What is the name of the juice from the plums. Plum Juice

Natural plum juice has a bright saturated color, and many people like its refreshing taste with a pleasant sourness. This drink is very aromatic and invigorating and also very healthy.

How to make plum juice at home for the winter?

First, rinse, dry and clean the plum from pits and tails. Collect the juicer and put it on the stove, add water and wait until it boils. Then transfer the prepared plums to a colander, cover with a lid and put the device on low heat. Place a clamp on the hose and do not touch the device for the next hour.

After the allotted time, place a container for juice under the hose and remove the clip. If the juice does not move through the tube, clamp the hose and continue boiling for another 10 minutes and try to drain the juice.

The half-finished juice can now be sweetened. Boil the drink for 5 minutes and start rolling it into sterile containers prepared in advance.

Apple plum juice - a recipe for the winter

  • plum - 975 g;
  • sweet and sour apples, garden apples - 475 g;
  • sugar - 150-175 g.

First, wash the fruit thoroughly, remove the seeds, cores and other tails. Send the fruit to a juicer, alternating between plum and apple wedges. About a liter of juice comes out of the specified amount of ingredients.

Cook compote from the remaining cake or bake a fragrant cake.

You do not need to remove the foam, it will not harm the juice. Pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, wait until it boils and turn off the heat. The juice is ready! Pour it into a sterile container and seal it tightly.

Plum and pear juice for the winter

Rinse the pears thoroughly and remove the stalks, cut the fruit into quarters for convenience. Wash the plums in cold water, cut into halves and remove the pits.

Set the juicer to the first setting, designed for soft fruits, and send the plums there first. Next, load the pears and in a few seconds you will have a wonderful aromatic juice. You can leave the foam. Add the cinnamon, stir and the juice is ready!

To prepare such juice for the winter, pour it into sterilized jars, cover with lids and place in a large saucepan on water bath... The juice in a small jar should boil for 15 minutes. Then roll up with a sterile lid and leave under a blanket to cool slowly.

Such juice is kept cool for a long time, so feel free to harvest it in large quantities. Also, the juice turns out to be quite concentrated, so in winter it can be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Plum juice without sugar for the winter

First, the plums need to be rinsed well, tails and bones removed. Then squeeze out the juice in a convenient way. If you have a juicer, the process will not take long. You can use a meat grinder. To do this, pass the pulp of the plum through the smallest strainer, heat the mass over minimal heat and first pass the mass through a sieve, and then squeeze the juice through a gauze bag. It will take a lot of time, but the result will be a very high quality drink.

Pour the finished juice into an enamel saucepan, put on a minimum heat, if it seems to you that the juice is thick, add a glass of water. Wait for it to boil, let it boil for a couple of minutes. Pour into sterilized bottles and pasteurize for 15 minutes at 85 degrees.

Plum juice for the winter

Plum juice for the winter Natural plum juice has a bright rich color, and many people like its refreshing taste with a pleasant sourness. This drink is very aromatic and tonic and, moreover,

How to cook juice for the winter from a plum through a juicer?

How happy it is when you can make juice from plums for the winter through a juicer from the fruits of your trees in the country or in the garden. Great tips and instructions for making plum juice will delight you with their step by step description so that no more questions arise.

Fortified plums

The composition of the vitamins in the plum depends on its variety. But this is not the only division. Minerals and vitamins in it appear and disappear in different stages of maturity, also has an influence on the growth conditions, soil and tree care. All varieties contain vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on stabilizing pressure and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

A positive indicator is that vitamin P is not destroyed under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, plums can be safely preserved for the winter, make jam, close the juice from the plums through a juicer, cook compote, and so on. In winter, when there is no vitamin supplement for the body, a canned drink will come in handy.

The usefulness of plum dishes:

  1. Dried plum fruits are prescribed for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis, they are also able to remove cholesterol from the human body.
  2. Fresh plum is suitable for people suffering from constipation and intestinal atony.
  3. Potassium in any form is able to actively remove fluids from the body, which is well suited for hypertensive patients and people with unhealthy kidneys.
  4. Even the leaves of some plum varieties, which contain coumarin, can stop blood clots. By dilating blood vessels, thinning blood clots, they prevent serious diseases in many ways.
  5. Fresh plums are beneficial for heart disease by acting as a sedative (sedative).
  6. Canned and fresh fruits have a beneficial effect on a stable metabolism.
  7. For the treatment of conjunctivitis and wound healing, gum secreted from the cracks in the bark of plum trees is used.

Plum juice options

Plum juice at home through a juicer takes a little time, especially when this process is facilitated by an electric machine. For lovers of sweet and sour taste, below are recipes for making excellent plum nectar. To extract juice from this fruit, you can use different types juicers, but it is advisable to use a special technique for hard vegetables and fruits. It is imperative to remove the bones before placing the fetus in the apparatus so as not to damage the mechanisms. To shorten the cooking time, it is better to take an electric juicer, others will also work, but the process will be delayed.

To get 1 liter of juice, you will need 2 kg of plums.

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer: a recipe with pulp

To get plum juice from the remaining cake, you need to boil it again by adding the same amount of water. Then place the entire mixture in a juicer and extract the desired one.

Plum juice through a juicer: a recipe without pulp

If there is no juicer, place the softened plums in cheesecloth and press until liquid is obtained.

In addition to recipes through a juicer, there are several more popular options for canning plum juice for the winter, a couple of which are located below. Therefore, if you are fed up standard recipes harvesting juice from plums for the winter, you can use new ones. To give the plums a standard flavor, it is advisable to add other fruits (apple, apricot) during the cooking process.

Recipe for making juice from plums in a juicer

Concentrated plum compote juice


Plum juice for the winter on a juicer is best option get a lot of vitamins and tweak your health during winter days. And when this is done by hand, then you can be doubly sure that the body will be saturated with a natural product without preservatives.

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer - cooking recipes, video

Fans of self-made vitamin cocktails will love the recipes for plum juice through a juicer for the winter. The material on the usefulness of plums and dishes from them will help to study in detail the beneficial effects of fruits on the body.

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer


  • 72 kcal
  • 30 minutes.

Cooking process

With a huge selection of ready-made juices in stores, the question may arise - why make juice at home?

First, you will be confident in the quality of the juice. Secondly, you can make the juice to your liking. And thirdly, self-made juice is much more economical.

Today I suggest you prepare delicious and healthy plum juice for the winter through a juicer. Plum is a wonderful fruit, it contains a lot of vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc and other elements important for the body. Plum juice is shown for baby food, for people with cardiovascular diseases. Plum juice should be taken with caution by people with diabetes.

So, let's start preparing plum juice for the winter through a juicer. We only need plums and sugar. But if you wish, you can add lemon or orange juice, cloves, star anise. You can take any kind of plums, but I really love the “Vengerka” type of plums, or, as it is called, “prunes”.

It is better to take the most ripe plums, but not crumpled. We choose the best plums for juice. Wash the plums, dry them and cut them in half lengthwise and take out the pit.

Juicing with a juicer is very convenient and quick way... My juicer is not very powerful, so I cut the halves of the plums into two parts.

From a kilogram of plums, I got 800 ml of juice.

We take out squeezes from the juicer, you may have more or less of them.

Fill the extracts with 1 liter of water, boil for 5-7 minutes, filter through a sieve. The broth turned out to be a little more than 800 ml.

Mix the juice and broth in a saucepan, add sugar to taste. Start with 100 g, try and adjust to your taste, 100 grams of sugar was enough for me.

Boil the juice within 10 minutes after boiling, removing the foam. Pour into pre-fried jars, screw tightly. Juice from plums for the winter through a juicer is ready!

The plum juice turned out to be very rich, beautiful and tasty!

Pour the juice into small jars, in winter it will be very convenient to open and enjoy the delicate juice!

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer

A proven recipe for making plum juice for the winter through a juicer, step by step with photos.

Plum juice for the winter - it's simple and healthy

The best way to warm up memories of a warm summer on cold winter days is with a glass of sweet plum juice. The simplest recipes for preparing useful and delicious drink in a special selection for beginners and experienced housewives. Now you will know exactly how to make plum juice for the winter at home.

Plums are a treasure trove of health

The popularity of plum juice is ensured not only by its velvety taste, but also by a number of beneficial properties on the human body. Due to the high content of vitamins C, P, group B and mineral substances- potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, calcium - a drink from a plum is prescribed by doctors for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Plum juice copes well with intoxication of the body, cancer and aging cells.

Recipe for plum juice at home for the winter in a juicer

Cooking vegetable or fruit juice using a juicer - a standard and simple way. The main advantage of the juicer is the ability to cook without continuous supervision and control: just start the fruit and the juicer will do everything for you.

Stock up on the following ingredients:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • water.

Learn more about how to make plum juice in a juicer:

And now more about how to make juice from plums in a juicer.

  1. Prepare the raw materials: wash, dry and peel the fruit.
  2. Assemble the juicer according to the instructions and place it on the stove, add water and bring it to a boil.
  3. When the water is ready, send the prepared plum fruits into a colander, cover with a lid and put the apparatus on low heat.
  4. By placing on silicone hose clamp, leave the device alone for the next hour.
  5. After 60 minutes of boiling, place a juice container under the hose and remove the clip. If the juice does not advance, then clamp the hose again and continue brewing for 10 minutes.
  6. The next step is to sweeten the semi-finished drink. It is worth noting that the amount of sugar can vary depending on personal gastronomic preferences and the variety of plums. The golden rule for preserving juice is that the ratio of sugar to juice obtained is 100 g per liter.
  7. Remember to boil the sweetened plum juice for 5-7 minutes before rolling.

Plum juice recipe

One of the most common juicing variations is cooking in a saucepan. This recipe is distinguished by its versatility: you can cook magic nectar with only a pan and a sieve at hand.

The raw materials are products such as:

  • plums - 6 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • water - 6 liters.

The process of making plum juice at home requires a lot of physical effort:

Preparation, cooking, wiping. Be sure to call everyone at home and cook with the whole family according to the following principle.

  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, divide into two and peel, dry from water.
  2. Place the prepared fruit in an enamel container and pour the amount of water necessary to completely cover the drain.
  3. Turn on the fire and bring the fruit-water mixture to a boil. Make sure that the released foam does not mix with the liquid.
  4. During the next 30-40 minutes of simmering, depending on the variety and ripeness of the fruit, the plums should be boiled.
  5. When the plums reach a temperature tolerable for the skin, wipe the plum mass using a sieve or colander.
  6. Pour the resulting pomace with water and boil for 5 minutes. Carry out the rubbing procedure again through a sieve. Pour the resulting liquid into the juice.
  7. At the final stage of making plum juice, it is necessary to sweeten and boil the resulting mass for 10 minutes. This time, the foam can be ignored.
  8. There is little to do: pour the juice into sterilized jars and wait for the onset of winter.

You can also make blueberry jam for the winter, the recipes for which we have selected especially for you and published on the website.

Plum Juice Concentrate Recipe

Concentrated juice implies the presence of more vitamins, minerals, acids and useful components of plum raw materials. In winter, the workpiece will be perfect complement both everyday and festive table... And in case of a cold - delicious medicine!

Concentrated Plum Juice Recipe Includes:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g

How to make plum juice:

  1. The most important thing is not to add water, but to rely solely on the inner liquid of the fruit.
  2. Go over, wash the plums. Be sure to remove the seeds and stalks.
  3. Place the fruits ready for processing in a container with a wide base.
  4. Turning on a low heat, heat, waiting for the juice to completely release.
  5. After cooling the mass, it must be wiped through a sieve with a fine mesh.
  6. The resulting juice, according to custom, is sweet, trying to completely dissolve the sugar.
  7. Return the plum and sugar mixture to the stove, bring it to a boil and cook for 4-8 minutes.
  8. Finally, pour the hot concentrate into prepared jars.

You can also cook plum compote, which has beneficial properties and contains a vitamin complex necessary in the cold season.

Recipe for making plum juice in a juicer

Do you want to literally make the most of your plum crop? Then pay attention to the preparation of plum juice in a juicer. As with the first recipe, this variation requires a special technique. According to doctors, freshly squeezed juice is like a stream of elements necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. However, no one ruled out the preparation of plum juice for future use, right?

Most importantly, find the machine and the following products:

  • plum - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g

In general, being familiar with the device of a juicer, getting juice from a plum will not seem like a difficult task:

  1. Take ripe fruits, rinse and dry them.
  2. Remove the core to avoid damage to the grinder.
  3. Pass the prepared fruit through the juicer mechanism.
  4. Separate the pulp from the resulting juice by straining if desired.
  5. Add and dissolve sugar.
  6. Heat the juice in an enamel container to a temperature of 85-90 degrees Celsius.
  7. Pour into sterilized jars.
  8. Seal with tin lids.
  9. Pasteurize for about 20 minutes at 85 degrees.

Pressed plum juice recipe

As an option for making plum juice, you cannot ignore the possibility of creating blanks using a press. Simple but effective - this is about this method of getting juice.

You will need ingredients:

  • plum - 4 kg.

How to make plum juice at home?

  1. We select high-quality fruits with a soft structure.
  2. Thoroughly rinse and dry the plums.
  3. By cutting or dividing the fruit, remove the pit from it.
  4. Blanch the pulp in boiling water for several minutes or arrange a water bath for it in a colander.
  5. We put soft, but not boiled plums and cheesecloth in a deep container sequentially, in layers: first the cheesecloth, then the fruit, the cheesecloth fruit, and so on.
  6. We cover the formed "cake" with a press and leave until all the juice comes out of the fruit.
  7. We heat the extracted liquid to 80-85 degrees and pour it into sterilized cans, roll it up.
  8. If desired, before heating the juice, you can sweeten it with granulated sugar in the desired amount.

Be sure to follow the rules of sanitation when rolling. Disinfect all equipment involved in the creation of blanks: cans, lids and, directly, juice.

Do not get hung up on the type of raw material - better pay attention to the quality of the plum. So, rotten, out of shape fruits are not allowed to make juice. Due to the fact that unripe fruits are not a rich source of juice, the best solution is to use ripe fruits with a dense structure.

The listed technologies for making juice are applicable to other fruits and berries: apples, peaches, nectarines. The main thing is to choose the amount of sugar that suits your taste preferences.

Feel free to experiment and dilute juices with nectars of other fruits and berries. Slice or toss in halves of your favorite fruit. Do not be afraid of the juices of exotic delicacies: experienced chefs emphasize the unusual taste of plum-tangerine, plum-orange and plum-grapefruit combined juices.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that by mixing more than two juices, you expose your body to additional stress: the process of digesting the contents may differ not only in duration, but also in the composition of the enzymes involved in the processing.

In most cases, both concentrated and regular plum juice need to be diluted with water before serving. The finished drink can be heated or cooled with a couple of ice cubes. Feel free to add your favorite berries, syrups and sweeteners to the finished nectar.

On our site you can also find a recipe for beetroot juice, which will not be difficult to prepare and will not take much time.

Enjoy your drinks and culinary experiments!

Plum juice for the winter - it's simple and healthy

The simplest recipes for preparing useful and delicious juice from plums in a special selection for beginners and experienced housewives.

Making clear plum juice without a juicer is a rather troublesome process, but quite feasible at home. Such juice from plums in winter can be consumed clean, cook jelly from it or prepare desserts (cocktails, jellies, mousses). The main thing to remember is that for homemade juice only well-ripened plums will do.

How to make juice from plums without a juicer.

It's easy to prepare. The fruits must be washed, after removing the tails, and then placed in a saucepan. The bones can be left, as we will remove them later, and now they have no effect on taste qualities juice.

Place the saucepan with fruits on a preheated stove and wait for the plums to soften, and juice appears at the bottom. At this time, you need to monitor the heating temperature of the juice (for this it is better to use a special kitchen thermometer) and prevent the mass in the pan from having a temperature of more than seventy degrees.

Transfer the hot mass to a canvas bag and hang it over a basin to drain the juice. Juice can be helped to flow through the fabric by manually squeezing the bag.

Strain the resulting thick juice with pulp through a fine kitchen sieve. If you do not have one, then through multilayer gauze.

The juice must be allowed to settle, after which its transparent upper part must be drained.

Place this clear plum juice on the stove again and bring to ninety-five degrees.

Pour hot juice into steamed jars or bottles and seal them hermetically.

It is better to put the bottles for cooling on their side, and turn the jars upside down.

The plum pulp that remains after the juice drains can be used to make a thick plum jam or jam.

You can also make juice from plums using a juicer. But in this case, no special recipe is needed, but simply read the instructions for your juicer model.

July is the month when harvesting of plums for the winter begins. They are canned, compotes, jam are cooked, and most useful workpiece- this is the juice from plums for the winter in a juicer. Rich, vitamin, aromatic and 100% quality. Purchased juices - not always healthy drinks... It's much better to cook it yourself.

Plum juice: beneficial properties and harm

Plum juice contains a small amount of calories - about 70 kcal per 100 g. Contains sugars, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, fats and vegetable proteins.

It occupies one of the leading places in terms of the content of various vitamins and minerals. Contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, beta-carotene, B vitamins, and is also rich in macronutrients - calcium and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, sulfur and trace elements - fluorine, iron and manganese, iodine and zinc, copper and molybdenum, cobalt and nickel, chromium and silicon.

Why plum juice is useful:

  1. Laxative effect, recommended for those who have poor bowel movements. It painlessly helps in this problem.
  2. Improving urination and excretion of bile. Recommended for various hepatitis and gallbladder diseases.
  3. Removes excess cholesterol. Useful for patients with atherosclerosis.
  4. Removes excess liquid, salt. In case of kidney diseases, it relieves puffiness, since it contains potassium in the composition. With rheumatism or gout, you can drink, but in very moderation.
  5. Disinfects the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, thanks to the phytoncides contained in the composition.
  6. Reduces the acidity of the juice in the stomach. Recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
  7. Recommended for anemia.
  8. Recommended for exposure to heavy metals and radiation or carcinogenic effects.
  9. Keeps blood vessels healthy, improves blood composition.
  10. Strengthens the walls of large and small vessels.
  11. With regular use, the work of the nervous system improves, mood and concentration increase.
  12. Cooking plum juice in a juicer can help relieve fear and anxiety.
  13. The skin becomes elastic and smooth.


  1. Not recommended for severe obesity, diabetes.
  2. Not advised if you have intestinal or stomach upset.

Plum juice should be given to babies carefully. Provokes bloating, diarrhea.

Juice cooker - assistant in the kitchen

A juice cooker is a good helper in the kitchen for the hostess, who makes preparations for the winter. She will process a large number of fruits and berries herself, without the participation of the hostess.

The principle of operation of a juicer is similar to that of a steamer:

  1. The lower container is filled with water to a certain level and brought to a boil.
  2. Other containers are installed on it: for juice and for fruits.
  3. The steam softens the fruit. Juice begins to stand out from them.
  4. The juice is collected in a second container.
  5. After a certain time, the juice can be poured into jars without additional processing... Plum juice for the winter, obtained by distillation through a juicer, is ready!

After the steam has taken all the juice from the fruit, the pulp will remain in the first pan. It is used as a filling for baked goods. You can make marmalade from the pulp.

How to make juice from plums in a juicer can be found in the recipes below.

Fragrant plum juice in a juicer

Cooking delicious plum juice without pulp.

You will need:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g.

The first thing to check is whether the faucet of the juicer is tightly closed so that the steam does not leave it, but processes the fruit. Close the rubber hose with a clamp.


The drink obtained from the juicer can be added to jelly and compotes.

It is undesirable to overexpose fruits in a juicer, as the juice may not turn out very tasty.

Recipe: Plum Juice in a Juicer with Pulp

Ingredients for 1.5 liters of juice:

  • plums - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g

Getting started with the preparation:

Juice with pulp is useful because it contains a lot useful components such as pectin, fiber and more, and drinking plum juice with pulp in winter is especially beneficial.

Plum halves juice

You will need:

  • plums (pitted);
  • sugar - 90 g per 1 kg of plums.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour at least 2.5 liters of water into the juicer and bring it to a boil.
  2. Wash the plums and remove the pit, dividing the plums in half.
  3. Then load the plums into it and reduce the heat.
  4. Cooking takes about an hour, then add sugar.
  5. Pour the juice into pre-sterilized jars, after boiling them.
  6. Turn them upside down, cover with a thick cloth, cover them with a lid and refrigerate.

The water is constantly boiling in the lower saucepan, which means it can boil away. Therefore, periodically raise the saucepan and watch the amount of water. And, if you need to add water, then the stewpan is placed on a plate or hot plate prepared in advance.

Juice delicious and useful plum for the winter in a juicer - it's simple and fast!

Today we want to invite you to start making excellent plum juice with pulp, and you will learn how to make it at home from our recipes.

The recipe for plum juice with pulp for the winter


  • ("Hungarian") - 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8-1 kg;


First wash the plums in one water, then rinse them in another. We cut each cream at the base and remove the seeds. Place the processed fruit in a large, wide saucepan and fill it 2 fingers above the plum with clean water. We put everything on the switched on burner of the gas stove and cook the fruits until their peel begins to peel off the pulp. We take a large deep colander, place a clean saucepan under it and when the cooked plum cools down a little, we throw the entire contents of the fruit container onto it. We wipe the plums, and discard the remaining peel. Stir the grated plum puree well with the liquid in which they were cooked, gradually introduce fine sugar, periodically taste the juice and boil it for 5-7 minutes, pour the entire volume of juice in the pan into fried cans. We roll up each of the containers with a lid, and when everything cools down to room temperature, put away in a cool place.

Recipe for apple and plum juice with pulp for the winter


  • apples (sweet) - 1.5 kg;
  • white plums - 1.5 kg;
  • fine sugar - 450 g;


We peel the dense, washed fruits of white plums and extract the bones we do not need from them. We also cut the washed apples into two halves, carefully cut out the core, and chop the rest of the fruit into slices. We place two prepared fruits in one wide, metal container, add drinking water to them so that it covers the pieces of fruit and put everything on the included stove. Cook the contents of the container until the pulp is well boiled and the peel itself does not come off them. Then we pour half of the liquid in which the apples and plums were cooked into a separate bowl, and we load the rest into a colander. When the remaining water drains from the fruit, and they cool down to a warm state, then put a container with a cast compote under a colander and wipe the cooked plums and apples into it. We remove the colander, and send the compote with fruit pulp to the stove. Add fine, white sugar to them, stir and cook the apple-plum juice for about 13-15 minutes. We pour it hot, by glass jars and preserve the juice for the winter.

So, first of all, of course, I rinse the plums under running water, remove all the seeds.

I pass the plums cut into halves through a juicer.

The result is a fairly thick and very acidic mixture, which I dilute with plenty of water.

An important nuance! There should be really a lot of water, since plums have a too intense sour taste, due to which even the concentrated version of the juice, which I make for the winter, is obtained only after a strong dilution with water. What you need to do: Add water in portions, stirring and tasting after each addition. In any case, plum juice with pulp should be thick, then in winter, opening a jar, everyone will dilute their own juice in a glass to the desired density.

I put a saucepan with plum juice, passed through a juicer and diluted with water, on a sufficiently high heat, bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally and making sure that the foam does not escape.

I add the amount of sugar that I think is necessary to the pan. Since I am preparing a concentrated version of the juice, which requires preliminary adjustment to the desired taste before drinking, I use more sugar. In any case, it is better to focus on the degree of acidity of the plums and your own taste preferences.

Again I bring the juice with added sugar to a boil over high heat, keeping an eye on the froth, which, however, this time quickly "leaves". After boiling, I boil for about 5 minutes more and pour it into sterilized jars.

An important nuance! How to sterilize jars? I do this in the oven. I put the washed and wiped dry jars in a cold oven, turn it on at a temperature of 150 ° C. When it heats up to this temperature, I note 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the jars can be removed and filled with juice. I boil the lids for them in a small saucepan, take them out with tweezers one at a time and immediately roll them up.

I pour it into sterilized jars to the very edge and even pouring a little so that all the excess foam is glass, I immediately roll it up, turn it upside down, put it in a secluded place, cover it with newspapers or paper, cover it with a blanket and leave it until morning.

Now the juice is ready. All I have to do in the morning is to wash the cans from drips and put them away for storage.

Making plum juice with pulp for the winter by hand:

Preparation by hand practically no different, except for the very process of "extracting" juice. In addition, when I use this method, I generally do not remove the pits from the plums, which is less time consuming.

So, after washing, the plums must be boiled in order to bring them to a softened state. In this case, you do not need to remove the bones from them. I boil the plums for 10 minutes, when less, when more, depends on their softness. It is better to do this in the evening to leave the plums to cool overnight.

The next morning, after the plum has cooled, pour the resulting mass into a colander, tightly set on a large enamel pot or a bucket. It is better that the colander is also enameled.

I let the excess juice drain well from the plums for a few minutes, put on a medical glove on my hand and begin to carefully wipe the plums, trying to make circular and, at the same time, depressing movements. In order for the plum juice with pulp to be homogeneous for the winter, you need to wipe it very carefully.

As a result, I only have a little skin and bones, which I transfer to an enamel bowl, fill with water, mix well and leave.

I add another portion of boiled plums to the colander, grind it in the same way, and add the rest to a bowl with the previous pomace, filled with water. I repeat this procedure several times until I have used up all the plums.

I boil all the remaining pomace just a little over high heat, then pour the mass into a colander so that the resulting juice can drain to the main juice squeezed from the plums. I rub the pomace through a colander, and just throw away the leftovers.

Then, just like after receiving plum juice for the winter through a juicer, I dilute the mass with water, bring to a boil, add sugar, boil again for 5 minutes, immediately pour hot juice into prepared jars, roll them up, wrap them with a blanket and set them aside until morning.

You can use whichever technology you like best. However, it should be borne in mind that wiping the juice by hand takes more time and requires a certain amount of strength in the hands.

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