Young potatoes with cauliflower in the oven. Cauliflower casserole with potatoes and vegetables

Cauliflower dishes are popular all over the world. This vegetable takes important place in the diet of people watching their health. Indeed, cauliflower contains many trace elements and vitamins necessary for the human body.

Cauliflower Is "friendly" with almost all products. It can be fried, boiled, stewed or baked.

I propose to prepare a simple dish that can serve as a full meal - bake cauliflower with potatoes in the oven.

Let's prepare products according to the list.

Peel the potatoes, fill with water and cook for 15 minutes after boiling, in slightly salted water.

We disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and soak for 10-15 minutes in cold salted water. Then we rinse it and put it in a saucepan with salted boiling water, cook for 5-6 minutes.

Cool the boiled vegetables until half cooked.

Put potatoes cut into circles of medium thickness in a baking dish. Salt and pepper a little.

Lay the cauliflower on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.

Cut the butter into thin slices and lay on top of the cabbage.

Preparing the fill. Pour milk into a container, drive in eggs, add salt and beat well.

Pour the finished filling evenly into the mold.

Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. We put the form with cauliflower and potatoes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for about 30-40 minutes, until golden brown appears.

Cauliflower with potatoes in the oven is delicious and tender. I am sure you will like this dish.

To feed the whole family tasty and satisfying, it is worth making an appetizing cabbage casserole with potatoes. This combination of vegetables is very organic. That is why the finished dish turns out to be nutritious and delicious. The peculiarity of this recipe also lies in the fact that a special filling of milk, several eggs and hard cheese... It is the last ingredient that gives the culinary composition a special gastronomic value. After all, there is hardly anyone who refuses to feast on a pleasant crispy crust, which is good both warm and cold.

Cooking time - 1 hour.Servings Per Container - 6.


To make an original casserole that is equally relevant for lunch and dinner, you will need to use the most simple ingredients... All this can be purchased both in the market and in the supermarket. Here is a list of the required components:

  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • cauliflower - 500 g;
  • hard cheese - 80 g;
  • milk 3.2% fat - 350 ml;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to make a delicious cabbage casserole with potatoes

There is nothing complicated in preparing an original hearty and very tasty dish. At the same time, it turns out to be incredibly useful, because the "main" vegetable, which is the basis of the casserole, contains a lot of vitamins and valuable elements for excellent well-being.

  1. The first step is to prepare all the ingredients that are indicated in the list above.

  1. Now it’s worth tackling potatoes. The root crop will need to be peeled. Vegetables should be rinsed and placed in a high-sided saucepan. Potatoes need to be poured cold water and put on the stove. Medium heating is set. You need to cook vegetables for a quarter of an hour from the moment of boiling.

On a note! The water for boiling potatoes on a casserole should be slightly salted.

  1. Next, you need to tackle the cauliflower. The vegetable should be disassembled into small individual inflorescences. The workpiece is filled with cold water, which is slightly diluted with salt. In the resulting solution, the cauliflower must be soaked for about 10 minutes. Then the inflorescences will need to be discarded in a colander and rinsed thoroughly in running water, after which the vegetable preparations are sent to the pan. Boil them in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.

  1. All vegetables will need to cool slightly. Now you need to take a heat-resistant form. Potatoes are cut into small slices and placed on the bottom of the container. The slicing should be flavored with spices and a little salt.

  1. The next layer is laid out with cauliflower inflorescences. It also needs to be sprinkled a little with seasonings and salt.

  1. Cut the butter into thin slices. Vegetables are covered with it.

  1. Next, you need to fill it. For this, eggs and milk are mixed in a separate bowl. The mixture is diluted with salt and whipped.

  1. The finished dressing is evenly poured over the vegetable preparation.

  1. From above, all this is covered with cheese shavings. The form with the future casserole must be sent to the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Bake vegetable dish it will take 35 minutes. Education will become a sign of readiness golden crust.

Recipe from: Tururu_mama

Happiness to everyone! I registered on the site yesterday and today the muse overtook me to conjure in the kitchen! Also Ekadashi, it is a sin not to pamper yourself with something simple! The result is a wonderful casserole of ingredients that are allowed on Ekadashi fast! So ... oven baked cauliflower with potatoes.

  • 1/2 head of cauliflower
  • 5-6 pcs of potatoes
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 1-2 tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • spices: asafoetida, coriander

Oven baked cauliflower with potatoes recipe:

  1. Fry small cauliflower rosettes in vegetable oil for five minutes.

Fry cabbage in a pan

Cut into cubes and fry

Layer the rest of the ingredients

I bought the cheese already cut, so I laid it out in strips. Better, of course, to rub on a coarse grater!

Note for vegetarians: I take Belebeevsky cheese. There is no animal enzyme in it. If you don't already know, then this enzyme is taken from the stomachs of cows (read how to choose vegetarian cheese in the store).

Oven baked potatoes with cauliflower are ready! Bon Appetit!

Delicious vegetarian recipes with step by step photos:

Comments (3) on the entry "Oven-baked cauliflower with potatoes"

Thanks for the recipe! Delicate summer vegetables under cheese .. mmmm)))

True, fried does not suit me - I boiled both potatoes and cauliflower before the oven. It turned out very well). But the portions are, of course, not enough - 2-3 people, who will do it, consider).

You wrote that you were preparing a dish for Ekadashi, then asafoetida cannot be added, it is with rice flour.

Sometimes pure asafoetida in powder, I bought 4 grams from “Indian Spices” 160 rubles

I would be grateful if you leave a comment:

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Cauliflower is prized for its taste and dietary qualities. Almost any dish can be prepared from cauliflower, with the addition of vegetables and meat, by stewing or frying. Same, given view cabbage is widely used in diet soups which are nutritious and delicious, like chicken bouillon.

I personally myself, very often cook cauliflower with beaten eggs, which I then fry in oil, the people know the recipe as, and I like it very much at home. This is probably the simplest and most popular recipe that deserves special attention.

This time, I decided to diversify my diet and cooked at least tasty dish from cauliflower with the addition of potatoes. As a result, the food turned out to be soft and peculiarly tasty, unlike the others. After trying, the children were satisfied ...

  • Cauliflower - 150-200 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Greens - as needed
  • Salt to taste
  • Frying oil

Cut the potatoes into strips (long rectangular slices), lightly salt, fry in a little oil on all sides, until light pink. We remove the potatoes in a separate cup, let the oil stand and cool.

Meanwhile, break the eggs into a deep cup, add salt and beat everything thoroughly until smooth.

Pre-boiled cauliflower in slightly salted water, disassemble into smaller inflorescences and put in a cup with knocked down eggs. We also put the fried and already cooled potatoes, mix everything with the egg mass.

Step 1: prepare raw vegetables.

First of all, we turn on the stove, put a full kettle with ordinary running water on it and bring the liquid to a boil. After using a slicing knife raw vegetables, peel onion, ginger root, garlic, and in chili peppers we cut off the stalk and gut it from the seeds. Then we rinse them under a stream of cold running water along with cauliflower, peeled potatoes and a bunch of cilantro.

Then we disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and put them in a deep saucepan. We also send unpeeled potato tubers into a separate deep saucepan. Dry the rest of the vegetables with paper kitchen towels, and shake the herbs over the sink to get rid of excess water.

Step 2: blanch the tomatoes.

While the vegetables were being prepared, the kettle was boiling, it's time to do the tomatoes, make a small cross-cut on the surface of each tomato, put them in a deep bowl and pour boiling water so that it completely covers the tomatoes.

We soak them in hot water for 5 - 7 minutes and transfer them with a slotted spoon to a bowl with cold running water. When the tomatoes have cooled, remove them from the bowl, lightly dip them with paper kitchen towels, and remove the skin.

We put them on a cutting board and cut into small cubes up to 1 centimeter in diameter. We shift the slicing into a deep plate.

Step 3: cook the cauliflower and potatoes.

While the tomatoes are lying in boiling water, we alternately fill the pan with cabbage and potatoes with ordinary running water so that the liquid is above the level of vegetables by 4 – 5 centimeters and put the containers on the stove, turned on to a strong level. After boiling, reduce the temperature of both burners to an average level and cook the cabbage for 5 minutes... Then, helping yourself with a kitchen towel, remove the pan from the stove and dump its contents into a colander. Leave the cabbage in a colander for 5 - 7 minutes, to leave the boiling water and transfer it to a deep bowl.

Cook potatoes for 20 - 25 minutes until soft. We check the readiness with a table fork, if it enters the flesh of the vegetable gently, without pressure, then the potatoes are ready, remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon, transfer it to a deep bowl and cool it together with the cabbage to room temperature.

Step 4: chop the onions, ginger, garlic, cilantro and chili.

Wait until they cool down, potatoes with cabbage are not worth it, we immediately start preparing other, important products. Put the onions on a cutting board and cut them into cubes up to 1 centimeter. Then chop the garlic cloves into small pieces. After we cut the ginger root and chili pepper, it can be the same cubes or straws up to 5 millimeters thick. Behind them is a small bunch of cilantro, we just finely chop the greens and leave the slices on a cutting board.

Step 5: prepare the boiled potatoes.

After the potatoes have cooled down, remove the peel, place the vegetable on a cutting board and cut into large cubes from 2 to 3 centimeters. Transfer the slices to a deep bowl. We also put salt and all the spices indicated in the ingredients on the kitchen table.

Step 6: fry the boiled potatoes.

It's time to start cooking. We turn on the stove to the middle level and put a frying pan with 2 tablespoons on it vegetable oil... When the fat is warmed up, carefully place the potato cubes on the bottom of the pan and fry them, stirring with a kitchen spatula until light golden brown. This process will take about 5 - 7 minutes... After the potatoes are fried, transfer them back to the bowl and pour a new portion of vegetable oil into the pan, that is, another 1 - 2 tablespoons.

Step 7: fry the cabbage.

Heat the oil again and also gently dip the cabbage inflorescences into it. Fry them until blush, stirring occasionally with a kitchen spatula to fry evenly.

After about 7 - 8 minutes the vegetable will take on the desired blush, transfer the cabbage back to the bowl of potatoes.

Step 8: bring the dish to full readiness.

Do not turn off the stove, put a clean frying pan on it and pour the remaining oil into it - 1 - 2 tablespoons. Heat the fat slightly and pour the onion and garlic into it. Stir fry vegetables for 2 - 3 minutes to a light golden crust and transparency. Then add chopped ginger, chili pepper to the pan, add the right amount cumin, coriander, turmeric and add chopped tomatoes. We extinguish everything about 45 minutes.

When the tomatoes are juiced and softened, add to them fried potatoes, cabbage, cilantro and salt to taste. We mix all the ingredients of the dish until a uniform consistency, cover the pan with a lid and simmer them for 5 minutes... Then turn off the stove and insist the vegetable yummy under the lid for more 5 - 6 minutes... After a while, we lay out the fragrant dish in portions on plates and serve.

Step 9: Serve the cauliflower with potatoes.

Cauliflower with potatoes is served hot as the main second hot dish or as a side dish for meat, fish or poultry dishes. If desired, each portion of this dish can be sprinkled with fresh finely chopped dill, cilantro or parsley. Also, such a dish can be supplemented with salads from fresh vegetables, pickles or pickles. Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

The set of spices can be adjusted at will, varying their amount, and it can also be supplemented with such spices as white allspice, ground laurel leaf, savory, sage, and these are just a few of all possible options.

Dried and shredded versions of these ingredients can be used in place of fresh chili and ginger.

Canned tomatoes can be used instead of fresh tomatoes in own juice skinless or tomato juice(250 milliliters).

Dill or parsley can be used instead of cilantro.