Dough and dough without dough. Safe yeast dough

Many people love pastries, but they do not quite know how such dough differs from ordinary bread dough. Rather, the taste speaks for itself. Delicate, airy, as if slightly oily products literally melt in your mouth. Yes, and baking stale more slowly than ordinary bread. But how can we achieve such a basis for our pies and buns? A selection of recipes butter dough you will find below. We warn you right away that such a base is not always made with yeast. Many housewives, especially those who are limited in time, do not like to tinker with this capricious colony of microorganisms. But there is also "fresh", that is, yeast-free butter dough... In this case, the role of a baking powder is played by soda slaked with vinegar, lactic acid bacteria, which are found in kefir, yogurt, sour cream, or in wine and beer. We will tell you in detail about how to prepare butter dough using sponge and non-steam methods. After reading this article, you will learn how to make Slavic pies and crumpets, French brioches, Viennese pastries.

What is baking and how does it differ from another dough

First, let's allow ourselves a little educational program. Many recipes for yeast dough begin with the words: "Make a dough ...". What it is? This is the name of the semi-finished product - the basis of the future dough. The dough is always liquid and consists of yeast, warm water (or milk) and a small amount of flour. What is it for? To start the yeast activation process. Dough is also used for baking ordinary bakery products... But it is definitely a must if we are planning to make baked goods. Why? We use eggs and fat in the yeast dough, and we also use a lot of sugar in sweet buns. All these products create a not very favorable environment for bacteria to live. Therefore, with the help of dough, we first activate the colony. What is the difference between butter dough? After all, there is also a yeast base for other products. The fact is that at the stage of dough, we introduce milk, cream or sour cream into the "semi-finished product". The fat in them is already bound, so it won't harm the bacteria. And sugar (molasses or honey) will only spur the yeast multiplication process. As a result, the dough rises perfectly and turns out to be airy, soft and tender. Fat and sugar in the base should be at least 14 percent of the total mass. Only such dough has the right to be called butter. And we add these products to the brew. This action is called a snack.

Very quick dough

Think that in order to cook buns need to spend the whole weekend? You are wrong. There is a quick pastry recipe that we will apply here. He will help you out if time is running out, but suddenly you wanted buns or pies. The main thing is that all the ingredients are at room temperature, and the yeast is dry (they rise faster than fresh ones). Heat the glass of milk a little - so that the finger is warm, but not scalding hot. Add a pack (10 g) of dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt to a bowl. Stir. After five minutes, pour in 180 grams of melted butter... Stir again. We begin to slowly add flour. At the same time we sift it so that it is enriched with oxygen. In total, it can take up to half a kilogram of flour. You should get a soft, still warm dough that does not stick to your fingers. Let's leave him to rest for ten minutes. Now you can form products - buns, buns, pies.

Brioche dough. Dough preparation

Those who have visited France have probably tasted delicious bread, sweet, tender, practically not stale. Such a product is called "brioche". It can be made interspersed, but without any filling, it is also incredibly tasty. The recipe for brioche pastry is quite complicated, but the result is worth the effort and time. First of all, take out a pack (200 g) of butter from the refrigerator. We need it soft, but not melted on fire. Heat a glass of milk to a temperature comfortable for yeast. It is 38-45 degrees. Remove the bowl of milk from heat and add two teaspoons of dry yeast. We mix. Add 35 grams of sugar and a spoonful of flour immediately. Mix again. Leave the bowl for five minutes.

Kneading brioche dough

While the dry yeast wakes up and begins to multiply in the dough, beat five eggs in a separate container. We are especially not zealous - it is enough to achieve a light foam. After five minutes, we will see that bubbles have appeared in the dough. This means that the yeast woke up normally and started working. Add eggs and another 35 grams of sugar to the dough. Mix well. Now add half a pack of soft butter to the dough. Pour 300 grams of flour right there. Knead the sweet yeast dough. Gradually add another 300 grams of flour. Knead until the dough stops sticking to your palms. This may take some time. Then add the remaining oil. Knead again until the fat is completely absorbed into the dough. We persistently continue to knead for another five minutes. The dough should not only not stick to your hands, but also lag well behind the walls of the bowl. Only then we cover the bun with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for four to five hours. After that, you can already shape the products and bake them. This dough is not only suitable for brioches. It makes delicious croissants as well as Viennese pastries.

First of all, we prepare the dough. To do this, heat a glass of milk and dilute yeast in it. Earlier we gave recipes where a dry product, powder was used. But now let's try to use fresh yeast. You will need more of them - 50 grams per glass of milk. Stir well so that no lumps remain. Place the bowl of milk in a warm place, away from drafts. Sponge dough with dry yeast rises faster. But with a fresh product, you can be sure of the result - a live culture will certainly “work”. Melt the butter or spread (150 grams) in a water bath. It is important that the fat does not boil over. Beat the egg in a cup with a fork. Add 150 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, a bag of vanillin and butter slightly cooled to 45 degrees into the dough. We knead. Then add the egg. Sift 700 grams of flour into a wide bowl. Pour in the liquid mixture. Quickly knead the dough, cover with a towel and put in a warm place. When the base increases in size by two and a half or even three times, we crumple it and form the product. The rolls, already placed on the baking sheet, must stand a little longer before entering the oven. They should increase slightly in size.

Dough on the water

Above we have given recipes in which butter dough was kneaded in milk. But this medium is not entirely suitable for yeast. We will also use milk in buns, but later. In the meantime, let's make the dough by classic recipe bread - in a glass of water. We heat the liquid, as usual, to 40 degrees. We breed in it cut into pieces 70 grams fresh yeast... Pour in a tablespoon of sugar and two glasses of flour. Stir and put the dough in a warm place. We heat half a liter of milk. We dilute in it two glasses of sugar and 175 grams of butter or margarine. We will definitely wait until the milk reaches a temperature that is comfortable for the yeast. And only then will we pour it into the dough in a thin stream. Mix gently with a wooden spatula or hand. Beat three eggs in a separate container. We introduce them into the dough together with a bag vanilla sugar and a teaspoon of salt. We begin to sift the flour. It should take ten glasses. We stir strictly in one direction with the hand. When the dough becomes elastic, grease the work surface and palms with vegetable oil, put the bun out of the bowl and continue to knead. From time to time we hit them with force on the table. This will release more gluten from the flour. After that, it is worth letting the dough rest in a warm place under a towel for two hours. During this time, it should increase threefold. We bake the products for a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.

Butter dough for pies

Now let's look at how to make a base for stuffed products. If you want to not only bake the pies, but also fry them, the dough for them should be especially fat. But we prepare the dough according to the classic recipe: in a deep bowl, dissolve a bag (10 grams) of dry yeast in half a glass of warm boiled water. Add a spoonful of sugar. Mix the dough and put it in a warm place without drafts for a quarter of an hour. A glass of sour cream must be brought to room temperature in advance. We drive an egg into the container, add two pinches of salt. Pour in sour cream. Stir. We add this liquid mass to the dough. Gradually adding a pound top grade, knead the butter dough with sour cream. We roll up the bun, wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time, it is necessary to unfold the dough once and knead it. The base should double in size. This dough will keep the filling inside well. It is sticky and molds beautifully. If you are thinking of frying pies, then you need to add a little to the dough vegetable oil.

Is there a baking without the use of eggs?

Many vegetarians don't know that they can be tasty too. lush buns... But there are recipes for butter dough that do not involve the use of eggs. True, the list of ingredients includes dairy products, in particular, butter. But vegans can replace this product with margarine on vegetable fats. And the baking turns out to be as tasty and tender as usual, on eggs. We will heat half a liter of milk to 40 degrees. Vegans can substitute water for this product, but increase the proportion of margarine. Dissolve three teaspoons of natural dry yeast in milk. If you purchased a “fast” product, reduce the amount to a standard sachet (10 grams).

Vegetarian muffin kneading process

In a small saucepan, melt 125 grams of butter or margarine. And in a large bowl, where we will knead the tender pastry, sift five glasses of flour. Mix it with two teaspoons of salt, one hundred grams of sugar and a bag of vanillin. Pour the dough into the dry ingredients (milk with yeast). Mix well. Pour in the ghee. First, knead with a spoon, and then, when the dough ceases to be too sticky, with your hands. Sometimes we lift the bun and hit it with force on the table top. The continuous kneading process should last at least a quarter of an hour. Only then will the dough become very elastic and pleasant to the touch. Put two tablespoons of flour on the table. Continue kneading until the dough absorbs it completely. Grease a large bowl with vegetable oil. We put the bun in there. Cover with cling film and leave warm for two hours. During this time, the dough for buns, rolls or pies should double in size. When this happens, we move the bowl with the bun without removing the film into the refrigerator. There, the base needs to spend four hours, or even better - a night.

How to work with such a dough before baking products

Vegetarian buns differ from regular buns not only in that eggs are missing from the list of ingredients. If the dough is allowed to warm up, it will become too soft and stick to your hands. Therefore, we take out a small amount of it from the refrigerator. A high-quality, well-fitting dough is recognized by the fact that on its cut you will see small pimples, similar to frozen foam. When cold, such a base rolls out and molds perfectly. It's a pleasure to work with her. The dough holds the filling perfectly, and the edges of the patties are pinched well. But it should be remembered that the products need to be formed smaller. When we place them on a baking sheet, the dough will need to be given two hours for it to heat up and grow 2 times more. Therefore, you need to place the pies away from each other so that they do not stick together in cramped conditions. For baking, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We cook depending on the size of the products. Buns and pies are baked for half an hour, and rolls - 40 minutes. The filled pie dough will be ready in an hour. After all, the contents tend to liquefy the base, and therefore the product takes longer to bake.

Cooking in a bread maker

Electric kitchen helpers should not be neglected. If a person invented them, it was only in order to make the dishes of high quality, and the work of a cook is easier. If the bread maker, in addition to its direct function, also knows how to knead the dough, let it do it! And you just put in her bowl necessary ingredients and turn on the desired program. Which one? It depends on the brand of your machine. Here we will look at how to make butter dough in Panasonic and Redmont bread makers. Pour half a glass of warm milk into a bucket. We drive in the egg (you need to hold it for an hour before room temperature). Add 40 grams of softened butter and two teaspoons of vegetable oil. Do not forget to add salt and add two soup spoons of sugar. Stir the ingredients. Pour in 280 grams of sifted wheat flour... And finally, add one and a half teaspoons of dry natural yeast... As you can see, the sequence of placing products in a bread maker is fundamentally different from kneading butter dough in the usual way. However, always follow the instructions supplied with your machine type. Choosing the program " Yeast dough". After an hour and a half, the bread maker will knead the base for the pies and let it settle.

Kefir recipe

Would you like to enjoy soft and fluffy dough? Then use kefir instead of milk. The bifidobacteria contained in it will help the yeast fluff up the dough even more. First, heat 300 milliliters of kefir. We breed 5 grams of dry yeast or 15 g of fresh yeast in it. Stir until smooth. Immediately add an egg, a pinch of salt, ghee (50 g) and half a glass of sugar to this mixture. Pour in 550 g of flour and mix-mix-mix. After 10 minutes, you will have a bun made of delicious pastry that does not stick to your hands. We put it in a bowl, cover with foil and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. And only after that we begin to form the products.

Safe way ... The dough preparation process consists of the following operations: preparation of components, kneading dough, fermentation and kneading.

With the bezoparny method, the dough is kneaded immediately from all the raw materials relying on the recipe. Water or milk is heated to a temperature of 35 ° C, diluted and strained yeast, solutions of salt, sugar, eggs or melange are added and sifted flour is added. The dough is kneaded thoroughly. The readiness of the test is determined by its uniformity, the absence of lumps. In addition, well-kneaded dough easily falls off the hands and the sides of the dishes. At the end of the kneading, margarine or vegetable oil is introduced, it reduces the destruction of gluten and slows down the process of staling of finished products.

The dishes are covered with a lid or a clean cloth and placed for fermentation in a warm place with a temperature of 30-40 ° C for 3-4 hours. During fermentation, the dough is kneaded 2-3 times. The kneading is necessary in order for the dough to be freed from excess carbon dioxide, which suppresses the activity of the yeast, and for a more even distribution of the yeast cells in the thickness of the dough. As a result, the dough becomes more porous and elastic.

The end of fermentation is determined by external signs: the fermented dough increases in volume by 2.5 times, acquires a pleasant alcoholic smell, the surface of the dough is convex.

Fried pies. The dough is cut into portions required mass, molded in the form of balls, laid out on the table at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other and allowed to stand for 5-6 minutes. Then they are turned over and rolled into circles with a thickness of 4-5 mm. Minced meat is placed in the middle, the edges are connected, giving the shape of a crescent, placed on a greased baking sheet and allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes. Then the pies are deep-fried, heated to 160-170 ° C.

The readiness of the pies is determined by the color of the crust or by the break. The pies are made with various minced meat: meat and eggs, liver and onions, fish and rice, rice and eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage and eggs, jam and jam.

Belyashi. The dough is cut into flat cakes in 2 pieces. per serving. Minced meat is placed in the middle of the cake and the edges of the dough are pinched, giving the products a flat shape.

For minced meat, meat is passed through a meat grinder, finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, water are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Fry in a large amount of fat on both sides until cooked, and initially they are placed in the pan with minced meat down.

Pies. They can be open, half-open and closed. For open pie the dough is cut in the form of a cake, which is placed in a mold with low edges, oiled, or on a oiled pastry sheet. Put the filling on top, and the edges are slightly wrapped by 1.5-2 cm, giving the product a round shape.

A semi-open cake is formed in the same way, but the top is covered with thin strips of dough in the form of a grid. This is usually how sweet pies are prepared.

When preparing closed pies, one layer of dough with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm is placed evenly over the entire surface of minced meat (from fish and potatoes, or fish and eggs, or potatoes and meat, cabbage, etc.), covered with a second layer and pinched.

5-10 minutes before the end of the proofing, the pies are smeared with melange, several punctures are made and baked at a temperature of 210-240 ° C for 30-45 minutes.

Donuts. The dough is prepared with a weak consistency. When cutting the dough, inventory and equipment are lubricated with vegetable oil. The dough is cut in the same way as for fried pies, giving the donuts the shape of rings or balls. After 20-30 minutes of proving, the donuts are fried in fat.

Sprinkle with icing sugar on leave.

Yeast dough is kneaded in two ways: sponge and unpaired. Dough preparation method is divided into two stages: dough preparation and fermentation, dough preparation and fermentation. Dough is called batter, which is kneaded at the rate of the full rate of liquid, half the rate of flour and the full rate of yeast. Dough is best used for butter dough, as baking slows down the rise of the dough. Knowing some of the intricacies of kneading sponge dough, you can make high-quality pastry for pies, pies and rolls.


  • Wheat flour - 500-580 g
  • Liquid (milk or water) - 1 glass
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Butter or margarine - 70 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Pressed yeast - 15 g
  • or dry yeast - 5 g
  • Salt - ½ tsp

How to cook

First you need to "feed" the yeast. To do this, dissolve the yeast in 1/3 cup warm water or milk.

Add a teaspoon of sugar and half a glass of flour, mix well until thick sour cream.

Put the mixture in a warm place until the "cap" appears or the mass volume increases by 3-4 times (with fed yeast, the future dough ripens faster and thus the quality of the yeast used is checked).

To prepare the dough, pour the remaining liquid into the fed yeast, add half of the flour and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Place the dough in a warm place for fermentation for 40-60 minutes until it increases in volume by 2-3 times and until small bubbles appear on the surface. When the dough begins to fall off, add all the other products according to the recipe into it:

Eggs, remaining sugar, salt, butter (butter should have a consistency like thick sour cream), mix thoroughly.

Sift most of the remaining flour into the mixture and knead the dough.

Then put the dough on a board and, adding the rest of the flour as needed, beat the dough with your hands until it becomes elastic, that is, until it starts to easily lag behind your hands.

Many young housewives believe that unpaired yeast dough and sponge yeast dough Is a dough that requires complex culinary skills. Meanwhile, such a dough - with and without dough, is quite simple to prepare. Take advantage of our tips and pamper your household with delicious and aromatic.

If you want to quickly get an elastic and not crumbly dough for crumpets, pies and pies (savory), then it is better to use unpaired yeast dough... To do this, take less than 1 kg of flour, 0.5 liters of kefir (yogurt), 1 bag of baking powder, not full of art. a spoonful of salt, 1 egg and 11 g of dry yeast (1 sachet). After mixing all the ingredients, leave soft dough for 1.5-2 hours to rise, then proceed to shaping and baking the products.

Traditional unpaired yeast dough is prepared as follows:

Sift 500-600 g of flour through a sieve. In 1 glass of water or milk, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 egg. Stir 20-30 g of fresh yeast in warm water or milk. If you are using dry yeast, add half the bag directly to the flour. Knead the dough by adding the resulting mixture of liquid, egg, salt and sugar to the flour. By the way, if you want to get a sweet dough, then take half a glass of granulated sugar. Then add 4 tablespoons to the dough. tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly until it stops sticking to your hands (10-15 minutes). You can use melted and chilled margarine or butter instead of vegetable oil. Place the dough in a container so that it can double in volume during fermentation. After 1-2 hours, the dough is kneaded and left again to come up. Then you can start forming products. After placing the products on a baking sheet, leave them for 15-20 minutes and only then place them in a preheated oven.

Recipe - Sponge yeast dough

Suitable for baking muffins sponge yeast dough... For dough, you need a bag of dry or 50 g of fresh yeast, which we dilute in 1.5-2 glasses of warm milk. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of sugar and a glass of flour, so that the dough resembles sour cream in consistency. Place the dough in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. A kind of wrinkles should form on the raised dough. If you want to make a sweet dough, then take from 0.5 cups or more sugar and mash with 4-6 eggs (unsweetened - 1-2 tablespoons). Melt 100 g of margarine or butter (2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil can be used) and leave to cool. Then add the prepared ingredients to the risen dough, knead thoroughly and put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Before placing the baking sheet in a preheated oven (200-220 degrees), let the products rise.

In order for the baking to turn out exactly as you intended it, you need to know how to make yeast dough... But no matter how you prepare the yeast dough: sponge or unpaired, you need to remember that the dough absorbs energy and your mood!

Hello, dear readers of the site!

Yeast dough can be prepared using two methods: unpaired and sponge.

This article will tell you what are the features of cooking, for which products this or that type of dough is used, and in conclusion - detailed video how to make yeast dough.

The bezoparny method of preparing dough is used mainly when there is a small amount of baking (sugar, butter, eggs) in the products and for a dough not of a thick consistency, from which pancakes, pancakes, and fried pies are prepared.

How to cook yeast dough in a safe way: pour milk or water into a saucepan, heat it to 30 degrees, dissolve yeast, as indicated in the recipe, add the right amount add sugar, salt, flour and knead everything for 5-8 minutes of eggs, necessary for flavoring the substance.

The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps, of medium consistency. Before you finish kneading, add warmed butter to the dough.

The dishes containing the dough are covered with a clean towel and placed in a warm place for 3.5 - 4.5 hours. During this time, fermentation occurs, as a result of which the yeast produces carbon dioxide, which loosens the dough. In order to remove excess carbon dioxide from the dough, you need to knead.

As a result of kneading, the dough will be enriched with oxygen from the air. Oxygenation will lead to the active development of yeast, the dough and finished products will significantly increase in volume.

If the flour is with good gluten, the kneading is done 2-3 times, otherwise - once.

It is believed that 25-30 degrees is the optimal temperature for dough fermentation. At a lower temperature, fermentation will slow down, at a higher temperature, it will accelerate. However, it should be noted that the fermentation process will stop altogether if it is colder than +10 degrees and warmer than +55 degrees.

How to prepare yeast dough in a sponge way: heat milk or water to 30-35 degrees, dissolve yeast, add half of the amount of flour required by the recipe. Knead the dough (dough), which should turn out like thick sour cream.

Place the dough for 3-3.5 hours in a warm place (28-30 degrees) to ferment. The dough will be ready when gas bubbles actively form on its surface. After the dough sits slightly, add all the products necessary for the recipe to it and knead the dough, let it ferment for 1-2 hours and rise. During this time, do one workout.

Proofing plays an important role in the preparation of yeast dough products. As a result of such manipulations as kneading and cutting on the board, the dough becomes stronger in consistency. To make the products lush, well-baked, light, porous, you need to proof them.

To do this, the products, ready for baking, are placed on a baking sheet, covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place. Products "grow", gain volume - they are inflated from the inside by carbon dioxide. How long it takes for proofing is usually specified in the recipe. But this period is only approximate. The rise of the dough is influenced by the temperature, the type of flour, the quality of the yeast, so the hostess herself determines whether the product is ready for baking.

There is also no exact answer to the question of how long to bake the products, the richness, shape and size of products matter here. If you have to bake something small (less than 100 grams), the baking time is from 8 to 15 minutes at a temperature of 240-260 degrees, larger products (500-1000 grams) are baked for 20-25 minutes, preheating the oven to 200-240 degrees.

Now that we know how to make yeast dough, we can start baking something delicious, for example.

Interpretation of culinary dreams: seeing flour in a dream - to a calm and happy life. When a young woman gets dirty in flour in her dream, the husband will be the main one in the house, and life will be filled with pleasant worries.