Frozen borsch dressing for the winter. Borsch dressing for the winter - recipes with beets and more (different ways of harvesting)

Needed: onions, carrots, Bell pepper, tomatoes, herbs.

Equipment: knives, graters, boards, bowls, bags, freezer.

Switch on the freezing mode in the freezer (if required by the model).

Wash the vegetables, peel them from unnecessary ones (the seeds of the slick pepper are a seasoning in themselves, you can peel off not all the way, but lightly, and dry and grind the seeds), chop the onion and pepper with any tool (knife, grater-shredder, vegetable cutter, in a food processor) strips, half rings, cubes - in what form you like to catch them from a plate, cut tomatoes no matter how, it will still be out of the question, who does not like the skin - peel, cut carrots into strips or grate (vegetable cutter, kitchen processor). I take all vegetables in equal volumetric fractions in their raw form, but the proportions can be changed according to your own understanding and taste.

If the preparation is for borscht, then grate or cut the beets too ..

Mix everything, put in a bowl or saucepan. Heat over low heat until juice appears, stirring occasionally. After the juice appears, the fire can be increased. Bring to a boil, add coarsely or finely chopped herbs (I put parsley, dill and green basil), stir and remove from heat. Cool as soon as possible (you can transfer from the pan to the basin).

Put the cooled down in bags (I use a tea mug: I insert a bag into it, fold the edges, apply tightly, then the bag, squeezing out the air, tying it, squeeze or button it). Place the bags nicely and neatly in the freezer (the neatly folded, the less space it takes up and can be moved. in the storage box.).

It is laid unfrozen in a saucepan with cabbage soup (borscht) after potatoes (it is not very friendly with tomatoes at first). On a 3 liter saucepan (soup 2.5) I put one package of 300 ml.

The same dressing can be heated in a frying pan with vegetable oil and use as a marinade for fish. ...

Salt the finished dish.

There is no need to add oil, since it can be frozen with oil for up to three months, without oil - until spring.

Summer "freeze" for the winter!

Every summer and autumn I make this freeze. I put it in all the first courses, side dishes, meat, fish, and much more. The color of the soup becomes colorful, and the smell is summer. Everything is done very simply, there is a lot of dressing - a 4-liter saucepan from one portion.


Onion - 1kg
Carrots - 1kg
Bulgarian pepper (preferably in different colors) - 1 kg
Tomatoes - 1 kg
Lots of greens, I usually put parsley and dill. I freeze the rest of the greens separately.

Do not be confused by the presence of tomatoes, they become a little different when frozen, but they give a wonderful taste.

Everything needs to be cut into strips and cubes. I pass the carrots through the combine, on a medium grater (almost like in Korean, but you can rub it as you like), I cut the pepper into strips.

I cut tomatoes and onions into medium and small cubes. I just cut the greens into small pieces. I mix everything.

I put it in ordinary plastic bags and twist the "sausages" (so it is more convenient to break off as much as you need later).

This year, I froze it in breakfast bags, they are small - 15X20, just fill the dish for 1 or 2 times.

You can also freeze in plastic containers, but then it is not very convenient to remove portions from them and, importantly, they take up much more space in the freezer.


I start this freeze when everything is ready. If this is the first dish, then I put the freeze, wait for it to boil and turn it off immediately. And if the second, then I put the freeze, mix and after a couple of minutes turn off the gas.

I also make greens separately, just freeze them in sausage bags. I cut it, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer, then this "sausage" will easily break if necessary.

Many people don't have time to prepare food every day, so something is frozen or put into the refrigerator. Is it possible to freeze borscht in the freezer in the same way as we do with broths, dressings and ice? If there is a pan of delicious borscht left, which you yourself will not eat, but it is a pity to pour it out, then the finished first course can be saved until better times.

Freezing borscht recipe

Important: never freeze a first course that has been in the refrigerator for about a week. It is better to eat it right away or pour it out altogether.


Servings: - + 8

  • fresh borscht 2 l

Per serving

Calories: 147 kcal

Proteins: 3.3 g

Fats: 6.6 g

Carbohydrates: 20.1 g

10 min. Video Recipe Print

    If fresh borscht is just cooked, then wait until it cools down. Stock up on portioned bags with zippers and check them: take some water and check the integrity so that later you do not wash the entire freezer from the borscht.

    Using a ladle, carefully pour the borsch into bags, close them carefully and place them in the freezer on a flat surface separately from each other.

    You can freeze it in containers, it's even more convenient. When the borscht is slightly frozen, collect everything in one pile.

    Such a preparation for future use will come in handy in winter, when fresh vegetables except for cabbage and beets will not be at hand. Otherwise, it can save you in a moment of lack of money or lack of time. It is enough to remove the package from the freezer, gently break it to take out the mass and send it to a saucepan or microwave oven for defrosting.

    Many housewives prefer to freeze not ready-made borscht, but frying or dressing. They are added to the broth, mixed with potatoes, herbs and boiled quietly further.

    Freezing secrets

    Experienced chefs advise to freeze borscht not in portioned bags, but in glass jars without a lid, since when defrosting, it is enough to warm up the container warm water so that the prepared mass falls into the saucepan.

    In stores, you have probably come across borscht frozen using shock freezing. With this method, the product is exposed to low temperatures in a short time. The ice crystals that form are much smaller, so the borscht remains tasty and fresh even after defrosting. In a household refrigerator, this trick will not work, but store products fast food pretty tasty.

    At home, it is advised to properly defrost borscht using microwave oven or reheating it on the stove, but you can safely leave it in the refrigerator overnight. It is advisable to place a bowl under the container with liquid so that you do not fill the refrigerator with water during the defrosting process.

    How long is frozen borscht stored?

    A simple preparation can be done even for the winter, because the products practically do not deteriorate over time. Storage of such a frozen dish for 1-2 years. It is advisable to eat borscht within 12 months after cooking, so as not to clog the refrigerator with old supplies. No one is immune from power outages or interruptions, when the equipment can simply fail, and then the borscht will either need to be eaten or thrown away, since it is no longer suitable for re-freezing.

    Advice: be sure to leave a note on the container, which will indicate the date of preparation of the borscht.

    In what container to store frozen borsch

    It is most convenient to pack the first course in portioned bags with a zipper. They take up little space in the freezer, which is very important, especially if the chamber is small. But you can freeze borscht in a plastic container or glass jar, on the taste qualities it will not be affected.

    What borscht can not be frozen

    Before exposing heat treatment dish, remember what ingredients it consists of. Every housewife knows how badly potatoes react to low temperatures. Fresh quickly becomes covered with mucus and darkens, and boiled just spoils. If you put potatoes in borscht, freezing is not a good idea.

    Almost any first course can now be frozen. People subject low temperatures soups, broths and dressings to get when needed. Frozen borsch hardly loses its taste, useful properties and nutritional value, so you can safely eat it. Bon Appetit!

    Do you like the recipe? Save it to yourself on Pinterest, FB, VK, OK, G +, Instagram so as not to lose it!

For our favorite classics, we need:

* We weigh all vegetables after cleaning.

  • Beets - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 2 kg
  • Onions - 2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 600-650 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 130 g (about 5 tablespoons)
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 100 ml
  • Drinking water - 150 ml
  • Black peppercorns - 15-20 pcs.
  • Bay leaves - 4-5 pcs.

Important details:

  • Cooking time 2-3 hours.
  • You need a large container, such as a saucepan or a 10 L tank. Enamel or stainless steel.
  • From the given quantity it will turn out 10 jars of 700 ml and 1 liter.
  • If you want to stock up less dressing, just divide all components by 2... Then a saucepan of 7-8 liters is enough for you.
  • Make less refueling profitable for the first time. This way you will be able to assess whether the workpiece has your taste, and it will be easier to cope with the first stage of heat treatment.

We prepare the ingredients.

My beets and carrots. We clean the skin together with the onion. We weigh.

Wash the tomatoes and remove the green bed of the stalk. We weigh.

We love to save time, so we will grind the tomatoes in a blender.

Alternatively, peel and cut the tomatoes into medium cubes. Then we make cuts on the butts of the fruit and fill it with hot water for 1 minute. We take out the boiling water and easily remove the skin of the tomatoes, prying it off with a knife.

Grind vegetables.

The shortest way for root vegetables is a meat grinder with a vegetable grater or a food processor. Similarly, you can grate on a coarse grater by hand.

The second option is to grate with a Berner grater - with a fine straw attachment. We need short straws, so we put the vegetable without a significant tilt to the blades. This choice is the most sophisticated, because yields classic beetroot straws as in ready borscht in restaurants.

Onions can be minced, or a Berner grater, or finely chopped with a knife.

Tomatoes - your choice of two options, as we described just above. Blend quickly with a blender directly with the skin. Or cut the peeled tomatoes (there will be more fuss).

Stew borsch dressing.

Pour half the oil into a saucepan and add chopped beets, carrots and onions. Pour the second half of the oil on top and mix the vegetable mass well so that the oil is both at the bottom and inside the vegetable mass. Separating 1/3 of water and vinegar and pour into vegetables.

Mix and put on low heat (!).

Vegetables should release juice, then you can not be afraid that they will burn.

As soon as the mass starts up the juice, increase the heating to high and let the dressing boil. Reduce fire immediately to a low boil(so that the vegetables gurgle a little).

Cover with a lid and heat the mass for 10-15 minutes, stirring it 1-2 times during this time - from the bottom up.

The next step is to add the chopped tomatoes and the remaining vinegar and water. Put sugar, salt and peppercorns. We mix. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat.

Simmer the dressing until cooked over moderate heat, covered - another 30 minutes.

Our goal is to soften beets and carrots. After 20 minutes of stewing, put the last spice in a saucepan - bay leaf. It can be put earlier - with sugar and salt. But there is a risk that it will taste bitter. We reinsure ourselves by always adding lavrushka 10 minutes before the end of the heat treatment.

In total, vegetables are cooked for about 1 hour.

Brief algorithm.

With oil and 1/3 of water and vinegar, we wait for the juice to release over low heat - Increase the heat and bring to a boil - Keep on medium heat under a lid for 10-15 minutes - Add the rest of the vinegar and water, sugar, salt, pepper and let it boil over high heat - Simmer for 30 minutes under the lid until the vegetables soften - 10 minutes before the end, add the bay leaf.

We roll the workpiece into the jars.

By the time the filling is ready, you should have sterilized the cans and lids. We advise you to choose small ones - 500-700 ml.

We lay out the gas station as hot as possible... We reduce the heat to the minimum, but do not turn it off (!).

We will hold the ladle in boiling water for 2-3 minutes: now they can spread the mass in the jars. We adjust the thick and liquid parts equally and fill the cans to the very top.

We close full jars with lids. Any kind for long-term storage is suitable - twist-off or ordinary under a seaming key.

Turn the roll over and check for leaks. That is, we look to see if drops appear at the neck. We put the ready-made borsch dressing in a remote place, where we wrap the jars for slow cooling (we wrap it tightly with a blanket).

How to use hogweed in winter for a quick tasty soup.

With this blank of beets for a large pot of borscht, you will need mere trifles: boil the broth, chop the potatoes and chop the cabbage. To taste, you can add tomato paste, herbs, garlic and spices. In the end, when the potatoes are completely ready, put hogweed from an open jar.

And how quickly everything will turn out! Especially if you like borsch on water or are used to boiling and freezing broth in advance. You will thank yourself more than once for your smart summer chores.

We store hogweed at room temperature in a dark closet.

The storage secret for an already open gas station.

We store any open preservation in the refrigerator. But even there, mold can appear on the product, especially if it contains tomato paste. How to insure yourself against this nasty health hazard? Very simple! We open the jar and grease with mustard from the inside that lid, under which we will store the workpiece. Gruel from dry powder or pasta from the store - it does not matter. Storage under the mustard cap extends the freshness of the product for weeks.

Borsch dressing for the winter with beets and carrots and tomato paste

We need:

We weigh all vegetables after cleaning.

  • Beets - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Onions - 600 g
  • Garlic - 6-7 large cloves
  • Bulgarian pepper - 400-500 g
  • Tomato paste - 400 ml
  • Sunflower oil (odorless) - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 90 ml

Important details:

  • We need a large saucepan of 7-8 liters.
  • From this amount, about 4 liters of workpiece will be obtained.
  • If your household does not like bell peppers in borscht, just do not put this minor ingredient. But replace the amount with carrots and beets (in half). Otherwise, you will have to count the sugar and salt.
  • Can add hot peppers"Chili", clearing it of seeds - ½ a small pod.
  • Tomato paste can be replaced with tomato puree (1 kg of tomatoes). How to do it is described in the 1st seaming.


Let's prepare root vegetables and onions in any way from the recipe above. Chop the garlic in the same way as the onion. We clean the bell peppers from the stalk and seeds and cut to taste - into strips or cubes. We choose domestic tomato paste: high quality and thick.

Pour 1/2 oil (125 ml) into a large saucepan and set over medium heat.

We put all the vegetables in a saucepan one by one. Simmer each cut for 3-5 minutes and add next ingredient... Stir and simmer again. You can add some water, but this is usually not needed. Vegetables produce enough juice.

The sequence of vegetables:

  • Beets + 1/2 vinegar - Carrots - Onions + garlic - Sweet peppers.

After we put bell pepper and stewed the vegetable mass for 3-5 minutes, add tomato paste, sugar, salt and the second half of the oil (125 ml) to the beets and carrots. Stir and bring to a boil. Simmer all vegetables over medium heat again for 20-25 minutes.

At the end, add the second half of the vinegar, mix the workpiece well from bottom to top and bring to a boil. We reduce the heating to a minimum and lay out the dressing in dry sterilized cans - tightly, up to the very neck. The pan, as in the recipe above, stays on all the time. on low heat.

Close with lids, turn over, wrap up. Store without refrigeration, but away from light.

Beetroot dressing for borscht with carrots and beans

The longest harvesting of beets for the winter due to the need for boiled beans. You will have to go all the way through its cooking, starting with soaking the beans for 6-8 hours in cold water.

But this seaming is also beneficial. You will only process the beans once. And from the ready-made jars you will get ready-made ingredients for a quick soup in its famous lean version.

By the way, our favorite way to prepare beans quickly and healthily we described below by answering questions in the comments.


  • Beets - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Boiled beans - about 3 cups (we take 2 cups dry)
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Sweet peppers - 4 pcs.
  • Extinguishing oil - up to 200 ml

Flavoring ingredients (put in portions and taste!):

  • Sugar - about 80 g
  • Salt - up to 100 g
  • Vinegar, 9% - 100 ml
  • Spices to taste

Watch the video and repeat step by step: thoroughly and clearly!

We will be glad if you join the sensible ideas of delicious homemade food. Borsch dressing for the winter with beets and carrots is one of the best examples how to save energy, time and money, while remaining a boring cook.

See you at Easy Recipes - Homemade Preparations!

Freeze for borscht prepared for the winter helps out perfectly in winter, when you want a fragrant tasty borscht, but the necessary ingredients are not at hand. If you have a spacious freezer available, I recommend creating these blanks in the summer season, and in winter boil potatoes in a saucepan with water, add chopped cabbage and the contents of such a bag - after 20 minutes of cooking, you will have a fragrant and enticing first course! Moreover, in the spring-summer season, young vegetables on the market are cheap - more budgetary than in winter. And how much fresh herbs you can add!

Ask vendors for beets and young tops - this is a healthy and tasty ingredient.

So prepare necessary ingredients... Peel the beets and carrots, scrape them off with a knife, rinse in water. Also rinse in water beet tops and greens, green onions and garlic.

Cut the beets into plates, then cut each plate into cubes of the size you choose. If desired, vegetables can be chopped on a coarse grater. Place in a deep bowl.

Do the same with young carrots.

Chop the washed green onion stalks and add the slices to the rest of the chopped ingredients.

Slice the beet tops by trimming the dense stems and removing them. Place the green mass in a container.

Grind washed green garlic- it will give the dish an incredible aroma when cooked.

Mix the entire contents of the container together with gentle movements from bottom to top.

Place in bags or plastic containers.

Chop washed fresh herbs and add to each bag or container. Tie or cover, place in freezer. Freeze for borscht for the winter is ready. The shelf life of the blank is about 1 year.

Enjoy cooking!


Frozen borscht for the winter is actually a vegetable base for this hot dish. If you are still wondering: "How to freeze a set of vegetables for borscht?", Then be sure to study this photo recipe, he will answer you. Freezing is considered the most suitable way to preserve vegetables for the winter. So why not take this opportunity and freeze those vegetables that you can then use to cook delicious borscht... Of course, there is no hindrance to this!
So, to make homemade borscht rich and very tasty, a vegetable dressing is prepared for it. In addition to basic vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, carrots and peppers, some housewives also use beets to prepare the dressing. Frozen beets make borscht just as tasty as fresh beetroot. Before freezing, all vegetables are chopped and then mixed with each other. As a result, you get a frozen mixture of vegetables, which you just need to defrost and send at the right time to the pan.
By the way, using this simple photo recipe with step by step instructions, you can also freeze cabbage. Only it should be frozen in a separate bag, since the cabbage is put into the borscht last.
We suggest starting freezing borscht for the winter at home.


Frozen borscht for the winter - a recipe

First of all, we will prepare and thoroughly rinse all vegetables to create a dressing for borscht. Peppers and tomatoes in this case, you can use any kind.

Now let's do their shredding. Cut the tomatoes, onions and peppers into small pieces, and chop the peeled carrots on a grater. Optionally, you can use beets. It also needs to be crushed with a grater. However, vegetable preparation without beets can be used both for cooking borscht and for other dishes.

Add chopped dill to the chopped vegetables, then mix everything well. Optionally, dill can be frozen in a separate bag so that it can be used separately later.

We put the mixed vegetable set in portions in plastic bags, and, after that, we tie it. We place the filled bags in the freezer and the next day the preparation of vegetables for borscht will be completely frozen.