Working with salt dough parenting advice. Consultation for parents “Salt dough modeling

Consultation for parents
"Salted dough modeling is a pleasure and joy!"

The dough is a soft, pliable material, environmentally friendly and understandable for children. In addition, all the necessary materials are readily available: mom and grandmother always have flour, salt, water and “ secret ingredients". Modeling is one of the most interesting activities. The sculpting process contributes to the development of a sense of shape, volume, proportions, visual and tactile sensations, creative imagination and perception, and most importantly, it is natural development in harmony with nature.

The purpose of the salt dough modeling lessons:

Arouse the child's interest in modeling and, in an easy playful way, introduce him to the properties and techniques of modeling from salt dough.
The dough tends to crumple, roll, flatten, tear, crumble, dry out. It is important to teach not only how to sculpt different figures or even whole compositions, but also to develop fine motor skills of the hand, as well as creativity, imagination and imagination, through sculpting from salt dough.

Materials required for salt dough sculpting:
wooden or plastic sculpting board
curly rollers
curly stacks (patterns)
damp cloth or napkin
brush for wetting the dough with water
rolling pin
a glass of water
sand molds
gouache or acrylic paints
baking sheet
flour (rye, wheat, oatmeal)
sunflower oil
salt "Extra"
wallpaper glue
glue "Moment" for gluing the product on the finished background.

Salt dough sculpting technique.

1. Prepare the workplace in advance by equipping the table surface with a wooden or plastic board, prepare stacks, damp rags. Knead the dough, knead it thoroughly, add if necessary additional ingredients.
2. Before you start sculpting, knead a piece of dough in your hands, this will give it greater plasticity.
3. Parts of the salt dough craft adhere well to each other if the joint is moistened with water. This can be done with a small bristle brush.
4. Place the dough you are not working with at the moment under a plastic wrap or plastic bag, then it will not dry out. If you are working with dough of different colors, then place each piece of dough of a specific color in a separate bag.
5. If you are going to dry the finished product in the oven, then do it either on a tray or in a heat-resistant dish.
6. If you want to decorate the craft with prints, then do it right after sculpting, otherwise the dough will be covered with a dry crust and the decoration will not work. Any item can be used for prints.
7. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

You can make anything from salted dough: candlesticks, photo frames, houses, animals, vegetables and fruits, cars and airplanes, letters and numbers. You can decorate them with cereals, buttons, shells, beads and pasta, strings and ribbons. You can do everything that only has enough imagination, inspiration and desire.

Salty dough recipes.

Known different recipes salty dough. So, in one of them, add to the dough vegetable oil, but in this case, the products leave greasy prints. Some recipes suggest adding vinyl glue to the dough. You need to be very careful with such a test, especially if you are working with small children: the glue is toxic, and kids love to try everything “to the teeth”. There is no such recipe that would suit everyone. You need to experiment and choose the one with which you are pleased to work. The dough can be hard or soft, depending on the amount of flour. If the dough crumbles during kneading, add a little water; if it sticks to your hands, add flour.

- wheat flour (2 glasses),
- "Extra" salt (1 glass),
-water (3/4 cup),
- vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons),
- dry wallpaper glue (1-2 tablespoons).
- rye flour (1-2 cups),
- Extra salt (2 glasses),
- water (3/4 cup).
"Secret Ingredients".

It is more interesting for a child to sculpt not only from white dough, but also from colored dough.
- gouache paints,
- food colorings(for easter eggs),
- beet juice,
- cocoa,
- spices, dry herb (chamomile, mint, lemon balm)
To prevent salt dough from tearing and crumbling during molding, it must be kneaded well and kneaded until it becomes elastic. Pour salt into a wide bowl, add water, then flour. Mix everything well. Or mix the salt and flour well, gradually adding water until you get homogeneous mass... The dough should be elastic and tough enough. Place it in a container or plastic bag to keep it from drying out. Store for a long time ready dough not desirable, because it loses its original color: it becomes grayish.

How to dry a salt dough craft.

Drying is an important step in the production of salted dough products. You have conceived and created something wonderful out of it! And suddenly, as a result of hasty or incorrect firing, the product cracked ...
You can dry the craft outdoors in a dry place. The thicker the product, the longer it will take. But this method is the most economical. In the summer, place the product ready to dry in a sunlit place.

Drying on a central heating battery is convenient to use in winter. The craft should be placed on foil or cloth and left on the battery until it dries completely.

To keep the crafts well preserved, after they are dried and painted, cover them with a transparent liquid varnish. This will reliably protect them from moisture. If you don't like mirror shine, use a matte varnish.
Products made from colored dough, except for those to which cocoa powder has been added, should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 125 C, otherwise their color may change.
If you are working with several dough colors, then you can easily make new tones out of them. To do this, you just need to mix together pieces of dough of different colors.
The dough should be well kneaded, not sticky or crumbly.
If the dough does not stick well, add water.
If sticks to your hands, add flour.
It is better to make crafts from small parts, so they will be of better quality and more beautiful.
If you decide to tint the dough itself, add very little paint.
The dough combines well with many materials.

Coloring of salted dough products.

Finished products can be colored in whole or in part. Natural dough products look great with minimal use of paints. However, if you want to completely paint the piece, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. Once dry, they do not stain your hands or smudge. You can also use acrylic paints for coloring. To do this, the watercolor is stirred with a brush with a minimum amount of water and applied to the product so that the paint does not spread. Products painted in this way must be fixed with varnish. Gouache paints can also be used for coloring. In this case, a little PVA glue should be added to the gouache.
To color salted wheat flour dough, you need to add food coloring to it drop by drop. If the product is monochromatic, paint should be added when kneading the dough, and if the product is to be multi-colored, then the dough should be divided into parts according to the number of colors. Then make small balls from these parts, make grooves in the middle. Next, drip paint into these recesses, and knead to a uniformly colored mass.


In order to prevent the paints from fading or drops of water accidentally falling on the surface of the product do not spoil the work, the figures are varnished. Varnishing is used if necessary and at the request of the author. Both liquid and thick varnish are used. Liquid varnishes do not protect salt dough products well, as they penetrate inside, and therefore the product has to be varnished many times. Still, it is good to use liquid varnish, then the product will look more ruddy and less shiny. Thick transparent varnishes, on the other hand, reliably protect the product from moisture; it is enough to varnish it once or twice.

Consultation for parents
"Salted dough modeling is a pleasure and joy!"

The dough is a soft, pliable material, environmentally friendly and understandable for children. In addition, all the necessary materials are readily available: Mom and Grandma always have flour, salt, water and "secret ingredients" in the kitchen. Modeling is one of the most interesting activities. The sculpting process contributes to the development of a sense of shape, volume, proportions, visual and tactile sensations, creative imagination and perception, and most importantly, it is natural development in harmony with nature.

The purpose of the salt dough modeling lessons:

Arouse the child's interest in modeling and, in an easy playful way, introduce him to the properties and techniques of modeling from salt dough.
The dough tends to crumple, roll, flatten, tear, crumble, dry out. It is important to teach not only how to sculpt different figures or even whole compositions, but also to develop fine motor skills of the hand, as well as creativity, imagination and imagination, through sculpting from salt dough.

Materials required for salt dough sculpting:
wooden or plastic sculpting board
curly rollers
curly stacks (patterns)
damp cloth or napkin
brush for wetting the dough with water
rolling pin
a glass of water
sand molds
gouache or acrylic paints
baking sheet
flour (rye, wheat, oatmeal)
sunflower oil
salt "Extra"
wallpaper glue
glue "Moment" for gluing the product on the finished background.

Salt dough sculpting technique.

1. Prepare the workplace in advance by equipping the table surface with a wooden or plastic board, prepare stacks, damp cloths. Knead the dough, kneading it thoroughly, add additional ingredients if necessary.
2. Before you start sculpting, knead a piece of dough in your hands, this will give it greater plasticity.
3. Parts of the salt dough craft adhere well to each other if the joint is moistened with water. This can be done with a small bristle brush.
4. Place the dough you are not working with at the moment under a plastic wrap or plastic bag, then it will not dry out. If you are working with dough of different colors, then place each piece of dough of a specific color in a separate bag.
5. If you are going to dry the finished product in the oven, then do it either on a tray or in a heat-resistant dish.
6. If you want to decorate the craft with prints, then do it right after sculpting, otherwise the dough will be covered with a dry crust and the decoration will not work. Any item can be used for prints.
7. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

You can make anything from salted dough: candlesticks, photo frames, houses, animals, vegetables and fruits, cars and airplanes, letters and numbers. You can decorate them with cereals, buttons, shells, beads and pasta, threads and ribbons. You can do everything that only has enough imagination, inspiration and desire.

Salty dough recipes.

There are various recipes for salt dough. So, in one of them, vegetable oil is added to the dough, but in this case the products leave greasy prints. Some recipes suggest adding vinyl glue to the dough. You need to be very careful with such a test, especially if you are working with small children: the glue is toxic, and kids love to try everything “to the teeth”. There is no such recipe that would suit everyone. You need to experiment and choose the one with which you are pleased to work. The dough can be hard or soft, depending on the amount of flour. If the dough crumbles during kneading, add a little water; if it sticks to your hands, add flour.

- wheat flour (2 glasses),
- "Extra" salt (1 glass),
-water (3/4 cup),
- vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons),
- dry wallpaper glue (1-2 tablespoons).
- rye flour (1-2 cups),
- Extra salt (2 glasses),
- water (3/4 cup).
"Secret Ingredients".

It is more interesting for a child to sculpt not only from white dough, but also from colored dough.
- gouache paints,
- food coloring (for Easter eggs),
- beet juice,
- cocoa,
- spices, dry herb (chamomile, mint, lemon balm)
To prevent salt dough from tearing and crumbling during molding, it must be kneaded and kneaded well until it becomes elastic. Pour salt into a wide bowl, add water, then flour. Mix everything well. Or mix the salt and flour well, gradually adding water until smooth. The dough should be elastic and tough enough. Place it in a container or plastic bag to keep it from drying out. It is not advisable to store the finished dough for a long time, because in this case its original color is lost: it becomes grayish.

How to dry a salt dough craft.

Drying is an important step in the production of salted dough products. You have conceived and created something wonderful out of it! And suddenly, as a result of hasty or incorrect firing, the product cracked ...
You can dry the craft outdoors in a dry place. The thicker the product, the longer it will take. But this method is the most economical. In the summer, place the product ready to dry in a sunlit place.

Drying on a central heating battery is convenient to use in winter. The craft should be placed on foil or cloth and left on the battery until it dries completely.

To keep the crafts well preserved, after they are dried and painted, cover them with a transparent liquid varnish. This will reliably protect them from moisture. If you don't like mirror shine, use a matte varnish.
Products made from colored dough, except for those to which cocoa powder has been added, should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 125 C, otherwise their color may change.
If you are working with several dough colors, then you can easily make new tones out of them. To do this, you just need to mix together pieces of dough of different colors.
The dough should be well kneaded, not sticky or crumbly.
If the dough does not stick well, add water.
If sticks to your hands, add flour.
It is better to make crafts from small parts, so they will be of better quality and more beautiful.
If you decide to tint the dough itself, add very little paint.

The dough combines well with many materials.

Coloring of salted dough products.

Finished products can be colored in whole or in part. Natural dough products look great with minimal use of paints. However, if you want to completely paint the piece, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. Once dry, they do not stain your hands or smudge. You can also use acrylic paints for coloring. To do this, the watercolor is stirred with a brush with a minimum amount of water and applied to the product so that the paint does not spread. Products painted in this way must be fixed with varnish. Gouache paints can also be used for coloring. In this case, a little PVA glue should be added to the gouache.
To color salted wheat flour dough, you need to add food coloring to it drop by drop. If the product is monochromatic, paint should be added when kneading the dough, and if the product is to be multi-colored, then the dough should be divided into parts according to the number of colors. Then make small balls from these parts, make grooves in the middle. Next, drip paint into these recesses, and knead to a uniformly colored mass.


In order to prevent the paints from fading or drops of water accidentally falling on the surface of the product do not spoil the work, the figures are varnished. Varnishing is used if necessary and at the request of the author. Both liquid and thick varnish are used. Liquid varnishes do not protect salt dough products well, as they penetrate inside, and therefore the product has to be varnished many times. Still, it is good to use liquid varnish, then the product will look more ruddy and less shiny. Thick transparent varnishes, on the other hand, reliably protect the product from moisture; it is enough to varnish it once or twice.

Educator: Kozhukhova Irina Aleksandrovna



"Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipal

Education Nyagan "Kindergarten No. 10" Dubravushka "

Consultation for parents

« Salted dough modeling»

Prepared by:



"Kindergarten number 10" Dubravushka "

Kozhokar E.Yu.


So, let's begin.

Salty dough recipeFirst of all, flour should be very ordinary. No leavening agents, dyes or other flavors! Usually use the cheapest wheat flour... In contrast, rye contains more gluten. Crafts made from such flour turn out to be coarser, but on the other hand, they deform and crack less when dried. If in the process of making a future craft, small and refined details are not planned, as a rule, wheat and Rye flour in equal proportions.

Salt - "Extra". In one book I read that you can take rock salt and grind it in a coffee grinder. Well, let's try the sea or, for example, bath salt. I will repeat once more - no need to be wise! We're not talking about rare earth metals now. Salt "Extra" is more than available, sold in any village food store. It is fine enough and dissolves well.

Water - ordinary cold water.

Let's go directly to cooking and all kinds of additives.

Mix salt and flour... Some "experts" recommend dissolving salt in water beforehand. Like, thus, the salt will dissolve completely and there will be no crystalline inclusions in the dough. In fact, we get a saturated solution with an incomprehensible precipitate. In addition, the exact amount of water that we may need, we can not always guess. And when making decorative tiles and tiles, the amount of salt is almost doubled! The water will not accept so much salt in itself unambiguously. Therefore, we will not reinvent the wheel and continue.

Adding additional ingredients... To make our crafts more durable after drying and finishing, add one or two tablespoons of wallpaper glue. If you add potato starch, the dough becomes very tender and plastic. It is good to create delicate, exquisite works with many small details from such a test. Although, if you want to add starch, it would be more correct to boil the paste and use it instead of water. It should also be remembered that starch makes the craft more fragile. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it here. For the amount of flour given in our recipe, a heaping tablespoon will suffice. By the way, while writing this article, I got the idea of ​​using corn flour... After all, it contains a very large amount of starch. I will definitely try and in the future I will definitely unsubscribe on this topic.

Knead the dough.Stir thoroughly, add cold water... You can use all kinds of mixers and food processors, but only initially. Although in my humble opinion, this is superfluous. The degree of readiness of salty dough can only be determined by hand. If the dough is crumbling, add water. If, on the contrary, it stretches too well and sticks to your hands, then there is a lot of water, and you need to add a little flour. Roll a ball, make several indentations in it with your finger. If the dough does not blur and keeps its shape, then it is ready. In the process of mixing, I recommend adding vegetable oil. Now the dough will not stick to your hands, dry quickly and become crusty during operation. However, it should be remembered that the best is the enemy of the good! If there is a lot of oil, the dough will get dirty and the final drying may take a very long time. A couple of tablespoons are enough for our recipe. For the same purposes, some use glycerin and even baby cream. I won't say anything about the cream. But if you plan to work with your child, you can add some kind of pleasant fragrance. For example - a few crystals of vanillin. If you add dyes, then more information can be found in the article “Colored dough ».

We wrap the finished dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. In this form, it can be stored for a long time. By the way, after a few hours of such storage, the salt residues will completely dissolve. And the rest of the components will enter into a final reaction with each other. The main thing is not to forget to knead the dough again before work. As a rule, I cook it in the evening, and do the modeling the next day.


accurate, perfect and unambiguous correct recipes does not exist! Water hardness, flour and salt quality, even temperature can affect the final result. So, if you are just starting to get interested in testoplasty, use the recommendations above. Do not be afraid to experiment, and, quite possibly, over time you will develop your own, exclusive recipe cooking salt dough!

When did people start making figurines out of dough? Yes, probably from those ancient times, when they learned how to get flour for this dough! In the history of every ancient civilization, there are references to testoplasty as an important part of religious rituals, folk art and, even, sacrifices. After all, flour and water, like the bread that is made of them, are an integral part of human culture.

Since the purpose of this introductory article is not historical research, we will omit the impressive list of countries in whose history there is evidence of the use of salt dough. Let's just say that this tradition is really very ancient, and it is spread on all continents. Well, except that the penguins in Antarctica have not yet mastered this wonderful fishery.

Let's go back to today. For many centuries of existence, the technique of working with salt dough practically unchanged. All the same flour and water. In order to protect the craft from all kinds of pests, add salt. That's actually all you need! Oh yes! We forgot to mention a great desire to make a beautiful thing with our own hands!

In the modern world, handmade products are highly valued. Folk crafts are unique pieces of art that adorn our lives. Folk art expresses the primordial craving of man for beauty, the desire to reveal his creative abilities. Music, artistic words, visual arts are sources of special children's joy in preschool childhood. The child discovers the magical power of art and seeks to express them in his own "creative product" through drawing, modeling, playing music. At the same time, he reveals himself, comprehends his own capabilities.

Each type of visual activity allows children to develop mental activity, creativity, artistic taste and many other qualities, without which the formation of the initial foundations of a socially active personality is impossible. In modeling lessons, the above qualities develop especially. Since any object has volume, it is perceived by the child from all sides. On the basis of this perception of an object, an image is formed in the mind of a preschooler. Modeling, as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or application, leads children to the ability to navigate in space, to assimilate a number of mathematical concepts. Children directly compare parts of objects with each other, determine their dimensions (length, thickness), which in the drawing is carried out only visually. Modeling contributes to the development of the sense of touch in both hands. Trying to convey the form as accurately as possible, the child actively works with his fingers, and more often only ten, and this, as you know, contributes to the development of speech. Another specific feature of sculpting is its close connection with play. The volumetricness of the executed figurine stimulates children to play actions with it. V kindergarten most often, clay or plasticine is used for modeling, but recently another very popular material has appeared - dough.

Man has long learned to cook from flour and water - to make cakes. Now we habitually buy bread in the store. And on holidays we ourselves bake pies, with our own hands we sculpt and bake cockerels, pigeons, fish and decorate them with unthinkable curls. And works of applied art made from this material are a completely different matter. More highly artistic. Salted dough is a wonderful material to work with. Plastic, soft, interesting. And it is very well suited for modeling, both at home and in a modern kindergarten.

Modeling is one of the types of fine art in which volumetric figures and whole compositions are created from plastic materials.

To create and to create are wonderful moments of our life, it is joy and light in the soul. Dough sculpting is an affordable activity for both adults and children. This hobby brings, in addition to pleasure, invaluable benefits for the health of body and soul. The work of the fingers and the brain is activated and there is a complete relaxation of the body and soul. A person is filled with joy, worries, stress go away, and if he works with love and desire, he can rest and recuperate. This is a special state, a divine gift that needs to be protected and multiplied.

The work on testoplasty has a complex effect on the development of the child, in addition to the generally accepted opinion about the development of fine motor skills, we can say that modeling from salt dough contributes to the development of creativity of preschoolers.

1. Increases sensory sensitivity, that is, promotes subtle perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plastic;

2. Develops imagination, spatial thinking, general manual skill, fine motor skills;

3. Synchronizes the work of both hands;

4. Forms the ability to plan work on the implementation of the concept, to anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, make adjustments to the original concept;

5. Develops the creativity of the child.

"Consultation-workshop for educators and parents" Miracles from salt dough "Educator of the highest category: Romanova Olga Nikolaevna A little about the history of salt dough ..."

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 9 of the second category"

Consultation-workshop for educators

and parents

"Miracles from Salted Dough"

Educator of the highest category:

Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

A little about the history of salted dough

Dough is an amazingly plastic material for modeling various

figures and compositions: gentle, soft. Unlike ordinary plasticine,

the dough does not stain your hands. With the correct kneading, the salty dough does not crumble, does not crack, it remains for a rather long time.

The plastic properties of salt dough have long been known. Our great-grandmothers sculpted figurines of various birds and animals from it, the so-called "larks", with which they greeted the spring, bagels, gingerbread "goats", which gave their friends and relatives iodine New Year and for Christmas, for your birthday as a sign of love and respect. The dough products were used as children's toys.

But before turning into children's toys, the figurines from the dough had ritual significance. The ceremonies associated with grain and bread, traditional for the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic, have long been known. In accordance with these rituals, in the spring, before the arrival of the birds, figured dough products were baked, most often in the form of a stylized bird. The figurines were called "larks".

The art of making dough products has not died today, and handmade souvenirs are in great demand. This is a wonderful gift for any celebration and holiday. Both children and adults are happy to do modeling.

From salted dough, you can make simple figurines and products, such as leaves, mushrooms, apples, and rather complex options - trees, figurines of animals and people, as well as various multi-faceted compositions.

Salt dough recipe There are different salty dough recipes. For example, in one of them vegetable oil is added to the dough. However, products in this case leave greasy prints. Some recipes suggest adding vinyl glue to the dough. You need to be very careful with the dough prepared according to this recipe, especially if you are working with small children. After all, the glue is toxic, and kids love to try everything "to the teeth". Our recipe is made from 100% sustainable and therefore safe materials - water, flour and salt.

Practical task for educators.

For the test:

Flour - 2 parts,

Extra salt - 1 part,

Water (always cold) - 1 part,

Plastic bag for storing the dough Pour salt into a wide bowl, add water, then flour. Mix everything well. Or mix the salt and flour well, gradually adding cold water until smooth. The prepared dough should not stick to your hands or crumble. The dough should be elastic and tough enough. Put it in a container or in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out Salty dough left open dries very quickly in the air, so keep the container with the dough closed. Put the rest of the unused dough in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a day or two.

Drying salted dough products Drying is a very important step in the production of salted dough products.

Imagine: you have conceived and created something wonderful out of it. And suddenly - as a result of hasty or incorrect firing - the product cracked and everything went down the drain! Here's a really big disappointment!

Outdoors at room temperature

You can dry the craft outdoors in a dry place. The thicker the product, the longer it will take. But this method is the most economical. Keep in mind, however, that air-drying will create depressions on the surface of the product that is in contact with the table. With air drying, moisture evaporates slowly, so it takes 1 day to dry each millimeter of product thickness. In summer, use the heat of the sun to dry it: put the finished product on a sunny place.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

1 hour - at t 50 ° С 1-2 hours - at t 75 ° С 1 hour - at t 100-125 ° С 0.5 hours - at t 150 ° С It will take more time to dry large works. You can also use another calculation formula: the drying time in the oven for an electric stove on a white baking sheet is 1 hour for every 0.5 cm of thickness at a temperature of 75 ° C. Further, regardless of thickness:

1/2 hour at 100 ° C 1/2 hour at 125 ° C 1 hour at 150 ° C

Browning - at 200 ° C strictly supervised!

The time it will take to dry the crafts in the oven is difficult to calculate accurately. All ovens are slightly different from each other. Therefore, so that there is less frustration from spoiled work, make several samples, for example, mold cakes of different thicknesses and dry them in your oven, changing the temperature. After the salted dough figurines are dried in the oven, refrigerate them. While the items are hot, they are very fragile, so handle them with great care.

When drying in the oven, first turn on only the overhead fire and dry the product on it until the surface begins to brown. After that, the product is no longer deformed. Then place the baking sheet on the middle level. oven... If you want to add a beige tint to the garment, use the overhead fire a little longer.

If a slight bulge appears on the garment or the garment swells slightly, the temperature in the oven is too high, in which case cracks may form on the back of the garment.

It takes half the time to dry the product in a gas stove than in an electric one. To dry the finished product, carefully, using a wide knife or spatula, transfer it from the worktable to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, being careful not to damage it during transfer.

Dry the craft for two days, first in the open air, then in the oven at a temperature of 50 ° C, gradually increasing the temperature, but not higher than 150 ° C.

If the temperature is too high, the product may swell, sometimes even cracks appear. Bloated crafts cannot be fixed, and cracks are easy to cover up. To do this, dilute a little flour with water, add PVA glue, mix well and apply this mass to the crack, then rub the mixture into it with a stack or with your finger. The product must not remain damp. Its readiness is determined by sound. By tapping the finished product with your finger, you will hear a ringing sound. If the sound is dull, the product must be dried. For large items, you can use a combined drying: first a few days in the air, then in the oven.

Note. If you start drying the product with the oven door closed, bubbles will form on the surface.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

This method is very convenient to use in winter, when the central heating radiators are well heated. Place the craft on foil or cloth and leave it on the battery until it dries completely.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Tap the product with your index finger. If the sound is muffled, it means that the model is damp inside and needs to be left in the oven for a while. If the sound is ringing, then the product is dried. If you have already taken the product from the baking sheet, place it on a kitchen oven mitt and tap on the inside of it.

Glazing with saline and browning

When the product is dry, it can be glazed. After that, the product will sparkle with tints of foam from white to golden brown.

I glaze! product within an hour. To do this, using a brush, it is lubricated with a strong saline solution (the ratio of water to salt is 2: 1), and then placed in an oven at a temperature of 50 ° C to 150 ° C. When the first layer of mortar dries up, the product is re-lubricated. The operation is repeated several times. This method gives the figures a smooth look.

As the salt crystallizes on the surface of the product, it acquires a special noble whiteness.

However, the figurine can be given a different shade depending on the temperature of the oven. At a temperature of 50 ° C the product remains white, at a temperature of 150 ° C it acquires an intense beige color.

A golden brown hue is obtained at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Glazing products with egg yolk

The figurine can be given appetizing view ruddy dough using mixture glaze egg yolk and water. After glazing, apply the salt mixture! on the product several times and dried at a higher temperature (about 150 ° C). At the same time, the oven door must be closed.


Finished products can be colored in whole or in part.

Products of natural dough color look great with minimal use of paints. However, if you want to completely paint the piece, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. Once dry, they do not stain your hands or smudge.

You can also use watercolors for coloring.

To do this, the watercolor is stirred with a brush very thickly with a minimum amount of water and applied to the product so that the paint does not spread.

The works painted in this way must be fixed with varnish.

Gouache paints can also be used for coloring. In this case, a little PVA glue should be added to the gouache. To color the ready-mixed salted dough made from wheat flour, you need to add food coloring to it drop by drop. If the product is monochromatic, paint can be added when kneading the dough, and if the product is to be multi-colored, then the finished, kneaded dough should be divided into parts according to the number of colors.

Varnishing In order to prevent the paints from fading or water drops accidentally falling on the surface of the product do not spoil the work, the figures are varnished.

Varnishing is used if necessary and at the request of the author.

Both liquid and thick varnish are used. Liquid varnishes do not protect salt dough products well, as they penetrate inside, and therefore the product has to be varnished many times. Still, use liquid varnish if you want the product to look more ruddy and less shiny. If the composition is liquid, the product must be varnished and dried several times.

Thick transparent varnishes, on the other hand, reliably protect the product from moisture, and they thoroughly cover the models from all sides. If you don't like mirror shine, use a matte clear varnish. If the composition is thick, it is enough to varnish the product once or twice.

There are many different aerosol varnishes on the market today. Using such varnishes, it is enough to sprinkle the product once, and the colors will sparkle brighter, and the work will be reliably protected.

Crafts from salt dough It is convenient to connect the parts with a brush and water. Water in this case nrpaei the role of glue. Apply a small amount of water with a brush to the surfaces of the parts to be joined and gently press them together, being careful not to wrinkle. If there is too much water, the dough may creep.

There are several basic sculpting techniques. The production of almost all elements is based on a ball and a sausage. To decorate salted dough products, many different small elements are used: flowers, ribbons, berries, leaves, pigtails, etc.

To make the leaves, you need to roll out the sausage, cut it into equal parts, cylinders, which should then be rolled into a ball.

The ball needs to be flattened into a cake and form a sheet with your thumb and forefinger. Veins can be drawn with a toothpick.

Rosettes can be made from a thinly rolled ribbon, carefully wrapped around a toothpick. In this case, the desired size and shape of the flower is formed.

When making figurines of people, the basis is a sausage, which must be cone-shaped. A dough ball of the required size is used to sculpt the head. It is better to cut out more complex plane elements or figures from the rolled dough according to a pre-made template.

Treating dough with household items often has a dramatic effect. For example, a comb can be applied to the dough with an openwork pattern, and with the help of various unpretentious gizmos, the surface of the product can be made embossed.

To work with the test, you will need:

A jar of water for wetting your fingers and a brush,

Plastic knife,

Modeling board,

Rolling pin for rolling out the dough,


Garlic (for "hairstyles" decoration)

Manicure scissors with rounded ends.

You may also need many other useful things, such as cocktail tubes, food foil, transparent pill cells, beads, black peppercorns, caps from felt-tip pens and more:

Garlic sprinkler. If you use a garlic extractor, you will get spaghetti-shaped curls from the dough. From them you can make hair, wool and other decorative details for models. Accessories for culinary width. If you press the nozzles for a culinary syringe into the dough, you get decorative patterns from circles, stars and hearts.

Tea strainer. From the dough passed through a tea strainer, the finest "vermicelli" is obtained, if very finely ground salt was used when kneading the dough.

Comb. With a comb on the dough, you can print a ribbed longitudinal pattern by pressing the ribs of its teeth into the gesto. The tips of the sharp teeth of the combs make a pattern of dots.

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Consultation for parents - " Salty dough-we put it all together. "

Modeling this is the creation of volumetric or relief figures, paintings and even whole compositions from plastic materials.

There is a great variety of plastic materials - plasticine, dough, clay, plastic, snow in winter, wet sand in summer.

This process provides great opportunities for the development and learning of children because

the possibility of cognition of the surrounding objects in children is more related to the development of hand actions.

Scientists have proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of the child's speech and thinking. During modeling, the fine motor skills of the fingers, the imagination of children, are formed and the skills of manual labor are formed and developed.

Lack of preparation for writing, insufficient development of fine motor skills, visual perception, attention can lead to a negative attitude towards learning, an anxious state of the child at school.

Therefore, at preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the accumulation of motor and practical experience by the child, and the development of manual skills.

The ability to perform small movements with objects develops in older preschool age, it is by 6-7 years that the maturation of the corresponding areas of the brain, the development of small muscles of the hand, basically ends.

Therefore, work on the development of manual skill should begin long before entering school.

As long as the process takes place in the form of a game action, the child masters the technology from a young age, mastering the simplest techniques of working with salt dough - kneading, pinching, spanking, flattening.

deer dough is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Having mastered the basics, children begin to create complex stucco compositions at an older preschool age and use a variety of techniques: making decorative moldings of various shapes, pinching, flattening, pulling parts from the general shape, tightly connecting parts by attaching and gluing one part to another.

In addition, during an entertaining and exciting process, not only the child's speech, his imagination and creativity develop, but also the development of the personality takes place.

Although dough crafts are a very ancient tradition, everything that is made by hand is highly valued in the modern world.

That is why one should carefully and consciously relate to the future fate of children's works.

It is very important for children to feel respect for their creations. Children of all ages need adult approval and praise.

This attitude will make them feel confident and competent in the future.

In recent years, salted dough has become a very popular material for modeling: it is very elastic, it is easy to process, products made from it are durable, and working with salted dough is a pleasure and joy.

Testoplasty- the art of creating voluminous and embossed dough products, which are used as souvenirs or to decorate an original interior.

We use the dough to play. The dough can be used to mold characters of the theater and a vase for mom.

The classic salt dough recipe from wheat flour: flour - 2 cups, salt - 1 cup, water - 200 gr (200 ml).

Flour: It is best to buy white wheat flour top grade, there is enough gluten in it, and the color of the baked products will delight the eye. But if you have a special product in mind, you can try any other as an experiment.
Salt: Thanks to the salt content, the dough keeps its shape well during molding, and the finished product will be reliably protected from mold and rodents. In order for your products to have an even, smooth surface, it is better to use the finest "extra" salt. Avoid using a grinder to grind salt. Salt is added to the dough solely for protection from mice and harmful insects. Therefore, a large amount of it, in fact, is not required. Excessive salt can make the dough brittle and brittle after drying, which leads to the formation of cracks in the product.

You can use any, even the cheapest. Coarse salt is easy to grind in a coffee grinder.

Water: You will need water to make the salt dough. It must be clean. It is better to filter tap water. Knead the dough in ice water, it will be more elastic.

Additives: the quality of the material can be improved:

Add 1 tablespoon to the classic recipe potato starch, be sure to sift it so that there are no lumps, we will increase the plasticity of the material,

Adding 1-2 teaspoons of wallpaper glue will increase the strength of the products.

The dough for modeling should be quite steep, so it is more convenient to finally knead it on the table, kneading it thoroughly, achieving uniformity and elasticity. When kneading, the thickness of the dough can be adjusted: if the dough begins to crumble, water is added to it, and if it turns out to be too soft, salt and flour are added, keeping their basic proportions. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and pliable. Ready salted dough should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (you can leave it overnight). Having cooled, it will become more plastic and homogeneous.

Attention advice! Kneading the dough on the table. do not forget to sprinkle flour on the surface of the table so that the dough does not stick

Modeling dough recipe.

There are many recipes for making salty dough. Perhaps there is no one suitable for everyone. You need to experiment on your own and choose one that is pleasant to work with.

^ First recipe: Wheat flour - 2 glasses, Extra Salt - 1 glass, Water - 3 glasses.

Second recipe: Wheat flour - 1 cup, Extra Salt - 2 cups, Dry wallpaper glue - 1 spoon, Water - about 1 cup.

Advice. Salted dough left open in the air dries very quickly, so keep the container closed. Put the rest of the unused dough in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a day or two.

Advice. You can add an unusual color and pleasant smell to your dough (which will make the work much more pleasant) if you add some spices (or any of them) to it: nutmeg, cumin, paprika, gray and black pepper, cinnamon, curry.

Coloring salt dough. Dyes.

If you decide to create a colored craft from salt dough, then the recipe for an ordinary salt dough will not work for you, try making a colored, colored dough.
Coloring can be carried out at the kneading stage, as well as while kneading the dough.
At the stage of kneading the dough, coloring is done when the composition is based on a combination of two colors.
First color - White (natural dough on classic recipe), second Brown.
To obtain it, when kneading, ordinary cocoa powder is added (do not forget to sift it through a sieve before use). You can add instead of cocoa instant coffee(after dissolving 2-3 teaspoons in a minimum amount of boiling water). The amount of cocoa or coffee depends on the intensity of the brown tone you want to get. The more shades your product has, the more interesting it will look.

Red and orange dyes are the most intense, therefore, to obtain the dough of these colors, you can use not a whole, but only half a bag per one prepared bun weighing 100-150 g. Any food dyes can be used to color salt dough, but dyes for Easter eggs are not suitable. In order to get dough of different colors and shades, you need to start with the basic colors: yellow, red, blue. To do this, you need food coloring, which is sold in powder form, or you can color the dough with gouache paints. It is necessary to add gouache when kneading the dough into water and stir everything well.

Create together - for pleasure, for fun, for benefit and beauty!