Armenian lavash cake. Diet Napoleon with apple filling

Greetings, comrades! Napoleon cake ... Who doesn't love this flaky yummy with a creamy layer ?! IN classic variation Napoleon is very high in calories and quite dangerous for the figure - about 380 kcal per 100 grams. I suggest making a dietary and healthier version of Napoleon without butter, sugar. It's incredible quick recipe making a delicious cake.

On a note! Taste diet pita bread differs from the classic, since the ingredients are different. Rather, it's a diet puff cake. And yet, the recipe of Napoleon was taken as a basis, that's why I gave the appropriate name.

About Napoleonic layers

There is a separate class of quick, simplified napoleon cooking options. In most cases, Armenian lavash is used as the thinnest cakes. We use it in this recipe too.

When buying, I advise you to pay attention to the calorie content and composition of pita bread. You can take whole grain, but from me - yeast-free leafy lavash with a calorie content of 220 kcal from premium flour.


  • Armenian lavash - 120 gr;
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese (I do not advise taking yogurt - it is sour) - 200 gr;
  • Apples - 100 grams (the weight of the finished mass - it is written about it further);
  • Fat-free cottage cheese in a briquette - 220 gr;
  • 1 egg;
  • Soda - ½ tsp;
  • Vanillin - 10 gr;
  • Salt and sahzam to taste.

Cooking Napoleon

The peculiarity is that during frying, the apple mass begins to caramelize (a advising aroma will come out and a barely noticeable frying will form). This gives the filling a special flavor, reminiscent of the aroma of apple pie.

  • The final layer should be from curd cream. The cakes will be a little awkward, tough at first. But after some time, they will absorb the cream, become softer, swell and become denser to each other.

After completing the assembly of the cake, we send it to the refrigerator. My cake stood there all night, because I made it in the evening. But, I think, an hour or two will be enough so that you can cut the napoleon and serve it for tea.

The taste is amazing! Caramel apple flavor from the fruit layer, pleasant softness of the pita layers, creaminess of cheese and delicate air curd cream... Mmm ... Delight!

Let me tell you a secret: while I was eating, I had the idea to add some caramel syrup (low-calorie, Mr. Djemius, I think) on top - it tastes even better!

Nutritional value and calorie content of Napoleon's dietary supplement:

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

This napoleon made from pita bread with custard, the recipe from the photo of which I described below, can be prepared quite quickly, simply and, importantly, without any special financial costs. Despite the simplicity of the cooking technology and the availability of ingredients, the cake turns out to be very tender and amazingly tasty. Better alternative homemade baked goods for family tea and not to be found.
Interestingly, the cake is not just baked, but prepared. Because the main cakes of thin pita bread are already ready, they only need to be dried, and then smeared with cream.
In principle, there can be any cream for such a dessert, but it is better to cook delicious custard with the addition of starch so that it has a delicate, viscous consistency and, at the same time, is liquid enough to soak the cakes. Very tasty and quick to prepare.
The preparation of the dessert itself will take a little time, even taking into account the preparation of the cream, it will not be more than 20 minutes. But after that, the yummy needs to be put in a cool place for a couple of hours so that the cakes are completely saturated with cream.
Any flavor can be added to the cream, be it zest, coffee or rum extract, as well as vanilla.
This portion is for 2 people. If you want to make a Napoleon for a family tea party, it is better to multiply the number of ingredients by 4-5 times.

- thin pita bread - 1 pc.,
- milk (whole) - 250 ml.,
- chicken egg (preferably homemade) - 1 pc.,
- sugar (white) - 2 tablespoons,
- flour (wheat flour) 1 tablespoon,
- starch (potato) - 2 tablespoons,
- butter - 2 tablespoons

Recipe with photo step by step:

First, we are busy with the cream, so that while we are drying the cakes, it has cooled down. Pour milk into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom so that the cream does not burn), add sugar, flour and starch.

Then we drive in egg and mix the mass well until smooth.

Next, heat the mass over moderate heat.
As soon as it starts to boil, then immediately remove it from the stove, enter butter

and interrupt the cream with a whisk until the oil is completely dissolved.

Now we are preparing the cakes,

to do this, cut out small circles from thin pita bread using a mold or a plate.

Then, in a dry and rather heated frying pan, dry the cakes on both sides until golden brown, so that they crunch.

Now, in fact, we start assembling the dessert, coat the dried cakes with chilled cream

and stack them on top of each other. As a snack, you can cook this one.

Sprinkle on top with crumbs from dried pita bread

and put the dessert in a cool place to soak for a couple of hours.

Enjoy your tea!

Let's replenish the culinary piggy bank with a new quick (or, as many say, lazy) recipe for a delicious dessert - Napoleon's recipe from pita bread with a photo. This cake is another proof that cooking masterpiece can be created on hastily, you do not have to stand at the stove all day.


Thin lavash - 1 pc;
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Milk - 250 ml;
Eggs - 1 pc;
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Potato starch - 0.5 tbsp spoons.

Cooking Napoleon from pita bread:

First you need a heavy-walled pot. You need to drive an egg into it, add granulated sugar, sift flour here and add starch, then pour milk. Beat the resulting mixture right in a saucepan until smooth.

Put the saucepan with the contents on the fire (small). With constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook until thickened. Then add butter here and whisk well. Now the contents of the pan must be left to cool. Lavash cream for Napoleon is ready.

In the meantime, neat circles must be cut out of the pita bread (the diameter is of your choice). There should be a lot of circles.

Send the prepared circles to a preheated and dry frying pan (in one layer) and brown on both sides until crisp. These crispy circles will serve as cake layers. And dry the remaining scraps in a skillet and chop them into a separate container.

Now you can shape the Napoleon cake from lavash. To do this, take an even dish and place the first toasted pita bread crust on it. Spread a little cooled cream on it. Thus, lay out all the cakes, smearing them with the prepared cream.

Cover the top, as well as the sides of the cake, with cream, and then sprinkle with lavash crumbs.
Next, send the dish with the cake to the refrigerator overnight to soak. And in the morning you can already serve it to the table.

Lavash Napoleon cake is ready.
Enjoy your meal!

Lavash cake is in no way inferior classic recipe"Napoleon", and thanks to the thin cakes, the lavash turns out to be well-saturated, unforgettably tasty, and most importantly, quick to prepare. Lavash for "Napoleon" can be prepared at home, or you can buy it in the store, at your discretion.

To make it clearer and easier for you to cook, we proceed to step-by-step cooking with a photo of "Napoleon" from pita bread without baking.

Ingredients for Napoleon cake

  • 3- packs of thin lavash
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1- a bag of vanilla sugar
  • 30 grams of starch
  • 60 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of butter

This cake is made from dried lavash, which makes the cake very tasty.

Step-by-step cooking recipe with photo

Step 1

We take our pita bread, and cut each sheet into three parts. It turns out 18 sheets.

Step 2

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, and dry each sheet of pita bread for about two minutes. The drying procedure will take you no more than twenty minutes.

Step 3

The pita sheets have been dried, and while they are cooling down, we proceed to making a custard for our cake.

You can add both butter and custard to the custard. boiled condensed milk, this will give your custard a richer flavor

Step 4

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add 125 grams of sugar, put it on the stove, and bring it to a very hot state, but not to a boil.

Step 5

Beat the eggs for one minute with the rest of the sugar, until a fluffy mass appears.

Step 6

Add starch with flour to the egg mass, vanilla sugar, and pour in two times one ladle of milk, stirring continuously.

Step 7

Pour the egg-flour mixture into the remaining milk, after which we put on medium heat, stirring continuously, bringing the mixture to thickening. Remove the cooked cream from the stove, and continue stirring for a few more minutes (one, two minutes)

So that the future cream does not have time to burn, try to stir as quickly as possible, especially along the bottom of the pan

Step 8

Ready cream cover with cling film, while letting cool completely to room temperature.

Step 9

Beat the softened butter. Hard butter can be softened in the microwave, or on the stove.

Step 10

Add the whole custard in parts to the butter, not forgetting to stir.

So that the cream is not liquid, it must be added to the oil chilled, at room temperature.

Step 11

The cream is ready. We proceed to re-grease our ready-made, pre-dried cakes. Distribute a small amount of cream evenly, lightly pressing each cake.

Do not forget to leave a couple of cakes for sprinkling the cake, chopped nuts are also suitable,

Step 12

The smeared cakes will settle a little after half an hour, but to make the cake more tall, you need to cut it in half two hours after soaking, and put it on top of each other, give some more time to soak.

Video with step-by-step preparation of the Napoleon cake from lavash

This dessert is prepared very quickly and turns out to be extremely tasty. In fact, the lavash Napoleon cake is in no way inferior to its classic analogue with condensed milk, with banana or custard cream. To prepare dessert, you will need a set of the most simple products, and even a novice cook is able to assemble such a cake entirely.

What is the secret of the popularity of the lavash Napoleon cake? It's all about the subtlety of the cakes used. In the process of impregnation, the fresh, with a neutral taste, the dough becomes unusually juicy and sweet. Many a variety of recipes cakes "Napoleon" from lavash. We present to your attention some of them.

Lavash cake "Napoleon" with condensed milk

For cooking delicious dessert one of the most simple recipes you should stock up on nine to twelve round pita breads in advance so that the cake is of sufficient height. In this case, it is necessary to choose round tortilla or classic thin rectangular pita bread. The latter, in view of their large size, are cut into two or three parts. The thinner they are, the more layers should be in the cake.


It will take 10 thin pita bread... 9 of them are used as cakes, the 10th will go for sprinkling. In addition, the following are used to make a cake:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter.

Lavash Napoleon cake: a step-by-step recipe

The dessert is prepared like this:

  1. Large pita breads are cut (there should be nine cakes, from the tenth it will be possible to make sprinkling). Round pita bread use intact, rectangular should be adjusted to size.
  2. In order for the cake to resemble the classic "Napoleon" as much as possible, improvised cakes must be dried in a dry frying pan (without using oil) on the stove or in the oven. If this is not done, they will become "rubbery" when impregnated. In the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, or on the stove, the cakes are kept for 2-3 minutes and removed. They are stacked on top of each other. The last 10th cake can be dried longer so that it breaks more easily.
  3. While the pita cakes are cooling down, they begin to prepare the cream. Stir with a mixer at low speed butter (softened) with condensed milk. The number of revolutions can be gradually increased slightly, but the oil should not break into fractions.

How to collect a cake with condensed milk

The assembly is carried out in several stages:

  1. Each layer is smeared and the cakes are carefully stacked one on top of the other. Before starting to lubricate each of them with condensed milk, dry lavash is pressed against the stack so that it is slightly tamped.
  2. Then the cake is left to "rest", and in the meantime they are taken to make sprinkles. The last dry lavash is rolled out with a rolling pin or chopped with a knife, trying to keep the crumbs very small, so the dessert will look more aesthetic.
  3. Sprinkle them first on the top of the cake, and then, using a wide knife, and the side surfaces.
  4. After that, the Napoleon cake from pita bread with condensed milk cream is left to soak for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature... After this time, the dessert is removed to the refrigerator, where it should be soaked for another 3-5 hours (better, all night). After soaking, the treat will be tasty and juicy.

To reduce the consumption of the cream, some housewives recommend preparing an impregnation. To do this, mix half a glass of milk (warm) with sugar (1 tbsp. L.) Pour each cake with the resulting sweet milk syrup before spreading it with cream. In this case, the amount of cream used for spreading the cakes is significantly reduced.

Napoleon with cream

You can make the Napoleon cake without baking from pita bread with custard. The taste of a dessert made from pita cakes with this product cannot be distinguished from the taste of its classic counterpart, because it was with such a cream that our grandmothers and mothers baked the delicacy.

How to cook

Pita bread is prepared as described in the recipe above. Use 10 or 12 cakes if desired. While the dried pita bread is cooling down, they are preparing a cream. It is made with or without oil. In the first case, the cream will turn out to be more delicate, in the second, its calorie content will decrease:

  • Break four eggs and add 200 g of sugar. Beat everything until fluffy foam is obtained. Add 40 g (two tbsp. L. With a slide) flour and vanillin on the tip of a knife. Milk (450 ml) is poured in a thin stream and mixed with a mixer until smooth.
  • The resulting mixture is placed on low heat and cooked until thickened with continuous stirring. The consistency of the cream can easily vary according to the preferences of the hostess: you just need to keep the cream on the stove for a little more or less time.
  • Next, the product is removed from the heat, cooled (to speed up this process, the saucepan can be put in water).
  • The finished cream is used to lubricate the cakes. But some housewives advise to improve it by adding oil to the product. Chop 200 g of butter into pieces and beat gently with the prepared custard. It is very important that the cream is used completely cold, otherwise the butter will melt and the product will be spoiled. The cream is also made from chocolate, bitter or milk, and from bananas with the addition walnuts- all these products radically change the taste of the cake, so you should choose your own version and experiment as you see fit.
  • Next, the cakes are coated and the cake is decorated with crumbs, chocolate (grated) or fruit (fresh).

A quick dessert without baking is ready. Bon Appetit!