Step-by-step instructions for making dough crafts. How to make salted modeling dough - step by step recipes

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Over the years, testoplasty professionals have reached such heights that their products can be safely placed on a par with plaster or clay figurines, panels and small sculptures.

The material is also unique in that even an unintelligent two-year-old child can start modeling. Crafts from the dough only at first glance seem like a funny pampering or a childish activity. If interest in them does not fade with age, you can learn how to create serious large-scale works that will decorate houses or even museum exhibitions for more than a dozen years.

The uniqueness of the material

Before moving on to the practical aspect of testoplasty, it should be explained why, in fact, this natural material is so unique that it managed to attract the attention and interest of dozens of novice and experienced molders.

The uniqueness of salted dough (namely, this type is used) consists of several positions:

  1. Profitability. If you take one kilogram finished dough and the same amount by volume of not the most expensive plasticine, the first one will cost several times cheaper.
  2. Availability. High-quality plasticine or various kits for children's creativity are not only expensive, but not always available in stores. And water, salt, flour can always be found in any family or in the nearest trade booth.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Modern sculpting materials contain great amount substances that, to put it mildly, are not entirely useful not only for children, but also for adults. And naturalness and safety home test unconditional one hundred percent. Therefore, parents can absolutely not worry, looking at the hands and faces of babies soiled with mass.
  4. Durability. Ready-made figurines and crafts, if dried correctly, will last for more than a dozen years. But plasticine can float, burn out and just fall apart.
  5. Aesthetic appeal. Salted dough crafts, masterfully made in different techniques, painted and varnished, look amazing, spectacular, bright and very stylish.
  6. A variety of recipes, modeling techniques. The dough can be made different ways, as well as making a craft. It can be a toy, figurine, sculpture, panel, painting, bouquet or even a vase of flowers. And if you use additional decor (beads, ribbons, fur, etc.), you get a rather complex composition belonging to the class of bioceramics.

Salted dough crafts, masterfully made in different techniques, painted and varnished, look amazing, spectacular, bright and very stylish

Based on all that has been said, it becomes clear why the popularity of the test is only growing. And if you are interested in dough plastic, we will tell you how to prepare the original salted mass.

Dough preparation

The more pliable and plastic the initial mass is, the easier and easier it will be to work with it, the more detailed the figure is worked out. And compliance is the correct kneading and strict adherence to proportions. There are a lot of ways to prepare edible "plasticine", and every housewife will probably choose the best one for herself over time. Here is the one that is considered the most popular.

The more pliable and plastic the initial mass is, the easier and easier it will be to work with it, the more detailed the figure is worked out

If you need salted dough for sculpting a craft, the recipe will be as follows: you need to take a pound wheat flour(necessarily top grade), 200 ml of unboiled ice water, 200 g of extra salt.

Knead the dough thoroughly, until smooth without lumps and breaks. It is then that the finished products will retain their appearance and integrity for a very long time, and sculpting will be very simple. Such material is obedient and will quickly embody any creative idea of ​​a child or adult. Besides, it's ... edible.

Attention! If the young creator wants to send a ready-made bear, bunny or strawberry into his mouth, the parent will only have to smile: there will be no harm from this.

Correct drying and staining

If the ingredients were verified with Swiss precision, the dough succeeded, and the process of creating a work of art was completed, this does not mean that it will be possible to preserve it for many years. For the finished work, you still need to properly dry or, as some say, bake. Let's make a reservation right away: microwave ovens, solar window sills, hot batteries, open balconies and superheated greenhouses are not suitable for this! If you leave the figurine just on the table, for example, for a day, it will be able to dry out only by ... a millimeter, which means that it will soon deform and fall apart.

The test needs heat treatment(by the way, like firing clay), and with strict adherence to the temperature and duration of baking

The dough needs heat treatment (by the way, like firing clay), and with strict adherence to the temperature and duration of baking. However, the size of the object also matters: if it is a large figurine, it will take longer to dry, and a small one will dry a little faster.

The finished masterpieces should be placed in the oven in a baking dish, which must be covered with foil. At a minimum temperature of 75 ° C, it takes an hour to dry the product, at 10 ° C - half an hour, at 120 and 150 - 30 minutes. During this time, the figures need to be periodically rotated, shifted from one side to the other, so that the baking is uniform.

Advice! If in a hand-made edible figurine there is a decor of rhinestones, beads, beads, you should not set the temperature above 120 ° C.

The dried object must cool down, and only then can it be painted. It is better to take gouache or acrylic for this. The choice of colors and painting techniques remains with the author. You can go the other way: dye the dough itself during kneading, using factory food dyes for this.

Colored masterpieces must be covered with colorless varnish, preferably in two layers. Any nail composition will do. And then the work will not fade and fade for a very, very long time.

Colored masterpieces must be covered with colorless varnish, preferably in two layers

Crafts for a child 2-3 years old

The versatility of the test lies in the fact that it is suitable for serious masters with experience, both adolescents and toddlers, who, with its help, in a playful way, develop creative inclinations, attention, perseverance, and fine motor skills. Naturally, two-, three-year-olds a priori will not be able to create something large and complex. Therefore, you need to start with elementary, understandable characters and objects.

Tactile contact is very important for children, they always want to touch and touch everything

Tactile contact is very important for children, they always want to touch and touch everything. Therefore, at the first stage, let the baby just hold it, remember the mass in the pens.

  • funny caterpillars, snails, bows, numbers, vegetables will come out of the “sausages” rolled with a rolling pin or by hand;
  • from balls of different sizes, you can, smeshariki, koloboks, little men, especially if you add extraneous decor;
  • from flour cubes, you can fold a wall, a pyramid, a house, or you can write letters of the alphabet on them and add the name of the child, the simplest words;
  • if you roll out the dough into a pancake, you can squeeze out funny faces on it with different objects, lay out simple pictures, figures, silhouettes with multi-colored beans, pasta;
  • from the same pancake, you can cut ready-made figures with cookie cutters.

With age and acquired skills, the child will be able to do something more ambitious.

With age and acquired skills, the child will be able to do something more ambitious.

Crafts for preschool children

After 4 years of age, the child may already be bored with adding cubes and balls. Something more complicated is required here. An older child can be asked to make pictures from the test.

Let him first draw what he wants on a small piece of paper. Then this image will turn into a volumetric one, which the child will paint at the final stage.

Important! One cannot do without the help of an adult, but at 4-5 years old the child will have more independence.

Pictures can be very different: simple landscapes, animals, flowers, nature. If a holiday is approaching, you can make such a picture as a gift. After painting, the craft must be varnished and hung on the wall. This will be a visual reason for the baby to be proud of himself.

Six-year-olds are already able to perform complex, voluminous compositions, especially if their modeling experience is 2-3 years. Preschoolers have enough patience and skills to make small sculptures, animal figurines, whole flower vases or fruit baskets. Fans of cartoons or superhero films can easily sculpt their favorite hero or a whole scene from a movie. Many people are able to spend more than one day on work and independently complete the entire creative process from creating a sketch to its implementation.

Preschoolers have enough patience and skills to perform small sculptures, animal figurines, whole flower vases or fruit baskets

The older the child becomes, the more ambitious and complex the work will be. Choosing salted dough for sculpting crafts, usually young creators simply gush with ideas.

However, viewing photos on the Internet can not only spur their imagination, but also open up new ways, techniques of work, unusual colors, teach how to use third-party decor, expand the creative horizon and, possibly, turn bioceramics classes into a lifelong business.

Salted dough crafts are environmentally friendly decor items, and their production can turn into a real hobby that can be practiced not only with children. Many adult wizards create masterpiece compositions from this material that amaze with their skill and limitless imagination.

And if you connect little pranksters to this activity, this will give you the opportunity to have a great leisure time with the kids. In this way, you are guaranteed to distract the kids from TVs and attract them to a useful activity.

What is useful for children of different ages

In addition, modeling from "flour" plasticine is allowed for children from the age of two, due to the composition of the raw materials - there is nothing harmful in it and it is not at all scary, even if a tomboy pulls a piece into his mouth. The pluses also include the development of motor skills and the ability to study geometric shapes. A child with the proper curiosity for his age will study the balls-cubes, and then guess them with delight.

Ideas for sculpting, you can well glean from online resources, in which there are many videos and photos of master classes for novice sculptors. The most troublesome is the preparation of plastic material - despite the short list of components, you will have to practice.

"Salt" means that the dough can lose its properties under the influence of external factors. This is due to incorrectly selected components.

Here are some secrets to creating the perfect plastic mass:

  • Prefer salt without any additives. Its composition should not include iodine, because it has an anti-caking effect, and as a result, the part will not keep its shape, or "creep away" even at the stage of mixing the mass.
  • Also pay attention to the grinding of the salt. Only a fine fraction product is used for mixing. Choose quality flour. Otherwise, the product will acquire a grayish tint, which will reduce the decorative qualities.
  • If you plan to store raw materials over a period of time, be sure to place them in cellophane. Do not forget about this procedure during sculpting - the element very quickly weathered and stops sculpting.

Salty dough recipe

The basis is flour, salt and water. In some formulations, there is a mention of the addition of creams or vegetable oil to the composition. Here you should be prepared for the fact that, as a result, not every paint will fall flat on the toy.

Cooking chronology:

  1. Mix the bulk ingredients in a bowl in equal proportions.
  2. Introduce the liquid gradually. On average, two cups of dry ingredients will require about 100 grams of cold liquid. Here you should rely on consistency, because the level of gluten is different for each flour. As a result, you should get a mass somewhat reminiscent of softened plasticine.

Tip: for greater elasticity of the mass, you can drop a couple of drops of glycerin into it, which is freely available at any pharmacy. If you opted for oil, then give preference to the children's company "Johnsons".

If you are going to be creative with children, then various animals and cartoon characters such as smeshariki will be relevant options. It will be interesting for the boys to fashion their own soldier, who can be played at the end of the process. For clarity and simplification of the task for the kid, you can easily print pictures from the Internet so that the child sees a good example.

Adults, on the other hand, can make all kinds of panels with their own hands, which will later decorate the interior of the apartment, or gifts to loved ones for the upcoming holidays of 2019/2020. It can be vases with flowers, and decorated containers for storing food and even Christmas tree decorations for the New Year.

Features of drying salt dough

  • You can dry a made souvenir in several ways:
  • The fastest is in the wind chamber. For this, the temperature is set to no higher than 100C, and the procedure itself is carried out in several approaches. However, there is a chance that the product will not dry out, but rather fry.
  • The second way is the best. Drying is done naturally. To do this, you need to lay out the workpieces so that direct sunlight falls on them, and wait a couple of days.

  • Sketch the sketch before starting work. For complex dimensional crafts such as a house or casket decor, carry out the process in stages, thinking over every little thing.
  • If you intend to make a volumetric element, then use foil as a base. It should be rolled into the desired shape, which is subsequently "covered" with a plastic mixture. Thus, mold cannot form on the creation, and the souvenir will dry out evenly.
  • When making flat figures, use stencils made of cardboard or thick paper.
  • Use nail files, scissors (they can be used to make sharp needles near a hedgehog), a fork or a teaspoon as a stack. An interesting pattern on the surface will allow you to achieve an openwork fabric or lace printed on top.
  • Hold the elements together by wetting the border with a brush. A stronger adhesion will be provided by PVA glue.
  • If the edges of the garment are cracked during the action, seal the cracks with a thinner mixture or smooth the texture with a damp finger.
  • Paint the figurine with gouache or acrylic. Watercolors can also be used, but the strength of the work may be lost. If desired, go over the top with a decorative colorless varnish. It is also permissible to stain the mixture with food pigments at the kneading stage.
  • For the originality of the finished souvenir, sparkles, beads or beads are quite applicable, which should be fixed after the blank has completely dried either with a glue gun or with a colorless "Moment".

This is interesting: instead of purchased food colors, use juices of various berries and vegetables. For example, red cabbage will give a deep blue hue, strawberries will give pink, and curry will give a bright yellow.

Now, having read the instructions on how to make biologically safe material, you can always find something to do for yourself and your child, and the availability of ingredients will allow you to organize it even in the country during your holidays.

Photo selection of interesting crafts from the dough

Good afternoon, today we are finally done large selection ideas for New Year's crafts from salt dough, and all ways to decorate them. Here you can find Christmas decorations made of dough, pendants or decorations for Christmas wreaths, New Year's characters fashioned from dough (snowman, Santa Claus, deer, penguin, etc.) and other dough crafts for children, suitable for classes in the garden or school. I promise that today you will fall in love with this world of wonderful salt crafts and want to make your own miracle for the New Year from salt dough with your own hands.

So let's get started. We'll start with the recipe.


For New Year's crafts.

  • Flour (wheat or rye) - 1 glass. It is rye salty dough that keeps its shape better.
  • Salt (finely ground for example "Extra") - 1 glass
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil(so as not to stick to your hands), or 1 tbsp. hand creams
  • PVA glue 2 tablespoons - optional, without it.
  • Water - how much the dough will take. Pouring gradually kneading the dough into a tight plastic lump

First, mix dry ingredients - salt, flour.

Add 1 tablespoon, rub with your hands. Add a spoon again and grind. We continue to pour and knead with our own hands. As soon as we have an elastic lump in our hands, our dough is ready.

Store the finished dough by wrapping it tightly in cling film and placing it on a shelf in the refrigerator.


Method 1 - paint the dough itself... You can dye the dough with food colors or salt colors for Easter eggs. COLORS are also suitable - jars of dyes from a hardware store, they are used to tint white wall paint in the desired color. They are cheap and rich in color.

Method 2 - paint the craft... Crafts can be made from unpainted dough and then painted with gouache on top and fixed with hairspray from a spray can.


We attach large parts of the craft to each other with a match or a toothpick. We glue the small parts on water, that is, we moisten the parts with water and apply them to each other.

As the crafts are sculpted, we hold a bowl of water next to it, moisten our hands or the dough itself from drying out. In the open air, the dough dries quickly and loses its elasticity.


It can be dried in the open air, on a radiator, in an oven (130-140 degrees).

Flat dough forms.

(Christmas crafts-toys for the Christmas tree).

The easiest way to make a dough craft is a flat silhouette covered with paint, with or without a pattern. Roll out the dough into an even layer, cut out the figures, dry. If you like perfect shapes, then I suggest you grind the dried part with sandpaper (sandpaper for grinding), sold in a hardware store for a penny. This will give you a perfectly flat craft surface.

We cover the figurine made of salt dough with paint of a background color (gouache, acrylic, even building acrylic is great). Dry. On this background, draw multi-colored patterns. Dry. We fix it with hairspray (or acrylic varnish).

Here is a great idea for children's crafts from salt dough for the New Year - a Bullfinch bird from the outlines of a child's palm. We put our palm on the cardboard, outline it with a pencil, cut it out. We put a cardboard palm on the rolled dough, cut it with a knife ... or scribble it with a knife and cut it out with scissors, carefully lifting the dough layer above the table without stretching it.

And now I want to tell several important tricks, secrets and nuances, which will help you immediately achieve a good bright result in work on New Year's dough crafts.

HOW TO OUTLINE the clear contours of the pattern on the salt dough.

First, we draw the details with a pencil on an already dried dough (we make a sketch), if it is successful, then we draw it with a black felt-tip pen (so that it becomes visible).

We paint all the details of the drawing with gouache, like a contour coloring, without fear of climbing on the black edge of the stroke. We dry the paint.

And then we go along all the edges with a black bold marker. So the outlines of the drawing will become clearer (see the photo below, where exactly the windows and doors of houses made of salt dough are drawn in this way)

THE SECRET of choosing a color for coloring dough crafts.

If you do not draw the boundaries of the details with a black stroke, then you must observe the CONTRAST RULE - that is, choose such paints where the colors themselves stand out against each other.

The craft star made of dough with a penguin in the photo below is very indicative - White paint looks bright in contrast to black, and red paint is brighter when adjacent to black and white.

But in the right photo below (with a butterfly made of salt dough), this rule is no longer followed. And pink flowers look pale and expressionless against the orange background of the craft.

But the blue flower (for crafts even lower in the shape of a star) is already bright - because the blue and orange are CONTRAST to each other.

You can make a pattern crafts from similar palette colors(white, blue, blue - as in the mitten from the photo below), but then you need to achieve a difference in their saturation - the hollow should be lighter, and the blue should be juicier and darker - so that there is no color fading.

And it is better to choose contrasting juicy colors (red + white + green) - as it was done for the craft on the right photo below - with New Year's sops made of salt dough. A beautiful and simple Christmas craft made of salt dough for children at school or senior group kindergarten. Cut the leaves with molds or scissors from salt dough. All painting of the craft is carried out with gouache.

How to paint with an embossed pattern.

You can paint colorful patterns on the salt dough, enriching the decor embossed relief (as in the photo with the New Year's dough craft below). There we first make indentations with a stamp - round berries (we squeeze out with a pencil and wash) and leaves (we do it with a stamp cut from a piece of raw potatoes).

After pushing through the relief pattern, we apply paint to the inside of the relief, giving the entire craft beautiful retro style.

How to color the salty dough itself.

First, we make a regular salty dough. Natural dough color. Then at the bottom of the glass in a couple of drops of water we dilute the food powder dye. And add this mixture to a small piece of dough. Knead evenly with your hands (hands will also be painted, not scary, everything will be washed off). We get a colored lump of dough - from it we make colored elements to decorate the dough crafts (for example, these buttons on the mittens below).

You can use food coloring or salted Easter coloring. In powder or immediately liquid (then it does not need to be soaked in water). As a result, we get a colored material for sculpting bright details that can be used to decorate a flat dough craft.

Depending on the amount of dye, you will get a bright juicy color (like a carrot on the nose of a dough snowman) or a pale pastel shade (like a salty dough owl in the right photo). As you can see, it's easy to do everything yourself. Even children will be happy to help knead the dye - they are fascinated by the process of spreading the color to all parts of the dough.

Graphic SECTOR painting

dough crafts.

With the help of the usual drawing ruler you can make a RELIEF GRAPHICS - divide the plane of the salted figurine into clear sectors (as it is done for crafts in the form of a heart with the photo below) and paint each sector with your own color. A beautiful and bright DIY Christmas craft made of salt dough that looks like factory stamping. Nicely done.

Similarly, you can extrude sectors WITH FLUID BORDERS(not in a straight line, but in a curved line). To do this, we take a sheet of thick cardboard, place it on the edge, slightly bending it - and press this curved edge of the cardboard into the dough. We get a smooth line of the groove (as it was done on Christmas tree decorations from the dough in the photo below).

Round grooves, in the form of a ring, are made using caps from medicine bottles, caps of felt-tip pens and other things.

We immediately whiten the grooves with white gouache, let them dry. And on top we apply already bright layers of paint.

We fix the craft with layers of hairspray, usually from the cheapest spray can (or cover it with a soft brush with acrylic varnish from a stationery store).

After varnishing, the color becomes brighter by 2-3 tones.

The varnish coating (especially in several layers) makes the craft sparkle as if it were made of ceramic with ceramic glaze.

Pay attention to the craft of salt dough mittens - ideal for kindergarten. We sculpt the mittens ourselves - and we give the children the opportunity to divide the sectors into strips with a ruler and paint the strips with different gouache colors. Simple and terribly interesting for all the kids in kindergarten and even the big boys from school. Craft-apple from a salt test is also a find for classes in kindergarten - and make a relief with a ruler on a leaf, and work with gouache for your own pleasure and with your own hands.

Crafts from the dough for the New Year

with rhinestones and sequins.

You can decorate salty dough crafts with various decorative items from a sewing store. Rhinestones, sequins, sequins, buttons, beads, beads - all this can add New Year's sparkle to your craft.

Decoupage technique

On crafts made from salt dough.

Flat dough silhouettes can be a great backdrop for paper napkin prints. The technique is called decoupage. And you don't need anything specifically for her, no chemicals, no tools. Just glue and patterned napkin and hairspray for finishing.

We take an already dried silhouette from salted dough. If necessary, grind it with emery paper so that the surface becomes smooth and even (although this is not necessary).

Apply a layer of PVA glue to the surface of the dough piece. Separate a thin top paper layer from the napkin with a pattern and put it on top of the glue, gently straightening the delicate paper, not allowing it to settle down with wrinkles or wrinkles.

It is not necessary to fill the entire surface of the salty craft with a napkin pattern. You can place the napkin pattern on only one side of the silhouette made of dough (as it was done on New Year's crafts-hearts made of salt dough). Before work, it is better to grind the dried hard surface of the parts with ordinary sandpaper, and cover it with white color (gouache or acrylic) - this way we will get the perfect "canvas" for our elegant art of decoupage.

Salt dough tools

(knives and scissors for craft decor)

Here in the photo below we see how interesting it is to use a knife and ordinary scissors when making crafts from salt dough. The edge of the knife creates a triangular, depressed silhouette, and with scissors you can cut the dough into protruding sharp pieces of the same shape.

This scissor trick comes in handy when you need to create plumage from handicrafts of salt dough birds. Actual craft for the New Year of the Rooster.

Salted dough weaving

For the New Year.

And here is an example of how you can do it yourself from salted dough KNITTED HEART... First, we sculpt long sausages-ropes from the dough with our hands.

Then we bend the long sausage in half and twist it into the HARNESS-SPIRAL.

We put 2 twisted bundles next to each other - sideways to the barrel - choosing such an arrangement so that the turns of each neighboring bundle look in the opposite direction. That is, one bundle with a coil diagonal left down, and another bundle with a diagonal of the coil right down. Thus, 2 plaits laid side by side form the illusion of ONE PIGLET.

If we place several such braids next to each other (of two bundles each), then we get LEAF, similar to the relief of a knitted pattern.

It remains to squeeze out the silhouette of a heart from this canvas (with a regular cookie cutter). And lay this knitted layer on top of another regular flat dough heart.

You can mold an ordinary pigtail (of three sausages) from salt dough, put it in a ring and decorate the craft like a Christmas wreath. Form pink petals from round dough cakes, put in a rose. Make the leaves with veins squeezed out by the edge of the knife.

Wicker dough can be decorated with silhouettes cut out with cookie cutters, such as stars. Below we see a master class on accurately painting dough crafts

After drying, each element is covered with thick gouache, we choose the painting design to our taste. You can add glitter elements and beading.

Dough crafts

With embossed patterns.

(embossing method).

Here is a salt dough craft decor method that all kids love. They are delighted with the openwork pattern that, as if by magic, appears on salt dough.

The easiest way to make a pattern on salt dough with your own hands is with button prints. We take large buttons without holes - using double-sided tape we glue them on ordinary wine corks - and we get convenient stamps that you can hold in your hands. We give the children stamps and they poke them into the rolled dough. Next, cut out the silhouettes of the Christmas trees with cookie cutters - and we get a craft in the form of a Christmas tree, with Christmas balls.

Look nice large metal button prints with a raised embossed pattern - antique.

Similarly, you can use grandmothers brooches, buttons with an eagle or a horse on daddy's jeans, grandfather's royal coins (hee-hee), embossed caps from mom's perfume, beer caps, the bottoms of Aunt Sima's crystal glasses and other interesting round stamps.

But this pattern on a Christmas tree made of salt dough was made using thick cardboard (or a rubber mat), which was rolled into a tube to form a curl at the end of the roll. And this curl was applied to the salted dough rolled out on the table. The result is simple and beautiful. An excellent children's craft for a competition for a school or kindergarten.

The bottom and sides of the decanter and other crystal flasks are an excellent storehouse of patterns for crafts from salt dough for the New Year.

You can also involve RELIEF TEXTILES - napkins, tablecloths, and fringed curtains. You can buy embossed lace in the store, or look for its elements in a drawer with beautiful linen.

Just put the lace on the rolled dough. And roll it over it with the same rolling pin. If there are no rolling pins in your house (you are such a mistress, what can you do), then it can be replaced with a smooth glass bottle or a spray of hairspray.

A very beautiful and clear relief is left by RUBBER WIPES (as in the photo below). The fashion for them has passed back in Soviet times - but for DIY New Year's crafts, you can buy a couple of elegant polyethylene napkins.

These are the patterned things made from plastic Chinese napkins.

How to do it right

paint the dough craft


We want the painting of the embossed patterned dough crafts to turn out bright. So that the paint does not smear the pattern, but only emphasizes it, highlights it. To make the pattern darker inside and lighter on top - how to do it?

And here's how - first we paint the entire craft in one color with a brush - we climb with a brush into all the grooves of the pattern. Dry until the paint is completely dry.

And then we take the paint 1-2 tones lighter (or generally of a different color) and work no longer with a brush, but with a foam sponge, or with a makeup sponge.

We smear this second paint on a plate, blot it with a sponge and carefully make an imprint of the sponge on the surface of our pattern - SO that the sponge does not press into the grooves-grooves of the pattern, but is applied only on top. We repeat the procedure with a sponge until we get an even coloring of the entire craft.

Thus, we will color the pattern with textured highlighting it in 2 color tones - on top and inside the relief.

And here (in the photo below) is still an original-painted and original-depressed craft made of salt dough. As far as I understand, this relief on the craft-star is made with help bags a la snake or crocodile skin... The surface of the bag was applied to the dough. All this was dried. And then they painted it with a brush and a sponge in several tint runs. Please note that not all places were painted over with a blue brush, somewhere a brush with white paint was walking. And then everything was powdered on top with soft white paint with the help of a foam sponge.

And you can also not look for any stamps for patterns - but prick the pattern yourself - with ordinary sticks, pencils, cocktail tubes. Just first, with the tip of a pencil, outline the lines of the future pattern - draw weak strips of future flower petals. And then, along the outlined lines, make point puncture-holes. If we take sticks of different thicknesses, then we get different points, this will give the composition additional artistic variability.

And yet nature itself can give us its own stamps for imprinting New Year's mood on dough crafts. Twigs of evergreen fir, imprints of cones and dry sinewy leaves. Even at home in a flower pot, you can find the source of a beautiful floral pattern.

Puff pastry crafts

do it yourself for the New Year.

See what flaky beauty you can do with your own hands. How beautiful DOUBLE-LAYER CRYSTALS from salted dough look. The lower base layer is made without a pattern, in a single color. We dry this layer thoroughly, then grind its surface with sandpaper (or pumice stone for the heels, also good). We cover the sanded base layer with paint, trying to achieve uniform staining (you can act not with a brush, but with a foam rubber sponge or spray paint from a can).

The upper patterned layer of the craft is already made of salted dough with a relief print. By the way, very beautiful prints can be made using tin old trays with embossed metal engraving. Your grandmother or elderly neighbor may have just such a tray. A neighbor will let you use it for a chocolate bar, if you sensibly explain to an alarmed old woman that in 5 minutes you will return the valuable rarity to the owner. If you don't trust, invite her to your kitchen-workshop, let her see how her tray helps to create a New Year's miracle.

And here is a children's craft for the New Year - in the form of bird pendants on a Christmas tree. Here the relief is applied to the upper layers - the wings and the breast. First, we cut out the body of the bird from the dough. Then the breast and wings.

We preliminarily make a relief impression WITH THE HELP OF A WIRE. Yes, an ordinary wire on a flat table is twisted in different winding directions, forming a flat pattern of twisted paths.

Then this wire is placed on rolled salted dough and pressed into its pulp with a rolling pin.

Two-layer children's crafts made of salt dough for the New Year must necessarily contain a New Year theme in their decor. These are snowflakes (cut from dough), these are red berries and holly leaves. Ribbons can also be sculpted from dough or you can take real satin ones.

It is possible and necessary to decorate multi-layer crafts with beads. The beads can be put on glue, or you can also string the bead on a wire, and twist the ends of the wire together, pierce the dough craft and spread the ends to the sides (in a spread). Such a wire fastening of the beads is used in the craft in the photo below.

Here we just see an example of a craft made of salted dough IN A FEW LAYERS. You will find out exactly how to make this New Year's flower from salt dough with your own hands if you read the article on our website.The principle of creating puff flowers from paper is shown there, and exactly the same principle allows you to make the same flowers from dough. The rolled dough is cut in the same way as paper, with scissors, and it is also convenient to lay it in puff tiered flowers for the New Year.

The flower petal layers can be glued together after drying - with hot thermo-glue from a gun. Or at batter... Check in advance how this or that method works.

But (in the photo below) we see a two-layer craft made of salt dough, to which volume was added. Very curious work. And in fact, making such a decoration for a Christmas tree is not difficult with your own hands.

Look - first we roll out the dough, then cut 2 rounds out of it with a glass. In him

We find at ourselves 2 Christmas balls of a suitable size. And we put our round pieces on the rounded belly of the Christmas tree ball. And we dry our workpiece like this right on the ball - so that it dries in the form of a hemisphere (bowl). Next, remove the two dry hemispheres from the Christmas tree ball and connect them together.

The most difficult thing is to do so that the edges of the hemispheres dock with each other (for this, each round, dressing on a Christmas ball, occupies EXACTLY HALF of this ball), does not go, so to speak, beyond the equator line.

You can make any pattern of salt dough curls on the surface of the round ball. As it is done in the photo below. We put a plastic wrap (non-woven, food grade) on the ball, and put the elements of the pattern on it. Dry in a ball. Then carefully remove, separate the cling film with our hands.

Liquid pattern

On crafts of salt dough.

In the photo below we see snow-white crafts made of polished salt dough, with an openwork pattern applied to it. Such a delicate almost lacy bas-relief can be made using the technique of "liquid drawing". We dilute the liquid salty dough and apply it with a confectionery syringe, or an envelope (a bag with a notched corner) - along the lines of the intended pattern.

First, sand the canvas - a dry flat piece of salt dough. Then on it with a pencil, chalk, or felt-tip pen, we will draw the lines of the future drawing. And we begin to slowly apply a thick pattern.

By the way, the same work can be done with gypsum diluted with water (gypsum plaster will do).

Try first on the probe, which works best for you with plaster or batter... How it dries, cracks from drying, or holds its shape. Try making samples with varying degrees of liquid (from very thick to thin).

So with your own hands and with your brains, you can think of and experiment with new and new techniques for working with salt dough... Try it. Be creative. Be disgraceful. Play pranks.

You can add dye to the batter (food, or color jars, which are sold in hardware stores for diluting them in white paint). Crafts with such a liquid pattern can be done imitating New Year's cookies, and sprinkle them with grains of coarse salt, imitating sprinkling sugar.

Salt dough crafts


You can make curly holes on toy pendants made of salt dough. In the form of stars, hearts, just round holes.

Or you can squeeze out a whole openwork pattern from molds of different configurations.

By the way, this is how you can make an openwork snowflake from salt dough. Here in the photo below we see an abbreviated master class - it immediately becomes clear how to actually make such a New Year's beauty with your own hands.

You can put THERMO-MOSAICs into the holes on the raw dough, which melts in the oven. And when baked, it will spread out in a colored lake inside the hole in the craft.

Instead of a mosaic, you can pour ordinary COLORED Lollipops - that is, sweets. They, too, will melt and fill the hole. It will turn out a beautiful craft with your own hands, just as if the children did not lick it off with their tongues.

New Year characters

from salted dough.

The dough can be used to make various New Year and winter characters. For example a snowman or penguins.

You can mold the usual shapes from the dough, and then use paints to make them look like the desired character.

Details can be drawn with thin strokes with black gouache, or black thick marker.

Complex STEP-BY-STEP modeling will allow you to make New Year's crafts with small elements. Here you need painstaking and perseverance in order to do all the work piece by piece and dry everything thoroughly before painting.

Curly FLAT silhouettes can also be decorated in the form of New Year's characters. Salted dough snowman - based on the silhouette of a STAR.

The simplest forms are connected and a new New Year's craft is obtained from salt dough in the form of a SAND MAN.

To make the craft look spectacular and voluminous, you can - also from dough - make it a SUBSTRATE. That is, the background, for example, in the form of a lush bow, as in the craft with a bear cub from the photo below.

The rolled salted dough is cut into strips - a fluffy bow is formed from them. Put the bear craft on top of the bow and dry it all together. Then we paint, with a brush, climbing into all hard-to-reach places.

And here is the handicraft ANGEL made of salt dough, where our technique of embossed print is applied - on the wings and on the tunic.

You can come up with your own design of New Year's crafts from salt dough. In any case, your character will be recognizable after you paint everything with gouache.

Santa Claus from salted dough - also made easily and in a variety of ways (as you have already seen in the photo above. The beard can be made round, branched, curly, or flat and cut along the edge with scissors (as in the photo below)

You can just make the head of Santa Claus - with a star-shaped substrate, as in the photo below.

These are the ideas for crafts from salt dough for the New Year you found on our website today. We have many other collections with beautiful New Year's artworks for children of all ages. Sculpt your New Year's happiness with your own hands and let the crafts from the salted dough give you sweet pleasure from the results of your labor.

Happy New Year.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to Olga Klishevskaya, the author of this article.

Our distant ancestors decorated the surface of loaves with figured images of spikelets, berries, leaves before baking to attract good luck and receive blessings from their deities. Today we are doing this without any religious background, just for the sake of beauty.

In addition to decorating edible products, the use of a special composition of dough allows you to create very effective and beautiful decorative figures, pictures and flowers. In this case, the dough perfectly replaces more difficult and expensive materials, therefore it is ideal for small children. But this is such a fascinating activity that respectable adults are also happy to do it.

Anyone can use salted dough for self-expression and relaxation, it is only important to know how to make a durable and plastic material, as well as competently dry and paint the finished product.

The subtleties of making dough for crafts

The molding of products itself is no different from working with plasticine or other similar materials. The advantage of salted dough is that it is more plastic, less stains on hands and surrounding objects, gives more opportunities for complex work, and also keeps well after proper drying, becoming hard and durable.

  1. The difficulty lies in how to cook correct dough that will not stick to hands and tools, will not crack and crumble. To do this, you need to use a few simple tips:
  2. Do not use pancake flour for work - it is more sticky and the dough will turn out to be of poor consistency.
  3. Use only fine "Extra" salt. Coarse salt will create coarse crumbling dough due to grains when kneaded directly in dry form, and the dissolution of such salt in water will be too long in time. In addition, the rock salt may contain impurities that will stain the modeling dough, and the "Extra" salt is refined and very fine.

By diluting the flour with ice water, you can get an excellent, plastic and very homogeneous dough.

With these simple tips, you can start working with your kids to create a variety of products of great beauty. Salted dough is a simple, inexpensive and very accessible material for creativity, and children are just crazy about such a useful entertainment.

Used tools and materials

When we sculpt from salt dough, we need special tools to work. They are all found in our homes, in our kitchens, or among office supplies, sewing materials and handicrafts.

Basic tools and materials for work:

  • Rolling pin for rolling out the dough. If it is not available or the one available is too large for children's hands, you can find a replacement in the form of an ordinary glass bottle.
  • Knife for cutting dough. Children can be given a plastic knife from a set of colored plasticine.
  • Board for rolling out dough and making products.
  • Paints for coloring (watercolor, acrylic, gouache - any water-soluble dyes).
  • Finishing varnishes (water-based, best sprayed). Additionally, you can use spray varnishes "with special effects" - "snow", with sparkles, gold, silver or other metallized varnish.
  • A set of brushes for coloring.
  • A container with water.
  • Forms for cookies.
  • Various items for giving texture to the finished product - toothbrushes, combs, knitting needles, buttons, lace and much more.

For small children, special clothing should be provided, as they can get very dirty. Before work, stock up on a pack of dry and wet wipes - they are convenient not only to clean your hands, but also to get your brushes wet from excess paint. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the spreading of dyes on the finished thing.

Three best recipes

To knead salted dough, you can use your own hands or entrust this process to modern technology - a mixer or kneader. With their help, you can get a particularly smooth and elastic dough.

In order for the finished product not to crumble, salt must first be poured with the required volume of water, and then thoroughly mixed with flour. It is important to mix the product well until it is completely homogeneous, otherwise, when drying, the finished item may crack or fall apart into separate pieces.

Basic recipe:

  • A glass of flour (wheat or rye).
  • A glass of finely ground salt of the "Extra" type.
  • Half a glass of ice water.

Mix ingredients and knead dough until smooth. This recipe is great for delicate items such as flowers, leaves, ornamental plants, and more.

Plastic Soft Dough Recipe:

  • Flour - one glass.
  • Fine salt - one glass.
  • The water is very cold - half a glass.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Instead of oil, you can take glycerin, a fairly fatty cream, or cooking oil. The introduction of fats or oils into the recipe for salted dough makes its consistency more plastic and elastic, as well as avoids cracking of the product after drying. This option is especially suitable for "thick-walled" products that can crack if the dough is completely dry.

To work with fine details or many small elements, you will need to use an improved recipe for salt dough:

  • 1.5 cups flour.
  • 1 glass of salt.
  • 0.5 cups of water.
  • 2 - 3 tablespoons of PVA glue, wallpaper glue like "Methylan" or any other water-soluble glue.

Such dough perfectly holds its shape, it is possible to make small thin elements from it, and with definitely "stuffed" hands you can make things that are outwardly indistinguishable from good porcelain.

Any recipe for salty dough can be regarded as a basis, since you can endlessly modify it "for yourself", experimenting with various ingredients until the correct composition is obtained.

How to dry salty dough perfectly

The main difficulty for beginners is the technology of drying the finished product. Drying can be done in different ways:

  • “Bake” in a preheated oven like a regular cookie, at a temperature ranging from 50 to 80 degrees (depending on the size and thickness of the product). The finished thing is put on parchment paper for baking and placed in a preheated oven for about an hour. The processing time depends on the dimensions of the product. Until the oven has completely cooled down, the thing is not taken out of it.
  • Drying in a cold oven, that is, the product is placed in a cold oven, heating is turned on and brought to the desired temperature. Everything else is exactly the same as in the previous paragraph.
  • Salted doughs are best simply air-dried, although this is time-consuming. A well-dried craft becomes strong, firm and not subject to external influences. Regular drying is great for small items or delicate items.

Do not use electrical appliances or a central heating battery for drying. They dry out the dough unevenly, which can cause cracking or damage to the thing if it is dry on only one side, has a dry surface and "damp insides".

Dyes and finishing materials used

When preparing salty dough, the dye can be injected directly into the product itself and get a material very similar to plasticine. But the difficulty in this case will be working with the material - you will have to connect separate colored parts, and for kids it is too difficult. Everyone loves to work with paints, so for children it is preferable to use the painting of a ready-made monochromatic thing.

The easiest way to work is to use water-soluble paints. Acrylic dyes are very good - they give a dense and uniform color, have a large color palette and are easy to use, dry quickly. But you can also use ordinary watercolors. It gives an excellent translucent layer, and paints can be layered with glazes to obtain special effects - volume, transition of tones, overflows and the acquisition of various textures. If there is a need to obtain opaque staining with watercolors, you can use a white primer. It can be played by white acrylic paint, gouache or tempera with the addition of PVA glue to hold it on the surface of the product.

For decoration, you can use voluminous paints, metallized dyes, beads of different sizes and shapes, buttons, rhinestones and other little things that do not deteriorate from high temperatures if you plan to dry in the oven.

Is it worth covering the crafts with varnish

In principle, a finished piece of salt dough holds the paint very well, but if you plan to use this thing, for example, for games, or it is a chess piece, a decorative vase, a box, in a word, a thing that will suffer from constant touch, then it should be covered varnish. It will not only protect the finished products from external influences, but also give a beautiful glossy shine, which is necessary for many types of crafts.

The easiest way is to use the varnish in an aerosol, performing the treatment outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If necessary, varnishing can be repeated several times, drying well each previous layer. To give a special decorative effect, you can use special sprays, for example, with the effect of snow or with sparkles.

Types of salted dough products

For kids or beginners, you need to use simpler forms and objects that they understand. You can start sculpting with traditional cats or dogs, fruits and berries, cars and other simple figures without numerous and complex details. Gradually, with an increase in the level of skill and the young sculptors themselves, the work can be complicated, moving on to the creation of figures, paintings and compositions.

The pinnacle of craftsmanship can be considered the creation of flowers from bioceramics, as salted dough is also called. Of course, even a baby can blind a simple chamomile, but only an "advanced" user can make a full-fledged bouquet of roses or a flowering branch of jasmine.

To learn how to work with salt dough, you need to follow the instructions step by step and not rush to tackle complex products.

Various panels and paintings from dough with salt

Making pictures out of dough is not as difficult as it seems. At the first stages of creativity, it is worth using the hint in the form of a photograph of the future “work of art”. For example, let's say you want to create a beautiful autumn landscape. Find a beautiful photo with few small details and use it for inspiration.

  • A piece of thin plywood is suitable as a basis for the picture, but if it is absent, you can also use thick cardboard. A rolled layer of dough is applied to the surface of the base. It can be glued with any suitable glue.
  • All the details of the future painting are cut out or sculpted from salt dough and superimposed on each other as they move away from the background of the painting. That is, the objects farthest from the viewer will be laid out on the base first. This method will allow you to get very accurate and expressive volumetric images.
  • The finished painting is carefully dried and then painted with suitable paints. After the paints have dried, the painting is varnished and placed in a frame. The product is ready, you can hang it on the wall in the room or give it to someone who can appreciate the creativity and talent of the artist.

If you use foil as the basis for the product, the dried and painted part can be easily removed from it and then transferred to any other material. It can be a dense fabric stretched over a frame, glass, plastic, even metal. Such flat and at the same time voluminous products can be used to decorate caskets, decorate children's furniture, boxes with various things, or use for identification, for example, lockers for things in a kindergarten locker room.

Bioceramic figurines and dolls

For kids, there is nothing more interesting than sculpting "little men". They really like "cartoon" characters, for example, fixies, Masha from a cartoon about a bear, heroes of comics and fairy tales. Salt dough can be used to make not only figurines and dolls, but also various houses, benches, trees, fountains - in a word, everything that imagination can suggest.

If you plan to make large enough figures, you should take care of the inner frame and stands for stable standing. As a support for small plastics, matches with a sulfur head removed, plastic and wooden toothpicks are suitable, for larger items, cocktail skewers or sticks for Asian cuisine may be required. Save wooden ice cream sticks - they can form the basis of many different products.

For stability, the figures need to be placed on a salted dough base in the shape of a circle or oval - this will ensure a flat plane.

If the figure is depicted in motion, it may be necessary to create a wire frame - it will help in sculpting and will not allow the finished product to crumble.

In addition to volumetric, three-dimensional figures of people and animals, salt dough can be used to create various fruits or vegetables. They are beautiful both in themselves and as part of various compositions. For example, elegant fruits can be effectively laid out on a beautiful dish and decorated with them in the kitchen or dining room.

Flat figures can be cut using cookie cutters. Hearts can become original valentines, Christmas trees can decorate New Year's table, flowers - used to indicate places when seating guests at the holiday. Only imagination can limit the scope of application of various dough products.

Spectacular flowers and plants from mukosolka

The pinnacle of craftsmanship is delicate and graceful flowers from mukosolka, as the salted dough is also called. This work requires a lot of perseverance, talent and accuracy, so it is more suitable for adults and adolescents. Toddlers can successfully sculpt stylized flowers of simple shapes.

How to mold a complex volumetric flower, for example, a rose?

  • You need to take a piece of dough and roll it into a drop-shaped core. The base of the drop is the bottom of the flower.
  • Then you need to roll out the dough thinly and cut rose petals of different sizes and shapes from it.
  • By carefully placing one petal after another on the teardrop-shaped base, you can get a blank rose. To make it look like a real flower, each petal must be carefully bent, giving it its natural shape and shape.
  • At the end of the work, you need to create a flower cup with unfolded sepals, cut out some beautiful leaves with carved edges and connect all the parts together using wire and pieces of salt dough.
  • Finished crafts are left to dry completely, and then painted in the selected colors.

According to this principle, you can create any flowers, whole bouquets, complex compositions and even imitation of plants in pots. The choice of the plot depends on the imagination and creativity of the creator. A good example can become a cute cactus, which should be kept near the computer. A living plant, even one as resistant as a cactus, may not survive in an office environment, but a lovely prickly creature made of salt dough will perfectly survive any disasters.

How to deal with possible problems

In any work, mistakes may appear, or things may not go at all as expected. Even if you do everything in stages, taking into account all the nuances, product defects may appear. Basically, these are cracking and chipping of individual parts of the product.

Cracks in crafts appear due to the incorrect composition of the dough, errors in drying, or the beginning of coloring the finished thing with incomplete drying of the base. If the cracks are small or the surface of the product is covered with a thin mesh of small cracks, they can be repaired.

To do this, you need to finally dry the thing, and then carefully sand the defects with sandpaper of varying degrees of abrasiveness. The surface can be brought to the ideal with velvet sandpaper. Then the surviving cracks can be filled with dough and salt slightly diluted with water. The procedure may have to be repeated several times if the cracks are very deep.

The lesson learned will teach that the basis of the future thing needs to be paid much more attention than even finishing - not only depends on its quality appearance the product itself, but also the very fact of its existence.

It happens that during the drying process, part of the product simply falls off, especially often this happens with thin parts or fragile small fragments. Sometimes the elements of work break off during the scheduling with too intense exposure. In order to repair a toy with an even break-off line, you can use ordinary PVA glue. It is necessary to apply layers of glue carefully so that ugly streaks do not form. The finished and dried thing must be treated with emery and re-painted and varnished.

If a product made from fresh dough breaks, it is enough to moisten the break points with water, press the individual parts against each other and wait for the setting. Decorate the dried work as planned.

You can try to restore a damaged figurine with the loss of individual elements by replacing the missing parts with pieces of fresh dough. Dry and fresh elements may not bond securely, so after the new parts dry, they may need to be glued for strength.

Give yourself and your children the pleasure of creativity, because working with the dough is easy and pleasant, and the cost of materials is scanty. The result of the work can exceed any expectations!