taste of millet, makes millet porridge with pumpkin tender.
  • The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the pumpkin, so try it. It is important not to shift it so that the pumpkin porridge does not turn out sugary.
  • And the final moment - be sure to add milk to the millet porridge with pumpkin (boiled or pasteurized so as not to curdle). How much milk to pour depends on what kind of porridge you like, liquid or thick. I usually pour quite a lot of milk because millet then reaches it and additionally takes liquid.
  • Boil the porridge for a couple of minutes, add raisins or cinnamon if desired. Turn off the heat, leave the porridge for 15-20 minutes to infuse.
  • That's all, tasty and healthy millet porridge with pumpkin is ready, serve with milk. Who wants to, he drinks the porridge with milk, who wants to - adds it to the porridge, as in the photo))))). Also see,